WVDE Priority Conference September 22 -23, 2014 CAP Script


WVDE Priority Conference

September 22 -23, 2014

CAP Script

General Session: Power Point Presentation (8:30 – 8:55)

Introduction: Title, Purpose, Graphic

CAP Data Collection Process Slides: Ask the question “What is the most commonly heard concern from teachers about the grade level(s) before them?”

Brief description of the Overall Process: “The Link” Past – Future – Present

Note: They are building the Framework, Prioritize, Not all of the details

Review Steps and Related Arts Protocol

Tool Kit Slides: Materials needed for Collection:

Next Gen CSO’s – (available on Teach 21)

 CAP Progression Documents

 Annotated CAP Progression

Performance Descriptors for Mastery

Professional Experience

“Change” Slide

MS 365 Digital Access & Follow Up

Keys to Success

Room Assignments

RESA 6 Contact Information

Move to groups: Elementary, Middle, and High School (8:55 – 9:05)

1 Highlights –power point


Introduction & CAP Collection Overview (9:05 – 9:25)

Review Power Point Personality Trait Slides from Compass Exercise, so everyone knows what they are dealing with!! On the Personality Compass Sheet*, mark personality, keep in front of you.

Review Norms* (on the back of the Compass Exercise) for each group. Add any additional Norms. (Emphasis the “No Finger Pointing” as they look at grade levels in the past and future.)

Set Norms for group work o Start on Time – End on Time o Everyone Participates o No Finger Pointing o BE HERE, NOW o Others?

 Explain Scenario Activity vs “Real Time”: Assign grade levels and subject with

Programmatic level. (Also explain set up for “Real Time”)

Related Arts Slide - Promote TOTAL School Involvement!

Pair 2 & Share*: Begin to fill out in working groups, may add or delete as you work through the CAP process. – Hold on until the end of the CAP Workshop.

Look over the Reflective Questions* (On the back of the Pair 2 & Share) - Think about these as you go through the process

 Note: Keep these handouts available throughout the CAP Process to update

Overview CAP Collection Process:

What is the most commonly heard concern from teachers about the grade level before them?

Review Chain Link*

 Overview of Complete CAP Process*

Related Arts

Step 1: Present Alignment: Horizontal Collaboration (9:25 – 9:30)

Explanation of Process:

 Overview of Step 1*

 Graphic Organizer*

2 Highlights –power point


CAP Progression Documents* - This is the document they will write on. Make sure they have appropriate document. (Eng/LA, Math, Social Studies, Science) Note: Elementary will only be doing Eng/La and Math (This is the document that participants will write


Completed Annotated Cap Progression* – Will discuss one column at a time


Critical Skills Explanation - 1 st column (9:30 – 9:40)

First Focus is “Critical Skills” Column.

Tool Kit : Teach 21/NextGen WVCSOs

Critical Skill = ACTION VERBS

Completed 1 st Column Annotated CAP Progression (Only Critical Skills) and the

Initial Sample: 3 rd Grade Civics

Prioritize and use Action Verbs!

 ONLY TO WORK ON THIS SECTION! Then we will check-in.

Critical Skills Group Work: Circulate for assistance

Key Vocabulary and Concept Explanation – 2 nd column (9:40 – 9:55)

 Now Focus on “Key Vocabulary and Concepts” Column.

 Tool Kit: Teach 21/NextGen WVCSOs and Professional Experience

2 nd Column Annotated CAP Progression (Only Vocabulary and Concepts)

Initial Sample: 3 rd Grade Civics

 Prioritize

ONLY TO WORK ON THIS SECTION! Then we will check-in.

Key Vocabulary and Concepts Group Work: –Circulate for assistance

 Performance Descriptors Explanation – 3 rd column (9:55 – 10:10)

 Tool Kit: Performance Descriptors for Mastery Tool Kit – Use the Performance

Descriptors for your grade level (Link to RESA 6 website)

3 rd Grade Performance Descriptors for Social Studies/Civics

 Tool Kit: Professional Experiences

3 Highlights –power point


3 rd Column Annotated CAP Progression (Performance Descriptors Only)

Initial Sample: 3 rd Grade Civics


 ONLY TO WORK ON THIS SECTION! Then we will check-in.

 Notes & Additional Evidence …. 4 th column - Add in any professional examples that may not have been included while working on the first 3 columns

 Completed Document after Step 1

Performance Descriptors Group Work: – Administrators circulate for assistance

Step 1: Reflective Question: (Will Share in Closing Activity) Which Tools were most useful?

How did you use the tools? Any adjustments needed? a.

Performance Descriptors Mastery Charts b.

CAP Progress Document c.

NextGen WVCSOs

Step 2: Alignment PAST & FUTURE - Vertical Collaboration (10:10 – 10:20)

Explanation of Process

Overview of Step 2*

Graphic Organizer*

 Each group will split: (Role Play)Half of the group will go to previous grade level/course and half will go to the next grade level/course progression. (Explain “Real Time


Each group will Listen, Collaborate, and Note Differences in the PAST and FUTURE.

Make any necessary additions or deletions under the 4 th Column Annotated CAP

Progression - Notes & Additional Evidence ….

Completed Document after Step 2

Circulate for assistance

Step 2: Reflective Question: (Will Share in Closing Activity) Are there any surprises? Do you see any adjustments for your grade level?

4 Highlights –power point


Step 3: RECONVENE WITH THE PRESENT- Horizontal Collaboration (10:20 – 10:25)

Explanation of Process

Overview of Step 3*

 Graphic Organizer*

Annotated CAP Progression Document: Share information from the vertical collaboration and update

Review/Revise and Edit all columns - Completed Sample: 3 rd Grade Civics

 Fill out the electronic form – Recommended to send final digital copy to designated sight (Suggested MS 365)

Step 3: Reflective Question: (Will Share in Closing Activity) What follow-up is needed to embed the CAP Process within your school/County? Have you identified obstacles as you integrate/implement the CAP Process in your school/county?

Review Process and Reflection: (10:25 – 10:40)

 Review Overview of CAP

Update your Pair 2 and Share, discuss as a Group! Regarding the Initial Compass Points,

are there “Worries”/Obstacles, what are some possible solutions? Any other questions and concerns

Keys to Success

Count Off: 1 – 2- 3: 1 Move to Elementary Room; 2 – Move to Middle Room; 3 – Move to High


Move to groups (10:40 – 10:45)

Closing Activity: (10:45 – 11:00)

CAP – HAT TRICK!* Group into the 3 Programmatic Levels (Elementary, Middle, High School) to discuss and share the 3 Reflective Questions.

5 Highlights –power point

