September 25, 2015 Report to the Interim VP for Strategic Planning, Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey The annual Freshman Experience Survey, which is part of the Academies Assessment Protocol, was revised for fall 2014 and administered via SurveyMonkey. This report analyzes findings and compares fall 2014 results with results from fall 2013. The vast majority of survey respondents expressed a positive attitude towards the College. Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Executive Summary A survey to assess first-semester experiences was administered to all degree-seeking freshmen throughout the second half of the fall 2014 semester. This survey was developed by modifying the previous Freshman Experience Survey to align it more closely with the objectives of the Queensborough Academies. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information on: attendance at orientations/events and utilization of student support services, the reasons for nonattendance/utilization, and student feedback on how the orientations and support services helped them to navigate through their first semester and feel connected to the College. Finally, freshmen were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with Queensborough. The survey findings can be used to assess the effectiveness of orientations/events and student support/Academy Advisement efforts. Among the 630 survey respondents, attendance at the orientations/events varied widely, ranging from 8.3 percent (Academy sponsored events) to 94.3 percent (ST-100). Nearly 73% of respondents attended the orientation. One third of those not attending the orientation events indicated that they were not aware of them at the time. A large majority of respondents agreed that the orientation made them more aware of their Academy and that both Freshmen First and the orientation helped them to be better prepared for their first semester. They agreed that Freshmen First helped them feel more connected with their Academy, become more knowledgeable of available student support services, and better understand their major. Of the 575 survey respondents who did not attend any Academy sponsored events, the vast majority stated that they were either too busy or were not aware of the events. Sixty-three percent of all respondents indicated that they had interacted with their Academy Adviser at least once since the start of the semester. In the previous year’s survey, only 51 percent responded this way. Of those who did not interact with their adviser, 35 percent did not know who their adviser was and nearly a third stated that they did not need any help. Freshmen were asked if they had difficulty navigating through college procedures during their first semester. Most, 85.9 percent of respondents answered that they did not have difficulty. Respondents agreed that the ST-100 course, the orientation, Freshmen First, and interacting with their Academy Adviser all resulted in their becoming better at navigating through college procedures, with the highest agreement levels (88 percent) attributed to ST-100. The interaction(s) with an Academy Adviser and attending Freshmen First contributed most strongly to a feeling of connectedness to the college community. Sixty-eight percent of the survey respondents who attended Academy sponsored events agreed that attending resulted in greater connectivity to the College. A new global question regarding connectedness revealed that 77 percent were in agreement that they feel part of the QCC community. A vast majority, 96.8 percent, responded that they had a positive (69 percent) or strongly positive (27.8 percent) attitude towards QCC. A wide variety of reasons were given for their positive attitude, with Page 1 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 many attributing it to the helpfulness of QCC personnel, their professors and the positive atmosphere at QCC. Background/Purpose During the fall 2013 semester, the new Queensborough Academies were fully implemented. As part of this initiative, the research protocol for assessing the effectiveness of the Academies was modified to include an updated freshman experience survey. It was particularly important to assess the impact of the Academy Advisers given the recent changes in the operations of the Academies starting in fall 2013 including the consolidation of all Freshman Coordinators and Academic Advisers into one unit of Academy Advisers, the use of a caseload advising model, and the employment of the Starfish Early Alert system. The results of the survey and changes in student support practices led to an IRB- approved modification of the fall 2013 survey. This newly modified Freshmen Experience Survey (FES) was administered in fall 2014 in accordance with the assessment protocol specifying an annual fall survey. The overarching purpose of the survey is to assess the effectiveness of the efforts of the Academy Advisers and student support services during the freshmen enrollment process and during their first semester. Most of the survey questions fall into three general categories: (1) student attendance at orientations/events and utilization of student support services; (2) students’ reasons for nonattendance/utilization; and (3) student perspectives on the helpfulness of various student support services. Questions about how students benefit were couched in terms of two broad objectives of the academies which are to enhance student feelings of connectedness and to improve their ability to navigate through the college’s procedures. In addition, there are two global questions. The first question, asking about student attitude towards the College, serves as a broad firstsemester “satisfaction” question. The second global question, added in the fall 2014 FES, asks about overall feelings of connectedness to Queensborough Community College. Data Sources All freshmen who completed a certain portion of ST-100 during the fall 2014 semester were scheduled to meet their Academy Adviser to discuss current progress and course selection for the subsequent semester. During this visit to their adviser, the freshmen were asked to take the First Semester Freshman Experience Survey on a computer provided by Advisement. The survey was administered in this manner starting on October 21, 2014 through January 21, 2015. There were 643 responses to the survey; however, several students took the survey twice. Duplicate responses (the second response) and cases with mostly blank responses were eliminated. The final dataset used for this report consisted of responses from 630 unique students. The survey target population consisted of all full and part-time degree and certificate seeking first-time freshmen and transfers enrolled in QCC during the fall 2014 semester. Students who Page 2 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 were enrolled in the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) or College Discovery (CD) programs were eliminated from the dataset because they have a separate orientation process and separate set of advisers. Table 1 shows the counts and percentages of various demographic characteristics and representation by the Academies of the target population of freshmen and the survey respondents. For most categories the respondents were a good representation of the overall target population. Table 1. Demographics of the Target Population of Freshmen and the Survey Respondents. Survey Respondents Students Total Gender Women Men Time Status Full-time Part-time Ethnicity American Indian or Native Alaskan Asian or Pacific Islander Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Other White, Non-Hispanic No Response Academy Business Health Related Sciences Liberal Arts STEM VAPA Page 3 Count 630 Target Population of Freshmen Percentage Count 100.0% 3,741 Percentage 100% 338 292 53.7% 46.3% 1,880 1,861 50.3% 49.7% 554 76 87.9% 12.1% 3,154 585 84.4% 15.6% 12 134 158 195 40 82 9 1.9% 21.3% 25.1% 31.0% 6.3% 13.0% 1.4% 42 946 1,021 1,099 NA 633 NA 1.1% 25.3% 27.3% 29.4% NA 16.9% NA 92 59 325 77 77 14.6% 9.4% 51.6% 12.2% 12.2% 585 294 2,070 575 218 15.6% 7.9% 55.3% 15.4% 5.8% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Survey Findings Questions on the orientation Q. 4 Did you attend the orientation prior to the start of the semester? Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Response Count Response Percent 173 27.5% 457 72.5% 630 100.0% Q. 5 Please explain why you have not attended the orientation. Answer Options I was not aware of it Work schedule conflict I was out of town Health or family issues It did not seem important to me Other Total Answered Page 4 Response Count Response Percent 57 32.9% 46 26.6% 33 19.1% 11 6.4% 5 2.9% 21 12.1% 173 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Figure 1. Orientation attendance, outcomes of academy awareness and feelings of college preparedness. Strongly Agree Agree The orientation made me more aware that I am part of an Academy. (N = 456) After attending the orientation, I felt better prepared to start college. (N = 456) Neutral Disagree 26% 19% Strongly Disagree 52% 53% 20% 26% Within this report, the phrase “agreement” or “in agreement” will be used to describe survey responses of “agree” and “strongly agree”. Questions on the Freshmen First Orientation Q. 8 I have attended Freshmen First (The Freshmen First event is the fall semester kickoff/welcome on August 25). Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Page 5 Response Count Response Percent 290 46.2% 338 53.8% 628 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Q. 9 Why did you not attend the Freshmen First Orientation? Answer Options Work schedule conflict I was not aware of it I was out of town It did not seem important to me Health or family issues Other Total Answered Response Count 97 88 54 18 7 26 290 Response Percent 33.4% 30.3% 18.6% 6.2% 2.4% 9.0% 100.0% Figure 2. Over 78 percent of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they learned about support services and learned more about their majors at Freshmen First. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3.3% At Freshmen First, I learned more about the majors that are part of my Academy. (N = 338) 25% 55% 16% By attending Freshmen First, I learned about the support services available to students (e.g., Single Stop, the Learning Center.) (N = 338) 25% 54% 19% Attending Freshmen First made me feel more connected to my Academy. (N = 338) Page 6 19% 50% 29% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Questions on Academy Advisers and Support Services Q. 13 Please select all of the topics, college procedures and policies that your Academy Adviser discussed with you during your first meeting BEFORE the semester began. (select all that apply) Advisement Topic Financial aid My major/changing a major Course registration CUNYfirst/CUNY Portal/Tigermail Queensborough Academies and its role Registration for 15 credits Learning centers The Academy Advisement and Registration Guide Foreign language placement Transfer credits Academic probation Response Count 493 486 468 461 426 330 292 291 290 242 210 Response Percent 78.3% 77.1% 74.3% 73.2% 67.6% 52.4% 46.3% 46.2% 46.0% 38.4% 33.3% Q. 14 How often have you interacted with your Academy Adviser (e.g., met in person, emailed, spoke to on the phone) since the START of the semester? Answer Options 1 to 2 times 3 to 4 times More than 4 times Not at all Total Answered Response Count 323 55 14 235 627 Response Percent 51.5% 8.8% 2.2% 37.5% 100.0% More than a third of the respondents indicated that they had not interacted with their Academy Adviser since the start of the semester. This is a positive change from the previous year’s FES, which indicated almost half (47%) had not interacted. Page 7 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Q. 15 Please explain why you have not interacted with your Academy Adviser. Answer Options I did not know who my Academy Adviser is I did not need help I did not have time/too busy I did not know where to go Other Total Answered Response Count Response Percent 82 34.9% 74 31.5% 30 12.8% 14 6.0% 35 14.9% 235 100.0% Of the 235 who responded that they did not interact with an Academy Adviser, thirty-five percent indicated they did not know who their adviser was (down from forty-one percent of fall 2013 respondents), and 31.5 percent indicated that they did not need help, a proportion similar to the year before. Q. 16 During the semester, what topic(s) did you discuss with your Academy Adviser? Please select all that apply. Advisement Topic My current class schedule My major My future class schedule My grades Financial aid assistance Withdrawing from a course A Starfish email (Tigermail) from my professor Tutoring Other Response Count 254 232 203 131 127 84 76 70 53 Response Percent 40.3 36.8 32.2 20.8 20.2 13.3 12.1 11.1 8.4 The three most frequently discussed topics were current and future class schedule and major. Q. 17 My Academy Adviser referred me to support services (e.g., the Financial Services Office, tutoring, counseling, etc.) when I needed assistance. Answer Options I have not needed assistance No Yes Total Answered Page 8 Response Count Response Percent 126 32.2% 43 11.0% 222 56.8% 391 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Although only a relatively small number of respondents (43) indicated that their adviser did not refer them to support services when help was needed, the percent responding this way (11 percent) was noticeably greater than the 4 percent responding in the previous fall 2013 survey. Also fewer responded “yes” (56.8 percent) compared to 71.5 percent responding “yes” in the fall 2013 survey. Almost a third of respondents indicated they did not need assistance (compared to nearly a quarter, 24.5 percent, in fall 2013). Q. 18 Which student support office did you visit this semester? (please select all that apply) Advisement Topic (Answer Option) Financial Services Writing Center Campus Learning Center Math Center None of the services listed above Academic Literacy Lab Career Services Counseling Department E-Portfolio Lab Services for Students with Disabilities I am not aware that any of these services were offered Other Response Count 303 255 183 163 96 95 56 55 33 17 13 37 Response Percent 48% 41% 29% 26% 15% 15% 9% 9% 5% 3% 2% 6% Students were able to choose more than one answer option so response percentages will total over 100%. The three most frequently used support services were the same top three found in the fall 2013 survey, with the Math Center a close fourth. Question on ST-100 Q. 19 Were you enrolled in ST-100 (Introduction to College Life) this semester? Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Page 9 Response Count 36 591 627 Response Percent 5.7% 94.3% 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Questions on Academy Sponsored Events Q. 20 Have you attended any Academy sponsored events? (These events DO NOT include Freshmen First or the orientation.) Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Response Count 575 52 627 Response Percent 91.7% 8.3% 100.0% Very few respondents attended an academy sponsored event (8.3 percent). This was lower than the percent responding “yes” in the fall 2013 survey (11.8 percent). The 575 respondents who had not attended an academy sponsored event at the time of the survey were asked their reason for not attending. Q. 21 Why have you not attended any Academy sponsored events? Please select all that apply. Answer Options I was not aware of the event No time/too busy Class schedule conflict or I needed to spend my time on school-work Work schedule conflict I was not interested in any events I did not know the location of the event Health or family issues Response Count 204 189 170 Response Percent 32.4% 30.0% 27.0% 109 93 34 22 17.3% 14.8% 5.4% 3.5% The three most frequent reasons for not attending academy sponsored events were not being aware of the event (32.4 percent) not having enough time (30 percent) and having a class or work-schedule conflict (27 percent). Q. 22 How many Academy sponsored events did you attend? Events Attended 1 2 3 4 or more Total Answered Page 10 Response Count 33 13 4 2 52 Response Percent 63.5% 25.0% 7.7% 3.8% 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Q. 24 Open-Ended Question: “What types of events would you suggest we offer in the future?” Response Category Count Academics/Career 172 Career, job fair & internships 66 Involving a specific major (e.g., business, nursing) 34 Academic theme, tutoring 25 About majors in general 18 Technology/science themed 15 Nutrition/health themes 9 Field trips 5 Entertainment 97 Sports, games, competitions 55 A concert, music 22 Events with food 12 Entertainment/fun 8 Socializing A mixer, socializing 91 31 A dance 24 Fundraisers, charitable events 17 Party 13 Religious/Holiday 6 Arts/Culture 53 Involving the arts, theater, film 29 Cultural, multi-cultural events 16 Talent show/student performance 8 Student Support/Orientation 49 Orientation/get to know more about QCC 14 Advisement topics 12 Financial aid, money themed 10 Information on transfer Basic education (e.g., time manage) 8 5 Other I don’t know 155 Satisfied with events we have offered 21 Uncategorized responses 20 Not interested in events 5 Page 11 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 428 respondents suggested one or more academy sponsored events for future offerings. A qualitative analysis was conducted on the responses and common themes were grouped to form response categories. The 48 responses that were unintelligible were eliminated from the analysis and counts. The table above shows the counts of responses for each category. Clearly, themes involving jobs/occupations and academics were most frequent. Questions on Navigating through College Procedures Q. 25 I had difficulty navigating through college procedures at QCC during my first semester. Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Response Count 537 88 625 Response Percent 85.9% 14.1% 100.0% One of the overarching goals of the Queensborough Academies is to enhance the ability of Freshmen to navigate through college procedures during their first semester. Fourteen percent of the respondents indicated that they had difficulty, up from 7.6% in the fall 2013 survey. For the 88 students who responded that they had difficulty navigating through college procedures at QCC during their first semester, there was an open-ended question asking them to describe how they had difficulty. A qualitative analysis was performed on the responses to this follow-up question in order to form response categories. A sorted categorized listing of the intelligible responses is found in table 2. Several student responses included more than one way in which they had difficulty and several responses did not address the question. Page 12 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Table 2. Response to “Please describe how you had difficulty navigating through college procedures at QCC during your first semester.” How they had difficulty navigating Locations of buildings/classes Technology difficulties Newness/adjusting Too much to manage/overwhelmed Much to learn Confused Academic difficulties Financial aid, making payments Don’t know where/who to go to Count 18 15 12 5 5 4 4 4 1 Difficulties with the use of technologies (e.g., keeping track of emails, logging into CUNYfirst, managing multiple passwords) were one of the most frequent types of difficulties reported. More reported difficulties with technologies than in the fall 2013 survey (15 compared to eight.) Questions 25 and 26 were followed by a series of questions asked to determine how particular orientation events and support services may have helped students during their first semester. The responses to these questions (i.e., Q. 27 and Q. 28) were only analyzed for the students who attended a particular event/orientation or interacted with their advisers, in order to allow for more clear interpretations of the survey results. For example, within these analyses, only the responses of the 392 students who indicated that they met with their adviser at least once were considered for the question on how interacting with Academy Advisers resulted in better navigation through college procedures. The responses of those who did not meet with their adviser were not included in the analysis. This methodology was also used for the other orientations/events and ST-100 in the analyses for Questions 27 and 28. Page 13 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Q. 27 As a result of the following, I have become better at navigating through college procedures at QCC. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Attending ST-100 Classes (N = 584) Strongly Disagree 48% 40% Attending Freshmen First (N = 326) 27% 51% Interacting with Academy Advisers (N = 375) 29% 48% Attending the orientation (N = 442) 29% 46% Not Applicable 8% 20% 19% 22% Eighty-eight percent agreed or strongly agreed that attending ST-100 classes helped them to navigate through their first semester, with an unusually large 48 percent responding with “Strongly Agree”. Agreement was fairly strong for the orientations and advisers and there were more responses of “neutral” by comparison to those for ST-100. Overall, compared to the fall 2013 results, agreement rates were somewhat higher and there were fewer respondents who were in disagreement. The higher agreement rates may seem to contrast with the results from question 25 showing a larger proportion responding that they had difficulty navigating through college procedures. Question 27 addresses how students became better at navigating because of help/preparation from various sources, which is different from how well they navigated. It is possible that compared to fall 2013, in fall 2014 it was more difficult to navigate through procedures and at the same time, students found efforts to help them to be more successful. Page 14 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Questions on Connection to the College Community Q. 28 As a result of the following, I feel more connected to the college community. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Attending Freshmen First (N = 324) Interacting with Academy Advisers (N = 380) Attending the orientation (N = 442) Disagree 25% 29% 24% Strongly Disagree Not Applicable 49% 44% 46% 24% 21% 26% 4% Participating in Academy Sponsored Events (N = 48) 33% 35% 19% 6% The orientation events (the orientation and Freshmen First) and interactions with the Academy Advisers were all associated with agreement levels of feelings of connectedness to the college community ranging from 70 to 74 percent. For those who participated in academy sponsored events the agreement level was slightly lower, 68 percent. This percentage in agreement was much greater than those from the fall 2013 survey (only 42 percent). Overall, compared to the fall 2013 survey respondents, a greater proportion of respondents were in agreement that both orientation events and the academy sponsored events helped them to feel more connected to QCC in fall 2014. Page 15 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Q. 32 I feel that I am now a part of the QCC community. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2% I feel that I am now a part of the QCC Community (N = 619) 23% 54% 21% This was a new question added to the fall 2014 survey with a purpose to gauge students’ overall feeling of connectedness to the QCC community. A substantial majority of respondents, 77 percent, indicated they feel they are a part of the QCC community. Attitude Towards Queensborough Community College Figure 3. Respondents’ General Attitude towards Queensborough Community College At present, my general attitude toward Queensborough Community College is ... 3.2% Negative¹ 27.8% Positive Strongly positive 69.0% ¹ Includes three responses of “strongly negative”. Page 16 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 A total of 622 students responded to this question. Only three students had a strongly negative attitude. By contrast, 27.8 percent of respondents reported a strongly positive attitude towards the College. Q. 31 Please explain why you have a negative attitude towards Queensborough Community College. Among the 20 students who reported a negative attitude towards QCC, responses to this question fell into several categories. Table 3. Response Categories and Counts Response Category Complaint about people (mostly professors) Blames self Transportation Class Schedule Count 9 4 3 3 One student explained feeling “neutral” rather than negative. Since there were only 20 responses, little can be extrapolated based on these findings. Page 17 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Changes from Fall 2013 Table 4 provides a comparison between the overarching/global results of the fall 2013 and fall 2014 FES. This table includes three sections which show the differences in participation/attendance rates, the rates for improved navigation through college procedures and feelings of connectedness, respectively. Within table 4 and figures 5 & 6, the agreement rating outcomes were calculated only from the respondents who attended a particular event/orientation or interacted with their advisers, in order to allow for more clear interpretations of the survey results. Table 4. Comparison of Survey Responses to Overarching Academies Goals between Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 FES Responses a. Percentage of survey respondents participating, attending or interacting. The orientation* Freshmen First Academy Advisers ST-100 Academy Sp. Events Fall 2013 N % 514 75% 600 88% 358 53% 657 97% 80 12% Fall 2014 N % 457 73% 338 54% 392 63% 591 94% 52 8% Difference % point -2% points -34% points +10% points -3% points -4% points b. Percentage in agreement with “As a result of the following, I have become better at navigating through college procedures at QCC.” Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Difference N % N % % point The orientation* 507 75% 442 75% Same Freshmen First 591 71% 326 78% +7% points Academy Advisers 358 75% 375 77% +2% points ST-100 656 82% 584 88% +6% points Academy Sp. Events N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Page 18 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 c. Percentage in agreement with, “As a result of the following, I feel more connected to the college community." Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Difference N % N % % point The orientation* 507 60% 442 70% +10% points Freshmen First 590 59% 324 74% +15% points Academy Advisers 358 73% 380 73% Same ST-100 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Academy Sp. Events 79 42% 48 68% +26% points * In fall 2013 College 101 was the approximate equivalent event to the orientation in 2014. Table 4 a. shows how in general, participation in the orientations has decreased somewhat in fall 2014, with the exception that more interacted with their advisers. The attendance at Freshmen First was much lower among the respondents in fall 2014. On the other hand, fall 2014 freshmen agreed at a higher rate than fall 2013 freshmen that Freshmen First and ST-100 helped them to navigate through QCC’s procedures and - especially - that they feel more connected to the college community as a result of the orientations. Improved feelings of connectedness were particularly notable with the academy sponsored events, although the number responding was only 48. Overall, the results shown in table 4 provide some evidence of improvements in orientations and student support, and in helping freshmen to feel more connected to the college. The data in table 4 showing comparisons between the overarching/global results of the fall 2013 and fall 2014 FES are also shown in figures 4 to 6. Figure 4. Comparison of findings between fall 2013 and fall 2014 FES results: participation/attendance/interaction rates. Percentage of Survey Respondents Participating, Attending or Interacting Fall 2013 75% 73% Fall 2014 97% 94% 88% 54% 53% 63% 12% 8% The Orientation Page 19 Freshmen First Academy Advisers ST-100 Academy Sp. Events Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Figure 5. Comparison of findings between fall 2013 and fall 2014 FES results: navigating through college procedures at QCC. Percentage in Agreement with "As a result of the following, I have become better at navigating through procedures at QCC" Fall 2013 75% 75% The Orientation 71% 78% Freshmen First Fall 2014 77% 75% Academy Advisers 82% 88% ST-100 Figure 6. Comparison of findings between fall 2013 and fall 2014 FES results: feelings of connectedness. Percentage in Agreement with, "As a result of the following, I feel more connected to the college community" Fall 2013 74% 70% 60% Fall 2014 73% 73% 68% 59% 42% The Orientation Page 20 Freshmen First Academy Advisers Academy Sp. Events Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Summary This summary is organized by grouping the findings by activity (e.g., Freshmen First, Academy Advisers) followed by a summary of global findings. The phrase “were in agreement” is used to describe responses which were either in agreement or strong agreement to a statement. The Orientation Among the survey respondents, 72.5 percent attended the orientation. The most frequent reason for non-attendance was not being aware of the event (32.9 percent of the non-attendees) compared to 58.2 percent of non-attendees in the fall 2013 survey. This indicates that communication of the event may have improved recently. Of survey respondents who attended, most (72 percent) were in agreement that the orientation prepared them to start college and made them more aware of their academy (78 percent). Seventy-five percent of the college orientation attendees were in agreement that they became better at navigating through college procedures as a result of attending the orientation and 70 percent were in agreement that it helped them to feel more connected to the college community. This agreement level increased by 10 percentage points from last year’s survey (when 60 percent were in agreement). Freshmen First Among the survey respondents, 54 percent attended Freshmen First. Attendance of survey respondents was higher last year (88 percent). Compared to last year’s survey responses, “lack of awareness” was a more frequent (30.3 percent versus 7.4 percent) reason for non-attendance. Over 78 percent of the attendees were in agreement that at Freshmen First, they learned about support services and the majors that are a part of their academy. Seventy-four percent were in agreement that they felt more connected to their academy, up from 59% as seen in figure 6. Interaction with Academy Advisers Among the survey respondents, 62 percent indicated that they had interacted with their Academy Adviser at least once since the start of the semester. This percentage improved from the 53 percent who had reported this in the fall 2013 survey. Those who did not interact with their adviser did so because either they did not know who the adviser was (34.9 percent) or because they “did not need help” (31.5 percent). In the fall 2013 survey, a higher percentage of freshmen who did not interact with their adviser (40.4 percent) did not know who their adviser was. This change for the better provides some evidence of improvement in adviser familiarity. The most frequently reported topics discussed with advisers during the semester were “My current class schedule” (at 40.3 percent) and “My major” (at 36.8 percent). Eleven percent of respondents indicated that their adviser did not refer them to support services when needed, a surprising increase over the 4 percent of respondents to the fall 2013 survey. Among the survey Page 21 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 respondents, the Financial Aid Office was the support service office most frequently visited, followed by the Writing Center. Seventy-seven percent of respondents who interacted with the advisers at least once since the start of the semester agreed that this interaction helped them navigate through college procedures (up from 75 percent in fall 2013), and seventy-three percent agreed it made them feel more connected with the college community (same as in fall 2013). As stated in the Queensborough Academies Protocol, two of the desired outcomes of the Queensborough Academies are to enhance incoming students’ acquisition of knowledge about the College and to increase student connectedness to the college community. The findings provide some evidence that the efforts of the Academy Advisers are helping the College to meet these two objectives of the Academies. ST-100 Courses Among the survey respondents, 94.3 percent enrolled in ST-100. Eighty-eight percent of ST-100 attendees were in agreement that this class helped them to navigate through college procedures (up from 82 percent in fall 2013.) Academy Sponsored Events Attendance at the Academy Sponsored events was quite low (8.3 percent1), and lower than reported in the previous survey (11.8 percent), but a greater proportion (68 percent) of those who attended agreed that their attendance led to feeling more connected to the college community, compared to 42 percent in fall 2013. Among the 575 respondents who did not attend any academy sponsored events, the majority (52 percent) indicated they had inadequate free time or a work schedule conflict; 41 percent indicated they were not aware of the event or were lacking information about the event time or location, and sixteen percent stated that they were uninterested in any events. Global Outcomes A large majority, 85.9% of respondents indicated that they did not have difficulty navigating through college procedures during the semester. Among those who had difficulty (88 respondents) many reported that they needed to know more information about the college (e.g., locations of buildings) and many expressed feeling overwhelmed and that they had much to 1 The finding that 8.3 percent responded that they attended an event cannot be interpreted to mean that only 8.3 percent attended events during the semester because the survey began on October 21. Survey respondents may have attended an event(s) after they completed the survey. About half of the respondents completed the survey after the middle of November. Page 22 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 learn. This finding raised the question of whether they attended the orientations. Among these 88 who reported having difficulty navigating, 70.5 percent attended the orientation and 60.2 percent attended Freshmen First. These rates are about the same and higher than the average participation rates, so it appears that they attended the orientations fairly well. Table 5 provides an overview of the agreement ratings for statements of how the orientations, events and Academy Advisers helped students to navigate through college procedures and how they helped them to become more connected with the college community. These ratings are for statements which were developed to assess two of the Queensborough Academies objectives. Table 5. Summary of Utilization and Agreement Ratings for Orientations, Events and Academy Advisers. Percentage of survey respondents participating, attending or interacting. Percentage in agreement with “As a result of the following, I have become better at navigating through college procedures at QCC.” Percentage in agreement with, “As a result of the following, I feel more connected to the college community." The Orientation Freshmen First Academy Advisers ST-100 Academy Sp. Events 73% 54% 63% 94% 8% 75% 78% 77% 88% N.A. 70% 74% 73% N.A. 68% “In agreement” includes ratings of “agree” and “strongly agree” and percentages are rounded. According to the survey feedback, attending ST-100 was rated the most effective orientation to help students with navigating through college procedures (88 percent). Attending Freshmen First and meeting with Academy Advisers were most effective in making students feel more connected to the College (74 percent and 73 percent respectively.) Survey respondents provided very positive responses about their general attitude towards QCC. Ninety-seven percent had a positive or strongly positive attitude towards QCC. It should be noted that these ratings were obtained during the time period after midterms and through the final exams period, as opposed to the relatively less-challenging start of the semester. Only 3.2 percent responded that they had a negative attitude. Page 23 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Conclusions Three of the outcomes specified within the Queensborough Academies Protocol 2013-2016 are to increase (1) student knowledge of the College, (2) student connectivity to the College and (3) connectivity to their Academy. The findings from the First Semester Freshmen Experience Survey provide evidence that these outcomes are being met. The orientation is designed to prepare freshmen for their first semester. Survey results showed that a solid majority of respondents were in agreement that the orientation helped to prepare them to start college and made them more aware of their Academy. A great majority of respondents attributed the Freshmen First orientation to their learning about support services, learning about the majors that are a part of their Academy and feeling more connected to their Academy. A large majority of survey respondents were in agreement that interactions with their advisers and attending Freshmen First resulted in their feeling more connected to the college community. An overarching purpose of the orientation, Freshmen First, ST-100, and the efforts of the Academy Advisers is to provide information to freshmen so that they could successfully navigate through college procedures during their first semester. The survey results showed that a great majority of respondents felt that they were able to navigate through college procedures and that the orientation, Freshmen First, the advisers and ST-100 (especially), were instrumental in helping them. Comparisons of results between the fall 2013 and fall 2014 FES revealed that more students were in agreement that they were better able to navigate through procedures at the college because of ST-100 and Freshmen First; however, more respondents reported having difficulty with procedures in general. A solid majority of freshmen responded that they felt more connected to the college community as a result of participation in the orientations (i.e., the orientation and Freshman First) and interactions with the Academy Advisers. One of the most pronounced differences in the survey response patterns between the fall 2013 and fall 2014 Freshmen Experience Surveys (FES) is that many more freshmen agreed that they felt connected to the college as a result of both orientations. These findings provide some evidence of increased effectiveness of the efforts made to foster feelings of connectivity. A long-term institutional objective of the Queensborough Academies is to increase student satisfaction. The results of the FES provided evidence that students were satisfied with QCC. The vast majority of respondents indicated that they have a positive or strongly positive attitude towards QCC. The next step in the surveying cycle will include an administration of the same survey in fall 2015. The results of this survey, in light of the results of the 2013 and 2014 surveys will allow for an analysis of trends in various outcomes. Page 24 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Appendix 1. Comparison of Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 Survey Results The Orientation (College 101) Did you attend the orientation* prior to the start of the semester? Answer Options Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent No 168 24.6% 173 27.5% Yes 514 75.4% 457 72.5% Total Answered 681 100.0% 630 100.0% * In fall 2013 College 101 was the approximate equivalent event to the orientation in 2014. Please explain why you have not attended the orientation.* Answer Options Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent I was not aware of it 102 58.2% 57 32.9% Work schedule conflict 6 3.3% 46 26.6% I was out of town 3 1.7% 33 19.1% Health or family issues 6 3.2% 11 6.4% It did not seem important to me 19 10.7% 5 2.9% Other 40 22.8% 21 12.1% Total Answered 176 100.0% 173 100.0% * In fall 2013 College 101 was the approximate equivalent event to the orientation in 2014. Page 25 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 The orientation* made me more aware that I am a part of an academy. Agreement Those in agreement (strongly agree + agree) Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 416 81% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 356 78% After attending the orientation*, I felt better prepared to start college. Agreement Those in agreement (strongly agree + agree) Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 420 81% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 328 72% * In fall 2013 College 101 was the approximate equivalent event to the orientation in 2014. Freshmen First I have attended Freshmen First (The Freshmen First event is the fall semester kickoff/welcome on August 25). Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 81 600 681 11.9% 88.1% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 290 338 628 46.2% 53.8% 100.0% Why did you not attend the Freshmen First Orientation? Answer Options Work schedule conflict I was not aware of it I was out of town It did not seem important to me Health or family issues Other Total Answered Page 26 Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 18 7 21 15 7 23 91 20.1% 7.4% 23.1% 16.1% 7.8% 25.5% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 97 88 54 18 7 26 290 33.4% 30.3% 18.6% 6.2% 2.4% 9.0% 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 By attending Freshmen First, I learned about the support services available to students. Agreement Those in agreement (strongly agree + agree) Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 494 83% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 270 80% At Freshmen First, I learned more about the majors that are part of my Academy. Agreement Those in agreement (strongly agree + agree) Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 464 78% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 267 79% Attending Freshmen First made me feel more connected to my Academy. Agreement Those in agreement (strongly agree + agree) Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 415 69% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 233 69% How often did you interact with your Academy Adviser since the start of the semester? Answer Options 1 to 2 times 3 to 4 times More than 4 times Not at all Total Answered Page 27 Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 277 60 21 317 675 41.0% 8.9% 3.2% 47.0% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 323 55 14 235 627 51.5% 8.8% 2.2% 37.5% 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Please explain why you have not interacted with your Academy Adviser. Answer Options I did not know who my Academy Adviser is I did not need help I did not have time/too busy I did not know where to go Other Total Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 128 103 29 18 39 317 40.4% 32.5% 9.2% 5.8% 12.2% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 82 74 30 14 35 235 34.9% 31.5% 12.8% 6.0% 14.9% 100.0% My Academy Adviser referred me to support services (e.g., the financial aid department, tutoring, counseling, etc.) “when” I needed assistance. Answer Options I have not needed assistance No Yes Total Answered Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 88 14 256 358 24.5% 4.0% 71.5% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 126 43 222 391 32.2% 11.0% 56.8% 100.0% Were you enrolled in ST-100 (Introduction to College Life) this semester? Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Page 28 Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 18 657 675 2.7% 97.3% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 36 591 627 5.7% 94.3% 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Results from the Fall 2014 Freshman Experience Survey September 25, 2015 Questions on Navigating through College Procedures I had difficulty navigating through college procedures at QCC during my first semester. Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 624 51 675 92.4 7.6% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 537 88 625 85.9% 14.1% 100% Questions on Academy Sponsored Events Have you attended any Academy sponsored events? Answer Options No Yes Total Answered Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 595 80 675 88.2% 11.8% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 575 52 627 91.7% 8.3% 100.0% How many Academy sponsored events did you attend? Answer Options 1 2 3 4 or more Total Fall 2013 Response Response Count Percent 70 6 4 0 80 87.6% 7.2% 4.6% 0.6% 100.0% Fall 2014 Response Response Count Percent 34 13 4 2 53 64.2% 24.5% 7.5% 3.8% 100.0% At present, my general attitude towards Queensborough Community College is … Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Answer Options Response Response Response Response Count Percent Count Percent Strongly Positive Positive Negative Strongly Negative Total Page 29 181 475 13 1 670 27.1% 70.8% 1.9% 0.2% 100.0% 173 429 17 3 622 27.8% 69% 2.7% 0.5% 100.0% Office of Institutional Research and Assessment