Create A Cloud Materials: A large clear plastic jar, a small metal tray, ice cubes, and hot water. Setting Up the Activity: Fill the plastic jar about 1/2 full of hot water. Place some ice cubes on the metal tray, and place the tray on top of the jar. Questions: Q. What happens inside the jar? A. A "cloud" should form directly underneath the tray. Q. Why does this happen? A. Air and water vapor inside the jar next to the tray is cooled, condensing into water droplets. Q. How does this compare to how real clouds are formed? A. In the atmosphere, air rises, cools, and water vapor present in the air condenses into clouds. Make A Cloud Collage Materials: Posterboard, paper, glue and magazines with clouds pictures (that can be used for cutouts). Setting Up the Activity: Make a collage of as many different types and sizes of clouds as possible. This can also be done as a group activity. (Option: Record the type of weather associated with each cloud, such as fair, rainy, warm, or cold)