ïseca IN FO R M A TIO N SYSTEM O N THE EUTROPHICATIO N O F OUR COASTAL AREAS Final conference BB5I85SP INTERREG IV A 30th June 2014, Boulogne-sur-Mer "Investing in your future" Crossborder cooperation programme 2007-2013 Part-financed by th e European Union (European R egional D evelopm ent Fund) Results of ISECA surveys : 1. General perception on eutrophication in the 2Seas Region 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication in the 2Seas Region Carolien Knockaert Annelies Goffin Flanders M arine Institute (VLIZ) ADRIÑORD P o rts m o u th 1 1 W & Nausicaa L» fTlo- est sur Ierre w n faUEiHn it iTh* fawtggwnt«J NIOZ PML Plymouth Marine Laboratory UNIVERSITY of GREENWICH V ltO ' r vision o n te c h n o lo g y V L IZ 1.1 Aim of the survey 1. General perception on eutrophication ■ Have people ever observed foam on the beach ? ■ How do people think and feei about the foam ? ■ Do they know about the eutrophication phenomenon ? Do we need to communicate towards general public ? iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.2 Main statistics 1. General perception on eutrophication iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.3 Analysis and results 1. General perception on eutrophication W hat % o f respondents has allready seen foam on the beach ? 61% 39% YES NO & iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OFOURCOASTALAREAS 1.3 Analysis and results 1. General perception on eutrophication What causes 50 % of all respondents origin of the foam phenomenon I has Caused by human activities Due to an accidental pollution 30 Natural biological phenomenon 0 % 100 iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1. General perception on eutrophication If the foam is caused by human ©Laurent Audouin Climate change ? Soil pollution ? W ater pollution ? Î iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.3 Analysis and results 1. General perception on eutrophication If the foam is caused by human Not at all W ater pollution A little 57 33 M ainly Exclusive Soil pollution 64 16 Climate change 34 0 17 50 % 14 100 Almost oil respondents think the foam is caused by a combination o f human activities but m ainly due to w ater pollution & iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.3 Analysis and results 1. General perception on eutrophication How ' do people feei or : Pollutes sw im w ater Unsightly 86 Stinks 35 Dangerous fo r animals (dogs, fish,...) 80 Dangerous fo r humans 43 0 % 100 viseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.3 Analysis and results 1. General perception on eutrophication Do you know the phenomenon o f eutrophication in our coastal areas ? 84% 12% 4% Yes 84 % A little of respondents eutrophication Not at al do iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.4 Conclusions 1. General perception on eutrophication ■ 61 beach ■ 53 % supposes it is a natural phenomenon but amplified with human ■ ■ % of respondents 62 % thinks dangerous fo r animals 84 % is not the aware has foam humans, of the allre activities is dange 80 eutr /Sk seca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 1.5 Progress in ISECA after the first survey 1. General perception on eutrophication Communication in the ISECA project was necessary to inform people on the eutrophication phenomenon in general ! • Web Inform ation Server (WIS) • Creation o f educational tools • Creation o f communication tools • Organisation o f communication events References : > Chiroutre E., G offin A., Sonter-Limerez A., Vernier A., De KokJ.L., Wottoge P., Martinez Vicente V., Cira M., Sanier R. (2013). A l. 3: Perception o f the eutrophication. ISECA Project Rapport. /Ä is e c a INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.1 Aim of the survey 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Aim of survey ? ■ Integration of socio-economic and socio-professional criteria ■ Is the perception in United Kingdom, Belgium, France and the Netherlands the same ? ■ Are they willing to address or to get involved in solving the eutrophication problem ? -> Do we need to change the management and policy on eutrophication (and water quality in general) ? -> Is further communication towards general public necessary ? /Skiseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.2 Main statistics 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication /ä seca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.2 Main statistics 2ook oaa* mensen. p»<*alsen er» dmgen •«t I ro v e r nolghim - Koc«Hit - 2. Socio-economic per ceptio Programme [ ” ) P U A ttm Registration Road description Contact [Te) to to /v id Schn|f icts op de pooma van Inas become an established event for all marine and \nd its neighbouring regions Dating bach to its fnis event nas evolved since 20 00 into an annual M o n ito rin g th e e a r th o c e a n s fr o m s p a c e IC O . l - I r o v t 'r I t e l g i u in J iu u rg tie d e n O W at Is jullie mening over de het Vlaams Instituut voor de i't t p - Hom e m P r o je c t S c ie n c e fo r e x p e r ts iseca W E ? S c ie n c e f o r th e p u b lic C o m m u n ic a tio n a n d e d u c a tio n IS E C A p r o d u c ts Links and coastal experts from all disciplines come to this posters, demonstrations and interactive sessions Survey on public interest on the quality of coastal waters T h e p u rp o s e o f th is s u rv e y is t o d e te r m in e th e p u b lic 's p e r c e p tio n o f w a t e r q u a lity a n d its e ffe c ts o n p u b lic u s e . I t a ls o a im s a t b e tte r d e fin in g th e p u b lic 's w illin g n e s s to c o n tr ib u te to im p r o v e m e n ts . ISECA Newsletter 4 ( S u r v e y a s p a r t o f t h e IN T E R R E G I V A 2 S e a s "IS E C A " p r o je c t - In fo r m a tio n S y s te m o n th e E u tr o p h ic a tio n o f o u r C o a s ta l A r e a s ) Hera« I Canlta I Pan I iilm kfi I M|nBwnifcoed HumIIRMMGlItHiMl - M BOERENBOND * ,-^ f.T w iir 'Bwj» ZOEKEN 1. H o w o ft e n d o y o u v is it t h e b e a c h ? * © © D a ily O nce a S e v e ra l O nce a S e v e ra l N ever w eek tim e s a w e e k m o n th tim e s a y e a r 2 . F o r w h a t p u rp o s e ( s ) d o y o u g o to th e b e a c h ? * 0 CU 0 0 0 W a lk Run S w im B o a tin g W o rk 1 Vr»d fc l«Jc • fteageren i I p w e w o es Drlcn v o d w iA t In * . îd»ij<eertre»«*,.. Autom atisatie in de arbeidsintensieve aspergeteelt 7 ^ 2.2 Main statistics 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication “ The World Wide Web o f ISECA respondents" Total : 590 respondents Interreg 2Seas Region : 520 United Kingdom etherlands Belgium 310 France 130 2.3 General profile of respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Children : 57 % Professional category Working class Sex : M 52 %, F 48% 9% Non-working class 11 % Retired Age category 11 % 12 % 80 % <25 26-40 31 % 46 % Annual household 41-60 >60 15% 35% Low Average 50 % High iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.3 General profile of respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication 52 % ISECA Category Scientist Farmer Fisherman Teacher General public 1 General public Scientist 37 o % 100 iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.3 General profile of respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Our visit to the beach Frequency Never Several tim es a year 1% 90 Once a m onth 6% Once a week 11% Activity (%) Several tim es a week I Daily 14% ■ 56% 12 % O ther Surf ¿ ¿ Fish Boat ■ Run i l W ork l Swim /ä Walk iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS r 2.4 Analysis and results 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Have people ever seen foam / g Total N on-lnterreg 0 100 % 81 % o f all respondents has allready o The occurrence o f fo am seems to be a bigger problem in the 2Seas Region « iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OFOURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : focus on general public 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Does the general public Country % Total 50 know 1 / 2 or 50 % of general public does not know what is causing the foam on the beach seca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : focus on general public __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Do they Total general public know Not at all the eutrophication 14% 12 % 21 % A little Very well 58 % 21 % S 84 % of general public in the 2Seas Region (Belgium: 86 %, France: 88 % and UK: 79%) is not or almost not aware of the eutrophication phenomenon ! « iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OFOURCOASTALAREAS é r- * ' 2.4 Analysis and results : focus on general public 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Is the knowledge ■ Knowledge low to zero 100 23 % 77 of eutrophication Knowledge very well 12 11 18 13 10 16 88 89 82 87 90 84 26-40 41-60 >60 Secundary level Bachelor Master 0 <25 There seems to be no pronounced difference in knowledge between age and educational level of general public seca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : all respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Would you accept an increase in the water bill to improve water quality ? What is the amount you are willing to pay (WTP) ? u iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : all respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Is the WTP related to the freque 100 % WTP 80 60 40 20 0 Never Several times a year Once a month Once a week Several times a week Daily The WTP seems not to be increasing w ith the number of visits to the beach, and seems even a little lower for people that visit the beach more than once a week. WLiseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : all respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Is the WTP related to our activities at the beach or in the sea ? 100 % WTP 53 0 Fish Walk Swim Surf Boat Respondents that perform beach activities with that involve more contact with water (swimming, surfing), have a higher WTP compared to respondents that walk along the beach ICS iNSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : all respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication Is willingness to pay related to our households (HH) ? %WTP ■Total I I I I 40 Low HH Average HH High HH On average, respondents with a higher income have a higher WTP iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.4 Analysis and results : all respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication What are the main reasons that 36 % of all respondents is not willing to pay ? 100 % 0 i Polluters should pay I allready pay too much tax Governm ent should pay i Can't afford to pay iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS ^ r f 2.4 Analysis and results : all respondents 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication What other measures would they take when not willing to pay ? 100 Total 1 1 1 1 % 0 Check w ater connection w ith sewer network Paying more fo r vegetables to encourage environm entally friendly agriculture Taxes must allready be allocated to preservation of the environm ent Pay fo r R&D Pay in a conservation trust fund iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM 2.5 Conclusions : foam and eutrophication 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication S 81 % o f all respondents but is more likely to appear In the 2Seas Region (87 %vs 61 % has allread outside) S Only 50 % o f general public has an idea on the cause o f the foam S 8 4 % o f general public in the 2seas Region is not informed on the eutrophication o f our coastal areas I iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS 2.5 Conclusions : willingness to pay 2. Socio-economic perception on eutrophication S 64% of all respondents is willing to prevent or limit eutrophication than half (46 %) is willing to pay 35 €/year S The main reasons respondents do should pay (66 %), they allready pay too much tax (52 %) and the Government should pay to obtain a better water quality (40 %>) to a : 95 not S if people do not want to pay, they do want to take other measures to improve water quality : check their sewer environmentally friendly agriculture pay for R&D iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS THANKS FOR YOUR FOAMING ATTENTION Thanks to : > An ne lies Go ff in > Leo Denocker > Premachandra Wattage > Elise Chiroutre > A ll survey respondents iseca INFORMATIONSYSTEM ONTHEEUTROPHICATION OF OURCOASTALAREAS