Getting Started Using Edmodo
1. In an Internet Browser, type the address for Edmodo—www.edmodo.com.
2. On the Edmodo.com start page, click the button “I’m a Teacher” to sign up for a free account.
3. Complete the registration form by choosing a username and password.
Joining a Group
1. On the left hand side of the website located under the picture,
you will see an area about groups. Click Join.
2. Type the provided Group Code (k31a8j)
into the Join Box.
3. The Group Name will now appear in your list of Groups.
4. Please email Margie Johnson at margie.johnson@edvantia.org
if you need assistance accessing the group.
Posting A Message
1. The Post Bubble is located in the center of the webpage.
2. Choose note, alert, assignment, or poll by clicking on the
corresponding link.
3. To post the content, type the name of a person or group(s)
into the Send To box.
4. Click Send.
Replying To A Message
One powerful aspect of Edmodo is the ability to have conversations with one another that the entire group can see.
It allows us to collaborate and share knowledge quickly.
To Reply to a message, click Reply under the message. Then, type in your response.
Account Settings—Setting Up Notifications
Notifications allow you to know when new content is added to Edmodo. To get to Account—Settings, click the arrow
to the right of the word Account, which is located in the upper right corner.
Change your Profile
Set Up Notifications
Change Your Password
Privacy Settings
Edmodo Library
Leveraging the power of the Web, the Edmodo Library allows teachers to store and manage uploaded documents in a wide range of
file formats, with the ability to access and edit them anywhere, anytime. A personalized database linked from the very top of the
member’s home page, the Library also allows teachers and students to easily share and discover files with peers. From the Library,
teachers and students can:
 Search for documents by name using the search bar at the top of the library.
 Add files (100MB maximum per each) and links to the Library.
Accessing Folders
Adding Media to Your Library
To help us stay organized, folders have been created for the
various resources in the library.
1. Click the Library link at the top of the page.
2. On the upper right hand side of the page, you will see an Add
to Library button. Click it.
You can access the Folders in a couple of ways. The easiest way
to access the folders are on the group home page. The folders
are in the lower-right corner of the page.
3. The Add to Library dialog box appears. You can add files
and/or links to the library.
You can also go to your library and select the Shared with Me
folders to access your shared folders.
4. Once you have added a file or link, click Add to Library
Searching in the Library
After using Edmodo for a short period of time, your Edmodo library will grow and finding the file or link that you need may become
difficult. Never fear…… Edmodo has a search box specifically for the library.
1. Make sure you are in the Library. (A Library link always appears at the top of the webpage.)
2. The Search box is located at the top of the webpage. Type in the key word of the
information that you need to find. Files and links with that key word will be filtered out from your library to make finding the file
or link easier.
3. Another way to search for information in the library that was shared through a post is to click the
Attached to Posts link in the upper left corner in the Library.
4. The final way to search in the Library is for posts Sent by Me. All files or links shared by you will
appear in the library. You can conduct a narrowed search on just these items.