Response to Intervention Implementation Checklist Response to Intervention is an instructional framework designed to meet students’ needs through tiered instruction. Its goals are to ensure that all students struggling in reading, writing and mathematics receive instructional supports designed to address specific needs and ensure access to rigorous 21st century instruction. 1. Conduct professional development in establishing the components of a 3-tier model 2. Strengthen Tier 1 instruction in reading and math and become familiar with Tiered Models and intervention language 3. Train teachers in data analysis, grouping students for intervention, and intervention lesson planning 4. Provide designated time for teachers to analyze data and plan collaboratively 5. Select a model for delivering intervention that delineates personnel, schedules, and instructional spaces 6. Communicate with parents about the 3-Tier instructional model 7. Develop master school schedule to include capacity for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions 8. Develop school-wide assessment calendar for benchmark and progress monitoring 9. Determine which personnel will administer assessments 10. Implement universal screening in September, January, and May 11. Provide professional development for special education and Title 1 teachers in designing and delivering interventions 12. Arrange staffing to provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions 13. Develop strategies for monitoring implementation of research-based reading and mathematics strategies (e.g., Principal walk-throughs) 14. Introduce tiered instruction and integration with WV CSOs to grade 3-5 teachers 15. Establish professional learning communities for Grades 3-5 teachers regarding delivery of intervention 16. Assemble administrator’s data notebook (e.g., school-wide data reports, data summaries by class and grade levels) West Virginia Department of Education Office of Special Programs January 2009