June 1995 Notes PLUMMER,M. V. 1992. Relationships among mothers, litters, and neonates in diamondback water snakes (Nerodia rhombifer). Copeia, 1992:10961098. RAND, A. S. 1984. Clutch size in Iguana iguana in Central Panama. Pp. 115-122, in Vertebrate ecology and systematics-a tribute to Henry S. Fitch (R. A. Seigel, L., E. Hunt, J. L. Knight, L. Malaret, and N. L. Zuschlag, eds.). Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kansas, Lawrence. RAND, A. S., AND H. W. GREENE. 1982. Latitude and climate in the phenology of reproduction in the green iguana, Iguana iguana. Pp. 142-149, in Iguanas of the world: behavior, ecology and conservation (G. M. Burghardt and S. Rand, eds.). Noyes Publ., New Jersey. Vitt, L. J. 1978. Caloric content of lizard and snake (Reptilia) eggs and bodies and the conversion of weight to caloric data. J. Herpetol., 12:65-72. VITT, L. J., ANDJ. D. CONGDON.1978. Body shape, reproductive effort, and relative clutch mass in liz- 237 ards; resolution of a paradox. Amer. Nat., 112:595608. WERNER,D. I. 1988. The effect of varying water potential on body weight, yolk and fat bodies in neonate green iguanas. Copeia, 1988:406-11. 1991. The rational use of green iguanas. Pp. 181-201, in Neotropical wildlife use and conservation (J. G. Robinson and K. H. Redford, eds.). Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. WERNER,D. I., ANDT. J. MILLER. 1984. Artificial nests for female green iguanas. Herpetol. Rev., 15: 57-58. WIEWANDT,T. A. 1982. Evolution of nesting patterns in iguanine lizards. Pp. 119-141, in Iguanas of the world: behavior, ecology and conservation (G. M. Burghardt and S. Rand, eds.). Noyes Publ., New Jersey. WILLIAMS,G. C. 1966. Adaptation and natural selection. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, New Jersey. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF THE RIO GRANDE SUCKER, CATOSTOMUS PLEBEIUS (CYPRINIFORMES), IN A MONTANE STREAM, NEW MEXICO JOHN N. RINNE United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, The Southwest Forest Science Complex, 2500 South Pineknoll Drive, Flagstaf, Arizona 86001 Although the Rio Grande sucker, Catostomus spawns in spring and, in some areas, in the fall. plebeius, was first described almost a century and Although adults may grow to a large size (>40 a half ago by Baird and Girard (1854), Koster cm), most individuals are small and some mature (1957) first presented the meager known life his- when only "a few inches long." Rausch (1963) tory information for the species. It is currently examined age, growth and maturity of this suckdistributed in tributaries of the Rio Grande, pri- er. Koster (1957) suggested this species to be a marily north of the 36th parallel (Sublette et al., good bait or forage fish and that trout can and 1990). It has been introduced into the headwaters commonly do feed on this largely primary conof the Gila River. Although substantial populasumer. tions are extant in New Mexico, only one occurs The Rio Grande sucker was encountered in in Colorado. The species also currently inhabits large numbers during research investigating the a half dozen river basins encompassing three states effects of grazing on nearstream and instream of Mexico (Smith, 1966; Hendrickson et al., 1980; habitat and biota in the Rio de las Vacas in northSublette et al., 1990). ern New Mexico (Rinne, 1988). Because there Larger individuals feed on filamentous algae is a lack of ecological and life history information and other microscopic and macroscopic organisms for Rio Grande sucker, specimens were collected such as diatoms and benthic invertebrates inhab- between 1985 and 1987, preserved, and aspects iting fast, rocky riffles (Sublette et al., 1990). of their reproductive biology were examined. This Koster (1957) reported that Rio Grande sucker paper reports information on aspects of the re- The Southwestern Naturalist 238 1-Comparison of reproductivetraitsof male TABLE and female Rio Grande sucker (Catostomusplebeius) in the Rio de las Vacas, 1985-1987. All values are means (+SE). All comparisonsare significantlydifferent (P < 0.01). Trait Male n = 112 Female n = 99 Total length (mm1) 102.1 + 1.4 110.1 + 2.0 Fish volume (ml) 12.7 + 0.54 16.8 + 0.07 Gonad (ml) 0.82 + 0.09 0.30 + 0.02 Color index 1.5 + 0.05 1.7 + 0.04 4.6 + 0.34 Gonadal index 2.3 + 0.19 Range in total length = 60-138 mm in males, 61162 mm in females. TABLE 2-Comparison of degreeof tuberculationon body and fins of male and female Rio Grandesucker (Catostomus plebeius) in the Rio de las Vacas, New Mexico, 1985-1987. All values are means (+SE). ** = P < 0.01. Tuberculation Body Head Caudal peduncle Gular Operculum Pectoralfin Pelvic fin Anal fin Caudal fin productive biology of the Rio Grande sucker inhabiting the Rio de las Vacas in Northern New Mexico. The Rio de las Vacas is a third-order montane stream (elevation, 2,800 m) located on the Santa Fe National Forest, Sandoval County, about 120 km NNW of Albuquerque, New Mexico (Rinne, 1988, 1995). Detailed descriptions of this riparian-stream area are given in Rinne (1988) and Szaro and Rinne (1988) and are summarized here. The stream is affected by typical forest management activities such as logging, recreation, road building, and livestock grazing. Portions of the study area have been fenced to exclude livestock grazing. Riparian vegetation is more abundant within these exclosures and is dominated by a willow (Salix)-alder (Alnus) community. Beaver (Castorcanadense) inhabit the area, and damming of the stream is common, however dams are not permanent because of annual washouts by spring runoff. Streambanks are unstable in the grazed areas (Rinne, in litt.) and fine sediment content of the stream substrate is greater in reaches subjected to grazing (Rinne, 1988). Most Rio Grande suckers were collected during annual summer sampling (June to July), with additional samples taken in March, April, September, and October 1985. Rio Grande sucker were stunned with a direct current, backpack electrofisher, dipnetted, and immediately preserved in 10% formalin-sugar solution in order to enhance color retention in specimens. The total length (TL) of preserved specimens was measured and fish volume was estimated by liquid displacement (ml). Gonads were then removed and their volumes similarly determined by liquid vol. 40, no. 2 Male Female n = 112 n = 99 2.7 2.5 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.4 0.05 0.07** 0.03 0.05** 0.07 0.07** 3.0 3.0 + + + + + + 3.0 3.0 3.0 + 0.02** 3.0 3.0 + 0.01** 3.0 3.0 + 0.02** 3.0 3.0 3.0 displacement. Gonadal indices (GI) were calculated by dividing gonadal volume by fish volume and multiplying the resulting value by 100. Fecundity was estimated by removal of ovaries and counting of all mature ova present in 21 females collected in March, June, and July, 1985 and with GI greater than 4.0. Presence and intensity of tuberculation and breeding coloration on the body and fins were noted relative to sex. Variation in tuberculation was coded from 1 to 3 to delineate either pronounced presence (1), weak presence (2), or absence (3). Color was recorded as either present (1) or absent (2). Data on reproductive traits between sexes were analyzed by simple t-tests. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare GI among sample dates. Length and GI were related by regression analyses to depict size at maturity. Of the 211 suckers collected for reproductive analyses during the period March 1985 through June 1987, 112 were males and 99 females. Female suckers were only slightly but significantly (P = 0.002) larger than males (Table 1). Sexual dimorphism was also illustrated by the significantly greater mean volume of female than male suckers (Table 1). As in most cypriniform fishes, the presence of color was also significantly more common in males than in females (P < 0.001). Regression models for the sexes explained only about 25% of the variation in color of suckers. By comparison, logistic regression produced a "best fit" model that included sex, month, gonad volume, and length. 239 Notes June 1995 TABLE3-Comparison of mean seasonalgonadalindicesof Rio Grandesuckers(Catostomus plebeius)in the Rio de las Vacas, New Mexico, 1985-1987. Sample date Male March' n= April n= June June July Sept Oct n n n n n = = = = = 5 2.12 + 3 1.8 + 20 4.07 + 13 0.57 + 35 3.13 + 23 0.72 + 13 2.18 + Female 1.43 n = 14 4.26 + 0.32 0.31 n= 0.43 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.72 n n n n n = = = = = 83.83 + 0.51 18 20 15 6 18 7.80 2.69 5.69 3.18 3.61 + + + + + 1.12 0.58 1.03 0.30 0.18 ' All samplesmade in 1985 except for the secondsamplelisted for June and the samplein September,which were made in 1987. The remaining independent variable, fish volume, was not significantly (P = 0.09) related to color. The fitted model for Rio Grande suckers in the Rio de las Vacas is: E (the logit) = -7.0199 - 0.8614(sex) + 0.3829(month) + 0.7869(gonad volume) + 0.0313(length) where the probability of no color is: expected E/1 + expected E. This model predicted color correctly 68.7% of the time or in 145 of 211 specimens. Separation of sexes and similar analyses resulted in increased predictability of color for females (81 of 99 or 81.8%). In general, differences in tuberculation on the body and most fins of male versus female suckers was not as marked as was coloration (Table 2). However, the head, gular region, and pectoral fins of male suckers contained greatly pronounced tuberculation compared to female suckers. Typical of most cypriniform fishes, GI during the spawning season were significantly greater (P < 0.001) in female than in male suckers (Table 1). ANOVA indicated significant differences (P = 0.001) in gonadal indices among sample dates for both males and females (Table 3). Assuming greater indices indicated increased reproductive activity, Rio Grande suckers displayed a spawning peak in early summer, (June through July). Gonadal indices were significantly greater in suckers in June 1985 than in June 1987. If one uses greater indices (i.e., >4.0) as an indication of maturity, suckers reach maturity at about 90 mm, TL (Fig. 1). Fecundity of the 21 female suckers (>100 mm, and GI > 4.0) ranged from 695 to 4,701 ova, and averaged 2,035 + 240 (SE). Regression anal- yses indicated 56% of the variation in fecundity of suckers was explained by gonad volume. Fecundity of suckers varied significantly with season (P = 0.02) and was greatest in the autumn and least in the spring. Koster (1957) previously suggested that the Rio Grande sucker displayed a definite spring to early summer and perhaps an autumnal spawning effort. This native sucker definitely spawned in the spring and early summer, but an autumnal spawn was not evident. Descriptions of timing of spawning of other members of the genus Catostomus in the literature are varied. The desert sucker, Catostomusclarki, has been described as spawning in the spring within its geographic range (Smith, 1966) and late winter to early spring in Arizona (Minckley, 1973), and in late winter in the Santa Clara River, Utah (Rinne, 1971). Cross (1975) suggested a prolonged period of spawning (March to June) for the desert sucker in the Virgin River, Nevada. Although they did not specifically observe this, Sigler and Miller (1963) indicated the flannelmouth sucker, Catostomuslatipinnis, appears to spawn in spring and summer in the upper Colorado River. Variability in spawning season of western catostomids may be explained by differences in water temperature and stream size, and perhaps most importantly, pattern of season or annual runoff. Based on annual observations of flows in the Rio de las Vacas, the Rio Grande sucker spawned on the waning side of the period of peak spring flows. Once normal spring runoff subsided (i.e., late June to early July), spawning quickly terminated (Table 3). This is further illustrated by the June 1985 and 1987 samples. Time of sampling in 1985 was June 6. By comparison, sampling in 1987 was almost 3 weeks later (June 240 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 40, no. 2 18 24). By late June 1987, flows had abated and GI were significantly lower than two years previous. 15 This is attributable to presence of more spent females and males and was also noted for Rio S12 12 * Grande chubs in this same stream (Rinne, 1995). Greenfield et al. (1970) recorded protracted <- 9 spawning (March-July) for the Santa Anna sucker, Catostomussantaanae, in California; how- 86 6 ever, peak spawning was during May and June. "~7------------~ 3 Similarly, Deacon and Minckley (1975) documented extended spawning (December to perhaps July) for C. clarki in Aravaipa Creek, Ar60 80 100 120 140 180 160 izona. TOTAL LENGTH INMLLIMETERS Breeding colors were more often present in FIG. 1--Regression of gonad index on total length male than in female Rio Grande suckers. Greater of suckers to delimitprobablesize at maturity.Dashed coloration in male Rio Grande suckers may be lines are 95%confidencelimits of meansfor both fitted important for females to locate, attract, and stim- (lower two) and predicted(upper) regressionlines. ulate males in the spawning act during more turbid conditions of spring runoff resulting from increased suspended sediment. Orange-red stripes because of hybridization with the white sucker, are present in both sexes of the desert sucker C. commersoni.There is a need for a comprehen(Smith, 1966). Color was more common and pro- sive status survey of the Rio Grande sucker to nounced in the spring than in summer or in the enable managers to more effectively assess stratautumn. egies for management and perhaps insure susTuberculation was present in both male and tainability of natural populations in the wild. female suckers, but was more pronounced in the Such a survey is underway through a cooperative males, primarily on the head and gular region effort by New Mexico State University and Unit(Table 2). Tuberculation has been described as ed States Forest Service research, Flagstaff, Aribeing most developed in male bluehead suckers, zona. C. discobolus(Miller and Hubbs, 1960), and only Additional reproductive information is needed on the Rio Grande sucker in other streams within in ripe male flannelmouth suckers (Cross, 1975). In summary, reproductive activity and traits of its range in New Mexico. Because color develthe Rio Grande sucker in Rio de las Vacas par- opment was significantly related to time, more alleled the variability described in the literature intensive sampling (weekly or biweekly) during for congeners. To date, most of the information spawning peaks and further analyses of color, on the genus has been qualitative and descriptive fecundity, GI, and maturation of ova are needed and not as detailed as that reported by Andreasen to substantiate whether spawning is unimodal or and Barnes (1975) for the Great Basin region. bimodal in pattern. In addition, its interactions Such a lack of biological studies results, in part, with other members of both the native fish comfrom the erroneous concept that suckers are "rough munity (e.g., longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataracfish" and are "harmful" to other species, es- tae), Rio Grande Chub (Gila pandora) and the pecially trout (Holey et al., 1979). Indeed, suck- native Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus ers more probably are a source of food for intro- clarki virginalis)) and the introduced portion of the community (e.g., brown (Salmo trutta), brook duced and native salmonid species. Even suckers (e.g., Cui-ui, Chasmistes cujas, (Salvelinus fontinalis), and rainbow (Oncorhynand Sonora C. insignis and desert C. clarki suck- chus mykiss) trouts) need documentation. ers) can become endangered and candidate species LITERATURE CITED as a result of human activities. Biological information on these species is necessary to manage ANDREASEN, J. K., AND J. R. BARNES. 1975. Rethese species and prevent their extinction. Rio ardensand C. productivelife historyof Catostomus Grande suckers are reported to be almost extirdiscobolus in the Weber River,Utah. Copeia, 1975: 643-648. pated from Colorado, and are steadily disappearing from streams in New Mexico, largely BAIRD,S. F., ANDC. GIRARD. 1854. Descriptions of c:P June 1995 241 Notes new species of fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico, and Sonora, by Mr. John H. Clark, on the United States and Mexico boundary survey, and in Texas by Capt. Van Vliet, U.S.A., Second part. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 7:24-29. CROSS,J. N. 1975. Ecological distribution of the fishes of the Virgin River (Utah, Arizona, Nevada). West. Interst. Comm. Higher Ed., Boulder, Colorado. DEACON,J. E., ANDW. L. MINCKLEY.1975. Desert fishes. Pp. 166-179, in Desert biology (G. W. Brown, ed.). Vol 11:385-488, Academic Press, New York. GREENFIELD, D. W., S. T. Ross, ANDG. D. DECKERT. 1970. Some aspects of the life history of the Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus santaanae (Snyder). California Fish and Game, 56:166-179. HENDRICKSON, D. A., W. L. MINCKLEY,R. R. MILLER,D. J. SIEBERT, AND P. H. MINCKLEY.1980. Fishes of the Rio Yaqui Basin, Mexico and the United States. J. Ariz-Nev. Acad. Sci. 15(3):65106. HOLEY, M., B. HOLLENDER, M. IMHOF, R. JESIEN, R. KONOPACKY,M. TONEYS, AND D. COBLE. 1979. "Never give a sucker an even break." Fisheries, 4:2-6. KOSTER,W. J. 1957. Guide to the fishes of New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. MILLER,R. R., ANDC. L. HUBBS. 1960. The spinyrayed cyprinid fishes (Plagopterini) of the Colorado River system in western North America. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 115:1-39. MINCKLEY, W. L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Dept., Phoenix. RAUSCH,R. R. 1963. Age and growth of the Rio Grande mountain-sucker, Pantosteusplebeius (Baird and Girard). Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque. RINNE,J. N. 1988. Grazing effects on stream habitat and fishes: research design considerations. N. Amer. Jour. Fish. Mgmt., 8:240-247. 1995. Reproductive biology of the Rio Grande chub, Gila pandora (Teleosotomi: Cypriniformes) in a montane stream, New Mexico. Southwestern Nat., 40(1):107-110. RINNE,W. E. 1971. The life history of Lepidomeda mollispinis mollispinis (the Virgin River spinedace) a unique western cyprinid. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas. SIGLER, W. F., AND R. R. MILLER. 1963. Fishes of Utah. Utah Dept. Fish and Game, Salt Lake City. SMITH, G. R. 1966. Distribution and evolution of the North American catostomid fishes of the subgenus Pantosteus, genus Catostomus. Misc. Publ. Mus. of Zool., Univ. Michigan, 29:1-132. SUBLETTE, J. E., M. D. HATCH, AND M. SUBLETTE. 1990. The fishes of New Mexico. Univ. of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. SZARO,R. C., AND J. N. RINNE. 1988. Ecosystem approach to management of southwestern riparian communities. Trans. 53rd N. Amer. Wildl. and Nat. Res. Conf., 53:502-511. MARKING OTOLITHS IN RAZORBACK SUCKER EMBRYOS AND LARVAE WITH FLUORESCENT CHEMICALS ROBERT T. MUTH AND STEVEN M. MEISMER Larval Fish Laboratory,Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology, ColoradoState University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 Efforts to recover the endangered razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) include hatchery propagation of fish for reintroduction and research projects, documentation of reproduction and recruitment in the wild, and evaluation of reasons for low recruitment and ways to improve survival of young fish. Minckley et al. (1991) recommended marking hatchery-produced razorback sucker to distinguish them from fish produced naturally. Because razorback sucker are sometimes stocked in large numbers as larvae or small juveniles, a mass-marking technique applicable to early life stages is required. The mark- ing technique could also be used in field markrecapture studies to facilitate investigation of the early biology of razorback sucker and fate of reintroduced fish. Marking otoliths of fish has great potential for use in stock identification, assessment of stocking success, and life-history studies (Brothers, 1990; Buckley and Blankenship, 1990). One technique for rapid mass marking is incorporation of fluorescent chemicals in otoliths by immersion of fish embryos or larvae in solutions of these chemicals. Two compounds proven effective for this technique are alizarin complexone (ALC) and tet-