Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Alfred P, Sloan School of Technology Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 253-1000 TEACHING THE CURRENT OR FUTURE GENERAL MANAGER: A CRITICAL FUNCTION FOR THE MIS FACULTY Jeffrey Hoffer (Indiana University) Alan G. Marten (University of Michigan) John F. Rockart (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ABSTRACT: For the past several have diligently worked majoring in the field. more important role years, information to develop effective curriculums for students and perhaps Today, an increasingly important, information systems faculty is that of the for educating non-majors -- students who wish general to be, currently or function organizations. their in more programming is and more being by end-users themselves. increased degree of understanding of Systems information the design within performed and departments are, Increasingly, general managers are determining the managers. extent or use of the computer and the effectiveness of the systems faculties systems and end-user Therefore, in the 80's, an function information by general management is vital. However, "general management" students vary widely. In the amount of material which might be taught is overwhelming. the amount of time available in constraints, and some Finally, general management curriculums for information systems material is limited. these addition, Three current approaches to general conclusions concerning teaching information systems to general managers are presented. CONTENT INDICATORS Computing Review Category: Key Words: 1.52 University Courses and Programs Education, General Managers, Courses nMO^n>> MIS Faculty, University • I. INTRODUCTION At the present time a great deal of emphasis faculties MIS in in the MIS field. believe placed being is by schools of management on educating students majoring However, there is teaching a for the MIS faculty. is even more important important mission is to teach non-MIS majors in which mission the we This increasingly fundamentals and the managerial implications of our field. T he Need to Educate Non-MIS Majors in MIS Concepts for The increasing cost-effective availability of computer support managers at candidates all levels makes today imperative it all MBA be made aware of the way that computer-based support can be utilized in their field of specialty -- no matter what even more important, there is Perhaps that what executive managers to understand functions in their tomorrow's — need opportunities need to educate middle and top can least executives to support -- all well as as of understanding minimal a done be Today's companies. at a specialty. the the that are available to increase productivity for clerical workers, staff professionals, and line managers themselves. understanding on make trends Several evident part the of improved information all managers vital. coming when managerial access to information support only a luxury Clearly, hardware but a necessity technology is at almost all increasingly importantly, the software technology is at a The time is fast will become an not levels of management. cost-effective. More point today where managers can make use of the computer without huge financial investments. is systems There ever-growing number of good, available "models" in the areas of financial management, market analysis, production forth. storage and analysis systems such as RAMIS, FOCUS, NOMAD, are available and so manner, an increasing number of general purpose data like In management, managers allow to their contents with relative to build data bases and to explore ease. languages should be even more EXPRESS and f acilitative generation next The of these . Budding and current managers, therefore, must understand enough about this technology (both hardware and software) to understand how it currently can support operations. their understand these trends so that they can addition In understand they must increasing the value and cost-effectiveness of computer-based aid. United States faces The shortage in coming a years. productivity crisis today In 1980 labor is such which ever controlled be today more than labor a increasingly costly. Equally increasingly costly are capital assets, must and inventories, as With before. international competition growing, and other countries having taken the lead in automating having gained a their manufacturing processes -- and therefore productivity lead on the United States -- it appears that the effective management and use of information is increasingly significant to managers on the North American continent. A final significant reason to educate the non-MIS major in the MIS field is that the location rapidly changing of much of the systems development from the "MIS shop" to the end-user himself. is Today, user-based programming is growing because user-understandable languages like APL addition, and the the MIS group. EXPRESS demand are increasingly available and useful. In for systems has overwhelmed the capabilities of Therefore, users are picking up the slack themselves. as the emphasis in MIS is evolving from the installation Additionally, of paperwork-oriented data processing systems to "decision support" is are becoming more involved in systems design. users that logical it increasingly Thus, non-MIS majors are designers system as well as in the They must be well educated to these responsibilities. users. What Type of Education is Necessary? era an In of development in users which information are systems, involved increasingly would seem logical that the it what knowledge which must be transmitted to them is the basics of be done, as well as resource in control their area. something know addition, the computer The knowledge needed here is similar to that Just as required to understand and manage human resources. to In the rudiments of how it can be done. managers need to understand how to plan for and about can personnel, one needs technology and applications of the computer to be to a needs one understand manager line good the today. Whom Are We Educating? In types general, we would submit that we are of non-majors. to "do it themselves." educating two different First, we are educating people who will be able These are the younger managers who will start by actually using computer systems to assist themselves, solve problems and manage in major functional areas. The second group that must be educated are those managers who, although they will not directly, will influence their organizations. This use computers the use of the computer resource throughout second population is perhaps even uiore Composed of middle managers and senior executives, this set important. heavily managers of influences organization with regard devoted systems. information to computers to atmosphere general the resources the and in an that are short, we are educating not only In people who will program but those who will decide how much programming should be done. Looked at from the university's viewpoint, there are three of prospective non-major MBA candidates who are relatively young, are: (1) with managerial experience senior executives. of (e.g., (2) These groups MBA candidates "executive MBA programs"), and (5) As each of these groups has populations two the students who are of interest. groups different proportions noted in the previous paragraph, the courses designed for them should and do differ. INFORMATION SYSTEMS TOPICS FOR THE TRADITIONAL MBA CANDIDATE II. The increasing importance of timely and accurate managers all and increasing the availability of telecommunication technology seemingly demand that all be instructed systems. in for computer MBA and candidates various aspects of computer systems and information Practicing business managers and of business schools, growing number of business a school faculty support the need for formal Deans information instruction in the area. through the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), support the need for such instruction including "common body of the following knowledge" areas: application of "a statement basic accounting, as one understanding of quantitative of of the the concepts by and methods, and management information systems including computer applications." . of information The purpose of this section is to discuss the issue First, candidate. systems topics and courses for the general MBA we courses will discuss the current status of required information systems in leading business schools. teaching these courses. will or content and/or pedagogical issues that are faculty will present some of the we Second, addressed be by Lastly, we will discuss the need for advanced and characteristics of intermediate and information systems courses for the non-MIS major. Current Course Status one for information systems, non-majors. No attempt will be between the introductory two some business schools there are In courses in information systems majors and one for made in paper this content of those two courses. to distinguish review of the curriculum A of the business schools with two courses indicates that the difference between the courses is often one of emphasis and depth, not necessarily of the topics addressed. A review of the core curriculum of most of schools leads one interpretations of schools. to the the leading business the conclusion that there are probably as many AACSB requirements as there are business However, these schools all offer one or more courses that, to varying degrees, instruct students in the following three areas: 1) information systems theory and concepts; 2) computer technology including high-level programming languages; and 3) the computing school resources of the university and/or business These topics may be concentrated in courses specifically as labelled information systems, management science, or computer systems, or may be included some courses such as management accounting or management. in cases, required programming language courses may be taught by the computer science computing computer or center. In engineering departments by or a variety of topics. specific The greatly from school to school and, in some cases, within depending on who is teaching the course. contain composite technology topics lists that of the Tables information may be covered. systems debate. In many cases, the topic computing and Even the classification of could impact of placed be categories, indicating that the topic may include of tools as well as the methods and school a respectively, and 2, 1 topics topic as either information systems of computing technology is to the general, however, the information systems course for the general MBA covers vary In subject applying both in discussion of a a those a set tools within an organization. The information systems topics shown in Table "1 highlight both the reason for the diversity in the courses offered in this difficulty of area and the teaching introductory courses for the general MBA. The major topic areas appear to be as follows: A) Theory; B) Environment of the information systems; C) Information systems classes; D) Installation of computer-based information systems E) Organization ana systems issues. ; and TABLE Information Systems Topics in a 1 Course for the General MBA Candidate Theory 'i i. . 2. Information theory 3- Organization theory H. Decision theory Environment of the information systems 1. :. Legal and societal issues 2. Impact of computer-based information systems on the organization 3. Impact of computer-based information systems on the individual Information systems classes 1. 2. I. Systems concepts and systems theory Characteristics of various application systems Computer-based modelling and decision support systems Installation of computer-based information systems 1. Stages of EDP growth within organizations 2. Systems Life Cycle 3. Systems Analysis and Design (Activities and Techniques) 4. Control and audit of information systems Organizational and systems issues 1. Information systems planning and policies 2. Management of data as an organizational resource 3. Evaluation and selection of information systems services and facilities TABLE_2 Computing Technology Topics in A. Computer Hardware 'i. 2. B. Course for the General MBA Candidate a Hardware components Architecture of computer systems Computer software 1. Language translators 2. Operations software 3. Data and text management software 4. Telecommunications software C. Programming and programming languages D. Information structures and file processing Given the lack theory, the of theory any topics theory of the instructor or a generally accepted often a are area is probably combination of of one infancy The be particularly lacking in the theory or directed of "homegrown" the information Existing textbooks seem to foundations area. information the of the major reasons for the lack of generally accepted textbooks in the area. The environment a colleague, and the basic theory of one or more of the reference disciplines. systems systems information systems topics are often toward presenting key issues from the behavioral sciences and organizational theory. The key question is "what is the impact of information systems on society, individuals, and organizations?" In one form or another, the- of information systems classes. student is exposed to the wide variety In some courses, this topic includes a detailed discussion of the operational and administrative activities of functions. business various the Wide diversity exists in relative emphasis of traditional data processing functions systems and versus decision support systems. Probably the most common element of courses in this topic installation of computer-based systems. Through of techniques and computer-based approaches, the life system are presented. cycle area is the variety of a activities of a Diversity exists with respect to the emphasis on this topic and the degree to which specific analysis and design techniques are taught. Finally, the organizational courses systems and contain usually a set topics of on issues. These topics often include global organizational issues, such as information systems planning, as well as issues related more directly to the information systems resource, such as managing and organizing the information systems function. Pedagogical Issues What lessons have been or are being learned with information systems to the computing technology topics presented to the and general MBA candidate? respect The following paragraphs contain some of the authors' impressions. It in is obviously impossible to Tables 1 and 2 in a thoroughly cover all of one semester course. the topics However, given that our objective is the education of someone who is interested in business, we are more responsive if we provide brief a overview of most of the topics as opposed to in-depth coverage of any particular area or areas. While we believe that the area is of sufficient importance to warrant required course, we must recognize 10 that a for some MBA students the very is may These people topics may seem to be of very little importance. be bright but they feel that anything related to computer technology of no or limited relevance to them. The challenge to the instructor is to stress the business relevance of all topics, both the technical and the non-technical. While the computing technology topics may be easier to more and immediately motivating for most students, the information systems topics are probably much more important in the long run. probably have instructors a comfortable, Because most technical background, the general tendency the computer technology topics. is to emphasize more teach instructor The feels topics are more structured, and the instructor the often strives (knowingly or unknowingly) to educate the students in the manner in which he/she was educated. The pedagogy of presenting material is often more the skills a function of the instructor and the size of the class than it is of of Course modules that can be based on anything else. a single or very few basic concepts which are then expanded and can be shown to describe past and current practice are very successful. Similarly, simple or complex taxonomies are helpful in developing concepts without the Case studies can be helpful but we suffer from the lack of for detail. sufficient need good material and the need to often teach relatively case large classes. Programmed learning instruction techniques (self-study) can be materials facilities this type of material audio/visual very helpful especially in presenting computer technology topics and in teaching computing and students how to use the university and/or business school. of is regular used, I I class time can be the When more Michigan of The MBA systems topics. information University the required course at materials teaching for used effectively self-study utilizes facility, elementary the teaching of the local computing The and the BASIC programming language. in software and systems concepts, required students are materials include ten assignments which the intervals throughout the semester. regular at submit to Little or no class time is spent on these subjects. projects Systems design development assignment experience. Unless time-consuming and frustrating is often a very general MBA student considers the activity two We feel that the designing teaching or most this important course the to business negative experience. things are to, interested customer is an MBA student who is relevant a when remember to first, remember that the concepts needs and in and to, and problems, environment the justified, and controlled, well-designed, systems real smallest the even or second, a in be to will have recognize that the course content and pedagogy The course is not for immediate future. the state of change for students. computer science or computer engineering probably than less students to take the development of ideal course information to elective. an fact, it is computer science or engineering allow as In state the Given of systems and the rapid change in computing will be in technology, the content and format of the course a state of constant evolution in the next few years. To attempt to meet these challenges, authors' institutions topic areas. The (Michigan) has the been course at one of the divided into three major first topic area is information systems and computing technology concepts and fundamentals. The second major topic addresses how systems and technology affect the organization. addresses systems how third The topic technology affect the individual from the and graduating MBA to the senior executive. The topics in each major area change from year-to-year but hopefully the structure will endure. will Intermediate and Advanced IS Courses For the General MBA What information systems topics and/or courses should be available to the general MBA beyond the introductory or required courses? knowledge, no general trend has developed in leading business The most common model is to provide a schools. set of intermediate and advanced "information courses for MBA students, where the To our systems major" may most or all of these courses while other students may elect only elect one or two beyond the required course. courses for non-majors is which survey, in issues of specific information courses set of functional area application a detail, the most important features and development functional systems, modelling systems. Another approach for subsequent information operations management systems, systems, e.g., marketing and financial We believe that the following issues will have to be addressed by information systems faculty with respect to courses for the general MBA: 'i ) Should incremental teaching resources be dedicated to teaching the information systems major or the general MBA candidate? 2) Do we need to develop separate advanced courses related to role areas? the of information systems in each of the business functional Do we need personnel a marketing information information be generalized in systems course, a systems course, etc., or can the topics these second and third level courses? 13 schools business In 3) functions is not taught in the organizational of operation the where taught be functions courses, should these organizational required area functional by information systems faculty? Our experience in these believe we However, more future the limited. very is of our time will be for such natural follow-on of joint research efforts with our the and in courses The incentives will be the student demand dedicated to them. courses that second-level colleagues in other functional areas. state-of-the-art the The purpose of this section is to reflect on in the area of information systems courses for the general MBA. We Schools will look at hope that information systems faculty in Business significantly more than "service courses," with all these courses as the negative academic connotations associated believe that with that phrase. We computer-based the rate of acceptance and utilization of information systems, and the effectiveness of these systems, in the the general twenty years may be highly dependent on what we teach next The cost of failure appears to be very high. MBA about our area. EXECUTIVE LEVEL MBA INFORMATION SYSTEMS EDUCATION III. Introduction Executive level management education for experienced managers been an important "product" graduate of schools Workshops, seminars, and specialty track programs of length are well established continuing 14 of has management. relatively short education opportunities for "life-long learning." educational vehicles The content, of purpose and structure, these here are very specialized and no attempt is made Rather, executive level programs. to generalize on all these executive here within the context information systems education will be discussed Executive The comprehensive vehicle: o f one accredited, lengthy, and in Masters Business one experience with base evaluation for (EMBA) Administration a be will program such of discussion a program. In particular, used an empirical, as required information systems course for an EMBA program. The EMBA Program Typically, an EMBA program functions and perspectives of focuses sharply on the corporate top-level management, including strategic and risk analysis, opportunity planning, industry and formulation policy assuming decisions and corporate The emphasis is The operational on semi-structured decision making. aspects of data input and output are not concern of the rather, transaction and location and processing of information (both effective model-based) is of primary importance. The EMBA students are "self-made" variety of exposure to information systems necessitates early experience leveling Many Most students, however, are rich (IS) pedagogically to raise issues, 15 is activities from a heterogeneous in the IS and class. experience This can possible their significant, of sources organizational "muddling through" IS issues. used come organizations; private, public, profit, and not-for-profit some are technicians with advanced degrees. prior they managers; effectively on be solutions, and their . consequences Executive IS Knowledge Table course 3 and addresses five how empirical one purposes major sample achievement of these purposes [1]. purposes designed base into one EMBA evaluated the perceived of Note that all these suggested for the EMBA IS course deal with the user view of IS and with MIS Course Purnose AchieveTient Perceptual Achievement Level Number and % Purpose Understand general role of MIS in an organization Moderate Very High Low Sample Size 13 (81.25%) 3 (18.57%) 16 organization 9 (56.25%) 7 (A3. 75%) 16 Understand major MIS technologies which help to set MIS direction 7 (43.75%) 8 (50.00%) Understand role of user in MIS 10 (62.50%) 6 (37.50%) 16 Understand MIS is not just computers and computing but, more importantly, the way business policy is implemented 12 (75.00%) 4 (25.00%) 16 Understand the effect MIS can have on an 16 1 (6.25%) 16 that also (Note the organizational consequences of IS. most is it difficult to teach MIS technology as effectively as might be desired in the minimal chosen, Whatever purposes are short course.) a EMBA is likely that due to the nature of the it purposes time available in student, the should be planning and policy oriented and emphasize economic socio-technical evaluations of IS technologies. and organization ( Further, necessary to use some integrating framework to relate it is ) the vast variety of IS topics that can be addressed. One such integrating framework which has been used to tie together the multiple course topics evaluated in Table the economic suggestions of this model and from results limited is Nolan framework this data, on its is generalization Table related topics. 4 of grasped by quickly executive students and can be effectively used to introduce of Gibson's and Although there is legitimate debate on some of Stages of Growth." "IS 4 variety a contains an evaluation of the relevancy of the topics taught in one course to an EMBA student group. One effective method of introducing individual topics to executive With students is "dynamic case writing." asked method, this if their organization has confronted a specific MIS issue redundant and inconsistent data) and how they coped with prepared instructor issues (e.g., data development can storage methods, guide the discussion charge-out, Related to particular program, in the EMBA data administration this, provides 17 (e.g., A well systems based upon executive a education an opportunity for personalized homework, where students are asked to design DSS or database or charge-out policy. it. are to point out related data politics, etc.) organization variety of actual experiences. and, students "their own" Table -. Relevancy of EMBA MIS Topics Personal Relevancy Perception Relevancy Topic Marginally Generally Very Not Stages of Growth 8/15(53.3 %) 5/15(33.3 %) 2/15(13.3 %) Information Resource 6/14(42.86%) 4/14(28.56%) 3/14(21.42%) 1/14(7.14%) Office of the Future 4/15(26.7 %) 5/15(33.3 %) 6/15(40 %) Minicomputer* 3/14(21.42%) 7/14(50 %) 3/14(21.2 Distributed Processing %) 7/15(46.7 %) 3/15(20 %) 5/15(33.3 %) 1/14(7.14%) DSS Technology 5/15(33.3 %) 8/15(53.3 %) 2/15(13.3 %) DSS Appli- cations 7/14(50 1) 5/14(35.72%) 2/14(14.28%) DSS Implementation/ Design 7/14(50 %) 7/14(50 Corporate Model Construction 5/14(35.72%) 5/14(35.72%) 4/14(28.56%) Corporate Model Use 5/14(35.72%) J5/14(35. 72%) 3/14(21.42%) 1/14(7.14%) %) 18 managers experienced teaching with Finally, experience also suggests that: 1) hands-on exposure (to, say, processing word corporate or modelling language programming) is greatly desired by managers; and 2) lectures, homeworks and demonstrations which policy/planning (few areas topical , synergistic relate various problems are financial classical uni-dimensional ) analysis case study with subsequent modelling of the case via a on a are (e.g., corporate modelling package). Conclusions This section has argued for certain characteristics of experienced especially education, manager IS integrating framework to within provide program. EMBA an insights into IS economic and issues, and organizational tradeoffs, to identify policy and planning to stimulate issue raising experience, is essential. from An From an operational viewpoint, since experienced managers are often aggressive, high-achievers who tend to over analyze (especially on homework), must be taken to control the understanding Finally, since effective workload. semi-structured decision making is key to a successful Decision Support Systems can be a top executive, final course objective which naturally evolves from addressing MIS technologies that give direction to management use of information. 19 care and theories . IV. SENIOR EXECUTIVE MIS EDUCATION Senior executives are different. The courses of interest here of MIS exposure possible. This allows typically four to thirteen weeks in length. time These importance. corporations devoted to function MIS the for who class little different in their are MIS set policy function. IS They also are their in different understanding of IS both intellectually and emotionally. little in who determine the share of corporate resources to be and the They [2]. people the are those are attend management schools for short courses, executives senior which They are different in the amount technology training due to their age. anti-IS emotional set due to a generation Most have had And many have of their in a unfulfilled visceral or only partially-fulfilled promises. Taken together, these three factors suggest that for critical is to carefully determine what should be taught in faculty MIS the it senior executive courses as well as how to best communicate limited a set of messages In our view, messages. senior executives should be "hit" first The is the function in their organizations. processes, frameworks, rapidly with three growing importance of the MIS The second is that a conceptual few tools, and techniques do exist which can, in relatively straightforward way, aid them in understanding the and in IS a area understanding the key IS issues which must be understood by top management. new major role Finally, in of IS 1980 in particular, as an information-provider thus weaning them from the traditional concerned entirely with the view they must (for decision support) of "DP" accounting-oriented 20 understand as a the -- function production of paperwork. well-designed of provision very least, relevant cases or this visits, conceptual more meaningful. executive education can be made even only six of the authors' institutions (MIT), At one be devoted in a nine-week to course by the computer exercises or, at the "hands-on" field messages these solidify Where it is possible to education. MIS senior sessions can The topics corresponding messages (as noted presented in these sessions, and their in follows: the preceding paragraph), are as importance) Technology trends and impacts (organizational information needs Managers, critical success factors, and (new role of IS) 1) 2) 3-4) Decision Support Systems (new role of IS) 5) Key IS issues 6) The manager's viewpoint (concepts for understanding). addition, time is taken in the In visit IS (concepts for understanding) a site where a course to important, all the students operation. major decision support system is in usage is Training in on-line interactive computer most have the course content is given. brought And, perhaps together in a nine-weeks in which decision one-week management game at the end of the simulations, forecasting, financial (pro-forma support packages executives to use are made available to the senior etc.) regression, of the MIS In this way, we believe many on-line as they play the game. messages are fully imbedded. 2 1 CONCLUSION -- WHY DEV O TE MIS FACULTY TIME TO NON-MAJORS -- AND SOME V. FINAL THOUGHTS ON WHAT SHOULD BE TAUGHT If the education of non-MIS majors is managers future managers will have and a done well, positive feeling toward MIS, they will understand it, and they will support a the computer is done poorly or not at all, irrelevant perhaps and over-looked and, a be bit scary by managers. negative worst, at will feelings further toward move of the computer in their organizations. application resulting the If this education viewed as dull, At best it will be toward computer the resource will render the information systems people impotent. Equally significant development, — systems more and design, programming is being done outside the MIS department and Therefore, these non-MIS people must understand user areas. in more today, how to use the computer resources effectively and efficiently. majors The range of material that should be taught to non-MIS there broad; transmitted. general is In very a wide spectrum of knowledge which should be our view more material MIS should included be organizational the curriculum significance of keep to the MIS with pace function the is a in Expanding management curriculums at all levels than is today. the MIS segment of is growing very real strategic challenge for MIS faculty today. However, as the preceeding sections have tactical challenge time-limited course. type of material is to select the indicated, right For each example course we the material have present each for indicated the which we believe should be emphasized and the logic underlying the particular choices. We end with a generalization concerning the 22 selection of course material three student groups we have examined and two other the for groups — IS Table 5 shows, the types of material we have discussed which needs to undergraduates and be taught can be arranged in material" to material understanding." a aimed management graduate IS majors. As spectrum from essentially "technological at "generalized management conceptual Almost all five student populations need some of each set of material. Undergraduate courses need a heavy emphasis on basic technology and the other concepts on the left hand side of Table primary emphasis For Senior Executive programs, however, 5. must be on the material types on the right. the Other Program emphases should take an intermediate position as noted. Within this method(s) of general framework, presentation will exact the vary widely. systems courses for general managers deserve emphasis today. I/S majors, for all progress can material Still, significant used and information MIS faculty They deserve at least as much attention as those for the reasons noted above. Information systems be hugely affected in the next decade by this education. 23 Table 5 Relative Program Emphasis Types , Footnotes [1] [2] Reserve The 1979-80 first year EMBA class at Case Western Management. of University's Weatherhead School short courses There are, of course, many information systems material the Although (1-5 days) for senior executives. we are courses, these for noted here may be actually used must which material IS concerned in this section with the whose course executive fit into a several-week senior primary purpose is general management education. References (1) for ManageACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Education Professional Graduate for ment, "Curriculum Recommendations Programs in Information Systems." CACM, May, 1972, Vol. 15, No. (2) 5, pp. 363-398. American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, Accreditation Council Policies, Procedures, and Standards, 1979-80. (3) of Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School bulletin) (program Management, The Executive MBA Program , 1979. (4) Business Cougar, J. D., Computing Newsletter for Schools of November 1979, March 1980, April 1980. (5) "Managing the Crises in Data Processing", Nolan, Richard L. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1979, 115-126. , 25 , Date Due NOV 1 3 199& AUG3120III APR 191985 JUN 5 M n 1985 JUV 1 D ilPS 81881 r MAY t 3 lH? Lib-26-67 ACME BOOKBINDING NOV 1 CO., INC. 1983 100 CAMBRIDGE STREET CHARLESTOWN, MASS. I . [BRaRiE5 DUPL 03^'^° 3 TDflD DDM 17fi TM MIT 3 IBSARiF-; L 00 =iDflD HD28.IV1414 no.ll58- 80 Dickson, Gary /The role of D»BKS 740869 information 00116579 lllllllllNII } ill II 11 ODE 0M5 TbS TDflD 3 n3i'^^ lllllllllill M 17fl TS7 DUPL Mil LlBRflfiltS 115^ 3 176 TbS TOfiO ODM )\^-0'^^ 3 TOflD TE7 20=1 M HD28.WI414 no.1161- 80 Serghiou, Serg/The level and structure 74144P 00132376 .Ll.».BKS,,.,.. TOaO 001 TTE 3 7flD HD28.M414 no 1162- 80 Pindyck, Rober/The optimal D»BKS 740960 ifl lllllllllill II iiiii TOflO 3 III III production 0013237' jii 1 1 ii liliiiiii iiliiii 001 T12 7bM HD28.M414 no 1163- 80 Eytan, Hanan T/Scheduling stock issues D«BK 74145 P ill!?* 3 TOflO 001 °\'\Z 74T no.1164- 80 Kochan, Thomas/Toward a behavioral HD28.I\/1414 741436 3 DxBKS TOflO 001.323.?.! 001 TTE mod ., fl71