Student Affairs – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment
The mission of the College Discovery Program is to provide college support services to academically and economically disadvantaged students in order to enhance their opportunity for a higher
education and to increase the level of education, social mobility, and vocational capability in our City and State. Through special funding, CD provides a permanent and structured program of
comprehensive services to selected students to aid them in achieving a quality college education and expanded career options.
College strategic objectives:
Division strategic objectives:
1. C4: Offer Innovative college readiness programs
1. I. Professional readiness of students
2. A3: Increase average number of (equated) credits
earned in one year
2. IV. Increase participation in free winter and summer tuition initiatives
Note: Relevant college-wide strategic objectives should be selected from the college’s strategic plan. Each division strategic objective should align with a college-wide strategic objective.
2014-15 Completion report (outcomes for this past academic year, based on last year’s year-end report, section F)
Key performance indicators
Achieve program enrollment goals for
the academic year
Improve basic skills pass rates by 2% for
new students
Target outcomes
Enrolled 163 new students
Increase 2 and 3-year graduation rates
for CD students
A 10 to 12% 2-year graduation rate
and 21 to 23% 3-year graduations
Increase the number of tutoring
contacts by 2%
Monitor student counseling interaction
in Starfish and ensure follow-up with
students and referrals made to the
tutoring center
Higher pass rates for students
enrolled in those courses
*Column contents should be used to indicate which strategic objectives below address the follow-up necessary.
Mid-year status report due end of January.
Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).
Actual outcomes
Surpassed goal , program enrolled 175
freshmen for the period
Pass rates increased to 40% for reading and
40% for Math. Pass rates fell to 36% for
2-year graduation rate was 8%, 3-year
graduation rate was 30%.
Recommended action plans*
Continue providing increased number of orientations to newly
admitted freshmen and their parents
Progressively offer better tutorial services for students in the
pre-summer freshmen experience
Surpassed the number of contacts students
had with the center by 16% - from 2,835 to
3,300 unique visits.
Reach out to more students and emphasize mandatory
tutoring sessions. Provide ongoing training for tutors.
Increase the number of counseling and tutoring contacts each
Student Affairs – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment
2015-16 Department strategic plan (arranged by each division strategic objective that the department supports)
Division strategic objective: IV. Increase participation in free winter and summer tuition initiatives
Department strategic objectives
Increase by 2% the number of students
enrolled in free winter and summer courses.
Higher graduation rates
Expected outcomes
Develop greater awareness of these
college-wide options available to
Greater number of students completing
program requirements
Action plan/timeline
Organize/arrange a series of information
sessions to inform students about waivers
for STEM courses – fall 2015 semester
Outreach through Starfish to students
completing their first year – fall 2015
Encourage students completing remediation
to enroll in more credit bearing courses
Higher retention rates
% of all students completing
an Exit Plan
Expected outcomes
Students are better prepared for
graduation and transfer of employment
Action plan/timeline
Review student files for completed Plan
fall 2015 semester
Data from working group
report will drive the types of
internships provided
Workshops to inform students about
internship opportunities
Develop communication for outreach to
students – fall 2015
CD Staff
Actual outcomes
CD Staff
Division strategic objective: I. Professional readiness of students
Department strategic objectives
Increase by 2% the number of students
completing an internal CD Exit Plan to
ensure timely progress towards graduation
(53% to 55%)
Work with other departments to provide
more internships for students
Actual outcomes
CD Staff
Add tables for additional division strategic objectives and corresponding department strategic objectives, as needed.
For each division strategic objective, the department should have one or more strategic objectives intended to support that department in the achievement of the division objective. Each department strategic objective should have at least one indicator (key performance
indicator) and one expected outcome, with an action plan and timeline to achieve that outcome.
At the mid-year point, the department reports partial or preliminary outcomes. At the end of the year, the department reports actual outcomes.
An indicator is the measurement by which the objective will be assessed. The outcome is the product of the work in support of achieving the objective. For example, if the strategic objective for Admissions is “to expand feeder high schools,” the indicator might be “applications
received from new feeder high schools,” and the expected outcome might be “at least one application from five new feeder high schools.”
Mid-year status report due end of January.
Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).