Optimal Spray Timing of Oberon and Courier for Managing Bemisia Whiteflies in Spring Cantaloupes John C. Palumbo Abstract Studies were conducted on spring cantaloupes from 2004-2006 to evaluate two adult and nymph based thresholds used for timing the application of Oberon (spiromesifen) and Courier (buprofezin) in spring melons for controlling whiteflies. The results of these studies demonstrate that these selective insecticides offer melon growers effective foliar management alternatives for controlling whiteflies. Both Oberon and Courier provided economic control of whitefly nymphs and significantly prevented sooty mold contamination when applied after populations exceeded either an adult threshold of 2 adults per leaf or an immature threshold or 0.5 large nymph per 2 cm2 leaf disc. Applied at these thresholds, both compounds provided consistent residual suppression of whitefly immature population growth for 21-28 days under spring growing conditions. Introduction Bemisia whiteflies are a major pest of spring cantaloupes causing yield and quality losses by contaminating marketable fruit with honeydew and sooty mold. However, during the past decade whiteflies have been relegated to a managed pest in Arizona melons. This was achieved through the development of area-wide management programs in cotton, melons and vegetables which utilized cultural practices, sampling and monitoring plans, and the optimally-timed use of new, selective insecticide chemistries. Growers in all commodities have been quick to adopt and modify these management strategies as new insecticide compounds are made available. Admire® (imidacloprid), was one of the first new compounds registered for whitefly in melons. It’s sustained efficacy over the past 14 years has exceeded the expectations of many who speculated that whiteflies would quickly evolve resistance. No field failures have been reported to date, in part, because imidacloprid has been used sparingly in cotton. However, the registration of several new neonicotinoid compounds on cotton, melons and vegetables has expanded the number of compounds available for whitefly control on these crops. Their potential use on all crops and has place increased selection pressure on this chemistry, particularly in multi-cropping communities where these compounds could be applied to a number of successive whitefly generations on neighboring crops throughout the year. Given the tremendous value of the neonicotinoid chemistry, it is important that new insecticide alternatives be developed and implemented into our melon pest management programs to help sustain the long-term management of whiteflies in all crops. ______________________________________________________________________________ This is part of the University of Arizona College of Agriculture 2006 Vegetable Report, index at: http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1419/ Melon growers presently have two selective, foliar insecticides available to them that are effective in reducing whitefly populations on Arizona melons and can be used to augment whitefly control, either in the absence of, or following Admire applications. However, thresholds for timing spray applications of these compounds or other insecticides to prevent honeydew contamination in spring melons are not available. Courier® (buprofezin) is an IGR that inhibits chitin syntheses and Oberon® (spiromesifen) is an IGR-like compound that inhibits lipid biosynthesis. Both compounds prevent the molting of nymphal stages; however neither compound kills adults. Because of this specific activity against immatures, efficacy studies have demonstrated that sprays applied early in population development effectively prevented yield and quality losses to spring cantaloupes. These studies further suggested optimal spray timing coincided with low adult and immature densities. The purpose of the present research was to evaluate and compare different spray timings based on pre-determined thresholds at which these compounds could be applied to manage Bemisia whiteflies and avoid sooty mold contamination on spring melons. Methods and Materials 2004 Experiment: Cantaloupe plots planted with ‘Esteem’ were established at the Yuma Agricultural Center on Mar 19, 2004 and managed similarly to local growing practices. Plots consisted of two 80-inch beds, 70 ft long with a 15 buffer between each plot. The study was designed as a split plot design 4 replicates / treatment. The main plots consisted of plots treated with Admire and untreated plots, and the subplots consisted of the Courier 40SC (13.5 oz) and Oberon 2SC (8.5 oz) treatments applied at two predetermined thresholds. Treatment combinations are show in the table below: Admire (16 oz/acre) was Soil Foliar Rates / Spray applied 3" below the seed line Treatments Treatments Thresholds acre Dates prior to seed placement in 30 GPA on 19 Mar. The foliar spray treatments were applied Oberon 2 adults / leaf 8.5 oz 24 May with a CO2 backpack sprayer Admire Oberon 0.5 nymph/2 cm2 disc 8.5 oz 5 June that delivered 20 GPA at 60 (at planting) psi, using 4 - TX18 ConeJet 16 oz Courier 2 adults / leaf 13 oz 24 May nozzles per bed. All foliar Courier 0.5 nymph/2 cm2 disc 13 oz 5 June treatments were applied when thresholds were exceeded. All Untreated ---spray treatments included DyneAmic at 0.06% v/v. Oberon 2 adults / leaf 8.5 oz 24 May 0.5 nymph/2 cm2 disc Populations of whitefly adults and immatures were evaluated Courier 2 adults / leaf 13 oz 24 May at 7 day intervals. Adult 2 populations were estimated by Courier 0.5 nymph/2 cm disc 13 oz 8 May, 5 June taking leaf turn samples from the 5th terminal leaf on the Untreated ---primary melon vine of 10 randomly selected plants per replicate. Immature densities were estimated by sampling 5 plants / plot, where 4 leaves were collected from each plant on the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th leaves from the terminal on the primary vine. Leaves were taken into the laboratory where densities of eggs, nymphs, and eclosed pupae were counted on 2-cm2 leaf discs of each leaf using a dissecting microscope. Data for adults were estimated as numbers of adults per leaf. Immature densities were averaged across all leaf positions on each sample date and reported as immature numbers per 2-cm2 per leaf. Yields and quality were measured by harvesting the total number of full slip melons in a 15 row ft area within each replicate every other day over a 2 week period (8 harvest dates). Quality was assessed by estimating the percentage of harvested melons that were visibly contaminated with sooty mold on at least 25 cm2 of No Admire applied Oberon 8.5 oz 8 May, 5 June the fruit surface area. Because of heterogeneity of mean variances, insect data were transformed [log(y+0.5)] prior to a two-way analysis of variance. The mean values were then subjected to a protected LSD (p<0.05) F test to distinguish treatment mean differences. The untransformed mean values for each life stage are presented in the figures and tables. 2005 Experiment: Cantaloupe plots planted with ‘Gold Express’ were established at the Yuma Agricultural Center on Mar 16, 2005 and managed similarly to local growing practices. Similar to the 2004 study, plots consisted of two 80-inch beds, 70 ft long with a 15 buffer between each plot. The study was designed as a split plot design with 4 replicates per treatment. The main plots consisted of Admire and untreated plots, and the subplots consisted of the Courier 40SC (13.5 oz) and Oberon 2SC (8.5 oz) treatments applied using both thresholds. Treatment combinations were similar to the 2004 study; however, two treatments of Assail 30SG (4 oz/ac) were included and applied at both thresholds. Due to resistance management concerns, Assail was only applied to plots not treated with Admire. See Tables 3 and 4 for application dates for each treatment. Populations of whitefly adults and immatures were evaluated at weekly intervals beginning on 26 Apr using sampling procedures similar to the 2004 study. Yields and quality were measured by harvesting the total number of melons in 15 row ft per treatment every other day over a 2 week period. Melon quality was assessed similar to the 2004 study. 2006 Experiment: Cantaloupe plots planted with ‘Valley Gold’ were established at the Yuma Agricultural Center on Apr 6, 2006 and managed similarly to local growing practices. Similar to 2004 and 2005, plots consisted of two 80-inch beds, 70 ft long with a 15 buffer between each plot. The study was designed as a split plot design with 4 replicates per treatment. The experimental design and treatment combinations were similar to the previous two years with the exception that Venom (4 oz/ac) was applied to instead of Assail. Again do resistance management concerns, Venom was only applied to plots not treated with Admire. See Tables 5 and 6 for application dates for each treatment. Populations of whitefly adults and immatures were evaluated at weekly intervals beginning on 4 May using sampling procedures similar to the 2004 and 2005 study, as were yields and quality estimates. Results 2004 Experiment: Whitefly pressure became heavy when adult populations migrated into the plots in mid-May. This caused the adult threshold treatments to trigger in late May in both the Admire-treated and untreated main plots (Figure 1 and 2). These plots were not retreated. The nymph threshold treatments triggered and received foliar sprays first in the plots where no Admire was applied on May 8, and were retreated on 5 Jun (Figure 2). In plots where Admire was applied at-planting, the nymph threshold wasn’t triggered until about 4 weeks later on June 5 (Figure 1). In the Admire-treated main plots, numbers of immature whiteflies in the spray treatments were significantly lower than the check for most sample dates (Figure 1). Eggs and small nymphs were lower in the Oberon treated plots, regardless of threshold, than in the Courier plots at harvest. Large nymphs were greater in the Courier (adult threshold) and Admire-only plots, than in all other sprayed plot (Figure 1). Numbers of eclosed pupae did not differ among the spray treatments. Similar results were seen for the plots where no Admire was applied (Figure 2), where densities of large nymphs were significantly lower in all spray treatments compared with the untreated check. Furthermore, large nymph densities did not differ among the threshold treatments for either Oberon or Courier. Averaged across all sample dates, seasonal densities of eggs, nymphs and eclosed pupae in the Admire-treated plots (Table 1) did not differ among the insecticide*threshold combinations with the exception of egg numbers in the Courier treatments applied with the Adult threshold. In the plots where no Admire was applied (Table 2), only the Oberon treatments and the Courier adult threshold treatment significantly reduced immature densities compared to the untreated check. Adults per leaf were not significantly affected by any of the insecticide*threshold combinations (Table 1and 2). Yield estimates showed that total cumulative melon fruit yields were not significantly different among any of the insecticide*threshold combinations, irregardless of whether they were treated with Admire or not (Table 1 and 2). However, differences were observed in fruit quality. All spray treatment combinations contained significantly less sooty mold contamination than the Admire-only and untreated check plots, where 43 and 87 % of the total melons harvested respectively were contaminated (Table 1 and 2). The Admire-treated main plots that were over-sprayed with Courier using the nymph threshold had significantly more sooty mold than Courier treatment using the Adult threshold (Figure 1 and Table 1). In plots where no Admire was applied, the Courier treatments, regardless of threshold used, did not differ significantly from each other (Fig 2 , Table 2). This was similar for Oberon threshold treatments as well. 2005 Experiment: Whitefly pressure was light in this study, as indicated by the late spray dates for each threshold. In fact, both the adult and nymph thresholds triggered at the same time in the Admire-treated plots (7-d prior to harvest). In the plots where no Admire was applied action thresholds triggered earlier; the nymph threshold about 2 weeks (14 May) earlier than the adult threshold (1 Jun). Adult populations continued to increase following the spray applications and increased to more than 20 per leaf in the untreated plots at harvest (Figure 3 and 4). All spray treatments had significantly fewer adults that the untreated control at the beginning of harvest (June 14), but averaged over the season, adult number did not differ among the insecticide*threshold treatments and the untreated check (Table 3 and 4). Under these lighter, spring whitefly conditions, control of whitefly nymphs was comparable for both the adult and nymph thresholds following treatments, regardless of insecticide used (Figure 3-4). This was the case for both Admiretreated melons as well as melon plots where no Admire was applied at planting. In some cases, the adult thresholds for all compounds in the melon plots not treated with Admire provided significantly better control of eclosed pupae at the end of harvest than in plots where only Admire was applied. This suggests that the whitefly populations in the sprayed plots consistently prevented nymphs from colonizing plants. In contrast, nymph numbers were not different from the untreated check at the end of harvest in the Admire-only treatment (Figure 3). This is expected as previous research has shown that Admire has an effective residual of about 45-60 days under spring melon growing conditions, and in this study the Admire probably offered little control to the late arriving migrant adults. When averaged across all sample dates, the adult action threshold of 2 adults/ leaf provided very consistent control of whitefly populations when used to time spray applications of Oberon, Courier and Assail (Table 3 and 4). Similar to the previous year, yield estimates showed that total cumulative melon fruit yields were not significantly different among the treatments (Table 3 and 4). This is not surprising considering the light infestation levels occurring prior to fruit set. Sooty mold contamination was light in the untreated melons relative to the previous spring study (Figure 3 and 4). However, all the insecticide*threshold treatments provided statistically similar reductions in sooty mold contamination (including the Admire-only treatment) compared with the untreated check. 2006 Experiment: Melons were planted later in an attempt to encourage larger whitefly numbers than experienced in 2005. Whitefly adult numbers were very light for the first 6 weeks following seedling emergence, but in mid-May a significant flight of adults moved into the experimental area from an adjacent melon field that was being harvested. This triggered the adult thresholds for all treatments in both the Admire and non-Admire treated plots (Figure 5 and 6). Similarly, nymph thresholds triggered for all treatments ~ 2 weeks later. Just prior to harvest adult numbers increased to very high numbers, a result of migration from an adjacent commercial melon field. All threshold treatments had significantly maintained immature densities at very low levels compared with the untreated check (Figure 5 and 6) prior to harvest. However, as a result of the aforementioned late adult immigration into the experimental area, immature densities developed quickly prior to and during the harvest period. This was especially evident for the immature densities in the adult threshold treatments where no Admire had been applied (Figure 5). Under similar conditions, a commercial melon grower would have been advised to treat with a synergized pyrethroid in order to knock down the adult populations. However, in this experiment the unchecked adult population resulted in excessive immature population build-up. This was most damaging to the adult threshold treatment because it had been 30 days since the treatments were applied. It is highly unlikely that any effective residue remained on the treated plants. Consequently, seasonal average densities of large nymphs were significantly higher in the adult threshold treatments than in the nymph thresholds, which were treated about 1 week before the adults moved in (Table 5 and 6). Despite the late build up of immatures, yield estimates showed that total cumulative melon fruit yields were not significantly different among the treatments (Table 5 and 6). Again, this is not surprising considering the light infestation levels occurring prior to harvest. However, sooty mold contamination, particularly in the adult threshold treatments and Admire-only treatment, were higher than observed in previous studies (Figure 5 and 6). In plots where Admire was applied at harvest, Oberon treatments resulted in the same level of quality, irregardless of threshold. This is likely due to the effects of both the Admire and the residual activity of the Oberon suppressing development on crown leaves. However, the other adult threshold treatments did not provide the same level of protection as the nymph thresholds (Table 5 and 6). The Venom (dinotefuron) treatments were inconsistent in preventing sooty mold contamination under these conditions. Discussion The results of these experiments demonstrate that Oberon and Courier are effective foliar alternatives for controlling whiteflies in spring melon crops when applied appropriately. Previous efficacy studies have suggested that the residual activity of these compounds against nymph populations is about 21-28 days under spring conditions. The present studies provide further evidence of this. The intention of these experiments was determine whether spray timing could be based on adult abundance for two compounds that have little effects on adult mortality. Our premise for this was two-fold. First, research has shown that whiteflies could be effectively controlled and spring cantaloupes could be protected from sooty mold contamination if nymph densities were maintained under 0.5 nymphs / cm2 (Riley and Palumbo, 1995. J. Econ. Entomol, 88:1726-1732). These same studies also suggested that adult abundance (2 adults per leaf) was consistently correlated with large nymphs (0.5 per cm). Thus, we hypothesized that either of these two densities would serve as appropriate triggers for the application of these two selective insecticides under spring growing conditions. From a practical perspective, we also felt that a simple adult-based threshold would be ideal for timing sprays of these insecticides because a reliable sampling procedure already existed for adult sampling (leaf turn method) which is quicker and easier for a PCA to use than immature counts. Furthermore, making spray decisions based on nymph densities can be difficult due to their small size and lack of clarity on which leaf to sample from on a flowering or fruiting cantaloupe plant. For the most part, the results of these three experiments support our contention that an adult-based action threshold of 2adults per leaf can consistently perform as well a threshold that relies on sampling for immatures. Although the adult threshold did not perform comparably in 2006, both Oberon and Courier provided 28 days of significant immature population suppression. This further illustrates the need to continue adult sampling following applications of Admire and IGR-like compounds, as well as the necessity to treat for heavy adult immigration near harvest. Consequently, these studies suggest that IGRs and similar compounds are probably best suited for use 21-28 prior to harvest when population levels have been maintained below threshold levels, which is often the case when cantaloupes have been treated with Admire or grown under cool spring growing conditions. Although these compounds have shown similar efficacy in fall cantaloupe production, the use of adult thresholds may not be appropriate early in the season when high numbers of whitefly adults are migrating into fields. Rather, treatment with a synergized pyrethoid or other adulticides would be more useful. Once migrations of adults had diminished, then a nymph-based threshold may be more appropriate to time applications of Oberon and Courier. Studies to evaluate this management approach are presently underway. Acknowledgements These studies would not have been possible without the funding and support provided by the California Melon Research Board, Bayer CropSciences, Nichino America, Valent and Cerexagri. I gratefully acknowledge the excellent assistance from the personnel at the Yuma Agricultural Center including my research associates Clay Mullis, Andreas Amaya, Luis Ledesma, Leonardo Chavez, Javier Ruis, Gerardo Villegas, and the YAC farm manager, Jesus Pereria. 2004 - Admire (at planting) 120 120 100 Adults / Leaf Harvest Oberon (2 Adults) Oberon (0.5 Nymphs) Courier (2 Adults) Courier (0.5 Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 80 Nymph 100 80 60 60 40 40 Adult 20 0 20 29 Apr 5 May 13 May 20 May 27 May 3 Jun 0 10 Jun 2004 - Admire (at planting) 16 Harvest Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 14 12 2 Large Nymphs / cm / Leaf 16 10 14 12 10 Nymph 8 8 6 6 Adult 4 4 2 0 2 29 Apr 5 May 13 May 20 May 27 May 3 Jun 10 Jun 16 Jun 0 2004 - Admire (at planting) % Total Cumulative Fruit Contaminated with Sooty mold 100 100 80 60 40 80 Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 60 40 20 20 0 0 16 Jun 18 Jun 20 Jun 22 Jun 24 Jun 26 Jun Figure 1. Adult abundance, large nymph densities and sooty mold contamination for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons treated with Admire at planting, 2004 2004 - No Admire Applied 120 120 100 Adults / Leaf Harvest Oberon (2 Adults) Oberon (0.5 Nymphs) Courier (2 Adults) Courier (0.5 Nymphs) Untreated 80 Nymph 80 60 60 40 40 Adult Nymph 20 0 100 20 29 Apr 5 May 13 May 20 May 27 May 3 Jun 0 10 Jun 2004 - No Admire Applied 16 Harvest Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Untreated 14 12 2 Large nymphs / cm / Leaf 16 14 12 Nymph 10 10 8 8 6 6 Adult Nymph 4 4 2 2 0 0 29 Apr 5 May 13 May 20 May 27 May 3 Jun 10 Jun 16 Jun % Total Cumulative Fruit Contaminated with Sooty mold 2004 - No Admire Applied 100 100 80 80 Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Untreated 60 40 60 40 20 20 0 0 16 Jun 18 Jun 20 Jun 22 Jun 24 Jun 26 Jun Figure 2. Adult abundance, large nymph densities and sooty mold contamination for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons where no Admire was applied, 2004. Table 1. Seasonal average whitefly densities, and yield and quality estimates for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons treated with Admire applied at planting, 2004 Avg. whiteflies / cm2 / leaf Small Large Total nymphs nymphs nymphs Application date Adults / leaf Eggs Adult 24 May 11.1 a 11.8 cd 3.2 a 0.4 b 3.6 c 0.01 c 31.3 a 0.0 d Oberon Nymph 5 June 12.0 a 9.1 d 3.4 a 0.4 b 3.8 c 0.04 bc 36.0 a 9.4 d Courier Adult 24 May 11.6 a 20.8 ab 7.5 a 0.7 b 8.2 abc 0.00 c 33.3 a 3.4 d Courier Nymph 5 June 11.1 a 15.4 bcd 6.3 a 0.5 b 6.7 bc 0.06 abc 34.5 a 24.5 c Treatment Timing Oberon Eclosed pupae Yields (fruit / plot) % sooty Total mold Admire - 23 March 9.9 a 17.6 bc 8.1 a 2.3 a 10.5 ab 0.19 ab 34.8 a 42.8 b Untreated - - 17.1 a 27.6 a 10.6 a 3.6 a 14.2 a 0.24 a 34.3 a 78.4 a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, ANOVA , protected LSD (P>0.05) Table 2. Seasonal average whitefly densities and yield and quality estimates for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons where no Admire was applied, 2004. Avg. whiteflies / cm2 / leaf Small Large Total nymphs nymphs nymphs Eclosed pupae Yields (fruit / plot) % sooty Total mold 3.7 c 0.04 bc 31.8 a 0.0 b 0.5 b 4.5 bc 0.08 abc 31.8 a 5.3 b 5.9 a 0.4 b 6.3 bc 0.01 c 30.8 a 7.6 b 7.6 a 0.6 b 8.2 abc 0.22 a 29.8 a 9.9 b Untreated 17.1 a 27.6 a 10.6 a 3.6 a 14.2 a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, ANOVA , protected LSD (P>0.05) 0.24 a 34.3 a 78.4 a Treatment Timing Oberon Adult Oberon Nymph Courier Adult Courier Nymph Application date Adults / leaf Eggs 24 May 13.2 a 12.0 c 3.3 a 0.4 b 8 May, 5 Jun 13.2 a 10.2 c 4.0 a 24 May 13.1 a 18.9 bc 8 May, 5 Jun 18.6 a 22.6 a 2005 - Admire (at planting) 30 25 Adults / Leaf Harvest Oberon (2 Adults) Oberon (0.5 Nymphs) Courier (2 Adults) Courier (0.5 Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 20 30 25 20 Nymph Adult 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 May 31 May 7 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 0 2005 - Admire (at planting) 14 12 10 16 Harvest Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 2 Large Nymphs / cm / Leaf 16 14 12 10 8 8 Adult Nymph 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 10 May 18 May 24 May 31 May 7 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 29 Jun 0 2005 - Admire (at planting) % Total Cumulative Fruit Contaminated with Sooty mold 100 100 Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 80 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 16 Jun 20 Jun 22 Jun 24 Jun 26 Jun 29 Jun Figure 3. Adult abundance, large nymph densities and sooty mold contamination for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons treated with Admire applied at planting, 2005 2005 - No Admire Applied 30 25 Adults / Leaf Harvest Oberon (2 Adults) Oberon (0.5 Nymphs) Courier (2 Adults) Courier (0.5 Nymphs) Assail (Adults) Assail (Nymphs) Untreated 20 15 30 25 20 15 10 10 Adult Nymph 5 5 0 0 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 May 31 May 7 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 2005 - No Admire Applied Large nymphs / cm2 / Leaf 16 14 12 10 16 Harvest Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Assail (Adults) Assail (Nymphs) Untreated 14 12 10 8 8 6 6 Adult Nymph 4 4 2 2 0 0 10 May 18 May 24 May 31 May 7 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 29 Jun 2005 - No Admire Applied % Total Cumulative Fruit Contaminated with Sooty mold 100 100 Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Assail (Adults) Assail (Nymphs) Untreated 80 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 16 Jun 20 Jun 22 Jun 24 Jun 26 Jun 29 Jun Figure 4. Adult abundance, large nymph densities and sooty mold contamination for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons where no Admire was applied, 2005. Table 3 Seasonal average whitefly densities and yield and quality estimates for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons treated with Admire applied at planting, 2005 Adults / leaf Eggs Avg. whiteflies / cm2 / leaf Small Large Total nymphs nymphs nymphs Eclosed pupae Yields (fruit / plot) % sooty Total mold Treatment Timing Application date Oberon 2 Adults June 7 3.8 a 3.0 a 1.9 b 0.4 b 2.3 c 0.07 b 27.3 a 0.0 b Oberon 0.5 Nymphs June 7 3.5 a 2.5 a 2.5 b 0.5 b 3.1 bc 0.05 b 25.3 a 1.4 b Courier 2 Adults June 7 4.7 a 2.9 a 2.0 b 0.6 b 2.6 bc 0.06 b 25.3 a 0.0 b Courier 0.5 Nymphs June 7 3.3 a 3.1 a 2.4 b 0.8 b 3.1 bc 0.04 b 30.3 a 0.0 b Admire - March 16 3.3 a 4.2 a 2.9 b 1.8 a 4.7 b 0.18 a 25.3 a 3.6 b Untreated 5.0 a 4.8 a 5.6 a 2.1 a 7.7 a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, ANOVA , protected LSD (P>0.05) 0.21 a 23.5 a 15.4 a Table 4. Seasonal average whitefly densities and yield and quality estimates for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons where no Admire was applied, 2005. Avg. whiteflies / cm2 / leaf Small Large Total nymphs nymphs nymphs Treatment Timing Application date Adults / leaf Eggs Oberon 2 Adults 1 June 3.4 a 3.7 a 2.8 b 0.8 b 3.6 b 0.02 b 22.5 a 0.0 b Oberon 0.5 Nymphs 14 May 3.5 a 2.7 a 1.8 b 0.7 b 2.5 b 0.09 b 20.0 a 0.0 b Courier 2 Adults 1 June 4.5 a 2.4 a 2.1 b 0.8 b 2.9 b 0.04 b 23.3 a 0.0 b Courier 0.5 Nymphs 14 May 4.3 a 3.1 a 1.9 b 0.8 b 2.7 b 0.11 b 25.5 a 0.0 b Assail 2 Adults 1 June 3.7 a 3.2 a 2.6 b 1.0 b 3.6 b 0.08 b 22.8 a 1.0 b Assail 0.5 Nymphs 14 May 3.8 a 3.6 a 2.4 b 1.0 b 3.4 b 0.08 b 22.0 a 1.4 b 5.0 a 4.8 a 5.6 b 2.1 a 7.7 a 0.21 a 23.5 a 15.4 a Untreated - Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, ANOVA , protected LSD (P>0.05) Eclosed pupae Yields (fruit / plot) % sooty Total mold 2006 - Admire (at planting) 140 140 120 Adults / Leaf 100 80 Harvest Oberon (2 Adults) Oberon (0.5 Nymphs) Courier (2 Adults) Courier (0.5 Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 60 Nymph 40 Adult 20 20 0 4 May Large Nymphs / cm2 / Leaf 50 100 80 60 40 120 11 May 17 May 1 Jun 24 May 0 8 Jun 16 Jun 22 Jun 2006 - Admire (at planting) Harvest Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 40 30 50 40 30 20 20 Nymph Adult 10 10 0 0 11 May 17 May 23 May 1 Jun 8 Jun 16 Jun 23 Jun 30 Jun % Total Cumulative Fruit Contaminated with Sooty mold 2006 - Admire (at planting) 100 100 80 80 60 60 Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Admire only Untreated 40 20 40 20 0 0 22 Jun 24 Jun 26 Jun 28 Jun 30 Jun 2 Jul 4 Jul Figure 5. Adult abundance, large nymph densities and sooty mold contamination for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons treated with Admire at planting, 2006 2006 - No Admire Applied 140 140 120 Adults / Leaf 100 80 Harvest Oberon (2 Adults) Oberon (0.5 Nymphs) Courier (2 Adults) Courier (0.5 Nymphs) Venom (2 Adults) Venom (0.5 Nymphs) Untreated 60 Nymph 40 40 Adult 20 20 0 0 4 May 11 May 17 May 24 May 1 Jun 8 Jun 16 Jun 22 Jun 2006 - No Admire Applied 50 Harvest Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Venom (Adults) Venom (Nymphs) Untreated 40 2 Large nymphs / cm / Leaf 100 80 60 50 120 30 40 30 20 20 Adult Nymph 10 10 0 0 11 May 17 May 23 May 1 Jun 8 Jun 16 Jun 23 Jun 30 Jun 2006 - No Admire Applied % Total Cumulative Fruit Contaminated with Sooty mold 100 100 80 80 Oberon (Adults) Oberon (Nymphs) Courier (Adults) Courier (Nymphs) Assail (Adults) Assail (Nymphs) Untreated 60 40 60 40 20 20 0 0 22 Jun 24 Jun 26 Jun 28 Jun 30 Jun 2 Jul 4 Jul Figure 6. Adult abundance, large nymph densities and sooty mold contamination for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons where no Admire was applied, 2006. Table 5. Seasonal average whitefly densities and yield and quality estimates for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons treated with Admire applied at planting, 2006 Avg. whiteflies / cm2 / leaf Small Large Total nymphs nymphs nymphs Eclosed pupae Yields (fruit / plot) % sooty Total mold Treatment Timing Application date Adults / leaf Eggs Oberon 2 Adults 25 May 30.7 a 24.7 a 12.2 a 3.3 bcd 15.5 b 0.3 c 25.5 a 15.9 d Oberon 0.5 Nymphs 9 June 31.6 a 21.5 a 11.4 a 1.7 d 13.1 b 0.2 c 30.3 a 5.5 d Courier 2 Adults 25 May 39.7 a 30.8 a 18.1 a 6.6 bc 24.5 ab 1.0 bc 28.5 a 23.3 c Courier 0.5 Nymphs 9 June 30.6 a 22.4 a 14.0 a 2.0 cd 16.0 b 0.1 c 23.0 a 12.7 d Admire - 6 April 20.7 a 28.8 a 16.1 a 7.1 b 23.1 ab 1.5 b 30.0 a 57.1 b Untreated - - 18.0 a 29.8 a 18.4 a 13.3 a 31.8 a 3.5 a 25.0 a 71.3 a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, ANOVA , protected LSD (P>0.05). Table 6. Seasonal Average whitefly densities and yield and quality estimates for insecticide*threshold treatment combinations applied to spring melons where no Admire was applied, 2006. Treatment Avg. whiteflies / cm2 / leaf Small Large Total nymphs nymphs nymphs Timing Application date Adults / leaf Eggs Oberon 2 Adults 25 May 21.7 a 24.2 a 11.4 a 3.3 b 14.6 b 0.2 b 28.0 a 29.4 b Oberon 0.5 Nymphs 9 June 21.0 a 12.9 a 7.3 a 1.7 c 9.0 b 0.2 b 28.0 a 19.9 c Courier 2 Adults 25 May 23.7 a 24.3 a 12.1 a 4.2 b 16.3 b 0.4 b 25.0 a 32.2 b Courier 0.5 Nymphs 9 June 30.9 a 25.9 a 14.4 a 3.7 b 18.2 b 0.2 b 30.0 a 20.9 c Venom 2 Adults 25 May 33.3 a 22.4 a 13.7 a 4.0 b 17.8 b 0.5 b 31.3 a 27.9 bc Venom 0.5 Nymphs 9 June 23.8 a 26.5 a 14.7 a 2.9 b 17.6 b 0.4 b 28.5 a 35.1 b - - 18.0 a 29.8 a 18.4 a 13.3 a 31.8 3.5 a 25.0 a 71.3 a Untreated Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, ANOVA , protected LSD (P>0.05). Eclosed pupae Yields (fruit / plot) % sooty Total mold