STRESS IN THE CARTILAGE OF THE HUMAN HIP JOINT by THOMAS MACIROWSKI SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF SCIENCE and DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 1983 Signature of Author., . Department of M, anical Engineerin•, February 1983 Certified by ............................ Thesis Accepted by ....... ' OF T•• IS TECHNOLOGY JUN 23 1•<!I ID1 PIFSp .......................... De p a rtm e n t al Archives Supervisor CTr Chairman - 2- STRESS IN THE CARTILAGE OF THE HUMAN HIP JOINT by Thomas Macirowski Submitted to th February 15, 1983 in the Degrees of Bachel of Science. Department of Mechanical Engineering on rtial fulfil Iment of the requirements for of Science, Master of Science, and Doctor ABSTRACT factors of the mechanical To understand the possible ro which determine tissue deformat n and fluid flow in normal of ost eoarthritis, the state synovial joints in the pathogenesi of stress in the cartilage in situ i n the human hip joint is In particular, the nature of the interarticular described. boundary condition and its impli cations for the function of the synovial joint are discussed. The geometry and the poro elastic constitutive properties of normal adult articular c artil age in the human hip joint have been The time response of both the surface measured experimenta lly. stress distribution and the s urface displacement of the cartilage by in the acetabulum of the human hip joint when loaded instrumented endopr ostheses has been measured. Modelling of the human hip joint, inc orporatin g the measurements described has been the sur f ace boundary conditions governing predict to used interarticular flui d flow, i.e. the the local and global resistance to fluid flow in t he interarticular space. Fluid flow The result is the toward and parallel to the spa ce are included. first experimentall y determi ned estimate of the time dependent resistance to fluid flow in the interarticular space and its effects on the solid stress and fluid pressure in the cartilage. The ratio of the resistance to ow in the fluid interarticular space to the resistance to flow i the cartil age layer increases under static load from about one to twen ty. The flow in the interarticular space relative to tha t in the layer decreases in about the same proportion. It appears that for good i nterarticul ar sealing to occur the interarticular space needs to be much smaller than the unloaded shape of the carti lage surface. The fluid pressure typically supports ninety pe rcent of the load, even after twenty minutes; corre spondingly the stress in the solid matrix remains small. This has important implications for the load bearing and lubrication functions of articular cartilage. Thesis Supervisor: Titl e: Robert W. Mann Whitaker Professor of Biomedical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering - 3- To Chris, My sine qua non -4- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I would like to thank Professor Robert W. Mann, my advisor, for the opportunities he gave me. I have benefited greatly from his experience, insight, guidance, and support. Most of all, he provided us with a wonderful environment to learn and grow in. Slobodan Tepic, my friend and c ollaborator, his magnificant skills, insight, and patience Our projects have always been done j ointlv, and this thesis could have been so also. Doctor William H. Harris has provided with all his clinical and medical expertise. for his time, effort, and enthusiasm. contri buted nselfi shly. onlyv wish this project I am grateful Professors Klaus-Jurgen Bathe and Michael P. Cleary were responsible not only for teaching me the fundamentals of mechanics but also the phy sical in sight necessary to apply them in a sensible way. Thei r readiness to offer advice and criticism is most ap peciated. Paul Rushfeldt, who began the in vitro program, left an enormous amount of working software, without which none of the experiments been possible. John Dent, who introduced project, did an excellent job of tackling subject of cartilage mechanics. in a clear and The roots of this work trully c ome from Paul' investigations and discoveries. experimental hardware and would have me to this e difficult actical way. and John's I thank Dave Palmer for his technical and other contributions to this project. The hip simulator he designed and built has performed admirably. Ralph Burgess has always been able and willi ng to lend hand a helping with the electronics and general trouble-shooting. Dr. Charles McCutchen, who pioneered the concept of interarticular fluid flow, has provoked many interesting discussions. Erik Antonsson was always willing to share his talents, times of distress. in particula rly The laboratory's computers haver run as well. Brad computing friend. Hunter provided much needed electronic and help in the early days and has continued as a - 5Andy Hodge were always Dr. Joe Halcomb and Dr. helpful on cl inical and other matters. Their willingness to contribute in an engineering environment is app reciated. Maureen Hayes kept our financial and other in order and was always willing affairs sympathetic e ar. bueracratic to lend a Lucille Blake typed too many abstracts and proposals on too short deadlines without complaint. and Fijan, Steve Madreperla, Bob contributed their respective tal ents to general. all. Cary Abul-Haj was a friend and Harrigan Tim the project in confidant through it The Department of Mechanical Engineeri ng Staff made MIT a socialble place to work. I thank my parents-in-law Richard and Mary Torbinski, who treated me the best way they knew -- 1 ike a son, and my parent s who only wanted me to do my best. Her love and Finally, I am indebted to Christina. always been has advice her and devotion are unequaled her. without it done have insightful. I couldn't This work was conducted in the Eric P. and Evelyn Human and Biomechanics for Laboratory E. Newman Engineering Mechanical of Department Rehabilitation in the at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was The Kroc Foundation, The Office of the supported by: Provost at MIT, and the Whitaker Professorship of Biomedical Engineering. The National Institutes of Health Grant Number 5-RO1-AM16116 supported earlier phases of the study. - 6- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 - BACKGROUND 2.1 The Synovial Joint 2.1 .1 Cartilage 2.1.2 Performance 2.2 Osteoarth ritis 2.2.1 Description 2.2.2 Cl assificiation 2.2.3 Pathogenesis 2.3 Previous 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 CHAPTER 3 - Work Lubrication Cartilage Properties Failure THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 3.1 Porelastic Materials 3.1.1 Compressible Constituents 3.1.2 Incompressibl e Constituents 3.2 One-Dimensional Consolidation 3.2.1 Vertical Flow 3.2.2 Lateral Flow 3.2.3 Frequency Response 3.3 Interarticular Resistance - 7 - CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE 4.1 Equipment 4.2 Geometry 4.3 Swelling 4.4 Pressure Distribution 4.5 Consolidation CHAPTER 5 - RESPONSE OF THE CARTILAGE LAYER 5.1 Simulation 5.1.1 Description of the Model 5.1.2 Finite Element Formulation 5.1.3 Interarticular Boundary Condition 5.2 Results 5.3 5.3 5.3 99 107 Solid and Fl uid Stress Interarticul ar Flow Interarticul ar Resistance CHAPTER 6 - CONCLUSIONS 120 APPENDIX A - COMPUTER PROGRAMS 131 APPENDIX REFERENCES - FREQUENCY RESPONSE 175 181 -8LIST OF FIGURES 2-1. Schematic Cross-Section of an Layer 2-2. Frontal View of the Hip Joint 2-3. Side View of the Hip Joint Articular Cartilage 2-4. Axes of Motion at the Hip Joint 2-5. Friction and Deformation versus Time for on Glass Cartilage 2-6. Weeping Lubrication 3-1. Vertical Flow Model Geometry 3-2. Consolidation versus Time for Vertical 3-3. Lateral Flow Model Geometry 3-4. Phase Shift for Compressible Constitiu ents 3-5. Surface Flow Model 4-1. In Vitro Facility 4-2. Instrumented Prosthesis 4-3. Prosthesis for Consolidation Measurement 4-4. Ultrasonic Apparatus 4-5. Femoral 4-6. Acetabulum Mounting 4-7. Cartilage Surface Deviations from Spheri city 4-8. Cartilage to Calcified-Cartilage Deviations from Sphericity 4-9. Cartilage Thickness 4-10. Swelling Surface Displacement 4-11. Log Surface Displacement Fl ow Head Mounting Interface - 94-12 Best Linear Fit 4-13 Swelling Surface Displacement 4-14 Best Linear Fit 4-15 Surface Stress Measurement 4-16 Surface Stress: 0 Minutes 4-17 Surface Stress: 5 Minutes 4-18 Surface Stress: 20 Minutes 4-19 Consolidation Measurement 4-20 Prosthesis Position 4-21 Prosthesis Displacement along Load Axis 4-22 Log Prosthesis Displacement 5-1. Surface Flow Model 5-2. Coupled Solid-Fluid Analysis Flowchart 5-3. Calculated Surface Flow: 0 Minutes 5-4. Calculated Surface Flow: 5 Minutes 5-5. Calculated Surface Flow: 20 Minutes 5-6. Calculated Solid Stress: 0 Minutes 5-7. Calculated Solid Stress: 5 Minutes 5-8. Calculated Solid Stress: 20 Minutes r. 0 Average Gap Conductance: 450 N 5-1 Average Gap Conductance: 900 N 5-1 Biot Number 5-1 Average Stress B-I. Cartilage Plug Confinement for the Frequency Response Measurements B-2. Phase Shift Between Surface Displacement and Load - 10 - CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - 11 - Synovial or diarthroidal joints p rovide mobility to the Healthy skeleton. human carrying loads that can weight joints reach perform three extremely well, five to times body lower extremities during normal walking, in the at of velocities ranging down to near zero , with a coefficient friction as low as 0.01, over a life -time of several mill ion cycles per in material Unfortunately, year. synovial the biological art icular cartilage, is not joints, Its incidence degenerative disease known as osteoa rthrit is. and severity generally increase with age; are treatment [1]. a is The most widespread joint affliction indestructible. Americans bear ing over 16 mill ion affected seriously enough to require medi cal In fact, the almost ubitqu itous occurence of this type of joint failu re has been the major motivation for the study of articular the mecha nics cartilage. of Despite the synovial extensive epidemiol ogi cal research the etiology of joints biological osteoarthritis and and is unknown [106 Both the inherent load-bearing function of diarthroidal joints and the morphology of the lesions that characterize osteoarthritis suggest that mechanical factors are important in The the etiology and subsequent development of the disease. changes fraying and in osteoarthritic splitting at areas and vary in severity at affected joint [45]. cartilage, most notably the surface, occur in localized different locations in the - 12 - The research hypothesis we advance local here assumes that mechanical factors which determine tissue deformation and fluid flow important in role normal synovial joints play in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. goal of this work is to explicate the mechanical also importance of an The these factors for the behavior of the cartilage in the synovial joint and their possible role in its failure in osteoarthritis. The determination of the state of stress in synovial joints in cartilage and its relation to mechanical factors such as joint load magnitude, direction , and the geometry layers, along tissue, is certain and propert ies mechanical information with essential on the frequency of the cartilage strength physiological conditions and the circumstances failure inevitable. The goal of this thesis is to develop estimate of to support the hypothesis that under mechanical to and of the tissue is likely or even a model stress in the cartilage 1 ayer of the human hip joint. Chapter 2 contains background information on synovial joint mechanics. Chapter 3 develops some simple theoretical models compression for conditions. the cartilage under various Chapter 4 describes the experimental techniques and the results of cartilage of layer measurements and the stress of the on the geometry surface of the of the - 13 - cartilage in the intact acetabulum. the experimental Chapter 5 inco rporates results and theoretical analysis in a model of the cartilage layer. Finally Chapter 6 conta ins conclusions and recommendations for future research. the - 14 - CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND - 15 - 2.1 THE SYNOVIAL JOINT The bones the skeleton joints. In of or articulations of parts diarthroses the the are the bones at connected joints movable the (usually or ends) the joint are covered by articular cartilage, which forming forms the joint surface, and enclosed in a capsule formed of hence capsule is lined with a synovial membrane, The ligaments. The joint. membrane transparent fluid -- synovial viscous, thick, a secretes synovial synonym, common a fluid. 2.1.1 Cartilage The articular cartilage is of the hyaline distingui shed from fibro-cartilage. variety, as The tissue consists of a sparse distribution of cells (chondrocytes) immersed in an The matrix is mostly water, typical ly extracell ular matrix. The remainder is a meshwork 70 to 80 percent by weight. collagen proteogly cans chains (PG). The as composed of of charged disaccharides known as glycosaminoglyca ns affinity solution. The swell ing of of the PG the PG's is resi In cartilage the intrinsi gel is greater than a have The PG molecules for water, tending to expand their collagen fiber mesh. volume are proteoglycans (GAG) att ached to a protein core. high known nonfibrous - filler a and fibers of volume in ed by the eaui 1 ibrium the actual - 16 - physiologi cal restrained i.e. equil ibrium; collagen the by tensioned by the PG' s [90]. a molecula r scal e or influ en ce effects network, swelli ng which in level phenomenon propagation in PG's are turn is appears to be This "tensioning" fiber wave the the its since ultrasonic (5-20 MHz) range (se e section 4.2). Morphologically, neither homogeneous the composition nor isotropic. of cartilage is The cartilage layer is classified into four descriptive zones, distinguished by the of morphology (Figure 2-1). formed from the collagen fibers and the cells The most superficial few microns appear to be a layer of fine fibers known as the lamina splendons (LS) [701 that covers the articular cartilage. order In of increasing distance from the cartilage surface the layers are: 1. The superficial fibers are (tangential) zone in which the oriented primarily parallel to the surface. Locally there is a preferred with joint collagen orientation type and location. which varies The cells are generally oval shaped with long axes also parallel to the surface. This [101]. layer has the greatest collagen and water content - 17 - StVpERI AL ZIoK E TRi'srio r - ZONME CACt.c.tC. i CAlTiL.AGE Su.Zc.wkoms.bAo,. Figure 2-1. Cross-Section of an Articular Cartilage Layer Bota - 18 - 2. The transitional zone in which the fibers are arranged obliquely in a more random network. 3. The deep zone in which radial to the surface. 4. the fibers are predominately The cells are large and round. The calcified zone in which there are few cells and matrix It contains many salt crystals. the deep zone visible by the "tidemark" the i s divided from (TM), a blue line In older in hematoxyline stained preparati ons. tissue multiple tidemarks are often visibl e [115]. The cells or chondrocytes seem to and meiotic activity. has been observed near lack DNA However, cell division and synthesis clefts and defects cartilage and the cells do divide in culture. in are as injury [82], currently cartilage the arthritic The cells are metabolically active and the effects of external (such synthesis influences pressure [107], and temperature [81]) subject of intense research. The is devoid of nerves, lymphs, a'nd vascularization. This implies that information, nutrients, and wastes must be exchanged through the matrix via the synovial fluid. 2.1.2 Function Synovial joints and articular cartilage lifetime often under a wide range of demanding conditions. are two basic functional requirements for synovial last a There joints; - 19 - carriage and articulation. load The loads load across the bones of the joint. transferring while articulation during constraint kinematic smooth The joint surfaces provide that act across the joints have two components; those that from the gravitational and inertial forces acting on result acting the limbs and the forces of the muscles cases, including the weight-bearing lower In many joint. the across major the provide forces muscle extremities, the contribution. Since this thesis is concerned with the human hip joint it is consider to instructive functional its requirements in more detail. The bal 1 and socket geometry of the hip joint 2-2 & 2-3) the reflects the movemen ts flexion/extension n adduction/abducti on n rotation along the standing on one l eq the center of axis The mus c-le the femur. of motion provide both stabilty and small1 (relative to the ma ss) of w alking The moment arm of the abductor orces v phase so the muscle from distance force comparatively large to balance the torque generated weight of the body. and plane, medial-lateral duri ng the stance require large mus cl e muscles is relati vel plane, anterior-posterior the of the s implest cases of equilibriu m when Ev joint. consis t 2-4) (Figure the must forces across the h to hi p long th demands for mobility; functional the (Figures must by be the Typically the net load across the joint is estimated to be two to three times body weight during - 20 - Figure 2-2. Frontal View of the Hip Joint - 21 - Su Figure 2-3. Side View of the Hip Joint - 22 - supgmeridian" I Oxt %equ Figure 2-4. Axes of Motion at the Hip Joint - 23 - to ten times body weight during running seven and walking and jumping [32],[109]. to It is important that note in cases the muscle forces represent an estimate based on most motion; the force required to generate a measured kinematic possible are joint the about produce which forces muscle higher the same net torques the if are muscles co-contracting. cartilage These loads must be supported by the of the joi nt and the femoral head. acetabulum tot al the typ ically cartil age area in Du ring normal 1000 mm . the walking bod y weight or 750 N dict ates an averaqe str on the adult hip cetabulum load of twice of s 1.5 MPa The hip join t will routin e ly experi ence load duri ng one mil lion walking cycles e ach year. thi s is howev er we have found the maximum stress the cartila ge; is much higher. layers The per •formance of healthy synovia 1 joints under t hese condi tons good. The friction coeff i cient of whole is astonishing ly hip joints has been measu red in the range of 0 .005 to [24 1. Many This joints seem unfortunately synovial joints people. better is many can than Teflon against Teflon (0.04). perform to do be 0 .024 not. very well The high, for a lifetime; frequency of failure of especially in older - 2.2 24 - OSTEOARTHRITIS The most common disease of the joints for cause their osteoarthritis. disease failure) a Despite its suffix it characterized cartilage (hence a less disease). is Rheumatoid by disease name arthritis, major known as is a non-inflammatory of degenera tion used the (and -- the articular degenerative joint in contrast, attacks the synovial membranes. Osteoarthritis is widespread, increasing age with [1]. Although in incidence not an inevitable consequence of it is the most common cause of work dis ability [129]. aging If for no other reason than its omnipresence, it has been a major subject for medical research. 2.2.1 Description Disintegration of the articular cartilage is common feature of osteoarthritis. (fibrillation) appears. most Early in the course of the disease the cartilage becomes soft and surface the fraying of the Meanwhile the chondrocytes increase their metabolic rate, both with respect to the rate of synthesis of proteoglycans and collagen [87], along with cell division and proliferation near splits and mechanically damaged cartilage. As the disease progresses the cartilage often becomes thinner, leading in some cases to of the cartilage, total exposing the bone (eburnation). loss As the - 25 - pain incipient after joint disease of the by the impaired further be may function symptom of course the in later osteoarthritis; classical the is activity trabeculae. the of thickening new bone (osteophytes) and Joint via including formation of bone cysts and remodelling; active changes dramatic undergoes it exposed bone becomes remodelling of the bone and joint surfaces. Classification 2.2.2 Osteoarthriti s is clas sif ied by the (lack of) of in factors etiological "Secondary" disease. the evidence arthritis results from changes in the joint previ ous to the onset of the disea;se, such as gross anatomical abnormalities or other majority (such disease arthri tis). rheumatoid The of cases (58 percent by one estimate [134]) do not C ases. idiopathic these are the so-called have a kn 0 wn cause primary as A pervasive problem in identifying first causes is that the progressive changes associated disease have any o bliterated deformati e s (such as seen or after changes. primary a with epiphysis slipped the Mild or Legg-Pert hes disea se) have been identified in a majority (79 percent) of cases in osteoarth ritis [134]. directly to mechan ical a particular Evidence damage of study that the of such "idiopathic" changes cartilage through excessive stress) is still lacking. lead (perhaps The association of mechanical factors with the initiation and development of - 26 - osteoarthritis is the primary hypothesis of this research. Pathogenesis 2.2.3 Although the mechanical is joints inescapable, factors su as establ ishi is and in on stress obsc ure. failure its the loads and activity. synovial the boundary nce the way i the mechanics r pathogenesis Further work on of the of the to during daily in a normal the role of mechanical factors in osteoarthritis abnormalities can be addressed. of ca rtilage, for example, strength might be suggested by predictions effects imposed the thesis cartilage fun ctions cartilage of This osteoarth ritis. conditions understood, functioning This is the first step toward attempts to relate the state of stress in the the synovial in exact influence of mechanical a relationsh ip between and joint the geometry int synovial role of cartilage of the details of the that p resumably can lead to osteoarthritis. 2.3 PREVIOUS WORK Bi omec hanical studies of synovial joints have primarily on two topics: articular c artilage. its role in the lubrication and the mechanics of Cartilage is a of function understood and the subject focussed of complex synovial much material and joints is poorly research and intense - 27 - The most common cause of the confusion has been the debate. synovial joint as a the and/or material a as cartilage in this research A brief history of the relevant system. to models engineering traditional of misapplication field is given here to orient the reader with respect to the work described in this thesis. 2.3.1 Lubrication (]L) In vitro whole categories. an average coef fice nt joint studies have measured fricti on of joints under va riou s conditions. different two of Joint lubrication studies have been ani mal and human for human hip joint ) ha ve ranged from 0.003 [78] to 0.05 Even values high est the are types of man-ma4de bearings hydrodynamic b eari ngs. and more pr ecis e and geometry and experiments of this sliding all to comparable fluid-f ilm (2) Exp eriments on small cartil age been used to achieve McCutchen steady-state than rather performed the first [94] type with sma 1ll bovine cartilage pl ugs The most sign iificant result was that on gla SS. to calculation of the loaded contact a rea slidinig. oscillatory [14 9]. much better than almost specimens again st an artificial s urface have allow the The quoted values (for the friction began low (0.002 to 0.02 ) and rose with time (up to 0.2) as separated replaced, the from cart i lage consol idated. the glass fo r a If the ca rtilage was few seconds and t hen the friction was reduced but quickly rose when the - 28 - load was reapplied (Figure 2-5). expe riments cartilage samples in a rotating geometry using A more set recent of demo nstrated that the friction and deformation under dynamic load ing is much less than under static loading. Various engineering lubrication from theories have been "adap ted" to explain the phenomenally low friction coeeficient of cartilage. every traditional lubrication regime In fact, virtually has been proposed for cartilage. The list includes [135]: 1. Hydrodynamic mechanism Lubrication depends upon the maintenance wedge-shaped film of synovial fluid surfaces. This is [79]). (MacConaill unlikely given of between This a thick, the joint the reciprocating motion of a synovial joint. 2. Boundary Lubrication (Charnley [24]). molecules, A thin presumably from the synovial fluid, layer of attaches to the cartilage surfaces and provides the low friction. Charnley suggested this could account for the near independence of the friction with sliding speed 3. Elastohydrodynamic (Dintenfass [36]). 1., An extension of compliance of the bearing surfaces and the change in lubricant viscosity are included in order to enhance the maintenance of a layer of fluid separating the surfaces. - 29 - C EU 2 0 Ii 0 C S U S 0 ha 10 20 Duration of loading (minutes) 0 Figure 2-5. Friction and Deformation versus Time for Cartilage on Glass 't, .. oo,.,^ - i-gure.. - - ::. 0.. . 2-6.WepingLu.bricat Figure 2-6. Weeping Lubrication . :- .. :::. :: .:: - - 30 - 4. al. Boosted Lubrication (Walker, et molecules large of the synovial enter the small (6 nm) pores of If [150]). the fluid are u nable to the then cartilage a concentrated hyaluronate would be left on the surface to lubricate. [96] The most obvious problem is that it with this theory requires fluid to flow from the squeeze film into the cartilage layers. 5. Weeping Lubrication (McCu tchen [94]). This proposes type of self-pressurized hydrostatic bearing, of the load is manner) the by supporte d slow compression of the (in a l ayers, between the layers (Figur e 2-6). frictionless into the by the synovi al space Solid-solid contact of the asperities is the sou rce of the friction well-lubricated where most of fluid, supplied from seepage carti lage nearly a fluid (which is if the solid stress is less than 0.45 MPa [98 1) and of the local seal to prevent the pressur ized fl uid from quickly flowing out of the interarticular space. rate of seepage He noted that actual would depend on the microstructure of the cartilage surface [93]. The question of whether a squeeze film can prevent opposing surface of cartilage from making contact has been analyzed in much detail by Piotrowski the effects the [111]. He included of shear-thinning of the synovial fluid. Dent [34] applied these equations to a hypothetical bearing 13 mm - 31 - in with radius, applied an The 700 N. of load This is the thickness was predicted to reach 2 um in 0.2 s. of order the tertiary roughness of the cartil age surface, hence the she ar-thinning of synovial fluid can contact unde r film not prevent conditions simulating heel-strik e during the stance phase of walking. Cartilage Properties 2.3.2 experimental previous Most of investigations the properties of cartilage have been limited to the measurement of behavior time-dependent the cartilage isolated of specimens, usually small plugs for compression tests or thin The major problem strips for tensile tests. these tests has been stress in the sample; simply the results studies of cartilage is ultimately state stress of in cartilage the prediction the under constitutive model should be capable cartilage if best model in mind. predicting of the physiological tests conditions it is important to perform the specific at therefore are the goal of most biomechanical Since descriptive. of the exact state of to inattention most with with some In addition such a the stress in the the loading and boundary conditions are known. - 32 - Compression - For when to exampl e, the time-dependent response of cartilage it is loaded by an indentor while it is still the underl ying investiga tors bone (e.g. has been measured many The incomplete recovery of the [65]). cartilage after the load was removed led that attached to the discov e ry the ."creep" behavior observed was due primarily to the expressio n of t he interstitial water. frequentl y use d to quantify the These tests have been "topographi cal variation of rel ate the resistance of cartilage to indentation" [65] and this "creep modul us" cartilage (the so-called "2 GAG to and the collagen d epth to a ds appl ied compressiv e sti correl ate lower Finally [ 43]; in The of indentation on rubber sheets and indentor geom etries. w as The found to A similar result wa s obtaine d by in addiition the GAG content wa s found t o be to tissue modulus creep permeability [67], proportional [64]. of extent with the GAG content but not conten t. fibrillated the contents) nesses measured in this way large to with the collag Freeman con stituents second creep modulus" was determ ined from the equations rel ating th the chemical (and the correlated stra ins hiqh er). v inversely with the which also has been shown to be inversely the GAG content [91]. None of the above experiments found any correlation of the stiffness with age. - 33 - The equi librium compressive stiffness plug a cartilag e by a porous loader in compression was measure d loaded by McCutchen [94]. strains of The about than less was stiffness 40 percent. linear quite for The stiffness for cartilage soa ked in tap water was nearly twice that measure d in NaCl This was the first illustration of the sol ution. Donnan contri bution of the charged GAG's to the stiffness of the cartilage . The salt neutralizes many of these charges. Tension - In an analagous manner the response of cartilage to tensi le stres s has also been measured and compared with age, patho logical The most appearance, and various dumbbell shaped ca condyles of the "Din have been contents. performed on 200 um i 1 age specimens excised from the femoral k nee huma aligned with the 1 to tests extensive bio chemical joints [66]. The specimens were g axis either parallel or or Dri perpendicular "split line" patterns. These are elongate d cleavage li nes that are visible when the point a round pin is in s erted into the cartilage surface. lines te 'nd to foll ow t he dominant orientation of the fib ers surface collagen joint to joint but is [101]. consistent of The nearby This pattern varies from for any one type of joint. - 34 - The specimens were loaded 5 mm/min. in tension at a rate of The tensile stiffness and fracture strength were strongly rel a ted collagen co to ent. the collagen fiber and Those loaded parallel to the predomi nant the collagen fibers had oreintation orientation a stiff ness higher and fracture trength than those loaded perpendicular to the fiber direct n. The stiffness decreases with age depth from t and strenath on slightly surface. the cartilage wit h lowers the especially proteoglycan proteolytic tensile in the the coll agen enzymes zone to at not aff ected. collagenase 1 owers Treatment of both of the degrade loiw stress the perpendicular to the fiber direction. was content and Treatment of the content. stiffness deep the The tensile prope rties of stiff ness stronalv on eDend and PG's val ues, cartilage and The fracture stre ngth the the tensile of cartilage with cartilage stiffness and the fracture stre ngth. Fatigue - The fatigue strength interest since one of is of the hypotheses for failure is that surface fibrillation is the result of fatigue. fatigue The tensile strength of similar specimens from 30 femoral heads was measured by Weightman [153]. cartilage particular exhibits typical The results indicate fatigue behavior stress and number of cycles to cause failure are (i.e. that the inversely - 35 - one fatigue resistance varied considerably from The related). femor al age. with decreases and another to head co mpressive loads by an indentor on the surface of Periodic a femoral head also produced damage that appeared similar to fibrillati on . Again the major problem with these results is cartilage how to rel ate the tensile stresses and strains to in vivo. Permeability - of Since the time response on dependent flow the permeability of cartilage parameter. The cartilage interstitial the of also is to an loading water, important is permeability the same premeability in the middle zone [91]. exhibit a the materi al permeability for flow perpendicular to the surfaces decreases with the depth of the cartilage tangential is as the and the typic al Cartilage appears to non-linear dependence on the compressive strai n; become smaller. presumably the "pores" Synovial Joint Modelling 2.3.3 McCutchen [98] has reviewed the analyze the fluid flow pointed out many errors in in previous attempts the cartilage layers. describing problem and the mathematical analysis. the real to He has physic al - 36 - Two published [97] McCutchen models has are to relevant the described fluid opposing skeletons of cartilage touch. this work. when flow He assumed there the is a conductive path for fluid flow due to the channels between contact, which determines cartilage. He the estimated flow and skeletal pressure stress is tangential fluid flow in the cartilage layers is in the least when about the between the same as in the gap. Kenyon [68] calculated the amount of flow surfaces and the pressure in the fluid film as a function of the resistance to flow in the gap. if the surface resistance necessarily preve nted, is He points out that high, even the gap flow is not although the sol id stress is minimal. - 37 - CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS - 38 - 3.1 POROELASTICITY The physical structure of cartilage ( Section 2.1.1 ) and its response materials to (Section 2.3.2) are similar to many load known as porous media. Any material so (including cartilage) is comprised of a solid characterized matrix (in this case the collagen fibers, proteoglycans, and cells) which contains pores saturated with some interstitial fluid (the water). been motivated Most of the research on porous media has by and applied geo logical to following the classical work of Biot the of application porous medi a spite of the popular and [116] notoriety More recently theory of mixtu res of interacting the continua has become a [11] . materials to approach of a ffo study of articular c atilage [103]. In the ed theory" (I suppose because a the s 0 -called "biphasic nary mixtu r e is analyzed) the results thus far have provided no additional insight over the Biot formulation. A more serious problem with any porous medium model cartilage may be the characterization network and the proteoglycan gel as network. While the networks one of the equivalent of collagen single are structurely coupled and appear to move together, this characterization ignores the complex interaction of the elastic and osmotic forces which make up the externally single supplied equivalent force load. fact, we (and others [92]) In which balances an - 39 - have exploited this unique coupling of the components of the matrix of stress analysis discussed to osmotically load the cartilage. In terms to loading of herein response the of cartilage concept of a single equivalent solid the matrix proves useful and adequate. Compressible Constituents 3.1.1 The simplest approach [116] to the formulation governing equations variables. and volume It is of the pore fluid. these the assumed these are related to the per mass unit Rice and Cleary have shown that for linear isotropic materials (with compressibility) as pressure pore in the solid matrix and the strains the for the response of a porous medium is to define total stresses state of arbitrary constituent can be given in terms of relations four elastic constants as: (1) (2) ZG I+)+V') Where: B -0jZr-d) 0+V1,C Fluid mass flow J; is assumed to be governed by D'Arcy's law: r£; =i (3) - 40 - It is conventional to define an 'effective stress' <U;> the portion strain in as of the stress which is directly related to the the matrix via the conventional elasticity equations. 2G~u = <@> - 3<K(4a) < j> = OE + Twpdid (4b) Equilibrium of the forces and mass conservation lead to: O (5) +- O (6) Finally, they observe that the usual equation can be obtained form of a diffusion in terms of the stress and pore pressure: CVZ. where K+ (7) the diffussivity is given by: 2-G -1) Comparison with Equation '( TIvAý 2 -tzv)) shows satisfies a diffusion equation. the (8) fluid mass always Note that the first term in brackets is the drained uniaxial modulus. - 41 - Incompressible Constituents 3.1.2 The change in mass incompressible for formulation easily obtained from these equations. be can constituents content is strain volumetric simply pore pressure does not affect the solid matrix) the (since Biot classical The and the effective or matrix stress is the total stress minus the pore In terms of the elastic parameters the pressure. undrained Poisson's ratio V_ 6 = = 1/2 and Equations 1. 1, 2, and 4b become: (9) 2II3+ ZG(lGY) <~Y)>3 (10) >Q5' (11) The constituents of cartil age are usually assumed to be incompressible. Cartilage is 70 to 80 percent water, which has a bulk modulus (2.2 Gpa) maximum 1 00 times pressures measured in the hip joint. number molecules typically pore pressures of cells) considered induced in are also incompressible t:ypical plug the The remaining and solids (collagen fibers, proteo glycan gel, insignificant than greater a probably composed [91]. experiments of The on cartilage are usually less thar S0.2 MPa in order to keep the solid matrix strains in the elastic range. The frequency - 42 - response of cartilage was measured herein in order to check this assumption (Section 3.2.3). 3.2 ONE DIMENSIONAL CONSOLIDATION There are equati ons very few 3.1. Section of analytical solutions Simplifying to assumptions usuall y made abou t the state of strain (such uniaxi al of fluid flow. strain) and the direction as simple cases are considered here for two reasons. is their plugs. Th stress in are or Some The first pplicability to experiments on isolated cartilage secon d is to illustrate the ondit i ons boundary plane the the consolidat i on importance of the for fluid flow and their effect on the In cartilage. ( d isplacement all cases the cartilage of the solid matrix) is assumed to be limi t ed to the direction of load application. For the plug exper i ments this implies the plugs are tightly confined so latera appl icatio n bul ing of the to the cartilage layer in the intact synovial plug joint thi s trans l ates into the radial cartilage is not possible. displacement of In the layer is uniform or at least that shear is small. This is discussed later in Section 5.1.1. - 43 - 3.2.1 Vertical Flow Cartilage plugs are often tested compression. The specimens are in lateral confined put in a closely fitting (usually cylindrical chamber) and loading in compression via a very applied permeable loader Figure 3-1). to compressive assure load the is plugs fit applied A preload is usually tightly. A constant and the time response of the thickness of the specimen is measured. Since the problem is one dimensional the only variables w(z,t). the are pressure non-zero p(z,t) and the z displacement The effective stress in the load direction <(Tla) directly related to the strain LZ_: constant E the uniaxial strain modulus. via is single elastic If the material is isotropic this is simply: (12) (1-2v) If not E can be derived simply from the (see [34] material). for an example Equation 10 gives of a the elastic constants tran'sversely isotropic change in fluid content which is directly proportional to the strai n. since the total stress is constant the diffusion mass Also, equation (7) simply becomes, in terms of the fluid pressure: (13) - 44 - RIC>b PORO U5 Figure 3-1. Vertical Flow Model Geometry - 45 The boundary and initial condtions are: (14a) (14b) c):Z- (14c) The solution is given by: where where 'b: the fundamental the fundamental (15) time constant and the eigenvalues are: I I (16a) 2--t • 2_-- (16b) The surface displacement is related to pressure by: W (0-) = -P( --)) (17) a synovi al joint under It is unlikely that cartilage load has zero flux or a free drainin g surfac e. to flow at the surface is analyzed here boundary condition Equation 14b to be: by Resistance modifying the [34] (14b') - 46 - where Rd is an effective resistance at the cartilage layer. This is called a surface of the convective boundary condition from the analogy to heat flow. The solution is then[34] (18)~ -- where: r't- -+cA( (19a) - , The results (Figure 3-2) depend on the If Rd (19b) surface resistance. is large the layer consolidation is dominated by the surface resistance and the consolidation is nearly constant. 3.2.2 Lateral Flow This model assumes the cartilage is loaded by rigid, impermeable loader [34]. very porous walls (Figure 3-3). confinement flow toward the p(r,t) and written as: is loader w(r,t). not the necessary. only lateral edges If the cartilage is attached to bone and h << a then bulging is lateral flat, The specimen is also a disk of thickness h and radius a, confined at the by a negligible and Since there is no non-zero variables are Mass conservation (Equation 6) can be SURFACE RESISTANCE = 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 5. 1. 0,. 5. 0. 10. 0 1. 00 0. 90 0. 80 0. 70 0. 60 0. 50 0. 40 30 0.20 0.10 0. 00 0.0 .1.0 2.0 .TIME 3.0 Figure 3-2. Consolidation versus Time for Vertical Flow 4.0 5 - 48 - F RI g b 1AGsRbt\f£ L4 N% *. *ID) x xo ?0OA5 R~G~ tS\\ p~cERME \bl Figure 3-3. Lateral Flow Model Geometry 6o . - 49 - (20) r~ Integrating using the boundary condtions: brs ~: C (21a) (21b) 9A~ (r, Vertical (22) ' v equilibrium requires: ý-x SI + (23) This can be integrated as: / where ' 7G + (24) the radial time constant is: /?-, = (25) 1-X2 ,;a8$ The solution to Equation 21 assuming zero initial f ýý e(L -F4 1 y ~Qrr&) ~: - stra-in is: (26a) ~ C'ý t / (26b) - 50 - 3.3 FREQUENCY RESPONSE the Recently sinusoidal a cartilage plug to load was measured by Lee, et al. varying The response of of response of plug a cartilage with the [72]. boundary conditions of Section 3.2.1 was derived by Lee and confirmed by Tepic [139] using a lumped model. The results for compressible constituents are derived here. For uniaxial is E related to strain the effective vertical the total effective stress stress < < 6KK > >i- since = G~E=O. (27) <t-e- equl ibrium requires: Vertical N'i C 2GI-7 (28) The equation for mass conservartion can be rewritten as: I< P E (C-2v) ZGE +V u 3 c)4- + (29) Finally, in terms of surface displacement and fluid pressure the equations of motion are: a r 3 Is K b 2P -+ 5c Lw 3_3~ - 7-y)) /2)?-- 32,G-tVL) ýB-5e)'P (30) (31) This is the same form as Equations 2.6 and 2.7 in Wijesinghe - 51 - and Kingsbury [1561. The phase shift (Figure 3-4) is: (32) where the time constant is: /L K Where E (33) is drained and • is undrained, the phase shift will be 45 degrees only if: I< 3.4 < & ) (34) INTERARTICULAR RESISTANCE The fluid pressure and solid stress in the cartilage clearly depend on the resista nce to fluid flow at the loaded surface resistance cartilage. the of to This concept of surface fluid flow was first introduce d by Dent [34] and Kenyon [68] in reference to the boundary condition at the loaded surface of compres sed cartilage spe cimens, but it is equally applicable to the flow in in whole situ i nterarticul ar sy novial joints. resistance will depend on the thickness of the the cartilage roughness, fluid flow paths. cartilage to They noted the film, fluid the effective length of the It is like ly to vary with time, as the surface compresses under load and the average gap height decreases. (and a nd resistance length) This can happen at many different height scales ranging from the physical roughness of Comressible Constituents Compressible Constituents 1. 50 1.00 0.50 0.00 -0. 50 0.00 Lo9 ('TLZw) 0. 50 1.00 Figure 3-4. Phase Shift for Compressible Constituents 1.50 - 53 - the cartilage surface (0.5 to 2.0 pm [1261) deviations to global the sphericity measured by Rushfeldt [1211 and from Tepic [1381 (RMS d 75 um). The resistance to interarticular flow is important both of functions These are in casual observation than fact more rel ated intimately As suggest s. consolidates fluid must flow out of the the cartilage cartilage , either and then through the interartic ular space or laterally into The stress supported by the solid through the layer itself. matrix is directly related to the strain in the matrix by the drained uniaxial strain modulus, In load support and articular cartilage -- 1ow friction. for vitro experiments by Rushfeldt [121] and myself [80], performed by lo ading human with a cetabu demonstra te d have minutes, 1 MPa. typically about th the 2250 N for 30 total maximum Since cartilage should compression is less than 30 p ercent. be nearly in equilibrium th is corres onds to a stress in the stress on surface the The 1 MPa) solid matrix of 0.3 MPa ( i total measured typical y 7 to 10 MPa over this s time period ind icating the fluid pre s sure is supporting difference, i. e. the more tha n 95 perc e nt of the total stress. The resistance to fluid flo w between the layers must be high I enough to su ppo rt this pres su re acro s s the radius of contact (about 15 to 20 mm). The lubric ation quality of the cartilage depends only upon supportin g this relatively small v solid stress component at the locations where solid-solid - 54 - contact occurs. A simple model between (Figure 3-5) illustrates res istance interarticular and magnitudes of lateral flow and film flow and fluid stress. A of layer cartilage the the of relation relative solid of thickness h and radius L is consolidating with fluid flow both laterally the and layer flow in the gap is K/y t. The Z average (near the bone say) flow Gý,, the f'ilm. toward and and the fluid Pý in and in The conductance to fluid cartilage pressures the gap. permeability is are ?_ in the layer The total vertical lateral flow in the 1ayerpL, and gap flow are: V=V1 %TL WL.)~ILP (35) (36) QS·jni) Z P2,L (37) The gap flow must come from the vertical flow so a:=, and the rati os of flows and pressures are: (38) £)Q12+I (39) where R is defined as (40) - k6 - 55 - S. Figure 3-5. Surface Flow Model Figure 3-5. Surface Flow Model - 56 - Note this flow in is just the ratio of the macroscopic resistance to the gap (over length L) to flow in the layer (over length h). 2-/. L--/ý ~/A-r- Experimental estimates for the resistance to described in Chapter 5. (41) flow are - 57 - CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE AND RESULTS - 58 - 4.1 EQUIPMENT The equipment used to perform the experiments described in this facility, thesis is part of the in vitro hip joint testing located in the Eric P. and Evelyn E. Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation at MIT. This unique facility, Figure 4-1, was designed vitro measurement of Rushfeldt the in the pressure distribution on and the geometry of the cartilage layer in the human Paul for [121] and David Palmer acetabulum [122]. by The instrumentation for the measurement of geometry and acoustic impedance of the cartilage covering the femoral head was added by Slobodan Tepic [138]. measuring technique Tepic and I automated the by adding the capability for recording snd off-line processing of the ultrasonic signals. The major components of the facility are: 1. A three degree servo-control 1 ed of freedom, hip hydraulical ly simulator which replicate physiol ogical motions and loads is powered, used across to human hip joints. 2. Instrumented femoral head prostheses, which are used load to the cartilage in the acetabulum and measure either the stress on the surface thickness under load. of the cartilage or its - 59 - 4-J i9,· - ~Cu 0 .I>rJ sl 0 4d - 60 - 3. A control console which provides the interfaces for manual and/or computer control of the hip simulator. 4. A two degree of freedom, stepper motor system which is used to ultrasonically geometry of the components of ultrasonic equipment is driven human hip computer scanning measure the joints. interfaced The via a waveform recorder. 5. A DEC PDP 11/60 computer and interfaces which for are used control and data acquisition during the experiments and subsequent analysis and plotting. The laborat ory resources include an addi tional multi-user DEC PDP 11/ 60 computer for data reduction and color graphics display wit h DECnet connections to the in vitro the Joint Computer Mechanical, Civil , Facility th e (of Aero and Astro, and 11/60 Departments 0 cean and of Engineering) DEC VAX 11/ 782. 4.1.1 Hip Simulator The hip actuators that hip joint. 4500 N simulator has three independent hydraulic simulate load, flexion, and rotation of the The simulator can apply compressive loads up over a to dynamic bandwidth of 15 Hz while a combined load and torque signals. The load actuator position is measured with a DCDT cell provides measurement and feedback - 61 - stroke is down and up range of can be electric motor drive to an with frame loading The deformation of the cartilage. positioned 2.5 mm a second DCDT to measure the with instrumented center the over the fu11 50 mm stroke; adjust for specimen size and mounting. A rotary actuator attached to the the for capability range of 280 degrees. precision around rotation provides cell load the load axis over a Rotation position is measured with which potentiometer geared is to the a rotary actuator. The loading frame can be rotated about a fixed axis extension while the load is applied. and flexion simulate Although the loading frame has a large moment of inertia, large at a actuator can achieve 140 degrees of flexion rotation 10 Hz, to adequate physiological movements. walking simulate to and other The flexion angle is also measured with a precision potentiometer. The specime ns, immersed are saline bath, device provides mounted adjustment in on of relative to the simulator axes. temperature controlled rotary base. A mounting a a the specimen orientation - 62 - 4.1.2 Instrumented Prostheses A specially instrumented used to apply load to femoral the pressure distribution ove r the The design was develop e d by head acetabul um surface prosthesis and of is measure the the cartilage. Carlson [18 ] to measure the pressure distribution ove r the cartilage in the hip joint in a consenting human nee d ing a femoral head prosthesis. It utilizes fourteen pressur e tranducers which are an integral part Fourteen of the wall of the prosthesis (Fi au re 4-2). diaphragms (3 mm diameter into the hemisphere. and 0.25 mm thic k are A s mall pin rests on the center of the diaphram and transmits the small deflect ion of the under external machined diaphram pressure (sensitivity i s / 7 MPa) to a single-crystal silicon be am with four st rai n gauges diffused onto its surface. A brid ge Wheatstone electrical output proport ional to the p ress ure produces applied an to the external surface of the prosthesis. The pre ssure transducers are located in pairs at ten degrees of latitude measured from the location through which the re sultant load vector passes. prost hesis the 180 degrees about By rotating of the A special apparatus rotates one transducer from its 1 ocation at 10 degrees latitude into the pole under 1 oad vector. the load axis in 10 degree steps the pr essure transducers sweep the full range longi tude. every the - 63 - re 1 2 Diophragm Wall of Hemisphere Pin Beam Strain Gages Figure 4-2. Instrumented Prosthesis - 64 - A second mounted with flush an has prosthesis ultrasonic (Figure 4 -3). surface the transducer This transducer is used to measured the distance from the ball to the cartilage to calcified-cartilage interface when a load The transducer can is applied to the joint. be positioned at the pole or 30 degrees latitude. 4.1.3 Control Console The console contains the feedback control circuits the hydraulic displays actuators, for of the values of load, stroke, torque, flexion, and rotation, and limit meters that activate an inte rlock system to shut off the hydraulic power if any parameter exceeds a preset limit. signals to control the simulator can be set internally by a set of potenti ometers on connection the bridge The input to outputs the console computer from time-multiplexed onto or the a , or a externally signal generator. pressure single from signal. state signals are amplified for output to a The transducers are and the simulator the computer or display on an oscilloscope. A "menu digital box" input is connected via the console and output registers of the computer used to send digital instructions to the computer or the experimenter for input during an experiment. to the It is prompt - 65 - Figure 4-3. Prosthesis for Consolidation Measurement - 66 - 4.1.4 Ultrasonic Apparatus The scanning motions for the ultra son ic measurement are by provided two The first (longitude) is stepper motors. rotation of the base on which the speci men second (la titude) is rotati on the acetabulum . scanner has an addition al moving the femoral head or carrier fo r the femoral head The degree of freeedom, capable of the transducer about its focal poirnt anywhere within a solid ang le of eight motor. The the a rm which carries the ultrasonic transducer, either around inside is mounted. A degrees, driven opei n loop by digital sent to eac position DC controller converts an exte rna 1 pulse train from the compute r into the s ignals required to drive the Additional a ci rcuitry motors. th e number of pulses counts motor and calculates and displays on LED' s each o axis in degrees. Manual control the of the scanners is also pos sible. The ultrasonic signals are generated and amplified by a Panametrics PR 52 pulser/receiver (Figure 4-4). The signals are sampled for 20.48 ps at 100 MHz and digitized with 8 bit resolution by a Biomation sampling is initiated by a synchronized 8100 signal wavefo rm from the recorder. The computer and with the pulser/receiver by a Tektronix FG 501 function generator; in this way averaging of the signals to improve the SNR is facilitated. An analog reconstruction of the signal stored in the waveform recorder is displayed on a 0' Figure 4-4. Ultrasonic Apparatus - 68 - 465B Tektronix the oscilloscope; transferred to the computer where it data can also is averaged and be stored on disk for proces sing. 4.1.5 Computer Interfaces There are tV vitro equipment. interfaces from the PDP 11/60 to incl udes outputs, anal og 16 input digital and inputs which channels 16 igital are mul pl exed through a 12 bit A/D converter, 2 programmable relay D/A outputs. channels the generate control 11-D by the waveform recorder. 11/60 The a high speed Direct Memory Access (DMA) transfer s between the PDP- 11 memory and an exte rnal device; Biomatio n signals and stepper controller. The second interface is a DECkit for he hip provide various control functions f or the simulator, wavefo rm recorder, interfac e and 2 The a nalog signals are used to monitor simulator states and digital in The first is a DEC Lab Peripherals System (LPS) which 8 the and in this case Once data ta king is complete d by Biomati on the the initiated data is transfer red into the computer memory withou t interv ention by the proc essor, which is free to with the previous samples, begin ave ra.ging for example. the data transfer (""D.5 million 8-bit the data The high speed of samples per second) enables sampling averaging of about 250 records/seco nd. - 69 - 4.2 GEOMETRY The specimens used i n these studies the at autopsy General into and pelvis the reference as used axes at by Dr. are rschner wires rpendic ular t o the femur These sagittal and frontal planes of the body. later obtained Hospital Harris and his associates. William H. inserted Massach usetts were mounting when are wires joint the components for the geometry and pressure measurements. The intact joint with capsule is removed, section. hemipelvic size the of u sually aS a The joint is x-rayed to cal cul ate the [121] ,[124] Rushfeldt acetabulum. has demonstrated the fit of the prosthesis in the acetabulum has distributions. a strong affect on the pressure which acetabulae selected for fit components joint natural fit the closely very prosthesis the pressure studies. size in plastic bags at -20 C. [138] the only are ( 49 mm) Nearly any size can be accomodated for the geometry measurements. stored Since The joints are We have compared the pressure distributions for one acetabulum which was studied immediately after autopsy with data taken after freezing for both 12 hours and 18 months and then thawing. little change in the pressure distribution. There was - 70 - room The specimens are thawed in The capsule femoral is is head Clinical opened measured evalu at ion performed by Dr drawings and of removed. with the saline. temperature The diameter of the calipers and recorded. condition of the cartilage is Harris or one of his associates. After ph otographs are made, India ink is swabbed is and onto the cartil ag e and rinsed off using saline solution, described by Meachim [100]. Slight as fibrillation of the cartilage surfa ce , one of the early signs of osteoarthritis, is made more eas ily visible by this technique. taken if of photographs is the cartilage Another set there is any discernible fault in c ondition. The femoral head is mounted on a base plate as shown in Figure 4-5 using polymethyl methacrylate lateral-medial axis is positioned vertical the superior-inferior The base plate circulating and upward The and axis is horizontal and to the right. is mounted saline cement. bath on the rotary table in the controlled at body temperature of 37 C. The corresponding acetabulum i s mounted orientation (Figure 4-6). Since the in a similar joint will later be loaded by the instrumented prosthes is care is taken to mount the acetabulum in stable and secure. an orientatio n and manner that will be The following procedure has proven the - 71 - ---- C__ _____ __ --- __·_ (base rotation positive s for scan) Figure 4-5. Femoral Head Mounting ~-' ~-~~~-- -` - ~-~--~~-' ----~- --- - - 72 - (base rotation tor positive P scan ) Figure 4-6. Acetabulum Mounting - 73 - The joi nt is prepared for mounting by making most reliable. A guide. of as wires Kirschner a cut is made 50 mm above the superior transverse edge of the acetabulum and medial the using two cuts in the pelvis, the acetabu lum. just is made cut sagittal a The acetabulum is mounted on an L-shaped aluminum base using methylmethacrylate cement. The in the and the is positi oned acetabulum horizontal plane superior cut for in the the the with measurements geometry plane horizontal cut medial for the pressure measurements. The joint is first centered relative axes scanning the to approximately by eye and then accurately by monitoring the position and amplitude of the ultrasonic reflections as and scanning arm are rotated back and forth. It the joint is important to get the joint properly since centered the amplitude of the ultrasonic reflections is decreased greatly if the incidence of the ultrasonic wave axis is normal not to the cartilage. The computer rotation. ultrasonic boundaries cartilage storage at are equidistant 20 inputted points The scanning arm is manually advanced reflections manually of to the base until the from the surface become indistinct. This position of the arm is input to the computer and stored for use later during plotting and to define the limits for the automatic scanning of the cartilage geometry. The - 74 - automatic scanning locations are at even 9 degree intervals of base rotation (longitude) and the roots of polynomial of degree the Legendre 40 (about every 4.5 degrees) for the scanning arm (longitude). The scanner is positioned automatically under at control computer every location within the cartilage boundaries. The ultrasonic reflections are sampled at by 100 MHz the waveform recorder and transferred to the computer, where 128 records 1024 samples long (10.24 ps) at each location are averaged and stored on disk. Complete scanning of a femoral head produces about 700 data locations hour. in less than one There are about 350 data locations on the acetabulum cartilage which is much smaller in area. The recorded ultrasonic usi ng a correlated signal receiver is off-line analyzed techni que. cross The correlation of a st anda rd reflection from a steel ball the reflections using location correlation cartilage interface. from the cartilage is calculated for each Fouri er are The transforms. ident ified and surface as cartilage the to (1533 m/s The travel maxima of times calcified the to the cartilage trave 1 times are reduced to a set of radii which describe each sur face, using the saline with @ sp eed of sound in 37 C) and in cartila ge (1760 * 90 m/s) and the calibration measurements from the steel ball. - 75 - The cartilage surfaces are described in two ways. The first is by fitting a least squa red error sphere to each and calculating the at deviations each location. Spherical harmonic series are also fitted to the data [138], providing a smooth function closely approx imating the interface. plots Contour of sphericity (Figures 4-7 & 4-8) (Figure 4-9) cartilage constant and are shape the of each deviation from thickness generated from the of the series representations. 4.3 SWELLING The swelling experiments described strain equilibrium modulus. osmotic-mechanical noted by coupling [ 9 2], Maroudas proteoglyca ,ns (based osmotic when cartilage the osmotic pressure charge the supports compressed the (since Conversely, by of the solution bathing the cartilage, compression can be effected. note is position equilibrium unique pressure stresses in the collagen fibers are zero). varying to As has been of the car tilage. on the extrafibrillar water) physiologic al the used The method exploits th e the the entire applied pre ssure from are diffusivity of the cartil age and the uniaxial the estimate here It is important to that this is not exactly the same as varying the local on concentrati on the of pro teoglycans the bath since diffusion oif salt ions through the by varying in the salt the latter case the cartilage introduces a SUPERIOR INFERIOR Figure 4-7. Cartilage Surface Deviations from Sphericity [um] SUPERIOR INFERIOR Figure 4-8. Cartilage to Calcified-Cartilage Interface Deviations from Sphericity [um] 0 SUPERIOR INFERIOR Figure 4-9. Cartilage Thickness [um] i - 79 - In fact our initial complicating coupled diffusion problem. in the changes when cartilage of response time attempts to measure the equilibrium potential of the proteoglycans bath were induced by varying the salt concentrations of the complicated were by the nearly equal diffusivitites of the water and salt [53],[91]. Our next set of rel ied experiments on varying the osmotic potential of the PG gel by exposing the cartilage to humid air [1391. conv ection free For in air time associated with the dryi ng was about two orders of constant magnitude longer than the layer ti me consta nt. in therefore The layer is quasi-equilibrium throughout the dehydration. displacement techniques and for as equipment the the same ultrasonic the using measured and bath The layer was then resubmerged in the salin e surface the geometry static measurements. First, since There were two problems with this method. dehydration would continue well past' the ten to fifteen the give percent compression desired to while displacement adequate keeping nonlinear (permeability) effects to a minimum some control over the dehydration was required. This was hard to judge accurately since the dehydration rate depended on the orientation influences and the of the amount surface of and dehydration other external could measured without re-introducing the bathing solution. not be - 80 - been An alternative method has uses which developed solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG 20,000) to osmotically The concentration of the PEG determines load the cartilage. thermodynamic considerations. The method is similar to and the experiments of Maroudas [921 on cartilage by motivated from determined be can and pressure osmotic the slices. There are two major First, the equilibrium the attractions displacement applied method. this to be can and precisely the controlled via equlibrium modulus can be measured by varying the generated pressure second, osmotic pressures. ~rA olutions are prepared by dissolving 100 Ftl n PEG of pressures of 0.15 M NaCl. 1 1 are 0.6 MPa. The cor responding osmotic The PEG solutions in sacs of Spectrapor 2 dialysis tubing (MW inserted 12-14000) taking ca r e the sacs are not fully b ath level i saline to u.i s hours the After .2 to the sac is removed (initial expe riments for longer saline bat h is restored. surface displ acement and the from The lowered and a PEG sac is positioned in times pro duced no add itional compression of and are cutoff filled. the aceta bulum, tota 1ly covering the carti lage. 3 250 g to the cartilage) The ti me response of the amplitude the cartilage surface is measured. of the reflection A set of locations at one longitude are scanned during one swelling cycle. - 81 - The surface displacement response at one location osmotic pressure was 0.5 MPa) equil i brium physiological different from i.e. equation; that it is shown in Figure 4-1 0. the response by predicte d is a Near signi ficantly simple i s not well d escribed by a constant (Fig ure 4-11 ). (the diffusion sing le time The coll agen fibers appear to limit ' the expansion of the proteoglycan gel near equ il ibrium, in the osmotic pressu re of the pro teoglycans difference the tissue swelling p ressure bein g the tensile stress in the tissue of (Mar oudas found typi cal values 0.2 MPa). Consequently the unre strained equ ilibrium voluime of the the (which physiological of volume is 1 ayer moving toward )is greater equil ib rium cartil age . prior than to linear relative to fit to the ge 1 reaching the in situ The equil ibrium volume was estimated by finding th e equili brium volume of the gel t h at best gel the log gave the of the surfac e displacement equilibr ium (Figure 4-12). The estimated equ ilibrium volume was 32 percent gre ater than the physi ologi cal equilibrium volume and the time 2400 was S. A second set of experiments on same constant the location is shown in Figure 4-13. pressure was (Figure 4-14) 0.4 MPa and was percent 29 the cartilage gel volume than physiological equilibrium and the time constant was 2300 s. Equation the The applied osmotic calculated greater at Refering to 16 in Chapter 3, the permeability at this location z* m 0) C) o 0 0 en I-a Ln m M *L ((1 (12 r· IU) U - ze - SURFACE DISPLACEMENT [Microns] U-. -- C -, 0 0 o DRI: SWO762. DAT 0. 0 - -1. 0 -- -2. 0 - -3.0 - -4. 0 -5.0 1 500. TIME I 1000. (Seconds] Figure 4-11. Log Surface Displacement 1500. DR1: SW0762. DAT 0. 00 -0. 50 -1. 00 -1.50 500. TIME 1000. [Seconde] Figure 4-12. Best Linear Fit 1500. DRi: SW0562. DAT 90. aI 80. a a 70. SI 60. m_ 0 L 0 50. m, .rG -. z I 00. 40. mr ma~ U 30 maI wu 20. m, S0. maI 0. 500. TIME 1000. [Seoondls] Figure 4-13. Swelling Surface Displacement 1500. DR1s SW0562. DAT 0. 00 -0. 10 -0. 20 -0. 30 -0. 40 -0. 50 -0. 60 -0. 70 -0. 80 -0. 90 0. 500. TIME 1000. [Seconds] Figure 4-14. Best Linear Fit 1500. - 87 - was therefore estimated to be 5 X 10 4.4 m /Ns. PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION The measurement of the time-history of the total stress on the surface of the cartilage is performed as depicted in Figure 4-15. A static load is using instrumented the intervals (usually the load is applied 'prosthesis. the At acetabulum selected 0,1,2,3,5,10,15,20,25,&30 minutes applied) time after the prosthesis is rotated about the load axis in 10 degree increments mapping to of the surface stress. to generate a complete The prosthesis can be moved through this sequence by the hip simulator under computer control in about 30 seconds, during which time the pressures vary very little (cartilage layer time constants are on the order of 30 minutes). Contou r plots of the surface 4-18), axes, in a coordinate (Figures 4-16 to system fixed relati ve to the body are generated by fitting dimensional stress Fourier series. the data pressure to two The average error is 1es s than 0.05 MPa. 4.5 CARTILAGE CONSOLIDATION The time-history of the consolidation of the surface is measured as shown in Figure 4-19. the prosthesis about an axis 15 degrees off the cartilage By rotating load axis - 88 - PRESSURE ,TRA5DVC•ER DTAL DIAPKHRAG Figure 4-15. Surface Stress Measurement rar~c ~oc~ + MEASURED PRESSURE IKPaJ 0 Minutes Figure 4-16. Surface Stress: 0 Minutes 2a-w- -- + MEASURED PRESSURE [KPal 5 Minutes Figure 4-17. Surface Stress: 5 Minutes + MEASURED PRESSURE CKPal 20 Minutes Figure 4-18. Surface Stress: 20 Minutes - 92 - 4EDUI LATER ULTRAS6Nt8C ~cER TRANSb bETAIL Figure 4-19. Consolidation Measurement - 93 - the di stance from the prosthesis to the calcifi ed-calcified interface is measured at several locations of 30 degrees latitude. the bal 1 relative to therfor e the the surface center displacment joint) is calculated (Figu re 4-20). the load axis is scale. the pole and The positio acetabulum o0 and of the cartilage in the The displ acement along with loads of 2 25, 45 0, and Fi gure 4 -22 shows the data from one test on lo g-log In all c a ses the r ate prosthe sis into the of the of pene trat ion i ace tabulum decreases ve ry quic kly; in to load. reference to The a The initi al rate act ually less for higher loa ds; rate is proportional the of penetr ati on resul t whic h was note d by Rushfeldt [121]. results the to shown in Figure 4-21 for three s eparate experiments on on e acetabu lum, 900 N. of cartilage implications th e final of these the resistance to interarticular flow are discussed in Chapter 5. 1 0 DR : CD6601. DAT 0. 200 E E (0 i 0. 150 i c0 0 a 0 a n. 0 (0 0.100 (D -,I 4r c0 (0 -cr 4, (I 0. 050 xa- 0.000 .e0 C >- -0.050 0. 500. 1000. TIME [Secondsl Figure 4-20. Prosthesis Position I 1500. 2000. DR1: CD6501. DAT 0. 200 r-i E E L, 4) 0 E 0 0 C, O -r4 0. 150 0.100 0 0 -c 0 0 L a. 0 0 0. 050 03 -J 0.000 500. 1000. TIME [Seconde3 1500. Figure 4-21. Prosthesis Displacement along Load Axis 2000. DR CD0 DRI: CD6601. OAT 2.50 - 0 3E 2. 00 - 4-) * C 0 E 0 0 g 0 1.50*-C 0) ,1 ._ 1.00 - _ 1.50I 1.00 1.50 __ I I 2.50 2,00 LOG TIME [Second&] Figure 4-22. Log Prosthesis Displacement 3.00 3.50 - 97 - CHAPTER 5 RESPONSE OF THE CARTILAGE LAYER - 98 - The, development of a model layers of the features of the properties, chapter. and The synovi al joint cartil age for the articular which reflects the salient geometry, bound ary dynamic conditions incorporates model cartilage constitutive is discussed in this the results of the experiments described i n Chapter 4, namely: 1. Geometry of cartilage the layer in the acetabulum, measured with our ultrasonic technique; 2. Permeability and uniaxial strain modulus, estimated from the swelling experiments; 3. Surface stress distribution time-history, measured with the instrumented endoprosthesis; 4. Displacement of the cartilage surface time-history, measured with the ultrasonic prosthesis. The conditions model will for fluid be flow the interarticul ar gap, solid stress cartilage layer. and used to the boundary at the cartilage surface, and describe fl uid estimate pressure the response distributions of i.e. the in the - 99 - 5.1 SIMULATION The goal of the analysis described in t his the formulation an of model idealized layers which is s uitable for numerical section is of the cartilage solu tion. A major problem with mode ls used by other investigat ors has been the assumption that 1 oad sharing at the surface is dependent porosity on The approach taken here is to consider the [102]. boundary conditonIs at the interarticular sur face unknown and to results to estimate the actual boundary mod el the use conditions for fluid flow. Description 5.1.1 Our capacity of variation to data acquire cartil age the of the cartilage geometry the is well topographical constitutive and displacemen t properties and the stress and surface on sui ted at the for construction of valid models of the cartil age layer acetabulum. In The simplest cartilage, consistent with Chapter 4, is the in the the order to fully exploit this capability the finite element method was us ed to equations. loaded that formula te constituitiv e the measureme nts the model continuum for described the in of a porous medium with intrinsically incompressible constituents. - 100 - The model shown schematically in strain the in the 1aye r porous displacements of the solid matri x vertical (radial) was used due to Figure 5-1, Shear and lateral thick ness ratio cartilage area and the fixation to bon e. concerning pressures can The layer. based on the vary are the both of measurements loaded No assumptions are fluid flow; hence bone assumed is sti ffness relative the the and laterally in the to surfac e model obtained rigid so subchondral are The the and boundary measured total the surface displacements will be compared ult rasonic the from of cart ilage. stress and an unknown fluid flow by of vert ically high conditions on the loaded predicted geom etry). zero at the cartil age to bone interface, known bone cancellous direction supporting displacements joint strains in the carti lage are assumed small due to the large width to made the coordinate system the ref lect i.e. to con strained direction (a spher ical accurately uniaxial, iS are assumes with the prosthesis to predict the flow at the surface. A finite incorporating element these model for the assumptions cartilage was layer developed. The cartilage layer in the acetabulum was discretized into three equal layers orthogonal interpolation radi al ly, and circumferential was used every 9 degrees directions. in both Quadratic for the displacements of the solid matrix and linear interpolation for the fluid pressures. - 101 - TOTAL SujRFfC-E SURIFAc.-- - NPL . Ae - MIkr w KNO)WN SORFACE FLutlD PCe &)r) FLoW) qs(0)) 50LIb DISPLACErNT t bRAIKO MDbULOS PERMrA2BUlY Figure 5-1. Cartilage Layer Model rS'k (9) - 102 - The model had 1,300 degrees of freedom. Finite Element Formulation 5.1.2 The derived finite from element the velocities [9]. virtual equations principles for equilibrium are of virtual displacements and These state that for any compatible, small, displacements and velocities imposed on the body, the total internal and external virtual work and energy are equal : V +S V V/d~r ± oflp~v j~dvv S; ldVrc where A vir tual are the dGI displacements, a re actual stresses, and C variables in any 51fPPc stra ins, the (1) el ement actual are are cUL virtual are the (2) the pressures, flows. '1 a are the The approximated interpolation matrices which rel ate them as virtual field by the function of the nodal values. 1(k P ý A, (3) N= k (4) The strains and pressure gradients are obtained appropriately differentiating the interpolation matrices. - 103 - )=B(A)G (5) (6) The stresses and flows are related to the displacements and pressures by the material matrices. Ai(' cM) ovt ('P 9P)17 (7) P (8) Also conservation of mass is expressed as: Ut. (9) Equations 1 and 2 are rewritten as sums of integrations over the volume and areas of the elements: SJvfd~ (M 4)1 (A TLJcb~) -/)in J Substituting pressures, ,~ilfs~i~d~Pk)T_ / ÷z rvý~'ri~ ý(,q) 5t (M) (MLi~ (11) Bsi9,j] dVi M¾1 cpio.V the expressions for the (10) displacements and strains and pressure gradients, and stresses and flows we obtain: Jý C-F-dv) 0 r - I Ads] A.dV)p = T Ad O dvP (§pI~h3 dv --· cry(V S Imposing unit virtual A~It icL3 (12) (13) displacements and pressures at all1 the - 104 - the equilibri um eqiations can be written as nodes LP- KLAL4 R. (14) dLTK K~iTA, (15) where the "stiffness" matrices and "load" vectors are: (16) Lc· L5,~dV B Bcdv (17) GJKGidv (18) T. T3ýS ds I (19) Al;d (20) The finite element equations fI and /1 are solved via a fully i mplicit time integration s.cheme. This is unconditi onally stable and has the advantage tha t the system matrix can be assembled once, triangularized, and stored: the solut ion at each time step simply and back substitution of the requires appropriate calculation 1oad vector, Equations 21 and 22. JK L3 PI PJ (21) T tK, A, - 105 - L · :~1· These are the same as (22) m~+n Equation in 12-38 Desai and into the Christian [35]. Interarticular Boundary Condition 5.1.3 The general boundary condition for flow interarticular space is of the form: (23) where R5 is the "surface resistance". This can be incorporated as (using the equation for flow): ' K If R_ of - (24) is known then this can be moved to the left hand side equation; the unknowns. They can otherwise we regard the surface flows as be found by the following sequence (Figure 5-2). 1. Find the sol ution vectors Um (surface displacements) for a unit flow at the m'th surface node. 2. Assembl e and triangularize the matrix Kq where the column in Kq is the vector Um. At each time step: m'th - 106 - Figure 5-2. Coupled Solid-Fluid Analysis Flowchart - 107 - 1. and 22 Calculate the error in the surface displacements Ue Find the solution Ur(t+dt) to Equations 21 using R(t) for Q(t)=O. 2. from the surface displacement (measured) desired Us(t+dt) as Ue = Us - Ur. 3. Backsubstitute Ue into Kq to required for the find ow Qs(t) resulting the total displacement at from the load vector R(t) + Qs(t). 4. Uq(t+dt) Apply the flow Qs(t) and add the resulting The Ur(t+dt). to total will equal displacement Us(t+dt). 5.2 RESULTS The model was used to calculate the two static load cases: surface 450 N and 900 N. 30 s was used for the simulation (about 0.01 time constant). steps ; The solution flow for A time step of of the layer was calculated for 40 time the consol idation rate changes very little after 20 minut es (Figure 4-21). The calculated flow (Figu res 5-3 to stress (Figures 5-6 time to steps 5-5) and surface 5-8) over the cartilage surface is of the shown for 3 decreases dramatically with time. 900 N case. The flow The calculated flows are 0 0 Minutee FLOW [cu. mm/10Ms] VERTICAL + C.,-4 Figure 5-3. Calculated Surface Flow: 0 Minutes a O I Kj;-ý + VERTICAL FLOW ocu. mm/10Ms3 5 Minutes Figure 5-4. Calculated Surface Flow: 5 Minutes S 0) + VERTICAL FLOW Ecu. mm/10Ms3 20 Minutes Figure 5-5. Calculated Surface Flow: 20 Minutes I I + SOLID STRESS [KPal 0 Minutes Figure 5-6. Calculated Solid Stress: 0 Minutes 0 S 0 w U + SOLID STRESS [KPa3 5 Minutee Figure 5-7. Calculated Solid Stress: 5 Minutes w H + SOLID STRESS (KPa3 20 Minutes Figure 5-8. Calculated Solid Stress: 20 Minutes - 114 - generally highest at the locations where the gradient in surface stress is largest. An average conductance to flow gap, motivated by the simple model calculated from the ratio of total pressure. the in of flo w interarticul ar Section 3.4, is to average flu id Figures 5-9 and 5-10 show the time-history of the ratio of this average conductance to the conductance of cartilage layer (permeability times thi ckness). the The initi al conductance is higher for the smaller 1 oad, consistent wi th the observation that the consolidation rate is greater. The conductance decreases with time to a mi nimum value that is nearly the same for both cases. A measure conductance vertical of in By (Figure 5-11 ) is the for pressure vertical direction is dominated to heat ve ry small cart ilage in of the layer, the ca car tilage 1 fluid pressu res and flows induced calculated by solving cartilage geometries, by the layer that illustrates the high surface ransfer the Biot number This s ggests that epic [139] has used su s to conductance p redict tne pressures cartilage. dynamic surface anal ogy g adie nt realisticall the the equilib ri um resistance. model the the igno'ring ilage a simpler vertical layer, could nd displacements in the a model to simulate er during walking. the contact are very similar to cartilage problem the The 1 ayer, using the experimental 1. 50 w z - 1.00- a.3 0 0 I 7) I 0.50 w Fz w .I- I. 0-. 00 SI 0. 500. TIME [SECONDS] Figure 5-9. Average Gap Conductance: 450 N I 1000. 1500. 0 1. 0· 0, 0 kbi w z I0 3 1.00 z 0 F-, I n-0.00 'IH ~I-I- n,, 0. 00 0. 500. TIME ISECONDS] 1000. Figure 5-10. Average Gap Conductance: 900 N 1500. 0. 0250 900 N 0. 0200 0.0150 0. 0100 - 0. 0050 - L, 0. 0000 500. TIME ESECONDS] Figure 5-11. Biot Number 1000. 1500. - 118 - and theoretical results decscribe herein. An overall layer view of the average stress is shown in Figure 5-12. most of the load , between the fluid even pressure which produces flow in with time. for the The fluid long at times. n the cartilage ressure supports The difference the bone and the surface, interarticul ar gap, decreases 900 NN LOAD == 900~ LOAD 2.00 - DEEP PRESSURE 1.50 FILM PRESSURE 1.00 - 0.50 - SOLID STRESS •, 0.00 ;. ----- Q.T-• _- --. --- '----- •' - •. ... .T- -• _----~ -- ~ I 500. TIME [SECONDS] Figure 5-12. Average Stress -- "- .. .. •--'g I 1000. 1500. - 120 - CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS - 121 - The importance of both global in the of response and properties situ cartilage physically based models is demonstrated. nature measurement of combined with In particular, the of the interarticular condition and its implications (and for the normal abnormal) possibly of function the synovial joint is illuminated. The geometry and the stat ic adult normal of properties and dynamic constitutive articular cartilage in situ in the human hip joint have been measured experimentally. the includes strai n uniaxial in the of acetabulum includes both the surface surface displacement. particular the endoporostheses instrumented the equilibrium modulus and the The t ime response of the hydraulic permeability. cartilage human hip joint when loaded by has stress been measured. hip joint, the joint, in incorporating measurements described has bee n used to predict the boundary conditions governin g This and distribution Modelli ng of the synovial human This interarticular the surface fluid.flow. The model is used to estimate the solid stress in the matrix and fluid pressure in the cart ilage. Much of this work depends on refinement and application of experimental techniques devel oped in this laboratory. and theoretical concepts - 122 - 6.1 GEOMETRY Ultrasonic measurment of the geometry of the cartilage layer in the acetabulum of the human hip joint was initiated by Rushfeldt [121]. Tepic [138] extended the the head, providing conclusive quantitative human femoral evidence of the congruency of the More recently, natural bone. and ultrasonic joint. signal and reflections from the cartilage layer and the underlying Automated computer control of off-line processing of the the in turn made the data acquisition signal have improved the resolution of the distance measurement to This synovial to using a waveform recorder we have added the capability to sample and record the the technique osmotic less swelling than and 2 um. cartilage consolidation experiments feasible. 6.2 CONSTITUTIVE PROPERTIES Osmotic exploiting loading the of the cartilage electromechanical layer properties in situ, of articular cartilage, has provided the means to obtain precise, easily interpretable measurements of the constitutive properties of cartilage under simple loading conditions which mimic the in vivo environment. An osmotic loading technique has been developed to solutions of high molecular weight polyethylglycol (PEG) to achieve this. Selective cartilage through a layer of dialysis application membrane lowers of the - 123 - osmotic pressure of the proteoglycan gel and uniformly loads the solid matrix. ultrasonic techniques used for the same the via measured equilibrium, The return to physiological estimate an only geometry, provided not the of dynamic of the cartilage but also the nonlinear behavior properties near equilibrium. This corroborates the static measurements of Maroudas [921. 6.2.1 Ultrastructure We to cartilage swelling also have its properties through of impedance the time and cartilage. during response of measurement simultaneous the the of ultrastructure the related the We be lieve these experiments demonstrate that th e nonlinearity of the bulk properties and the time response is due to the confi nement and restraint of the collagen fiber pressure of the network the and proteoglycan or osmotic swelling which keeps the fibers gel This is only possible when the overall volume "turgid". near physiological is the fibers are tightly equilibrium (i.e. stretched). We have loading used estimate to transient the the response after fundamental time constant of the layer by fitting the response to a linear model (as proteoglycan volume). gel Combined was with osmotic approaching the static its own if the equilibrium measurement of the - 124 - equilibrium displacement of the layer under various osmotic pressures and the thickness of the layer, the permeability of the cartilage has been estimated. The application of Biot's model [11] for to porous media cartilage is predicated on the assumption that the fluid and solid constituents are intrinsically incompressible. have attempted to verify that consistent with this model; We the frequency response is in particular we attempted to the frequency range over which the phase shift between find the surface stress and displacement (Appendix B). Although our investigators, the at expe rimental er ror eliminated the likely sources of other remains degrees technique that s hift phas e 45 have has plagued (Fi gure B-1) falls below 45 degrees for frequencies abo ve 0.1 Hz or two decades beyond the time constant of the layer. At such high frequencies the total displaceme nt ( for this system) is less than of 1 um. The roughness of the 1 oader and the assumption homogeneity continuum over (i.e. the that the material behaves as a relevant time and distance scales) may not be appropriate. 6.3 SURFACE STRESS The measurements of over the cartilage in the the surface human stress distribution acetabulum instrumented endoprosthesi s loaded in vitro using using our an hip 125 - - simulator wer e first Additional tes ts since conducted and then by Rushfeldt [121]. applicati on their as described in this thesis have demonst rated the useful nes s of this other Recently, approach. u sing investigators dissimilar tech niques have obtained c orroborating res ult pressure 0.375 mm 24 Brown [14] mounted S. piezoresistive thick transducers in recesses machined in the surface of the cartilage layer of the femoral head and 1oaded the joint in are distributions resul ting The orientations. various qualitatively and quantitatively pressure remarkably similar to our results. 6.4 CONSOLIDATION Armstrong [7] measured the deformation of the c artil age in loaded hip resolution of I to 2 cartilage roentgenograms. via joints percent in He c laimed a measu rement the thic kness using a magnification of 30 X. deformations were 10 percent after 30 min'utes at of the Typical 1oads of of the five times body weight. The influence of the cartilage illustrated orientation geometry in on the the on idiosyncratic the comparisons pressure pressure of the character distribution is effect of 1oad and of 1oad distribution magnitude on the time response of the cartilage deformati on. - 126 Small, physiologically relevent, direction of the variations in the the load vector relative to the cartilage in the acetabulum have a dramatic effect on local peaks in the pressure distribution. Interaction areas is mediated by the flow of with the surrounding interarticular fluid and hence the surface resistance. Furthermore, the short-time independent of the applied load. while causing rapid more interarticular response is nearly The higher surface stress, also consolidation, space more rapidly. seals the In all cases studied an abrupt change in the rate of consolidation occurs at a total consolidation of about 100-150 um, about average of the deviations from sphericity twice the rms the surface. at It appears that for adequate interarticular sealing to occur the interarticular spacing needs to be small (on of the the order the roughness of the cartilage surface) compared to the unloaded shape. The measurement consolidation automated has of the response anal ysis and of the reflections using transducer. For the first time measurement of of the dynamics These were used, surface the of of the greatl y improved by the high speed been sampling time ultrasonic prosthe sis with integral ultrasonic the together the details cons olidation has been possible. with the measurements of the stress on the cartilage , in a model to estimate the - 127 - fluid boundary condition for in flow the interarticular space. 6.5 SURFACE RESISTANCE The model us ed to l ayer cartilage characterize project. cartilage pressure in the geometry of and its The of surface on of dep end of surface the the fluid flow and complicated time-varying cartilage layer in the the as zero The general boundary condition of a (along finite resistance to fluid flow will the joint precludes such simple cases or zero pre ssure. space) at effect cartilage. the natural synovial flow previously both In particular, they addressed the nature of the fluid flow boundary condition loaded the been motivated by the experiments and has analysis of Dent [34] and Kenyon [68], this of behavior the the interarticular on the fluid film thickness, cartilage surface roughess and geometry, and the length and tortuosity of the flow paths [34]. Analytical treatment of the problem of surface resistance and Kenyon has shown the can be high, greatly affecting the proportioning of stress between the fluid and solid phases. the the its effect on load carriage by the cartilage is fraught with difficulty. resistance estimating pressure in the compressed cartilage fluid plugs Dent measured film at the loaded surface of 5 mm in diameter. He found - 128 - significant load carriage (25 to 75 percent) by the fluid pressure even for long times (20 minutes). The final part of this thesis incorporates the measurements of the geometry of the cartilage layers, their constitutive properties, displacement in joint. The goal and the surface stress and a model of the cartilage layers in the hip was to estimate the local and global resistance to fluid flow in the interarticular space. flow toward the space and parallel to it are included. result the is the time The first experimentally determined estimate of dependent space interarticular Fluid resistance and to fluid flow in the its effects on the stress in the cartilage. The relative conductance of the interarticular space to the conductance of the cartilage layer decreases with time from about one to less than 0.05. The relative flow in the interarticular space to that in the layer decreases in about the proportion. same conductance of the than for lateral flow; This is becau'se the relative path for vertical flow is much greater it is likely the fluid pressure, which supports ninety percent of the load, even after twenty minutes, is approximately location in the joint. constant with depth at any - 129 - 6.6 STRESS IN THE CARTILAGE Further, the model, condition, is used incorporating this The stress in the solid remains low, never above 0.3 MPa and typically about 0.1 MPa. at boundary to predict the stress in the fluid and solid phases of the cartilage. matrix final The severe nonlinearity of the equilibrium modulus approximately 30 percent compression (0.3 MPa solid stress) suggests that significant irreversible damage may be occurring to the matrix. Cyclic loading could fatigue the fibers via buckling, such as the apparent compaction of the fibers in the STZ, as suggested by Tepic [139]. 6.7 IMPLICATIONS It is c lea r the cartilage in supporting the load the joint functions mainly by fluid press ure. both through the cartilage layer and into a nd interarticul ar space is therefore important. by Fluid flow through the Even under the severe condi tio ns of a static load, the soli d stress in the cartilage is mi nimal. When the joint is unl oaded (as during walking) flu id can freely flow interarticul ar resistance is the into likely very small. simulation, suc h as performed by Tepic [139] , the since c artilage, Dynamic incorporating estimat es of interarticular resistance provided by this thesis, are 1ik ely to produce very good estimates of the solid stress in the cartilage throughout the walking cycle. - 130 - The underlying hypothesis for this work has mechanical which factors function in a normal failure will clearly result The range of important example, in the Los s of interarti cular sealing n increased stress in the cartilage. seal ng coefficie nts and their dependence on cartilage properties and conditio n need to For that the cartilage synovial joi nt may play a role osteoar hritis. by are been norma 1 roughness -- does experiments on it the adult seal be established. car tilage has a 1arger surface les s strength physiological condit i ons such as of effectively ? cartilage, those Meanwhile under more in this desc ribed thesis, would provid e ev dence that increased stress through loss of sealing can lead to destruction of the cartilage. - 131 - APPENDIX Programs - 132 - C C C CSFA C C COUPLED SOLID-FLUID ANALYSIS PROGRAM C C TOM MACIRCWSKI C C * Adapted from: STAP in K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis [9]. PROGRAM CS7A REAL*4 COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON EI.TA,REST A(17500O) /SOL/ NUMNP,NEO,NWK,NUMEST,MIDEST,MAXEST,MK /DIM/ N1,N2,N3,N4,N e,N7,N8,N,N9,NO,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15 /EL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWO /VAR/ NG,MODEX,RBEST,DELTA /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,ICUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IRCRG,IKTRI DIMENSION TIM(5),EEDf(20• DIMENSION IA(1) C C C * EOUIVALENCE tA(1),IA(1)) BYTE FF,IFILE(15),OFILE(15) DATA FF/ 14/ DATA IFILE/D',',1 '',, 'E', , 'M' 'F','6', , '2', * . 'D"A" S "'T'/0/ DATA CFILE/" ', K , 1, : , 0, 0 , ,'L''S , 'T 0/ MTOT IS TEi MAXIMUM CORE STORAGE AVAILABLE MTOT=175000 ITWO=1 C C THE FOLLCWING DEVICE NUMBERS ARE USED C C IELMNT = ELEMENT DATA ILCAD = LOAD VECTORS C IIN = INPUT DATA C IOUT = OUTPUT LISTING C IDISP C C = SURFACE DISPLACEMENTS ISTATE = STATE VECTOR IKORG = ORIGINAL STIFFNESS (K) MATRIX C IKTPI = TRIANGULARIZED K MATRIX I'IMNT = 11 ILOAD = 12 = 1IIN IOUT = 14 IDISP ISTATE IKORG IKTRI = = = = 15 16 17 18 C CALL ASSIGN lIELMNT,'DK1:IELMNT.DAT',14) CALL ASSIGN (ILOAD,'DK1:ILOAD.DAT',13) CALL ASSIGN (IIN,IFILE,14) DO 2070 I=5,10 - 133 - 207e C 200 OFILE(I )=IFILE(I) CALL ASSIGN(ICUT,OFILE,14) CALL ASSIGN (IDISP,'DK1:ILISP.DAT',13) CALL ASSIGN (ISTATE,'DK1:ISTATE.DAT',14) CALL ASSIGN (IKORG, DK1:IKORG.DAT',13) CALL ASSIGN (IKTRI,'DK1:IKTRI.DAT',13) NUTEST=O MAXEST=O C C C C C C C C C C C C PHA SE ~ I N P U T C C C C * CALL SECCNl(TIM(1)) READ CCNTR OL 0 IN F RMA I N READ (IIN,1~00 E!ID,NUMNP,NUMIG,NLCASE,MOCDEX,REEST,ELTA IF(NUMNP.EQ.O)GO TO 999 WRITE(IOUT,2e00) FF,HED,NUMNP,NUMEG,NLCASE,MODEX,REEST,DELTA READ NODAL P 0 INT DATA N1=1 N2=NI+2*NUMNT N3=N2+NUMN?*ITWO N4=N3+NUMNP*ITWO N5=N4+NUýNP*ITWO IF(N5.GT.MTOT) CALL ERROR(N.-MTOT,1) IF(N5.GT.MAX)MAX=N5 6000 C TYPE 6000,4*MAX FORMAT(' Maximum memory used is:',I8,' Bytes ') CALL INPUT(A(N1),A(N2),A(N3),A(N4),NUMNP,NEQ) C C C C C NEQ1=NEQ+1 AND CALCULATE STO0 NE=N5+NEO*ITWO IF(N6.GT.MTOT) CALL ERROR(N6-MTOT,2) IF(Ne.GT.MAX) MAX=NE TYPE 6000,4*'AX WRITE(IOUT,2e05) F? C REWIND ILOAD C DC 300 L=1,NICASE IF(L.GT.1)WRITE(IOUT,2004) FF E LOAD VECT RS - 134 - 2004 FORMAT(1X,A1) READ( IIN, 1010)LII,NLOAD,NPRES WRITE IOUT,2010I LL,NLOAD,NPRES IF(]L.EO.I)GOTO 310 WRITE(IOUT,2020) STOP C 310 300 C C CONTINUI CALL LOADS (A (N2 ,A(N3,A(N5),A(N1),NLCAD,NPRES ,N CONTINUE READ / GENERATE / ELEMENT AND STORE DATA CLEAR STORAGE 10 N6=N5+NEQ*ITWO DO 10 I=N5,N6 A(I)=e IND=1 C C CALL EL CAL CALL SECOND(TIM(2)) TYPE 3000,(TIM(2)-TIM(1)) 3000Q FORMAT(/' S* DATA INPUT *c S O L U T I O N ***************************** ASSEMELE :', 12.2 " Sec') PHASE * * ************ STIFFNESS CALL ADDRES(A(N2),A(N5)) MM=NWK/NEQ NZ=N2+NEQ+1 N4=N3+NWK*I TWO NS=N4+NEQ*I TWO NE=N5+MAXEST N7=NE+NEQ*ITWO IF(N7.GT.VTOT) CALL ERROR (N7-MTOT,4) IF(N7.GT .MAX)MAX=N7 TYPE 60ee,4*MAX WRITE TOTAL SYSTEM DATA WR ITE(IOUT ,225 ) FF,NEQ ,NWK,MK,MM C * IF DATA CHECK SKIP FURTHER CALCULATIONS MATRIX ,NUMNP) - 135 - IF(MODEX.GT.0e GO TO 100 CALL SECOND(TIM(3)) CALL SECCND(TIM(4)) CALL SECOND(TIM(5)) GO TO 120 C C C 100 CLEAR STCRAGE NNL=NWK+NEQ CALL CLEAR(A(N3),NNL) C C INE=2 CALL ASSEM(A(N5)) C READ(IIN,1005) NSUP oe1005 FCRMAT(IS) NSIZE=NSUR*(NSUR+1)/2 NE=N7+NSUR Nc=N8+NSI ZE*ITWO N10=N9+NSUR+1 N11=N1O+NSUR*ITWO IF(N11.GT.ETCT) CALL .RROR(N11-MTOT,5) IF(N11.GT.MAX)MAX=N11 TYPE 6000,4*MAX CALL DISPL(A(N7),A(N10),NSUR,NLCASE') C 3010 CALL SECONr(TIM(3)) TYPE 3010,(TIM(3)-TIM(1)) FORMAT(' ASSEMPLE MATRIX ', F12.2) C TR I AN GULARI Z E ST I FFNESS MATRIX KTR=1 WRITE (IKORG) NWK, (A(IO), IOQ=N3, N3-1+NWK*ITWO ) CALL COLSOL (A(N3 ),A(N4),A(N2) ,NEQ,NWK,NEQ1 ,KTR) WRITE(IKTRI) NWI , (A(IQ),IQ=N3, N3-1+NWK ITWO ) 35 30 20 C CALL SECOND(TIM(4)) TYPE Z020,(TIM(4)-TIM(1)) FORMAT(' TRIANGULARIZATION :' ,F12.2) KTR=2 IND=3 C CALL rASSEM (A(N1),A(N7'",A(NE),A(N9',A(N4).,NSURNLCA-E) C CALL CIEAR(A(N6),NEQ) REWIND ILOAD REWIND IDISP LO 400 L=1 ,NICASE CALL SAVE(A(N4),A(N6),NQFQ CALL LOALV(A(N4),NEQ) SAVE U(t) in R(t+dt) A(N6) in A(N41 - 136 - CALL DISPV(A(N10),NSUR) ! Us(t+dt) in A(N10) REWINr IKCRG READ(IKORG) NWK,(A(IQ) ,IC=NZ, N3-1+NWK*ITWO) CALL UPDATE(A(N4),A(N6),A(N1) ,A(N2),A(N3),NUMNP)! ADD LTxU(t) CALL SAVF(A(N4),A(NE),NEQ) I SAVE R(t) in A(NE) CAL CUL ATION CF D I S PL A CE MENT S REWIND IKTRI READ(IKTR)l NWK, (A(IQ), IO=N3, N3%-1NWK*ITWO) CALL COLSCL(A(N3 ),A(N4) ,A(N2) ,NEQ,NWK,NEQ1,KTR) CALL FLCW(A(N4),A(N10),A(N1),. A(N8),A(N9),A(N7),NSUR,A(Ne)) CALL COLSOL(A(N3),A(N6),A(N2) ,NEQ,NWK,NEQ1,KTR) WRITE (ICUT,2015) FF,L CALL WRITE(A(Ne),A(NI),NEQ,NUIMNP,A(N1•),A(N7),NSUR) CALCULATI N CF STRESSES CALL STRESS(A(N5S) CONTINUE C CALL SECOND(TIM(5)) TYPE 3030,(TIM(5)-TIM(1)) FORMAT(' LOAD SOLUTIONS : 3030 C C C 120 ,F12.2) PRINT SOLUTICN TIMES TT=0. DO 500 I=1,4 TIM(I)=TIM(I+1)-TIM(l) TT=TT+TIM(I) WRITE(ICUT,2e3e) fF,HlD,(TIM(I),I=1,4),TT,FF 500 C READ NEXT ANALYSIS CASE GO TO 200 1010e 10,10 FORMAT(20A4/415,2F10.0) FORMAT(3I5) 2000 FCMAT(1X,A1 ,20A4/// CONTROl INFORM ATI 0 N '//5X 2' NUMBER CF NODAL POINTS 15//5X (NUMNP) 3, NUMBER OF ELE M ENT GROUPS (NUMEG) I5//5X 4' NUMBER OF LOAD CASES ....... (NLCASE) 5' SOLUTICN MODE .............. (MODEX) I5/5X, 6' EQ.0, DATA CFECK'/5XX, 7' EQ.1, EXECUTION '//5X, · · · 8' RADIUS ....................... ...... (RPEST) ,F9.3//5X, 9' TIME STEP .......................... (DEITA) = ,Fg9./) FORMAT(1X,A1, 20 05 L 0 A D C A S F D A T A ') 1' , - 137 - 2010 2015 2020 2025 203 e S=',//i4X, FORMAT(////4X,' LOAD CASE NUMBER 1' NUMBER OF CONCENTRATED LOADS ..... 2' NUMBER CF PPESSURE LOADS ......... 15//4X, =', I5/) =', FOPMAT(1X,A1,' LOAD CASE ',I LOAD CASES ARE NOT IN ORDER FORMAT(' *** ERROR FOPMAT(IX,A1, TOTAL SYSTE M DATA '///5X, NUMBER OF EQUATIONS (NEQ) NUMBER CF VATRIX EMNTS....(NWK) (MK) MAXIMUM HALF ANDWIDTH ...... MEAN HALF BANDWIDTH (MM) FOPMAT(IX,A1,' S 0 L U T I CN T I M E L * SECONDS'// 112X,'FOR PROBLEM'//1X,20A4 ////SX, 2' TIME FCR INPUT PHASE 3' TIME FOR CALCULATION OF STIFFNESS MATRIX 4' TRIANGULARIZATION OF STIFFNESS MATRIX ...... 5' TIME FOR LOAD CASE SOLUTIONS ............... 6' TOTAL SOLUTION TI VE .... C 999 CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL END CLCS~ I( IMNT) CLOSE (ILOAD) CLCSE(IIN) CLOSE(IOUT) CLOSE(IDISP) CLOSE(ISTATE) CLOSE (IORG) CLOSE(IKTRI) ,I8//5X, ,18//NX, 0 G ,I 1) I N ',F12 ',F12 ,12 ,F12 .2//5X, .2//5X, .2//5X, .2//5X, .2/1X,A1) - 138 C ******************************************************* *C INPUT -- REAr AN• PRINT NODAL POINT INPUT DATA -- CALCULATE AND STORE EQUATION NUMBERS SUEROUTINE INPUT(ID,P,T,R,NUMNP,NEQ) I'PLICIT RIAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /TAPES/ IEIMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,I STA TE, IKORG, IKTRI COMMON /ONED/NUMET,DELTA DIMENSION P(1),T(1),R(1),IE(2,NUMNP) BYTE F? DATA FF/"14/ C C 1000 10 C C C C C200 C READ NODAL PCINT DATA DO 10 IQ=1,NUMNP READ(IIN,1000 NvID(1,N) ,ID(2,N),P(N),T(N),R(N) FORMAT(315,3E15.5) CONTINUE WRITE(IOUT ,200 0) FF WRITE(I CUT ,2015) WRITE(IOUT ,202020) DO 200 N=1 ,NTMNP WRITE(IOUT ,20'30 N,(ID(I,N),I=1,2),P(N),T(N),R(N) NUMBER UNKNOWNS 120 110 100 C C C NEQ=O DO 100 N=1,NUMNP DO 100 I=1,2 IF(ID(I,N)) 110,120,110 NEO=NEQ+1 ID(I ,N)=NEQ GO TO 100 ID(I,N)=0 CONTINUE WRITE EQUATICN NUMBERS WRITE(IOUT,2040) FF,(N,(ID(I, N),I=1,2),N=1,NUMNP) RETURN 2000 2015 2020 2030 2040 FOPMAT(1X,A1,'N 0 D A L P 0 I NT D • T A '// FORMAT(' GENERATED NODAL DATA'//) FORMAT(' NODE ',c-,'EOUNDARY',24X,'NODAI POINT',17X, /' NUMBER',5X,'CONDITION CODES',21X,'COORDINATES' //15X, X F',30X,' PHI',PX,'THETA',8X, 'RADIUS') FORMAT(I5,EX,2I5,22X,3F13 .3) FORMAT(1X,A1' EQUATION NUMBERS'//,4X,'NODE',9X, 'DEGREE CF FFEEDOM'/3X,'NUMBER'//, ' N',13X,'X P'/(1X,I5,9X,215)) ENE - 139 - LOADS --- READ NODAL POINT DATA CALCULATE LOAD VFCTOR R FOR EACH LOAD CASE AND WRITE TO DISC FILE ILOAD C SUROUTINY LCADS (PH,TH,R,ID,NLCAD,NPRES,N EQ,NUMNP) COMMON /VAR/ NG,MODEX,RBEST,DELTA COMMON /TAPES/ I!EMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION PHNUMNP(NUMNP'vTF(NUMNP),R(NEQ) DIMENSION ID(2,NUMNP),NODPR(4),PRESS(4),PP(4),TP(4).RP(4) DC 210 I=1,NEQ 210 R(I)=0. IF(NLCAD.EQ.e)GO TO 100 WRITE(IOUT ,2000 C C C IF(MODFX.EQ.0)RFTURN IF(NLOAD.EQ.0)GO TO 100 C DC 220 L=1,NIOAD READ(IIN,1000) NOD,IDIRN,FIOAD WRITE(IOUT,2e10) NOD, IDIRN,FLOAr LN=NOD LI=IDIRN II=ID(LI,LN) IF(II) 220,220,240 240 C 220 C C C 100 C R(II)=R(II)+FLOAD C WRITE(IOUT,2020) CONTINUE PRESSURE LOADS IF(NPRES.EQ.-)GO TO 300 RADIAN=57.2c577951 DO 25e L=1,NPPES READ(IIN,1010) IEI, (NODPR(I),I=1,4),(PRESS(I),I=1,4) DO 260 K=1,4 260 PP(K)=PH(NODPP(K))/ RADIAN TP(K)=TH(NODPR(K' )/ RADIAN CALL PLOAD(PP,TP,PRESS,RP) WRITE(IOUT,2040) DO 270 K=1,4 LI=1 LN=NOEPR(K) WRITE(IOUT,203Qe) NODPR(K),LI,RP(K),PRESS(K) II=ID(LI,LN) IF(II.GT.0) R(II )=R(II)+RP(K) - 140 - 270 250 CONTINUE CCNTINUE 300 C WRITE(ILOAD)R 200 CONTINUE C FORMAT(2I5 ,Fie.0) FOPMAT( 515,4?10 .1) FORMAT(////' NODE rIRECTION LOAD '/ 1' NUMBER',I9X,' T'AGNITUE' ) 2010 FOPMAT(1X ,!,9X,I4,7X,E12. 2020 FORMAT(////' NODE DIRECTICN LOAD 1 PRESSURE "/ 2' NUMBER',19X,' MAGNITUDE MAGNITUDE 2030 FORMAT( X,I ,9X,I4,2E19.5) 2040 FORMAT(/) RETUPN 1000 1010 2000 END - 141 - C C ELEMNT -- CAIL THE APPROPRIATE ELEMENT SUBROUTINE C * C SUEROUTINE ELEMNT COMMON A(1) COMMON /EL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWO C NPAR1=NPAR (1) C C 1 C 2 3 4 5 C GO TO (1,2,3,4,5),NPAR1 RETURN RETURN CALL THREED RETURN RETURN RETURN END - 142 C • • •~~~s~~~~~~~~~***** PLCAD -- CALCULATE CCNSISTENT PRESSURE LOADING C C*****************************************clC~Frr~:~~~~C SUEROUTINE PLCAD (PHI,THETA,PR!SS,RP) COMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEO,NWK,NUMEST,MIDEST,MAXEST,MK CCMMON /VAR/ NG,MODEX,R]EST,DELTA COMMON /DIM/ N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N&,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15 COMMON /EL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWO COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,ICUT,IDISP,ISTATY,IKCRG,IKTRI DIMENSIOCN PHI(1),THETA(1),PRESS(1),RP(1),H(4) DIMENSION XX(2,4),XG(4,4),WGT(4,4) DO 600 J=1,4 600 XX(2,J)=PHI(J) XX(1,J)=THETA(J) CONTINUE NINT=2 XG STORES G-L SAMPLING POINTS DATA XG / 0., -. 577350269189E, 0., .5773502691895, -. 77459692415, • -. 8611363115941 ,-.3399810435849, 0e, 0., 0., 0.861363 .7745966692415, .3399810435849, .S611363115941/ WGT STCPES G-L WEIGBTING FACTCRS DATA WGT / 2.00, 1 .0000000000000 . 5555555555556, .P868888888889 .6521451548E25 .3478548451375, 1 .00000009000, 0., 0., e0., 0., .5555555555556, 0., .6521451548625, .3478548451375/ DC 30 J=1,4 RP(J)=0.0 DO 80 LX=1,NINT RI=XG(LX,NINT) DO 80 LY=1,NINT SI=XG(LY,NINT) EVALUATE DERIVATIVE H AND JACOBIAN DET CALL DM(XX,B,DET,RI,SI) WT=WGT(LX,NINT)*WGT(LY,NINT)*DET DC 40 K=1,4 DO 40 L=1,4 RP(K)=RP(K)+H(K)*B(L)*PRESS(L)*WT CONTINUE RETURN END - 143 - DM -- EVALUATE THE MATRIX H AT PCINT (R,S) FOR A QUAD ELEMENT c* * ****** ** * ** *4*44*4*4* ***** **** **** * ** *** *** *** SU-ROUTINE DM(XX,E,DET,R,S) CCMMON /VAR/ NG,MCDEX,RBEST,DELTA COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDI IMENSION XX(2,1) ,H(4),P(J(,4),XJ2,2),XJ RP SP RM SM = = = = 1. + 1. + 1. 1. - **** ***** ': * ** *4 * *4* ** * * * SP,ISTATE, IKORG,IKTRI I(2,2) R S R S INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS )=e.25*RP*SP )=0.25*PM*SM )=k .25*RP*SM NATURAL COORDINATE DERIVATIVES W.R.T. INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS 1. W.R.T 1,1)=e.25*SP 1,2)=-PF( 1,11) 1,3)=-0.25*SM 1,4 )=-F \1i,. 2. W.R.T P(2,1)=0.25*RP P(2,2)=0.25*RM P(2,3)=-P(2,2) P(2,4)=-P(2,1) EVALUATE JACCBIAN MATRIX AT (R,S) DO 30 1=1,2 DO 30 J=1,2 DUM=0.0 20 30 C C DO 20 K=1,4 DUM=DUM+P(I,K)XX (J,K) XJ(I,J)=DUM COMPUTE DETERMINATE OF JACOBIAN MATRIX AT (R,S) DET=XJ(1,1)*XJ(2,2)-XJ(2,1)*XJ(1,2) 01) GO TO 4e IF(DET.GT..0.0000e WRITE(IOUT,2000) STOP COMPUTE INVERSE OF JACOBIAN MATRIX - C 40 50 2000 144 - DUM=1./DIT XJI (1,1 )=XJ(2,2)*DUM XJI(1,2)=-XJ(1,2)*DUM XJI(2,1)=-XJ(2,1)*DUM XJI (2,2)=XJ (1,1 )*DUM THETA=e .e DO 50 I =1,4 THETA=TRETA+H(IQ)*XX(1,IQ) ]ET=DET*RBEST*RBEST*SIN(THETA) FOPMAT(' NEGATIVE OR ZERO JACOBIAN IN PRESSURE LOADING ') RETURN END - 145 - C C C C ELCAL -- LOOP OVER ELEMENT GPCUPS FOR READING, GENERATING, AND STORING THE ELEMENT DATA C SUBROUTINE ELCAL COMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEQ,NWK,NUMEST,MIDEST,MAXEST,MK COMMON /EL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWO COMMON /TAPES/ IEIMNT,ILOAL,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI COMMON A(1) BYTE FF EATA FF/ 14/ C C REWIND IELMNT WRITE(ICUT,200'0) FF C C C LOOP OVER ALL ELEMENTS DO 100 N=1,NUMEG C READ(IIN,1000WNPAR C CALL ELEMNT C IF(MIDEST.GT.MAXEST)MAXEST=MIDEST C WRITE (IELMNT)MIDEST,NPAR,(A(I),I=NFIRST,NIAST-1) C C 100 C CONTINUE RETURN C 1000 2000 2010 C FORMAT(1015) FORMAT(1X,A1,' E L F M E N T FORMAT(1X,A1) ENr GR 0 U P D A T A '///) - 146 C C THREED -- SET UP STORAGE FOR PCRCUS SUERCUTIN* C SUBROUTINE THREED CCMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEQ,NWK,NUMEST,MIDEST,MAXEST,MK COMMON /DIM/ Ni,N2,N3,N4,N5,Ne,N7,NS,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15 COMMON /EL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRSTNLAS, T,ITWO COMMON /TAPFS/ COMMON A(1) IEIMNT,ILOAD,IIN,ICUT,IDISP,ISTATEIKCRG,IKTRI DIMENSION IA(ll c EQUIVALENCE (NPAR(2),NUMY),(NPAR(3),NUMMAT) EQUIVALENCE (A(1),IA(1)) C NFIRST=NE IF(IND.GT.1)NFIRST=N5 N101=NFIRST N102=N101+NUMMAT*ITWO N103=N102+NUtMATT*ITWO N104=N102+2 *NUM E N105=N104+36*NUME*ITWO N106=N105+NUME NLAST=N1o~ C IF(IND.GT.1)GO TO 100 IF(NLAST.GT.MTOT) CALL ERROR(NLAST-MTOT,3) GO TO 200 100 C 200 C IF(NLAST.GT.rTOT) CALL ERROR(NLAST-MTOT,4) MIDEST=NIAST-NFIRST * CALL POROUS(A(N1),A(N2),A(N%),A(N4),A(N4),A(N5), A(N1•1),A(N102),A(N103),A(N104),A(N105)) C RETURN C ENr - 147 - POROUS -- POROUS ELEM(ENT SUER CUTI NE C~~~~8~~~~~~~~~8~8~~~~~4~~~~~~~8~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE POROUS (ID,P,T,R,U,MHT,E,PERM,LM,XYZ,MATP) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H.0-Z) COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON COMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEQ,NWK,NUPEST,MIDEST,MAXEST,MK /rIM/ N1,N2,N3,N4,,N5,N67,NS,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N14,N15 /fL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWC /VAR/ NG,MODEX,RBEST,DELTA /TAPES/ IELYNT,ILOAD,IIN,ICUT,IDISP,ISTATF,IYORG,IKTRI COMMON A(1) REAL*4 A DIMENSION P (1) ,T(1),R(1) ,ID(2,1),E(1),PERM (1),LM(20,1) DIMENSION X'YZ(36,1),U(1) ,MET(1),MATP(1) DIMENSION S1 U(210),NOD(12 S,SUPL(304) DIMENSION X:X(3,12),E (12) ,HP(8) ,G(3,8) ,XG(4 REAL*4 KU(1I 2,12),KP(e,8) ,KI(12,8) ,4),WGT(4,4) EQUIVALENCE (NPAR (1),NPAR1),(NPAR (2),NUME),(NPAR(3 ),NUMMAT) EQUIVALENCE (KUl1 ,1),SUPL(1)),(KP(1,1),SUPL(145) ) EQUIVALENCE (KL(1 ,1),SUPL(209)) BYTE FF DATA FF/"14/ XG STORES G-1 SAMPLING POINTS 0. DATA XG / 0., 0. -.5773502691896, .5773502691896, -. 7745966692415, 0., .774596EE92415 -.8611363115941. -. 3399810435849, .3399810435849 0., .8611363115941/ WGT STORES G-L WEIGHTING FACTORS DATA WGT / 2.00 .5555555555556 .3478548451375 0. .0000000000000, 0. .8888888888889, .5555555555556 .6521451548625, .6521451548625 0., 0., .,4845137 .3478548451375/ ND=20 RADIAN=57.29577951 NINTX=3 NINTY=3 NINTZ=3 GO TO (300,610,900),IND G E NERATE E I E ME N T IN FO RM AT I 0 N - 148 - MATERIAL INFO ITE(ICUT,2200)NPAP1,NUME (NUMMAT.EQ.0) NUMMAT=l ITE(ICUT,201e )NUMMAT WRITE (IOUT,2020) DO 10 I=1,NUtMAT READ(IIN,1000)N,E(N) ,PERM(N) WRITE (IOUT,2030)N,E (N),PERM(N) READ ELE M ENT INFO C C WRITE (IOUT,24e0) FF DO 30 NEL=1,NUME READ(IIN,1030)M,MTYPE,(NOD( IQ) ,IQ=1,12) 1030 FORMAT(14I5) MATP(NEL)=MTYPE WRITE (ICUT,2P50)M,(NOD(IQ) ,IQ=1,12),MTYPE C 150 C 380 390 DO 150 I=13,36,3 XYZ(I-2,NEL)=T(NOD(I )/RADIAN XY2(I-1,NEL)=P(NOD(I /3) )/RADIAN /3) ) XYZ(I-0,NEL)=R(NOD(I /3) DC 380 L=1,12 LM(L,NEL)=ID(1,NOD(L)) DO 39e L=13,20 LM(L,NEL)=ID(2,NOD(L-1 2)) UPEATE COLUMN HEIGETS AND BANrWIDTH CALL COLHT(ý M T,ND,LM(1,NEL)) CONTINUE RETURN C C C C 610 C 505 c ASSEMBLE ST I F DO 500 NEL=1,NUME MTYPE=MATP (NFL) YM=E(MTYPE) PF=PERM(MTYPE) DC 505 IQ=1,210 SU(IQ)=0.0 DC 600 J=1,12 600 C DO 600 I=1,3 INDEX=3*(J-1)+I XX(I ,J)=XYZ(INDEX,NEL) NES S MATRIX - 149 - DO 601 10=1,304 601 C suPp(IO)=0.0 DO 80 LX=1,NINTX RI=XG(LX,NINTX) DO 80 LY=1,NINTY SI=XG(LY,NINTY) DO 80 LZ=1,NINTZ TI=XG(LZ,NINTZ) CALL STDPM (XX,B,EP,G,DET,RI,SI,TI,NEL) WT=WGT(LX ,NINTX)*WGT(LY,NINTY)*WGT(LZ, DO 40 IR=1,12 DO 40 JC=1,12 KU(IR,JC)=KU(IR ,JC)+WT*TM*B(IR)*P(JC) DO 45 IR=1,8 DO 45 JC=1,8 SUM=0 .0 DC 46 IK=1,3 46 45 SUM=SUM-G(IK ,IR )*G(IK,JC )*PF-FELTA KP(IP ,JC)=KP(lR ,JC)+WT*SUM DO 50 IR=1,12 DO 50 JC=1,8 KL(IR,JC)=KL(IR ,JC)+WT*p CONTINUE 75 C (IR)*HP(JC) INDEX=1 DO 60 IR=1,12 DO 65 JC=IR,12 SU(INDEX)=KU(IR,JC) INDEX=INDEX+1 CCNTINUE DO 70 JC=1,8 SU(INDEX)=KL(IR,JC) INEEX=INDEX+1 CONTINUE CONTINUE DC 75 IR=1,8 DO 75 JC=IR,e SU(INDEX)=KP(IR,JC) INDEX=INDEX+1 CONTINUE IF (NFL.NE.1) GOTO 4000 C 3010 3020 3025 3040 WRITE(IOUT,3000) "14 FCRMAT(1X,AI,///' KU MAT RIX '/) DO 3020 I=1,12 WRITE(IOUT,3010) (KU(I,J ),J=1,12) FOPMAT(1X,12F10.5) CONTINUE WRITE(IOUT,3025) FCRMAT(//' KI MATRIX /) DO 303~ I=1,12 (KL(I,J ),J=1 ,8) WRITE(IOUT,3040) FORMAT(1X,F1O0.5) NINTZ)*DET - 150 - 3030 CONTINUE WRITE(IOUT ,3050) FORMAT(//' KP MATRIX '/) DO 3060 I=1,8 WRITE(ICUT ,370e) (KP(I,J),J=1,8) FORMAT(1X,SF10.5) CONTINUE WRITE(IOUT,308e) FORMAT(//' SU MATRIX '/) 3050 3070 3060 C C30E0 C C 0310 C3090 C 4000 C C 500 DO 3090 IQ=1,INDEX-1 WRITE (ICUT ,310 )IC,SU (IQ) FORMAT( Ile ,F10.5) CONTINUE CALL ADDBAN(A(N3),A(N2),SU,LM(1,NEL),ND) CCNTINUE RETURN STRESS C C 900 C ALCULATI 0 NS IPRINT=O DC 830 N=I,NUME IPRINT=IPRI NT+ IF(IPRINT.GT.50) IP RINT=1 IF(IPRINT.EQ.1) WRITE(IOUT,2090)NG MTYPE=MATP(N) STR=0. I=LM(L,N) WRITE(ICUT,2070)N, P,STR CONTINUE RETURN 1000 1010 1020 2000 FCPMAT( 15,2F1I.0) FORMAT(2F10.0) FORMAT( 51) FORMAT(' E LE M E N T D E F I NI 1' ELEMENT TYPE ',13(' .'), ( NPAR(1 ) ) 2' EC.1, ONE-D FLEMENTS'/, T I o N '///, . . =-,15/, EQ.2, TWO-D ELEMENTS'/, 1/' GE.3, ELEMENTS CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE'/, 4' FORMAT(' M A T E R IA L 2010 1' 2020 NPAR(2) ) . . =',15// D E F I N ITI 0 N "///, .'),'( NUMBER CF DIFFERENT SETS OF MATER IAL CONSTANTS'/, 3 4 ( .'), ( NPAR(3) ) . . =',IB //) FORMAT(///' SET UNIAXIAL 1' NUMBER MODULUS',/ 2' 2030 2040 NUMBER CF ELEMENTS.' ,10(' Kf PERMEABILITY'/ ') FORMAT(/I5, 4X,E12.5,3 X,E12.5) FORMAT(1X,A 1,' E L E MENT I N F 0 RMA TI 0 N '///, ELEMENT NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NODE NOD E NODE NODE NODE MATERIAL -/, NUMBER-N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 151 - * SET NUMBER'/) 11 12 9 1, FORMAT(15,8X,12(15,2X),5X,I5) C A I C U L A T I 0 N S S0 p FCDMAT(////' S T R E S S G R 0 U P',I4//,2X, I. E M E N T 1' 2' ELEMENT FORCE STRESS '/,3X,'N UMEER'/) 2070 FCRMAT(1X,I5,11X,113.6,4X,E13 .6) 2050 2060 C INI ' - 152 - C C C C C STDPM -- EVALUATE THE STRAIN-DISPLACEMENT-PRESSURE MATRICES E,N,G AT POINT (R,S,T) FOR A PCRCUS ELEMENT C C SUEROUTINE STDPM(XX,B,HP,G,DET,R,S,T,NEL) IMPLICIT REAI*8 (A-E,O-Z) CCMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOA,IINO,IOUT,IDPISPISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION XX(3,1),P(1),HP(1),G(3,1),H(12),P(3,12),PP(3,8) DIMENSION XJ(3,3),XJI(3,3),AA(3,3) C RP SP TP RM SM TM = = = = = = 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. + + + - R S T R S T C RR = 1. - R * R SS = 1. - S S TT = 1. - T * T C C C INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS H(1)=0.125*RP*SP*TP H(2)=e.125*RRV*SP*TP H(3)=e.125*RP*SM*TP H(4)=0.125*RP*SM*TP C H(5)=0.125*RP*SP*TM H(6)=0.125*RM*SP*TM H(7)=e.125*RV*SM*TM HR()=e.125*RP*SM*TM C H(9)=e.25*RP*SP*TT H(10)=0.25*Rý*SP*TT H(11)=0.25*RM*SM*TT H(12)=e.25*RP*SM*TT C C C C NATURAL COORDINATE DERIVATIVES W.R.T. 1. W.R.T C R C P(i,1)=0.125*'P*TP P(1,2)=-P(1,1) P (1,3)=- .125*SM*TP P(1,4)=-P(1,3) C P(1,5)=2.125*SP*TM P(1,6)=-P (1,5) P(1,7)=-e.125*SM*TM P(1,8)=-P(1,7) INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS - 153 - P (1,9)=0.25*SP*TT P(1,10)=-P( 1,9) P(1,11)=-0.25*SM*TT P(1,12)=-P(1,11) C C C 2. W.R.T S P(2,1)=0.125*RP*TP P(2,2)=0.125*PM*TP P(2,3)=-P(2,2) P(2,4)=-P(2,1) C P(2,5)=0.125*RP*TM P(2,e)=0.125*RM*TM P(2,7)=-P(%2,6) P(2,8)=-P(2,5) C P(2,9)=0.25*RP*TT P(2,1e)=e.25*RM*TT P(2,11)=-P(2,10) P(2,12)=-P(2,9) C C C 3. W.P.T T P(3, 1)=e.125*RP*SP P(3,2)=0.125*RM*SP P(3,3)=0.125*RM*SM P(Z,4)=0.125*RP*SM C P(3,5)=-2.125*RP*SP P(3,7)=-0.125*RM*SM C P(3,9)=-.25*RP*SP*T P(3,10) =-0.5*RM*SP*T P(,I1I)=-e.5*RM*SM*T P(3,12)=-0.5*RP*St•*T C C C --------------------------------- DO 100 IoQ=1, HP(IQ)=H(IO) DO 10e IP=1,3 100 C PP(IP,IQ)=P(IP, IQ) CONTINUE DO 11 10=1,4 H(IQ)=H(IQ)-H(IQ+E)/2. )-H (Q+)/2. H(IQ+4)=H ((IQ+4 DO Iie IP=1,3 P(IP,IQ)=P(IP,IO)-P(IP,IQ+8)/2. P (IP,IQ+4)=P( IP ,IQ+4)-P(IP,IQ+ 110 C C C CONTINUE C EVALUATE )/2. JACOBIAN MATRIX AT (R,S,T) - 154 - 20 DO 30 I=1,3 EC 30 J=1,3 DUM=0.0 DO 20 K=1,12 DUM=DUM+?( I ,K)*XX(J XJ(I ,J)=DUM 30 C C ,K) CONTINUE CCMPUTE DETERMINATE CF JACOBIAN MATRIX AT (R,S,T) AA(1,1)=+(XJ(2,2)*XJ AA(1,2)=-(XJ(2,1)*XJ AA(1,3)=+(XJ(2,1)*XJ ,7)-XJ( ,3)-XJ( ,2) -xJ )*XJ (2,3) )*XJ (2,3) )*xJ (2,21 DE'=0. DO 25 I=1,3 DET=DET+XJ(1, I)*AA(1 ,I) IF(DET.GT .0.0000001) GO TO 40 WRITE(IOUT,2000) NEL STOP AA(2,1)=-(XJ(1,2)*XJ (3,3)-XJ (3,2)*XJ(1,3) AA(2,2)=+(XJ(1,1 )*XJ (3,3)-XJ (3,1 )*XJ(1,3) AA(2,3)=-(XJ(1,1)*XJ (3,2)-XJ (3,1)*XJ(1,2) AA(3,1)=+(XJ(1,?)*XJ (2,3)-XJ (2,2)*XJ(1,3) (2,1)*XJ(1,3) (2,3)-XJ AA(3,2)=-(X J(1,1)*XJ (2,1)*XJ(1,2) (2,2)-XJ AA(3.,3)=+(XJ(191)*XJ COMPUTE INVERSE OF JACOBIAN MATRIX DUM=1./DET rO 35 IROW=1,3 DO 35 JCOI=1,3 XJI( IROW,JCOL)'=AA(JCOL, IROW)*DUM EVALUATE GICEAL rERIVATIVE OPERATOR DO 50 K=1,12 B(K)=e. DO 50 I=1,3 B(K)=B(K)+XJI(3, I)*P(I,K) 0o 75 DO 60 K=1,8 DC e0 J=1,3 G(J,K)=0.0 DO 60 I=1,3 G(J,K)=G(J,K)+XJI (JI)*PP(I K) THITA=0.0 RAD=e .0 DO 75 IQ=1,12 THFTA=THETA+H (IQ)*XX( ,IQ) RAE=RAD+H(IQ)*XX(3,IQ) ST=SIN(THETA) DET=DETRA D*RAD*ST D1=1 ./RAD - 155 - D2=D1/ST DO 8? K= ',8 G(1,K)=G(1,K)*'D G(2,K)=G(2,K)*D2 CONTINUE RETURN 2000 FORMAT(///' *** ERROR , ZERO OR NEGATIVE JACOPIAN FOR 1ELEMENT (',14,') *** '//) C ENr - 156 - C CCLHT -- CALCULATE COLUMN HEIGETS ~~''''~'''"" C8~~~Q~~t~~l~~~t~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~l~~t~~~ C SUEROUTINE CCLHT(Et'T,ND, L) COMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEQ,NWK,NUMEST,MkDEST,MAXEST,MK rIMENSION IM(1),MET(1) C LS=10000 DO 100 I=1,ND IE(LM(I))10,1•0,I10 110 120 100 C 200 C IF(LM(I)-LS)120,100,100 LS=LM( I) CONTINUE DO 200 I=1,ND II=LM(I) IF(II.EC.O)GC TO 200 ME=II-LS IF(ME.GT.MHTVI I ) )MET !(II)=ME CONTINUE RETURN ENE - 157 - C C * ADMES -- CALCULATE ADDRESSES OF DIAGONAL ELEMENTS IN BANDED MATRIX WHOSE CCLUMN BEIGHTS ARE KNOWN C C * C MHT = ACTIVE COLUMN HEIGHTS C MAXA = ADDRESSES OF DIAGONAL ELEMENTS * C C SUERCUTINE ADDRES(MAXA,MBT) COMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEQ,NWK,NUMEST,MIDSTEST, DIMENSION MAXA(1),MBT(1) C C C 20 C CLEAR ARRAY AREA NN=NEC+1 DO 20 I=1,NN MAXA(I)=e.0 MAXA(1)=i MAXA(2)=2 MK=O IF(NEQ.EQ.1)GO TO 100 DC 10 I=2,NEC 10 100 IF(MT(I) .GT.MK)MK=MHT(I) MAXA(I+1)=MAXA(I)+MHT(I)+1 MK=MK+1 NWK=MAXA(NEQ+1 )-MAXA(1) C RETURN END ST,MK - 158 - CLEAR -- CLEAR ARRAY A C~~~~~~s~~~~s~+4~~~4~~~~4t~~~~8~~1~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE CLEAR (A,N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION A(1) DO 10 I=1,N A(I)=e. RETURN END - 159 - C C ASSEM -- CALL ELEMENT SUBROUTINE FOR ASSEMBLAGE OF THE STRUCTURE STIFFNES MATRIX C C C SUBROUTINE ASSEM(AA) CCMMON /EL/ IND,NPAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWO COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION AA(1) C REWIND IELMNT C DO 200 N=1,NUMEG READ(IELMNT)NUEST,NPAR,(AA(I), I=1,NUMEST) C CALL ELEMNT C 200 CONTINUE RETURN C C END - 160 - C C * ADMBAN -- ASSEMBLE UPPER TRIANGULAR ELEMENT STIFFNESS * * A = GLOBAL STIFFNESS S = ELEMENT STIFFNESS C C ND = DEGREES OF FREEDCM IN ELEMENT C C S(1 C S= C C C C C C C C A(1) A = S(2) S(3) +++ S(ND+2) +++ S(2*ND) +++ +++ A(6) A(5) A(4) +++ +++ +++ * +++ * A(3) A(2) C C SUtROUTINE ADDBAN(A,MAXA,S,LM,ND) IMPLICIT REAI*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION A(1),MAXA(1,S(1),LM(1) C 100 NDI=O DO 200 I=1,ND II=LM(I) IF(II)200,200,100 MI=MAXA(II) KS=I D0'220 J=1,ND JJ=LM(J) 110 IF(JJ)220,220,110 IJ=II-JJ 210 IF(IJ)22 ,210,210 KK=MI+IJ 220 KSS=KS IF(J.GE.I )KSS=J+NDI A(KK)=A(KK)+S(KSS) KS=KS+ND-J 200 NDI=NDI+ND-I C RETURN END TIFFNESS S(ND+1) C C * INTO COMPACTED GLOEAL STIFFNESS C C - 161 C C C * SECOND -- CBTAIN SYSTEM TIME C SUDROUTINE S7CONr(TIM) TIM=SECNDS (0.) RETURN END - 162 - C C COISOL -- SCIVE FINITE ELEMENT STATIC EQUILIBRIUM EQUATIONS C C IN CORE, USING COMPACTED STORAGE AND COLUMN REDUCTION SCHEME C C -- C C C C A(NWK) = STIFFNESS MATRIX STORED IN COMPACTED FORM V(NN) = RIGHT-HAND-SIDE LCAD VECTOR MAXA(NNM) = VECTOR CONTAINING THE ADDRESSES OF DIAGONAL ELEMENTS OF STIFFNESS MATRIX IN A C NN = NUMBER OF EQUATIONS C NWK = NUMBER OF ELEMENTS BELOW SKYLINE OF MATRIX C NNM = NN + 1 C KKK = INPUT FLAG INPUT VARIABLES -- C C C IOUT -- C A(NWK) C C V(NN) = LOGICAL UNIT FOR OUTPUT DEVICE OUTPUT -- = D AND L FACTORS OF STIFFNESS MATRIX = DISPLACEMENT VECTOR C SUBROUTINE COLSOL(A,V,MAXA,NN,NWK,NNM,KKK) C C C IMPLICIT REAI*8 (A-H,C-Z) COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,IIOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISPISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION A(NWK),V(NN),MAXA(NNM) PERFORM L*D*LT FACTORIZATION OF STIFFNESS MATRIX IF(KKKK-2)40,150,150 40 50 DO 140 N=1,NN KN=MAXA(N) KL=KN+1 KU=MAXA(N+1)-1 KH=KU-KL IF(KH)110,90,50 K=N-KH IC=0 KLT=KU DO 80 J=1,KH IC=IC+1 KLT=KLT-1 KI=MAXA(K) ND=MAXA(K+1)-KI-i IF(ND)80,eO,e? 60 * EQ.1 TRIANGULARIZATION OF STIFFNESS MATRIX EQ.2 REDUCTION AND BACK-SUBSTITUTION OF LOAD VECTOR C C C C * KK=MINO(IC,ND) C=0. DC 70 L=1,KK 70 C=C+A(KI+L)*A(KIT+L) e8 90 A(KLT)=A(KIT)-C K=K+1 K=N B=e. * - 163 - DO 100 KK=KL,KU K=K-1 KI=MAXA(K) C=A(KK)/A(KI) B=E+C A(KK) A(KK)=C 110 120 140 C C C 150 160 170 180 C C C 210 220 230 A(KN)=A(KN)-B IF(A(KN))140,120,140 WRI T (IOUT ,2000 ) ,A(KN) STOP CONTINUE RETURN I IGNORE NEGATIVE REIUCE RIGHT-HAND-SIDE LOAD VECTOR DO 180 N=1,NN KL=MAXA (N )+1 KU=MAXA(N+ 1)-1 IF(KU-KL)180,160,160 K=N c=e. DO 170 KK=KL,KU K=K-1 C=C+A(KK)*V(K) V(N)=V(N)-C CONTINUE BACK-SUESTITUTE DC 200 N=I,NN K=MAXA(N) V(N)=V(N)/A(K) IF(NN .EC.1)RETURN N=NN DO 230 L=2,NN KL=MAXA(N)+1 KU=MAXA(N+1)-1 IF (KU-KL)230,210,210 K=N DO 220 KK=KL,KU K=K-1 V(K)=V(K)-A(KK)*V(N) N=N-1 RETURN FORMAT(//' STOP - STIFFNESS MATRIX NOT PCSITIVE DEFINITE "// NONPOSITIVE PIVOT FOR EQUATION ',14,// PIVOT = ',E2e.12) END - C C C LOADV -- 164 - OBTAIN THE LOAD VECTOR C C SUEROUTINE LOADV(R,NEQ) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,C-2) COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION R(NEQ) C READ (ILOAD)R RETURN END - 165 - C C DISPV -- OETAIN THE DISPLACEMENT VECTOR C C C SUBROUTINE DISPV(U,NSUR) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION U(NSUR) c READ (IDISP)U RETURN END - 166 ~~~~~~t~44~~~&~~~~1~4t~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~ WRITE -- PRINT DISPLACEMENTS AND FLOWS C~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~~~~88~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~ SUBROUTINE WRITE(DISP,ID,NEQ,NUMNP,FLOW,NSNOD,NSUR) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIfENSION LISP(NIQ),ID(2,NUMNP),D(3),FLOW(NSUR),NSNOD(NSUE) BYTE FF DATA FF/" 1 4/ PRINT DISPLACEMENTS WRITE (IOUT,2000) IC=4 C C DO e10II=1,NUMNP IC=IC+1 IF(IC.LT.54)GO TO 105 WRITE (iOUT,2020) FF IC=0 105 110 C 120 C DO 110 I=1,3 D(I)=e. DO 120 I=1,2 KK=ID(I,II) IL=I IF(KK.NE.0)D(IL)=DISP (KK) DO 130 IQ=1,NSUR KK=NSNOD(IQ) 13e IF(KK.EQ.II )D(3)=FLOW(IQ) IF(D(3).EQ.0.0)GOTO 100 100 C C C WRITE(IOUT,2010)II,D CONTINUE WRITE DISPLACEMENTS AND FLOWS TO FILE WRITE(ISTATE) (DISP(I) ,I=1 ,NEQ) WRITE(ISTATE) (F LOW(I) ,I=1 ,NSUR) RETURN FCRMAT(////' D I SPLA CEMENT S , P R E S S U R E S, NODE ' * & SURFACE F L0 WS '///' PRESSURE 18X,' FLOW '/) DISPLACEMENT 2010 FORMAT( 1X,13,8X, 3E18.E) 2020 FORMAT(1X,A1' D ISP LA CEMEN TS , PRES SURESS & SURFACE NODE ', F L 0 W S '/// PRESSURE FLOW '/) 18X,' DISPLACEMENT 2000 C EN] - 167 - C C STRESS -- CALL THE ELEMENT SUBRCOUTINE TO CALCULATE STRESSES * C C SUBROUTINE STRESS(AA) COMMON /VAR/ NG,MODEX,RBEST,DELTA COMMON /EL/ IND,NFAR(10),NUMEG,MTOT,NFIRST,NLAST,ITWO COMMON /TAPES/ IEIMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION AA(1) C C C C LOCP CVER ALU ELEMENT GROUPS REWIND IELMNT C DO 100 N=1,NUMEG NG=N C READ (IELMNT) NUMEST,NPAR,(AA(I),I=1,NUMEST) C CALL ELEMNT C 100 CONTINUE RETURN END - 168 - 0************************************************************************ *e ERROR -- PRINT ERROR tESSAGES WHEN STORAGE IS EXCEEDED SUBROUTINE ERRCR(N,I) COMMON /TAPES/ IEIMNT,IIOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP GO TO (1,2,3,4,5),I WRITE(IOUT ,2e•0) GO TO 6 WRITE(IOUT ,210) GO TO 6 WRITE(IOUT,2020) GO TO 6 WRITE(ICUT,2'30) GO TO 6 WRITE(IOUT,2040) WRITE(IOUT ,205e) N STOP FCRMAT(//' NOT ENOUGH STORAGE FOR READ-IN OF ID ARRAY AND' 1/' NODAL POI NT COORDINATES ') 2010 FORMAT(//' NOT ENOUGH STORAGE FOR DEFINITION OF LOAD VECTORS 202 FORMAT(//' NCT ENCUGEH STORAGE FOR ELEMENT DATA INPUT ') 2030 FORMAT(//' NOT ENOUGH STORAGE FOR ASSEMBIAGE OF STRUCTURE' 2/' STIFFNESS ,AND DISPLA CEMENT A ND STRESS SOLUTION PHASE ') 2040 FORMAT(//' NOT ENOUGH STORAGE FOR SURFACE DISPLACEMENT INPUT 2050 FORMAT(//' ERROR STORAGE EXCEEDED BY ',I9,' LONGWORDS END *** ld - 169 - C C C * SAVE -- SAVE THE DISPLACEMENT VECTOR C SUEROUTINE SAVE(U,UOLr,NEQ) C IMPLICIT REAt*8 (A-H,C-Z) DIMENSION U(NEQ),UOLD(NEQ) C DO 1~ IQ=1,NIC 10 UOLD(IQ)=U(IQ) RETURN END - 170 - UPDATE -- UPDATE THE RHS USING PREVIOUS DISPLACEMENTS SU.ROUTINE DPDATF(R,UOLD,ID,MAXA,A,NUMNP) IMPLICIT REAI*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,IOUT,IDISP,ISTATE, IKORG,IKTRI EIMENSICN A(1) ,?(1),UOLD(1),MAXA(1),ID(2,1) DO 200 IP=1,NUMNP II=ID(2,IP) IF(II.EQ.0)GOTO 200 IHl=MAXA(II+1 )-MAXA (II)-I I PRESSURE COLUMNS SUM=O. DO 250 IU=1,NUtNP JJ=ID(1,IU) IF(JJ.EO.0)GOTO 250 ICOL=II-JJ ! DISPLACEMENT ROW S IF(ICCL.IE.0)GOTO 250 IF(ICOL.GT.IHT)GOTO 250 INDEX=MAXA(II)+ICOL SUM=SUM+UOLD(JJ)*A(INDEX) 250 200 CONTINUE R(II)=R(II)+SUM CONTINUE DO 300 IU=1,NUMNP II=ID(1,IU) IF(II .EQ.0GOTO '00 IHT=MAXA(II+1)-MAXA(II)-1 DC 350 IP=1,NUMNP JJ=ID(2,IP) IF(JJ.EQ.O)GOTO 350 ICOL=II-JJ IF(ICOL.LE.0)GOTO 350 IF(ICOL.GT.IHT)GOTO 350 IN]EX=MAXA(II)+ICCL 350 300 C R(JJ)=R(JJ)+UOLD( II)*A(INEX) CONTINUE CONTINUE RETURN ENL ! DISPLACEMENTS COCLUMNS ! PRESSURE ROWS - 171 - C C OUT -- CONVERT TO REAL*4 FOR C SUIROUTINE OUT(D,R) REAIL*8 D REAL*4 R R=D RETURN END CUTPUT - 172 CB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~g~~~~ DISPL -- REAL SURFACE DISPLACEMENT DATA WRITE TO DISC FILE IDISP C ******************************************************* C SUEROUTINE DISPI (NSNOD,SDISP,NSUR,NLCPSE) COMMON /VAR/ NG,MODEX COMMON /TAPES/ IEIMNT,ILOAD,IINICUT,ICUTIDISP ,ISTATI,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSICN NSNOD(NSURq,SDISP(NSUR) ]YTE FF DATA FF/"14/ C 1005 200 DO 200 I=1,NSUR R-AD(IIN,1005) NSNOD(I) FORMAT(5I) CONTINUE C DO 230 LL=1,NLCASE WRITE(IOUT,2000) FF,LL 240 DO 240 I=1,NSUR SDISP(I)=0. DO 250 N=1,NSUR C 250 230 C 1000 2000 2010 ?EAD(IIN,1000) NOD,DISP IF(NSNOD(N).NE.NOD)GOTO 250 SDISP(N)=DISP WRITE(IOUT,2010) N,NOD, SDISP(N) CONTINUE WRITE(IDISF)SDISP CONTINUE FORMAT(15,FvI.0) FORMAT(1X,A1 ,1X, LOAD CA SE NODE DISPLACEMENT '/ NUMBER )2 FORMAT(1X,I5,5X,I 5,F12.3) RETURN ENr - DASSEM -- 173 - ASSEMBLE SURFACE FLCW MATRIX SUEROUTINE DASSEM (ID,NSNOD,AKQ,MAXB,DISP,NSUR,NLCASE) COMMON /VAR/ NG,MODEX,RBEST,DELTA COMMON /SOL/ NUMNP,NEQ,NWK,NUMEST,MIDEST,MAXEST,MK COMMON /DIf/ Ni,N2,N3,N4,N5,NE,N7,NB,N9,N9,N,N11,N12,N3,N14,N15 COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IIN,ICUT,IDISP,ISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSION ID(2,1),NSNOD(NSUR),AKQ(1),MAXB(1),DISP(1) CCFMON A(1) BYTE FF DATA FF/"14/ C INDEX=1 NEQ1=NEO+1 DC 200 I=1,NSUR MAXE(I)=INDEX DO 210 IQ=1,NEO 210 DISP(IQ)=o.0 IF=ID(?,NSNOD(I)) DISP( IF)=DELTA CALL COLSCL(A(NZ),DI SP,A(N2),NEQ,NWK,NEQ1,2) DO 230 N=I,1,-l NUM=ID(I,NSNOD(N)) 230 200 C AKQ(INDEX)=DISP(NUM) INDEX=INDEX+1 CONTINUE CCNTINUE NSUR1=NSUR+1 MAXB(NSUR1)=INDEX NSIZE=NSUR*NSUR1/2 CALL COLSOL(AKQ,DISP,MAXB,NSUR,NSIZE,NSUR1,1) C RETURN END - 174 - C C C FLOW -- FIND THE SURFACE FLOWS C C C C SUBROUTINE FLOW(UR,US,ID,AKQ,MAXB,NSNOD,NSUR,R) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /VAR/ NG,MODEX,RBEST,DELTA COMMON /TAPES/ IELMNT,ILOAD,IINIOU,IOUTIDISPISTATE,IKORG,IKTRI DIMENSICN AEC(1),UR(1),US(1),MAX2(1),ID(2,1),R(1),NSNOD(1) DO 200 IP=1,NSUR 200 C NUM=ID(1,NSNCD(IPF) US(IP)=US(IP)-TUR(NUM) NSUR1=NSUR+1 NSIZE=NSUR*NSUR1/2 KTR=2 CALL COLSOL(AKQ,US,MAXB,NSUR,NSIZE,NSUR1,KTR) C C C 300 CORRECT LOAD VECTOR DO 300 IQ=1,NSUR NUt=ID(2,NSNOD(IQ)) R(NU )=R(NUM)+US(IQ)*DELTA RETURN, END - 175 - APPENDIX B FREQUENCY RESPONSE - 176 - As shown in Chapter 3, the frequency response of the cartilage layer, model led as an elastic network submerged exhibits a characteristic 45 -degree an incompressible flui phase stress and displ acement surface The s hift wil 1 decrease as effe cts (displacement lags). compressibility the the between shift of th e fluid and/or the network become is likely even hig her (it solid constituents of carti lage it would otherwise be dif ficul t to acc ount for the of wave we should of the The bulk modu lus of water is 2.24 GPa; significant. propagation we me.asured in cartilage). until compressibility high speed The refore, o bulk the uniaxial s train stiffnes of the effects significant expe ct not of layer is say 0.2 GPa ( stiff ness is the ratio of the surface stress to the average strain). Figure B-1 show S chamber. design the for c onfinement (See Tepi c [139 I for a detailed discuss ion of the exper imental this advantages of cartilage ou r positi oned is on techniq ue). top of a A plug 20 MHz ultrasonic tranducer which faces the plug and the loa der on t op of Thickness of the plu g is pulses of ultrasonic The transducer. specimen alone. of it. measured by timi ng the r eflections emi tted di splac ement from and receive d by the is thus measured across the The resol ution of the mea surement is better than a micron, which at high frequencies is insuff icient for a very precise estimate of the stiffness, there are at least two levels of but, as long the surface position - 177 - 7 iF IF SETao 150 S mm CoreTE..oLLE. OF WAT-ES. *AV LoAý. 'Pot.OusAL.UII4AA POO u S WAf E k GL.ASS COIE3MKE0T'"r CHAMt•2W.. CA;TLA PLUG rGLUEZ (ASTMA E 9 0) O-NLJ)( Ya.AM4%\..JC.E18 Figure B-1. Cartilage Plug Confinement for the Frequency Response Measurements OL.3ER - 178 - recorded, is sufficient to determine the phase thick-walled confinement chamber was made shift from class The loader (pyrex) rod which was bored and then polished. consists of a porous porous pyr ex glass wafer, of only 0 .125 mm. alumina rod and a thin, ver y fine ground by hand to final thi ckness The result was a low permeability loader (the fluid resistance was measured to with Tk6 be 1.5 x 10 Ns/m ) a smooth loading surface (the surface roughness should be measure d in the future). To prevent scratching against the glass the loader is lined by a thin teflon sleeve. The load was whi ch Simulator applied for our by this servo-controlled purpose served as Hip a ny load-controlled testing machine. The ultrasonic signals were processed as Sections 4.1. The load signals described in from the simulator and a square-wave output from the function generator, used only to determine the frequency, analog-to-digital converter. were recorded computing the series of were Five sampled to twenty through full LPS cycles and the phase shift was determined by simply corresponding the load displacement measurements. coefficients signal and of of the the Fourier reconstructed - 179 - The results of the phase shift measurements on Curve 1 shows an average of many trials on Figure B-2. different plugs with the alumina loader wafer; wafer. data the shown are on Curve 2 without glass the was obtained with the glass Curve 1 is shifted by about a decade with respect to Lee's [72] data (Curve 3); Curve 2 by an additional decade. At lower frequencies we have consistently measured shifts of 45 to 50 degrees, as expected, but the fall off above 0.1 Hz persisted. 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