MIT 3 ALFRED P. 2 TD6D OObOlBEb H WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT National in LIBRARIES DUPl Champion Strategy Development Technology Jong-Tsong Chiang WP January 1990 3128-90-BPS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ^ ' he,: National in Champion Technology Strategy Development Jong-Tsong Chiang WP January 1990 1. The author is grateful to the International 3128-90-BPS Institute Systems Analysis (IIASA) and several organizations their financial This paper 1990). in Applied Europe for support and other assistance in doing the field research concerning this topic in a 2, for is to appear in number of European Technology in Society countries. (forthcoming, 1990 Champion National Strategy Development Technology in Abstract To cope with well as the huge resources needed for technology development, increasingly many the severe international competition as countries have been trying to concert national efforts "National champion strategy," like many in recent strategic fields. national technology programs, seems to represent one promising strategic thrust. technological This paper examines cases in several critical fields, biotechnology, namely, information technology, new advanced materials, nuclear power and aerospace countries, industrialized in and reaches the following preliminary conclusions: The protection of national market 1. champion(s) is to size of the potential market is is rather subjective, to in the strategic thinking the ultimate success of a strategy. presumably "minimum threshold size" would find their competition. national champion(s), any, difficult many small provide to to from international fields and certainly large ones, countries, if it But systems technologies and applications "internalization" justify decision initial "Small" countries with small domestic markets relative to a 2. insulate the at and should thus be adapted to new from the beginning appears crucial champion however, practice, Therefore, most The inclusion of foreign markets situations. In very difficult to predict early stages of the product life cycle. making national This also concerns the decision often considered. about ihe appropriate number of champions. the nurture opportunities for which bolster their national champions through a protected domestic market. 3. "Single champion protection 4. is strategy" along with protracted market risky due to the absence of competition pressure. "Multiple champion strategy" with so severe internal competition as to result in fragmentation of critical technology knowledge required is deleterious. potentially 5. systems very large-scale, highly integrated in In highly complex technologies, public regulatory bodies may also have to play a developmental some complementary and even partner role and share knowledge with the regulated technical organizations for the sake of technology integrity and progress. they try to do so, they have to concurrently seemingly conflicting roles in manage the If two order not to hurt their credibility in the main missions. 6. A technologies tends to impede increasingly converging because of the difficulty reaping synergy across formal in of actors with complementary capabilities champion strategy national innovation, 8. alliances may be in different difficult is apply. to because of relatively its for military missions, the "civilian progress if is champion(s)" national the diverging and different military mainly prompted may not become in little the arise. and civilian competition champion strategy insurmountable foreign competitors has "multinational importance champion(s)" when civilian applications requirements When 10. initial "military The main reasons include technology less marginal effect. technologies whose In is and there exist large, established firms, incremental successful Instead, more appropriate. government national champion strategy would be of 9. of stages more conventional technologies where innovation In basically growth newly emerging technologies where there are many types In strategic its boundaries. organizational 7. defined domain of a champion in relatively narrowly rules. face of seemingly opportunity champion strategy" may be advisable. of success, This strategy, not confined only in "pre-competitive" and public goods fields, requires participant national members to relinquish substantial managerial jurisdiction to the organization to behave like an integrated competitor. acquisition alliances." or merger, This strategy, except in the extreme case of goes beyond today's prevailing "strategic Introduction As the history of the past three decades shows, the strategy of champion(s) usually applies to the fields of nationally national strategic importance, or is used Though industries. this recently proliferating strategy does not entirely coincide technology programs, national and often has an important role therefore strategy even it with the implicitly is or on the central and long-term agenda of many governments, explicitly This cover the key "nodes" of the network of interdependent upstream and downstream the filiire,^ to in warrants technology development. national attention. special economics, competition favored over monopoly In classical in technology development, because the former stimulates most efficient whereas the of resources allocation is latter permits under- investment in addition to production restriction and higher prices. However, too much competition may dilute and spread too thinly the resources available and preclude the formation of "critical limited some thresholds of bigger mass" necessary to surpass may in redundant and thus wasteful efforts, though also result thrusts. It redundancy may yield a larger number of solution routes and thus likelihood of success. ^ increase the innovative monopolistic capabilities, undertake firms Schumpeter advocates may formal organizational country competition But it seems economics. large, "National champion strategy" some sense follows Schumpeter's argument. cooperation which that innovation, ^ the driving force and the necessary consequence of capitalism.^ in static of monopolies are more than counterbalanced by their inefficiencies greater Maintaining that the It internalizes otherwise be difficult to achieve across boundaries, instead and emphasizes of intra-national international company competition. to be also unable to completely escape the rule in classic Therefore the strategy of "multiple champions" is suggested as opposed to that of "single champion" under certain circumstances. For this strategic issue, the investigation of real world experience in several important technological fields on some of its critical aspects. may shed light In the following discussion, only cases with profound technological implications will be used. Therefore cases like the establishment of a large integrated steel mill, which is champion national certainly a most countries but mainly for the in domestic supply of basic materials, will thus be excluded. Market Domestic To nurture Strategy national industry in general, many Number and champion(s) complex relations Champions and indigenous particular in countries also take the protection of But between these two decisions domestic market into consideration. are of needing further clarification. take information technology (IT) for elaboration. First In the major fields of "stand-alone" IT products, such as computers (mainly mainframe or large computers) and semiconductors, basically no small advanced countries have explicitly considered protection of domestic market as a way to support their own national champions. Openness of economies derives directly from their market size their even smaller than a certain threshold presumably necessary for the Scandinavian and Benelux economies of scale and specialization. ^ countries exposed to Therefore their firms are normally obvious examples. are champions have emerged because of protected market. Netherlands is Thomson an example, in contrast with where government can use protection strategy due As domestic market. is in a natural extension, when if it will in the France in its much larger champion national and can, than the protection of domestic market. The present dilemma imposed by Norwegian government When typifies the the the domestic market a real option. more than one champion. shaky Norsk Data on the difficult seems presumably necessary minimum becomes to size, of But there may also be possibility The key question Without special mechanism concentration, a protection the lies in it to support not only the subsequent penetration market. foreign result in situation. be big enough relative to degree of internal competition but also the into a to Philips danger, government in a small country has to seek other measures, the Few from the very beginning. international competition to influence the industrial low entry threshold and severe competition may great number of small firms which cannot survive challenge from big foreign firms. But unreserved support to a single champion and make relaxed it may preparation in rid of competition pressure it subsequent international for This gives rise to the rationale of the strategy of competition. champions with constant competition ingrained between multiple them, protected market a in collusion can be prevented. if In the real world, however, it is extremely difficult to estimate even the potential domestic market Therefore the the early stages of product life cycle. making fact rather subjective, in is decision initial and should be followed by close monitoring of the development and necessary measures to adapt the new government has a long champions national strategic in strategy of single champion: government French "unfortunately" single national also tried succeeded champions among domestic in many to enhance strengthened in In that the Japanese government programs; creating fields. is in resisting national in strategic multiple champions market has several rationalize to in government succeeded notably in semiconductors, the outcome competition Japanese by merging smaller domestic firms. temporary participation except initiatives usually relies on the it betting on one or the only one. Japanese companies "Fortunately" support or create to example, automobile and computer, competitiveness national tradition But areas. early post-war era the in for industries, the to situations. In France, for the in IT, and many and most severe internal the initial protected companies' capabilities subsequent international competition with great success. other hand, throughout the whole process the On number of champions has been controlled by Japanese government through some mechanisms such programs as membership of a government procurement. ^ and series of national The Japanese government has also timely used export encouragement measures to help these champions penetrate foreign market.^ champions have shown weakness their home market. In the in By contrast, French IT competing satisfactorily outside U.K. the support to the single national computer champion ICL and semiconductor champion not succeed. that the The British assessment, and INMOS also did plausible reasons are many, including, for instance, government that the effort involved little commercial French government pursue both military ^ and commercial objectives which were not congruent But would be it to say that the distinction fair to each other. between "single champion" and "multiple champions" counts. With the benefit of hindsight, Japan's domestic IT market now proves to be larger than either France or the U.K. means easy predict in to governments the it was by no 1960s and 1970s when the three took actions to cultivate their all But own national champions, that Japan's domestic market would be larger over some time horizon given Japan's then considerable lag behind France and average income and industrial and technological levels. the U.K. in made based on may be quite Therefore, although no conclusive statement can be brief analysis of such a small number of cases, reasonable to propose that single champion protracted market protection it is by the justified both along with strategy long run, even the in if estimate of potential domestic market. initial other words, competition rather risky is it pressure either at home a In from abroad or or necessary. is In the U.S. where there no is explicit industrial policy, the Department of Defense (DOD), the major government agency sponsoring many IT DOD innovations, also follows similar principle. winners out of the vigorous internal competition, picks potential while the military procurement market is competition too. Certainly in can be argued that U.S. this case it insulated market, military or civilian, has been clearly French or British counterparts It is nearly in the at either accommodate multiple champions. up; "paradigmatic stages." The relevant microcomputer. set larger than worth noting that the preceding analysis cannot apply lower-end IT products present to much from foreign One example industrial standards to is have been key microprocessors and memory chips are available open markets; and companies compete more or less in accordance with the "traditional" principle of comparative advantage. To explain suffices this, the classic theory of "international product life cycle" roughly. 9 Hence there is no big surprise that personal computers from Taiwan and South Korea compete quite successfully in the world market. purposefully backed by South Korea has several national champions its government for several decades. Taiwan, on the contrary, mainly nearly far on small and medium enterprises. relies They the firms in this field are followers or "clones." all But are behind the technological forefronts where the major industrialized countries have been trying argument, however, not to underestimate, successful is for example, This their quite technology and alliance strategies to upgrade their relative "international product life cycle." ^^ position in the Internalization Systems in IT applications In vehemently. rival to of national companies. many there are fields, In and Technologies Applications opportunities banking automation in in favor Finland, Norkia's microcomputers which could hardly compete against foreign products have a special privilege to serve their country's banking Many systems. this category. industrial embedded IT processes with The "systemic meaning character," that also belong to element or subsystem technologies or products are part of a large system and extensive efforts to adapt them to the context are required, provides some kind of shield for domestic firms. This effect in of the argument for internalization at the firm level '^ is to an extension the country Therefore in national IT policies and programs, even in small level. candidate champions usually can have better chance in the countries, applications In areas. telecommunications, a large scale IT systems technology, most PTTs (Post, Telephone and Telegraph Authorities) follow principle through high counterparts, weak prices, services contract and procurement policy to nurture suppliers or national firms in the joint ventures big national foreign R&D despite systems telecommunications world Deregulation, the international or hardware liberalization is in frequent competitiveness, many and and outdated countries. ^^ undergoing new previously fragmented international uncertainty scenarios, alliances with outcome of unreasonably "structural multinational Recently the change." collaborative have been introduced in the U.S., Japan and West Europe. resultant this programs The such as more competition, integration of standards and markets, among major and challenge to the firms, national will and more certainly champion add new strategy. '^ Domain Business Champions of Another important issue As coverage of business. champion in the is a historical lesson, CII, the French national computers, resisted buying products from another semiconductor champion Sescosem. that champion strategy national in It bought rather from U.S. firms The French were producing more advanced products. telecommunications industry did purchase from the U.S. for similar reasons. In striking contrast, Japanese major IT competitors are all highly vertically integrated. Hitachi, Fujitsu, NEC, Toshiba, Mitsubishi and Matsushita, the six of the world's ten largest semiconductor companies account for 80% of Japan's semiconductor production, 80% of semiconductor consumption, consumer electronics in 80% of computer production, telecommunications equipment production, and which Japan holds two of about half of thirds of FRG market share, ahead of the second country 60% OECD by a factor of export six.i'^ Besides, they have also close linkages, including equity cross- ownership, with suppliers and affiliated industrial insurance companies, and general trading companies. NEC, one of concurrently among the example is two companies the world's top ten are designed into design systems use its integrated companies its electronic They in the exist in difficult to IBM) products; its integrated semiconductor These open markets only those microchips to threaten enjoy far more intensive cooperation between users and suppliers, which much more Its mainframes and supercomputers. sell also good producers of semiconductors, which could not be used by other competitors themselves. A (the other one is computers and telecommunications equipments. circuits banks and groups, is essential to innovation achieve if and would be formal organizational boundaries between. This special feature of Japanese IT industry as a big threat to the U.S. same category and where only AT&T are able to achieve and is IBM also pointed out belong to the dynamic economies of Other U.S. "merchant semiconductor companies" may easily fall victims to Japanese conglomerates because they have to 8 scale. sell their most advanced products to the in open market and are facing keep pace with Japanese firms in difficulty continuous and increasingly investments. ^5 huge As a matter of fact, the converging IT, exemplified by the of computers integration more and more systems incorporation of the converging necessitates microelectronics, competition. This etc. will microchips, naturally into Firms which can master business. processing, data manufacturing, integrated and telecommunications and the telecommunications, computer- have upper hand the paradigm. i<* economic global exactly the advantage of the unique firm is of Japan's national innovation system in structure in In this regard, new IT the Siemens and techno- Philips, both covering a wide array of IT technologies, seem to have better chance than most other European champions, compensate for their relative probably through the joint by FRG if they can successfully deficiencies Mega in semiconductors Project which is also underwritten and Dutch governments. Complementarity of Actors in Various Innovation Stages In new biotechnology, another also strategically important field, national champion has been rarely used. strategy phenomenon may give clues to the strategic This thinking in other also newly emerging technologies with similar character. Broadly defined, biotechnology includes any technique which uses living organisms (or parts of organisms) to make or modify products, to improve plants or animals, or to develop micro- organisms for specific uses. in But following the seminal breakthroughs genetic engineering in the mid 1970s, "new biotechnology" emerged centering around recombinant novel bioprocessing, certainly still etc., DNA (rDNA), cell fusion, as opposed to "old biotechnology" which provides a base for and complements "new biotechnology." Due variety as to its of fields, tremendous potential of applications many countries in a very wide have identified new biotechnology a priority area for national attention and effort. However, some features specific strategies rather new biotechnology from different quite First, in to that in present a picture of national IT. and moral issues resulted serious concern over safety the restrictive regulations many in consensus formation and investment Second, like biotechnology. in and deterred the the development in many countries, new of other newly emerging fields, most countries, except the pioneers, have been more or slow less to new technology. Nevertheless, Japan MITI's declaration in 1981 of new biotechnology to be one of the next generation basic technologies triggered much attention and recognize the pivotal importance of Many governments reactions. a plethora of reports for thus tried to "do something," and national plans. some countries even it would still take time human resources necessary prepare to But including to carry out missions of considerable challenge, as the cases of France and Sweden show.'^ Furthermore, to date success depends largely on the progress situated in universities new biotechnology in still fundamental research mainly in and non-profit research institutes. Partly because of the rather obvious and immediate commercial many applications of relatively research advances and partly because of the low financial entry threshold, many small new biotechnology firms have been formed through "academic entrepreneurs" equity markets allow. uniquely American. biotechnology is "climate" if Up to In Japan "spin-offs" of and venture capital or other now, however, this phenomenon is still and Western Europe, new being commercialized almost exclusively by established firms, with only a few exceptions like Celltech in the U.K. But the profit of new biotechnology firms so principally from insulin leads human health care and human growth hormone are among the still very few genetically-engineered products many come stock market trading and the sale of research and contracts rather than from products. arena, far has in In the market. In contrast with small firms in IT which were formed to market definite products, most small new biotechnology houses with the objective of determining 10 firms were started as how to make R&D products. ^^ On much stronger capabilities at the later stages of commercialization, marketing and, when necessary, getting regulatory production, i.e., hand, large established firms have apparently the other approval for new establishing "strategic Many products. as research R&D grant, with alliances" and small innovative firms. strategy, internal venture as In new innovations with high exposure and its risk, own may 1970s respectively, offer new scientific Therefore alliance strategy, pitfalls.'^ hierarchy integrdted technological to some areas, As arise. 21 entirely to "extreme" makes it risky to the is albeit addition to in large firms. The high hence inappropriateness of integration. 20 rely the potential also governance structures-- But it on market transaction should needs a matter of fact, large firms' internal that related spirit, many in and technical commit too much resources suddenly increased dramatically since 1984 reason or more and complexity of technology also makes the uncertainty vulnerable an explicit policy and pure market transaction. volatility focal is avoids two strategy this fact, R&D reduce financial flexibility, acquire "windows" to increasing internal effort, In uncertainty, internal advances, and keep pioneering and entrepreneurial with venture which were rather commonly adopted by large and resource allocation organizational take such forms of emerging face the compared with progressive 1960s and firms during may strategy universities institutes, contract, licensing, joint venture, or radically alliance research new This nurturing and equity investment. technologies of them nowadays have been in R&D The main the U.S. of protein engineering investment became technology seemed to enter "trajectory phase" clear and around then. 22 Moreover, because of the seemingly less environment and the more advanced research many European institutes, strict regulatory activities in the U.S., large firms seek alliances with U.S. firms or sometimes at the expense of their domestic counterparts. Examples include famous FRG's Hoechst, Bayer and BASF, and Swiss Ciba-Geigy, Hoffmann-La Roche and Sandoz. Given the situations as discussed above, most industrialized countries are relying more on approach of whole innovation the 1 1 including process, strengthening two-way linkages between the academic community and industry, than on programs with narrower The U.S. emphasizes particularly funding research, encouraging and cultivating human resources, and regards targeting foci. firms, policies as policies and but with countries have similar emulate U.S. unique experience by supporting to try through small firms Many European important. 23 least and secondary stock markets, venture capital obvious success except in the U.K.24 little Japan, recently often referred to by western world as the due "biggest threat" to seems not very smooth collaboration, industrial government guidance and effective its national effort in this field. There are new biotechnology concerns the jurisdiction ministries Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Health and Welfare). It of two reasons. at least its First, four Trade and Industry, of International Ministries (i.e.. least at organizing in Education and Culture, and proves very difficult to orchestrate a national response because each territory despite MITI's active promotion. guards jealously ministry Second, in the its own research consortium sponsored by MITI for pre-competitive collaboration, there It over forty members are become has topics for the biggest common reluctant to join. way the program And there problem projects. ^^ Hence that dilemma The evidence if in if background and interest. reach agreement on specific some major companies are property also stands in new biotechnology of the well-known VLSI Project. many countries are facing more the picture reason to believe that or less similar very difficult, to Besides, quite different from is diverse Sensitivity to intellectual to collaboration. is with of they try to follow Japan's strategy. new biotechnology therefore suggests that it is not impossible, to adopt national champion strategy new field with diverging promising directions to pursue Fundamental and with many actors of complementary capabilities. research community needs a considerable amount of resources and The rather high degree of freedom to generate novel results. in such a strategy of "center of excellence" science" relying approach. may apply here, but not "big Large established firms are existing "champions" mainly on themselves and autonomously organized alliances 12 to move There ahead. is by government champion materialize former two groups. now is It environment rather than U.S. strength, 26 unique rapidly the them to provide it seems is a favorable rationale, it may enjoy small industrialized countries to apply very of policies the than major countries in special strategic advantage over Because the the expense of small and medium is also concern enterprises. In when at meantime, the niche strategy rooted in the country's unique strength agriculture) about guiding government policies in it coordinate both government to and business strategies, though there dominant role of large firms than the small and there are only a small number of major actors, is easier On could be inferred that some major countries, as the case of the Netherlands shows. is number of claimed to internationalization prevailing Based on the preceding country the disputable in semiconductors. is to complicates national effort with exclusive character. further alliances crucial some sense bridge in consolidate them into a small to appropriately here, though hand, and The law of "microcosm," which larger players. other Small innovative firms seek strategy. entrepreneurship their characterize marginal effect which can be induced little (e.g., can also be more easily agreed upon by different parties the coverage of national effort is, and usually should be, too wide, too general and thus too divergent to handle as in major Therefore even countries. appropriate, more if national program launched experience of is not more focused and concerted national endeavor may be a feasible in a small country. national champion strategy many the first one. 27 in the In fact, biotechnology is the first Netherlands, contrary to the other countries where IT program This potential advantage, nonetheless, is is normally still of little relevance to those countries which, albeit small, have deep-rooted decentralization Military and In Japan, tradition, like Switzerland. Commercial Champions MITI has stated its belief that "mew materials" is one of the three basic technologies essential to the establishment of the new industries in the 1990s. The other two, predictably, are new biotechnology and new electronic devices. 13 In the U.S., Office of 9 Technology Assessment of Congress has maintained advanced that materials technology will be a determining factor in the global competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing industries in the 1990s and beyond. 28 Advanced materials can be classified ceramics, into metals, polymers and composites which generally consist of fibers of one material held together by a matrix of another material. technologies in advanced understanding scientific and micro-structure of relationships and in between materials customer specifications--a radical change in renewal of activities is They have almost every manufacturing sector. This alloys). generally is which to hence the rising consumption and great potential adapt, to which by techniques from the past when materials usually created a constraint users had in Advanced materials have opened up new supplying of the from the advances result macro-properties, they are processed. perspectives materials Relevant why in also more conventional materials prompted a (e.g., super term "advanced" rather than "new" materials the preferred. ^ advanced materials technology, the U.S. has achieved In a strong position largely as a result of military and, to a lesser degree, space programs demanding high performance materials. advanced structural materials, 60% of Federal operating R&D example, DOD accounts for about budget, aiming especially at such goals as higher temperatures, and reduced weight. for In If higher toughness, lower radar observability, development, testing and evaluation military funds, as well as funds for classified programs were included, this fraction in would be higher. This major reason for U.S. leadership a is advanced composite technology of all types. ^^ At present, though, advanced materials developed applications suited for are expensive, and fabrication processes mass production. According to potential are for military poorly U.S. commercial end users, major use of these advanced materials will not be profitable within the next five years— the typical most U.S. firms. to In solve remaining manufacturing many cases, ten to twenty years will be required technical methods. 3' planning horizon of problems and Hence there 14 is to develop rapid, low-cost little commercial "market on advanced materials technology pull" in the U.S. other words, In U.S. military technology leadership would not easily be translated As strong domestic commercial industry. into a major military contractors the advanced materials have not played in commercial significant role in a consequence, a Given the U.S. Administration's area. reluctance to accept a Congress suggestion to have a nationally- R&D, coordinated approach to advanced materials and on leaving commercial decisions to the private sector, how preeminent "commercial champions" predict As U.S. its is it will insistence difficult emerge at most indirect, albeit maybe very reaching, influence on the commercial sector, and the early champions" do not always become the In Japan, where there procurement relative As alloys. the in is little is materials too. later far- "military "commercial champions." R&D indigenous military and nor viable aircraft industry, most U.S. explicitly commercial. It focuses on carbon fibers, engineering plastics and amorphous IT industry, Japanese highly horizontally and vertically companies enjoy some integrated use to advanced materials ceramics, fine the the early development of IT industry implies, U.S. military programs normally have effort in in to They create "technology push" production experience. in long-term investment in advanced gaining advanced ceramics, Japanese end users commitment than exhibit far higher advantage "market pull" inside their companies, and through In relative their U.S. counterparts to the use R&D of these materials. Both governments spend roughly equal funds but Japanese industry spends about three times in this more than slightly its field, government, whereas U.S. industry invests only higher than its government. 32 proved Japan's superiority. Electronic ceramics have The manufacturing technology of superconductive materials into thin and thick films, and wires and tapes in Japan largest typifies is also expected to lead the world. ^^ and most highly integrated ceramics firm the firm structure unique to Japan. In in Kyocera, the the world, contrast with aircraft customers like Airbus Industrie, the single largest consumer of polymer matrix composites in Europe, Toyota introduced metal matrix composite diesel engine piston consisting of aluminum locally 15 reinforced with ceramic fibers. This an important harbinger of the is use of composites in low-cost, high-volume commercial applications. In Furthermore, the budget to that in the U.S. new advances incorporate no exception. commercial In the budget is incomparable normally used is to systems to catch up with the into military U.S., not to create real innovations. ^^ is R&D European countries, military all The field of advanced materials most countries also lack the area, Therefore most highly integrated firm structure as in Japan. European countries have neither "American type strength" nor "Japanese type strength," though with own its As to FRG is regarded as full of potential type in between. public universities, research institutes and industry research consortia, U.S. experience points to their main success in education and "window" function rather than research commercial outcomes. needed departments and is it whole. In It normally scattered widely across are not easy to integrate them into a fully the also be closely connected. relatively advanced materials, relevant disciplines many, 35 but they are functional In or results meantime, design and manufacturing should This character may also explain the small role of small companies in advanced materials. is certainly about the strategies still in too early to make any strong argument However, advanced materials technology. it may be reasonable to hypothesize that highly integrated firms can best meet the requirements of "commercial champions," because they can best integrate demand, design and production functions. This is not to imply that they can afford overlooking the cooperation with other actors. For more conventional materials where innovation incremental, usually large, established role, The and there is not much room for firms will play is the central government champion strategy. rationale is similar to that in "old biotechnology" as noted previously. Competition and Cooperation Nuclear power technology complexity and integration. in is Highly Integrated Systems characterized by extremely high This nature 16 is in striking contrast with In IT, information transmission that of IT. the is main whole system required can usually be disintegrated ways under the condition some prescribed manner. different Therefore there are many in is technological terms of products, processes and discrete subsystems. options in In in information input and output the that The goal. nuclear power, the transmission of huge amount of energy and materials necessitates a The requirement the focus. is in flow balance huge package of highly interdependent subsystems. The deep concern over safety and environment further urges very stringent specifications. In order to be commercially viable and minimum economic competitive with conventional power, the Besides, the investment very large. The very rather rigid. sophisticated is scale is highly capital intensive and core technology, nuclear steam supply system (NSSS, including reactor), has few options, and there are only a very number of vendors small each nuclear power plant is more or in site-specific. less Moreover, the world. Architect- engineers, which are responsible for designing the rest of a nuclear power have plant, thus system engineering. in the to In be capable of large scale and complex the meantime, utilities have to be involved procurement and construction project management too. Because of the push toward many extreme technical conditions real scale and the very long life cycle of a nuclear more than usually exist small many thirty technical from design years to power plant- retirement, may there problems which cannot be foreseen through experience accumulated from prior plants. This constitutes a big challenge in of)eration and maintenance phase. actors in nuclear power are major players. As a result, all key Each plant construction equivalent to a "national project" in most countries given Due the demonstrative versions or through rather complete scale financial in its is huge investment and technological and managerial challenge. to distribution, different traditions utilities may be in electricity centralized production and or decentralized. In reactor development, France and the U.K. are more centralized than the U.S., FRG and Japan, Nonetheless, all governments finance generic research and experimental development. and the U.K. also have military interest. 17 Some like the U.S., France To meet the high standard of capability NSSS and enhance international competitiveness, vendors in most major countries have been consolidated example, the single nationalized one may they NSSS take the responsibility. with several to architect-engineers, utilities In Japan France and the U.S., In Sweden, In the only NSSS many and FRG, utilities vendor cooperates for the task. For safety sake, are As be independent professional companies. vendors also do the job. They countries have regulatory agencies. all supposed to be independent of and suppliers, and utilities execute their duty in approving, monitoring and even closing, nuclear necessary, for France, three consortia in in FRG. Japan, and privately merged one in into, power strictly if plants. In reactor technology, FRG and Japan mainly guided by utilities' opinion adopted U.S. versions from the beginning, whereas France and the U.K. guided by government agencies pursued gas-cooled type But the much greater number of U.S. version using natural uranium. plant constructions drove the learning curve down much faster, therefore France and the U.K. finally gave up gas-cooled type and turned to U.S. versions. They of their technology inferiority lost if not really because of the "ultimate" experience of same number of plant constructions could be compared, but because of the economic the the operation of nuclear earlier, tremendous technical support. by percentage of availability. full power availability is about maintenance of six Its power Under normal condition, 88% due weeks per annum. 1% loss in a lOOOMW hence the main goal of all to refueling the designed and Because capacity loss will plant, to maintain plants. plant also calls performance can be evaluated incur very high replacement cost,37 for example, about cost for at time. 3 6 same As noted for by comparing alternative reactor options determined inviability US$10 million high availability is In this line, the senior leader, the U.S., performs badly on the national average relative to most other industrialized countries. 150 light water reactors According to a study investigating about (LWRs) in the U.S., Sweden and Switzerland, ^^ U.S. 77 1975-84 is plants' France, Japan, FRG, average availability during only around 60%, with highest standard deviation and 18 Some showing no sign of significant improvement. other countries Japan and FRG also but both have made big progress, and their availability level in the like mid-1980s To far is met serious technical problems explain this situation, the different patterns of relations whereas the U.S., about technical issues experience 440MW PWRs In this respect, Finland's Finland also has in 1970s Finland imported In adapt USSR two But these 710MW BWRs involvement was much the so the This regulator's less. between relations U.S. the normal practice Later Finland (boiled water reactors). time the delivery was nearly turn-key type, As regards it technology to western code, solve and make own specifications. imported two Swedish is and suppliers, utilities to solicit competitive in the bids to keep cost Therefore the suppliers are highly competitive against one another. other countries, In and suppliers exchange Institute is Among sharing. is valued, long term relationship between there utilities, evidence that the experience is also far less in the U.S. The U.S. (EPRI) has had done something So However, INPO only serves utilities Its to Electric Power Research compensate for the Institute of Nuclear Operations (INPO) was established in and regulatory agencies. utilities hence more intensive technical information weakness, but not enough. at USSR. first Therefore the regulatory body worked hard job. technical problems down. its western electronic control and simulators, and was not an easy to rule and strict (pressurized water reactors) from required utilities relation exemplary. is maintains high standard. with antagonistic utilities, common. is sound the most other countries open communication in The regulatory body reactors different countries in Between regulator and plausible. typifies 1970s, the ahead of U.S. counterparts. between key actors existing in 1980 to this Power take the responsibility. and lacks support from suppliers technical data base is thus only partial most. 39 To summarize, pivotal role market in the history of government R&D of reactor technology shows the investment and protected domestic backing national champions. 19 In operation of nuclear o power some lessons plant, could be put in the following way. and complex technology A are obvious. like generalized implication In a large-scale, highly integrated nuclear power, "champions" multiple with too severe competition which results in fragmentation of critical may do serious damage to the whole industry On the other hand, the public agencies and technology progress. shouldering regulatory responsibilities may also have to play a technology knowledge developmental role case their expertise in those being regulated. is crucial the success of to For these agencies, however, the management of the two seemingly conflicting roles in order not to hurt their credibility in the Multinational When Champion national Commercial an option. good example. is certainly not easy. Strategy champion strategy competition, international a main missions champion strategy becomes multinational aircraft To compete not sufficient to cope with is (excluding light aircraft) in Europe with Boeing and McDouglas, the investment scale and technology complexity needed are beyond of any one European country. capabilities the is the Similar rationale applies to space sector, where purely national options are obviously not But both are a viable in Europe. In addition to different little and safeguards regulation power reactor research was pursued centers nuclear joint activities, several in from nuclear power. since 1958 under the framework of the European Atomic Energy Community encourage the creation and growth of (Euratom) to industry. This multinational collaboration was paralleled by national programs many in When commercial countries. appeared feasible, firms with potential in Some strong competition against one another. with U.S. firms. procurement, to And most standards firms were still On the technology preferred to be linked tied closely to national is in little incentive to be nuclear power predominantly even when pursued within a European framework.** 20 in other hand, for governments in Therefore, development, the interest nuclear became industry major countries nuclear power was also too important dependent on foreign suppliers. civilian applications hence having and regulation, pursue collective projects. this a nationalistic the case In of fast breeder reactor, collaboration under Euratom's umbrella was duplicated by research programs and FRG. SNR, Until recently two main projects, Superphenix and number of countries including a has been slowed down due are technology complexity and economic to The commercialization so constraints. But the progress underway. still France in not in prospect partly far is because the predicted scarcity of uranium supplies has failed to This has led to diminishing enthusiasm of some materialize. The withdrawal of members. space In R&D, the Netherlands is an example.'* early European activities were to provide public This fact more or less simplified multinational collaboration goods. Development Organization (ELDO) and the European Launcher European Space Research Organization (ESRO), and Space Agency (ESA). than ELDO due to However, less ESRO of policies ESRO and among member ELDO, European to establish it a foothold in ^5 etc.'*^ to ESA, by helped produce a coherence its became members. the It also enabled launchers and to develop a But once the range of sophisticated payloads. congruence, goal better countries and even cornerstone of the national programs of Europeans activities moved more commercial phase, Arianespace was created separately handle commercial launches. the collective interests against U.S. is that makes ESA of the European suppliers for international contracts. attempt not very appealing. of public goods nature.'* fields In contrast with greatly has little One possible reason space technology and industry Therefore the European "pre-competitive" phase ^ space sector where U.S. and governments are direct participants, commercial the U.S. to space industry in competition space collaboration basically remains in the and the to also lacks the influence to promote the far superior position of U.S. this the intervention from different national shared vision and relationships with industry, learning lessons from the later in evaluated as more successful is more unified leadership, bureaucracies, the ^ many European aircraft government direct support, though it industry in has benefited from the spill-over effects of government huge space and military technology programs. match the U.S. in military and In Europe, not any single country can space programs, available resources 21 and domestic market The high development size. cost, which usually requires the sales of up to 70 planes to recoup, and the break-even point between 300 to 600 planes, depending on whether make type or an offspring of another program, extremely difficult. and culminates needs which Financial than any single firm can stand.**^ from development starts if want they is also larger Besides, the market of airlines needs a family of products, not only a single type. European governments, new a is protection policy the the sales equivalent of 100 planes at it to This forces enter commercial aircraft market, to directly underwrite aircraft industry, and to look to collaboration to pool international market access As alternative. nature (e.g., national flag airlines) as the only viable a matter of fact, with commercial aircraft, and competition In pressure even military aircraft which by is subject severe international to too. Western Europe, the collaborative projects, regardless of commercial or military Atlantic, hopefully, also based on economic criteria shares some similarities less is resources and, aircraft, the first case in the include Franco-German Transall and 1950s, Anglo-French Concorde, Anglo- French helicopter and Jaguar, Tornado, and the recent Airbus. Tornado was the Germany and Italy. issues first inherent in In the view of trilateral projects of bilateral cooperation. step further in commercial relevant undertaken by the U.K., three-partner project, its potentially than relations in the previous Tornado could be regarded as management of multinational aircraft, much more complex aircraft joint a big efforts. In however, Concorde and Airbus provide the most lessons. According to many reports, Concorde aspects except technological is achievement. a big failure in all Instead of being operated by an integrated management as originally designed, Concorde was in fact supervised rather directly by a French and fluctuating criteria. "^^ government bureaucracies with British structure different, and conflicting decisions, and even non-economic But it did induce a sharpened awareness of the management of multinational subsequent cumbersome dual collaboration, projects. 22 hence benefiting of In Airbus program, a big difference Airbus Industrie. But transparent. It has no capital, makes no profit and it coordinates More and service to customers. responsible for marketing is common parent companies and works for become It Therefore institution by member country governments. successful yet, Airbus has financially interest. arm's length. at a rather integrated consortium with is but endorsed right Airbus Industrie importantly. has also managed to keep governments Airbus fiscally is and institutionalizes cooperation without merging firms involved, and "transcends" the establishment of is in its Though own not only real foreign the challenger to U.S. commercial aircraft industry.'*^ Recently, many programs have been promoted to technology international multinational champion strategy. strategic been set Even Mega-project alliance between Philips and up to multinational champion For a multinational champion reluctant to relinquish their the enforcement of "juste question. No common body common interest. that has an very difficult to achieve. is which participant countries are in assets retour" and control and even request how principle,'*^ simple: quite to compete against management integrated fully The answer seems only rather understandable is it strategy own other formidable rivals with is Siemens. push forward some thrust of Based on the above analysis, effective But very few cases belong Europe. in collaborative a is a big multinational champion should also be an integrated competitor while receiving support from multiple countries. Concluding Remarks National champion strategy emerged in many governments thought that size was the 1960s it was the origin of American with the likes of IBM por Europe to compete challenge.'^* the only way was to grow firms of 1970s many national champions were However, the two previous belief. GM, "Big was beautiful" Through government rationalization and equivalent size. endorsement, in and Europe when main reason explaining Europe's lagging behind the U.S. in productivity. and in oil crises in being. and new technologies shaked the Many champions had 23 fiasco, exemplified by semiconductor industry. seems by a to be replaced beautiful;" champions by fragmenting markets national others, in some fields, mass production paradigm new one and "small may be more In precludes more appropriate larger scale operations, like telecommunications. under scrutiny and many new Therefore the old strategy schemes strategic champion strategy mainly from market business size, technology characteristics all performance of champions. not so simple as and sometimes it still it national level. foreseeable may it inappropriateness arena, '*9 comparative technology Experience from many countries shows that perspective. competition, This paper examines arise. a is in is is and have profound impact on the In the appear. It not viable. of national domain, governance structure, meantime, champion strategy has to adapt to many is conditions Despite some argument for the champion strategy global today's in a useful concept to guide strategic thinking at the And national rivalry does not seem to diminish in the future. Notes For a brief discussion of the concept of the filiire, see, ' and ^ arguments in the of theory Schumpeter (1942). 4 Schumpeter (1911). 5 Arnold (1987). 6 Levy and Samuels (1989), technological ^ one of the main change. See Nelson pp. 60-73. For further details about Japan's strategy example, Anchordoguy in computer industry, see, for (1989). For a brief discussion, see Nelson (1984), pp. 45-47. ^ For a revised theory of international product ^0 ' evolutionary is Winter (1982). 3 ^ Nguyen example, Arnold (1985). That a beUer selection comes from a wider variety and for ^ This is called "second For the conditions in follower strategy." 12 Turner (1988). 24 cycle, see Vernon (1979). See Chiang (1989). favor of internalization (1986). life at the firm level, see Teece ^^ For brief discussion a telecommunications, '"* about in For recent development of consumer electronics, see Vickery (1989). ^5 This one of the main arguments explaining the rapid decline of U.S. is semiconductor industry ^^ For more 17 OTA U.S. relative Freeman (1987), see details, '^ For ventures, See Similar argument face of industrial 21 The uncertainty and complexity, in 22 U.S. 23 U.S. OTA OTA favor R&D and interna! Macdonald (1988). and Olleros 20 balance (1988). pp. 79-90. comparison of strategic alliances with progressive see Ferguson (1984), pp. 518-522. Borrus and Millstein (1983). a companies. Japanese to 18 24 change structural Nguyen (1985). example, for see, recent made is the in Harrigan See volatility. of integration study of vertical all integration strategy (1983). being equal, others will draw the one main point made by Williamson is in (1975). (1988c). (1984). For European biotechnology strategies, for see, example, Gyllenberg (1985), Creasey (1986) and Sharp (1987). 25 For more 26 For the principle of microcosm, see Gilder (1988). 27 interviews Hague 29 in U.S. Lewis (1984). in organizing concerned with biotechnology government program officials in is based Amsterdam U.S. 31 U.S. U.S. 34 OTA (1988a). OTA OTA (1988a). (1988a). U.S. Inc. (1987). OTA (1988b). OTA (1989). 35 For a typical case 3° For a brief review of the development of nuclear power technology, 3' and December 1989. For more details about ten countries, see Strategic Analysis, 33 for on Dubarle (1989). 30 32 see The Dutch experience several 28 details, in design, see Mecholsky (1985). see, example, Thomas (1988). Replacement cost means the additional power to "replace" the loss of availability 25 in cost incurred using nuclear power. conventional 38 Hansen 39 et (1989). al. The discussion of experience director of the analysis national Finland laboratory reactor among key of relations in actors in based on an is Helsinki in nuclear power in interview May is 1989. with the The from Hansen et al. (1989). ^0 The experience of Euratom has been see, for example. '*' For further documented. well For a brief summary Sharp and Shearman (1987), pp. 28-30. European Shearman details about the For a comparison of ELDO and ESLO, see Koenig and Thietart (1988). fast breeder reactor, see (1986). ^2 '*3 For a summary of European space brief Shearman (1987), ^'^ For '^^ Experience a pp. general in collaboration, For further description of aircraft industry, ^^ "Juste spent '^8 49 retour" within that see Hayward principle means Newhouse see Concorde has been well discussed. details Sharp and 36-38. and Gibson (1976), Knight (1976) and Feldman '^^ see See, for (1982). example, Clarke (1985). (1986). that each country's contribution must be country. 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