19. UA For the circuit in Fig. 10.94, composed of standard values: a. Determine the time constant of the circuit. b. Write the mathematical equation for the voltage vc following the closing of the switch. c. Determine the voltage vc after one, three, and five time constants. d. Write the equations for the current ic and the voltage u^. e. Sketch the waveforms for VQ and icR AM c lookn .20 V c: : 5.6 Vc • I FIG. 10.94 -Vo.FC or t US) TOV + 5V = 0 . 2 e. 23. Given the a. What is b. What is c. What is Uo) t- voltage i;c = 12V(1 - g-'/ioOMS). the time constant? the voltage at 7 = 50 /is? the voltage at t — 1 ms? ro^s 3 Cc) t=^ . r 25. For the circuit in Fig. 10.97, composed of standard values: a. Determine the time constant of the circuit when the switch is thrown into position 1. b. Find the mathematical expression for the voltage across the capacitor and the current after the switch is thrown into position 1. 56 /AF 29 R kCl v/f FIG. 10.97 Prvblem 25. •^t. (H-JOO jT)(r6xro-^ p) _ 0. * C^. —r:HMt, */o.2t3: e •vt>l - O. 26 5 S^u>v^As 39. The capacitor in Fig. 10.110 is initially charged to 10 V with the polarity shown. a. Write the mathematical expressions for the voltage vc and the current ic when the switch is closed. b. Sketch the waveforms of vc and ic- -MV1.5 kn + I'c <6 C 2.2/AF 10 V R G . 10.110 Prvblem 39. ^So^cr- f-'^)(^'U/l3 .AAA— n. 2 v (04 27.1VOAT5 ^Ar —;— H - t 11. For the circuit of Fig. 11.78 composed of standard values: a. Determine the time constant. b. Write the mathematical expression for the current after the switch is closed. c. Repeat part (b) for and u^. d. Determine ii and at one, three, and five time constants. e. Sketch the waveforms of v^, and u^. R < y r . 'L 20 kn 300 mH £ -=-20V FIG. 11.78 Problem 11. 50Ov/,H H / c -AAj- 0) ^ J ; V cj (c) l/virj>»zzy 4=52^ so kVL l-e, R6Quri«.« ^ -u^ = £ fv^A = Xo V cf t ' V ^ 0.632>l 7.UV ciso/l 6.T?6V .T93/1 ./3S-V hJiM Tift (^^ '^ *19. For the network in Fig. 11.86: a. Determine the mathematical expressions for the current / / and the voltage following the closing of the switch. b. Repeat part (a) i f the switch is opened at t = 1 /zs. c. Sketch the waveforms of parts (a) and (b) on the same set of axes. VAr—= :i2V 1 mH •10 kn FIG. 11.86 Problem 19. = R 0.5 VIOL'S 2kri 6 ( I - . •t/o.s^i t ( H£5£ Rl (c-^ SWITCH opew.^ ^T t " R/ CowBlTIo/v: C X J ^ r THE —) 6 AAr fifk^ r V T H TNiiKJChi^^rrFOT ("THE «ie.eA/rj voL7 ^A SiA/C£ 3f ^ / (.f^ V s 3 = V i/^'O L - j ^ ^gfixni/g. ^ R, - KVL Re&ujHtfx : /4-< t=V-J' 2iSL Rx ^ lok-a - {SL)(}^kiL) - V (12'^^) ^V0= - 62__.2?\/o^Tr X - Vs3-^S.iS = - C 2 . 2^ TD e . /v\rt.(.x- i>-r ^ ES /uri-LT- 5 C'L - 5-.IT . i M/11 1.61 -61 1 _ \/0L7I 21. For Fig. 11.88: a. Determine the mathematical expressions for following the closing of the switch. b. Determine i^^ and after one time constant. and 'L 3kft 2kn 12V -6.2ka 47 mH V, -AAV 2.2 kO FIG. FTN6 RTH CTH 11.88 £TH "Sv THE x/i/flocTxjR 2kx2 3k/Z -MJ 12 —*v— kA SWA -w— -AAJ— AA. V0tT46€ SOUftC£->L0OfcS Ais ' r e « A / " o I^Tlt' LtltE^ SHoAT c i R c u t r . <-L TH€V6NIAi aUJV4 Ue A/T C I R C , U I T ; + ^' RTH S.oiv IsTH _Vr i » l.€Us V qy^. T . 0 1 «. V ^-^^f^ VA 6^-^ (l7„" , _*/7.SfcAAj\ /.3R(/-«