(^S^%^ Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Alfred P. Sloan School of Technology Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 253-1000 THE ROLE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH CENTERS Gary W. Dickson John F. Rockart October 1980 CISR No. 62 Sloan WP No. 1158-80 This paper was written for presentation at the Conference on Information Systems, December 1980, Philadelphia, sponsored by SMIS in cooperation with SIGBDP, TIMS, and more than a dozen universities. 1_^ The Need There is little doubt of research information the in need the Management for systems field today. School-based The field is very young academically, needing clarification, strengthening, or refinement of almost all of its so recently established frameworks, techniques. also, however, is It rapidly changing field. a academic viewpoint, therefore, it demands constant complete often, and, redesign of concepts often the From an revision updating, tenuous and knowledge we currently have. Significantly, from research increased in the viewpoint of the field also is claiming information systems function today is share corporate of financial and managerial. success increasingly will believe hinge that however, that is must we understand the Traditionally, academic research has developed using In assistants, sometimes one, an individual researcher both bottom-line use of information opportunities and problems which will develop with the new different forms. larger resources, corporate effective upon The and Whether or not this is true is far from certain. technology. certain, Many larger a manager, desirable. very organizational non-profit and practicing the is V,Jhat managerial technology. two sharply (often with graduate a faculty colleague or two) pursues a research topic of his own choosing. His primary source of support is a and Federal grant or work is done a with single corporation's benefaction. within the laboratory or office Very often walls of academia. Although this model takes many diverse shapes, it can be viewed in purest form (for purposes of contrast) primarily as 1 nM-0 2(o^- the a its single person's I intellect, applied in o single problem, very evident role for the individual research encouraged and supported by Although there is model field systems information systems groups of -- factors are (1) a today, three major factors The three major research center. need for interaction with practitioners in the field, a and research, MIS faculty. effective out the need for the advantages of large scale to carry (2) management by quite different research organizational systems information the a establishment currently favor the growing incidence of model to single sponsor. a information the in a setting, laboratory the need for visibility of the work performed by the (5) These three factors favoring the creation of center-based We will return research will be introduced briefly here. them to in more detail at the end of this article centers One major reason for the development of research the of nature systems field itself. information It in field on the a the is very new and very fast moving and information systems faculty members are and very limited in research time. is very few Thus assistance from those involved day-to-day basis can be extremely helpful in aiding academics to define the right problem(s) to research, to understand the problem(s) in some depth, to gain access to with research systems research best sites minimum of effort, and to evaluate the impact and usefulness the of the the results. practitioners is In short, necessary interaction with information and work many of the to today. significant research issues in the field areas where major This is especially research issues are relatively hidden -- true in e.g., issues involving the interaction and people. find of technology, organizations, Second, many research problerris require the advantages of scale require Many types. several different computer technology, operations research, obtain satisfactory a for And, cases. do to increasing an multiple disciplines (e.g., and behavioral skills) number research adequate of problems, to Multiple research prospective on the problem. field research sites are required of many in scale large resources (both human and financial) are required to actually carry out an effective program of research. today Finally, there is an increased need faculty systems information systems research capability and make to informatiton the for External results visible both externally and within their own school. visibility necessary since the explosive growth of the information is systems field has created the desire to fund research on people many person with individual in a many problem faculty organizations. and/or funding It is difficult, capability In search to addition, through the center also, center-based provides equally of A contact not only for visibility important, a a out members who might be interested in the problem. research capability, but product of however, for center, however, provides increased visibility and therefore point. part the the research seminars, working papers series, and so forth. As important as external visibility is, internal visibility within the school of management important for and the university the MIS faculty today. perhaps is Working in a more field which has no long traditions or established guidelines for research, the the even impact of research output of the information systems group can easily not be recognized. Although it certainly does not assist with regard to I as to the academic questions a visible center can provide respectability of the research performed, evidence to colleagues other of the of acceptance of information systems research by the sponsor magnitude their community through both their funding and of use research the results. The establishment of personnel, for interdisciplinary research center with its sponsors, continuing contact with industry, and multiple track record a developing research useful results is response to all three of these major environmental factors. opposed to the "individual researcher" model, a a useful a Thus -- as second major academic research paradigm (that of the "research center") is clearly gaining in schools favor with information systems groups in of management now. article is aimed at drawing attention to the vastly increased use This of centers as a focus for research in the information systems field and documenting the reasons for this growth. center mechanism and cons using the two oldest and best established multi-project centers, at Minnesota and MIT as examples. as complete a ) we have tried to We have on the- side of over-explanation to be of some possible assistance to those center years, picture as possible of these centers. tried to err (and undoubtedly, have those Having "been through the wars" as directors of these two centers for several present the for systems research will be explored, information for The pros thinking of starting a new II. Diffe r ent Type s of nters this paper, we focus on multi-sponsor, In There Ce are a or operating to name (e.g., a few, the University of Colorado, Wharton, UCLA). appears And it that this those motivating the creation sections. are more regional of CISR and MISRC Some of these centers have in a noted as nature. center located today in schools of management. a the in national scope, some There is, however, one other type of information systems center number Most have been, or will be, founded for reasons similar to grow. following centers. growing number of this type of center today either nascent University of Houston, NYU, will mul ti-pr-o ject research This is the "dedicated" which, while it may have multiple sponsors, is aimed at working particular research problem. represent a complex, and While these centers are important, they more traditional academic organization, are are better understood. We discuss somewhat in this less article, therefore, multi-project centers. In the two sections that follow, each of us outlines and current status of the center with which he is associated, categories history the the major of research being carried on by each center, their funding, and the services each center offers to to its sponsors. key point to A note is that, although the two centers were- founded for essentially the same reasons (these noted in Section different. MISRC, oriented toward sponsorship. heavily scale providing CISR, oriented following I of the paper) they are quite the thrust of its parent university, research and service its to is regional again relating to its parent-university's focus, is toward research and education at a more national 1 1 Management Information Systems Research Center . Brief History: faculty the at Administration. In 1965, University Gary Dickson joined Gordon Davis botht They Minnesota's of College considerable had on the Business of background in organizational computing given the limited business use of computers at Davis had worked as time. that at Minnesota had authored Dickson a textbook electronic on group which applied the large scale management problems. to consultant for louche Ross and while data scientific Upon completion of the Ph.D. degree obtained while working at Boeing) , and its business curriculum (the school had It was not the its own that long before these two persons University of Minnesota a saw work with their school had computer already industry computer into opportunity an to pioneer in teaching and research "Their established teaching business computing, and their location in featuring to Univac SS80). involving the organizational use of computers. fact (which was because, in contrast to many other business schools at that time, the Minnesota school had already incorporated the make computer Dickson chose to join the University of Minnesota faculty largely because of the opportunity Davis processing. several years of experience at the Boeing Company whom he had helped form a a large a backgrounds, a the track record in metropolitan area number of corporate headquarters all influenced the idea that the University of Minnesota a should assume use . a and a leadership role in the study of organizational computer influence Another recognition of resources need a committed the university starting in to teaching stemming effort in this area was the major a from the of level organizational computing coupled with general agreement that and research programs badly were lagging industrial practice. Davis and Dickson systems" would involve: recognized (1) defining that a obtaining proper computing resources; to teach courses identified; program in "information series of courses (curriculum); (2) the a (4) (3) finding qualified people obtaining students; getting "real world" input so that the program was not and another (5) ivory tower, theoretical program which would be of little immediate impact in improving practice. 1966 through a plan for a 1967 were spent in a planning mode out of which complete program in "management information systems". came The major components were: '1. A program of (M.S. and 1^ courses in MIS focused at the graduate level Ph.D). 2. Acquisition of computing resorces which could be used for MIS teaching and research but which would be compatible with the University's centralized (CDC) computing system. 3. Integration of the local business community in teaching curriculum development as well as in applied research. k. Formation of a "research center" to house staff and faculty, to facilitate MIS research, and link to the "practitioner to community" 5. Haising of funds to computing resources. support students, staff, faculty, and and It (expert was clear that many of the resources that were required knowledge, funds) Therefore, a were strategy to business the in community. was developed based upon forming between the Minneapol is-St of Minnesota found be to create partnership a Paul business community and the University . "center a excellence" of management in information systems. Davis, Dickson, and Paul Grambsch, College's the Dean visited firms headquartered near or in the Minneapol is-St time, metropolitan area and asked that they become "Associates" Research Center. 1. that at Paul . the of MIS The arguments for joining were several: a better it better lo create a local "center of excellence" and to have business school 2. To generally help the local university and to and more resposive to business needs. 5. graduates to: To benefit sponsors directly by getting access and training research outputs, program, from the teaching programs k. To be able to have a direct hand in influencing the taken by a university program. By this time, faculty and students. appropriate an Plans 1967, a computing directions series of courses had been approved also by the published which was designed to attract announcement were make regarding underway equipment. listed above, convinced eighteen These firms of the plus steps, the acquisition of the arguraents approximately thirty contacted to join the MISRC Associates Program. Each Associate agreed to commit $10,000 period to start the MIS program. a year At the time, for 8 three-year several of the firms obtained the money from their "charitable" funds, whereas the funds from line item budgets. a others took The MISRC was formed program began accepting students. MIS in 1968 which was the same year the in academic The first three years were concentrated on getting the teaching program developed and in improving the quality of instructional material. computer systems in the U.S. programs. CDC A 3200 terminals on the CDC computer. At this "distributed" was utilized in the teaching and research was background/foreground mode. One of the first linked to the University's CDC 6600 in This allowed use of research/teaching a CRT 5200 while batch jobs were being sent to the main time, the University did not have timesharing a Approximately $^00,000 of the funds raised were devoted to the system. computer acquisition. The remainder of the funds went to support staff, support for stipends. of graduate students, a small and Student enrollment in the MIS program civil faculty summer for was service good first the year and became even stronger as the program became better known. After about two years of operation, it became apparent needed to be done to strengthen the business community and objective, the more the MISRC in terms of interaction with in doing research. To achieve former the person was hired that we met at the Founding Conference of Society for Management Information Systems which was hosted by the MISRC. full a that Given the job of Assistant Director, Robert M. Henry time on solidifying the relationship with MISRC sponsors. good job was performed that after three years of service, Associate firms ( 3M Company) Such a of the industry was hired him away from us. Ihe important concept of an Assistant Director from continued one worked for the following six years. In these cases, personnel were given leave from Associate firms (Honeywell, General Mills) to serve in As of this position. staff since Ms. 1973, Naomi Estes, who had been on the MISRC became the full time Assistant Director. 'i969, Having solidified the relationship with community by about research the next major push was to expand the center's 1972, Contracts activity. business sponsoring the from the Office of Naval Research in association with the "Minnesota Experiments" and from The Department of Commerce to support research on the development of of energy information system are examples involved projects major Other working prototype regional a projects. research funded Associate firms on MIS with personnel skills and on project success and failure determinents The period between Since MISRC. 1968 and the 1976 1976 represented stage startup a . for operation has been "mature" and the programs The Center have undergone relatively little change. can said to College of be have stabalized as is described below. The Director of the MISRC reports to the Dean of Business in teaching load MISRC consists (funded by the College). of staff. In an office addition, positions, one of which is a The full half-time reduction time staff of the Director responsible primarily for Assistant the Associate relationships, clerical The Director receives Administration. the supervisor, there related to are two supplying and a graduate two-person assistant computer technical support and the other works on the Associate Program with the Assistant Director. Since which is staffed by 1977 the Center has housed the MIS Quarterl y office, a coordinator/secretary and The MISRC is physically located building in a part-time the basement of the adjacent to the business administration building. large single person offices, five smaller single person 10 secretary. classroom It has two offices, four offices, multi-person large and projects. No Several of the associated assistants offices are occupied by graduate research conference room. a various with regular faculty are housed in MISRC, but it is common to find visiting faculty in the Center from periods of weeks a to year or more. There is a strong relationship between the MISRC and the College's Department Management Sciences reports), but many faculty from outside the Department and the College seven time full Masters, and ten Ph. Finally, from D. students that typically are point organizational an of the approx iirately twenty-five MIS faculty, MIS home The Department is the may be associated with MISRC projects. the program academic MIS the (where residence. in of viev;, there is steering a committee composed of Associate personnel and faculty members, which is -- exist program committee, a committees Three other standing advisory to the MISRC Director. a also a research is support curriculum committee, and commmittee Funding provided by : Associate firms. section, MISRC Associates pay center. funding The major source of Originally, a of year] y fee to it was $10,000 per year Since then we have been on a MISRC was pointed out in the historical As the second three years of operation, the support for it was $8,000, flat $5,000 per year. research the three years. $7,000, During and $6,000. Ihere are currently sixteen Associate organizations. Another source of funds for base support has been the Business Administration. director's salary each year. ( for In addition 1/2 time), to covering about $10,000 of College faculty the support of is given source third the are Specific contracts and grants funds. of These sources cover the projects costs, plus contribute to covering the salary costs of the clerical staff. Ihe MIS Quarterly also brings in revenue, printing costs, costs, mailing and coordinator plus the secretary, grows, circulation operation. break-even a hoped that the journal will be is it the cost of the production and is it typesetting after but As source of a income for MISRC. Director, Assistant the seen, As can be a Associate provides funding and a basic Thus, . funding for the MISRC annually amounts to approximately just an a operational of level research projects must be self- funding All for clerical staff, the variable cost of operating program for the Associate firms, support. firm total, in $300,000 with about half the total being base support provided by the Associate firms and our college. Research Portfolio: For about the first ten years of operation, a was diverse. MISRC 's substantial amount of research has been performed, but it The best way of summarizing MISRC research is by research method in contrast to the area in which This the condition is due the research was performed. largely to two factors -- faculty interests and availability of funding. The "Minnesota Experiments" for example, represent a series of ten experimental studies on the interaction of individual, situational, and information systems characteristics as Several studies organizations. were also conducted Examples are: 12 they by impact doing decision field making. research in - Factors associated with MIS project success and failure. - The relationship between organizational characteristics and structure of the information systems function. - What makes - Skill requirements for KIS positions. - Socio-technical approaches tot MIS implementation. - Job - Analysis of the MIS life cycle. a the "successful" systems analyst. satisfaction, support organizational structure, and technological Another area of substantial concentration was technical in nature, data data base and of testing a base management systems. development and decision support system for use in the physical design of large data bases is an example of this type of personnel The have involved been MISRC Finally, work. applications such as prototyping in regional energy information system and specifying information a systems requirements for higher educational institutions. These projects directly associated have with involved the faculty MIS education involved persons from other areas in the college The "multi-disciplinary" approach has graduate and program and the students but have also university. been of particular use on the larger pro j ects Beginning in areas that in a 1979, the MISRC began to sharpen its focus as to which work will be conducted. sharper image would be useful. Director, James C. Wetherbe, As the The Associate firms suggested a result, the incoming MISRC has recently completed interacting with Associate firm personnel and faculty on this issue. The result is that three areas of special concern have been selected for concentration the future. These are: 13 in - Management planning of MIS, regarding especially personnel MIS and . - Systems Development with issues a behavioral focus on productivity and . - Data base, especially design issues. During the coming year and continuing in the future, major activities will be conducted by the MISRC in each of the above areas. that by felt is It conducting larger projects with better focus, we will sharpen the Center's image and at the same time be responsive to the desires of our sponsoring organizations. Sponsor Interaction strategy of close Service: and interaction with The a MISRC adopted has relatively small number of proximate organizations all headquartered in the Minneapol is-St area. the Paul , Two "outstate" firms were part of the original associates group but dropped out partly because being 100 miles away was too far for the program type of interaction which makes the work. becoming For an "Associate" one receives the following package of benefits: - An Associates Program: academic year. Approximately ten events These events usually are feature speakers from outside the area that are recognized experts on MISRC provides the events free to Associate for any meals which may be involved. -m each held a subject. personnel The except Special personnel Associate of The MISRC forms and coordinates Interest Groups: having interests, e.g., site common sccuritiy, MIS planning, distributed systems. a charter and makes interaction year-end report. a interchange and groups Each group sets significant amount of A takes place between personnel of firms having common problems. Each MBA student is required to take MBA Mini Consulting: consulting course. supervision on both and 2,000 hours of tetam time free every charge. of The output is The firm receives about oral report. an makes MISRC The to coordinate Associate firm needs and effort mini faculty under specific problem for ten weeks. a written a Teams of four students work a interests with available student teams. Access to placement Graduates: MISRC The attempts do to of MBA MIS Specialists in Associate firms. collection, dissemination, and referral service Working Paper Series: v;orking papers special a A resume available. is Associate firms receive copies of All produced by personnel. MISRC all More than one hundred such papers have been published since the Center began. Information Request Service: answer Associate reference requests firm written to The MISRC maintains for material a firm frequently provided. person is key faculty are also available on a member limited basis to board" for Associate problems/plans. 15 "hot line" to Typically information. is identification of a although provided, or another Associate The MIS faculty members act as a "sounding .Discount Kates: the . college's Management traxnxng is provided in Educational Development Center. MIS through For courses personnel receive discounted designated as MIS, Associate fxrm they wish to send. rates for as many people as help determine can The Associate firms influence on Programs: and research program. direction taken in both the teaching the through in these areas and Through representation on cor.n.itees Center activities can be Steering Comraittee, the nature of the influenced educational the MISRC and the MIS Perhaps the greatest benefit of in focus for information systems activity program is that it provides a The a vehicle for interchange. and area Paul Minneapolis-St. the business the and partnership between the university notion of a community is frequently expressed. IV. Center for I nformatio n Systems Re search - Sloan School MIT (CISR) Systems Research Brief History^ The Center for Information established in '.97^ in School of Management at MIT was Sloan the at environmental factors discussed earlier large part because of the three series of discussions by It was founded following a in this paper. a center which would "work various Deans and faculty members to provide both faculty problem-centered resea rch issues of interest to major on Although numerous faculty members in the field." and practitioners P key people were two the creation of CISR, the in involved were Michael S. Pounds, then Dean of the School, and undoubtedly William F. Dean April 1976. to 197^ July Scott Morton, CISR's director from centers At approximately the same time, other role is clear. Pounds' 16 School were estabJ ished in the Sloan tradition a of pcrforminc problern-btised response in both to the MIT application-driven research and , links better felt need at Sloan in the early 70's, to establish to industry. Scott Morton and other faculty members felt an industry link would especially appropriate and useful in the information systems be area. They were (1) to Four major objectives were established for CISR. which perform high quality research practicing managers in the is relevant information systems field, (3) for nonprofit to organizations industry in to ensure the relevancy of the research, increased allow students, at all levels, to have opportunities real-world involvement during the course of their studies, and major mechanism to carry out these objectives was felt to be the creation of the group of "sponsors" who would provide a both funding Sponsor funding of the sponsor organi zat ion organization. with interaction was to come solely from the This was done to continuing insure information system personnel in each sponsoring . The process of finding and selecting sponsor organizations interesting the area budget, not the "corporate gifts" department systems information part of CISR's history. Since MIT is a is an national university, with widespread alumni, friends, and contacts, it was a for research and also the necessary interaction between the center and their organizations. that m) School. expand financial support for research in MIS area at the Sloan A to increase to (2) contact with managers in the information systems function and useful and to felt sponsoring organizations could not, and should not, be limited to particular geographic area. Secondly, 17 it was decided not to rather but CISR, "market" aggressively react positively to the to normal flow of managers who, having heard about run by by project to ways as member in would publications), his a improved understanding of the research and to gain interested more reading or Many of those interested in its implications. even CISR faculty member (either through listening to that seminar given by inquire a research particular a project single a getting in close touch with a were larger body of research -- and thus became CISR sponsors. was early felt that there was no optimum size It thus CISR's research portfolio, could grow apace with the budget, the that CISR, for number of sponsors attracted. In any case, MIS research would continue since the faculty at that time was continuing to pursue the more contract, grant, performed. The increase additional ability the mechanisms etc. to to CISR funding increase the brought research MIS would in usual merely and fund additional faculty, research hire research associates, and graduate students to increase the portfolio. This low key approach produced only four sponsors in the first two years. Yet some momentum was helped by origination the conference open to all (for research results, constituted marketing building. of the of "CISR a was also momentum CISR faculty supplemented F. by members of a took over new in the Spring of one week and and staff to seminarees who This "educational" approach to by an increased speaking agenda (at CISR Rockart as Director and Christine which a greatly research, the management-oriented Information systems conferences and companies) was Summer Seminar", fee) which displayed a potential sponsor pool. a This V. Bullen as 't976. 18 management at individual team, with John Assistant Director, Responding to this increased CISR exposure of results, researcfi seventeen became sponsors over the next two and a has thus increased to twenty-two today. sponsors is an to interaction. continuing in 197^, the current time the number At appropriate members of the number allow to effective the number of sponsors have grovm As MIS half-time to research, many as so too , Today, nine Sloan School faculty has the size of the MIS faculty. full-time starting at two being held at approximately twenty, in order to limit group the sponsor companies half year period. The number of sponaoring organizations, of additional Almost group. result of CISR a are devote at least all funding which allows them to "buy out" their time from teaching. CISR is currently being operated primarily as vehicle to of amount the manager ially-relevant produced at Sloan. faculty members Its chief asset is each of information a bright, systems aggressive increase research set of whom desires to follow his/her own research interests, but who have occasional openings to take on new research. Significantly, in the past attract two years, CISR has been able to "affiliate" faculty members from both the Organization Studies Relations group to research or aid and the Labor information systems problems of interest to them. and research site availability, to strengthen research the in Thus, on CISR funding have attracted faculty from other areas the multi-disciplinary base of the existing MIS group. The core MIS faculty itself contains members with degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, organizational behavior as well short, it is a law, planning information as multi-disciplinary research multi-disciplinary problems. 19 MIS and control, systems faculty itself. and In group assembled to Sponsor funding has facilitated the hiring of some non- tr od itional skills into the faculty group. In time research associates (usually people with masters by three full on experience degrees in management and some years of field students, graduate area), expertise and desire to work CISR faculty member. members faculty former are conjunction in or the available time, v;ith specific issue a MIS the in the present time, three part-time at other positions but holding .students and The latter experienced researchers. former carried addition to the faculty, research at CISR is cui-rently with a Assistant Director for Administration and two An (often three) secretaries comprise the administrative staff responsible for organizing management, financial seminars, supporting and the research staff. CISR reports to the Dean of the Sloan School and to the Management Science Group in Director, the matrix fashion, a Assistant an A Steering composed Committee of Director and three MIS faculty members during the growth provides policy direction. Major contributors to CISR J. Donovan and Stuart Madnick E. who served committee and were participants in the early current former and CISR are Jeffrey Chen, and A. Michael years on an design of were John early steering Other CISR. faculty who were involved in the initial years of Meldman , Zisman. Robert M. Alloway, Hoo-Min Toong Peter , Recently Peter Keen and Lynne Markus have played very significant roles as, increasingly, has Ed Schein, Chairman of the Organization Studies Group at Sloan. administrative Lawrence Meader, contributions Steven been have Humphrey, Quillard, who joined CISR in and 1979- 20 Significant made by Sarah Assistant research S. and Fitzgerald, Director Judith Funding ways. : CISR research is currently funded source primary A funding of approximately $500,000 per year, is several in the sponsors who contribute second major source of A funding the traditional large research grant or contract mechanism, average year New is which in an provide almost an equivalent amount to various MIS will Typical of this process is the faculty members. different NEEMIS project, the England Energy Management Information Systems, which explored many systems concepts in an application setting. accordance with CISR's major purpose (research), only In fraction of total the funding received from CISR sponsors and other sources is used to support the administrative staff and By far the majority of the money received seminars. on research projects -- either students, performing etc. small a pay to the salaries to support spent directly is faculty, of staff, research -- or to pay other research expenses R esearch logical Portfolio: With the diverse faculty noted that research CISR should also be diverse. risk, be divided into four major categories. above, It is it can, at some These are: (1) Managerial use of computers and computer-based information; (2) Improved information systems technology; (3) Productivity and information systems; and ( The management of the information systems function. ^4 ) With regard to the first area, the Managerial use of computers an d computer worked b ased in the information area , faculty at the of decision support systems. this area is being performed to develop an the way decision Sloan support systems 21 are improved developed School have long Continuing work in understanding and of implemented. Research efforts are now underway to understand the way in which systems decisions-aiding use Graphic aids to managers are More recently, considerable work with regard to being researched. management are justified. top computer-based information has been initiated. of particular, the use of the "critical success factor" method as in these In aid an determining managerial information needs as part of the information systems planning process is being investigated. Three or four diverse efforts are now being aimed at improved information systems technology of subject . undertaken at CISR One major study, the large contract, is aimed at improved methods of allowing a multiple processing units to communicate with multiple storage devices. New computer architectures to processing in is also a more efficient and effective heavily distributed world are also being stuaied. underway base data on vallule of redundant data structures provide and design, the effects Work including questions of the of different data base . Work in the area of MIS producti vity, has really just begun to drawn together into a major field of research. be Work is being done on the development of improved systems design processes, the evaluation of the benefits of structured systems analysis, productivity benefits of "end-user and the evaluation of programming". Some of the newer productivity tools offered by various com.puter manufacturers being investigated, as the are also are the pros and cons of "common systems". major study is underway of the software industry which draws upon, A and encompasses, much of the above. Related closely to, and overlapping with, much of the above is the final area of major multi-faculty interest at CISR -- the management cT 22 concerning "careers executives, points" "end-user needs and view and roles the departments. systems information of studies Here, . underway are processing", the critical success factors in data of information systems structures function systems the information cast has major A much organization and light study of ways on of thinking about managing the information system.s function. In one sense, each of these research thrusts -- perspective -- research She/he project. research as one faculty member is in charge of A her/his has own associates and graduates working on the project. well from looks very much like the "individual model" of research noted at the beginning of this paper. each viewed ideas Discussions with sponsors understanding both of research results. In research and CISR in researchable sites Yet, much funding through come seminars fields research of set CISR. increases tentative and addition, the center mechanism as mutual or final facilitates both good multi-view point conversation about each research project, and the drawing tbgether of multi-disciplinary research teams to work on each project where appropriate. have both the benefits The CISR experience suggests that of center the and one benefits the can of individual-based research project responsibility. Methods of Sponsor Interaction center in generating CISR's : knowledge new sponsors concerning the results opportunity for exchange of all research with the information systems through six basic CISR research oriented activities. learn about work projects In addition, they and have an of ideas through six disemination vehicles. These modes of interaction are noted below. 23 Sponsoring organizations may participate in CISR research in efforts the following ways: 1. By serving as a site for an on-going faculty or staff research project 2. 3. research in a new field and suggesting pilot research interest to other be of generalized to expected sponsors and information systems managers or line executives in general By developing thesis for a term or student team work on-site and the faculty interest to of mutual area an project field may benefits to the research although the where, sponsor educational benefits to the the not be absolutely certain, students are. By having a in By sending a sponsor employee to MIT to take part in a research effort as a CISR fellow. 5. 6. faculty on a CISR In this mode, the sponsor agrees to carry research project. out particular aspects of the research himself. By having existing staff collaborate with sponsor) (for the proposed new information systems processes or structures and, -mutual for (for CISR faculty) research or position papers commenting By exchanging written materials representing CISR's sponsors participate in the disemination of research findings in the following ways: 1. seminar run By attending the annual "research results" summer although it is open to non-sponsor center which, by the personnel, is available free for a limited number of sponsor personnel 2. which CISR single-subject seminars at By attending other sponsors and CISR faculty gather to discuss a particular area managing information systems in a of interest -such as distributed environment. 2^ 3. ^. 5. attendinc onc-aay sctninnrs, reserved for sponsors and others single which a in participating as research project sites, staff. and faculty CISR upon by research project is reported By which papers CISR working faculty viewpoints. By receiving results, and V. MIT scheduling CISR faculty or staff- to deliver a talk at the sponsor's premises on relevant research results and viewpoints. Research Center Benefits research we think the concept of a "research center" performed, being Having given significant means of facilitating research. as by or By With information systems being an emerging area in which is staff By discussing relevant areas of interest with faculty and researchers through visits by sponsor personnel to CISR staff visits to the sponsor. 6. research present to centers. discussion of what we a detail some see advantages the as of such They are: Resources: Concentration of "research center" capable resources performance for are large of work in primary A and needs outputs the of benefit concentrated in manner a allows which a the scale, high quality, visible projects. The New information systems energy Minnesota Experiments are examples. this having from the information systems area is that England (NEEMIS) and Upper Midwest (REIS) projects, a nature of our two information systems research centers, we the now turn to is type and established, having The MIS field well staffed research centers allows this type of project to be undertaken. The concentration of resources is important that of having not only problem. a "critical mass". To do high quality research requires talent but also stimulation and Research centers with for another reason their 25 a variety of viewpoints on faculty, staff, a graduate and assistants, presentations, meetings, Research environment. exciting create an visitors (both practitioners and academics) frequent the day in defenses, colloquia, and seminars are the order of thesis a research center. Connection to the Real World: Having sufficient are that to operate centers -- a take on large, difficult projects requiring the with formal links to the work, access easy allows There also is contrast to artificial, problems. in both which Having the research center focus. practitioner problems and organizational data. real, a -close interaction with the business/government of our activity has an applied bulk under philosophy Although our centers do some purely theoretical community. on the possible variety of talents makes resources of collection a to real a focus a carryover to A good research center funding. tends to attract people with both problems and, sometimes, C arryover which to Education: working is The fact that a research exists center theoretical and practical problems carries over on the center into the educational program of the institution at which Examples, located. way into working the in case studies, and research results all find their classroom. the is More importantly, research center learn than in formal classes. a the students graduate great deal, perhaps much more a perfect Perhaps the long-run, most important benefit Further, the research center is vehicle for bringing about faculty/student interaction. Benef i t to the Area: from having information systems research centers is that they permit image doing the type of work which is so vitally needed to enhance the of the MIS area. By having a research center, properly equipped and staffed, significant work can be sought which otherwise 26 would be too too many risks in Its output, or be too multi-faceted for have large, an individual visibility area MIS the to Obtaining address. to projects these otherwise that would provide can be unavailable. Performance on these significant projects feeds on itself in that, with a good reputation, more and more projects flow in. Indirect IS Support: ability to A research final benefit the is use the center to support activities for the common good or to For examples, since fund "start-up" activities. inception its in the MISRC has hosted literally hundreds of visitors from all over 1968, the world for short visits and longer stays. six center visiting played conferences role and which in hosting conferences. The MISRC has also Two national national ACM conference are examples. a the MIS Quarterly is capital". staying at least ten weeks. faculty major a This past year there were partially project a supported by SMIS Starting up MISRC "risk CISR "start-up" funding has been used primarily for research might otherwise have unfunded -- much of which has been been exceptionally useful. VI. Problems with IS Research Centers discussed The two information systems research centers quite different. difficulties Through the experiences of each, can be identified. common, while others are unique. wrote, found paper's centers set of problems or two authors, as we ourselves in almost complete agreement as to the reasons favoring the creation of centers (Section these are of these the centers have in Some This a here (Section V.) I.) and the benefits of For the final two sections of the paper, however, our more different views suggested 27 that individual sections would preferable be possible reader with as much insight as the Thus . center research information One of the "problems" with having an MISRC (Dickson) system provide to is the that it takes several years of fact devotion, time, and effort to start up an undertaking this of One frequently hears that another school would like to start center so Seldom heard is persons two research some sort, and we are asked about funding, deliverables and of forth. a sort. that a level of commitment on the part of one needed to start and build is a or successful research Gordon Davis and Gary Dickson each devoted about five years of center. their lives to making the concept work. related problem occurs regarding devoting time to A relationship with sponsoring organizations. to want to do teaching, working and a the unique academic Academics tend to be involved in this and to do it well. research, takes It managing v;ith doctoral students. necessarily function well serving sponsors. They do not Ihis is one reason why the position of Assistant Director responsible for industry interaction has worked well in the case of the MISRC. Base level funding for the MISRC continues to be it our is time consuming and continuous. sponsors are being We have to served and see that Ihe time spent on obtaining each firm's annual It has helped that processing budgets most rather sponsors than now seeking a a problem because carefully watch how quid pro quo is given. $5,000 is significant. spend the money out of data corporate contributions. Naturally, there is attrition in sponsors (for various reasons) and new sources of funds must continually be sought. frequently potential sponsors come to us. 28 We are fortunate that A bit of advice center have of a organizations sponsoring regarding fixed package of deliverables rather than making promises. individual onset the At (what them consulting). call we sponsors by individual faculty on to agree with series a particular a Consulting may problem be done for personal basis, but it took a a of the MISRC, many sponsors thought that if we did "research" it would be on for that is awhile sponsors that MISRC "research" projects must have the generality. We, of course, in demand the suffer as research center from peaks and a projects for thus, resources. and problem is that it is difficult to quickly expand (faculty and graduate students). It help about every and research the staff finish a degree their Thus, we must tolerate almost total turnover in student are gone. planning Exacerbating the also seems that just as soon as graduate student is trained and proficient, they and valleys two to management three years. difficult This but factor common is makes project to virtually all university research centers. Because information systems trained researchers are so few and far between, the it variety is difficult to obtain quality personnel, especially in our projects. We have students are very good, but they take time given found that our senior Ph to develop and are . soon lost. A particular problem is the interaction between the research mission. Even though a teaching and very worthwhile research project may come along, we may be forced to refuse it because key faculty resources are committed to teaching research project. The and only cannot be alternative 29 released is to to work on the staff courses with We cannot graduate students which can only go so far. courses, in particular, with junior faculty, and thus are constrained in number the Frequently, graduate staff short lead projects of type and may which undertaken. be times on starting projects makes this problem especially severe. Finally, we find that projects research frequently we resources funded are fractionated and diverse. and kept that which want we dollars Chasing busy, but means that our products become Further, the quality level of our output may slip because of moving away from our specialty. fund undertake to simply because funds are available rather than that the project fits our mission and talent. our tempted are to Ihe best rule is to and are good at, but money sources do frequently have priorities otherwise. The things that Gary says with regard to the (Rockart) CISR for continuing funds, in business the of the need to have sponsors understand that you are research and not consulting, and the significant commitment of time and energy necessary to give birth to to make and keep it viable all sound. very familiar. However, there are three "problems" on which of them. need a center and can second each I I would like to focus in this section. The first is the problem of getting a bunch of highly independent, very able, very busy faculty to divert time from their current pursuits to work on task. We sponsor-generated research problems. have This is not tried to deal with this problem in four ways. easy an First, with "settled" faculty members, by carefully matching sponsor ideas their current fields of research. 30 Second, with younger to faculty members, by attempting to influence their research of Third, by attempting to influence the faculty hiring process board on themes money, available research sites, and research assistance. logic, with choice faculty the mix to handle some of the significant research Finally, where no other faculty member was interested, fields. bring to have I on important sponsor-suggested research projects myself with the taken aid of our full time research staff. important. very There, are Ihiis last approach is, research key projects think, I must be performed from time to time to have the Center's work be positioned in the mainstream of sponsor research needs. the Center concerns. sponsor which Obviously, we can not meet all But some of the key needs must be met to give positioning of being on the leading edge of real-world MIS a concerns The second major problem, closely related to problem maintaining of right the relationship faculty to take on sponsor-related research and the junior between not marvelous stepstone to tenure for a the is persuading interfering faculty's need to dictate their own path to tenure. very, very easy to convince oneself that a first, the with is It particular project would a be particular faculty member and to do more than one's share of persuasion to ensure that the project gets worked. less Yet the aggressive posture. merely "making whole In academic tenure process suggests general, we have tried to stay on the available" a side of funds and assistance and letting ideas, a faculty member build his own enthusiasm for the project. Finally, most procedures University (including those salary at structures and administrative MIT) make it difficult to obtain and keep the calibre of person one needs in 31 a sponsor-oriented center. The center atmosphere has to be somewhat more -- hardworking more businesslike high. be perform to result is The etc. v;ell, Salary structures, in particular, at most universities are not oriented toward this type of person below The often and than in much of the rest of the University. calibre of people one needs, their motivation must -- expenditure the faculty the level. of significant effort to attract and retain good people. Lessons Learned VII. (Dickson MIS RC established ) It information for an academic in systems the area. students, colleagues, is no doubt One and that associated research center is access has exciting, an being to a a and "critical mass" significant to of amount national professional resources of my which support stimulating time center concept and making it work. again?" I My would associations. facilitates an very large plus staff, environment. Especially attractive is the link our center has to the local community with business have We productivity. a A has been spent evolving the research I often ask myself, "Would do I it answer is, "Absolutely not, the personal cost is too high." join an established group which someone else managed, but I'd not try to start from scratch. My attitude does not mean that someone create a else research center in information systems. should not try I've learned from my experience, though, that whoever chooses to do so had better have of dedication. time the Further, they had better be in the proper location effort just right. Finally, 32 a to a lot and well thought out product must be idenLified and delivered. center should Ko try another; copy to each should be somewhat unique. In summary, the lesson I learned that vjas information systems research center one must: awfully work hard; supporters, and (.^) (3) again?" do it all the problems or that plan carefully; (1) an (2) great deal of help from colleagues and a be a little bit lucky. (R ockart) CIS R get with succeed to In "Would Perhaps the key question here is Gary's Despite my case, the answer is "Yes, absolutely." different, (and perhaps because our centers are quite individually we I are motivated by different things), would I certainly do it again. ...for the following reasons: (1) There is the almost daily contact with one or another of of highly able, pragmatic yet insightful and key staff personnel who are sponsors. I have learned amount from them concerning informations systems and had many insights into the field which have a tremendous management, and use set managers systems information a would not otherwise I have had (2) The applied focus of the center's operation, and the depth and range of the work possible with wrongly) of being a center, provides a sense (rightly or top of the field, working the key issues in the on field, and perhaps even helping to shape the field to much a greater extent than one could do as an individual. (3) Finally, visibility have all the Center benefits of led to me personally being interesting research topics, and to have the work them. If it were not for CISR, 33 I interaction able resources scale , to , and find several and sites to strongly suspect (although one never knows) experience. that And would not 1 1 certainly have had would assistance in that research from the the not members same personal research very have had the of our research able staff whose names are noted earlier in this paper. Yes, as of October, 1980, at least, 5^ 1 would certainly do it again. Date Due Pi. , i^uH NOV AUG 3 1 3 ]m 1201(1 APR 191385 JUN 5 APSf 198$ 81B8) FEB 2^ 'OQ^i r MAY t 3 ^i^ Lib-26-67 ACME BOOKBINDING NOV 100 1 CO., INC. 1983 CAM 3.^1 DGE STREET CHARLE3T0WN, MASS. MIT LIBBABIES ^^3^-^° 3 TDflD DDM TMQ 17fl MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 1^3^-2^ 3 TDSD DDM TS7 17fl HD28IVI414 no.ll58- 80 Dickson. Gary /The role of D»BK5 740869 information 00136579 ir n'lrir TOaO QD2 OME ThS 3 115^ DDM 3 'IDflD 3 TDflO DDM 17fi bS li(^D'2^ SDT TE7 no.1161- 80 Serg/The level and structure HD28.I\/1414 Serghiou. 741440 DxBKS TOfiD 3 00132376 DDl TTE 7fla HD28.M414 no.1162- 80 PIndyck, 740^60 Rober/The optimal production D»BKS 00 iti TDflO DDl TT2 ?bM no.ll63- 80 Hanan T/Scheduling stock issues 741450 D»BKS.... 00.132274,. HD28.IV1414 Eytan, 3 TDflD DDl 'ITE 7MT HD28.M414 no.ll64- 80 Kochan, Tfiomas/Toward a behavioral 741436 3 D»BKS TDflD _ __ 001.323.8.1 mod . DDl TT2 671