Document 11096340

West Virginia Department of Education
LEA Carryover Waiver Request Form
A state educational agency may, once every three (3) years, waive the percentage
limitation in §1127(a), (15%), if (1) the agency determines that the request of the local
educational agency is reasonable and necessary; or (2) supplemental appropriations for
this subpart become available. §1127(b)
District Name________________________________________________
Contact Person and Title ______________________________________
Phone Number ______________________________________________
Requirement to be waived: Fifteen percent (15%) carry over limit, specified in §
1127 of NCLB Act of 2001.
Total allocation $ _____________
Total amount of carryover $____________Total percent requested for carryover ____%
Rationale: Explain the need for the waiver to provide the SEA justification that the
waiver is reasonable and necessary, as stipulated in NCLB §1127(b).
Signature of LEA Title I Director
Signature of Superintendent
To be completed by the SEA
Authorization for a Waiver of Carryover Funds Greater than 15%
Fiscal Year 20__
This is the authorization to permit an excess of 15% carry over funds from fiscal year
20___ based on the rationale provided above. Funds may be obligated through
September 30, 20___.
Signature of state Title I Director
Signed copies should be on file in WVDE Finance Office, WVDE Title I Office, and the LEA.
Reviewed by the Committee of Practitioners October 2008