Queensborough Community College DEPARTMENT: Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Academic Service-Learning MISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your mission statement should be no more than 80 words in length. The Office of Academic Service-Learning (OASL) strives to increase student connection to the college and increase retention and graduation rates, through academic service-learning activities. The OASL recruits faculty and community partners to plan, develop, and implement sustainable academic service-learning projects that align course objectives with community needs and provide a venue in which students are able to recognize their capacity to impact the community partner and gain new perspectives on community issues. A. DEPARTMENT CORE ACTIVITIES AND PERFORMANCE Core Activities Key Performance Indicators Indicators to Be Assessed Briefly list the major activities conducted or performed to support the mission of the department. Briefly list the corresponding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure the effectiveness of the department’s activity. Key performance indicators are not outcomes—for example, a KPI might be “volume of service,” whereas an outcome might be “increase volume of service by 5 percent”). Number of faculty incorporating academic servicelearning for the first time. Yes or no. Indicators to be assessed should come from the previous year’s report, part F, column 4. Y Number of faculty who repeat a service-learning project more than once (not necessarily with the same Community Based Organization (CBO) or not necessarily the same project.) Y Recruit new community based organizations (CBOs) Number of new community based organizations (CBOs) recruited Y Maintain returning CBO partnerships Number of CBOs who have sustained partnership for at least 2 semesters, not necessarily consecutive Y Recruit new faculty who will incorporate academic servicelearning activities into their courses Sustain academic service-learning faculty Improve and maintain Bounce rate the OASL website to support ASL faculty, students and community organizations Y Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Track ASL faculty, CBOs, students, and projects Number of updates and revisions to the Academic Service-Learning Database. Y Provide student awareness of community need Number of orientations of community partner organization provided to students Y Plan, develop, coordinate, and implement ASL events Inform the community of the ASL accomplishments Provide individualized recognition for ASL activities Oversee, recruit, and maintain faculty participation in the Across the Disciplines protocol Collect, code, clean and input Academic Service-Learning Protocol data for analysis Analyze the data from the Across the Disciplines survey Collaborate with Institutional Research and Assessment to design the servicelearning questions in the HIP campus-wide survey Collect data on the effectiveness of ASL projects in meeting community needs Support ASL faculty with ASL project form Provide logistical support to ASL faculty Number of ASL events planned, developed, coordinated and implemented. Y Number of ASL Newsletters distributed, number of postings on website, and number of presentations made. Y Number of letters to faculty, staff, students and community based organizations. Y Number of faculty participating in the Across the Y Disciplines protocol. Number of Across the Disciplines surveys collected, organized, and inputted. Y Number of surveys analyzed Y Number of meetings to revise service-learning questions on IR HIP survey Y Y Number of community partner surveys returned Number of ASL faculty completing a project form Number of projects supported Y Y Queensborough Community College to implement ASL projects Assist ASL faculty with preparations for ASL presentation, grant proposals, and publications Support ASL faculty in implementing special grants and projects Plan, organize, develop, and implement the expansion of overarching ASL projects between QCC and CBOs B. Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Number of faculty assisted with preparations for Y conference/workshop presentations, publications and grant proposals Number of special projects/grants that the OASL assists in implementing Y Number of faculty joining an overarching project Y DEPARTMENT-SPONSORED ACTIVITIES, 2013-2014 INSTRUCTIONS: For each activity, please indicate 1. the type and topic of activity and name of organizer/presenter if applicable 2. whether department members organized the activities or gave presentations or both 3. the date (select from the calendar drop-down; if you do not know the exact date, use the first day of the month when it occurred) 4. the number attending the event Type of Activity and Topic Organized, Presented, or Both Bot Both Date Number Attending August 30, 2013; January 15, 2014 26 Academic Service-Learning data Analysis Workshop Both October 17, 2013 9 Recruit faculty new to ASL by participation in New Faculty Orientation Both Both January, 2014 8 Recruit ASL practitioners through one on one contact and meetings Both Fall 2013 4 staff/ 9 faculty Academic Service-Learning 101 professional development workshop to faculty Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Recruit ASL practitioners through one on one contact and meetings Maintain ASL practitioners through one on one contact and meetings Maintain ASL practitioners through one on one contact and meetings Recruit CBOs through ASL Partnership Building Breakfast NYCC Community Engagement Institute for Two Year Colleges CUE Conference Both Spring 2014 4 staff/ 12 faculty Both Fall 2013 Both Spring 2014 4 staff/41faculty Both Pending Develop and maintain communications with CBOs Both June 16, 2014 January 2014 May 2, 2014 July 2013June 2014 Update ASL website Both 10 staff Track ASL faculty, students, CBOs, and projects Both July 2013June 2014 July 2013December 2013 Track ASL faculty, students, CBOs, and projects Both January 2014- June 2014 Sponsor Earth Day 2014 Both Support QCC Fall Health Fair Organized Support QCC Spring Health Fair Organized Support Common Read ASL Activities Organized ASL Planning meetings Organized Promote QCC ASL program to local, regional, and national communities Both April 23, 2014 December 4, 2013 March 26, 2014 March/April 2014 July 2013June 2014 July 2013June 2014 Manage the IRB Across the Disciplines protocol Recruit faculty for the IRB Across the Disciplines protocol Organized Distribute pre and post Academic Service-Learning Surveys Organized Both Presented Organized July 2013June 2014 July 2013June 2014 September 2013 –May 4 staff/47faculty 25 7 staff 5 staff/39 partners 10 staff: 56 faculty/998 students/ 71 classes 10 staff: 53 faculty/1022 students(pending)/ 69 classes 200 6 faculty/ 8 classes 6 service-learning classes 2 service-learning classes 8staff/ weekly The Service Learner newsletter fall 2013 and spring 2014 6 staff/ 60 classes Spring 2014: 26 Fall 2014:23 Spring 2014: 34 classes (post- Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department 2014 2013-2014 Academic Year survey only) Fall 2013:27 classes (postsurvey only) 1staff/ 61 classes’ surveys Collect, code, clean and input Academic Service-Learning Protocol data for analysis by IR and The Office of Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness Analyze the data from the Across the Disciplines survey Collaborate with IR to design the HIP campus-wide survey Collect data on the effectiveness of ASL projects in meeting community needs N/A January 2014 and May-June 2014 N/A 3staff/49 survey results Support ASL faculty with ASL project form Support ASL faculty with ASL logistics Organized Assist ASL faculty with preparations for ASL presentation, grant proposals, and publications Support ASL faculty in implementing special grants and projects Plan, organize, develop, and implement the expansion of overarching ASL projects which strengthen and sustain relationships between QCC and the CBOs Transition to institutionalization of ASL professional development Organized January 2014-June 2014 July 2013June 2014 January 2014- June 2014 July 2013June 2014 July 2013June 2014 July 2013June 2014 July 2013June 2014 July 2013June 2014 21 faculty Organized July 2013June 2014 Provide reflection activity support to ASL faculty Both September 2013-May 2014 Provide student orientations Both Explore external funding opportunities Organized September 2013 and February 2014 July 2013June 2014 CETL held workshops on August 30, 2013 and January 15, 2014 17 ongoing reflections and 18 post reflections provided Spring 2014: 26 orientations provided Both Organized Organized Organized Organized 6 staff; multiple meetings 4 staff/14 partners 5 staff/50 faculty 7staff/140 classes 4 staff/10 faculty 2 CBOs/7 faculty 1 grant received (Teagle) Queensborough Community College Explore external recognition opportunities Non-teaching Department Organized July 2013June 2014 2013-2014 Academic Year 1 explored (Aetna) C. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES/ACHIEVEMENTS OF DEPARTMENT’S ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF, 2013-2014 INSTRUCTIONS: For each administrative staff member with achievements to report: 1. 2. 3. 4. enter name select the type of achievement from the menu enter the citation as it would appear in a publication or formal report indicate the semester when the achievement was completed Name Josephine Pantaleo Achievement type (from menu) Conference Workshop attended Conference Workshop Conference Grant Workshop attended Citation TEAGLE foundation Grant Planning Convening; Scottsdale, Arizona; July 7-11, 2014 Writing in the 21st Century facilitated by Kathleen Blake Yancy Rubin Museum Orientation and Project Planning CETL: Course Design Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Fall 2013 January 16, 2014 NY Campus Compact Community January 26, Engagement Institute for Two Year 2014 Colleges, Guttman Community College, NYC TEAGLE Foundation Grant Initiation CETL: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2/14, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, & 5/9. Workshop attended Workshop attended CETL: Reflection: March 12, 2014 Conference Presentation "Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom" CUE Conference, May 2, 2014 “Academic Service-Learning as a Pedagogical Tool for Career Development and Vocational Training.” Ed. Amy Traver and Zivah Perel. Palgrave McMillan Book Chapter Accepted for Publication Semester CETL Faculty Inquiry Group Member: Publishing Your Pedagogical Project Spring 2014 Spring 2014 Spring 2014 Fall 2013/Spring 2014 Spring 2014 Anticipated publication in 2014 Queensborough Community College Cristina Di Meo Non-teaching Department Conference Presentation Perkins Advisory Board Presentation Workshop Mary Bandziukas Arlene Kemmerer Diana Silvestri 2013-2014 Academic Year Publishing, final revisions "Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom" CUE Conference, May 2, 2014 Perkins Local Advisory Committee CETL Reflection Spring 2014 Fall 2013 March 12, 2014 January 16, 2014 Workshop CETL Course Design Book Chapter Accepted for Publication “Academic Service-Learning as a Pedagogical Tool for Career Development and Vocational Training.” Ed. Amy Traver and Zivah Perel. Palgrave McMillan Publishing, final revisions "Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom" CUE Conference, May 2, 2014 Anticipated publication in 2014 Service-Learning Presentation Perkins Local Advisory Committee Workshop CETL: Reflection Workshop CETL: Course Design Fall 2013 November 21, 2013 March 7, 2014 January 16, 2014 Book Chapter Accepted for Publication “Academic Service-Learning as a Pedagogical Tool for Career Development and Vocational Training.” Ed. Amy Traver and Zivah Perel. Palgrave McMillan Publishing, final revisions "Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom" CUE Conference, May 2, 2014 Anticipated publication in 2014 Service-Learning Presentation Perkins Local Advisory Committee Workshop CETL Reflection Workshop Fall 2013 November 21, 2013 March 12, 2014 Book Chapter Accepted for Publication “Academic Service-Learning as a Pedagogical Tool for Career Development and Vocational Training.” Ed. Amy Traver and Zivah Perel. Palgrave McMillan Publishing, final revisions Anticipated publication in 2014 Workshop CETL Reflection Workshop March 12, 2014 Conference Presentation Conference Presentation Spring 2014 Spring 2014 Queensborough Community College Sharon Ellerton Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Workshop CETL Course Design Conference Presentation Service-Learning at the American Community College: Theoretical & Empirical Perspectives”, Center for Engaged Democracy Conference, Tufts University, Medford, MA "Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom" CUE Conference, May 2, 2014 Academic Service-Learning 101; CETL/QCC Meghmala Tarafdar, Josephine Pantaleo and Sharon Ellerton, “Fostering the Intercultural Learning Cycle through Academic Service Learning (ASL)” in Intercultural Horizons: Intercultural Strategies in Civic Engagement. Ed. Lavinia Bracci, Nevin C. Brown, and Eliza J. Nash. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013. Conference Presentation Workshop Presentation Conference Proceeding, published as book chapter Service as a volunteer editor for a student online journal. Conference Attended Book Chapter Accepted for Publication Edited: “Superfund and the Swannanoa Community” Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research NY Campus Compact Community Engagement Institute for Two Year Colleges, Guttman Community College, NYC “Academic Service-Learning as a Pedagogical Tool for Career Development and Vocational Training.” Ed. Amy Traver and Zivah Perel. Palgrave McMillan Publishing, final revisions January 16, 2014 July, 2013 Spring 2014 January 15, 2014 2013 2013 January, 2014 Anticipated publication in 2014. MENU Book - authored Book – edited Newspaper/Magazine Article Journal Article, other Journal Article, peer-reviewed Book, Chapter Conference Presentation, other Direction/Choreography/Dramaturgy/Design (dance, theater, film) Performance (music, dance, theater) Music Composition Published/Performed Play Produced/Performed Review/Commentary (including Blogging) Awards Patent Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Conference Presentation - published as proceedings Materials Development Book, introduction, preface, etc. Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Service as a reviewer/editor/consultant Conference, workshop, training attended Lecture (Invited) Art Exhibit Curated Art Exhibited (juried show) Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Web Site Development Other (scholarly or creative achievements comparable to previous categories) Other (please explain) D. DEPARTMENT CHANGES, 2013-2014 INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the type of change from the menu below and fill in the other columns. Type (from menu) Description of Change Reason for Change Date/Semester Evaluation of Change* NA *Please note that, if change has been too recent to evaluate, you may indicate NA. MENU Type of change Personnel or organizational change Service, program, or project change Facilities/space Equipment Other Description New personnel, retirees, resignations, organizational changes, addition of departmental responsibilities, CCAS (13.3b), reclassification, merit increase, etc. Changes to the number, volume, or type of services, programs, or projects Renovations or development of new facilities (i.e., computer laboratories or relocation) Acquisition of new or disposition of old equipment Other changes affecting the department not included above and including interactions with other departments E. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION, 2013-2014 INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill in the table below according to the assessment you conducted this academic year. In the column, “recommended action plan,” please indicate the reasons for the recommended action(s) and any recommended modifications to target outcome(s). Key Performance Indicator* Number of Target outcome(s) for Key Performance Indicator** Schedule one Actual outcome(s) Met; Recommended action plan CETL provides 2 Recommende d status of Core Activity and KPI (see menu) Continue Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department workshops planned, developed, and implemented through CETL and OAA SL 101 and one reflection workshop each semester through CETL August 30, 2013 and January 15, 2014 Number of ASL faculty who will join the Across the Disciplines protocol At least 5 ASL faculty using the Across the Disciplines data at conferences and/ or publications Number of faculty new to ASL Increase by 10% the number of faculty new to ASL Met; On October 17, 2013, the OASL organized and coordinated a data analysis meeting with faculty. The following faculty reported to the OASL that they either presented/wrote articles/chapter sections on ASL using the data analysis provided through the protocol data: E. Goldhammer, A. Ferdenzi, and J. Schwartz Exceeded The ASL Director attended and provided an overview of ASL at the new faculty orientation; the OASL staff met with the chairs of the ET, Nursing, Speech, Academic Literacy, and English departments. Through the Teagle and Perkins grants 2013-2014 Academic Year across HIPs professional development: course design and reflection. OASL will add Individualized Planning Conference (IPC). ASL faculty will receive information concerning the protocol and OASL will input protocol data and disseminate data to participating faculty. OASL will provide awareness of ASL to Btech faculty. OASL will: disseminate 2013-14 accomplishmen ts to the community through the ServiceLearner. One on one recruitment Continue to provide if funding remains for research analyst. Continue Queensborough Community College Number of returning ASL practitioners Number of faculty referred to HIPs librarian Number of faculty incorporating the alignment template into the course syllabus Number of faculty new to the Across the Disciplines protocol 60% of ASL practitioners will continue to incorporate an ASL project 5 additional faculty are referred to the HIPs librarian who will assist them with lit review Non-teaching Department additional faculty were recruited. 21 new/124 existing= 17% increase 50% 82 unique faculty offered ASL. Of these 82, 21 were new; thus, 61 returned. (Base is 124.) The OASL scheduled frequent meetings with the HIP librarian. Faculty were referred as needed. HIP Librarian collaborates with OASL on appropriate links. 25 faculty will Exceeded incorporate 46 faculty the alignment completed the template into online template the course syllabus during the 2013-14 academic year. 5 additional Exceeded; faculty 11 additional will faculty participate in participated: the Across to Ed Diller, Disciplines Eva Hampton, protocol Steven Dahlke, Arthur Adair, Merlinda Drini, 2013-2014 Academic Year through the various departments Announce publications ASL practitioners will continue to receive letters and certificates of participation so that their ASL work may be recognized and applied toward their tenure/promotion process. The HIP librarian will directly work with HIP faculty. Continue Completed For 2014-15, the OASL will invite faculty to set up an Individual Planning Conference (IPC) to review ASL Student Learning Outcomes Modified ASL faculty will receive information concerning ASL protocol. Any faculty who wish to participate in protocol will be accommodated. Continue Queensborough Community College Number of faculty participating in the Across the Disciplines survey Data collection Number of faculty receiving the data Non-teaching Department Yusuf Gurtas, Megan Elias, Tanya Zhelezcheva, Cary Lane, Cheryl ComeauKirschner, Anthony Kolios Maintain the Met; number Survey Monkey of faculty was used for easier participating distribution and in the data collection; Across the ASL sections that Disciplines needed computer protocol access were accommodated in the ALLC when available. All other sections that could not be accommodated were distributed on paper and the data transferred to Survey Monkey by the OASL staff. Data Met; collection will The OASL be collected the coordinated protocol data. with the Office of Institutional Research and Academic Affairs 3 faculty will Exceeded meet 5 faculty met with with the the Learning Learning Outcomes Manager Outcomes Manager for interpretation of results 2013-2014 Academic Year Maintain the use and increase the use of Survey Monkey as the mechanism for the protocol distribution. Continue The OASL will continue to collect the data. Continue Dependent on funding, hire an assistant research analyst who will support faculty in interpreting their data. Continue Queensborough Community College Revised ASL protocol, reflection activities and rubrics Number of completed reports Number of external funding proposals received 10% of ASL faculty will explore content analysis using reflection activities with accompanying rubrics Internal and external reports will be completed accurately and timely. One external funding received Number of student clubs participating in Earth Day events. At least 25 % of student clubs will participate in Earth Day tabling events Expand the number Increase by of CBOs interviewed 25% the number of CBOs interviewed Hits to SL website Increase hits by 25% Number of Increase by Non-teaching Department Postponed Met; The ASL database continues to expand; files are uploaded to Sharepoint Met Met; 6 clubs participated. 2013-2014 Academic Year Professional development for the HIPs has been in transition during this academic year. CETL now provides the reflection workshop. Maintain an archive of the ASL activities. Continue Ask Office of Continue Sponsored Programs to identify external funding opportunities as they arise. Modify; plan other Modify collaborative servicelearning/clubrelated activities which may include Earth Day Exceeded; 29% of CBOs were interviewed Will continue to expand the number of CBOs interviewed Continue 3,900 page views from September 2013 to May 2014; page views spiked in February, March and April; time on the page increased December through April 50 faculty Conduct usability study to improve user need; goal is to decrease bounce rate Modify Due to the Continue Queensborough Community College faculty completing an ASL project form at the beginning of each semester Newsletter Number of faculty presenting at conferences and/or publishing articles Number of environmental ASL projects per semester. 25% the number of faculty completing an ASL project form at the beginning of each semester. One newsletter will be produced each semester. At least 5 faculty will present and/or publish on ASL Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year completed the form addition of the during the course learning outcomes of the semester on the ASL project form, the updated form was not available until the end of the semester Met Fall 2013; Spring 2014 Pending Exceeded; May 2, 2014 CUE Conference, Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom; March 1, 2014 TriState Best Practices Conference: Collaborations and Connections; and May 2, 2014 NYMAPS Conference, “Advocacy in Practice: Engaged Teaching and Researching for Social Change Plan and Exceeded organize Fall 2013 two Nature Blog; environmental Workshop on projects per recording Data in semester the Fields; Posters on Environmental Sustainability; Public Service Announcements for Bicycling; Spring 2014: One newsletter per Continue semester will be produced Forward ASL conference and publication opportunities to faculty as they arrive Continue Continue outreach to faculty in the related environmental disciplines. Completed Queensborough Community College Number of faculty receiving letters and certificates for participation Acknowledge partnerships accomplishments Acknowledge staff contributions Acknowledge students participating in ASL 100% of faculty participating in ASL will be recognized through letters and certificates. 100% of community partners participating in ASL will be recognized through letters and certificates. 100% of staff supporting ASL will be recognized through letters and certificates. 100% of students participating in ASL will be recognized through certificates. Non-teaching Department Recycling; Nature Blog; Surveying Walking Trails; Environmental Lab Activities Met; all faculty (82) received a letter and certificate 2013-2014 Academic Year All faculty will receive a letter and certificate of participation Continue Met; All community partners (39) received letters and certificates of participation All community partners will receive a letter and certificate of participation Continue Pending; will be completed in June 2014 All staff will receive a certificate of appreciation Continue Met; all students (2000) received certificates of participation All students will receive a certificate of participation Continue Notes: *The items in this column correspond to “indicators to be assessed” in part A, column 3. **To be more effective and meaningful, assessment efforts should focus on selected KPIs each academic year; over time, assessments should be rotated through all the department’s KPIs. MENU Queensborough Community College Completed Continuing Modified Discontinued Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year Core activity has been completed Core activity and KPI will continue as before Core activity and KPI have been modified Core activity and KPI have been discontinued F. ASSESSMENT PLAN FOR NEW YEAR, 2014-2015 Core Activity (New Year) Key Performance Indicator (New Year) Recruit new faculty Number of who will faculty incorporate incorporating academic serviceacademic learning (ASL) into service-learning their courses for the first time Sustain ASL faculty Recruit new community partners Maintain returning community partners Number of faculty who repeat a servicelearning project more than once Number of new community partners recruited Number of community partners that have sustained partnerships for at least 2 semesters Bounce rate Improve and maintain the OASL website to support ASL faculty, students and community partners Track ASL faculty, Timely data community input Target Outcome(s)* Increase the number of faculty incorporating a service learning project into a course by 10% (124 baseline =12 new) 50% of practitioners will continue to incorporate an ASL project Increase by 10% (Baseline 55 = 5 new partners) Maintain sustainable relationships with 65% of existing partners (Baseline 55) Decrease bounce rate by 10% Input data in OASL database Plan for Achieving Target Outcome Provide awareness of BTech to QCC faculty; one on one recruitment through various departments; announce faculty publications on service-learning Outreach and provide materials and logistical support One on one meetings, email, community outreach, maintain high quality webpages about community partners Provide outreach and logistical support Conduct usability surveys with faculty and revise website accordingly All staff becomes familiar with data entry Division Head Approval (D ate) Queensborough Community College Non-teaching Department partners and projects Provide students with orientation to the community partner Number of orientations of community partner organization provided to students Number of ASL events planned, developed, coordinated and implemented Number of ASL newsletter distributed, number of postings on ASL and college website, community publications, and number of presentations made Number of letters and certificates 50% of classes will receive an orientation Provide individualized recognition for students Number of certificates 100% of students will receive a certificate of participation Provide individualized recognition to staff Number of certificates 100% of staff who supported ASL will receive a Plan, develop, coordinate ASL events Inform the community of the ASL accomplishments Provide individualized recognition for faculty and community partners 2 events per year ASL information will be distributed in at least 2 different media 100% of faculty and community partners will receive a letter and certificate of appreciation 2013-2014 Academic Year and enters data as it is acquired. Dependent on funding Email service-learning faculty requesting an orientation; follow up with phone calls; Schedule meetings with student clubs and governments and faculty; for example, I Love Science Day ; Earth Day Newsletter will be distributed to QCC community, and community partners; ASL website and college website will be updated; marketing will be informed of events. Compile list of faculty and community partners from database; create certificates and letter for each; copy letter for chair and provost; deliver/mail all letters/ certificates Obtain student roster from IT ; verify servicelearning students with faculty; create certificates for each student; deliver certificates to all classes Compile list of staff; create certificates; deliver certificates Queensborough Community College Hold Individualized Planning Conferences (IPC) Encourage academic servicelearning faculty compliance with HIP policies Recruit new CBOs and maintain existing partnerships Percent of ASL faculty scheduling an IPC completing a ASL project form Number of course design forms and reflection assignments submitted Number of new partners; number of maintained CBOs Non-teaching Department certificate of appreciation 50% of ASL practitioners will complete a form Schedule an IPC with ASL faculty to discuss the requirements of the form 50% of the faculty will submit course design forms and reflection assignments Recruit at least 2 new CBOs and continue to maintain partnerships with at least 50% of partners we have worked with in the past year. All faculty requesting their classes be surveyed will be accommodated. Improve instructions on website and support faculty who need additional help Schedule administration of Across the Disciplines surveys and administer online through Survey Monkey or paper surveys in classroom OASL will collect, input, clean, and code data for analysis Oversee, recruit, and maintain faculty participation in the Across the Disciplines protocol Schedule administration of post-servicelearning project surveys Number of faculty requesting survey. Number of faculty participating in survey All faculty requesting their classes be surveyed will be accommodated. Collect, input, clean, and code ASL protocol data for analysis Number of Across the Disciplines surveys collected, inputted, cleaned and coded. Report of Across 100% of data will be collected, inputted, cleaned, and coded Analyze the Across 2013-2014 Academic Year Aggregate and Plan, develop, and host a community building breakfast which is dependent on funding; distribute ASL newsletter; maintain contact with community partners; distribute community partner survey E-mails will be sent to all ASL faculty informing them of the survey. Research analyst will Queensborough Community College the Disciplines survey data the Disciplines data analysis Distribute aggregate and faculty-specific survey results to faculty Number of faculty receiving survey results Collaborate with Institutional Research and Assessment to design the servicelearning questions in the HIP campuswide survey Collect data on the impact of ASL projects in meeting community needs Provide logistical support to implement ASL projects Revised HIP service-learning questions Support ASL faculty in preparing presentations, grant proposals and publications and implementing special grants and projects Plan, organize, develop, and implement the Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year faculty-specific data will be analyzed; aggregate and faculty-specific report will be produced All faculty who participate in survey will receive aggregate and faculty-specific survey results Revised HIP questions will be completed by Fall 2014 survey analyze and produce report dependent on funding Number of community partner surveys showing impact Number of projects provided with logistical support 50% of CBOs interviewed will report impact Number of grants/ presentations/gra nt proposals and publications that the OASL assists 100% of faculty asking for assistance will be accommodated Compile list of CBOs, email survey, schedule interviews, follow up with phone calls Email all servicelearning faculty asking if they need logistical support; coordinate travel arrangements, oversee permission slips, coordinate time and dates of projects; process reimbursement forms Calls for presentations, and publications are emailed to faculty; responding faculty will receive assistance Number of faculty joining an overarching 5 faculty will oversee an overarching OASL will provide awareness to overarching projects to faculty; 100% of projects requiring logistical support will be accommodated Faculty will be emailed the overall and facultyspecific their results Schedule meetings with Institutional Assessment HIP Survey Coordinator Queensborough Community College expansion of overarching ASL projects between QCC and community partners ASL student awards for dedication/accompl ishments Refine the student reflection assignment to align with the servicelearning learning outcomes Report on servicelearning activities to funders and administration as required Apply for external funding Non-teaching Department 2013-2014 Academic Year project project OASL will explore possible disciplines that may support overarching projects Number of students receiving an award/certificate for outstanding academic and civic transformation Revised student reflection assignment OASL will acknowledge outstanding service-learning student performance. OASL will email service-learning faculty requesting nominations for outstanding service learning performance Learning outcomes will be aligned with the reflection questions. Number of reports completed Meet all reporting deadlines Schedule meetings with HIP coordinator to finalize ASL learning outcomes and develop scaffolded reflection questions. Use updated ASL database to compile information requested for reports Number of proposals awarded One external funding grant awarded Ask Office of Sponsored Programs to identify external funding opportunities as they arise *Targets indicated here will direct assessment efforts for the following year – see part A, column 3. Before submitting your year-end report to the Office of Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness, please send it to your divisional head or supervising dean for review and approval. Once approved and submitted, the report will be posted as a pdf document on the college’s website.