Oe^Y ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT "strategic consistency, synergy and business performance Gordon Walker aiTd Raymond Thietart WP #1742-86 January 1986 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF Strategic consistency, synergy and business performance Gordon Walker alid Raymond Thietart January 1986 WP #1742-86 STRATEGIC CONSISTENCY, SYNERGY AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE Gordon Walker Sloan School of Management MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-2574 and Raymond Thietart ESSEC BP 105 95021 Cergy Cedex France 011-33-14-341-2333 Business Policy and Planning Division STRATEGIC CONSISTENCY, SYNERGY, AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE The research presented in this paper 1) operat ionalizes a type of strategic consistency at the business level, 2) compares the effect of strategic consistency on business unit performance to that of a less parsimonious model of operational consistency, and 3) identifies differences in the strategic consistency effect between businesses that share activities extensively with other businesses in the corporation (high synergy) and businesses that do not share activities extensively (low synergy). The results show that there is a substantial tradeoff between corporate level synergy and intra-business unit consistency. concept The business, consistency achieve concurrently In this paper within the Strategic 1978). example, Porter, 1985, Chapter 10). business involves level investing within the business unit that together support goals. as correlating investments function Schendel, involves correlating investments in for the unit's the of corporate, other across individual business units to (see at functions in achievement defined a goals consistency and level each reinforce firm's the (Hofer corporate the at that Strategic the high performance in organizations of strategy in organizations: levels operational and functions to normative and the relationships between types of consistency associated with prototypical three the central Galbraith, 1977; Peters and Waterman, 1984). 1975; examine we become has achieving about statements empiricial (Child, consistency of business Operational consistency can be in the various activities that comprise unit and, in the context of the unit's strategy, that together support the achievement of the function's goals. operational Although consistency the activities must activities unit business within may inter-unit level be in conflict with businesses, investments lose in these As a result, some of their control over these activities and so the degree of strategic consistency within the decreased. sharing across coordinated by the businesses involved. managers be the cost Porter (1985: p. 332) calls this effect of of compromise. The purposes of the present are to demonstrate first, that strategic consistency at the business can be parsimoniously the be and corporate consistency may be incongruent. shared are units their business paper business functions, across not unit manager has the power to correlate multiple investments business When need level and may in fact contribute to it when business the at consistency power of operationalized than the a model strategic and related to unit performance more of operational consistency and second, that consistency model to explain performance is -2- higher business for activities of which units share small a percentage of their other units in the corporation, and therefore whose costs with compromise are low, than for units which share more of their operations and whose costs of compromise are high. In within consistency marketing quality of 1985, Chapter 4) marketing expenditures consistency operational outcome not a correlated, the business an investments expenditures. correlated, in Investments in the to has To the extent the types business the measures extent operational achieved has achieved Similarly, because quality is this function. function, strategic marketing are broken down into in including service. are in concurrent to of made in activities across the value chain expenditures encompass unit promotion and definition our limit Investments advertising Porter, (see we business the quality. and force, sales research present the of quality are consistency for the activities that contribute to this goal. strategic The marketing expenditures serve of been Nelson signals as association the has First, perspectives. the value quality and Chapter (1985, subsets of sufficient is Last, Klein and expenditures commitment two the alone proposed investments in three different that marketing of quality and thereby alert consumers to Second, in a similar vein, Porter distinction signalling between strategy of product differentiation. quality signalling; the from and use components of purchasing decisions from suppliers following as business generic makes 4) has (1974) product's valuable characteristics. criteria between proposed criteria is to Leffer is not due to related he mentions: to use. a Our model involves marketing operations involve Both are necessary, but neither achieve high performance (Porter, 1985, p. 140). (1981) have argued that the effect of marketing to signalling but to the demonstration of supplier the level of quality in the product; buyers should be more -3- willing purchase to costs irretrievable high product when they know that the supplier has sunk a into selling it and thereby implicitly ensures that the level of quality will be maintained over the long term. the association between investments in marketing and quality Because justified theoretical grounds on priori, strategic consistency can be can be specified separately from its relationship to performance; and this relationship able are rendering parsimonious mentioned we the Paine, by Finally, examine the corporation between performance and This comparison illuminates the 1981). and operational strategic defining investments, level consistency as at the effects of inter-unit sharing of these activities in the on potential compare relationship as joint investments in activities within a business unit, level can the strategic above. business more performance (Schoeffler, Buzzell and Heany, 1974; and between difference of of Anderson Zeithaml, is a investments than the operational consistency model, is also predictor better With the present model, furthermore, we whether the strategic consistency model that test business-level a then be tested. can to a focal unit's achievement of consistency and thus between conflicts inter-unit synergy and intra-unit can contrasted consistency. deductive Our Hambrick's strategy (1983) for relationships Van with de goods, strategic consistency of be to building a contingency theory of businesses and Galbraith and Schendel's method of identifying strategic types that vary in their performance. (1985) Our approach also differs from Drazin and operationalization of "fit" through its association work unit performance. specific than Ven's to to method inductive industrial inductive (1982) approach These alternative methods do not so much test hypotheses as uncover underlying patterns in the data. Models of consistency, such as ours, that are theoretically derived rather derived from the data should be methodologically more robust and lead to a stronger tradition of theory development. -4- MODELS Figure In which factor representing order strategic consistency is represented as explains turn in marketing correlation the operational factors specific 1, between first a second order order consistency in marketing and quality. explain activities The first correlations between investments in the between and factors, measures the quality of of products and services provided by the business. Insert Figure Figure business strategic (Rumelt model shows 2a 1 About Here the relationship between strategic consistency and performance measured consistency and return as market on which, share investment, albeit and between controversially Wensley, 1981), may also influence return on investment. and The in which operational but not strategic consistency influences return on investment and market share is shown in Figure 2b. Insert Figure Both consistency fit models research, of strategic can the two models. 1. and may (Figure About Here 2a) be and be fit to data and a obtained (see Bentler and Bonett, 1980). concept If strategic the 2 consistency, determined as operational (Figure 2b) measure of their goodness of The explanatory value of the operationalized in the present by comparing the goodness of fit indices of Our first research question is: Does the strategic consistency model explain the relationships between business performance and investments in marketing and quality as well as the less parsimonious operational consistency model? there is no significant difference in fit between strategic consistency the operational consistency models, we can accept the former as a more -5- representation powerful of relationship the between the investment behavior of the business unit and its performance. model show to higher is extensively operations we want also We consistency that the explanatory power of the strategic business units that do not share their for To this end, with other units in the corporation. choose the inter-unit sharing of marketing activities and of facilities (plant equipment) and To corporation. value explanatory research of the marketing and indicate synergies effect the strategic of across businesses in the inter unit sharing on the consistency model in the present the extreme cases of high sharing of both production compare we facilities to demonstrate activities and low sharing of these functions. Our second research question then is: strategic consistency model explain the relationships business performance and investments in marketing and better in the low sharing subsample of businesses than in the high sharing subsample? Does 2. the between quality high the to of fit of the strategic consistency model should be lower in goodness The be sharing able less allocation subsample of business units, whose managers are assumed achieve to compromises strategic consistency because of resource with other units, than in the low sharing business units which are less constrained by corporate synergies. DATA AND METHODS We database data test using our the models last on businesses in the SPI4 version of the PIMS year of data for each business. This source of is controversial (Wensley, 1982) but is consistently used by business strategy researchers because of its breadth, size, and general quality (Ramanujam and Venkatraman, 1984). A that of the of authors (Phillips, Chang and Buzzell, 1983) have shown validity of business strategies varies substantially over types number business. We chose components businesses for our sample. For several -6- reasons we major businesses components have costs quality sharing component fabrication facilities is conflict over of Second, goals. activities are appropriate for studying the questions First, Porter (1985, p. 345) points out that one of the posed. production the technologies and marketing of components businesses typically may be either specialized or general izab businesses. other to le components producers As a result, the subsample of likely to have a broad distribution of inter-unit is sharing. In for present the marketing been activities achieved in market which in appropriate are sells its a carefully defined version of the products that is particularly bidding process through which components competitive the extent to which quality outcomes have relative to the unit's three most important unit the the market", "served the to and measured were competitors business unit resource allocation decisions study, Business performance is indicated by return on investment; and sold. marketing and quality variables, market share is measured relative to like that of important competitors. structural The LISREL (Joreskog estimation First, as equation models shown in Figure 2 were tested using and Sorbom, 1982), a full information maximum likelihood technique. measurement There are advantages several of this method. may be specified and estimated at the same time error strategic and operational consistency and their effects on market share and performance. to the PIMS contaminating (Figure 2a) estimated normally LISREL This characteristic of the analysis addresses objections data on subjective through biases. which simultaneously grounds the questionnaire that data Second, the second order factor model strategic consistency is specified a can be (Weeks, 1980) rather than sequentially, as would be done using more restricted factor analytic techniques. produces contain chi-square statistic as a Third, measure of goodness of fit; . -7and this measure can be compared across models to determine their relative explanatory power. RESULTS correlation matrices for the high and low sharing subsamples are The found Table in subsample plant equipment and marketing sharing shared they if business The 1. than ten percent (median split) of their less and units were placed in the low sharing ten percent (median split) of their than less with other units in the corporation. activities Likewise, high businesses shared more than ten percent of plant and equipment and of marketing activities with other corporate units. Insert Table Table 1 About Here shows the result of the LISREL analysis for the operational 2 and strategic consistency models for both subsamples. are presented. chi-square The goodness Standardized scores of fit value of each model is presented below it. Insert Table The consistency consistency subsamples are high between) operations marketing or quality although expected the achieving both loadings hampered not is the significant that production. consistency of and and indicating About Here investment in the three marketing activities on loadings of (relative) marketing 2 are measures in of both consistency by quality high and on quality low sharing within (as opposed to multi-unit participation in Furthermore, in both subsamples, marketing and load significantly lower for the on high strategic consistency, sharing subsample, as stimulated expectation, The goodness of of fit significantly by question research strategic the for both high and low sharing subsamples. subsample the chi-square difference is .70. And the and .13 with 1 that the not be For the high sharing degree of freedom, p = for the low sharing subsample the difference is goodness of higher for substantially of fit strategic the 1.7, p = .21. model consistency is businesses that have a low degree of inter-unit their corporation than for businesses that share marketing within sharing would from that of the operational consistency model is different confirmed Also, one, model consistency production facilities more extensively. Research question two is thus answered in the affirmative. Interestingly, models roughly and variance the high than explained and strategic consistency performance is higher for low sharing in Also, strategic consistency explains the variance in performance in the low sharing subsample; of estimate this marketing operational the businesses. sharing 25% both in roughly 25% more than the variance explained by the is variables quality and independently in the operational consistency model for this subsample. Likewise, explains do high the sharing businesses, strategic consistency greater proportion of the variance in performance (13.5%) than a marketing and quality However, for high sharing businesses alone. the effect of strategic consistency nor the independent effects of neither marketing for for or quality on performance are significant. Note, moreover that the high sharing subsample, both operational and strategic consistency models provide only marginally acceptable fits using at p = .05 as the cutoff for acceptability (see Bagozzi, 1980). For explains marketing both high low and sharing more variance in and quality; however, subsamples, strategic consistency share than do separate investments in market in contrast to return on investment, -9- market share businesses. sharing reversal this In market occur it predicts of quality on market share does not since performance and market share are This result is consistent with early findings Buzzell (Schoeffler, and Heany, 1974) which In the absence of a detailed analysis of the markets in which that these markets reward specialized producers using suggest tentatively by our sample businesses are sold, these results produced components differentiation strategies Chapter 1984, than that are purchased less frequently, on average, than goods for components. 7) Porter, 1980, Chapter 7; Hax and Majluf, (see that and opportunities exploit strongly that the association between market share and ROI is more likely indicated the indirectly relationship this more times effect the performance more than it influences the high sharing subsample quality predicts in related. significantly for quality three However, performance influence not to share; almost share performance. the operational consistency model demonstrates, As businesses market influences high sharing than in the low the in due primarily to role of quality in the two subsamples. is sharing low predicted better is low achieve to businesses sharing high performance are better able to through intra-unit coordination rather than inter-unit synergies. DISCUSSION on a present the In strategic number predictive of power we have operationalized a particular type of study consistency, the performance advantages of which were proposed theoretical of grounds, construct this demonstrated and over a model the superior in which operations influenced performance independently and directly. Furthermore, consistency production was as greater expected, in the businesses explanatory power of strategic that did not share marketing and activities with other businesses in the corporation. The costs -10of inter-business unit compromise to accomplish corporate-level synergies apparently overrode themselves; such should appeared have consistency control least at model but did not. provided by a results the in synergy units the to differentiation strategy, for operational the These results show that it is important to the involvement of a business unit in inter-unit sharing when for examning benefits the benefits, as they related to effects of investments in operations on performance and that the combinations of investments may be more powerful predictors of performance than the investments alone (see Hambrick, 1983). should It to strategic business consistency, level, propositions. dimension of business benefits It is strategy associated across value the correlated (1985) chain investments investments and as to a quality test our second order outcomes are thus could explore not potential cost the inter-unit sharing (Porter, 1985, pp. 343-349). within business a might separated be from Examining Porter's made at the corporate level. list of the advantages and disadvantages of activity sharing across businesses pooling in a corporation, at therefore support cost corporate difficult. The characterize constraints Although do we that for example, corporate-level the Disentangling likely which in consistency at the our investigation to differentiation as a type and with business sharing however, how correlations in cost reducing investments clear, not inter-unit to strategic marketing restricted of type specifying which we approach one one and By with correlated, emphasized, however, that we have chosen one approach be they leadership and indicates that the advantages of for the most part cost-related, and are strategies business at investments the business might level. therefore be disadvantages which the results of our study demonstrate not on examine will business units to differentiate themselves. businesses experience higher with low cost strategies, it is benefits from sharing. The -11- results therefore study this of Christensen and Montgomery, strategies of the relationships interesting implications for the have for "related" corporate diversification (Rumelt, 1974; rationale standard 1982; Shelton, 1985), specifically, that the businesses need be to which considered involved are these for synergistic in relationships to be rationalized as leading to higher performance. However, we were too limited to capture the benefits sharing can provide. selected Porter relationships, described, and intangible relationships have transfers of know-how. Marketing and production are only two of the many types of tangibles that business units others share; examination broader we as inter-unit of facilities may such the distinction between tangible inter-unit makes again, (1985), comprised possible that the measures of inter-business sharing is it of technology include effects the and procurement. A fuller synergy on business strategy including of a of tangible and untangible relationships is called for (see range Wells, 1984). Furthermore, differences share and are limited to businesses producing marketing and quality variables on market in the effect of performance (see Phillips, Chang and Buzzell, 1983), and in the distributions facilities results Other types of businesses may show dissimilar results because components. of our intercorporate of businesses across due sharing to of the and production adoption of generic marketing general facilities or the demands of functional specialization. Finally, validation Phillips, constructs strategic study is one of the few that attempts to take constrct our using the PIMS data seriously (Ramanujam and Venkatraman, 1984; Chang as and is typically consistency. configuration Buzzell, oriented Our 1983). done, but We validated not only first order the second order construct of model and method can be contrasted with the approaches of authors with more complex models of -12- consistency (Galbraith content that have far so defied large sample empirical and Nathanson, 1978; Peters and Waterman, 1984). testing Expanding the and generalizability of the model, especially to include strategic decision making over time, is clearly a next step. -13- TABLE 1 Correlation Matrices for High and Low Sharing Businesses High Sharing Businesses Return on investment Relative market share 1.00 n=176 .22 1.00 Relative sales force -.02 .04 Relative advertising .16 .24 .41 1.00 Relative promotion .08 .10 .38 .63 1.00 Relative product quality .22 .35 -.10 .13 .11 1.00 Relative service quality .09 .31 -.01 .17 .09 .41 Relative image for quality .18 .32 .06 .14 .18 .55 1.00 1.00 .59 1.00 Low Sharing Businesses Return on investment 1.00 n=210 Relative market share .25 1.00 Relative sales force .16 .11 Relative advertising .19 .31 .39 1.00 Relative promotion .22 .29 .49 .71 1.00 .23 .28 1.00 Relative product quality .35 .29 .26 Relative service quality .26 .24 .16 .29 .29 .43 1.00 Relative image for quality .34 .32 .19 .33 .31 .51 .53 1.00 1.00 15 Si -16- FIGDRE 1 Second Order Factor Model of Strategic Consistency Sales Force Expenditures Relative to Competitors Advertising Expenditures Relative to Competitors Promotional Expenditures Relative to Competitors Product Quality Relative to Competitors Service Quality Relative to Competitors Image for Quality Relative to Competitors -17- FIGDRE 2 Strategic Consistency, Operational Consistency and Business Performance a. 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