What Leaders Can Do To Help Collaborative Teams Stages of Practice Characteristics

What Leaders Can Do To Help Collaborative Teams
Stages of Practice
Leaders Can Help By:
Filling the Time
Not knowing what to do and/or
trying to do too much
Defining specific tasks: creating
essential outcomes or common
assessments; creating norms
Sharing Personal Practices
Teams begin to make instruction
Asking for team products—agree on
what those products should look
Planning, Planning,
Team members use more common
pacing & common instructional
strategies; members delegate
responsibilities (share the work)
Teams identify what proficiency
looks like; determine what evidence
is needed
Challenging teams to focus on
learning rather than teaching & to
share data on results
Developing Common
Providing support with difficult
conversations & modeling strategies
for consensus decisions
Analyzing Student
Teams begin to rely on the data to
determine what comes next
Providing support with data analysis
& with creating safe & trusting
Differentiating Follow-up
Teams respond by providing
additional time and support for
students & taking collective
Teams engage in reflection &
professional learning
Posing provocative questions which
encourage team “ownership.”
Reflecting on Instruction
Helps teachers find time to share
and learn together & observe each
Graham, P. & Ferriter, B., One Step at a Time, Journal of Staff Development, Summer, 2008,
p.38-42. Used with permission from NSDC (4-16-2010).