Water Quality in Forested Watersheds of the Southwestern United States

WaterQualityinForested Watersheds
of the Southwestern UnitedStates
Aregai Tecle, School of Forestry,NorthernArizonaUniversity,FlagstaffAZ 86011;
Daniel G Neary, Rocky MountainResearchStation,USDA Forest Service, FlagstaffAZ 86001;
Peter Ffolliott, School of RenewableNaturalResources,University of Arizona, TucsonAZ 85721;
Malchus B. Baker, Jr., Rocky MountainResearchStation,USDA Forest Service, FlagstaffAZ 86001
Water-qualitydegradationis often constantbecause informationabouton- and off-site watersheddisturbancesand
how to reducetheirimpactis limited.This paperidentifiesdifferenttypes of water-qualityparameters,theircauses and
possible sources,andthe mandatoryorrecommendedstandardsfor drinkingwaterandaquaticwildlife habitats.Information presentedshouldhelp developmethodsthatestimateor forecastthe productionandmovementof diffusepollutants,
determinehow to minimizethe productionof pollutants,andprevententryof pollutantsinto streamsand othersurface
waterbodies. Thepaperreviewskey models, andvariouswater-qualitymanagementactivities.Theactivitiescanbe used
independentlyor togetherto maintainand restorethe qualityof degradedsurfacewater at the watershedscale.
Accordingto the new CleanWaterAction Plan,
jointly developed by nine federal agencies, clean
water is the product of a healthy watershed, and
water-qualityprograms,such as nonpointpollution
abatementprograms,must be accomplishedat the
watershed scale (U.S. EnvironmentalProtection
Agency 1998). Despite this need, most waterpollution prevention and control programs have
been planned and implementedbased on political
boundaries.Because the flow of water and pollutantsdoes not stop at politically determinedboundaries,thereis a growingrecognitionthatwatershedmanagementprogramsthatinvolve waterpollution
should be comprehensively undertaken within
naturalwatershedboundaries.This practicewould
help control point and nonpoint pollution sources
and protect drinking-watersources and sensitive
Watershedsarecontinuouslysubjectedto a host
of natural processes and human activities that
impact their health, ecological integrity, and the
quality of the water flows. Consequently,proper
managementof watersheds,especially those in forestedareas,is importantbecausewatershedsprovide
water for domestic, agricultural,and recreational
uses. Improperwatershedmanagementcausesundesirableconsequencessuch as flooding, erosion,and
ecosystem degradation.
To ensure proper watershed management,
federal, tribal, state, and local governments are
developing programs and activities to control or
stop water-quality degradation and to restore
degraded watersheds. For example, the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 established
objectives forthe restorationandmaintenanceof the
physical, chemical, and biological integrity of
waters in the United States. Section 208 of the Act
requires that any water-qualitymanagementplan
incorporate a process that identifies nonpoint
sources (NPS) of water pollution and establishes
methodsto controlthe sources,as much as possible.
The United States Congress passed the Water
Quality Act in 1987, which required states to
develop and implement effective programs to
controlNSP pollution. In 1996, Congressamended
the act to protect water at its source. Nonpoint
as surface erosion and the movement of native
chemicals, human actions that involve surface
disturbancesand produce wastes that enter water
bodies, and a combination of natural events and
human use of land and resources (U.S.
EnvironmentalProtectionAgency 1980).
Erosion, sediment production,and deposition
are the processes that can dramaticallychange the
environmentandaffectthe qualityandusefulnessof
water (Overby and Baker 1995). Other quality
parametersthat affect the qualityand usefulness of
water include temperature,pH values, nutrient
amount,and otherpollutantsthatenterwaterbodies
on watersheds.We discuss the causes, effects, and
standardsof these types of the water-qualityparameters in this paper and describe erosion and
sediment models and other pollutant movement
estimation methods. We also suggest appropriate
watershedmanagementapproachesto protectwater
quality and restorequalityto water sources thatare
Tecle, A.,D.G.Neary,P. Ffolliott, andM.B. Baker,Jr. 2003.Water qualityinforested watersheds of the
Tecle, DanielG.Neary,Peter Ffolliott, andMalchusB.Baker,Jr.
Water Quality in Forested Watersheds + Tecle, Neary, Ffoluott, and Baker
degraded.Themanagementmethodsdiscussedconsider Best Management Practices1 (BMPs) that
relatepollutantsto their causes and considerscientific, engineering, ecological, social, cultural,and
legal approachesto protect clean water resources
and to create reliable restorationmechanisms to
Landscapesare subject to continuousdisturbances that can have serious consequenceson water
quality.For example, clean water never occurs in
rangelandsand forestedwatershedswhere grazing
occurs (Lee 1980). The levels of impurities in a
waterbody indicatewaterquality.Wateris polluted
if the level of impuritiesimpairsthe water's suitability for any actualor potentialbeneficial use. The
foreignsubstancesin waterdetermineits characteristics, which can be physical, chemical, or biological. Some disturbances on watersheds, either
natural- or human-caused, produce significant
changes in the amount and production of waterqualitycharacteristicsor parameters.
Timberharvesting,grazing,roadbuilding,prescribedfire, andsilviculturaloperationsarehumancauseddisturbancesthatmay resultin seriouswaterquality problems (Rich 1962). Forest roads can
contribute50% to 85% of all the sediment from
forestedareasto a surfacewaterbody.However,the
amount of sediment produced from forest roads
variesfromplace to place andis reducedby improving roadorientationandinclination,culvertinstallation, and cable yarding(Rice 1999). Otherhumancaused activities that can cause water-quality
problems include recreation;mining; construction
activities; application of fertilizers, insecticides,
pesticides, or herbicides;and industrial,domestic,
and commercial activities that generate effluents.
Some humanactivities produce changes in vegetation cover and soil characteristicsthat affect the
amountandrate of infiltration.Whenthis happens,
erosion and mass wasting (soil movementthrough
slide, slump,debrisflow, earthflow, rock fall, gully
and rill erosions, and surface sloughing) increase,
which affects the physical structureof watersheds.
lrThepracticeor combinationof practicesthataredetermined(by a state
or states, or representativearea-wideplanning agency, in case two or
more states or other conflicting interests are involved) after problem
assessment,identificationandappropriateparticipationof all interested
partiesandclearlyarticulatingtheirwishes andaspirations,examination
of alternativepractices,andselectingthe most effective andpracticable
(with respect to criteriathat include technological, economic, cultural
and institutionalconsiderations)means of preventingor reducingthe
amount of pollution generated by nonpoint sources to a level
compatiblewith waterqualitygoals.
Naturaldisturbancesinclude earthquakes,volcanic eruptions,flooding, wildland fires, and mass
wasting. These kinds of natural disturbancesare
sources of many water-qualityproblems such as
sedimentation and chemical contamination of
waters. Earthquakeshave destabilizing effects on
surfaces making them susceptible to erosion and
mass wasting. Volcanic eruptions produce high
temperaturesand bring out subsurface chemicals
thatcontaminatesurfacewaters.Flooding andmass
wasting carry earth materials in different forms
downstream. Downslope soil mass movements
result mainly from gravitational stress, and they
occur in the form rapidly moving soil and forest
debris(debrisavalanchesor debrisflows) or slowly
moving earthflowsthatcan chokewaterbodies with
unneededsedimentand chemicalpollutants.Flooding has related effects on water bodies. It erodes
surface soils and carries the materialdownstream
where it is deposited along floodplains, slowmovingstreambedsandstationarywaterbodies. The
moving and settled sedimentis a majorwater quality problemits suitabilityfor humanuse and wildlife habitat.The effect of wildfire on water quality
is discussed in detail in Neary et al.(2002).
Watererosion (the mechanical detachmentby
water of mineral soil particles and organic matter
fromthe soil surfaceandstreamchannels),sediment
affect the physical quality of water in many watersheds. Water erosion is a complex process that
varies with time and space within a particulararea
(WardandBaker 1984). The variationsoccurdue to
temporaland spatialchanges in the erosive forces,
and other physical and biological factors that
influencethe amountof erosion froman area.Some
specific factors that affect the amount and rate of
water erosion include the type of soil; amountand
type of vegetation ground and canopy cover;
and land use and management (Zingg 1940,
Troendleand Leaf 1980, Wardand Baker 1984).
The sourcesof chemicalpollutantsin watercan
be natural- weatheringanddissolutionof rocksand
soils containinghigh chemical concentrations,and
atmosphericdeposition- or human activities such
as application of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides or effluents from industrial,commercial,and
mining sites. Sources of physical and biological
contaminantscan also be natural or human. For
example,timberharvestingalong streambankscan
raise soil and water temperaturesto levels that are
unsuitable for many aquatic and terrestrialorganisms. Humansettlementsand grazingwildlife and
livestock contributebiological pollutants, such as
WaterQualityin Forested Watersheds+ Tecle, Neary,Ffoluott, andBaker
water. Genotypingthe sources of the Escherichia
coli polluting the stream water in Oak Creek
Canyon in northernArizona consisted of raccoons
(Procyon lotor; 31%), humans (16%), skunks and
elks (Cervus elaphus; 11% each), beaver (Castor
canadensis), dogs (Canis familiaris), and whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; 6% each)
(Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
2001, Poffand Tecle 2002).
Individualmeasurableimpuritiesin water are
the water-qualityparametersused to assess the suitability of the water for uses such as consumption,
swimming, agriculture,and aquatichabitat.Waterquality problems in Southwesternwatersheds are
either chemical, physical, or biological. As mentioned, the type and level of the pollutantsdepend
directly or indirectly on the sources of the waterquality problem. Many naturaland human watershed disturbancesproducephysical, chemical, and
biological water-qualityparameters.
Thetwo most importantphysical characteristics
that measure the quality of standing or moving
water are turbidityand temperature.Another parameter,water color, reflects the type of dissolved
organic molecules in the water. However, water
color is not importantin Southwesternwatersheds
where little or no organic materialsare generated
that negatively affect water quality.
Sediment is the fine, light material, usually
higher in clay, silt, and organicmatterthanthe rest
of the surface-soilmaterial,which is removedfrom
the soil surface due to erosion, mass wasting, or
othermechanisms.Sedimentis transportedin flowing waterin suspension,saltation,or bedload. As a
water-qualityparameter,sediment is expressed as
the concentrationof dryweight of sedimentper unit
volume of water,such as milligramsof sedimentper
liter of water or nephelometric turbidity units
(NTU). Problemsfromhigh-sedimentloads include
siltation of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, which
reduces the usefulness and shortens the lives of
water bodies. As sediment covers the bottom of
streams and lakes, it destroys algae, which is the
basis of aquaticfood chain, by grindingaction and
suffocation(Appelboomet al. 2002).
Suspendedsediment is the portion of a river's
total transportedsediment that floats in the water
and does not immediatelysink to the bottom. The
individual suspended sediment particle sizes are
usually <0.5 mm in diameter,which is in the size
rangethatis most harmfulto fish andwaterquality
(Reid and Dunne 1984). The amount of sediment
moving past the outlet of a particularwatershed
during a specific interval is the sediment yield.
Sediment yield depends on the amount of eroded
material,the amountandrateof surfacewaterflow,
and the condition of the terrain that the surface
water travels over.
Turbidityis also measureof the amountof suspended sedimentin the water.The opticalproperty
of water causes the scattering and absorptionof
light; light is transmittedin a straightline through
pure water (American Public Health Association
1976). Suspended sediment characteristics that
affect the opticalpropertyof waterareparticlesize,
distribution,refractiveindex, specific weight, and
shape factors. Other factors that contributeto the
turbidityof waterinclude color,dissolvedminerals,
air bubbles, and organic matter (Beschta 1980).
Waterwith high turbidityis aestheticallyunpleasant, less desirable for recreation,and may contain
impuritiesthatareunsuitablefor humanandanimal
consumptionor aquatichabitats.
Conversely, bed load, is that part of fluvial
sediment load that moves with or immediately
above the streambedby rolling or sliding. Generally, bed load sediment is heavier and largerthan
suspended sediment. The bed load's immersed
weight is supportedby a combinationof fluid and
solid reactiveforces exertedat intermittentcontacts
with the streambed.Hence, bed load transportis
partof the interactionsbetween flow dynamics,the
sedimentology of the streambed, and the stream
channel geometry (Bunte 1996). Some particle
characteristicsand flow hydraulicsallow sediments
to move in a jumping or saltation mode. Because
this mode of movement does not conformto either
the suspended or bed load movement, it is an
intermediatebetween the two.
The other major physical water-qualityparameter is temperature. Temperatureaffects the
chemicalandbiological characteristicsof waterand
riparianareas. The solubility of oxygen decreases
rapidly with an increase in water temperature
(Binkley andBrown 1993). Forexample,a temperature change from 10 °C to 15 °C decreasesoxygen
solubility in water about 20% (Goltermanet al.
1978), and removal of the tree canopy from over
streamsusually raises the monthly average stream
temperaturesby 3 °C to 7 °C or more(Brown 1989,
Binkley and Brown 1993). Fish and other aquatic
organismsrequirean optimalrange of temperature
interval values, therefore, watershed managers
should manage vegetation in and aroundriparian
areas to minimize changes in water temperatures
from their natural fluctuations. Other physical
Water Quality in Forested Watersheds + Tecle, Neary, Ffoluott, and Baker
effects of forest activities, such as harvestingwithout leaving buffers along a streamside, include
reductions in stream depth, increases in stream
width,andsedimentdepositionalongthe streambed
(Scrivener1988; Tecle et al. 2001, 2002).
Chemicalpollutantsgeneratedby activities in
watersheds are carried downstream either in a
dissolved form or after absorption in sediments
suspendedin the water.The differentchemicals in
water are the chemical parametersthat describe
water qualityin surfacewater.The most important
chemicals are nitrate, phosphate, acidity or pH,
aluminum,heavy metals, and organicpollutants.
Forestactivitiessignificantlyaffectthe concentrations of nitrates, dissolved oxygen, and phosphates in surface water bodies (MacDonald et al.
1991). The primary NPS of phosphorus are
commercialfertilizers and animal manure, which
are responsiblefor 90% of the phosphorusin onethirdof the riversand streamsstudiedin the Unites
States (Kornecki et al. 1999). The average
concentration of nitrates and phosphates from
forestedwatershedsare about 0.23 ppm and 0.006
ppm, respectively, while those from agricultural
watersheds are about 3.23 ppm and 0.06 ppm,
9.5 million tons of nutrients annually to surface
waters in the United States (Borah and Ashraf
1992). Establishingwater-qualitymanagementstandardshelps to reduce the dischargeof nitratesand
phosphatesinto waterbodies.
Forest practices can also change the pH,
concentrationof dissolved oxygen, and specific
conductivityin water.Low or high pH water(6.5 to
9.0) and low dissolved oxygen (>5 ppm) are
unsuitable for many aquatic organisms. Specific
conductivity(EC)is a measureof the amountof salt
in the water- the moresalts thatexist in ionic form,
the higher the EC value of the water. The most
common EC values in forest streamsrange from 3
to 15 milliSiemens per meter of water. The
objective of forest management is to maintain
acceptablelevels of pH, a high dissolved oxygen
content,anda low EC value to ensurethatthe water
resourceis suitablefor use.
The potential impacts of microbiologically
contaminatedwater to humans are immediate
compared with the long-term impacts generally
associated with chemical pollutants such nitrogen
and phosphorus(Edwards et al. 1997). The most
common microbiological pollutants are fecal
coliform and fecal streptococcus bacteria. Fecal
coliform bacteriaoriginatefrom humansand other
mammals,while most fecal streptococcusis from
nonhuman mammals. Because of the distinct
sources, the ratio of fecal coliform to fecal streptococci may be used to differentiatebetween human
and animal pollution sources (Binkley and Brown
1993). Both bacteriaare valuable pollution indicators in the study of rivers, streams, lakes, and
marinesystems (Csuros 1994). Because total coliform counts are easy to identify, they are also
commonly used to assess possible microbiological
contaminationof drinkingwater supplies.
Another biological contaminantof concern is
Giardia lamblia, which is a human parasite that
causes giardiasis.Giardiasisis a waterbornedisease
of concern in many Westernmountainwatersheds
(Brown 1989) where cases have been traced to
streams in watersheds with substantial beaver
activity.Entamoebahistolytica,whichcausesamoebic dysentery,and salmonella,which causes salmonellosis, areuncommonin the Southwest.Although
watersin the Southwesthave almostno contamination from these microorganisms,watershed managers should be vigilant and develop watershed
managementpracticesto preventanycontamination
of streamsfrom grazingand recreationalactivities.
Water-qualitystandards are threshold values
beyond which water is considered aesthetically
offensive, hygienically unfit, or economically
unsuitablefor use (U.S. EnvironmentalProtection
Agency 1976, 1986). Researchershave identified
differentstandardsfor each water-qualityparameter
and for each use such as consumption,recreation,
fisheries,oragriculture(U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency 1976, Lee 1980). Adopting different
standardvalues in a particularecosystem for the
same parameterdepends on the importanceof the
waterbody to differentuses, local economic considerations,andthe desireddegree of safety for human
use and aquaticlife habitat.
Table 1 shows standardvalues of water-quality
parametersthat indicatewater suitabilityfor different uses. For example, the acceptablestandardfor
total coliform counts in drinking water is 0 to 1
colony forming units (cfu) per 100 mL, while the
common standardfor water designatedfor primary
and secondarycontact usage humancontact use is
200 and 1000 cfu per 100 mL, respectively
(Edwards et al. 1997). The table also presents
waterandfreshwateraquaticlife. Therecommended
standardfor dissolved solids in drinkingwaterin the
United States is 500 mg/Kg, and the mandatory
standardfor turbidity in the same water use is a
Water Quality in Forested Watersheds + Tecle, Neary, Ffolliott, and Baker
Table 1. Waterqualitystandardsfor commondrinkingwater supply andfreshwater aquatic life (Lee 1980, Hammerand
MacKichan1981, Matthess 1982, Tecle 1991).
Freshwateraquaticlife criteria
Drinkingwater supply criteria
WQ criteriontype Mandatorystandard Recommendedstandard WQ criteriontype Recommendedstandard
Inorganic chemicals
Foaming agents
6.5-8.5 Selenium
Total dissolved solids
2,4,5 STSivex
Physical characteristics
1 NTUbmonthly average
5 NTU averagefor 2 consecutive days
3 thresholdodor #
15 color units
Biological characteristics
Fecal coliform bacteria
1/0.0264 galc
70/0.264 gal
Fecal streptococcal
of testmaterialatwhichjust50%of thetestanimalsareableto surviveundertest
conditionsfora specifiedperiodof exposure.
on airtemperature
Water Quality in Forested Watersheds + Tecle, Neary, Ffoluott, and Baker
monthly average of 1 NTU. Likewise, the mandatory drinking-waterstandardfor nitrateis 10 ppmto
preventrisks to infants,and for phosphatein freshwater lakes and streamsis 0.0001 ppm to prevent
eutrophication(the process by which a water body
becomes pollutionrich in nutrientsand deficient in
dissolved oxygen) (MacDonald et al. 1991).
Maintainingthese standardscan be a challenge,
especially when we consider that in the United
States agriculturalactivities alone annuallycontribute nearlythreebillion tons of sedimentto streams
(Borahand Ashraf 1992).
Besides those listedin the table, standardvalues
for otherimportantparameters,such as temperature
and dissolved oxygen, also exist. For example, the
gairdneri)is 80 °C (Tiedemannand Higgins 1989).
Streamsmust have a minimum level of dissolved
oxygen to be healthy.To avoid suffocationof young
fish, dissolved oxygen levels in streams used for
spawning should either be a 7-day average of 9.5
ppm or a one-day minimumof 8 ppm (MacDonald
et al. 1991). Knowing the standardvalues for the
water-qualityparametersis importantto:
• Determinewaterresourceconditions;
• Protectclean water supplies;
• Specify the safe use of water;
• Develop andimplementrestorationprogramsto
• Preventthe use of contaminatedwaters;and
• Determinethe cost andtime requiredto restore
Researchershave developed and implemented
several models to predict soil loss and sediment,
nutrient,and pesticide movement from field- and
basin-scalewatersheds.Tecle( 199 1) reviewed 19 of
the models, and othershave since been developed.
The universalsoil loss equationof Wischmeierand
Smith (1978) estimatesthe total annual amountof
erosion from agriculturalareas. The modified universal soil loss equation was developed estimate
erosion from forestedlands (Dissmeyer and Foster
1980, Tecle et al. 1990). Renardet al. (1997) have
revised the modified universalsoil loss equationto
improve its reliabilitywhen used for conservation
planning.Models used to estimatenonpointsource
pollution at the watershed scale are the nonpoint
sourcepollutantandthe agriculturalrunoffmanagement (Donigian and Crawford1976a, b).
Because of recent advances in hydrology, soil
science, erosionmechanics,and computertechnology, researcherscan integratedifferentfactors into
a modeling process and develop complex and
physically based erosionestimatingand simulating
techniques. Physically based models have several
advantagesover empiricalequations.They can:
• Represent the problems and related processes
betterthan othermodeling strategies;
• Accuratelysimulatesingle-event storms;
• Examine complex problemsthat have variable
spatialand temporalcharacteristics;
• Analyze erosion, sediment movement, and
deposition simultaneously;and
• Considergully andchannelerosionanddeposition processes.
Some examplesof physicallybasedmodels thatcan
be used in any watershed are the USDA's water
erosionpredictionproject,which Lane andNearing
developed (1989), a two-dimensionalupland soil
erosion model, which Johnsonet al. (2000) developed, and the spatially integratedmodel for phosphorus loading and erosion, which Kornecki et al.
(1999) developed.
The water erosion prediction project is a
process-basedmodel developed for use in soil and
water conservation and environmentalplanning.
The model has threeversions:the landscapeprofile
or hillslope version, the watershedversion, andthe
grid version (Laflen and Schertz 1990). The hillslope version computessoil loss along a landscape
profile like those of the universalsoil loss equation.
Unlike the universal soil loss equation, the water
erosion predictionprojectmodel extends the slope
through all depositional sections. The watershed
versionuses hillslopeprofilesandconcentratedflow
pathsto characterizea watershedwithin a field-size
area.The gridversioncalculateserosionat all points
and along all flow paths (Lane andNearing 1989).
Researchers developed the two-dimensional
uplandsoil erosionmodel to simulatethe dynamics
of upland erosion during single rainstorms.The
model is based on the raster-basedsurface runoff
calculations (Johnson et al. 2000). The third
example of a physically based model, the spatially
integratedmodel for phosphorusloading and erosion, was developed to predict runoff volume,
sedimentloss, andphosphorusloading fromwatersheds (Korneckiet al. 1999). This model simulates
the sediment and phosphorusloadings at the cell
and field scales. The innovationof skilled hydrologists, soil scientists, engineers, plant scientists,
ecologists, and analysts is needed to continue to
develop detailed and physically-based models of
erosion and sedimentationprocesses. Physically
based models improve our understandingof soil
detachment,movement, and deposition, and produce effective soil-erosionandsediment-movement
preventionprograms.Application of BMPs could
then be implementedto resolve water-qualityconcerns at the watershedscale.
Water Quality in Forested Watersheds + Tecle, Neary, Ffolliott, and Baker
Most of our drinkingwatercomes fromhealthy
watersheds.Suchwatersheds,locatedin urban,agricultural,rangeland,andforestedareas,areprotected
and managed to prevent water pollution. Unfortunately, too often water supplies either are already
polluted or are seriously threatened.As discussed,
naturalevents andprocesses, humanactivities, or a
combinationof naturalandhumaninfluencescause
waterpollution. To protectourwaterresourcesand
prevent their contamination, state water-quality
departmentsandthe U.S. EnvironmentalProtection
Agency have adoptedthe concept of BMPs.
Regulationsand amendmentsexist thatrequire
states to adopt BMPs to controlwater degradation
from point and nonpoint pollution sources. The
methods that can prevent the production, enrichment, and delivery of NPS pollutantsare important
to achieve water-qualityobjectives (Novotny and
Chesters1989). Currently,BMPs are not usually as
comprehensivelydelineatedas those in conceptually
identified in the definition of BMPs. Additionally,
BMPs are not usually adequatelyimplementedto
achieve the desired water-quality goals. Further
development of BMPs is needed (Clausen and
Meals 1989).
BMPs should considerall interestedpartiesand
all factors that contributeto the problem and then
developandimplementwatershedresourcemanagementmethods.For a lasting solution, such methods
must relatepollutantsto the:
• Soil properties;
• Hydrologic conditions,
• Landuse;
• Pollutants'chemical or biological behavior;
• Causes of the pollutionproblem;
• Affected ecological components;and
• Stakeholders.
Mathematicalmodels integratethe differentfactors
to abatepollutionproductionandmovement(Borah
andAshraf 1992), maintainhealthywatersheds,and
BMPs must incorporatethe following activities
to ensure the desired quality of surface water
• Legislate and consistentlyimplementclear and
enforceablefederal,state,tribal,and local governmentregulationsand guidelines to mitigate
waterpollution.Examplesof legislative actions
againstwaterpollutionincludeissuing ambient
standardsthat establish a threshold of acceptable pollutantlevels, establishingperformance
standardsthat specify the amountof pollutants
can be discharged into the environment,and
specifying standardsthat focus on controlling
the process that generates pollutants. For the
legislative approachto be successful, identifying and monitoring the pollution sources and
enforcing the regulations and guidelines must
be effective and efficient.
Implementeconomic control of pollutant discharge. Issuing tradable disposal permits
(TDPs) and levying productchargesand taxes
provides economic incentives thathelp control
pollution(Stauffer1998). TDPs, issued by governmententities, entitle a polluterto discharge
a unit of pollution duringa specific period.The
governmentestablishesa targetamountfor the
total acceptablepollution level and issues the
appropriatenumberof permits.This allows dischargersto buy and sell permits among themselves. It also enables environmentaliststo purchase permits, and remove them from the
market.Productchargesare additionaltaxes on
productsthat pollute. The resultinghigher cost
encouragesproducersto developandimplement
nonpollutingalternatives,while the government
uses the additionalfundingto furtherpollution
clean-up efforts. Tax incentives, such as a tax
exemptionor deferralmechanisms,reducepollution within a specified period,which the polluterdetermines.Penaltytaxes imposedon polluters require compensationfor any pollution
discharged.However,this approachimpliesthat
polluting the environmentis acceptable if the
pollutercan affordto pay a price. Additionally,
penalty taxes are not geographically specific
and aredifficultto enforce,especially when the
pollutantis not easily measurable.
Enlist public pressure and establish education
efforts that encouragepollutersreduce or prevent pollutant discharge. Educating homeowners about the toxicity of materials used
within their homes can foster proper disposal
and substitutionwith saferproducts.Requiring
polluters to reveal information about the
amount of pollution being discharged,and its
effects on people and the environment,would
encourage citizens to demandthat their representativeenactright-to-knowlegislation.Rightto-know legislation includes laws to ensure
access to public- andprivate-sectorinformation
on environmentalissues. Disclosureto workers
abouttoxic substancesproducedin connection
with the materialsthey handle and labeling of
consumerproducts containinghazardoussubstances are the results of right-to-knowlegislation (Stauffer 1998).
Control pollutant discharges from urban and
industrial areas. Rainwater runoff in urban
Water Quality in Forested Watersheds + Tecle, Neary, Ffoluott, and Baker
communities can be reduced through harvest
and use, and by directing surface flows into
drainsbeforecontamination.Watercontamination from industrialand commercial facilities
can also be minimized throughsource control
and on-site treatment.These methods reduce
waste dischargethroughrecycling and internal
treatmentof wastes, respectively.
• Preventerosion and mass wasting. Implementing slope stability,which preventserosion and
mass wasting, requires collaborationbetween
forest, rangeland, and agriculturalwatershed
managers, road engineers, environmental
groups,and stakeholdersto develop an awareness andan abilityto recognizewhen a problem
occurs and how to solve it. Collaborationis
importantbecause large amountsof pollutants
grazing, agriculture field preparation, road
buildingand use, and silviculturaltreatments.
• Develop andimplementtechniquesthatreduce
the amountof nutrientsandpesticides entering
water bodies. Applying the correct type and
amountof fertilizersand pesticides duringthe
appropriateseason increases their uptake and
reducesfertilizerand pesticide runoff.
• Adopt an interactivemulti-objectiveapproach
to watershed management, which involves
recognizingall aspects of a watershedmanagement plan including the interactingwatershed
components and various stakeholders. This
approach holistically integrates the different
activitiesdiscussedin this paperto maintainand
restorewaterqualityat the watershedlevel.
the above activitiesatthe watershedscale, considers
all relevantcomponents,and involves all decisionmakersandotherinterestedparties.When different
decisionmakersare involved, it is importantthat
communicationandunderstandingprevailto reduce
or avoid conflict. The above points are BMPs
because their development and implementation
achieve the desiredqualitywaterand safe environment,andthey promotethe desiredsocial qualityof
Nonpoint sourcepollution of surfacewaters is
a problem in Southwesternwatershedswhere the
scarcity of water is critical. To determinehow to
minimize or prevent the problem, this paper
exploredmanyaspects of NPS pollution including
the causes of waterpollutionandthe differenttypes
of water-qualityparametersandtheir specific standards. In addition, we reviewed water-quality
models that researchershave used to estimate or
simulatethe productionandmovementof the different water-quality parameters. Some models are
deterministic,time invariant,andempiricallydeveloped, while others are dynamic and physically
based. Examples of the first type are the universal
soil loss equation, and its modified version, which
were developed to estimate the total periodic
amountof erosion. An example of the second type
is the two-dimensionalupland soil erosion model,
which is a spatiallyandtemporallyvaryingdistributive model to estimateerosion fromuplandwatersheds, sedimentmovementto streamchannels,and
sedimentroutingthrougha channelto the watershed
outlet (Johnsonet al. 2000).
Water-qualityproblems in lakes and streams
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causes,humanactivities,orthe interactionsbetween
naturalprocesses and conditions associated with
humanuse of the land and resources.Natural disturbanceprocesses include earth quakes, volcanic
eruptions,floods, wildlandfires, andmass wasting.
Disturbancesdueto humanactivitiesincluderecreation, livestock grazing, timberharvesting,mining,
road building, and industrial and commercial
activities. The events can occur incrementallyor
abruptlydue to one or a combinationof events that
may occur on a watershed simultaneously or
Other important requirements for managing
water-qualityproblems are to identify threshold
values for acceptablewater quality and to estimate
the rate and amount of water-qualitydegradation.
Based on such knowledge,managerscan determine
the appropriatemethods to maintain the existing
water quality or to restore the degraded water
quality. Managers can use the methods independently or integratethem to managewaterqualityat
the watershedscale.
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