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ELT Testing & Evaluation Course Outline - Dhaka University

Institute of Modern Languages
University of Dhaka
Professional MA in ELT
Session: 2018-19
ELT 508: Testing and Evaluation (4 credits)
Dr. Mian Md. Naushaad Kabir (naushaadkabir@du.ac.bd)
Course Outline
In order to build up a sound and theoretical foundation for participants, the course familiarizes them with
fundamental concepts of testing. The course content, by relating theories to practical aspects of testing,
includes topics that range from types of language tests and purposes of testing, approaches to testing,
validity and reliability, test impact, techniques of testing and stages of test construction, item analysis, to
testing different language skills. The course is designed for developing participants’ ability to critically
appreciate the actual instances of testing practices based on their understanding of the theories.
The objectives of the course are:
1. to gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts and theories of testing
2. to develop skills in the designing, trialing, moderating and validating different types of testing tools
3. to critically analyze different cases in the light of participants’ understating of the theories
4. to provide participants’ opportunities for developing their own assessment methods
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
1. demonstrate their understanding of key terms and concepts related to the field of testing
2. identify approaches and different types of tests based on their purposes
3. develop appropriate tests for their contexts
4. link teaching to testing and vice versa
5. identify, explain and assess appropriate and inappropriate tests
Types of language tests and purposes of testing: Achievement, aptitude, diagnostic, proficiency,
placement, aptitude
Approaches to testing: Analytic vs. holistic, direct vs. indirect, discrete point vs. integrative, structural vs.
communicative, subjective vs. objective, norm-referenced vs. criterion-referenced
Validity and reliability: Definition & different types of validity; definition & different types of reliability,
Test impact: Backwash or washback,
Techniques of testing and stages of test construction: MCQ, cloze, C-test, fill in the blanks, dictation,
true/false, matching, true/false, test specification; grading and sequencing of test items, variety of test items
Item analysis/Content analysis: Analysis and modification of existing language test items
Testing reading and writing skills: Scoring, rubrics, selection of test items, modality of testing, mixed
Testing listening and speaking skills and pronunciation: Scoring, rubrics, selection of test items,
modality of testing, testing items for fluency & accuracy
Testing grammar and vocabulary: Discrete vs. integrated issues, testing in context, comprehension and
production, integration of modality and skills
Scoring and Bloom’s Taxonomy (Fulcher and Davidson + selected article/s): Mean, mode, median,
central tendency, percentage, percentile; relating Bloom’s taxonomy to different types of test items
Alternative Assessment: Portfolio, performance-based assessments (projects, exhibitions, role playing,
experiments and demonstrations), writing samples, interviews, journals and learning logs, portfolios,
peer assessments, checklists
Brown, H.D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2019). Language Assessment: Principles and classroom practices (3rd
ed.). NJ: Pearson.
Hughes, A. (1989). Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.
Fulcher, G. and Davidson, F. (2007). Language testing and Assessment: as advanced resource book.
The second segment of the course aims to help students have better understanding of the foundational concept of
Evaluation in Applied linguistics and ELT. Alongside, various aspects of Evaluation in education will be
The objectives of the course are:
1. to familiarize students with the concept and practice of evaluation
2. to help students critically comprehend the nature of different kinds of assessment used in education
• Introduction to evaluation
• The principles of evaluation
• Purpose of assessment and
• Methodology of Evaluation
• Materials and syllabus
• Curriculum evaluation
• Teacher evaluation and teacher
• Steps in Collecting
Observational data
• learner outcomes and
classroom methodology
• Project evaluation
• The practice of evaluation
• Program and course evaluation
Weir, C. and Roberts, J. (1994). Evaluation in ELT. UK: Blackwell.
Rea-Dickins, P., & Germaine, K. (1992). Evaluation. Oxford University Press.
DURATION 24 contact hours at least
REQUIREMENTS Students will be required to undertake recommended readings, apply them to
complete assignments and participate actively in class. 80% attendance is mandatory.
Final Exam
Continuous Assessment through pop quiz, presentation, or term paper
75% marks
25% marks
Supplementary materials: Reading from different books chapters, articles, online resources, and
handouts will be given later on.
N.B. Plagiarism in any form will be heavily penalized.