CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan QCC COURSE ASSESSMENT FORM Date of Assessment: Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 Department: Chemistry Course: CH-251 Curriculum or Curricula: LS1, PE1, HS1, SF1 Submitted: Fall 2012 PART I. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES For Part I, attach the summary report (Tables 1-4) from the QCC Course Objectives Form. TABLE 1. EDUCATIONAL CONTEXT This course is the first part of the two semester organic chemistry sequence. The objective of this course is to gradually and logically develop the relationships between structure and properties of organic compounds with emphasis on reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, and synthesis. In addition, the course contains a laboratory component which serves to introduce the student to organic chemistry techniques and analytical methods. While working in groups the student transitions from learning simple laboratory practices to mastering the more sophisticated procedures which will be needed during the second semester. This course is intended for those students pursuing A.S. degrees in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Science and Mathematics), Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Forensics, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Environmental Health. It is also appropriate for post-undergraduate students interested in pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, pre-pharmacy, prechiropractic, pre-physician and other related fields. TABLE 2. CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES Note: Include in this table curriculum-specific objectives that meet Educational Goals 1 and 2: Curricular objectives addressed by this course: 1. Demonstrate proficiency in factual knowledge and conceptual understanding required for transfer to the junior year in a baccalaureate program in natural science, mathematics, engineering, or computer science or any other program in health sciences. (LS1, PE1) 2. Demonstrate proficiency in communication skills, including technical writing and oral presentation. (LS1, PE1) 3. Apply concepts through use of current technology. (LS1) 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the professional, ethical, and social responsibilities related to the fields of natural science, forensic science, mathematics, engineering, and /or computer science. (LS1, PE1, SF1) 5. Demonstrate proficiency in acquiring, processing and analyzing information in all its forms as related to the field of concentration. (LS1) 6. Use analytical reasoning skills and apply logic to solve problems. (PE1) 7. Use quantitative skills and mathematical reasoning to solve problems. (PE1) 8. Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. (SF1) 9. Students will demonstrate competency in the concepts and methods of the foundation of organic chemistry required for transfer to the junior year in Forensic Science at John Jay College. (SF1) 10. Students will apply concepts learned in the classroom and make conclusions based on scientific thinking. (SF1) 11. Students will work collaboratively in the laboratory to provide reasonable analysis of data obtained and to solve problems. (SF1) 12. Students will integrate the knowledge and skills gained in previous courses with subsequent courses to establish an all-around scientific background. (SF1) 1 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan 13. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of chemistry and how they are fundamental to all living systems. (HS1) TABLE 3. GENERAL EDUCATION OBJECTIVES Gen Ed objective’s ID number from list General educational objectives addressed by this course: Select from preceding list. (1-10) 1. Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. 2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. 5. Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. 7. Work collaboratively in diverse groups directed at accomplishing learning objectives. 9. Employ concepts and methods of the natural and physical sciences to make informed judgments. TABLE 4: COURSE OBJECTIVES AND STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Course objectives Learning outcomes 1. To draw organic compounds in a variety of representations. a. Students will learn to draw Lewis structures and line angle structures. b. Students will learn to draw in three dimensional representations, including using VSEPR geometry, ring conformations, Newman projections, and Fischer projections. 2. To learn about acids and bases as they pertain to organic compounds. a. Students will learn the concepts associated with Lewis and Brønsted acids and bases. b. Students will use their knowledge of acids and bases to be able to predict the products and direction of equilibrium reactions. c. Students will be able to identify the nucleophile and electrophile in a reaction and use this knowledge to predict the outcome of the reaction. a. Students will learn how to recognize the functional groups present in organic compounds. 3. To learn the functional groups that are common in b. Students will be able to identify different representations of the functional groups. organic compounds and c. Students will learn the proper IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds containing how to name them. functional groups. 4. To learn the energetics of chemical reactions. a. Students will learn to draw an energy diagram and label the appropriate features. b. Students will be able to interpret an energy diagram and predict whether a reaction is endothermic or exothermic. c. Students will learn the factors that influence the rate of a reaction including catalysts, temperature, solvents, and the structure of the substrate. d. Students will be exposed to the different types of reactive intermediates including carbocations, carbanions, radicals, and carbenes. 5. To study the stereochemistry of molecules. a. Students will learn to represent an organic molecule in three dimensions. b. Students will be able to assign spatial relationships between two molecules, including different types of isomers. c. Students will learn to use molecular model kits as a visual aid in drawing and assigning stereochemistry. d. Students will be exposed to the importance of optical activity in both chemical and biological applications. 2 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan a. Students will use the conventional methods of electron movement using arrows. b. Students will represent resonance structures using arrows and their understanding of electron movement. 6. To understand the basics of the movement of electrons. c. Students will be able to identify key transition states and intermediates during the course of a reaction. d. Students will use their knowledge of the mechanistic details of a reaction to be able to predict the products of other similar reactions. 7. To learn the chemical transformations that are common to each of the functional groups. a. Students will learn how to synthesize key functional groups including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, ethers, and sulfides. b. Students will learn the transformation of key functional groups including alkanes, alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, and sulfides. c. Students will learn the broad classes of reaction types including substitution, elimination, addition, and rearrangement reactions. d. Students will be able to predict the product of a reaction when given the starting material(s) and reagents. e. Students will be able to predict the starting material(s) of a reaction when given product(s) and reagents. f. Students will be able to predict the reagents necessary to convert from starting material(s) to product(s). 8. To write multiple-step syntheses and retrosyntheses. a. Students will be able to combine reactions that they have learned into a multi-step synthesis. b. Students will be able to examine a complex molecule and dissect it into smaller components and then reassemble them. c. Students will apply lessons they learned in previous chapters to unfamiliar molecules. 9. To learn the common safety practices and laboratory techniques a. Students are required to watch a safety video approved by the American Chemical Society and to pass a safety quiz. b. Students will learn the location and proper use of all safety-related equipment. c. Students will learn the importance of proper attire as it pertains to safety in the laboratory setting. This includes wearing safety goggles and personal protective equipment. d. Students will learn the proper disposal of chemical waste. e. Students will come to lab having written a pre-lab report summarizing the experiment and safety measures to ensure that they have read the procedure beforehand and are prepared for the lab. a. Students will perform key techniques in organic synthesis including distillation, separation and extraction, recrystallization, and titration. 10. To understand common b. Purification techniques are reinforced throughout the semester as students perform laboratory techniques used experiments. in organic synthesis c. Students will connect the practical application of a reaction learned in the lab to the theoretical discussion in the classroom. 11. To learn to apply critical thinking, proper scientific writing, and rational analysis of the data. a. Students are required to submit a pre-lab report at the beginning of each lab. b. Students are required to submit a complete post-lab report at the end of each lab using proper scientific writing. c. Students will make observations and collect data during the lab. d. Students will then analyze the data obtained in the lab, critically assess the data, and summarize their findings in their lab report. e. Student learning will be assessed through assigned questions related to aspects of the lab. 3 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment 12. To work collaboratively in diverse groups to achieve a common goal Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan a. Students will work in small groups during each laboratory period to achieve the objectives of the experiment. b. Each student will be involved in all aspects of the experimental setup and data acquisition. c. Students will be individually responsible for writing their own lab report. PART II. ASSIGNMENT DESIGN: ALIGNING OUTCOMES, ACTIVITIES, AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS For the assessment project, you will be designing one course assignment, which will address at least one general educational objective, one curricular objective (if applicable), and one or more of the course objectives. Please identify these in the following table: TABLE 5: OBJECTIVES ADDRESSED IN ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT Course Objective(s) selected for assessment: (select from Table 4) 1. To draw organic compounds in a variety of representations. 2. To learn about acids and bases as they pertain to organic compounds. 6. To understand the basics of the movement of electrons. 7. To learn the chemical transformations that are common to each of the functional groups. Curricular Objective(s) selected for assessment: (select from Table 2) 6. Use analytical reasoning skills and apply logic to solve problems. (PE1) 10. Students will apply concepts learned in the classroom and make conclusions based on scientific thinking. (SF1) 12. Students will integrate the knowledge and skills gained in previous courses with subsequent courses to establish an allaround scientific background. (SF1) General Education Objective(s) addressed in this assessment: (select from Table 3) GE#2: Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. GE#5: Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. GE#9: Employ concepts and methods of the natural and physical sciences to make informed judgments. In the first row of Table 6 that follows, describe the assignment that has been selected/designed for this project. In writing the description, keep in mind the course objective(s), curricular objective(s) and the general education objective(s) identified above, Also in Table 6, please a) identify the three to four most important student learning outcomes (1-4) you expect from this assignment b) describe the types of activities (a – d) students will be involved with for the assignment, and c) list the type(s) of assessment tool(s) (A-D) you plan to use to evaluate each of the student outcomes. (Classroom assessment tools may include paper and pencil tests, performance assessments, oral questions, portfolios, and other options.) Note: Copies of the actual assignments (written as they will be presented to the students) should be gathered in an Assessment Portfolio for this course. 4 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan TABLE 6: ASSIGNMENT, OUTCOMES, ACTIVITIES, AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS Briefly describe the assignment that will be assessed: The KPRS Assessment Exam for Organic Chemistry 1: The exam was collectively written by the organic faculty members at QCC. Students will take this exam at the end of the semester. One of the selected exam questions surveys a general chemistry concept that is highly pertinent to organic chemistry. Three of the exam questions have been selected to represent fundamental concepts in organic chemistry. The selected problems require students to integrate knowledge learned in the classroom and apply logical reasoning towards problems common in organic chemistry. They also represent some of the topics that are critical to student success in subsequent organic and biochemistry courses. In particular, the exam will test the student’s knowledge of acids and bases and electron movement as it pertains to mechanistic behavior and resonance structures. The exam questions are a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions including drawing two dimensional representations of three dimensional organic structures. Desired student learning outcomes for the assignment (Students will…) List in parentheses the Curricular Objective(s) and/or General Education Objective(s) (1-10) associated with these desired learning outcomes for the assignment. Briefly describe the range of activities student will engage in for this assignment. What assessment tools will be used to measure how well students have met each learning outcome? (Note: a single assessment tool may be used to measure multiple learning outcomes; some learning outcomes may be measured using multiple assessment tools.) 1. Students will integrate and expand on the knowledge learned in general chemistry as it applies to organic chemistry (Gen Ed Objectives (GEO) #2,5,9; Curricular Objectives (CO) #6,10,12) 2. Students will understand and apply terms describing the movement of electrons as they pertain to resonance and the drawing of acceptable Lewis structures (GEO #2,5,9; CO #6,10,12). 3. Students will understand and apply terms describing the general subtypes of key organic reactions and the mechanistic details associated with each (GEO #2; CO #6,10). A. Student responses will be a. Students will attend class to analyzed on four selected learn necessary concepts. exam problems from the b. Students ability to integrate KPRS assessment exam. knowledge will be tested Students’ answers will be throughout the semester on correlated to their level of regular exams and will understanding of the receive instructor feedback. particular concepts. c. Students will be assigned homework problems pertaining to the important concepts learned during the semester. d. Students will apply theoretical concepts learned in the classroom in a laboratory setting. e. Students will take the KPRS Assessment Exam for Organic Chemistry I at the end of the semester. 5 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan 4. Students will be able to draw in a variety of three dimensional representations (CO #10). 5. Students will be able to draw the movement of electrons as it pertains to the mechanism of a reaction (CO #10). 6. Students will learn how to recognize the functional groups present in organic compounds (GEO #9; CO #6,10). 7. Students will use the concepts learned and apply them towards an unfamiliar organic structure (GEO #2,5,9; CO #6,10) PART III. ASSESSMENT STANDARDS (RUBRICS) TABLE 7: CH-251: Assessment Standards (Rubrics) Brief description of assignment: (Copy from Table 6 above) The KPRS Assessment Exam for Organic Chemistry 1: The exam was collectively written by the organic faculty members at QCC. Students will take this exam at the end of the semester. One of the selected exam questions surveys a general chemistry concept that is highly pertinent to organic chemistry. Three of the exam questions have been selected to represent fundamental concepts in organic chemistry. The selected problems require students to integrate knowledge learned in the classroom and apply logical reasoning towards problems common in organic chemistry. They also represent some of the topics that are critical to student success in subsequent organic and biochemistry courses. In particular, the exam will test the student’s knowledge of acids and bases and electron movement as it pertains to mechanistic behavior and resonance structures. The exam questions are a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions including drawing two dimensional representations of three dimensional organic structures. Desired student learning outcomes (Copy from Column 1, Table 6 above; include Educational Goals and/or General Education Objectives addressed) Assessment measures for each learning outcome (Copy from Column 3,Table 6 above) Standards for student performance: Describe the standards or rubrics for measuring student achievement of each outcome in the assignment. Give the percentage of the class that is expected to meet these outcomes If needed, attach copy(s) of rubrics. 1. Students will integrate and expand on the knowledge learned in general chemistry as it applies to organic chemistry (Gen Ed Objectives (GEO) A. Student responses will be analyzed on four selected exam problems from the KPRS assessment exam. Students’ answers will be Each question requires the student to make use of learned fundamental knowledge. Each response on the selected questions is assigned a performance level (point value) of 0-3 based on how completely the question 6 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. #2,5,9; Curricular Objectives (CO) #6,10,12) Students will understand and apply terms describing the movement of electrons as they pertain to resonance and the drawing of acceptable Lewis structures (GEO #2,5,9; CO #6,10,12). Students will understand and apply terms describing the general subtypes of key organic reactions and the mechanistic details associated with each (GEO #2; CO #6,10). Students will be able to draw in a variety of three dimensional representations (CO #10). Students will be able to draw the movement of electrons as it pertains to the mechanism of a reaction (CO #10). Students will learn how to recognize the functional groups present in organic compounds (GEO #9; CO #6,10). Students will use the concepts learned and apply them towards an unfamiliar organic structure (GEO #2,5,9; CO #6,10) Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan has been answered. correlated to their level of understanding of the particular • Three points indicates that the concepts. student can successfully solve all aspects of the problem. • Two points indicates that the student understood most of the necessary concepts but missed one key aspect needed to solve the problem. • One point indicates that the student missed two key aspects that were necessary to solve the problem. • Zero points indicate that the student either did not recognize the type of problem presented or missed more than two key aspects necessary to solve the problem. See rubric below. Projected outcomes: Question #3 Learning outcomes #1 • 60% expected to be 3 • 25% expected to be 2 • 10% expected to be 1 • 5% expected to be 0 Question #5 Learning outcomes #1, 2 • 30% expected to be 3 • 40% expected to be 2 • 20% expected to be 1 • 10% expected to be 0 Question #10 Learning outcomes #3, 5, 6, 7 • 40% expected to be 3 • 35% expected to be 2 • 20% expected to be 1 • 5% expected to be 0 Question #11 Learning outcomes #3, 4, 6, 7 • 30% expected to be 3 • 45% expected to be 2 • 20% expected to be 1 • 5% expected to be 0 7 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan RUBRIC FOR SELECTED QUESTIONS ON THE KPRS ASSESSMENT EXAM FOR CH-251 Question 3. General Chemistry Concepts: Which of the following is a Lewis base? a) BF 3 b) P(CH 3 ) 3 Choice A B C D c) NH 4 + d) H 3 O+ Performance Evaluation level Unable to recognize that boron does not have a lone pair and therefore does not 0 meet any of the requirements to be a Lewis base 3 Correct response Unable to recognize that nitrogen does not have a lone pair when it is a cation 1 but did understand that nitrogen, when neutral, does have a lone pair and can be considered a Lewis base. Realizes that oxygen has two lone pairs but fails to understand that oxygen as a 2 cation, even though it has one remaining lone pair, cannot function as a Lewis base Question 5. Resonance Concepts: Draw three resonance structures for azide, N 3 –. Make sure to include all bonds and lone pairs and any formal charges. Which of these three is the least contributing structure and briefly explain why? Performance Evaluation level Correctly drew all three resonance structures; this included considering the total number of 3 electrons, all bonds and lone pairs, all formal charges, and followed the octet rule AND understood which was the least contributing resonance structure. Correctly drew two resonance structures with all of the above requirements OR missed one 2 aspect above (bonds/lone pairs/formal charge) Missed two or more key aspects, violated the octet rule, and incorrectly assigned the least 1 contributing resonance structure. Minimally understands the concept of electron movement and cannot draw resonance 0 structures Question 10. Mechanism Concepts: Draw the mechanism, with arrow pushing, of the following S N 1 reaction. (See attached assessment exam for the structures used in the reaction). Performance Evaluation level Correctly showed the movement of electrons using arrows to indicate: 1) the loss of the 3 bromide to form a carbocation, 2) to show a rearrangement of the carbocation to form a more stable carbocation, 3) addition of the solvent to the carbocation, and 4) proton transfer 8 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment 2 1 0 Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan from the oxonium ion to solvent to yield the indicated product. In addition, all intermediates have the correct charge. Arrows missing to show one of the key steps above and/or used arrows in the wrong direction in one step. Arrows missing to show two of the key steps above and/or used arrows in the wrong direction in two steps and/or charges were missing or were incorrect on key intermediates. Does not understand the concept of electron movement, the S N 1 reaction, and the ability to form a more stable carbocation intermediate. Question 11. Reaction Concepts: Predict the product(s) of the following reaction. (See attached assessment exam for the structures used in the reaction). Performance Evaluation level Correctly identified the reaction as an E2 reaction and showed the alkene in the appropriate 3 location in the product. Correctly identified the reaction as an E2 reaction but showed the alkene in the wrong 2 position. Incorrectly showed the product of an S N 2 reaction and failed to realize it was an E2 1 reaction. 0 The product drawn does not represent either an E2 or S N 2 reaction. PART IV. ASSESSMENT RESULTS TABLE 8A: CH-251: Summary of Assessment Results, Academic Year 2011-2012, N=46 students for 3 sections (3 instructors) and N=26 students for 2 sections (2 instructors) Question 3 (N=46) Performance Level B (correct) 3 D 2 Evaluation Correct response Realizes that oxygen has two lone pairs but fails to understand that oxygen as a cation, even though it has one remaining lone pair, cannot function as a Lewis base Unable to recognize that nitrogen does not have a lone pair when it is a cation but did understand that nitrogen, when neutral, does have a lone pair and can be considered a Lewis base. Unable to recognize that boron does not have a lone pair and therefore does not meet any of the requirements to be a Lewis base # of Students Outcome: 2011-2012 Actual (Expected) 20 2 11 13 43% (60%) 5% (25%) 24% (10%) 28% (5%) Question 5 (N=26) Performance Level (correct) 3 Evaluation Correctly drew all three resonance structures; this included 2 Correctly drew two resonance structures with all of the above C 1 1 Missed two or more key aspects, violated the octet rule, and incorrectly A 0 0 Minimally understands the concept of electron movement and cannot 9 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan considering the total number of electrons, all bonds and lone pairs, all formal charges, and followed the octet rule AND understood which was the least contributing resonance structure. requirements OR missed one aspect above (bonds/lone pairs/formal charge) 2 6 10 8 8% (30%) 23% (40%) 38% (20%) 31% (10%) Question 10 (N=26) Performance Level (correct) 3 2 1 0 Evaluation Correctly showed the movement of electrons using arrows to indicate: 1) the loss of the bromide to form a carbocation, 2) to show a rearrangement of the carbocation to form a more stable carbocation, 3) addition of the solvent to the carbocation, and 4) proton transfer from the oxonium ion to solvent to yield the indicated product. In addition, all intermediates have the correct charge. Arrows missing to show one of the key steps above and/or used arrows in the wrong direction in one step. Arrows missing to show two of the key steps above and/or used arrows in the wrong direction in two steps and/or charges were missing or were incorrect on key intermediates. Does not understand the concept of electron movement, the S N 1 reaction, and the ability to form a more stable carbocation intermediate. 5 8 7 6 19% (40%) 31% (35%) 27% (20%) 23% (5%) (correct) 3 2 1 0 # of Students Outcome: 2011-2012 Actual (Expected) # of Students Outcome: 2011-2012 Actual (Expected) Question 11 (N=26) Performance Level Evaluation # of Students Outcome: 2011-2012 Actual (Expected) Correctly identified the reaction as an E2 reaction and showed the alkene in the appropriate location in the product. Correctly identified the reaction as an E2 reaction but showed the alkene in the wrong position. assigned the least contributing resonance structure. Incorrectly showed the product of an S N 2 reaction and failed to realize it was an E2 reaction. draw resonance structures The product drawn does not represent either an E2 or S N 2 reaction. 9 2 13 2 34% (30%) 8% (45%) 50% (20%) 8% (5%) 10 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan TABLE 8B: SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS Desired student learning outcomes: (Copy from, Column 1,Table 6 above; include Educational Goals and/or General Education Objectives addressed) Student achievement: Describe the group achievement of each desired outcome and the knowledge and cognitive processes demonstrated. 1. Students will integrate and expand on the knowledge learned in general chemistry as it applies to organic chemistry (Gen Ed Objectives (GEO) #2,5,9; Curricular Objectives (CO) #6,10,12) 2. Students will understand and apply terms describing the movement of electrons as they pertain to resonance and the drawing of acceptable Lewis structures (GEO #2,5,9; CO #6,10,12). 3. Students will understand and apply terms describing the general subtypes of key organic reactions and the mechanistic details associated with each (GEO #2; CO #6,10). 4. Students will be able to draw in a variety of three dimensional representations (CO #10). 5. Students will be able to draw the movement of electrons as it pertains to the mechanism of a reaction (CO #10). 6. Students will learn how to recognize the functional groups present in organic compounds (GEO #9; CO #6,10). 7. Students will use the concepts learned and apply them towards an unfamiliar organic structure (GEO #2,5,9; CO #6,10) Question #3 on the exam tested learning outcome #1: 43% of students scored 3, 5% scored 2, 24% scored 1, and 28% scored 0. The number of students who scored 3 were slightly lower than the expected outcome. More students scored 1’s and 0’s than was expected. This problem tested the students’ knowledge of acids and bases and the distinction between the different subtypes, their ability to represent the molecule with the appropriate bonding and lone pairs, and to make the connection from concepts originally learned in general chemistry and used in a different context in organic chemistry. Question #5 on the exam tested learning outcomes #1 and 2: 8% of students scored 3, 23% scored 2, 38% scored 1, and 31% scored 0. It was expected that 70% of the students would get the problem completely or mostly correct (score of 3 or 2). However, the actual percentage was 31%. This problem tested the students’ ability to expand on the concept of resonance, as taught in general chemistry, and apply it to a structure used in organic chemistry. Students had to use their knowledge of electron movement to correctly draw all three Lewis structures. Question #10 on the exam tested learning outcomes #3, 5, 6, and 7: 19% of students scored 3, 31% scored 2, 27% scored 1, and 23% scored 0. The results for the scores in the middle range were similar to the expected outcome. Results for a score of 3 were much lower than expected, while results of score 0 were higher than expected. This problem tested the students’ ability to apply electron movement as it pertains to key mechanistic details involving particular functional groups in a previously unseen structure. Question #11 on the exam tests learning outcomes #3, 4, 6, and 7: 34% of students scored 3, 8% scored 2, 50% scored 1, and 8% scored 0. The results were within our expectations for a score of 3. The low number of students scoring a 2 and the high number of students scoring 1 was unexpected. This problem tested the students’ ability to use functional groups present in a molecule along with the reaction conditions to be able to predict the product of the reaction. 11 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan TABLE 9. EVALUATION AND RESULTING ACTION PLAN In the table below, or in a separate attachment, interpret and evaluate the assessment results, and describe the actions to be taken as a result of the assessment. In the evaluation of achievement, take into account student success in demonstrating the types of knowledge and the cognitive processes identified in the Course Objectives. Following the assessment that took place in the academic year 2011-2012, the course instructors met and discussed the report and the conclusions drawn from the report. The instructors discussed ways to improve student learning on the key concepts that had been tested and discussed the format of the assessment test. A. Analysis and interpretation of assessment results: What does this show about what and how the students learned? Question #3: This problem tested the students’ knowledge of acids and bases and the distinction between the different subtypes. In particular, it focused on the concept of Lewis bases and required students to understand the meaning of the term. To answer the question, students should have drawn the Lewis structure of the compound taking note of the lone pairs of electrons on the central atom. Half of the students got the answer correct or mostly correct. Of the students who missed the question, 25% picked a compound in which the central atom usually has a lone pair (but in this example did not) and the remaining 25% picked a compound in which the central atom never has a lone pair. This shows one of two things: either the instructors overestimated the amount of information the students retained from general chemistry or that students were not drawing the compound but likely just guessing based on the atoms. Question #8: This problem tested the students’ ability to expand on the concept of resonance, as taught in general chemistry, and apply it to a structure used in organic chemistry. Students had to use their knowledge of electron movement to correctly draw three Lewis structures and to assign formal charges. Only 30% understood the question well enough to be able to write most of the aspects needed to solve the problem. In contrast, 70% of the students missed several aspects needed to solve the problem and violated a key rule used when drawing resonance structures. At first glance, it seems that the students do not understand the concept of resonance. However, upon further inspection, the particular molecule chosen was made more difficult because the bonding order of the three atoms was not given. This question therefore may not accurately reflect the student’s understanding of the concept of resonance. Question #10: This problem tested the students’ ability to apply electron movement as it pertains to key mechanistic details involving functional groups. The molecule used is one in which the students have never seen so they have to apply the concepts they learned to a previously unseen structure. The students were given the reactant and product and had to show how to get from one to the other using arrows. Approximately half of the students got the question correct or mostly correct and understood the process of electron movement and bond formation. The remainder of students were split between either not understanding the reaction type or did not accurately show the movement of electrons. The students who did not draw arrows at all show a lack of understanding of how the movement of electrons can be used to show the transformation of reactant to product. Students who drew arrows in the wrong way but still had the correct key intermediates understood the importance of bond formation but were unclear on the correct electron movement to account for this. 12 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan Question #11: This problem tested the students’ ability to use functional groups present in a molecule along with the reaction conditions to be able to predict the product of the reaction. The students had to recognize the role of the added reagents, the 3D conformation of the substrate, and the subtle interplay of these two factors on the distribution of products. Students had to also recognize that the key category of the reaction was an elimination reaction and not a substitution reaction. Approximately 40% of the students correctly identified the products resulting from an elimination reaction. Half of the students incorrectly drew the product of a substitution reaction. While the reagents given could be used for either an elimination or substitution, the substrate limited the reaction to only be an elimination reaction. Students who missed the problem did not correctly identify the effect of the substrate on the outcome of the reaction. B. Evaluation of the assessment process: What do the results suggest about how well the assessment test and the assessment process worked to show what the students have learned? The assessment test and grading The assessment process involved designing the KPRS assessment test through consultation with all members of the organic faculty. The finalized assessment test was taken by the students in the lecture portion of the course at the end of the semester. To encourage the students, bonus points were awarded to the final exam score. Students were given one hour to complete the full assessment test. Four questions were chosen for the assessment to represent the four major categories that the learning outcomes of the course fall within. Rigorous rubrics were created to assess the four questions and assign a score for each question. The rubrics were based on the important aspects identified within each question and represent learning goals of the course. Evaluation of student learning The goal of the assessment test was to critically evaluate student learning in four major categories. These categories represent fundamental concepts and expected learning outcomes of a student at the end of the first semester of the organic sequence. Organic chemistry as a course introduces central concepts in the first few chapters of the textbook and these concepts are reinforced throughout the semester through the use of more complex examples. The first two questions represent these fundamental concepts while the third and fourth questions probe a deeper understanding as applied to more complex molecules. The percentage of students getting the correct or mostly correct answer on the first two questions was similar to the last two questions. This indicated that even though the material was more difficult, the fact of continual reinforcement of key concepts was beneficial. As the course material becomes more complicated, shortcuts are taken to give enough time to present the new material. These shortcuts include not drawing bonds, full structures, atoms, and/or electrons. These shortcuts are taken by the professor and the textbook and the students are therefore exposed to them. While the professor and textbook understand the concepts implied within these shortcuts, often times the students fail to grasp or appreciate the underlying material. In addition, the underlying material may not be explicitly restated during class. This line of reasoning can help us to understand student learning and to evaluate their answers as given on the assessment exam. This can explain why students fell short of our expectations on the first two questions. The process of assessment clearly identifies that while these shortcuts are beneficial to allow enough time to be able to teach more complex examples, they do not always reinforce basic principles. Since the textbook does not usually reinforce these principles in later chapters, the burden falls on the shoulders of the professor. 13 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan C. Resulting action plan: Based on A and B, what changes, if any, do you anticipate making? The results of the assessment will be disseminated to the three instructors who teach CH-251 so all instructors can evaluate the students’ learning. Future discussions with the instructors will discuss the outcome of each question and discuss strategies to improve student learning on key concepts. A new assessment test will be given in future semesters. This test is written by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and is a national, standardized assessment test. Similar questions/topics as above will be chosen on the ACS test and the results on each test will be compared. This assessment was useful in guiding our approach on future tests with four aspects in mind: 1) questions should avoid ambiguity in the answer or in the way the question is written, 2) fewer parts should be asked per question thereby simplifying the rubric, and 3) the students should have an incentive to study for the test to be able to assess true end-of-year student learning and retention of key concepts. Another potential strategy for a revised KPRS assessment exam is to increase the diversity of questions by asking each organic chemistry instructor to provide two to three questions for each of the four main topics general chemistry concepts, resonance concepts, mechanism concepts, and chemical reactions. From this pool of questions, the instructors could randomly select one question for each of the four main topics and include them in the general test format. 14 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan KPRS Assessment Exam CH-251 Questions for Assessment 1. In which structure(s) below, does sulfur have a formal charge of + 1? a) S(CH 3 ) 3 b) H 2 S c) SO 3 d) H 2 SO 4 2. Which of the following would have a trigonal planar structure? a) CH 4 b) NH 3 c) BCl 3 3. Which of the following is a Lewis base? a) BF 3 b) P(CH 3 ) 3 c) NH 4 + d) PCl 3 d) H 3 O+ 4. Fill in the information for each compound: Molecule Hybridization Bond angle Lewis structure BeCl 2 HNO 3 5. Draw three resonance structures for azide, N 3 –. Make sure to include all bonds and lone pairs and any formal charges. Which of these three is the least contributing structure and briefly explain why? 6. Convert the Fischer projection seen below to a line angle formula with the correct stereochemistry. Also, identify each chiral center as R or S. CH2OH Br HO CH3 H CH2CH3 15 CH-251 Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 KPRS Course Assessment Prepared by Julie Pigza and John Regan 7. Consider the monobromination (Br 2 , 1 mole/UV) of 2-methylbutane. Provide structures for all isomers formed (include stereoisomers). 8. Give the stereochemical relationship between each of the pair of structures: a) A and B _______________ b) B and C _______________ c) A and C _______________ H Cl H Br Cl H H H CH2CH3 CH3 Br CH3 CH2CH3 A B H Br Cl CH3 CH2CH3 C 9. Circle the meso compound(s) among the structures below: a) cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane c) trans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane b) cis-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane d) trans-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane 10. Draw the mechanism, with arrow pushing, of the following S N 1 reaction. Br CH3OH Δ OCH3 11. Predict the product(s) for the following reactions: H3C CH3 I CH3 H3C I NaOCH3 DMSO CH3OH 16