Stratigraphic nomenclature ol proterozoic rocks,

ol proterozoic
ol Mines
L. Wiltiams,
, andMichaet
of Geology
of Massachusetts,
This paper proposes formal revisions of
the lithostratigraphicnomenclaturefor some
Early Proterozoic rocks in northern New
lithotectonic nomenclature for the supracrustal Precambrianrocks exposed in northern New Mexico.
tains, the Truchas Peaksarea, the Rio Mora-
Kiowa Mountain in the Tusas Mountains.
Several distinctive units are designated as
formations: Big Rock Formation, Burned
Mountain Formation, Marquenas Formation, Clenwoody Formation. The metasedimentary sequencepreviously called the
Ortega Group is,renamedthe Hondo Group,
and a principal referencesection is proposed in the Hondo Canyon area of'the
northern PicurisMountains.Formationsin
the unit include the Ortega Formation, Rinconada Formation, Pilar Formation, and
Piedra Lumbre Formation. The name Embudo Granite is abandoned in the picuris
Mountains but provisionally retained in the
SantaFe Range.Nomenclaiure for all other
plutonic rocks is provisionally retained
pgndjlg further research.Theseproposals
should provide a foundation for the development of a consistent,coherent, integrated nomenclature for the Precambrian
rocks of New Mexico.
Much of the exposed Proterozoic rock in
northern New Mexico can be assignedto one
of four major lithologic assemblages:1) sequencesdominated by metamorphosedmafic
volcanicrocks, ca 1,755- I,720 Ma in age;2)
sequencesdominated by metamorphosed
felsic volcanic rocks and immature clastic
sedimentaryrocks,ca 1,700Ma and ca 1,5001,650Ma in age;3)massivecleanquartzite(s)
and sequencesof interlayered pelitic schist
and quartzite, 1,700-1,650Ma; and 4) intrusive rocks that range widely in age and composition (Robertsonet al., in press).Eachof
these is discussed separately.Table L summarizes both existing and proposed new nomenclature for stratified units.
of northern and central New Mexico, and
perhaps in parts of Arizona and southern
Mafic metavolcanic sequences
Colorado (Burns and Wobus, 1.983;Wobus,
Extensive terrains dominated by amphi1985;Bauer and Williams, 1985;Grambling
bolite and mafic schist of igneous parenfage
and Williams, 1985;Williams, 1987).
and immature metasedimentshave been
In the following sections,changesin nomenclature are proposed for many of the major and minor lithotectonic assemblages
Alsoin thisissue
currently recognized in northern New Mex-
names and rankings has not been changed
dramatically.Wher"ethe nomenclatureis'unchanged or-where proposed changesare minor, appropriate referencesare given in lieu
of details of unit descriptions.All proposed
changes conform to the guidelines outlined
by the North American Commission on
The stratigraphic nomenclature of proterozoiq rocks in northern New Mexico has developed gradually over the past fifty years.
Consequently, the literature ii burderiei with
conflicting_and obsolete stratigraphic names,
most of which do not conform io the published rules of the North American iom-
the WestPotrilb
Galleryof geology-Navajo
to NMBMMRand
p. 53
p. 59
p. 60
p. 69
p. 66
p. 67
p. 68
northern New Mexico now make well-constrained regional correlations possible. The
purpose of this paper is to propose a unified
sistentyet flexiblenomenclaturethat canserve
as a common basisfor further discussionand
Oil andgasdiscovery
NewMexicoin 1988
identified in several uplifts in northern New
Mexico (Fig. 1). The three best-documented
terrains are the Moppin Metavolcanicsof the
northern Tusas Mountains (Barker, 1958;
Wobus, 1985), the Pecos greenstone belt of
the SantaFe Range (Robertsonand Moench,
L979;Robertson and Condie, 1989),and a
sequence of layered amphibolite + biotite
gneiss in the Taos Range (Condie and
McCrink, 1982;Reed,1984;Lipmanand Reed,
1989)south of Questa.An assemblage
of amphibolite and schist in the southern Picuris
Mountains may represent a similar lithotectonic sequence(Bauer, 1988).Each of these
mafic-dominatedsequencesis associatedwith
a diverse suite of metaplutonic rocks. In all
uplifts, the mafic-dominated rocks are interpreted to be the oldest exposed units. Pre-
Iiminary U-Pb zircon isotopic age
determinations suggestthat although the individual sequencesmay be as old as 1,765
Ma, all are older than about 1,710Ma (Williams, 1982).We suggestthat they informally
be designated mafic metavolcanic sequences.
Major- and trace-elementanalyses of the
Moppin sequence(BarkerandFriedman,1974;
Binglea 1974;Boadi, 1986;Smith, 1986;Gabelman, 1988), the Pecos greenstone belt
(Robertson and Moench, 1979;Klich, 1983;
Robertsonand Condie, 1989),and mafic rocks
of the TaosRange(Condie and McCrink, 1982)
suggestthat these mafic suites are geochemically similar to modern tholeiitic and/or calcalkaline rocks found in arc or back-arc volcanic assemblages.
TABLE l-Stratigraphic nomenclature of supracrustal Proterozoicrocks in northem New Mexico.
Proposed nomenclature
Stratotype or
reference section(s)
Picuris Mtns
Hondo Canyon
Ortega Group
(Long, 1976)
Piedra Lumbre Formation
Picuris Mtns
Hondo Canyon
Piedra Lumbre Formation
Pilar Formation
Picuris Mtns
Hondo Canyon
Pilar Formation
(Long, 1976)
Rinconada Formation
Picuris Mtns
Hondo Canyon
(Nielsen, 1972)
Ortega Formation
Picuris Mtns
1) Hondo Canyon
2) Pilar cliffs
3) Copper Hill
1) Ortega Mtns
2) fawbone Syndine
Ortega Quartzite
(Nielsen, 1972)
Age (Ma)
Younger than
Moppin Complex (formerly Moppin
Metavolcanics)-Tusas Mountains
The mafic metavolcanic sequence of the
northern Tusas Mountains was named the
Moppin metavolcanicseriesby Barker (1958)
and renamed the Moppin Metavolcanicsby
Wobus (1985).The geographicname Moppin
is appropriate for this successionof rocks
and need not be changed. However, series
designation (chronostratigraphic category)
is inappropriate and Metavolcanicsdoes not
accurately reflect the diverse volcanic, volcaniclastic,and epiclasticlithologies present.
Although this unit does contain local sequences of rock with distinctive characteristics that are individually mappable, these
sequencesare not regionally correlable. In
addition, the unit is metamorphosed and
multiply deformed and contains intrusive
rocks. We therefore suggest the lithodemic
rank of complex for the Moppin.
The Moppin Complex is exposed in the
northern Tusas Mountains in a northwesttrending belt extending from American Creek
(southwestem Mule Canyon 7tlz-min quadrangle, T28N, R8E) to Hopewell Lake and
Placer Creek (northeastern East Gavilan
Canyon 7rlz-min quadrangle, T29N, R6E),and
along the easternside of |awbone Mountain.
Its exposed primary thickness, though difficult to determine due to structural complexities, is probably at least several thousand
feet (Barker, 1958).
The Moppin Complex is dominated by
chlorite schist and./oramphibolite with lesser
New AAexfic@
o $Gience
Tusas Mtns
Mesa la Jarita
Vadito Group
(Williams et al., 1986)
Big Rock Formation
Mesa la Jarita
Big Rock Conglomerate
(Barkea 1958)
Bumed Mtn Formation
Burned Mtn
Bumed Mtn Metarhyolite
(Barker, 1958)
Marquenas Formation
Picuris Mtns
Cerro de los
Marquenas Quartzite
Glenwoody Formation
Picuris Mtns
Pilar cli-ffs
Felsicschist at Pilar
(Bauer, 1988)
ca 1,700
(Robertsonand Moench,
ca L,720
ca 1,765
Taos Range
Gold Hill
(Reed, 19&t)
1) Brazos Box
2) Iron Mtn
3) Cleveland Gulch
Moppin Metavolcanics
(Wobus, 1985)
August 1989 Nan Mextco Geology
Etlitor: Ctol A. Hjellming
Dralting resistance: Rebecca Titus, Michael Wmldridge
Published ouatslv bv
New Mexico Breau of Mins and Mineml Remrc
a divisin of New Mqb InstitrrF of Mining & Tedrndog1f
Ex Officio
ol Nru Mtxia
Garey Caruthers, Cwmr
Alan Morgan, Superintendentol Pilblic Instruction
Lenton Malry, Pr6., lq!5-1991, Abuqwqre
Robert O. Andemn, tu.|Irrc., 187-1993, Rwll
Lt. Gen. Leo Marquez,7989-7995,Albuquaqw
Carcl A. Rymer. M.D. 1989-195, Albuqwqw
Steve Torcs, 1967-1991, Albuqunqw
New Mexico lnstitute of Mining & Tchnology
New Msico B@au of Min6 & Minsal Rsm
Dir6tu ..
. . . Jam6 M. Robqtrcir
As#inte Dirttor
Volume 11, No. 3, August 1989
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Sufuriptims: Issued quarterly, Febmry, May, August,
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Aittrial Mttd: Arlicle submitted for publietion should
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Publishd re pulnic dmin, thnelue reprdrcible uirrou, pernission. fuure dedit reCwld.
Prif,rt; Univsity
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components of feldspathic schist and gneiss,
muscovite ( + biotite) schist, metaconglomerate, and banded iron formation. Locally
exposed primary volcanic and sedimentary
structures include pillows, graded beds, and
relict phenocrysts. The Moppin Complex is
associatedwith (intruded by?) several granodiorite bodies collectively called the Maquinita Granodiorite (Barker, 1.958;Barker and
Friedman, t974; Wobus and Manley, 1982a)
and with a 50+ km' (20+ mi'?)pluton of
trondhjemite/granite informally called the
trondhjemite of Rio Brazos (Barker et al.,
has an Rb-Sr whole1974).Thetrondhjemite
Ma recalcurock isotopic age of
lated from Barker et al. (1974)using the decay
constant of Steiger and Jager (7977). Although contactsbetween mafic supracrustal
rocks and most metaplutonic rocks are intensely deformed, trondhiemite aPPearsto
intrude the Moppin Complex in the Rio Brazos gorge area (Gabelman, 1988).Although
rocks of the Moppin Complex have not been
dated directly, Barker (1958)and Wobus and
Hedge (1982) concluded that the Moppin
Complex was intruded by the Maquinita
Granodiorite (dated at L,755Ma by U-Pb zirconmethodbyL. T. Silver,pers. comm. 1987).
If the contact is not intrusive, then the Moppin Complex could be considerablyyounger.
Due to the lithologically complex nature of
the Moppin Complex, we propose three different exposures as reference sections. Excellent exposures on Iron Mountain (informal
name), southwest of fawbone Mountain
(Bumed Mountain 7llz-min quadrangle, sec.
30, T29N, R7E), are distinctive due to superbly preserved primary sedimentary and
volcanic structures and to the occurrenceof
banded iron formation (Smith, 1986).The
secondreferencesection is in the BrazosBox
area of the Rio Brazos(southwestern Lagunitas Creek 7tlz-min quadrangle, T29N, R56E). Relict volcanic textures and structures
occur in the northern (lower?)portion of this
thick (apparently up to 10,000ft) exposure
of the Moppin Complex (Gabelman, 1988).
Although outcrop is more or lesscontinuous
in this area, Moppin Complex rocks are highly
tectonized and primary thicknessesand
stratigraphic relationships are complicated
by folding. The third referencesection is in
Cleveland Gulch, south of Tusas Mountain
(southeastern Burned Mountain 7llz-min
quadrangle, T28N, R7-8E). In this area, exposures of Moppin Complex consistof chlorite-hornblende phyllite, schist, and gneiss,
plus subordinate hornblendite, metapelite,
mafic breccia, hematite-quartz iron formation, and magnetitequartz ironstone (Kent,
PecosComplex (formerly Pecos
greenstone belt)-Santa Fe Range
Robertson and Moench (1979)named this
package of rocks after the nearby town of
Pecos.The area of outcrop contains a significant amount (approximately 507o)of intrusive rock, is metamorphosed, multiply
deformed, and poorly exposed, and may no
terpreted for the Pecos Complex based on
U-Pb zircon dating of metavolcanic rocks and
subvolcanic intrusive rocks (Bowring and
Condie, 1982;Robertson and Condie, 1989)
and on model lead ages of galenasfrom genetically related volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits(Stacyet al.,1976).
longer conform entirely to the Law of Superposition. It is, therefore, best categorized
as a lithodemic unit rather than a lithostratigraphic unit. Becausethis terrain consists
of two or more genetic classesof rocks (volcanic, plutonic, sedimentary), it is proposed
that the rank be designatedas complex, thus
Pecos Complex. At some future time, as
mappingpermits, this complex could be subdivided into supersuites and suites.
The Pecos Complex occupies approximately 550 km'(250 mi'?)in the headwaters
of the Pecos River, northeast of Santa Fe.
Robertson and Condie (1989)and Robertson
and Moench (1979)distinguish four assemblages of Precambrianrock types within the
complex: 1) metavolcanic rocks with minor
interbedded volcaniclasticrocks and iron formation; 2) metasedimentary rocks including
feldspathic sandstone, shale, volcaniclastic
graywacke, carbonate, and distal iron formation; 3) intrusive felsic and mafic rocks of
a subvolcanic complex; and 4) younger granitic rocks.An age of 1,720Ma has been in-
Gold Hill Complex-Taos Range
A mafic/felsic layered gneiss successionin
the TaosRangesouth of Questa (Condie and
McCrink, 1982;Reed,1984;Lipmanand Reed,
1989) has not previously been named formally. As in the PecosComplex, these rocks
contain a significant intrusive comPonent, are
metamorphosed and multiply deformed, and
may be categorized best as a comPlex. We
propose the name Gold Hill Complex after
ixposures at Gold Hill, 7 km (4 mi) north of
T*ining, New Mexico (southwestern Red
River 7rlz-min quadrangle).
Reed (1984)described a layered gneiss sequencein the Gold Hill areaas consistingof
cbmplexly interlayered feldspathic gneiss,
a PryJ "----{({II
7 r-A\>
Middle-Early Proterozoic
( < 1 7 O OM a )
u '/ \
Early Proterozoic
T r u c h a sP e a k s R i o t
Ea rly Proterozoic
li \/l_(17211-1160 Ma)_ _ _
li.fiil 9611onCanvon succession
[i;:-:''::l and simitai rocks in
N . S a n t aF e R a n q e
Hondo Group
Vadito Group
Maf ic-dominated
melavolcanrc sequences
FIGURE l-Generalized map showing the distribution of Precambrian rocks in north-central New
Mexico. Modified from unpublished maps by I. M. Robertson and f. A' Grambling.
Nar Mexicn Geology Angust 1989
biotite-homblende gneiss,homblendegneiss,
and amphibolite. He interpreted this sequence as metamorphosed volcaniclasticrocks
interlayered with flows, tuffs, and sedimentary rocks. Geologic relationships within the
layeredgneisssequence,and betweenit and
adjacentfelsicvolcaniclasticrocksto the north,
are unknown. Preliminary U-Pb zircon data
from a felsic metatuff near Gold Hill have
yielded an isotopic age of 1,755Ma (S. A.
Bowring, pers. comm. 1986).
Vadito Group
The names Vadito group and Vadito formation have been used in various ways in
New Mexicoduring the past 30 years.Montgomery (1953)originally proposed the name
Vadito formation for a sequenceof mafic and
felsic metavolcanicrocks in the southern Picuris Mountains. Long (1976)suggestedraising its status to Vadito group. This sequence
has been correlated with various metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in other
uplifts (Robertsonand Moench, 1979).Both
felsic and mafic metavolcanicsequenceshave
been included previously within the general
group name (Soegaardand Eriksson, 1986).
Williams et al. (1986)informally proposed
that the name Vadito Group be applied to a
sequence of immature quartzofeldspathic
metasediments and dominantly felsic metavolcanicrocks that stratigraphiiallyunderlie
(Holcombeand Callender,7982)the Ortega
Formation in a number of placesin northein
New Mexico. These rocks are lithologically,
geochemicallt and tectonically distinct from
the older (7,765-I,720Ma) mafic metavolcanic sequencesand can be correlatedamong
isolated mountain ranges over much of
northem New Mexico. We propose that the
name Vadito Group be formally adopted under the definition of Williams et al. (1985).
Although applying the name Vadito to this
more broadly exposed packageof rocks is in
some ways unsatisfactory,as discussedbelow, the name is ingrained in the literature
to the extent that, in our iudgement, any
redefinition would only furtheiconfuse th'e
Although the Vadito Formation (and subsequently, Group) was originally described
in the southwestern Picuris Mountains
(Montgomery, 1953)and that place therefore
remains the original type locality, we believe
that the southern Picuris Mountains is not
the best place to characterizethis newly defined, complexsectionof regionallyexposed
rock. Older mafic metavolcanicrocks inother
areas have been included within the Vadito
Group partly becausethe type locality near
the Harding mine in the southwestern Picuris Mountains contains abundant amphibolites. Although the Vadito Group of-the
southern Picuris Mountains (as desciibed by
Long, "1975)differs in significant ways from
the proposed Vadito Group of the Tusas
Mountains and elsewhere, most of the differences can be attributed to a combination
of original stratigraphic variation and superimposed structural complexities.
The southemmost part of the Vadito Group
August 1989 Nm Mexico Geology
in the Picuris Mountains is dominated by
large amphibolite bodies that host horizons
of quartz-muscovite-biotite schist, crossbedded impure quartzite, and metaconglomerate. Although relative proportions differ,
all of these rock types can also be found in
the Vadito Group reference section of the
TusasMountains. At least some of the amphibolites are intruded by granitic plutons.
Such intrusive relationships, however, are
not found elsewherein the Vadito Group. It
is possible that bedding-parallel shear zones
(Bauer, 1988) and/or unconformities (Bell,
1985)may exist within the original type section, such that some of these amphibolites
may be related to the older mafic-dominated
metavolcanic sequences,rather than to the
Vadito Group proper.
The northern part of the Vadito Group in
the southwestern Picuris Mountains consists
of quartz-muscovite-biotite schists, metaconglomeratesand impure quartzites of the
Marquenas Formation, and subordinate
feldspathic schists, calc-silicates,aluminous
schists, and mafic schists and amphibolites.
To the east, the Vadito Group also contains
interpreted as metarhyolites (Bauer, 1988).
All of these rock types are characteristicof
the Vadito Group in the Tusas Mountains
and elsewhere. However, what the original
type locality in the southern Picuris Mountains appears to lack is the voluminous feldspathic schist (metarhyolite) commonly found
elsewhereat the top of the Vadito Group just
below the contact with the Ortega Formation. In the southern Picuris Mountains, a
north-verging ductile fault separatesVadito
Group from the younger Hondo Group rocks
(Holcombe and Callender, 1,982;McCarty,
1983; Holcombe et al., 1985;Bauer, 1988).
This fault has removed an unknown amount
of the upper part of the Vadito Group and
iuxtaposed an inverted Vadito Group against
an upright Hondo Group. Possibly,the thick
section of feldspathic schist below the Ortega Formation in the cliffs near Pilar is
equivalent to part of the missing uppermost
Vadito Group in the southern Picuris Mountains type locality (Bauea 1988).
Until more is known about the southern
Picuris Mountains section, we recommend
continued application of the Vadito Group
name for all of the supracrustal rocks exposed in the southernmost Picuris Mountains.
Becausestratigraphic relationships within
the redefined Vadito Group and between the
redefined Vadito Group and younger rocks
are clearly exposed and most easily accessible in the TusasMountains (Williams, 1987),
we propose that a Vadito Group principal
referencesection be designatedin the central
TusasMountains, south of Kiowa Mountain
between Mesa de la Jaritaand TusasBox (Las
Tablas71lz-minquadrangle, all sections,T27N,
The Vadito Group, as defined herein, is a
regionally extensive sequenceof supracrustal rocks dominated by feldspathic schist,
feldspathic gneiss,and metamorphosedclas-
tic sediments. Rocksinterpreted to belong to
the Vadito Group havebeenidentified in most
of the major Precambrian-cored uplifts in
northern New Mexico. In addition to the reference section in the cenhal Tusas Mountains, Vadito Group rocks are exposed
throughout the eastern half of La Madera
quadrangle (Bingler, 1974), east of Ojo Caliente in the Ojo Caliente quadrangle (Treitnan, t977; Williams, 1987), and in the
northern part of Cafron Plaza quadrangle
(Barkerand Friedman, 1974; WiIliams, 1987).
In the Picuris Mountains, Vadito Group units
crop out along the southem flank of the range
(Montgomery, L953; Long, 1974; McCarty,
1983;Bauer, 1988)and in the cliffs near Pilar
in the northwestern part of the range (Gresensand Stensrud,1974;Bauer,1988).
Group rocks have been found in the Truchas
Range and Rio Mora area (Grambling, 1979;
Grambling and Codding, 1982),in the Rincon Mountains and northern Taos Range at
Cedro Canyon (Gramblinget al., 1989),and
in the northern TaosRangenear Costilla Reservoir (J. A. Grambling, pers. comm. 1989)
and along CostillaCreek (J. C. Reed,Jr., pers.
comm. 1989).Although Vadito Group rocks
have not yet been recognized in the Santa
Fe Range, Cimarron Mountains, or southern
Taos Range (J. A. Grambling, pers. comm.
1989),similar rock types have been reported
in the Cimarron Mountains (Wobus,1989).
The most distinctive component of the
Vadito Group is quartz-muscovite-feldspar
schist containing quartz megacrysts, interpreted to be phenocrystic felsic metatuff.
These schists are interlayered with massive
metarhyolite, vitreous quartzite, muscovitic
quartzite, meta-arkose, biotite-muscovite
schist, pelitic schist, amphibolite, and chlorite schist. Mafic lithologies make up only a
small part (generallyless than 10%) of the
Vadito Group. Textural and cornpositional
heterogeneity, characteristic of the Vadito
Group at all scales,results from a combination of primary lithologic variation, local premetamorphic hydrothermal alteration, and
the effects of metamorphism and deformation. Metavolcanic rocks from several localities within the Vadito Group have yielded
U-Pb zircon isotopic ages of approximately
1,700Ma (L. T. Silver,pers. comm. L984).
Although it is not currently feasibleto subdivide all of the Vadito Group, several units
are sufficiently distinctive and/or Iaterally
continuous to be formally designatedas formations. These include the Big Rock and
Burned Mountain Formations in the Tusas
Mountains, and the Marquenas and Glenwoody Formations in the Picuris Mountains.
Vadito Group principal reference section
near Kiowa Mountain
The Vadito Group in the central Tusas
Mountains is dominated by felsic metavolcanic rocks and feldspathic metasediments.
The most characteristic rocks are quartzmuscovite-feldspar schists, which contain
Iarge (to severalmm in diameter) quartz and
feldspar crystals interpreted as relict phe-
nocrysts. These rocks range from highly
schistoseto massiveboth along and across
strike, and are interlayered with amphibolite, crossbedded muscovitic quartzite, feldspathic quartzite, biotite-muscovite schist,
conglomerate,and pelitic schist (Gresensand
Stensrud, 1974;r{obus and Manley, 1982b;
Williams, 1987).
The Vadito Group-.Hondo Group contact
at Kiowa Mountain (originally spelledKiawa,
but changed to Kiowa by the Forest Service
in 1960's,accordingto F.Barker,pers. comm.
1989)is distinctive in that it may have been
only minimally affected by the regional deformation. Apparently much of the regional
shear and shortening was partitioned structurally abovetheserocksalong a ductile thrust
fault to the southwest (Williams, 1987).Because of their relatively low strain, rocks at
Kiowa Mountain may preserve the primary
characterof the Vadito Group-Hondo Group
contact. Here, feldspathic Vadito Group
schists grade from impure feldspathic sediments and metarhyolite through impure
metasediments(feldspathicschist and muscovitic quartzite) to the clean Ortega Formation quartzite of the Hondo Group
(Williams, 1987).The upper contact of the
Vadito Group is chosenas the lowermostexposure of the vitreous Ortega Formation.The
lower stratigraphic boundary of the Vadito
Group has not been formally recognized in
the Tusas Mountains or elsewherein northern New Mexico. However, the Burned
Mountain Formation and associatedmetaconglomeratesin the northern TusasMountains may be low in the original stratigraphy
(Gibson, 1981;Gabelman,1988).Ductile or
brittle faults mark the presentlyexposedlower
Vadito Group contact throughout the Tusas
Iust (1934 and Barker (1958)have distinguished a lithologic but not stratigraphic unit
called Petacaschist, which occurs mainly in
the southeasternpart of the Vadito Group
reference section at Kiowa Mountain. They
interpreted these rocks to representhydrothermally altered equivalentsof severalother
units, including rocks now assigned to the
Vadito Group and overlying Hondo Group.
Wobus (1985)noted that many of the Petaca
schist rocks are actually typical Vadito Group
lithologies, and Williams (1987)concluded
that the eastemmostexposuresof Petacaschist
are actually TresPiedrasGranite. We support
the suggestionof Wobus (1985)that the name
Petacaschistbe abandoned.
mation for the composite package,and suggest a stratotype in the Las Tablas 7llz-min
quadrangle(secs.22 and29,T27N,R8E).The
Big Rock Formation is the principal marker
unit within the Vadito Group reference section south of Kiowa Mountain (Barker, L958;
Wobus, 1985;Williams, 7987)and has been
traced along strike for more than 10 km (6
mi). Metaconglomeratelayers are characterized by elongate cobbles, 1 to 20 cm in diameter, of vein quartz, quartzite, schist, and
metarhyolite in a matrix of quartz-muscovite
schist or quartzite. Locally, a thin impure
quartzite is present below the main metaconglomerate horizon. Average thickness of
the formation is approximately 60 m (200ft).
Metaconglomeraie layers of the Big Rock
Formation are lithologically similar to those
of the Marquenas Formation of the Picuris
Mountains. The averageclast size is greater,
and the metaconglomeratesare thicker in the
Marquenas Formation. The most noteworthy difference between the two formations
is the large volume of impure quartzite interlayered with metaconglomeratein the
northern and southeastem Picuris Mountains, the Rincon Mountains, and the Rio
Mora area. All of these sections contain appreciable thicknessesof well-layered, quartzmuscovite-feldspar schists with megacrysts
of quartz.
Marquenas Formation (formerly
Marquenas Quartzite)-Picuris Mountains
The Marquenas Formation of the southem
Picuris Mountains was originally called the
conglomerate member of the Vadito formation by Montgomery (1953).It was renamed
the Marquenas quartzite of the Vadito Group
by Long (1976),and subdivided into four informal members by Scott (1980).Becausethe
Marquenas quartzite actually consistsof approximately equal amounts of metaconglomerate and quartzite, the name Marquenas
Formation is more appropriate than either
Marquenas Conglomerate or Marquenas
Quartzite. The proposed type section is in
the southern Picuris Range at Cerro de las
Marquenasin secs.19 and 30, T23N, R11E.
In this area the Marquenas Formation is approximately 500 m (1650ft) thick and can be
traced laterally for 14 km (9 mi). Crossbeds
Burned Mountain Formation
throughout the unit indicate that it lacks ma(formerly Burned Mountain
jor intemal folding and that stratigraphictops
Metarhyolite)-Tusas Mountains
are to the north.
The Burned Mountain metarhvolite (BarSoegaard and Eriksson (1986) suggested
ker, 1958),originally named th; Vallecitos that the Marquenas Formation is the youngRhyolite by Just (7937),is a massive, quartzest unit exposed in the Proterozoicof northfeldspar rock characterized by distinctive
ern New Mexico, and that the quartzite clasts
quartz and feldspar eyes in a fine-grained, were derived from the Ortega Formation of
laminated matrix. The quartz eyesrangefrom
the Hondo Group. We disagree with these
gray to deep red and display remarkably well
conclusions. Although the Ortega Quartzite
preserved primary features including hex- contains abundant aluminum silicate minagonal crystal shapes and resorption em- erals, we have found no Marquenas Forbayments. Wobus (1985)proposed that the
mation quartzite clasts that contain such
entire Vadito Group of the central Tusas minerals. Furthermore, even though the OrMountains be included under the Burned
tega Formation is thoroughly crossbedded,
Mountain Metarhyolite name. This sugges- less than 1 percent of quartzite clasts in the
tion is unsatisfactory because of the great Marquenas Formation contain crossbedremvariety of rock fypes within the Vadito Group,
nants (|. A. Grambling, pers. comm. 1.987).
of which quartz-eye-bearing metamor- If the Marquenas Formation is the youngest
phosed rhyolites are only a relatively minor
unit in the Picuris Mountains, then both conpart.
tactswith the Hondo Group andVadito Group
The metarhyolite can be followed along a
must be faults or shear zones. Although the
northwest-trending belt for approximately32 northern contact between the Marquenas
km (20 mi) in the northern TusasMountains,
Formation and the Hondo Group is a ductile
where it ranges in thickness from 4.5 to 30 shearzone (Bauer,1988),there existsno field
m (15 to 100 ft) and represents a significant evidence to suggest that the southem Marportion of the entire thickness of the Vadito
quenas Formation contact with schist of the
Group there. We propose that this distinctive
Vadito Group is a fault. Furthermore, disunit be formally designated as a formation
continuous lensesof metaconglomerateand
of the Vadito Group and 4amed Burned
impure quartzite within the Vadito Group,
Mountain Formation for exposures on the
south and east of the Marquenas Formation
Big Rock Formation (formerly Big Rock
northwest side of Burned Mountain (Barker, type section, consistently contain crossbeds
Conglomerate)-Tusas Mountains
1958). Detailed descriptions of the unit can indicating that stratigraphic tops are to the
Barker(1958)originally mapped and named be found in fust (1,937),Barker (1958),Smith
north. Thus, the Marquenas Formation is lothe Big Rock conglomerate as a member of (L986),and Williams (1987).
cated stratigraphically within the upper part
the Kiowa Mountain formation of the central
The age of the Burned Mountain Forma- of the Vadito Group. Each of the clast lithTusas Mountains. The unit can be divided tion, based on U/Pb ratios in zircon, is apologies found in the Marquenas Formation
into a lower member dominated by conglom- proximately 1,700 Ma (L. T. Silver, pers.
metaconglomeratecould have been derived
erate with minor interlayered micaceous comm. 1984). The Burned Mountain For- reasonablyfrom units within the adjacent
quartzite and an upper member dominated mation is interpreted to be broadly equiva- Vadito Group. Given its lithology and stratiby micaceousand feldspathic quartzite. Be- lent to Vadito Group metarhyolites and graphic position, the Marquenas Formation
causeof the lithologicalheterogeneityof these feldspathic,quartz-eyeschistsexposedin the is roughly equivalent to the Big Rock Forrocks, we propose the name Big Rock For- central and southern Tusas Mountains, the mation of the TusasMountains.
Nan Mexico Geology Augrst 1989
Glenwoody Formation-northern
Picuris Mountains
Approximately 300 m (1000 ft) of feldspathic schist containing quartz and feldspar
megacrysts are exposed below the Ortega
Formation in the cliffs near Pilar in the northern Picuris Mountains. The base of this unit
is nowhere exposed.Although originally included as part of the Ortega Formation by
Montgomery (1953),it is dominantly metavolcanic (Gresensand Stensrud, 1974; Grambling and Williams, 1985;Bauer, 1988)and is
here treated separately from the metasedimentary quartzite. Previously,this schistwas
informally called the felsic schist at Pilar
(Bauer, 1988).We propose that this unit be
formally named the Glenwoody Formation
and that it rank as a formation of the Vadito
Group. The name Glenwoody comesfrom a
turn-of-the-century mining camp that stood
at the base of the cliffs.
Although the Glenwoody Formation is
similar to the 1,700 Ma Vadito Group metarhyolites that underlie the Ortega Formation
of the Hondo Group in the TusasMountains
and to other feldspathic schists in the Rio
Mora area, Truchas Peaks area, and Rincon
Mountains, it is generally more schistoseand
homogeneous than these probable equivalents. This may be due to the relatively high,
simple shearing strain that the Glenwoody
Formation has experienced.The Glenwoody
Formation also contains a regionally exposed
Mn-rich horizon near its top, suggestingthat
it may occur high in the original Vadito stratigraphy.
mian) in southeastern New Mexico (Lang,
1937).Kelley (1971)recommendedthat the
term Hondo be dropped from usagebecause
the Hondo sandstonememberof Lang(1937)
is clearly a tongue of the Glorieta sandstone,
and the original terminology has been completely replaced by the name Glorieta sandstone. Just (1937) originally named a
Precambriary black, carbonaceousslate in the
Picuris Mountains the Hondo slate.This unit
was later renamed the Pilar Phyllite (Montgomery, 1953). The term Hondo slate has
since been recommended for abandonment
(Jichaand Lochman-Balk,1958,p. 62) and
is not currently used.
The stratigraphy of the Hondo Group is
well established, but it lacks a designated
type section. Therefore, we recommend designation of a principal referencesection rather
than a type locality. The most complete,wellexposed, easily accessiblesection of the
Hondo Group occurs in the Hondo Canyon
area of the north-central Picuris Mountains.
The proposed referencesection is located in
the TaosSW 7t/z-minquadrangle in secs.2932, T24N, R12E. This nearly complete, upright section occurs on the north limb of a
large overturned syncline, the Hondo syncline. A comparable, though less-accessible,
section occursto the south on the overturned
limb of the syncline (Bauer,1988).The lower
boundary shatotype is set at the lowermost
massive pure quartzite, as described above
for the upper boundary of the Vadito Group
in the TusasMountains.
A regionally extensive manganiferous
marker laver. which occurs near the Vadito
Group-H6ndo Group boundary, aids in corHondo Group (formerly Ortega Group)
relating Vadito-Hondo units across the disThe name Ortega was first used to de- continuously exposed Proterozoic terrain of
scribea thick quartzite, quartzoseschist, and northern New Mexico (Grambling and Wilminor metaconglomerate,feldspathic schist, liams, 1985;Williams, 1987).The layer, charand metarhyolite successionexposed in the acterized by Mn-andalusite (viridine),
Tusas and Picuris Mountains of the Brazos piemontite (Mn-epidote), and other anomuplift (just, 1937).Long (1975)proposedthe alous phases, is 1 to 100 m thick and can be
name Ortega Group for a sequenceof meta- traced almost continuously acrossindividual
sediments in the Picuris Rangethat included uplifts. The exact stratigraphic position of
a thick orthoquartzite (Ortega Formation) and the manganiferous zone varies from range
the overlying schists and quartzites of the to range. Although the actual geographicexRinconada Formation. The presence of a tent of the anomalous laver is unknown, it
group and a formation with the name Ortega is exposed in every ru.,g" in northern New
is both confusing and unacceptableaccord- Mexico in which the Vadito Group,Hondo
ing to the North American Commission on Group contact is exposed and may correlate
Stratigraphic Nomenclature (1983).Further- with similar Mn-rich rocks in Colorado and
more, none of the schists or quartzites that Arizona (Williams, 1987).The origin of the
overlie the Ortega Formation in the Picuris Mn-rich horizon is unknown. Williams (1987)
Mountains and elsewhereare present in the concluded that most observations are conTusas Mountains. Therefore, for these rea- sistent with a model involving syngenetic
sons, and becausethe name Ortega Quartz- deposition from hydrothermal solutions or
ite is solidly enhenched in the literature, we from a widespread manganese enrichment
propose a change of the group name to cor- of basin waters at the end of Vadito Group
respond with the geographical location of the volcanism. Alternately, manganese and asnew group reference section.
sociated elements may have been concenThe name Hondo for exposures in the trated during weathering of Vadito Group
Hondo Canyon area of the northern Picuris schists.If either of these hypothesesis corRangeis an appropriate geographicname for rect, the Mn-rich layer may represent a time
this important sequence of rocks. We pro- marker in the Proterozoic section.
The Hondo Group is younger than ca 1,700
pose that the name Hondo Group replacethe
name Ortega Group. The name Hondo was Ma, the age of the underlying Burned Mounapplied previously to the Hondo sandstone tain Formation and equivalent metarhyolites
member of the San Andres Formation (Per- of the Vadito Group. The younger age is not
August 1989 Nao Merin Geology
well constrained because no unequivocal
Precambrian igneous crosscutting relationships have been described.However, near
Pecos Baldy in the Truchas Range, a felsic
stock appears to intrude metapelites of the
Hondo Group (Grambling, 1986).If this stock
does intrude the metapelites, then its U-Pb
zircon isotopic age of approximately L,691
Ma provides a minimum age for deposition
of the Hondo Group (f. A. Grambling and
S. A. Bowring/ pers. comm. 1986)in that
place. In the northern Sangre de Cristo
Mountains, pegmatite dikes spatially related
to a1.,644Ma quartz monzonite intrude an
Ortega{ike quartzite (Bowring et al., 79U;
Reed, 1984). If the pegmatites and quartz
monzonite are genetically related and if this
quartzite is equi'valent to the Ortega Formation, then the Ortega Formation must be
older than 1,644)Vla.If these intrusive relationships are not genuine, then the Hondo
Group is only constrained to be older than
regional deformation and metamorphism,
which by current,evidenceoccurredbetween
Ma (Robertsonet al., in press).
1,5N and 1,,450
Ortega Formation
(formerly Ortega Quattzite)
We propose to officially changethe Ortega
Quartzite of the Llondo Group to formation
status. The lower boundary is at the lowermost massivequarrtzite,above the immature
transitional metilsediments of the Vadito
Group. By this, the Ortega Formation then
defines the lower boundary of the Hondo
Group. The uppr:r boundary of the Ortega
Formation is defirnedby the uppermost massive pure quartzite occurrencebelow pelitic
schist of the Rinconada Formation. We suggest the following supplemental reference
sections for the C)rtegaFormation: 1) Ortega
uplift, where the Ortega
Mountains, Braz<>s
Quartzite unit was originally described; 2)
cliffs near Pilar, northem Picuris Mountains,
where the base of the quartzite is superbly
exposed;3) jawbo,neSyncline,northem Tusas
Mountains, where original sedimentary
structures are well preserved (Soegaardand
Eriksson, 1985);and 4) RattlesnakeCanyon,
south end of Copper Hill, south-central Picuris Mountains, where the uppermost
quartzite, including the kyanite and andalusite schisVquartzitedescribedby Williams
(L982),is well exposed.
Rinconada, Pilar, and Piedra Lumbre
Formations of the Hondo GroupPicuris
Mountains, Truchas Peaks area,
Rio Mora area, llaos Range
The remaininl; three formations of the
Hondo Group have been thoroughly described elsewhere (Montgomery, 1953;Miller
et al., 1,963;Nielsen, 1972;Long, L976;Grambling, 1979;Grarnbling and Codding, 1982;
Bauer, 1.988).We simply propose formal designation of the RinconadaFormation, the Pilar
Formation, and the Piedra Lumbre Formation and their inclusion in the Hondo Group.
Stratotypes are :rs described above for the
Hondo Group with a supplementalreference
section for the Rinconada Formation in the
Trampas Ttlz-min quadrangle near the
boundary between secs. 19 and 20, T23N,
R11E,in RattlesnakeCanyon south of Copper Hill in the southern Picuris Mountains.
Felsic-dominated,ca 1,660-1,650Ma rocks
The best-documented, ca'J.,650
Ma, felsicdominated sequencein northern New Mexico occurs in the Dalton Canyon-Glorieta
Baldy-Thompson Peak area of the southern
Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The rocks in
that areawere describedfirst by Moench and
Erickson (1980)in a reconnaissance
study and
in more detailby Fulp (1982),Renshaw(i984),
and J. Wakefield (unpub. map). In general,
the sequence consists of metamorphosed
quartzo-feldspathic sedimentary and volcanic rocks intruded by pre- to syn-volcanic
quartz porphyry bodies with U-Pb zircon
isotopicagesdeterminedby S.A. Bowring of
1,550-r10 Ma (Fulp, 1982)and 1,650+ 10 Ma
(Renshaw, 1984). These rocks, and similar
units to the north, were informally named
the Dalton Canyon successionby Robertson
and Condie (1989).We suggestno changes
to this nomenclature.
Plutonic rocks
Precambrian plutonic rocks in northern
New Mexico rangewidely in compositionand
age (Condie, 1978).Most plutonic terrains
contain more than one generation of intrusions, and in most areasof northern New
Mexico detailed mapping, petrography, and
geochemistry are insufficient for adequately
delineating individual plutons or cogenetic
phases of intrusion. Many plutonic bodies
carry local names. At this time we suggest
only a revision of plutonic nomenclature in
the southern Picuris Mountains, where mapping and geochronology are excellent. All
other nomenclature should be maintained
until additional information is available.
Embudo Granite
We propose that the name Embudo Granite be abandoned for any and all plutonic
rocks in the Picuris Mountains. It is now
known that the granitic terrain of the southern Picuris Mountains, originally called the
Embudo Granite or Embudo Granites (Montgomery/ 1953),actually consistsof four distinct plutons that rangewidely in chemistry,
mineralogy, and U-Pb zircon isotopic age
(Long, 1974, 1975;Bell, 1985;Bell and Nielsen, 1985).Theseare the Puntiagudo granite
porphyry (1,684+1 Ma), the Rana quartz
monzonite(1.,674*5Ma), the CerroAlto metadacite, and the Pefrascoquartz monzonite
(ca 1,450Ma). A fine-grainedplutonic body
exposed in the easternmost Picuris Mountains, on the east side of the PicurirPecos
fault, is probably distinct and should be called
the granite of Alamo Canyon, following the
informal usage of Bauer (1988). The name
Embudo is therefore obsolete in the Picuris
The name Embudo has also been applied
to plutonic rocks south of the Picuris Moun-
tains in the complex granitic terrain of the
Santa Fe Range by Miller et al. (1953).In
much of this area,although mapping has not
delineated individual plutons, reconnaissancework of Moench et al. (1988)suggests
that the range may contain several different
intrusive bodies. We suggest that, for now,
the term Embudo granite complex be used
to describe this complex granitic terrain.
Several revisions and redefinitions of
stratigraphic nomenclature in the Proterozoic rocks of northern New Mexico are proposed.The two most significantsuggestions
are: 1) to adopt the name Vadito Group for
the extensive ca 1,700 Ma, felsic metavolcanic/metasedimentaryrock package exposed directly below the Ortega Formation
of the Hondo Group, and to designatea reference section in the central Tusas Mountains; and 2) to propose the name Hondo
Group for the regionally extensive, metasedimentary sequencebeginning with the Ortega Formation that occursdirectly above the
Vadito Group. These rocks were previously
called the Ortega Group.
Some workers may find these changes
awkward at first, but we are convinced that
both are necessaryfor a precise exchangeof
scientific information. The suggestions outlined in this paper are the first step toward
this goal. We hope that, as investigation into
the Precambrianhistory of New Mexico continues, the nomenclatureproposedabovewill
provide a consistent basis for further communication and will promote a more accurate and regionally compatible system of
AcrNowreocMENrs-The New Mexico
Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
(Frank Kottlowski, Director) provided support for this work. The content was influenced and greatly improved by lively
discussionswith famie Robertson.We thank
fon Callender, Jeff Grambling, Chris Mawer,
fack Reed, and famie Robertsonfor thoughtful text reviews. Useful and supportive comments were also received from F. Barker, E.
Bingler, P. Fullager, W. Muehlberger, and R.
Barker, F., 1958,Precambrianand Tertiary geologyof las
Thblasquadrangle, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau
of Mines and Mineral Resources,Bulletin 45, 104pp.
Barker, F., and Friedman, 1.,1974, Precambrian metavolcanic rocks of the Tusas Mountains, New Mexico:
maior elementsand orygen isotopes:New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 25th Field Conference,
pp. 115-117.
Barker, F., Peterman, Z. E., Henderson, W. T., and Hildreth, R. A., 1974,Rubidium-strontium dating of the
trondhiemite of Rio Brazos, New Mexico, and of the
Kroenke Granodiorite, Colorado: U.S. GeologicalSurvey, fournal of Research,v.2, no. 6, pp.705J09,
Bauer, P. W., 1988, Precambriangeology of the Picuris
Ran8e, north-central New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau
of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 325,
2s9 pp.
Bauet, P. W., and Williams, M. L., 1985,Structural relationships and mylonites in Proterozoic rocks of the
northern Pedemal Hills. central New Mexico: New
Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 35th Field
Conference,pp. 141-145.
Bell, D. A., 1985,Stnrctural and age relationships in the
Embudo Granites, Picuris Mountains, New Mexico:
Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Texas,Dallas,
775 pp.
Bell, D. A., and Nielsen, K. C., 1985,Intrusion and deformation sequence of the Embudo Granites, northcentral New Mexico (abs.):GeologicalSocietyof America, Abstracts with Programs,v. 17, no.3, p. 151.
Bingler, E. C., 1974, Precambrian rocks of the Tusas
Mountains: New MexicoGeologicalSociety,Guidebook
to 25th Field Conference,pp. 109-113.
Boadi, I. O.,19tK, Gold rnineralization and Precambrian
geology of the Hopewell Lake area, Rio Arriba Counry,
New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis, New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology,Socono, 107 pp.
Bowring, S. A., and Condie, K. C., 1:982,U-Pb zircon
ages from northern and central New Mexico (abs.):
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs,v. 14, no. 6. p.3M.
Bowring, S. A., Reed,l.C.,lr., and Condie,K. C., 1984,
U-Pb geochronology of Proterozoicvolcanic and plutonic rocks, Sangrede Cristo Mountains, New Mexico
(abs.): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with
Programs,v. 15, no. 4, p.216.
Burns, L. K., and Wobus, R. A., 1983,Correlations and
revisions of Precambrianstratigraphy, Needle Mountains, southwest Colorado, ad TusasMountains, northcentral New Mexico (abs.):GeologicalSocietyof America, Abstracts with Programs,v. 15, no. 5, p. 424.
Condie, K. C., 1978,Geochemishy of Proterozoicgranitic
plutons from New Mexico, U.S.A.: Chemical Geology,
v. 21, no. 712,pp.137-149.
Condie, K. C., and McCrink, T. P., 7982,Geochemishy
of Proterozoic volcanic rocks from Gold Hill-Wheeler
Peak area, northern New Mexico: Precarnbrian Research,v. 19, no.2, pp. 141-166.
Fulp, M. 5.,1982, Precambriangeology and mineralization of the Dalton Canyon volcanic center, Santa Fe
County, New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 199 pp.
Gabelman,J. L., 1988,Precambriangeology of the upper
BrazosBox area, Rio Amiba County, New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis,New Mexico Institute of Mining
and Technology,Socorro, 171pp.
Gibson, T. E., 1981,Precambriangeology of the Bumed
Mountain-Hopewell lake area, Rio Aniba County, New
Medco: Unpublished M.S. thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Techno.logy,Socono, 105pp.
Grambling, J. A., 1979, Geology of Precambrianmetamorphic rocks of the TruchasPeaksarea, north-central
New Mexico: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 269 pp.
Grambling, I. A., 19[36,A regional gradient in the composition of metamorphic fluids in pelitic schist, Pecos
Baldy, New Mexico: Contributions to Mineralogy and
Petrology, v. 94, pp. 149-764.
Grarnbling,J. A., and Codding,D.8.,1982, Stratigraphic
and structural relationships in multiplv deformed Precambrian metamorphicroiks in the Rio'Moraarea,New
Mexico: GeologicalSociety of America, Bulletin, v. 93,
no.2, pp. 727-737.
Grambling, J. A., and Williams, M. L., 1985,Correlation
of Proterozoicstratigaphy acrossnorthern New Mexico (abs.):Sixth International Conferenceon Basement
Tectonics,Abstracts with Programs,v. 6, pp. 18-19.
Grambling, J. A., Williams, M. L., and Mawer, C. K.,
1988, Proterozoic tectonic assembly of New Mexico:
Geology, v. 15, pp. 724-727.
Grambling,J. A., Williams,M. L., Smith, R. S., and Mawer,
C. K., 1989,The role of crustal extension in the metamorphism of Proterozoicrocks in northern New Mexico: Geological Society of Arnerica, Special Paper 235,
pp. 87-110.
Gresens, R. L., and Stensrud, H. L., 7974,Recognition
of more metarhyolite occurrencesin northern New
Mexico and a possible Precambrianshatigraphy: The
Mountain Geologist, v. 11, no. 3, pp.109-12a.
Holcombe, R. J., and Callender, J. F.,1982, Structural
analysis and shatigraphic problems of Precambrim rocks
of the Picuris Range, New Mexico: GeologicalSociety
of America, Bulletin, v. 93, no. 2, pp. 138-149.
Holcombe, R. I., Bauer,P. W-, and Callender,J. F., 1985,
A kinematic model for the polyphase deformation of
Proterozoic rocks, Picuris Range, northem New Mexico, U.S.A. (abs.): Sixth Intemational Conference on
BasementTectonics,Abstracts with Programs,v. 5, p.
Nm Mexico Geolo8y August 1989
Jicha,H. L., and Lochman-Balk,C., 1958,Lexiconof New
Mexico geologic names: Precambrian through Paleozoic: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Bulletin 67,137 pp.
I.ust,E., 7937,Geology and economicfeaturesof the pegmatites of Taosand Rio Aniba Counties, New Mexico:
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,
Bulletin 13, 73 pp.
Kelley, V. C., 1977,Geology of the Pecoscountry, southeasternNew Mexico: New Mexico Bureauof Mines and
Mineral Resources,Memoir 24,75 pp.
Kent, S. C., 79ffi, Precambrian geology of the Tusas
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and Technology,Socono, 150 pp.
Klich, I., 1983,Precambriangeologyof the Elk MountainSpring Mountain area, San Miguel County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 180, 17Opp.
Lang, W. 8., 1937,The Permian formations of the Pecos
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Long, P. 8., 1974,Contrasting types of Precambriangranitic rocks in the Dixon-Penasco area, northem New
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New Mexico:New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral
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Montgomery, A., 1953, Precambriangeology of the Picuris Range, north-central New Mexico: New Mexico
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Universityof North Carolina,ChapelHill, 47 pp.
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Robertson,J. M., and Condie,K. C.,1989,Geologyand
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of Technology,Socorro, I pp.
Soegaard,K., and Eriksson, K. A., 1985,Evidenceof tide,
storm, and wave interaction on a Precambrian silicidastic shelf: The 1,700M.Y. Ortega Group, New Mexico: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology,v. 55, no. 5, pp.
Soegaard,K., and Er:iksson,K. A., 1986,Transition from
arc volcanism to stable-shelfand consequent convergent-margin sedimentationin northern New Mexico
from L.76 Ga: Journal of Geology, v. 94, no. 1, pp. 4766.
Stary, ]. S., and others, 1976,PlumbotectonicsII A, Precambrian massivesulfide deposits:U. S. GeologicalSurvey, Open-file Reqort 75-476, 25 Pp.
Steiger, R. H., and Jager, E., Dn, Subcommissionon
geochronology: Convention on the use of decay constants in geo- and cosmochronology:Earth and Planetary ScienceLetters, v 36, pp.359-i62.
Treiman, A. H., L977, Precambrian geolo6y of the Ojo
Caliente quadrangk, Rio Arriba and TaosCoturties, New
Mexjco: Unpublish,edPh.D. dissertation,Stanford University, Stanford, 93 pp.
Williams, M. L.,19U, Geology of the copper occunence
at Copper Hill, Picuris Mountains, New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson,
98 PP.
Williams, M. L., 1987,,Shati$aphic, structuml, and metamorphic relationships in Proterorcic ro&s from northem New Mexico: Unpubtshed Ph.D. dissertation,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 138 pp.
Williams, M. L., Grambling, I. A., and Bowring, S. A.,
1985, Redefinition of the Vadito Group, an extensive
felsic volcanic-sedirnentarysequencein the Proterozoic
of northern New Ivlexico (abs.): Geological Society of
America, Abstractswith Programs,v. 1,8,no. 5, p. 472.
Wobus, R. A-, 1985, Changes in the nomenclature and
shatigraphy of Proterozoic metamorphic rocks, Tusas
Mountains, north-central New Mexico: U.S. Geological
19 pp.
Survey, Bulletin 15',77,
Wobus, R. A., 7989, Proterozoicsupracrustalrocks and
plutons of the Cimarron Canyon area, north-central
New Mexico: Geologrcal Society of America, Special
Paper235,pp. 111-118.
Wobus, R. A., and Hedge, C. E., L982, Redefinition of
the Precambrian Tusas Mountain and Tres Piedras
granites, north-central New Mexico:The Mountain Geologist, v. 19, no. 4, pp. 105-114.
Wobus, R. A., and N{anley, K.,1982a, Reconnaissance
geologic map of the Burned Mountain quadrangle, Rio
Arriba County, Nerv Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey,
MiscellaneousField StudiesMap MF-14{I), scale1:24,000.
Wobus, R. A., and Manley, K., 7982b,Reconnaissance
geologic rnap of the Las Tablas quadrangle, Rio Arriba
County, New Mexico: U.S. GeologicalSuruey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-14108,scale 1:24,000.!
The New Mexico Geological Society
will visit the eastern Sangre de CristoMoreno Valley-Cimarron Mountains area
of northern New Mexico on Sept. 12-15
for its 41st fall field conference. Chris
Mawer and Paul Bauer are general cochairman for the trip; the theme is tectonic development of the southem Rocky
Mountains, New Mexico. NMGS trips
to this part of the statewere held in 1956
and 196f.,but some of the route had never
been included in an NMGS roadlog.
We are soliciting peer-reviewed papers for the guidebook. Although we
wish to emphasize original geologic research, we also encourage mini-paper
contributions on mining history, arAugust 1989 New Mexieo Geology
chaeology, anthropology, and zoologybotany. If you would like to contribute
or if you know of anyone who might be
convinced to contribute, please contact
us as soon as possible. The submittal
deadline for reviewed papers will be
February 15, 1990.
The guidebook editors are Chris
Mawer, Paul Bauer, and Steve Hayden;
managing editor is Spencer Lucas. For
information and guidelines for authors,
contact either Christopher K. Mawer,
Dept. of Geology, Univ. of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87l3l, (505)277-4808
or Paul W. Bauer, NMBMMR, Campus
Station, Socorro, NM 8780L,(505) 8355106.
co! 9RA00 _______.