Uploaded by William Robert Silva

Sabijon ELT: Rules of Conduct & Classroom Etiquette

To ensure the safety and security of all students involved in this
course, and the intellectual property rights of Sabijon ELT, it is
required that all participants agree to the following rules of
1. The session will be recorded with the consent of all participants.
2. Video or audio recording of live sessions without consent is not allowed.
3. All learning materials and recordings in the course are the intellectual
property of Sabijon ELT and should not be distributed, copied or shared
with anyone else.
4. Students can take screenshots during the presentation for personal
revision but they should not be distributed for commercial or social
media purposes.
5. I give my permission for Sabijon ELT to share my name, image and
feedback about the course in media to promote Sabijon ELT services,
no other personal information will be shared.
Classroom Etiquette
Join the meeting room 5 minutes before class starts.
Use English language only during live sessions.
Have your camera on during live sessions.
Use mute when not speaking to avoid noise distraction.
Be polite and respectful to all participants.
Dress appropriately for class.
No foul language.
Don’t share personal information in chat.
9. Focus on the session and avoid multi-tasking.
10.Be prepared to attend the full training session.
I understand the above points: ________________________________ (name/signature/date)