THE STUDY OF THE SWELLING PROPERTY OF BlTUMINOU3 COAL by Wei Fun Sung Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the MASSACHUS~ INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOOY May, 1917 Signature of Author Certified by J. B.c Howard, Thes:ts Supe~isor Accepted by J~::hn -- De mental Committee on uate Theses Und ARCHIVES ... ~ ~-.~." .,,--.--- ''':'.~ ... ...,..~.,-,.-' ~.. ~~l,.t,":: , I i 1994 ACKNOWLEDGEMENl'S . ; f I would like to thank my thesis for his advice and his patience this !~upervisor, Professor Jack Howard, in granting me extra time to comPlet~ 18per. Other people whose help Ted Bush,for his assistance am encouragement I deeply appreciate in collecting their plrt in the typing effort. include samples, and other friends) for !!!!. study of the Swelling Prol)ert,y~ Bituminous £E.!!. page 1 1. Summary 2. Introduction 2 2.1 General Background 2 2.2 Objective 2 and Motivation 4 3. Bacl$ground Material 3.1 Coal Plasticity .5 3.2 Rheological Property of Coal 6 3.) Physical structure of Char Particles 9 3.4 Multiple Reaction Model 12 3•.5 Mode of Transport of Volatile 14 ).51 Bubble Initiation 16 3•.52 Bubble Transport 18 3.53 Bubble Death 19 3.6 Particle Size Trend Prediction and Temperature Trend 24 :Prediction 4. Experimental Appan,tus am Procedure 26 4.1 Apparatus 26 4.11 26 Laminar Flow Reactor 4.12 Microstar Light Microscope & TEM 200 28 4.13 TZG J 28 4.2 Procedure 30 4.21 Preparation of Closely Size-Graded Coal Particles )0 4.22 31 Preparation of Char Sample 4.23 Preparation of Particle Images For Size Analysis 32 5. 4.24 Determination of Average Farticle Sizes of SamPles 33 4.2.5 Determination of Fresh J4 Feed Agglomeration "Results And Photographs 36 6. Discussion 66 6.1 Error Analysis 66 6.11 Determination of Particle Size 66 6.12 Constant Residence Time and Heat Transfer Limitation 67 6.2 "Treatment of Tar Comensation on Char Products 69 6.3 structure of Coal Residue 71 6.4 Relationship Between Swelling Ratio and Particle Size 74 6.5 Relationship Between the Swelling Ratio and Temperature 76 6.6 Agg;1.omeration 77 7• .Conclusions 78 8. Recommemations 79 9. Appendix 81 1. SUMMARY The purpose of this of. Pittsburgh NOe study \tI~ to determine the swelling property of 8 seam coal under different The experimental variables experimental conditioDSo were the average initial particle and the peak temperature of the laminar I1.ow reactor coal particles employedto obtain paticulate samples for this of the sample increases with the average initial particle particulate square methcxiwas us~ to eorrelate between the average swelling ratio .. study. The study has shown that the average swelling ratio A least size of siz80 the linear relationship and the average initial particle size for unagglomerated particu:la te samples formed at a constant peak temperature J and the correlation "'M. satisfactory e The study has also shown that there is a close relationship between the rate of thermal decomposition of coa.l and the swelling ratio particulate samples 5 namelyJ they both peak at a certain Attempts .were madet.o correlate of the temperature. the average swelling ratio of the samples with the average temperature of th$ Ja.mina.r flow reactor at a constant average initial particle size. The correlation WA~ not probably due to a lack of information on the reactor very gooil, average. temperature correspom1ng -to the average maximum swelling of the particulate as well as a lack of data obtained at the low temperature of the laminar flow reactor. samples, 2 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 General Background Recently, there has been a growing cOJlJllerc1al interest During the past years, of coal and coal derived fuels. has been directed procedures t toward the developaent in particular and liquids, i.e. for natural and liquefaction. of the material. of coals -:.ia Oc6 to 1.9 whereas, grading can be accomplished to a certain elevating volatile which is thermal processes for upgrading. The typical for atomic hydrogen example, it is 4.0 The task of up- extent by coal pyrolysis. decomposition accomplished by the te.lJlpera.ture, the coal is converted. to a hydrogen rich fraction and a carbon rich solid residue. react with hydrogen gas rapidly during or just after (Anthony ani Howard, describe -the rate coals upon heating, Anthony's aa1n task of the The gas and about lea or 1.9 for erude 011. In coal pyrolysis, research of improve:!. coal utilization developaent is to investigate the hydrogen to carbon ratio to carbon ratio intensive processes for convertiDg coal to clean gases gasification coal utilization in th$ .use ~. ~__ 1976). The residue will then volatile release There have been many models developed to of thermal decomposition and volatile ani the most satisfactory yields of mcxlel developed is Multiple Reaction Model. 2 ~2'Objective And Motivation Coal can be characterized as plastic whether it goes through a plastic or nonplastic depending upon region upon thermal heating within '2... J the experimental operating conditions of interest, namely, rapid heating o ~ . rates of 103 a/see to 10 a/see, pressure ranges of 1 atm to 69 atm and. o 0 temperature ranges of 400 C to 1000 C. It has been observed that some coals swell under moderate and rapid heating, is associated as 'amountto 1929) • wi:th plastic coals. and. .the swelling phenomenon Someworkers have observed swelling muchas a 4000 per cent increas.e in volume (Sinnatt, The swelling of coal particles will be a potential 1928 problem in i:.he scaling up of environmentally and economically sound.pyrolysis processes, especially those based on the use of fluidized Fluidized beds consists phase. particle The properties size, i.e. beds. of two phases, a bubble phase and a particulate of fluidized the superficial bed.Qf't strongly dependent on the incipient fluidization velocity ... the pres~ure drop across the bedlaM. the proportion of gas passing upward. via .the bubble .phase and the particulate coals, particles phase. will swell and becomesticky In the case of plastic as they rise, and both the swelling and agglomeration of sticky partic les will change the behavior of the bed. the plastic Therefore, it is desirable coal under different The primary objectives ~o study the swelling property of experimental comitions •. of this study can be stated 1. To experimentally determine the effect size on the swelling ratio specific (final constant peak temperature, of initial diameter/initial set of experimental conditions, coal particle diameter) under a namely, inert constant reaction as follows: atmosphere, time and constant heating rate. 2. To experimentally determine the effect of temperature on the 4 swelling ratio under the following conditions, constant reaction timeJand constant A laminar flow reactor particulate initial particle The in. a gaseous of coal particles is similar to that of a fluidized has exceedingly better and the agglomeration of fresh of feeding. size. study of swelling ratio. reasons for the choice' were: The dispersion laminar flOK reactor atmosphere, of the Badzioch type was used to obtain samples for the present medium of a flow reactor namely, inert control bed, but a of reaction time •. feed can be minimized with good techniques Since the temJerature is of the. laminar flow reactor the average and the peak reactor temperature 'Wereused to constant, evaluate data obtained in this study. The heating rate was in the range 0 Q of 43200 C/soo to 64000 C/sec depending upon the peak temperature (See Appendix A-S) of the study 'Werethe sizes coal particles and the peak or the average temperature Nine different particle size distributions were examined which bait the following diameter in pm) (affective Five different o 6so o. and 600 C. The reaction :3 •.. used. 0 The major experimental variables 41. not I No. 8 average particle Searl coal sizEG 261, 202, 164, 14S, 122, 89., 71, 46 and peak temperatures The reaction of the reactor. of Pittsburgh initial of were employed: atmosphere was heliua.a.t time was approximately o •• 960, 8)0, 750, a. pressure of 1 atm. 1/3 secord. BACKGROUND MATERIAL During the past years, behavior of plastic efforts have been made to study the physical coal at an elevated temperature with a rapid heating 5 rate. ana The commonlyobserved sequence of events is: 'solidification. 'plastic More specifically,' coals the coal particles first; decOIIlpositlon becanes appreciable,' like intumescence J upon heating a bed of crushed soften and fuse. As thema.l the bed swells and becomes foa.m~ (Brown am Waters t 1966; Chermin ani Van Krevelen, 1957; Gibson and Gregory, 1971; Waters, 1962). particles resembles a boiling Under rapid heating condition:», a bed of liqu:1d (Anthony, 1974). The intumescence believed to be the fomation of gas bubbles inside the coal is gen~lly mass. fusion, After a significant 18rt of coal has decomposed, the mass solidifies into coke and it has a much higher melting point than the original 1927) c (Audibert, Here the main concern is the physical behavior of bituminous coal particles different upon heating, experimental variablesCi ioe. swelling property, Hence5 it is of interest some of the s~udies on the physical properties contributed coal to the present understaniing of plastic of swelling under to review coals which have of bituminous coal upon heating • .'.1 Coal .Plasticity The chemical complexity of coals is partly petrographic cOllponents of the organic part. due to heterogeneous Neave1 (1915) has made a sttxly on the effect of marcerals on coal plasticity', and he that the plasticity of bituminous coal is primarily attributed presence of marcerals concluded to the axinite and vitrinite. Early work done by Audibert (1927) has shown that the plastic is transient, ani the rate of heating greatly affects state the point of initial ius'ion or plastic state. He has concluded that the initial is always higher for higher heating rates, melting point and is independent of, coal / rank. The rate fluidity (1956) lor heating also has a significant and duration' of the" plastic region. Vall Krevelen's .study increasing heating rate. the plastic the effect o •.. are associated Whenheated at a constant rate region lies between 420°C ani~500oc. of heating on coal flUidity In too same literature, F~ for heating rates Van Krevelen (1956) that the developllent and decaying of fluidity Walters (1962) relationship. has also performed a similar between rates and decaying of fluidity. of fluidity the fluidity '-2 Figure .. 'j-la'illuStrates o from 0.7 C/min to has also. determined {See F!gure study on the _ demonstrates the typical decomposition at a heating rate 1Diic:a.tes that the rate of plastic of O.OSoC/sec. of thermal decomposition ani the developnent and rate of thermal and it strongly with the and ~he rate of thermal decomposition upon heating both depend on heating rates.: 3-1b). . ':ot.p'iastic . has concluded that the broadenirig;~of duration region and the increase of maximum fluidity 7.2 impact on the maximum coals behavior of 3DC/min, of thermal decCIIPQSitoD controls c 3.2 Rheological Property of Coal Since tem~ture tempera.tur~ relationship is aa experimental varlable, in. pyrolysis In Water's investigation number of plastic coals, 'the ~iscosity-time- should be studied. (1962) of rheological he observed that plastic properties of a coals behave like a 1 \ I ! ; \I t / I -' ..... o• ~ o o• ~ .\t'\ .. oo.. o o ~ o • o .-t o o• (001% -'+Jl) ~VH o o ~..... N o o .-t o o o ..... SISX'IOHA-! o o CD ~ o (~Ul/~a~ap o o o .::2- .~~) :!lJ,W NOIJ,VIDH Hm:!lSfiD o o C\l 8 Figure 3-2 Fluidity (full line) decomposition (broken line) curves (heating rate, 3°C/min) (Waters, 1962) and. 9 Newtonian fluid under normal stress Based on this observation, during the ear~y stage of fusion. he applied 'the Andrade equation for the liquid viscosities 4{ exp(E/RT) = . A. ani found that- the plastic relationship well. The activation energies of flow for coals, E's. and were fOUDdto be in the range or. 50 The values are high for Ol.'dinary Newtonian fluids The AIXiradeequation is applicable thermal decomposition is negligible in that 19JQ.}\ ' region of the early stage of fusion obeys the determined experimentally, kcal/mole. (ADirad~, region am not significant. thermal decomposition is active, composition of coal particles; only to plastic there is a drastic 100 (Waters.,i962). regions where the because' the chemica.l changes At the plastic - were at coal region, where the change in the chemical hence the Andrade equation will no longer be valid. Recognizing the deficiency the following PRMviscosity of the equation, Lewellen (1975) postulated temperature relationship. '1( = I1f 1(dri/ dt)-1 where d~dt , -.,~~.~ .~.~., .. :Parameter. is rate. pf pyrol)'Sis, ". The value of close relationship physically 3.3 justifies empirically determined 6 used in his study was 3 x 10 between the fluidity and the rate sec/rse. The of thermal decomposition the above relationship_ Physical Structure A. -1(. and ~ is an of Char Particles rigorous X-ray study of the internal of coals was madeby Hirsch (1954). structure of a wide range Hirsch has developed a mexiel 10 to characterize the structure of coals. Accordingto h1s model, I bi tum1nous 1s classified characteriz~ as having a liquid fC the near absence of pores. by structure The striking difference (Woodset al., 1967, high large~scale porosity Feldmazmet al •• 1m). can be explained by the formation and motion of Umer a hot 'stage bubbles inside the coal pLrt1cle during pyrolysis. microscope, the }articles may be seen to soften, while large bubbles of gas repeatedly beCOID8. roUDl. L-U' bre&k through the particle . swell surface continues (Ergun et ale. 1959' Woodset a1•• 1967. as pyrolysis Spa.ckman and Berry, 1968). entrapped which 1s But. an examina.tion of char produots of thermal decompositlonrev~led within the char pu:ticles n gas bubbles Large-scale (Woods et porosity 1967. al., is presumably formed 'Qy Feldmann et al., 1971)•. The development of cenospheres, ~hlch occurs when plastic coals are heated at B10derate or rapid rates in the absence of air, the extreme case of large scale porosity 1926, 19271 Simatt Schora, 1967. eenosphere et al., Lightan am represents 1924, (Newall am Sinnatt, 1921., 1928, 1929. Masonand street.. 1968. street at al., 1969). The is essent1ally a hollow and swollen char particle (see- Figure 5-Ja),with a reticulated ribs and windows. are transparent structure containing -b,o major parts, The ribs an brownish-black brCll.nlsh thin fUms. substanceS!'a.nd A more detailed the windows examination of cenospheres in the revealed:. :bhe .presence-of' minute torms •. '(See Figure 3-:3). In the Newall Jt.M study (1924) ~ it vas observed that the formation of ceneshperes .under a mcxierate'heating" rate ill the abs'ence 11 " " ~~.~."'.; . " .' ...... ~ . "'" .. ,: ' .... ." ." ~ '.~" . '.- .... \. .J" t~ .. ,,;, . ~, , t "i: 11 .. • ,'J , ," ,:. • ;j .. '.J ...--" __•. .. .J ' I ; . -1' i I' - Figure )-3 Cenosphere formed at 650 C (360x) (Newall and S1nnatt, 1924) Showing minute forms J 12 of air is temperature depement. The ribbed windowstructure be clearly detected until 570°0 to 600°0 was reached. in could not With an increase temperaturs, the detection of cenoshperes Is easler~ and the network structure increases in ~ize 0 The increase in size of the network structure causes the rib and windowstructures nearly colorless at high temperature. ~ 0 to becomethinner. However, when the coal particles were heated to 800 or 900 C, the distinct not be detected, the particles - ribbed wlmow structure eould become oplque am. shrank in size. In another study of effects structure The windowsbecome, of different of cenosJileres. by Sinnatt, atmospheres upon the McCullochand Newall (1927), it was observed tha.t cenos.phares formed in the presence of h~ogen essentially nitrogen. structurally were identical with those formed in the pre~ence of Whenan at.mosphere of steam was used, the formation of ribs and windows was partially inhiblted.c In general f the poresi ty of the fine stmcture of char iBcreases with an increase in temperature. But, the accessibility of these pores to the penetrant molecules does not follow the same trena. coals, the accessibility In plastio of pores to the penetrant molecules displays C tJ a sharp minimum in the Plastic region of the coal (600 0-1000 C) because C Q of an absence of continous, ~res, and increases below 500 .0 to 600 C.' (Franklin, 1949&, 1949b, :Som and Spencer, 1958, Van Krevelen, 1961; Evans, 1970) • 3.4 Multiple Reaction Model There are many kinetic models developed to descrlb&l" the temperature 1) dependent behavior of coal pyrolysis. The Multiple Reaction Mexieldeveloped by Anthony (1974) has been proven to be in good agreement with the experimental data. rate assumption of the model is that 'the overaU. The first yield is the sum of a large number of parallel of volatile first order reaction~~ dV = dt ~ dt = Cb ~ ,dV~ ?'dt,. , .. ki(V • I In the above expression, ..; V. ) ~ • subscript i denotes no subscript denotes overall reactions. of volatiles evolved at time t, V at infinite species. reaction and weight t'ractlon and V* is the totallfei~ht'fractlon c E and k are the activation i i factor respectively particular V is the total Vi and V* 1 are similarly time. Q in the above rate of defined for each reacting . energy and the preexpontential constant of Arrhenius type. o k i is to be determined expo....rimentally. The second assumption of the _m6:ielis that Distribution (j with mean activation a Ga~sian energy of E.and standard d-ev1a.t.loo is used to determine the activation energy distribution of each 'r .. r" r, ~. reaction. Combining the two assumptio~s, am lf _ Anthony showed that y*y; y = .~~ k dt J assuming k is identical i f(E)dE for all reactions, . o The experimentally determined values of Eo' 0", k i * and V have been founi 14 13 . to be .54.8 kca1/mole, 17.2 kca1/mole, 1.67 x 10 /sec and 0.462, respectively, No. 8 bituminous seam coal for~ Pittsburgh A1thought Anthony's mcx1.e1 successfully described the temperature dependent behavior of bituminous coal pyrolysis 3-4). Suuberg (1977) also observed a similar with particle sizes between volatile size. "(SeeF!gure trend of yolati1e 0 yie]ds To explain the ~pparent deviation mechanism has been postulated, 4 0£ sizes," namely, reaction generated by coal decomposition with the remaining char to form solids and gases during the volatile formed by the secondary re",ction is deposited thereby decreasing the total 1974)• is a decreasing yields from the Multiple Reaction Model at la,r,ge particle a secondary reaction particle there in his study using the captive heating technique to .obtain " the volatile :yields volatile 8 yield. with an increase in particle trend of volatile 1976). (A~thon7.and :H~ard,. :escape•. Theqsolid inside the remaining particle, w:eight loss of the volatile With increased. particle size, the volatile (Ant"hony J et ale, must travel farther before escaping and thus has more time to react with the char particle. is increased. and the Consequently the extent of secondary reaction volatile yield is reduced. secondary reaction pressure of volatile ~te Lewellen (1975) assumed that ~he rate is a first order reaction and is proportional of to the inside the coal particle. of secondary reaction: ~ = kdP where kd is the reaction rate constant of Arrhenius type. 3.5 Mcdeof Transport of Volatile The macroscopic evidence af~the formation and motion of bubbles inside 15 PYROLYSIS YIELD AS FRACTION OF ORIGINAL COAL MASS 0 • \..-) 0 0 • g 0 • \.n 0 0 •~ 0 0 -...J • 0 0 I:I:j f l\) .I:~~ ~~ c'~ t+ ~~ gl ~..,. a....,a 2~ ....,rn • ,,-.. ..,. N ~ 0 ! ~ ~ I-t g f,;j 0 a t:::J I-t > ~ t=J :0 ,,-.. :3: I-t a ~o ::r::S Bid ~.., ~~ .;:-~ ........ ~ ..,. ti: (J) .. 0 \..-) ~ . oJ01 ! ~ ~ {Jl 1 ........ 0) 00 16 the plastic coal particle leads to the assumption that bubble transport is an important mexieof transport of v.olatile froll plastic coals during I coal pyrolysis An analytical c model/has been developEd by Lewellen (1975) to describe the behavior of bubbles inside the plastic the sequence of bubbles inside the coal particle coal. He pictured as: (1) init1ation of bubbles, (2) growth of bubbles and (3) bubble death. 3.51 Bubble Initiation Twomechanismsof"bubble initiation proposed. One is analogous to initiation cavity at the liqu:id-solid interface analogous to bubble initiation bubble initiation, (41 ). 1977). mechanism. Instead distribution function for He assumed that the function volumetric rate of bubble generation the distance (~I dt) to the nearest surface tQ which volatiles could otherwise escape ( d ). ani the initial min (ao) the second is solution to describe the behavior of bubble generation in the coal particle. viscosity used the first he adopted a probability depends on four variables t t in boiling water (Attar, of developing an. exact analytical coal have been of bubbles from a vapor filled (Lewellen, 197.5) Lewellen's study of bubble initiation particle inside the plastic radius of the bubble • Lewellen!s Probability Distribut ion Function of Bubble Generation: Figure 2-5 shows the concepts of bubble generation •. ~ is the initial bubble size probability distribution is an empirical bubble generation constant. concepts of bubble generation). function. and ~ (See Figure 3-5 for 17 o 0 coal J8rllcle viscosity -11 of rate of volatile generation = (d~/dt Figure .'. 4 )-5 ... -'pot~'nt).al.'. bubble at. ~r;s"cf) ". . Concepts of bubble generation (Lewellen, 1975) .• 't ' : . 18 3•.52 Bubble Transport. Lewellen's lengthy developnent of bubble growth (1915) assumes the following physical conditions 1. The coal particle of a plastic is coal particle. homogeneous, isotropic 2. The coal :Particle 1s isothermal for all 3. The particle is subject to no extemal 4. The coal particle and spherical." tble. forces other than pressure. has two homogeneousconstituents, phase and a particle ' .. a. ,,:olatile phase. Based on the above assumptions and other assumptions. i ..e. ideal behavior of volatile, negligence of the density compare:lto that of the particle volatile and particle and outer shell phase, incompressibility of bubble surface the rate In addition an analysis I phase of both phase, and constant surface tension performed to determine on Table 3-1). of volatile for the inner of momemtum transport of bubble growth, a.. lias (See EquationJ-2 to the hydrcxlynamicconsideration of the bubble growth, Lewellen (1975) also developed a mcx:lelto describe the rate of increase of mass of volatile inside the coal" particle instantaneous trans port of nellly generated volatile which in turn will increase the rate the mass flux of volatile on the total transport of bubble arowth. this plus the surface area of the coal partic~. of secondary reaction to the bubbles, In his study, is assumed to be equally distributed surface area available, flux per unit area, F. due to is, the surface areas of bubbles Equation 3-3 show the mass Lewellen (1975) has also considered the effect of the rate of mass accumulation inside the bubble. _... ,I 19 He assumed that only solids formEd from secondary reactions. By a simple mass balance, the net mass flux to a bubble is determinEd. Equation of 3-4 on Table 3-1) e Equation ;3-13 on Table 3-1 shows the.: expression of the se60ndary reaction. rate'cbflstant. total (See rate of the secondary reaction Equation 3-12 describes per ~icle. bubble growth and concepts of secondary reaction the The conceptsof chemistry are shown on Twomechanisms of bubble death have been prop~ed by Lewellea (1975), namely, through escape and death through inter5~ction. 3-8 for concepts of bubble death). instantaneous For' death through escape, an : . expulsion of bubble contents fro'Illthe coal particle assumed when the bubble wall reaches a critical surface of the particle contracted distance and the volume of the particle by an amount equal to the bubble volume. for coal particles tlat are in their In death through intersection, volumes of the individual plastic (~p) is. fl.'l)m the is instantaneously Th:is 1s onl:? true region am lave high fluidity. the walls of two bubbles touch ea~h other and' the two bubbles combine into one. will depend on the locations (See Figure The location of the newly formed bubble of the bubbles before they intel:5act ~ bubbles. the (See Equation 3-7, 8, 9, 10 on Table 3-1) • The size of the newly fomed bub'ble will be detennined from the equilibrium condition; (See Equation 3-ll The total that is, the rate of the bubble growth is zero. on Table~3-1) • volume of the coal particle volume of the particle phase plus the total at any time is the sum of the volume of the bubble phase or 20 ~--- Ii' '~ -- ",." --- --- i .2t volatile specie~""~ ~nttre' ~bble . solids deposi- . ." \ tion at bubble surface through thermal decom- / position of volatiles / diffusional , / "- . . and hydrodynamic transport of gases within bubble Figure 3-7 Concepts of secondary reaction chemistry. (Lewellen,1975) DEATH THROUGH INTERSECTION - - DEATH THROUGH ESCAPE bubble on 'verge of 0 , .)iUJt~l~~;? -on ,~~ge ~~f . . intersecti'on escape "bubbles) bubble intersect -- 'escapes - -ii1s~n~n~pu~ ..--_: equilibration- I "0 1 1 : -1nstantane"ous: --' "equilibration..- _: .new bubble" center ~at 'of .mass of orJ.ginal bubbles Figure 3..;8 Concepts o:f bubble ~death '(Lewellen, 1975) . " 2) ~ I i ,.... Po. ~.I ..... :1 , I f C""\ or4 cd I I I t I i I I I I J I I i N • rr\ rr\ I C"l ..:t I rr\ ; i --t I 1 I i I ! i I f ~I I I I I I I I I. i • [ ! 24 the volatile total phase. The size of the coal particle volume assuming the coal particle is calculated from the is a sphere. 3.6 Particle Size Trend Prediction AndTemperatUreTrend Prediction In Lewellen's simulation particle, (1975) of bubble transport he incorporated" Anthony's Multiple Reaction l-fodel for the estimation of the rate of volatile PRMviscosity reaction as lRrticle 5 of coal particles size increases. o on Table 3-1 to predict and the extent or- secondary 0 particle temperature of 1000 C. of 10'00'0'°C/sec f pressure of 10 atm,. init!U hbb~ x 10'-6 cm, M-', = 3 x 10'-6sec / psc a.?ld ~ = 6x 10'10'-2 em Cl J-9~ It is clearly swelling ratio size, ani the volatile increases with particle is nearly linear in too particle size range of 120' pm shown that the to 230' yield .. pn, and it size range of 230 pm. increasing. trend is primarily due to an increase in the fraction Of the'"1lumberof. generat.ed bubbles trapped in the particle a longer distance particle of. The increasing trend of the swelling ratio then i.1'lcreasesmonotonically above the particle The linearly .alma of The results his simulation are presented in Figure decreases with p!--rticle size. and The conditiom.of his simulation were: temperature of 298 C, final particle heating rate generation of one coal plrticle, prediction with the equations listed the trend of swelling ratio initial inside the coal each particle has to travel before escaping. size increases beyond, t~ b'ecomesmore significant, ~ a -result~'of - and a greater effect As the of the secondary reaction loss of bubble mass results. In turn the bubble volume is reduced' because of the smaller ;rate' of bubble growth. Therefore, instead of a linear increase, monotonic increase in swelling ratio above 230' m. the trend shows a non-linear but as the particle size increyee a. 25 0.4 :z; 0 H E-tCl) 0.3 ~.~ ~ tf)< <0 0 E3...:J r:l< 0.2 HZ >tH tf)a HO::; ~O Hrz. 00 0::; 0.1 ~ .. 0.75 ---Coo 800 -. - 1000 PARTICLE DIAMETER (MICRONS) Figure 3-9 Predicted trends in volatile yield and particle swelling with particle size using PRM viscosity calculation. (Lewellen,-1975) 26 The author is not aware of any analytical predict effect the effect of temperature on swelling ratio. on temperatUre on the- swellwg ratio determined experimentally. rate solution particle, Therefore, the of bituminous coal has to be However, since it is believed that the of bubble generation inside the coal particle upon the viscosity developed to is part~lly dependent and the rate,~of 'thermal decomposition of the coal it was speculated that the swelling-temperature relationship '" would be similar to the fluidity-time-temperature decomposition rate-time-temperature Section 3-1) 4. 4.1 I na.'Ilely, all EXPERIMENTAL relationship or the-.:tMrmal in pyrolysis of them peak at a certain (see' temperature. APPARATUS AND PROCEWRE Apparatus The laminar flcrill'reactor constructed needed for this for used in previous research. study had already been A Microstar Light Microscope and a Transmission Electron Microscope 200 (TEM200) were used to photograph the representative for the counting of particle Flow Reactor A simplifi~ diagram of the reactor carried employed in this A s;aall stream of helium carrier the sample particles into the reaction tube. gas study is shown (5 - 10 cc/min) through a water-cooled feed tube, 1/16 inches A vibrator was placed midwaybetween the top of the feed tube and the top of the reaction of the feed tube. and a TZG3 was used sizes. 4.11 Laminar in Figure 4-1. i.d., sample particles, tube to avoid plugging The main gas (helium) was fed into the reaction tube •• \ 27 CARRIER - GAS .. .. .. • MAIN FLOW-:; STRAIGHTENER . GAS : REACTION .. TUBE I' \ ."t .. - :.sAMPLE ,. QUENCH ~A~ER ~, o~ .• . '~'- PROBE CERMIC VIAL F~e 4-1 Laminar flow reactor 28 through an expansion chamber to insure uniformity There was also a flow straightener prevent a spiral placed at the end of the feed tube to flow in the reaction tube. The flow rate was set to insure a laminar flow in the reactor of interest. (See Appendix A-3). ion tube was constructed the reaction in the gas flow. tube at the temperature The one inch i.d., tube was not vertically 8 inch long reaction zone with the insertion probe showed no appreciable collect of The tube overlapped. with the sample probe,. and the zone was only eight inches long. Appendix A-2). long react- uniform (See Appendix A-i). sample probe was water-cooled to quench the reaction; zone without the insertion 22 in'. of 99.8% aluminum. The temperature profile lOKer part of the reaction reaction of the main ~ deviation therefore8 the The temperature profile ~f the of the water-cooled. sample from that of the water-cooled of the 8 inch reaction sample probe. (See A ceramic vial was connected to the sample probe to the char samples for size determination. 4.12 l*1icrostar Light Microscope & TEM200 See the manuals of the Microstar Lig~t Microscope and the TEM200 for a description of the apparatus and methcxls of operation. 4.13 'I2G :3 The TZG:3 was used to determine the average particle samples of interest. The TZG:3 employed in this Twomeasuring relationships number were incorporated between the iris size of -tkt. study is shown in Fig. 4-2 diameter and the counter in the TZG:3, namely, the linear and exponential 29 1 2 Figure 4-2 TZG 3 3 30 relationship linear between the iris diameter and the counter number. mode of operation is used for narrow particle size distributions. and the exponential mode of operation;,"is used for wide particle distributions. The size. For each measuring mo:le, there are two measuring ranges, the standard range (1.2 mmto 27.7 mm)and the reduced range (0.4 mmto 9.2 mm). The TZG:3 also has two modes of recording the relationship between the counter number and the iris curve and the cumulative curve. altogether. In this study, a standa:rd linear ation, diameter, namely.the distribution There are eight modes of operation only two modes of operation were used: modeof"operation both using the distribution and a reduced linear mode of opercurve. The method of operating of the TZG:3 is very simple. of operation is chosen, the diameter of the iris with the rotary erest until is adjusted manually switch to cover the area of the particle the two areas coincide. After the mode image of int- To recom the size of the particle image on the counter number, the foot switch is pressed. mark on the image and releases This makes a the numberc 4.2 Procedure 4.21 Pre:pa.ration of C.losely 5ize-Graded c.oal P.articles In order to examine the swelling property of different sizes of Pittsburgh needed. SeamCoal, closely size-graded particle coal particles are The molecalar sieve method was employedto narrow the particle size distributions. {See Appendix A-4 for the relationship between 31 u .S. Standard mesh # and particle size). Nine different closely graded coal samples were obtained and each sample was transferred crucible and stored separately with silica in a s~all dessicator partially sizeto a filled gel to prevent contamination from air moisture. 4.22 Preparation of Cbar Sample After the proper size range had been chosen, approximately 20 mg of the coa.+sample was spread carefully _ belt of the reactor. on the center portion. of the feed The length of the spread was usually 3-4 inches long, and the width of the spread was approximately t/8 to t/16 of an inch. The exact amount of the coal charged to the reactor was determined by the w:eight difference cruciblec between the initial and final weight of the The feed tube was closed during the process of feeding to prevent partic les from ~ntering the reaction the reaction run. After the charging of the reactor, laminar flow reactor was sealed, sample probe. tube prior to the start of -the top of the. and a ceramic vial was connected to the Then th~ "flow velocity of the main gas was set at 2 ft/sec. The top of the reactor was pressurized. slightly above one.atmosphere with the feed tube closed to prevent back flow of the main gas in the rea~tion tube. • The final the feed tube and tuming J' belt was set at tln./min. steps were turning on the vibrator, on the feed belt. The velocity opening up of the feed Each run lasted about 6 minutes. . At the end of each run, the ceramic vial was disconnected from the sample probe and weighed before transferring the char sample to a glass bottle The weight of sample collected was calculated for storage. from the weight difference between the initial and final weight of the ceramic vial. 4.23 Preparation of .particle Images for Size Analysis. After the sample had been collected, uniformly on a microscope slide, a portion of it 'Was"spread and examined under the light microscope • . (The procedure for char products produced at the peak temperature 'Wasslightly different cation used was sentative 4X or sample sites The number of particles samples. from the above. 10X', depending upon the particle 'Werephotographed using Type Therepr~- .52 ".~o1aroidfi1m •.. th~ ~r1ginal size was needed to complete the anal~~. The orig~l samples were photographed in a similar particle size distributions manner, except for the of 4ltpm - 53pm and 53 that the ave--rageparticle not be accurately sizes. was the main interest, particle felt The magnifi- photographed was about 200-300 for most of the Since the swelling ratio average particle See Section 6.2.). 6s<f C of pm - 63 It was size of these two size distributions determined using the light microscope. was used to prepare particle pm. could So the TEM200 images for the size analysis. Before the sample could be examined under the"TEM200, it had. to be placed on a grid of mesh #200. film of collodion. While the coating was drying, the sample of interest 'Wassuspended in the distilled a drop of the liquid-solid grid. The grid was coated with a very thin 'Water. After the coating had been dried, suspension was placed on top of the coated The water was allowed to evaporate before the sample was placed inside the TEM200 to be photographed. ped and the pi"ctures were printed. Finally, the plates were develo- The plate magnification used here )) was 2600. It was soon discovered that the particle 44 fIn - 53 pm and 53 fIn - much smaller than the 4¥ pm had particle distributions 63 pm had a ~ge or 53 pm. size distributions fraction of particle Although all particles). sizes other particle sizes much smaller than the lower limit the mesh # used (probably due to adhesion of smaller particles larger of" compared to the rest of to the . they could be ignored since the weight fraction them was expected to be negligible size of of the particle size distribution. The problem became more pronounced as the particles decreased in size. At 44 53 pm and 53 for the present study. size analysis The it was a serious 4t and lOX magnification sizes of the images. of ~izes used for the light images photographed were 4 Therefore, the calibration particle were used for part- in these size dj,stributions. mean that the particle first, pm, 63 App~oximately3D particles 4.24 Determination of A.verageparticle sizes. pm - It was decided -to ignore part-icle sizes smaller than )0 pn ." problem. icle pm - i Samples. microscope does not or lOX their original of TZG3 was needed to determine the The method of calibration was as follows: a very accurate reference system was photographed for each mag- nification , then, the iris diameter of the TZG3 was matched with one particular length of the magnified scale for each mode of operation of interest, and finally, the length of the iris The magnification factor was then calculated length of iris diameter was recorded. by taking the ratio diameter recorded to the co:rresponding reference of the length. Each counter number of TZG3 was then calibrated ponding iris A-7) • diameter by the same magnification by dividing the corresfactor. (See Appendix This procedure was performed four times for different tion and modes of operation was no need to calibrate simply the product the TZG3. For the case of TEN200. there The magnification of the magnification and the magnification After all of TZG3. of particle factor was images on the plate of the enlarger. the particle TZG3. the arithmetic magnifica- images of a char sample 'Wererecorded by averages of swelling ratio 'Werecalculated for each sample, 4.25 Determination of f:resh Feed Agglomeration. At' an early stage, of coal particles it was realized that the fresh feed agglomeration might account for the large increase char products of small particles. in volume of Most of the fresh agglomeration could not be detected under the microscope because agglomerated particles fused to form one particle ~ In. order to determine the extent of agglomeration of coal particles. the following experinient was perfonned. Approximately 0.) mg of particles 41 pm were carefully spread unifonnly on a microscope slide. amount of coal particles between the initial sample sites with average diameter of on the slide The was determined by the difference and final' weight ofuthe slide. The ~presentative were then photographed, and the number of particles approximately equal to )0 pm or greater were counted. Then the '.of diameter 35 average number of particles dividing the total gra phed. si tes. by multiplying per unit area of spread was calculated number of pu-ticles The total counted by the area of the photo- number of pu-ticles area of spread. on ~he slide Similarly, initial diameter of 41 number of J::6rlicles by dividing the total by the weight of the particles the experiment was carried on the slide. at a peak temperature of 650 'C. in the char product. of. average initial The' same analysis study was the determination cles, and 71 pm average particle were discarded ~rom the analysis. pm of the uncertainty, size of 41 pm, 46 )1m, But •.:there was also some question average particle (See Figures 5-.5a, b,c. ) e data obtained for char particles sizes of 89 were discarded. of the were agglomerated since some char products appeared to be agglomerations of two. or more particles. particle pm of unagglomerated parti- as to whether the char prcxlucts obtained from the initial size of 89 and 71 the agglomeration Since the main interest of the swelling ratio data olr'~ined for initial was performed sizes of 46fm particle o 5 respectively. It was found by assuming the weight formed at a peak temperature of 650 CJ it was found that was.approximately 60 and with f)' Fm for the char }Srlicles number of out for the char particles that the agglomeration was more than 200 particles. loss was negligible was determined. per unit area of spread The total per unit mass of the sample was calculated particles on the slide the average number of particles by the estimated total by' pm at peak temperatures of 650 with initial o. ". c, 0 . Because' average 0 830 C, and 960 C s'. RESUL'lS AND PHarOGRAPHS Table 5-1 Average Swelling Ratio of Char Particles Peak temp. (Oc) 600 650 7;0 830 960 Avg. temp. 550 600 700 780 900 Inlt. avg. pttt. size Final avg. particle size/lnit. avg. part. size Do (pm) D/D'~'0 '. , 'D/D 0 Din 0 "D/D' ..... .. : .. • 0 Q 267 1.286 1.289 1.060 1.011 202 1.080 1.568 1.045 0.954 . 164' 1.075 1.176 0.896 0.965 122 0.997 1.109 89 0.982 1.1.50 * 1.817 71 46 41 4.920 4.058 * 6.41 No data collected. Agglomerated char products. . .. 0•. 909 0.821 0.865 1.083 14.5 * DID 0.848 0.906 0.869 1.465 * * * * * 3.789 * 1.158 * 2.180 1.90)* * 2.816 * . 2.410* 4,24 . 3.774 * 37 Table 5-2 Results of the Least Square Method for The. Relationship (. between Swelling Ratio and Particle Size Peak temperature 00 (Average temperature) 600 Derived correlation X 10-3 D DID o = 1.548 (600) DID o = 750 DID = 1.305 X 10-3 D p(DO = 6.158 X 10-4 Do + 0.842" (550) 650 (700) 1.330 00" 830 ,(780) 960 DID (900) o = 3.878 X 0 + 0.819 10-3 D 0 + 0.832 X 10-4 D + 0.723 o + 0.786 .. Table 5-3 Relationship Results of the Least Square Method forrrh£ between Swelling Ratio and Average Temperature Initial average particle size Do (pm) S - (DID A = (llr) ) 2 X 10 4 X 10 " 267 S - 11.607 202 S ~ 13.886 A 164 S =- 11.14 A - 115.364 122 S 11.355 a A -109.685 - A - 137.696 123.613 38 Peak ..T ~m,Pera"ture (OC.) 1 (0) 2 (~) . :3 (0) ;(@) I . .. , I 200 100 DO.- Figure S-la ..'Relationship (pm) between swelling ratio and! particle size. 39 l, 1.4 .. I Peak Te:aperature .......... :3 (0) 750 4 (X) 830 5. (t) 960 (OC) .. 1.2 0 ~ ~ '-"" 0 - H f-:t ~-< :1 C1 ~ J%1' ::;: 4 . 1.0 v) 5 0.8 '" c • I."' 0.6 •. t) ~'::: ..l 100" '-; .. I t.d - .h.- t I 11117 '.200 '.~' ,-:.--')00 .. DO' (pm) Figure 5-11)" ":ReJ.at10rislup between sweiiing ratio and particle size 40 33 Average Initial Partlcle:~~e 1 (Ii) 267 pm 2 (D) 202 I JL_~ __ 'L- .., -L--L 7.9 pm ;1--,_~, 9.4 -...L.----L-_..t.--..!..._..t--..--,1<l.9 ~.4 RECIPROCAL OF AVERAGE TEm'ERATtJRE Figure 5-2CL A C tiT 4 ) x 10 Relationship between swelling ratio and average temperature .41 33 Average Initial Farticle Size 164 pm 102 pm • 1,- ..... t I 9.4 RECIPROCAL F~e OF AVERAGE TEMPERATUF.E 5-2b ~ . -. 10.9 . 4 (1/T) x 10 . --.--- Relationship between swelling ratio and average temperature 42 ,, ,....., It ~ >< .... 2s::: ~ • 0 '-' ~ f.f Q). J:: -Pc 8s::: Q) Q) ~e +l.~ (J ~ ~~ co- Q) ... Q) ~ 'de> .f' ~ N~ ~ J\ 'E~ oM -;I ft.t 0 bO , =j . °1 .... ::s ~1> ~ ~ . 0 .,~ ().... \ ,...... ~~ ><' (fl 0 r-f ......., (1) ~ Q) ~ ~ s:: (1) 0 cd C""'\ I \l't Q) ~'~ oM J%. :E 0 -goM ~ aJ ~ .~ CD ;:: ., bO ~ ;:: tI) .' 43 Q) ~. 0 ~ .~ 0 ft.I J • C7) . ~ 0 or-t ~o 3.00\1'\ ~ ~ ft] Q) .c. ~ ~ . ~ (IJ Q) bOM ;i ~- ~;!i II i . ,tJ -; \1'\ • Q) ~ or-t ~ r-- • ,• ~ cd 'd 'CP B ft.I ft] Q) M 0 or-t ~. ~. bOO ~.a ~~ .cCt-t rIlO ft.I 0 Q) 0 cd C"~ ~~ co...-t Pc Q) .c~ 0 ~rC .. 19 ~ o ~tlo ~~ .~ \1'\ 0'-0 o tIl Q) M 0 \1'\ Q) ~ or-t rx.. --- cd ~~ ;- - ~ ~.c Pc • as ~ ~ ~ cd o Q) .cor-t ~i ~ ~~ roo ., " • j 45 .•••• (J ,. . 0 Figure 5-5C Char part icles formed at 96d C • . '(Do=8Cfrm, lOX) Showing possible agglomeration. 46 . fJ CD M () . . '. i..... '. "" 41 '"' ~ 'S ..... .. S CD () .~ ~ o ~. or Q) 'H~ 0 ~~o ..c: ~ ~" .q ...-t '-' en ~':. e Ptc.,) o~ I ~ ) I Q).,-f >1: . CD ~ .I ). () bOG) ;i.c . ~ +l ..c ft.t rz.. , 000 I ~ --- I . ~ .. ri ~ L. M>< rd~ 0 (.) s' ~J--. S::O N ib ..-4 n J.t ~o 0"- ~ .. I '" CD ~ orl r:. a .~~ •• j I J ..-4M en 0 vy I I CD • .,... i O' 48 /. ~ .••. ~ . . m G> r-f () ori +» a' ,....... ~~ o . ~} () . .,.. r-4 bO \I ori . '.' 0 f.4A 0 ........... G> ~ .' '" , Q,) .,..~ ... IX. ..s:: _". I " \1'\ '" . 0 l- ._~. fat- "~ .,.., •• U"\ i rz." 51 . I I' (.) 00 \l"\ ~ ~. Cd 'S ~ ~ co CD Jot ... cu -& 8s:: Q) t) 't:I a i r-i CJ. i' '. Q) [ o ,52. """' >< ;' .. .::t . . II '.. :t.". N o C\l II0 .. 5 .. G. [ o .53 . >< .... "" .::t s• ~ ~ A ~ Q ....... ., . . . ' °0 .. '" ~ . +! .. 11- . 'S ij. ft.4 .0: e • ." . f.t 4l .«: 'P4 . .' 8 . c Q) () • "d fJ ... ID' a> r-f c.> i. .. .c C'- \t\ • .. a) . l .... . ""~ • rD. CD r-t' . 0' ..... It-.' .'~ ~. r-f ~.,. . 8-:.. (.)~ '- r-f~ ntN oS ~' .. bOl J.fA ....... , 0 0 ........ . 55. Figure 5-8a Opaque particles and cenospheres 0 formed at 750 c. (n0:.267 4X) JAm, >< ""'"' 4' . , s .. .. N o .N " O .. ~ ......... • o. •0' . ~. ~ ~ ~ . 'S ~'. .. ' tH.. a . C1) I . 8. s:: . Q) o . 't:f ; . .' i . .-f . 0 ort ~ .... P4 .. CD ...• ::s 04 S. o - J" . . '0 . ~ I U"\ . . .. . j . I) f'z. __ .' . 57 sa .. . ~.' • . V'\ G) . .. . • . !:J .... 10 ... . r:. ... till . 0'\ I . ~ 59 Figure 5-9c Opaque particles formed at 830°C. and cenospheres (Do=l6l+fm, 4X) . • Figure 5-l0c Cenospheres and char particles 0 at 960 C. (Do=122f m, 4X) Showing open and closed window structure. formed 62 63 ~. . ~ o r-t r-t I \I't . 64 •• -. Figure 5-llg Agglomerated opaque particles and cenospheres fomed at 9600 c. (Do=41j<mt 4x) . 66 6. DISCUSSION 6.1 Error Analysis : .. 6.1l~D.etenniila..tion The greatest .of'Parld.cle ~Size poss.ible source of error in determining the swelling ratio of .qha.r parliC+BS"comesfr~the has uniform cross sectional assumption ''that. each coal. particle area for all possible the assumption is not very good. improved if a lJa:ie number of particles distribution particles, is used. all possible The situation size It i~ hoped that by counting a large number of particle whenthe particles cress sectional assume a spherical areas are cov~ed so cross sectional <area of the configuration. The measuring process employed using TZG:3 has several sources of error. a sphere" can be of a narrow particle that the average of them is the representative particles i.e. counted had random configurations, A"large portion of coal particles therefore orientations, possible The most important one :is the error in matching the area of a circular iris with the area of a noncircular image by equating the area of the particle with the area inside the iris particle image outside the iris not convered by the particle image.' The equating process is purely dependent upon personal judgement, , thereby making consistency and care essential measuring. Hopefully, by emploY)!)3alarge number'of particles counting, the errors will cancel each other. of the process, several Was in the process of particle To test the consistency sizes were measured twice, found tl'at the average particle sizes differed in size by 2 pm and it to 67 5 fIB- other errors intrcxluced in this measuring process involved. the of the TZG3. sensitivity number.:: o:(~ .~ . It was mentioned earlier :3 was calibrated that the (:o~ter using a magnified reference scale. the operation of the stamdard linear distribution of the counter number is 12 pm and. 4 pm For curve, the sensitivity of 4 X and for maginification lOX:-respectively. For the operation of the reduced linear distribution of the counter number is 4 curve, the sensitivity for magftificatlon of 4X and lOXrespectively. lhear and l.~"pm "Since the standard" for 4X has an error of 12 pm in counting, distribution."~e it was us~ pm only for particle sizes greater than 200 .." pm. 6.12 Constant Residence Time And Heat Transfer Limitation Constant residence time for all interest is required. gas velocity velocity travel down the reaction so that the coal particles The flow rate of the main gas was adjust"ed for to achieve a constant ~in s"tudy, it was assumed that traveled downthe reaction is the velocity will tube with the main gas at approximately peak tem~ratures all particle tube with a velocity of the main gas. assumption, final ~ettling ~ . 0" 60.0,\ 700., 800 and factor. 0 gas velocity. sizes of interest of 2 ft/sec, To determine the validity velocitj:es for initial sizes of 270. 200 and 180 pm were calculated correction of in the laminar flow region above the final settling equal velocity. In this size distributions This can be accomplished by using a constant main of the coal particles, different particle 900 C using Stoke's which of the coal particle for temperatures of Law and the Ladenburg wall It was found that the final particle settling 68 velocit.ies were greater greater than 200 pm. 270 pm, the final by a factor than t.he main gas velocity (See Appendix A-6). For the particle settling velocity size of the residence time for an size of 267 pm is probably smaller t.han 1/3 second. The higher value of the final gas velocity sizes exceeds the main gas velocit.y of 1 to 0.5; therefore, average particle for particle particle has an important effect settling velocity on the particle t.han of the temperature. The main concern here is the developnent of an effecti ve thermal bOundary layer which is higher than the effective thermal boundary . , ' layer of a stagnant flow due to a difference between the gas and the particle thermal boundary velocity. layer incr~~~~because from stagnant and deviate As the effective of increasing flCTIf,the temperature size.and deviation of the particles from the main gas temperature. 'Wayof measuring the lB.rticle deviation particle will decrease Since there temperature, the extent of the temperature from "that of tpe main gas due to non-stagnant .flow and large size can not be determined. ,.But a hint of the existence temperature deviation large particle different the rest of -the' gNater from the main gas due to non-stagnant size distributions flow and ca.llect'Gd at the same peak temperature. at a peak temperature average particle size of 267 pm of the char prcxiucts were round•. The difference particle size oan be Mta1nad. by examining the char products of was discovered. that, the initial is no diI:ect o • of 600 OJ char products of were not round although (See Figure .... S-6b Jd) is probably due to the incomplete fusion of char prcxlucts of the initial average particle size of 267 pm because of It a lower particle temperature'. 6.2 Treatment of Tar Condensation on Char Products .The experimental of char particles procedure for the preparation formed at the peak temperature from the preparation of the rest of .tar occured at the surface of particle images • of 650 C differed of the char samples because condensation of these particles. Before char products were examined under the microscope, it was noticed that. the color of the inside wall of the ceramic vial became more'intense than its original each run for peak temperatures color (light brown) at the end of o tJ of 650 C and 750 C. o 'Wentup to 830 C. of the color decreased as the peak temperature the peak temperature of 960 "C and But the intensity 6000 C, the color of the inside wall of the ceramic vials remained the same. It 'Was?lso observed'that char pa.-rticles prcduced at the peak temperatures<of.~50and tendency to stick 000 of 600, .8JO_and examination of the char particles revealed a dark brown, tar-like that at 650 C, some particles substance, visible o A microscopic formed at the different. was less intense (See Figure 5-4b). 960.c. o in. the 'samples. (See Figure 5-4a). Oy the particles b arrl that were ccated with tar droplets The coating peak of tar were present at the surface at the peak temperature tar coating at the surface o of 750 C. 0 At 600, 830 and 960 C, there was little char samples collected ..750.C .had:': to the ceram1c wall than' ..other char proclucts formed at the peak temperatures temperatures the 0 I) a greater At of the !articles. had a very :thin layer or no (Nearly all of film which could not 70 be detected unier the microscope. demonstrated by the dtlfraction Most o£ the tar coating The presence of this effect cooling. ,observed under the microocope.) was one side:! a.t the surface This was explained as caused by tar condensation too Whenthe main gas carried thin film was of the particles. in the main gas upon evolved tar to the ceramic vial through the water-cooled. sample probe, it condensed out and then deposited at t.he surface of the particle, vial and "the wall of the water-cooled the surface sample probe. of the ceramic As the temperature the 'amount of ,tar, present .in,the' main gas- increased increased, a' greater",eXtent of tper'W\al1ecomposition So when the main gas was cooled, increased with temJeratvre._ a certain point, of coal at a high temperature. the amount aftar condensed also But when the tem~rature the cracking of tar due to to solids take place, and therefore decreased. So when the main gas was coolei, increased to and gases started the amount of tar present to in the main gas the amount of tar condensed decreased as the rate of tarcra.:c.k\n.,9 increased with temperature. La.u (1977) experimented with cracking of propane in the laminar flow reactor. He <>bserved that the cracking of propane started the peak temperature cracked increased peak temperature of 750• C,.aM that with an increase reached 960°C, the amount of propane being in the peak temperature. 98% of the original His observed cracking phenomena coincided condensation phenomenaat the surface Since. some of the condensed tar particles to take place at material Whenthe was cracked. well with the abserved tar of the char particles. at the surface formed at the peak temperature of the char o of 650 C If(:aS, dark brown, the' 71 distinction detected between the char phase and tar phase couJd not be readily in the particle images. For fear of interference of condensed tar during size cou..'lting, it was decided to suspend the char particles o . formed at the peak temperature of 650 C in a benzene so tv.tion on a microscope slide to wash out the tar. before photographing. of destruction not disappear Then they were dried carefully The only concern of this of cenospheres, at the peak temperature (See Figure light to be either Host coal particles of. of coal is complex, when the microscope, no complexity examined were opaque under the TEM200, but they were a felf exceptions •.. It: was less than 1 % of the coal partic les examined appeared dark brown or. silver under the light dark brown particles particles 5-3b ).' .Since the.tar condensation was. not applied: to them. were examined under the light that if of Coal Residue microscope observed partially 0 Although the physical structure was observed. was dissolved of 750 C.was not s.1gnificanh, and less ~:lnt..ense...iIJ the benzene .treatment particles did when a few drops of benezene were ca.:r:efully added to them too much benezene was added. 6.3 Structure method was the possibility. but it was found tl'at the cenospheres Sometimes. however, the window structure color, .. microscope. were suspected to be mostly tar, to be tletal. The silver particles The and the silver did not appear to go through any :physical change under these experimental conditions. The structure of the char products appeared to be more heterogeneous than the original coal particles. The heterogeneity Wlt~ 72 caused by the fact that.:portions of coal particles were transparent. A microscopic examination of unagglomerated char products formed at the o of 600 C revealed temperature the occurence of transparent (See Figure .5-6b,f,g,h, j). formation of cenospheres. cenospheres which could be detected peak temperature the particles under the light was nots igilificant. microscope at this, as shown in Figure 5-Ja.. windOlfstructure usually exhibited Cenospheres having the distinct a much largetincrease and rourxi, and some had minute vesicles were op:a....que (See Figure 5-6d). surface. of 267 at this fIR' peak, temperature, 5-6a,:b, c, But, for the initial most of the particles d, and ribbed window (See Figure 5-6f). than the average char particles. fewer than % of ribbed window structures, even a fewer number of cenospheres had the distinct structure But the: number of On the average, examined had detectable coal particles,~h~' were not round. ribbed in volume Meat of the pu-ticles at .their particle.' average particle size There waS some swelling. but it was not very significant •. (See Figure e, f,: i, j). Char particles of agglomerated coal particles namely" round and opaque. to unagglomerated coal particles, no cenospheres detected appeared similar for agglomerated coal particles. There were (See Figure 5- lIb) • Whenthe peak temperature increased in char products was a significant detected. structures. o to 650 C, the IIlost drastic increase change in the number of cenospheres Most of tm c enospheres formed had distinct ribbed window The size of cenospheres andwindows also increased. (See Figure 5-7a, b, c, d, e, f. h). The fomation of cenosphereswas most 13 significant at the initial particle this sample had detectable had detectable cenospheres. It is difficult expla..nQtjon for the significant experimental errors, i.e. This 15 a muchhigher surface. of the char particles It is probably due to difference. were spherical, % to conceive of an .~ the peak tem~rature I Most of the particles vesicleS at the particle More than half of of the char sample formed at this peak On the average, approximately 30 temperature. pm. ribbed windowstructures. percentage than that of the rest run. size of 202 was off for this and there were also minute The swelling of the particles at . this peak temperature appeared to be more significant particles particular than the char o formed at the peak temperature of 600 C. Both agglomerated and unagglomerated char particles beha.ved similarly temperature. d) (See Figure 5-llc, at this peak o At atempe:ra.ture of 750 C, the formation of cenospheres was observed. But, the number of cenospheres that could be detected reduced, and the sizes of cenospheres were also reduced. 5-Ba, b, Cs d, e) c There was an increase in the o~ity Approximately 10 % of the char products ~ structures at this peak temperature. formed were not as round as char particles temperature of 650°C. Miinute vesicles peak temperature. particles (See Figure of particless ribbed ~lfindOW but there were no cenosph~es behaving like the one shown,on Figure 5-Ja. this detectable was Most char particles formed at the peak .- cou]d still be detected at Both agglomerated and unagglomerated char behaved similarly. (See Figure 5-lle) It,::' The.shI:ink~g 14 of the unagglomerated char :(articles Whenthe peak temperature were oplque. 5-Ja.. of the char particles c). structures~were tl particles At the peak temperature o of 830 C, a small portion (See Figure 5-9a, o of 960 C, some of the ribbed window open, i.e. there were contin"o\l~ pores. Minute vesc1les could also be det~ed The agglomerated:am at these bemving like the one had ribbed window structures. At the peak temperature b, c). o reached 8)0 C and 960 C,. mast of the particles There were no detectable shown in Figure b, was observed at this peak temperature. two ~empera.tures. The unagglomerated formed at. these ~wo peak temperatures (See Figur~. 5-l0a, at th~two unagglomerated char particles - pe~ temperatures. behaved similarly. char particleS ..... were smaller. than the original coal particle. In brief, the detection 'of .the ce!lospheres was_highly temperature dependent under the employed experimental c a'lditions • in this study coincided with Newall and Sinnatt's The trend observed ~b~ervation. (See Section 3.3). The 1UUlber of cenospheres~c:1etected and the size of cenospheres peaked with a certain detection temperature. The exact point of the maximum. of cenoshperss is not known at present, be in the peak tem~rature o but it. is suspected to 0 range of 600 C to 750 C. The minute forms observed. by Newall and. Sinnatt not be detected under the light (1924) could microscope since the magnification used. in this study was not high enough. 6.4 Relationship Between Swelling Batio And Particre. Size Table 5-1 shows the effect of particle size on the average swelling 7S ratio at the constant peak temperature for all particle size distributions ~mployedin the study • Too data here do not always f?howan increase in the swelling ratio in particle ratio of char samples free of agglomeration with an increase sizec But it is reasonable to conclude that the swelling increases with an increase in particle and the initial between the swelling ratio Lewellen (1975) is nearly linear size. The relationship particle with the initial size predicted by size in the particle range of 120 pm to 230 pm. (See Figure 3-9). swelling ratio vs. particle size at constant peak temperature' was performed. for samples that were free of agglomeration was us ed for this analys is c and the graphical results is interesting The results 0 Data fancU.ysis--of"_ The least are tabulated square metl?od in Table 5-2 are presented in Figure 5-la and 5-lb. to note that the slopes of DIDO VSe It DOfor peak temperatures 000 650 and 750 C were very similar to that of Le':orellen'sPlrticle of 600, size trend prediction in this ( 1.6 x 10-3). The experimental conditions employed study were not .similar to that of Lewellen's simulation, significance of the coincidence is uncertain. d.e~reases as the peak temperature increases. high peak temperature, the plrticle ratio. Tm slope of the curve This implies that, size has less effect Curve J and Curve 4 on Figure 5-1b intersect unlikely and it is probably caused by the scattering the 'linear relationship size fits between the ~welling ratio the data well. at the on the swelling at 16.5'pm. of data. This is In general, and.the.particle The deviation. of data from the corresponding value detennined by the least corresponding value. so the square method is within 5 % of its There are a few exceptions which have approximately 76 10 %. deviation. Due to_~icle initial ,accurate data were obtained for average particle the swelling ratio sizes 89 pm. less t~ But it is expected tb1.t will be nearly constant for very small particle since. the bubbles generated' inside the coa.l particle transported linearly as the particle study (1975), the sw~lling ratio will not' with particle in swelling ratio sizes above 230 pm. with the initial particle size increases above 230 have been done for average particle validity sizes Since not enough experiments greater than 230 pm. the of Lewellen's predicted trend remains uncertain. Table 5-1 also shows the effect of unagglomerated char particles particle The increase size will be less significant pm. 6.5 Relationship Between Swelling Ratio ratio will be instantaneously to the surface and escape. Accoming to lewellen's increase sizes size. Ani. Temp!rature of temperature on the average s.welling at ~he constant initial The table shows that the_swelling ratio peak temperature of"'650° C. The swelling ratio temperature when the peak temperature increases average peaks at the increases with the peak o 0 from 600 C to 650 c, and + peak temperature of 65(l C Ii Increasing the peak temperature from 6000C 0 ~~ 650 C always increases the swelling ratio; 0 increasing the peak temperature from 650 C to swelling ratio. discussed in most cases however, 960°c causes a decrease in The observed trend agrees well with the predic'ttd trend in Section 3-6. The swelling-temperature to the thermal decomposition. rate-time-temperature i.e. both peak at a certain with 1/T (reciprocal temperature. relationship relationship is similar iB i>yrolysis, It 'Wasdecided to correlate of the average temperature of the reactor) In{D/D ) o at a constant initial . was 60 particle 0 size. 0 0 C to 900 C. The results The ave1;agetempera,!!urerange for the corre.1ation The least square method was used for this correlation. of the correlation in Figure 5-2a, b. are tabulatea. on Table and plotted As-is evident f.'romFigure 5-2atl a linear exists between the In(D/DO) and l/T at the initial 267 and 202 pm. But the correlation sizes ..of 164 am 122 particle 5-3. counting or scattering pm. of data. obtained to draw any correlation particle. was not satisfactory relationship sizes of fC?rthe initial This is probably due to errors in size Since -insufficient da;ta were and the o •", , ," average temperature for average temperatures -below 600 C ~ the empirica.l relationship between the swelling ratio between -the swelling ratio and the temperature is still undefined. There were two assumptions: made'in correlating with the average temperature. First, the swelling ratib . the nonunifo:rmity of heating rate at different average or peak temperatw:es has little effect or no on the swelling.~property of_the coal samples. - Secondly, the average or peak temPerature of the reactor swelling ratio o 0 does not lie corresponding to the maximum in the average temperature range of -, 600 C to 700 c. the validity of the above correlation Since the assumptions were not tested general, the swelllng ...te~perature is still relationship experimentally, uncertain. But in is similar to the thermal decomposition rate ...-:tirqe-temperature .relati:.,onshipor the fluidity-time-temperature 6.6 Agglomeration relationship in pyrolysiS ~f bituminou~ coal. 78 Although the swelling ratio of agglomerated' char particles ...". ~;..., o displays a maximum at the peak temperature of 6.50 C, it does not necessarily suggest that the agglomeration of coal is tem:t:erature ; of dependent~ Since the agglomeration char :p!.rticles is caused mainly by the agglomeration of raw coal particles the reactor tube, the effect of the peak temperature of the reactor on the agglomeration of char particle maximum swelling ratio before entering should be insignificant. The o .observed at the peak temperature of ,650 C is probably due to the more intensive swelling of agglomerated coal . ~ at the peak temperature of 6.50 C than that _of agglomerated Particles coal particles at other temlEratures. It is evident frOJ1\Table the extent of agglomeration 6f char particles size decreases. No correl increases. as .the particle has been made to establish QtIOt'l. 5-1, tkat the of relat~0!1ship between.~he extent.) agglomeration: and. the particle size in this studys 1c CONCLUSION 1. At constant peak temperature~ the swelling ratio with the average initial particle size. A linear increases relationship used to describe the reJa tionship between the swelling ratio initial particle 2. sizes of 89 At. constant initial pm to 267 can be and the p_ average particle size, the swelling- temperature relationship is similar to the thermal decomposition rate-time- temperature relationship or the fluidity-time-temperature pyrolysis of bituminous coal. rate all peak at a certain i.eo swelling. fluidity relationship in and thermal decomposition tellpe%.."?;ture.Based on the data obtained, 19 an empirical relationship has been developed to correlate ratio with the average temperature . of the reactor.~ The average 0 '0 temperature ranges were 600 C to 900 C. swelling ratios the swelling and. the temperatures is st ill of information on the average reactor the maximum swelling ratio, But the exact correlation of undefined due to a lack temperature corresponding -to and insufficent, obtained''_low temperatures. 8. RECOMMENDATION of the assumptions used in corre4ting', The validity 'swelling. ratio a.verage initial- with the average_reactor particle study should first reactor particles size were not tested probably lies experimentally .. Future the maximumswelling ratio of heating rates on the swelling ratio at constant peak temperature. of the reactor of coal particles, of char The peak temperature corresponding to the maximumswelling of char particles o in the temperature region near 650 C. Therefore, study should focus on the effect near that region. ratio temperature at a cOnstant determine the average or peak temperature of.the' corresponding'to and the effect the average But the effect of char Iarticles of peak tem];eratura ..on ...,oll1Dg ratio of heating rate on the swelling can not be investigated of the laminar flow reactor future in the present set up since there is a one to one reJationship between the heating rate and the peak temperature of the reactor. Appendix A-S) • ratio Once the peak temperature (See of the maximumswelling of char: pa.rtic~es is determined~ a correlation- of the swelling 80 ratio with the average or peak temperature of the reactor be madeat a constant initial particle 'size. size and peak temperature ,of the laainar flow reactor, Besides particle there are other experimental variables such as pressure and reaction ~tmosphere which will have significant ratio can then of char pa.rtic1es effects on the swelling Therefore, future research can also include c the study of the dependence of the swelling ratio graded bituminous coal particles of closely size- on the pressure and the atmosphere employedin the reactor. Since the extent of fresh feed. agglomeration is very significant initial particle not include particle sizes. less than sizes between the coal particles e 9 J.llll, I less than 89}lI1l. future' researCh should The non-stagnant flow. and the main gas is also undesirable, future research shouJd exclude particle velocity greater than the velocity for hence sizes which have final settling of the min gas at the experimental conditions of interest. Too examination of char particles reveals only the surface structure under the light microscope ' of the char particles;, it does not provide ,information on the porosity inside the char particles. Future study can also focus on the study of porosity of char particles of bituminous coal formed under different experimental variable. is a large scale of porosity present inside the char particles, be detected using a refractive microscope. If there it can The char particlcasmust be imbedded in epoxy resin and polished before examining them under a refractive microscope. 81 APPENDIX // • • I I ; a o co ~ V'\ _ , l ~ o V"\ V"\ 82 Q) OJ () eS~ ~ ~ .c:P-t CJ ~~ ~ -C'IS f.4 Q) t1J ,... J.f OJ O~ co 0'8 i I a'S ~P-t tJ)'d QJ Q)&1 tJ)G) r-I r-I ~ ~ ~! "="" -• r-tp.. ~tr.:l II t90 - - >< ,..... 6 ~ i J ..... ~ J \'l / ." / C!I:J' ~j ~ ~ :z: o. I H E-t /' ~ ..J~ \., -1 , 8 er4 tJO CD fof. '~ er4 ~ 0 ~ tJ ~ ~ r-f eM r:il ct-4 0 ~ r:. \ ., 0 Pi 0 E-t Q) ~ ,..CD :s ~ .~ ~ ~~ I j: a 0 co I ...... 0 R (:) ~ 0 0 '-~ (DO) aHfll\i~dW3J. ...L-_L--.l 0 0 .... i =::: 8. g: N :z: 0 < ~ ~ 0 'H '» 0 D.. I 'ECD P4 Pi < 8) Appem.1x A-) Helium Flow Rate Setting for the Laminar Flow Reactor Peak temperature 0 SeeM C Helium 600 6248.5 700 5606•.5 800 5084 900 46.51 1000 4285.6 1100 3973.5 Appendix A-4 ~elationsh1p between Mesh # and Farticle Size U.Sc Stamard Mesh # Particle Size 80 177 100 149 120 125 140 105 170 88 200 74. 2.30 6) 270 53 325 44 84. 60 ~ ~ ~ ~ &:J j "1 ,t~ ... X I 0 e ........, I I /' f \oN ~ / j 50 ,;' 1- I' I Q ; , 1 ; i 45 L 40 I 800. 600 p~~ Appendix A-5 TEMPERATURE • 900 ( °c ) Hea.-ting rate' of the '~m;na-r flow reactor I 1000 85 Appendix A~6 Determination of Final Particle Settling Velocity vf - final settling velocity (rt/sec) Average 270 Jum 200,.wn 180 }lDl temperature (Oe) vf vf v 600 4.08 2.42 1.96 100 2.30 1.83 800 3.48 2.10 1.68 900 3.37 2.03 1.62 f 86 Appendix A-7 Calibration of TZG 3 Counter number standaxd lOX 4x (fihl) 1 26.8 :10.9 2 39.0 3 .Reduced 4X9~')10X Counter number standard 4Xjam) lOX Reduced 4x/ /a",}lOX 9.5 3.8 25 320.5 130.6 108.3 43.5 15.9 13.5 5.4 26 332.7 135.6 112.4 45.1 51.4 20.9 17.6 7.1 27 344.9 140.5 116.6 46.8 4 63.6 25.9 21.6 8.7 28 357.3 145.6 120.7 48.4 .5 .75.8 30.8 25.6 10.3 29 369.5 150.4 124.9 50.2 6 88.0 35.8 29.7 12.0 30 381.7 155.4 129.0 51.8 7 100.2 40.7 34.0 13.6 .31 393.9 160.3 133.0 53.4 8 112.6 45.8 38.0 15.2 32 406.1 165.; 1;7.3 55.1 9 124.•8 ,50.8 42.; 17110 ;3 418.5 170.3 141.4 56.7 10 137.0 ~5,7 46.3 18.6 J4 430.7 175.3 145.6 58.5 11 149.2 60.7 50.3 20.2 ;5 442.9 180.3 150.0 .60.1 12 161.4 65.6 ,54.6 21.9 ;6 455.1 185.2 153.7 61.7 I; 173.8 70.7 .58.7 23.5 37 467~3 190.2 1.58.0 63.4 14 186.0 75.6 62.9 25.; 38 479.7 195.2 162.0 65.0 15 198.2 80.6 67.0 26.9 39 491.9 200.2 166.3 66.8 16 210.4 85.5 71.0 28.5 40 504.1 205.2 170.3 68.4 17 222.6 90.5 75.3 30.2 41 516.3 210.1 174.4 70.0 18 235.0 .95.7 79.3 31.8 42 528.5 215.1 178.7 71.7 19 247.2 100.7 8;.6 33.6 4; .540.9 220.1 182.7 73.3 20 259.4 105.7 87.6 35.2 44 553.1 225.1 187.0 75.1 21 271.5 110.6 91.7 36.8 45 565.3 2)0.1 190.0 76.7 22 28).8 115.6 96.0 38.5 46 577.5 235.1 195.1 78.3 23 296.2 120.7 100.0 40.1 47 589.6 24 308.3 125.6 104.3 41.9 48 602.1 245.0 203.4 81.6 240.0 199.3 80.0 Appendix A-a Nomenclature of Table )-1 &0 Initial bubble size. ai,aj Radius of bubble l,j. Ai Growth rate of bubble bi,bj Distance between the particle wall and the center of bubbles i.j. dmin Distance to the nearest surface through which volatUe can escape. Ed Activation energy of the secondary reaction. F Volatile kO Preexponential factor of the secondary reaction rate constant. ka: Secondary reaction rate constant. Mo Original eoal masst Mp Coal mass. p~ PresstL.~ of surroundings. a nux i per unit surface area •. Rate of ~ecoMa:ry reaction per unit area. Rate of the secondary reaction per bubble. R Radius ot ];8.rllcle or universal gas constant •. w Total mass loss of ];8.rlicle. w Mean molecular weight of the bubble. Spatial coordinates of bubble i,j,k. Bubble generation probability distribution function. 88 I\~D Initial .~ Viscosity. o ~urface tension of bubble shell. ~ Density of particle phase. ~'.;'I . 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