Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department July 2013 DEPARTMENT: Academic Service Learning 2012-2013 ACADEMIC YEAR MISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your mission statement should be no more than 80 words in length. The Office of Academic Service-Learning (OASL) strives to increase student persistence, retention, and graduation rates through academic service-learning activities. The OASL recruits faculty and community partners to plan, develop, and implement sustainable academic servicelearning projects that align course objectives with community needs. A. DEPARTMENT CORE ACTIVITIES AND PERFORMANCE Core Activities Key Performance Indicators Indicators to Be Assessed Briefly list the major activities conducted or performed to support the mission of the department. Briefly list the corresponding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure the effectiveness of the department’s activity. Key performance indicators are not outcomes—for example, a KPI might be “volume of service,” whereas an outcome might be “increase volume of service by 5 percent”). Yes or no. Indicators to be assessed should come from the previous year’s report, part F, column 4. Recruit faculty who will incorporate academic servicelearning activities into their courses. Sustain academic service-learning faculty Number of faculty incorporating academic service-learning for the first time. Yes Number of faculty who have repeated a servicelearning project more than once (not necessarily with the same Community Based Organization or not necessarily the same project). Number of new community based organizations (CBOs) recruited Yes Number of CBOs who have sustained partnership for at least 2 semesters, not necessarily consecutive Number of additional links posted on the ASL website Refine and update the ASL database Yes Number of student orientations Yes Recruit new community based organizations (CBOs) Maintain returning CBO partnerships Plan, develop, and update ASL website Track ASL faculty, CBOs, students, and projects Increase student knowledge of academic servicelearning Yes Yes Yes 1 Queensborough Community College Plan, develop, coordinate, and implement ASL events Inform the community of the ASL accomplishments Expedite the IRB Across the Disciplines protocol process Oversee, recruit, and maintain faculty participation in the Across the Disciplines protocol Administer IRB approved Across the Disciplines protocol to students Collect, organize, and input data from the Across the Disciplines survey Analyze the data from the Across the Disciplines survey Institutionalize academic servicelearning assessment Study the effectiveness of ASL projects in meeting community needs Support ASL faculty with ASL project form Support ASL faculty with ASL project logistics Assist ASL faculty with preparations for ASL presentations, grant proposals, and publications Support ASL faculty in implementing special grants and projects Non-teaching Department July 2013 Number of ASL events planned, developed, coordinated and implemented Yes Newsletter publication Yes Approval of the IRB Across the Disciplines protocol Yes Number of faculty participating in the Across the Disciplines protocol Yes Number of students participating in the Across the Disciplines protocol Yes Number of Across the Disciplines surveys collected, organized, and inputted data Yes Number of faculty participating in Across the Disciplines survey Yes Institutionalizing ASL assessment Yes Community partner survey Yes Number of ASL faculty completing a project form at start of semester Number of faculty supported for project logistics Yes Number of faculty assisted with preparations for conference/workshop presentations and publications Yes Number of special projects/grants that the OASL assists in implementing Yes Yes 2 Queensborough Community College Plan, organize, develop, and implement the expansion of overarching ASL projects B. Non-teaching Department Number of faculty and CBOs joining an overarching project July 2013 Yes DEPARTMENT-SPONSORED ACTIVITIES, 2012-2013 INSTRUCTIONS: For each activity, please indicate 1. the type and topic of activity and name of organizer/presenter if applicable 2. whether department members organized the activities or gave presentations or both 3. the date (select from the calendar drop-down; if you do not know the exact date, use the first day of the month when it occurred) 4. the number attending the event Type of Activity and Topic Provide Academic Service-Learning 101 professional development workshop to faculty Provide Academic Service-Learning Reflection professional development workshop Provide Academic Service-Learning 101 professional development workshop to faculty Provide Academic Service-Learning Reflection professional development workshop Recruit faculty new to ASL by participation in New Faculty Orientation Provide ASL research and publication professional development workshop Recruit CBOs through ASL Partnership Building Breakfast CUE Conference Planning and Framing Organized, Presented, or Both Both Date 09/06/12 Number Attending 10 Both 10/11/12 12 Both 01/15/13 24 Both 02/28/13 15 Presented 01/15/13 20 Both 04/18/13 15 Both 04/11/13 73 Both 10 Both Organized 2/6/13; 5/3/13 2/6/13 1/2/13 15 10 Promoting ASL with Nursing Faculty Facilitating ASL with Students with Special Needs Develop and maintain communications with CBOs Acknowledge CBO partnerships Both 2012-13 43 Both 38 Update ASL website Both Spring 2013 2012-13 Ongoing 3 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department July 2013 Track ASL faculty, students, CBOs, and projects Both 2012-13 Provide student orientation to ASL Sponsor Earth Day 2013 Both Both Support QCC Fall Health Fair Presenters Support QCC Spring Health Fair Presenters Support Common Read ASL Activities Presenters ASL Planning meetings Support implementation of ASL classes Promote QCC ASL program to local, regional, and national communities Both Organized Both Manage the IRB Across the Disciplines protocol Both 2012-13 April 24, 2013 December 5, 2012 April 3, 2013 Spring 2013 March 8, 2013 2012-13 2012-13 Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 2012-13 Both 2012-13 40 Both Both Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 21 classes Both Spring 2013 29 classes N/A 20122013 Spring 2013 2012-13 ongoing Recruit faculty for the IRB Across the Disciplines protocol Distributing pre and post Academic ServiceLearning Protocol Surveys Distributing pre and post Academic ServiceLearning Protocol Surveys Code and input Academic Service-Learning Protocol data into Excel file for transfer to SPSS Code and input Academic Service-Learning Protocol data into Excel file for transfer to SPSS Analyze and Discuss IRB Across the Disciplines protocol data Discuss institutionalizing ASL assessment Study the effectiveness of ASL projects in meeting community needs Support faculty ASL documentation Both N/A Both 147 classes; 1584 students; 38 CBOs; 25 classes 200 100 200 125 weekly 147 classes Newsletter published each semester Ongoing process led by the Faculty liaison 29 classes 21 classes Bi-weekly ongoing 2012-2013 77 faculty 4 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department Support ASL project implementation July 2013 2012-13 Support ASL Faculty Group Grants Support ASL CBO projects with multiple faculty Acknowledge ASL faculty accomplishments Acknowledge ASL faculty accomplishments N/A N/A 2012-13 Both Both Acknowledge ASL students Acknowledge ASL students Both Both Acknowledge CBO partnerships Both Acknowledge Staff Both Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 160 projects 3 10 52 60 627 957 38 138 C. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES/ACHIEVEMENTS OF DEPARTMENT’S ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF, 2012-2013 INSTRUCTIONS: For each administrative staff member with achievements to report: 1. 2. 3. 4. enter name select the type of achievement from the menu enter the citation as it would appear in a publication or formal report indicate the semester when the achievement was completed Name Achievement type (from menu) Workshop Presentation Sharon Ellerton Workshop Presentation Workshop Presentation Conference Presentation Workshop Presentation Citation Semester QCC Office of Academic Service-Learning: ServiceLearning 101: the why, what, how, and where of ASL QCC Office of Academic Service-Learning: Using Reflection in Your Classroom Workshop QCC Campus Conversation: Academic Service-Learning at QCC CUNY CUE “CUNYverse” of Learning Conference: Assessing Academic Service-Learning at Queensborough CC NYMAPS: An Overview of the Spring 2012 Jan.5, 2012 Spring 2012 March 12, 2012 Spring 2012 May 2012 Spring 2012 May 11, 2012 Spring 2012 5 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department Grant Awarded Workshop Presentation Workshop Presentation Scholarly presentations at national or regional professional conferences, published as proceedings Service to the college Service to the university Josephine Pantaleo Workshop coordinated with Dr. Ellerton and CETL Webinar attended Office of Academic ServiceLearning; NYMAPS retreat C3IRG Grant Lead Project Investigator; planned, developed, and implemented academic servicelearning initiative with 3 other CUNY colleges; planned, organized, and implemented an Across the University ServiceLearning Advisory Board and oversaw its meeting through the Collaborate software platform; planned, developed, and implemented online tutorials on ASL that were networked for the 3 CUNY participating colleges QCC Office of Academic Service-Learning: ServiceLearning 101: the why, what, how, and where of ASL QCC Office of Academic Service-Learning: Reflection Workshop 2nd Annual Intercultural Horizons Conference: Intercultural Strategies in Civic Engagement; SUNY Global Center, New York City Faculty Liaison for Academic Service-Learning; Freshman Academy Health Related Academy Faculty Coordinator Search Committee member for the New Community College faculty position for experiential learning QCC Office of Academic Service-Learning: ServiceLearning 101: the why, what, how, and where of ASL Promoting Social Justice and Community Service: Inspiring Freshmen to Get Involved The Making Connections July 2013 2012-13 Fall 2012 September 2012 Fall 2012 Fall 2012 October 4, 2012 2012-13 Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 Spring 2012 January 5, 2012 Spring 2012 February 9, 2012 Spring 2012 6 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department Conference attended Workshop coordinated with Dr. Ellerton, Office of Academic ServiceLearning and CETL Conference attended Workshop; invited speaker Symposium on the First Year Experience; LaGuardia CC Using Reflection Activities in Your Classroom Feb.10, 2012 Spring 2012 March 12, 2012 4th Annual NYMAPS Symposium: Ethics and ServiceLearning; New York Metro Area Partnership for Service-Learning Venture House Service-learning project Spring 2012 March 30, 2012 Conversation attended Campus Conversation on High Impact Strategies Conference presentation Workshop attended Gen Ed/CUE Conference at College of Staten Island: CUNYverse of Learning Conference: Assessing Academic Service-Learning at Queensborough Community College Epsilen Updates Workshop presentation Reflection Dinner Workshop presentation Exploring High-Impact Practices with Emphasis on Academic Service-Learning; BMCC Academic Service-Learning Faculty Institute at St. John’s University Workshop attended July 2013 Webinar attended Using Various Technologies with Service-Learning, Liberty Smith, presenter Conference attended New York Times Schools for Tomorrow; Scholarly presentations at national or regional 2nd Annual Intercultural Horizons Conference: Spring 2012 May 1, 2012 Spring 2012 May 8, 2012 Spring 2012 May 11, 2012 Spring 2012 May 21, 2012 Spring 2012 May 22, 2012 Spring 2012 May 30 and May 31, 2012 Summer 2012 June 14, 2012 Summer 2012 August 22, 2012 Fall 2012 September 13, 2012 Fall 2012 October 4 7 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department professional conferences, published as proceedings Conference attended Conference attended Workshop attended Conference attended Workshop presentation Service as a Reviewer Service to the college Service to the college Service to the college Arlene Kemmerer Grant Awarded Conference attended Workshop presentation Conference attended Conference presentation Workshop presentation: Summary of the AACC Intercultural Strategies in Civic Engagement; SUNY Global Center, New York City Threshold to Threshold: ePortfolio and Active Learning from the First Year to Transfer Bronx CC Bronx, New York CUNY Women’s Leadership Conference QCC Assessment Workshop Ian Beckford, Presenter CUNY IT Conference John Jay College BES Department High-Impact workshop Disney Friends for Change Reviewer Common Read Planning HEO representative to the Academic Senate C3IRG administrative support Perkins 2012-13 $ 184, 000.00 The Making Connections Symposium on the First Year Experience; LaGuardia CC Using Reflection Activities in Your Classroom; a faculty-led conversation to support QCC’s High Impact Initiatives 4th Annual NYMAPS Symposium: Ethics and ServiceLearning; New York Metro Area Partnership for Service-Learning Gen Ed/CUE Conference at College of Staten Island: CUNYverse of Learning Conference: Assessing Academic Service-Learning at Queensborough Community College CCNCCE 21st Annual national Conference: Leaders leading July 2013 and October 5, 2012 October 12, 2012 October 26, 2012 Fall 2012 November November 30, 2012 December 7, 2012 Spring 2012 February 28, 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 2012-13 Spring 2012 Feb.10, 2012 March 12, 2012 March 30, 2012 Spring 2012 May 11, 2012 May 23, 2012- May 8 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department Broadening Horizons through ServiceLearning grant at QCC Workshop presentation Workshop attended Conference Presentation Conference attended Workshop presentation Leaders in Service Learning and Civic Engagement; Scottsdale, Arizona Exploring High-Impact Practices with Emphasis on Academic Service-Learning; BMCC Academic Service-Learning Faculty Institute at St. John’s University Threshold to Threshold: ePortfolio and Active Learning from the First Year to Transfer Bronx CC Bronx, New York CUNY IT Conference John Jay College BES Department High-Impact workshop July 2013 25, 2012 Spring 2012 May 30 and May 31, 2012 Summer 2012 June 14, 2012 October 12, 2012 November 30, 2012 December 7, 2012 MENU Book - authored Book – edited Newspaper/Magazine Article Journal Article, other Journal Article, peer-reviewed Book, Chapter Conference Presentation, other Conference Presentation - published as proceedings Book, introduction, preface, etc. Lecture (Invited) Art Exhibit Curated Art Exhibited (juried show) Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Web Site Development Other (scholarly or creative achievements comparable to previous categories) Direction/Choreography/Dramaturgy/Design (dance, theater, film) Performance (music, dance, theater) Music Composition Published/Performed Play Produced/Performed Review/Commentary (including Blogging) Awards Patent Materials Development Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Service as a reviewer/editor/consultant Conference, workshop, training attended Other (please explain) 9 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department July 2013 D. DEPARTMENT CHANGES, 2012-2013 INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the type of change from the menu below and fill in the other columns. Type (from menu) Equipment Description of Change Replaced printer Reason for Change Printer broken and warranty expired Date/Semester Fall 2012 Evaluation of Change* Positive *Please note that, if change has been too recent to evaluate, you may indicate NA. MENU Type of change Personnel or organizational change Service, program, or project change Facilities/space Equipment Other Description New personnel, retirees, resignations, organizational changes, addition of departmental responsibilities, CCAS (13.3b), reclassification, merit increase, etc. Changes to the number, volume, or type of services, programs, or projects Renovations or development of new facilities (i.e., computer laboratories or relocation) Acquisition of new or disposition of old equipment Other changes affecting the department not included above and including interactions with other departments E. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION, 2012-2013 INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill in the table below according to the assessment you conducted this academic year. In the column, “recommended action plan,” please indicate the reasons for the recommended action(s) and any recommended modifications to target outcome(s). Key Performance Indicator* ASL professional development opportunities Target outcome(s) for Key Performance Indicator** Actual outcome(s) Recommended action plan 2 ASL professional development opportunities per semester will result in a 10% increase in faculty new to ASL Exceeded expectations. 25 (33%) faculty new to ASL planned, Continue to collaborate with CETL in offering ASL 101 and reflection workshops. Expand Recommend ed status of Core Activity and KPI (see menu) Continue 10 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department developed, and implemented an ASL activity. Number of faculty incorporating an ASL project into course curricula Percent of ASL faculty incorporating another HI strategy to their ASL project Maintain the number of faculty incorporating an academic servicelearning activity into courses. Exceeded expectation. 77 faculty incorporated an ASL activity into 147 courses; 52 (67.5%) of these faculty were returning ASL faculty; the Office of ASL provided logistical assistance in the design and implementati on of these servicelearning projects. 10% of ASL faculty will Exceeded add an additional HI expectation. strategy to their course 35 (42%) curricula ASL faculty also incorporated another HIP with their students. Including ASL in July 2013 professional development to include workshops that address data analysis and interpretation. Continue to collaborate with the HIP librarian to create links to ASL resources. Continue to provide Continue faculty support for ASL; insure that their work is valued and that it is accepted for their efforts towards tenure and promotion; maintain the data base for faculty documentation Continue to encourage the use of multiple HIPs during faculty workshops/meeting s. Completed 11 Queensborough Community College ASL Events One major ASL event will be held each semester which will result in on site ASL project implementation Non-teaching Department tandem with other HIPs was encouraged at professional development venues. Exceeded expectation. ASL faculty participated in Fall 2012 Health Fair; ASL planned, developed, and implemented Earth Day 2013 activities; ASL faculty participated in Spring 2013 Health Fair. During the fall 2012 semester, the OASL recruited ASL practitioners for tabling events at the Health Fair. In Spring 2013, the majority of tabling events at the Health Fair were ASL projects. July 2013 Continue In order to insure maximum student voice and student participation in service-learning events, the OASL conducts campuswide events in conjunction with student government and student activities. As such, the OASL outreaches to Student Government and Student Activities by scheduling meetings with the student leaders both individually and as a group. These conversations begin as early as possible in the fall semester to insure student participation and student buy-in to the events and to provide opportunities for students to explore and to identify student needs that they wish addressed at these events. The OASL can then share this information with 12 Queensborough Community College CBO Survey Gain IRB approval for CBO survey; distribute and analyze results of survey Hits to the ASL website Increase hits to ASL by 100 Non-teaching Department IRB Exempt; 10 partners interviewed; compiled results Exceeded expectations. 100 hits to the website were recorded during 201112. From July 1, 2012 to June 19, 2013, 897 hits were recorded; thus, reporting 700(797% ) more hits than the previous year faculty who can support these efforts through classroom conversations/topic s that align with t course objectives. Beginning early in the fall 2013 semester, the OASL will schedule meetings with Student Government leadership and with the Student Activities director to seek support in planning and developing campus-wide events. Expand number of CBOS surveyed. Market to faculty and students the ASL resources that are available through the QCC ASL website. July 2013 Continuing Continuing 13 Queensborough Community College ASL CTE Student Survey Non-teaching Department Increase student perception of ASL’s relevance to workplace readiness skills Number of ASL 100% of ASL projects projects will be documented in documented in ASL database ASL database ASL Newsletter Produce and distribute and ASL video an ASL newsletter twice a year; produce an ASL video Number of faculty who join the Across the Disciplines protocol Increase by 5, ASL faculty who participate in the Across the Disciplines Protocol Folded these questions into the Across the Disciplines protocol; Survey results pending at this time and can be supplied at a later time upon request. 100% of projects documented by OASL staff. Met expectation. The ServiceLearner (newsletter) was distributed once each semester; 2 videos were produced, one for faculty and one for students. Exceeded expectation. 29 (160%) additional servicelearning faculty participated in the Continue study through the Across the Disciplines protocol. July 2013 Modified Encourage ASL Continue faculty to document projects at beginning of semester; continue maintenance and update of the ASL database. Continue with the Modified planning and writing of the newsletter. Since there is no longer funding for a videographer, no additional videos will be developed. Continue to encourage faculty to participate in the protocol. Continue 14 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department protocol. Number of ASL 20% of ASL faculty will Exceeded faculty present at expectation. presenting at workshops/conferences/ 18 (23.3%) conferences, and publish ASL ASL faculty workshops, and findings. and staff who publish presented at articles on ASL conference that were supported through the OASL. Number of ASL projects that will support QCC’s Sustainability Council needs 5 ASL projects will support the QCC Sustainability council needs Letters of appreciation and acknowledgeme nt 100% of ASL faculty, CBO, student, and staff participants will receive letters/certificates of appreciation/ Acknowledgement Met expectation. 5 ASL projects that supported Sustainability council initiative were planned and implemented. Met expectation. July 2013 Continue to provide Modify faculty with email blasts concerning conference presentations/public -ation opportunities as they come to the OASL. Encourage Faculty to write about their work and direct them to CETL for assistance with this process. The OASL will Continue continue to encourage environmental ASL projects. Continue Continue Notes: *The items in this column correspond to “indicators to be assessed” in part A, column 3. **To be more effective and meaningful, assessment efforts should focus on selected KPIs each academic year; over time, assessments should be rotated through all the department’s KPIs. MENU Completed Continuing Modified Discontinued Core activity has been completed Core activity and KPI will continue as before Core activity and KPI have been modified Core activity and KPI have been discontinued 15 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department July 2013 F. ASSESSMENT PLAN FOR NEW YEAR, 2013-2014 Core Activity (New Year) Key Performance Indicator (New Year) Target Outcome(s)* Plan for Achieving Target Outcome Divisional Head Approval (Date) Continue SL 101 and reflection workshops Number of workshops planned, developed, and implemented through CETL and OAA Number of ASL faculty who will join the Across the Discipline protocol. Number of faculty new to ASL Schedule one SL 101 and one reflection workshop each semester through CETL each semester Schedule planning meetings with CETL and OAA At least 5 ASL faculty using the Across the Disciplines data at conferences and/ or publications Increase by 10% the number of faculty new to ASL Schedule and plan an assessment workshop for ASL faculty with Outcomes Assessment Manager Maintain ASL practitioners Number of returning ASL practitioners Expand the collaboration between ASL faculty and HIPs librarian Incorporate the alignment template of ASL activities with Number of faculty referred to the HIPs librarian 60% of ASL practitioners will continue to incorporate an ASL project 5 additional faculty are referred to the HIPs librarian who will assist them with lit review 25 faculty will incorporate the alignment template into the course Expand ASL faculty expertise on ASL data analysis and interpretation Recruit ASL practitioners Number of faculty incorporating the alignment Promote ASL at new faculty orientations; outreach to department chairs; recruit Humanities faculty through the Teagle planning grant; recruit additional CTE faculty through the Perkins grant Outreach and provide logistical support. Schedule 2 meetings per year with HIPs librarian Target experienced ASL practitioners. Through scheduled workshops and one on 16 Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department the community needs and learning outcomes into course syllabus Increase the number of ASL faculty using the Across the Disciplines research protocol Schedule the administration of pre and post Across the Disciplines survey template into the course syllabus. syllabus during the 2013-14 academic year. Number of faculty new to the Across the Disciplines protocol 5 additional faculty will participate in the Across to Disciplines protocol Number of faculty participating in the Across the Disciplines protocol Maintain the number of faculty participating in the Across the Disciplines protocol Oversee and coordinate the analysis of the Across the Disciplines data Data collection Coordinate the distribution of the Across the Disciplines data Number of faculty receiving the data Data collection will be coordinated with the Office of Institutional Research and Academic Affairs 3 faculty will meet with the Learning Outcomes Manager for interpretation of results Recruit faculty participation in the Across the Disciplines protocol Number of faculty participating in the Across the Disciplines protocol Increase by 5 the number of faculty new to the Across the Disciplines protocol July 2013 one interviews, work through the alignment template which faculty will include in their course syllabus. During the SL 101 workshops include the benefits of joining the Across the Disciplines protocol Move the printed survey to Survey Monkey for easier distribution and collection of data; Schedule classes in computer labs for participation in the Survey Monkey. Discuss with the library the availability to check out iPads that it may have. Schedule meetings with the Academy Protocol Manager, the Assessment Outcomes Manager, and the OIRA Director In collaboration with CETL, OAA, and OIRA schedule workshop and one on one faculty meetings that will address data analysis and possible conference/publication opportunities Email faculty twice a year so they will have data for future conference presentations and publishing opportunities 17 Queensborough Community College Continue to refine the ASL protocol and plan to expand on gathering data through student reflection Collect and prepare data for reports Revised ASL protocol, reflection activities and rubrics 10% of ASL faculty will explore content analysis using reflection activities with accompanying rubrics Schedule planning meetings with CETL to include assessment of course content through reflective activities and rubrics Number of completed reports Internal and external reports will be completed accurately and timely. Maintain and upkeep the data base; maintain office reading files on Sharepoint; record minutes of meetings and upload to Sharepoint. Ask Office of Sponsored Programs to identify external funding opportunities as they arise. Schedule ongoing meetings with student clubs and student government. Apply for external funding Number of external funding proposals received Expand student Number of participation at student clubs Earth Day events participating in through Earth Day continued events. conversations with student clubs and student government Expand the Number of number of CBOs CBOs interviewed interviewed Increase hits to SL website Hits to the website Increase faculty completing an ASL project form Number of faculty completing an ASL project form at the beginning of each semester Newsletter Produce and Non-teaching Department One external funding received At least 25 % of student clubs will participate in Earth Day tabling events. July 2013 Increase by 25% the number of CBOs interviewed Contingent on funding, hire an additional community builder Increase hits by 25% Enhance website content; increase faculty and student awareness of website resources Increase by 25% the Contingent on number of faculty funding, hire a project completing an ASL associate who will project form at the follow up on faculty beginning of each compliance. semester. One newsletter in Three faculty each 18 Queensborough Community College distribute an ASL newsletter twice a year Forward ASL conference and publication information Number of faculty presenting at conferences and/or publish articles Continue to plan, Number of organize and environmental implement ASL projects environmental per semester ASL projects. Acknowledge Number of faculty faculty accomplishments receiving letters and certificates for participation Acknowledge Number of partnerships community accomplishments partners receiving letters and certificates for participation Acknowledge Number of staff staff receiving contributions letters and certificates for participation Acknowledge Number of students students participating in receiving ASL certificates for ASL participation Non-teaching Department fall and one in spring will be produced. At least 5 faculty will present and/or publish on ASL July 2013 semester will contribute to the newsletter. Forward ASL conference and publication opportunities to faculty as they arrive. Plan and organize Identify two environmental environmental needs projects per semester in the community that can be addressed through ASL 100% of faculty participating in ASL will be recognized through letters and certificates. Identify student workers to assist with this task. 100% of community partners participating in ASL will be recognized through letters and certificates. Identify student workers to assist with this task 100% of staff supporting ASL will be recognized through letters and certificates. 100% of students participating in ASL will be recognized through certificates. Identify student workers to assist with this task Identify student workers to assist with this task *Targets indicated here will direct assessment efforts for the following year – see part A, column 3. Before submitting your year-end report to the Assessment Office, please submit it to your divisional head for review and approval. The finished version submitted to the Assessment Office will be posted as a pdf document on the college’s Assessment Web site. 19