Hydrogeology strata ol Lower Cretaceous under thesouthern HighPlains of NewMexico byJ. A. Tony Fallin, IexasWater TX78711-3231 Development Board, P0. Box13231, Austin, Introduction Recent interpretations of seismic and other well log information indicate that Lower Cretaceous strata cover approximately 1,500 mi' under the southern High Plains of New Mexico (Fig. 1). Deposited on Late Triassic terrane, and covered largely by alluvial-fan deposits that make up the Ogallala Formation (Neogene; Seni, 1980), the strata form buried mesas with more than 200 ft of subsurface relief at some locations. The buried mesas are erosional outliers of a system that is much more extensively preserved and developed in the Edwards Plateau region of west-central Texas (Fisher and Rodda, 1969). A typical Lower Cretaceous section under the southern High Plains of New Mexico includes a relatively thin basal sand and sandstone deposit overlain by marls, clays, and associated limestones (Fig. 2). Regional subsurface profiles show that the basal sand and sandstone deposit correlates with the Antlers Formation (Trinity Group) in Texas. The de- B, I ?c__ Causey posit is white to light blue, unconsolidated to moderately well cemented, fine to coarse grained, and quartz-rich; it has scattered lenses of gravel toward the base. Quartz grains in the sand fraction are typically well rounded and frosted in appearance, both characteristics associated with near-shore marine, beach, and dune sand depositional environments. As an irregular sheet deposit, the thickness of the basal sand and sandstone pinches and swells while thinning regionally to the northwest (Fig. 3). Thickness of the unit ranges from less than a foot to more than 50 feet, and appears to be maximally developed where it fills erosional scour channels and other topographic lows cut into the underlying Dockum Group (Late Triassic; Fig. 4). Light-blue clay and argillaceous, shallowmarine limestone overlie the basal sand and sandstone in southern parts of the study area (Fig. 5). The limestone is fossiliferous in places and has a spotty distribution pattern. Combined with underlying clay intervals, the Iimestone rarely exceeds 55 ft in total thickness. The strata correlate sequentially and lithologically with the Walnut and Comanche Peak Formations of the Fredericksburg Group in Texas. A dark blue-gray shale interval capped with vellow-brown clav overlies all other Lower Cretaceous strata under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. Thickness of the finegrained sediments ranges from zero to more than 160 ft, with much of the section either partially or completely removed locally by post-depositionalerosion(Fig.5). The upper yellow-brown clay coversthe entire subcrop area (Fig. 7), which suggeststhat it may be an oxidized weathering profile that developed when the Lower Cretaceousstratawere uplifted and subaeriallyexposedduring Laramide time. Stratigraphically,middle parts of the fine-grainedsequencecorrelatewith the Kiamichi Formation (Fredericksburg Group); upper parts of the sectionmay also include some of the Duck Creek Formation (WashitaGroup), a unit that has been identified at outcrop localitiesin neighboringTexas counties (Brand, 1953). Hydrology Almost all Lower Cretaceousstrataunder the southern High Plainsof New Mexico lie below the regional water table, and are saturated with fresh (lessthan 1,000ppm total dissolvedsolids)to slightly saline(1,000-3,000 ppm total dissolved solids) ground water. Only in limited updip areasalong the northern and western edges of the province are exceptionsknown to occur. The Lower Cretaceousstrataare hydraulically connected with other water-bearing formations in the region, particularly the bounding and overlyingOgallalaFormation, and are consideredto be part of the greater High Plains aquifer system. Basalsand and sandstonebeds and fractures, ioints, bedding planes,and shell faciesin the limestone intervals form effective ground-water reservoirs in the section, while clay, shale, and *l rcol Age ]l system -100m y Group Washita Group Cy Lithology Formation DuckCreek Formation Yellow-brown to dark blue-grayshale with thin limestoneand siltstoneinterbeds el f- € o A, '--1 x\l _/ \\l Kiamichi Formation Fredericksburg Group ! o .ovtnol0n I g) uomancne Peak o c B Formation U) A ---A, Sectionlines(Fig.6) [-l ' I Lower Cretaceousoutcrop I (black)and subcrop(Sray) FIGURE l-Lower CretaceousoutcroDand subcrop areasin the southern High Plaini region of New Mexico. Referto Fig.7 for crosssections. February 1988 Nao MexicoCeology : : Walnut Formation TrinityGroup Antlers Formation lrregularlybedded limestone argillaceous with shell& clay interbeds Yellowto light-blueclay with some yellowsand White to light-bluesand and sandstonewith gravellensestoward the base -135m v FIGURE2-Composite stratigraphicsectionof Lower Cretaceousstrataunder the southern High Plainsof New Mexico. Roosevelt marlbeds define aquicludes. Combined with underlying mudstone sequences in the Dockum Group (Late Triassic), the aquicludes confine the Lower Cretaceous reservoirs in most areas, while also influencing ground-water flow around and over the Lower Cretaceous subcrop. Ponding of ground water also occurs where Ogallala reservoirs are buttressed against fine-grained Lower Cretaceous strata in at least one updip location northwest of Tatum, New Mexico (Figs. 6 and 7). Tilted to the southeast and confined by fine-grained deposits, Lower Cretaceous res- FIGURE3-Distribution and thicknessof the basal Lower Cretaceoussand and sandstoneunit (Antlers Formation) under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. Roosevelt S h o t h o l ew i t h m e a s u r e o sand interval S h o t h o l ew i t h r e p o r t e d w a t e r f l o w i n m e a s u r e ds a n d i n t e r v a l a F::-:arr::j:;::::i:.::l fi :-L Sand presentand up to ft thick l , : : : : i r : r : : r2 : . ;0l ffi S a n d p r e s e n ta n d 2 0 or more ft thick ervoirs under the southern High Plains of New Mexico commonly exhibit artesian pressures.Exceptionsoccur where numerous uncasedseismicholes havebeen drilled into the system, allowing confined ground water to leak upward into the overlying Ogallala Formation while decreasing hydraulic pressures in the underlying Lower Cretaceousreservoirs(Ash, 1963). Ground-water movement and drainage through the Lower Cretaceous section is generally to the east-southeastin conformancewith the head distribution and regional structure.Local cementation,joint patterns, intraformationalfacieschanges,and sinuosity of underlying scour channels, however, prompt local deviations in flow pattems at somelocations.The cementationis primarily calciticin nature, although somequartz also fills pore spacesin basal Lower Cretaceous sandstone beds, restricting and even preventing fluid movement in certain areas. Surfacelineament studies (Reeves,1970) suggestthat joint patterns in Lower Cretaceouslimestonereservoirsmay be oriented northwest-southeastand northeast-southwest in the study area.Combinedwith loose shell facies and bedding planes, such fractures would form effectiveground-waterflow zones in the limestonesection. Ground-water flow rates through Lower Cretaceousreservoirsaverageless than 1 ft per day (Weeksand Gutentag, 1984),with dischargebeing to well headsin New Mexico and Texasand to springs and seepsalong Roosevell Rooseveit lt'-'- l./ Shotholewith measured limestoneinterval a '\/ '\ruo7 lsopachouscontour 0 # \ | r- 0 |-jL]+-+ 0 1 Qm i 15knr Structurecontour Paleo-drainage courseon the Late Triassicerosion surface 0 Area wherelimestone I faciesare oresent Flli:llll | . ,' ",:: ' . . l I FIGURE S-Distribution and thickness of Lower Cretaceous limestone strata (Comanche Peak Formation) under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. FIGURE 4-Structure contour map showing the altitude of the top of Late Triassicstrata under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. \too_ ffi .lO mi 15km lsooachous contour Area whereLowerCretaceous strataare 100 ft or more thick FICURE6-Isopach map of Lower Cretaceousshata under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. Ne:toMexico Geology February 1988 Chaves County o l ol Lea County Yoakum County A' Els !ifl A NW SE ol Elevation (ft) (m) =l Mescalero Ridge (the caprock) 4.s00 1.350 4.400 (DC Aa 4,300 ,. o) 4.200 Ponded ground water Ei 9e 4 , 10 0 aa 4,000 ,raal t ., =, 0;) Ei 3,900 3,800 3,700 tr=t ^. 3,600 t:E. 6 = 4 ) aG Explanation E calicrre E Sand/sandstone o \ (6 = a F rulay/snale E silt/siltstone ffi Ltmeslone n e o b e d( s h a r e ) I 3.500 1,050 P e r fo r a t rnterval 3.400 Lea County B sw Roosevelt County Bailey County !!l$ B, Elevation (fr) (m) 4,300 1,290 ilE ,. c) ,.o F_C a-^ v= 4,200 ots Y 6-a a6 v) a o 4 , 10 0 ';i oc Aa (! 6 4,000 1,200 Portales Vattey Yellow-brown clay.(weathering prorrre) o '- 3,900 Hzo Heo 3,800 30 3,700 0 50km FIGURE 7-Geologic cross sections A-A' and B-B' showing profiles of Lower Cretaceous strata and regional water levels under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. (See Fig. 1 for section lines.) According to Ash (1963), a well was completed in 1940 (near the "X" on the top diagram) that penetrated rocks of Cretaceous age from 25 to 185 ft. Artesian water in the basal sand flowed 25 gaVmin with a static head 14 ft above land surface until 1946 when the flow ceased. Note: Details shown on the cross sections come from additional seismic hole data that was originally plotted at a larger scale. The "H.O" notation shows where ground-water flow was reported in seismic and water well holes. Februaiy 1988 Nar MexicoGeology the southem High Plainsescarpmentin Texas. The reservoirs have relatively low coefficient of storage, transmissivity, and conductance characteristicswhen compared to many ground-water flow zones in the bounding and overlying OgallalaFormation. Pumpingtest data show that two wells drawing from the basal Lower Cretaceoussandstoneresevoir in neighboring Cochran and Yoakum Counties, Texas, had specific capacities of 1.63and 1..1gallonsof water per ft of drawdown when pumped at rates of 150and 65 gallons per minute, respectively, for several hours (Rayner, 7963; Mount, et al., 7967). Notablv, the Lower Cretaceousreservoirsalso had low recoverable artesian storage characteristics around the investigation sites in Texas.Elsewhere,flow conditions are clearly better developedbecausesome wells in the Causey-Lingoareaof RooseveltCounty, New Mexico, have produced more than 1,000galIons of water per minute from channel fill in Lower Cretaceousreseryoirs for sustained periods of time (Coopea 1960). Limited water-quality data show that both calcium-sulfate (Ca-SO.) and sodium-bicarbonate (Na-HCO.) hydrochemical faciesexist in Lower Cretaceousreservoirsunder the southem High Plains of New Mexico. The ground water is slightly basic, with pH values ranging from 7.5 to 8.0, and it is moderately to extremely hard, with dissolved concentrations of caicium carbonateranging between 100and 700 mgll (Cooper,1950). Assuming an average thickness of 15 ft, 207o porosity, and an areal extent of 1,300 mi'?,it is estimated that the basal Lower Cretaceoussand and sandstonereservoir under the southem High Plainsof New Mexicoholds approtmately 2.5 million acre-ftof ground water under full-reservoir conditions. With an averagethickness of 1.0ft, l.SVaporoslty, and 750 mi' areal extent, the Lower Cretaceous limestone reservoir holds approximately 72,000acre-ft of ground water when full. The primary sourceof natural ground-water rechargeto Lower Cretaceousreservoirsunder the southern High Plains of New Mexico is inflow from bounding and overlying reservoirs in the Tertiary Ogallala Forrnation. The OgallalaFormation,in fum, receivesmost of its water supply via infiltration of surface precipitation and runoff that periodically fills playa lakes and other ephemeral drainages over the study area, a source of limited and often overdrawn supply in recent times. Cross-formation recharge between Tertiary and Lower Cretaceousreservoirsoccurs most readily where updip saturatedsand and gravel beds in the Ogallala Formation abut against, or overlie porous and permeable intervals in the Lower Cretaceoussection. Saturatedsand and gravel beds in the Ogallala Formation, in turn, occur most frequently where distributary channelsystems are best developedin the formation. In the southernHigh Plainsregion, Ogallala dishibutary channel deposits are best developed where they fill valleys that cut acrossLower Cretaceousand older subcrop terrane (Fig. 8). The valleys formed mostly before Ogallala deposition primarily by w e s t w a r d h e a d w a r d e r o s i o n a c r o s st h e southern High Plains (Seni,1980). Significantly, Lower Cretaceousreservoirs a l s o d i s c h a r g es o m e g r o u n d w a t e r i n t o bounding reservoir systems.In the CauseyLingo area of Roosevelt County, New Mexico, basal Lower Cretaceoussand and gravel reservoirs are truncated in downdip areasby coarse-grained"valley fill" Ogallaladeposits, permitting cross flow into the Ogallala system. Vertical leakage into the underlying Dockum Group (LateTriassic)also occursat isolatedlocations,particularly where coarsergrained fluvial-deltaic facies exist in upper parts of the red bed sequence(Granata,1981). Wells completed in Lower Cretaceousreservoirs under the southern High Plains of New Mexico provide ground water for various surfaceuses.Widelv spacedover much of the study area, wells drawing from the reservoirs are thus far noticeably concentrated only in the Causey-Lingo area of Roosevelt County, where they supply water for both crop irrigation and domestic use. Undevelopedparts of the reservoirsystems ,showing potential for supplying additional surface water to the southern High Plains exist in northern Lea County, particularly where relatively thick basal Lower Cretaceous sands and sandstonesoccupy erosional scour channels that are cut into the underlying Dockum Group (Late Triassic). FIGURE 8-Structure contour map showing the altitude of the top of Lower Cretaceousstrata under the southern High Plains of New Mexico. AcxNowr-EDGMENTS-Sherman Galloway, private consultant,and personnelat the New Mexico StateEngineerOfficein Roswell,New Metco, provided useful information and well log data used to construct maps and cross sectionsin this report. Funding for the investigation came partly from the TexasState Legislature and Texas Water Development Board in Austin, Texas,in coniunctionwith a larger regional study of Lower Cretaceous reservoirs under the southern High Plains of both Texasand New Mexico. Figure and text review are credited to Tommy Knowles, Chief, Water Data Availability and Studies Section, TexasWater Development Board; Bill Stone, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources;and RobynWright and Bany Kues, Department of Geology, University of New Mexico. References Ash, S R, 1963,Ground-waterconditionsin northem Lea County, New Mexico: U S GeologicalSuruey,Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-62, 2 sheets Brand, J. P., 1953,Cretaceousof Llano Estacadoof Texas: Bureau of EconomicGeology,University of Texas(Austin), Report of Investigations No. 20, 59 pp Cooper, J. B , 1960,Ground water in the Causey-Lingo area, RooseveltCounty, New Mexico: New Meico State Engineer, TechnicalReport 14, 51 pp. Fisher,W L , and Rodda,P.U.,1,969,EdwardsFormation (Lower Cretaceous), Texas-dolomitization in a carbonate platform svstem: American Association of PetroleurnGeologists Brlletin, v 53, pp 55-72. Granata,G E., 1981,Regionalsedimentationof the Late TriassicDockum Group, west Texasand easternNew Mexico: Unpublished M S thesis, University of Texas (Austin), 19 pp. Mount, J R., Rayner,F A Shamberger, V M, Jr, Peckham, R. C , and Osborne, F. L , Ir., 1967,Reconnaissance investigation of the ground-water resourcesof the Colorado River basin, Texas:TexasWater Development Board,Report51, 107pp Rayner, F A , 7963,Water from the Cretaceoussands in Cochran County, Texas;ln The crosssectionnewsletter: High Plains Water District, Lubbock, "lexas,pp 3-7. Reeves,C. C., Jr., 1970,Drainagepattern analysis,southern High Plains, Texas and eastern New Mexico; in Mattox, R B , and Miller, W D (eds ), Ogallalaaquifer symposium: Intemational Center for Arid and SerniArid Land Studies, SpecialReport No. 39, TexasTech University,Lubbock,'pp 58-7i Seni, S f, 1980,Sand-body geometry and depositional systems, Ogallala Formation, Texas: Bureau of Economic Geology,University of Texas(Austin), Report of InvestigationsNo 105,35 pp. Weeks, f . B , and Gutentag, E D., 1984,The High Plains regional aquifer-geohydrology; in Whetstone, G. A (ed ), Ogallala aquifer symposium II: TexasTech University, Water ResourcesCentet Lubbock, pp 625_ Continuedtrompage 5 A c x N o w L E o G M E N T S - T h a n k sa r e e x tended to the Phillips Petroleum Company for providing the core for this study. Technical reviews by Roger Anderson, George Bachman, Marc Bodine, fr., Walter Dean, Robert Evans, Robert Hite, Frank Kottlowski, Charles lones, Iames Markello, Charles Maxwell, Richard Snyder, and Samuel Thompson, III, and editorial comments by |ames Barker were very helpful. Special thanks are extended to Mary H. Miller who made substantivecommentson an earlyversion of the manuscript. References Adams, f. 8.,79M, Upper Permian Ochoa seriesof Delaware Basin,west Texasand southeasternNew Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v 28, pp 1.596-7625 Anderson, R. 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