I. INTRODUCTION Admittance Space Stability Analysis of Power Electronic Systems S. D. SUDHOFF, Member, IEEE Purdue University S. F. GLOVER, Student Member, IEEE Purdue University P. T. LAMM, Member, IEEE Air Force Research Laboratory D. H. SCHMUCKER, Member, IEEE Naval Sea Systems Command D. E. DELISLE, Member, IEEE Power electronics based power distribution systems (PEDSs) are becoming increasingly common, particularly in marine and aerospace applications. Stability analysis of this class of systems is crucial due to the potential for negative impedance instability. Existing techniques of stability analysis introduce artificial conservativeness, are sensitive to component grouping, and at the same time do not explicitly address uncertainties and variations in operating point. A new stability criterion, which reduces artificial conservativeness and is also insensitive to component grouping is described. In addition, a means of readily establishing design specifications from an arbitrary stability criterion which specifically includes a provision to incorporate uncertainty, parameter variation, and nonlinearities is set forth. The method is presented in the context of a hardware test system and is experimentally validated. Manuscript received October 4, 1999; revised February 1, 2000; released for publication March 14, 2000. IEEE Log No. T-AES/36/3/07814. Refereeing of this contribution was handled by W. M. Polivka. Authors’ addresses: S. D. Sudhoff and S. F. Glover, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, Electrical Engineering Bldg., W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1285; P. T. Lamm, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH 45433; D. H. Schmucker, Naval Sea Systems Command, 2531 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA 22242-5160. c 2000 IEEE 0018-9251/00/$10.00 ° Power electronics based power distribution systems (PEDSs) can offer excellent load regulation, transient performance, and, with proper architecture, a high degree of fault tolerance. They are excellent candidates in power distribution systems that need to be fully- or semi-autonomous. Typical applications include ships [1], submarines [1], aircraft [2, 3], and spacecraft [4]. Unfortunately, PEDSs also have disadvantages, one of which is the potential for negative impedance instability [5]. This type of instability is brought about by the nearly ideal regulation capability of modern power converters. As an example, consider a dc/dc converter whose input is connected to a power distribution bus and whose output supplies a load. It is relatively easy to design a power converter in which the output is controlled so well that the load is essentially unaffected by perturbations at the input of the power converter. As a result, the power going into this converter is constant with respect to the input voltage (at least for perturbations within a certain range). In a small signal sense, it can be readily shown that this constant power load appears as a negative resistance–an intuitively destabilizing effect. As a result, the stability analysis of PEDSs is a more critical task than in conventional power distribution systems. Most stability analysis of PEDSs is based on impedance/admittance methods. These are based on the fact that small signal stability at a given operating point can be determined by examining the Nyquist contour of the product of the source impedance (Zs ) and the load admittance (Yl ) in a single bus dc system. The most straightforward of the impedance/admittance methods is the Middlebrook criterion [5] which states that such a system will be stable provided that the Nyquist contour of Zs Yl remains within the unit circle. The key feature of this method is that it is very design oriented. For example, given the source impedance it is easy to set forth a bound on the load admittance that will ensure that the system is stable in a small signal sense. This is very important in view of the fact that most PEDSs are developed not by one company or corporation, but instead by several corporations (typically a system integrator with multiple subcontractors or vendors). The primary disadvantage of the Middlebrook criterion is that it leads to artificially conservative designs. In particular, much of the region in the Nyquist plane which is forbidden when using this criterion actually has little influence on stability. This leads to control loops which are slower than they need to be, bus capacitance which is higher than it needs to be, or the use of dampers (active or passive) for the sake of fitting the mathematical formulation rather IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 36, NO. 3 JULY 2000 Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 965 than meeting actual dynamic stability requirements. As a result, other stability criterion such as the Gain and Phase Margin criterion (which is difficult to reference because it was developed in parallel by a number of groups), and the Opposing Component criterion [6] were developed. However, although these methods are less artificially conservative than the Middlebrook criterion, they suffer from the fact that in order to reduce artificial conservatism, it can be necessary to move circuit elements across subsystem boundaries. This is again problematic when multiple engineering firms are involved in system synthesis. Another difficulty which can be associated with these methods is that they do not explicitly deal with uncertainty, parameter variation, and nonlinearities. This is indirectly dealt with by assignment of a gain and phase margin; but if the margin is not adequate a potential instability can be overlooked. This paper sets forth an admittance/impedance based design approach which explicitly incorporates the uncertainty, the wide range of operating points, and the high degree of reconfigurability found in many dc distribution systems. There are two aspects to this method, which can be employed separately or together. The first is an alternate stability criterion, which is less artificially conservative than the heretofore available methods and at the same time is less sensitive to component grouping. The only disadvantage of this method is that in its raw form it is not conducive to the formulation of design specifications. This disadvantage is eliminated by the second contribution of this paper–an admittance space based design process, which allows design specifications to be readily derived for an arbitrary stability criterion. The advantages of this process are that it is graphically interpretable and that it can be used to explicitly address operating point and parameter variations. The theoretical foundation for this method is explained, and an example showing the use of this method for determining the stability of a sample system is provided and experimentally validated. II. BACKGROUND. ADMITTANCE/IMPEDANCE BASED STABILITY USING NYQUIST THEORY Impedance based stability of a single bus dc power system can be explained in terms of Fig. 1. Therein, vs and Zs represent the Thevenin equivalent voltage and impedance of a linearized source converter model, and vl and Zl represent the Thevenin equivalent voltage and impedance of the linearized load converter model, and is and il represent the currents flowing into the two converters, respectively. From Fig. 1, it is clear that Zl Zs v= v + v: (1) Zs + Zl s Zs + Zl l 966 Fig. 1. Thevenin equivalent source and load converter model. It is convenient to define Zs = Ns Ds (2) Zl = Nl : Dl (3) and Substitution of (2) and (3) into (1) and manipulating yields N D v + Ns Dl vl v= l s s : (4) Nl Ds + Ns Dl Assuming that the load operates in a stable fashion if supplied from an ideal source, Nl will not have any zeros in the right half plane. (Note that this requirement does not say that the source must be ideal, but rather that the load must be stable if it were supplied by an ideal source). Likewise, assuming that the source can operate in a stable fashion if supplying a constant current load, at least in small signal sense, then Ds will not have any zeros in the right half plane. It should be observed that in a mathematical sense these criteria define which components are “sources” and which are “loads”, not whether a component is supplying or consuming power, though these two definitions often coincide. Factoring these terms from the denominator of (4) yields N D v + Ns Dl vl v= l s s (5) Nl Ds (1 + Zs Yl ) where Yl is the load admittance (1=Zl ). Since neither Nl or Ds has any zeros in the right half plane, it follows that the interconnected system of Fig. 1 is stable provided that 1 + Zs Yl does not have any zeros in the right half plane. Then from Nyquist theory, coupled with the fact that neither Zs or Yl have any poles in the right half plane (because of the conditions placed on Ds and Nl , respectively), the number of unstable poles of the closed loop system is equal to the number of clockwise encirclements of ¡1 made by the Nyquist contour of Zs Yl . III. STABILITY CRITERIA For the purposes of control design, there are several methods of ensuring that the Nyquist contour of Zs Yl does not encircle the ¡1 point, thereby providing a guarantee of system stability. Several of these methods are illustrated in Fig. 2. The first of the methods set forth, the Middlebrook criterion IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 36, NO. 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. JULY 2000 Fig. 2. Stability criteria. [5], consists of a circle of radius 1/GM in the s-plane where GM denotes the gain margin. Clearly, if the Nyquist plot of Zs Yl is always within the circle, then encirclements of the ¡1 point cannot occur provided the GM is greater than 1. This constraint has merit in terms of a design criterion in that for a given Zs the range of allowable Yl is readily established; in particular 1 jYl j < : (6) jZl jGM Although convenient for design and readily visualized, this approach tends to force artificially conservative designs due to the demand for infinite phase margin. For this reason, several other stability constraints have been proposed. One alternate approach is the Opposing Component criterion [6]. In this method the Nyquist diagram is required to fall to the right of a line at s = 1=GM. This criterion has an advantage over the Middlebrook criterion in that it can be less artificially conservative because it allows the Nyquist diagram to occupy a larger region of the s-plane. The Gain Margin and Phase Margin (GMPM) criterion depicted in Fig. 2 is another approach which reduces the conservatism of the design. In this method, the boundary consists of two line segments at an angle of §PM from the negative real axis which extend from infinity to the circle corresponding to the Middlebrook criterion; the segment of this circle connecting these two line segments is also apart of the GMPM boundary. The region to the left of the indicated boundary is considered forbidden. This method is advantageous in that it allows both the gain and phase margins to be arbitrarily specified, thereby permitting the designer to specify the amount of conservatism in a given design. In addition, this method is also amenable to formulation of design specifications. Again, assuming that the source impedance is known this criterion will be satisfied if either of the following conditions is satisfied for every value of s in the path of the Nyquist contour Fig. 3. Simple system. (a) Component grouping 1. (b) Component grouping 2. evaluation jYl j < 1 jZl jGM (7) 6 Yl (s) + 6 Zs (s) · (180± ¡ PM) 6 Yl (s) + 6 Zs (s) ¸ (¡180± + PM) 6 and (8) 6 where 6 x ´ angle(Re(x) + j Im(x)) mapped to (¡¼ ¼] and the operators +(¡) denotes the addition 6 6 (subtraction) of angles with the result mapped to (¡¼ ¼]. Variations of this method are used extensively by marine and aerospace vendors and system integrators, and a form of the method is discussed in the open literature in [7]. This paper proposes an alternate method, the ESAC criterion, which is similar to the GMPM criterion in that it allows both the gain and phase margins to be specified, but it occupies a smaller region of the s-plane. In this case the boundary defining the forbidden region is formed by two line segments which start at infinity, parallel the negative real axis, and terminate at the boundary of the unit circle. These segments are connected by two more line segments which start at the unit circle and converge at the point s = ¡1=GM. The advantage of this criterion is that it opens up even more of the s-plane and hence further reduces artificial conservativeness. A natural extension of this method is to replace the horizontal line segments with curves, which move toward the real axis as s ! ¡1, but this refinement has been noted to have little effect in practice. The selection of the stability criterion has considerable impact on not only the performance of the design, but also on the design process itself. In order to illustrate this, consider the simple system shown in Fig. 3(a) and 3(b). In each case the system itself is identical, but the grouping of the circuit elements into a load and source differs. The circuit itself consists of an ideal voltage source with a series SUDHOFF ET AL.: ADMITTANCE SPACE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 967 Fig. 4. Nyquist contour for component grouping in Fig. 3(a). Fig. 5. Nyquist contour for component grouping in Fig. 3(b). RL impedance, a negative resistance representing the dynamic linearization of a constant power load, and a shunt capacitance. Upon writing the state equations of this circuit it can be shown that stable operation will occur provided that R>r (9) example illustrates that a highly desirable feature for any stability criterion which is defined as ¡Mr ! 1 is that its slope djMi j=d(¡Mr ) goes to zero as ¡Mr ! 1. This is the case with the ESAC criterion, but is not the case with the GMPM criterion. One way to allow the stable case to satisfy the GMPM criterion is to represent the system as in Fig. 3(b), which yields the Nyquist contour shown in Fig. 5. Again, the unstable case violates both criteria. However, with this component grouping the Nyquist contour of the stable case (which occupies so small a region of the s-plane that it is difficult to clearly see) satisfies both criteria. Although it could be argued that the necessity to rearrange circuit elements to satisfy a criterion is not an issue, because the criterion could be satisfied by merely dividing the source and load up as in Fig. 3(b), it is in fact an issue from a design perspective. In particular, for design purposes it is desirable to treat circuit elements to be within those components in which they physically reside (however that may be) and not have to reorganize them in order to facilitate a given analysis. This is particularly true when different companies are designing the sources and loads. Furthermore, aside from modularity in the design process, artificial reconfiguration of circuit elements also changes the physical interpretation of the gain and phase margin. A GM of 6 dB implies that the load could be doubled and the system would still be stable (at least in a small signal sense). If circuit elements are reorganized from their physical association in order to satisfy a particular criterion, the physical interpretation of the gain and phase margin changes meaning. The conclusion of this exercise is that the proposed ESAC criterion holds a significant advantage over the GMPM criterion; not because the grouping of Fig. 3(a) is in some way superior to Fig. 3(b), but rather because it is more amenable to use without rearranging circuit elements across physical component boundaries. and C> L : Rr (10) Fig. 4 depicts the Nyquist contour of Zs Yl with the circuit elements as shown in Fig. 3(a). Parameters of the circuit are r = 300 m−, L = 10 mH, R = 24:3 − (which corresponds to a 3.7 kW constant power load at 300 V). Two cases are shown: a stable case (C = 40 mF) and an unstable case (C = 0:5 mF). The arcs at jsj = 400¼ are approximations to arcs at jsj = 1. From Fig. 4, the Nyquist contour for the unstable case violates both criteria, as expected. However, it is interesting to observe that although the stable case satisfies the ESAC criterion it does not satisfy the GMPM criterion. In this example, note that the product of the source impedance and the load admittance for the situation of Fig. 3(a), may be expressed N(s) = Zs (s)Yl (s) = (r + Ls)(Cs ¡ 1=R): (11) For a frequency s = j!, it is convenient to denote the real and imaginary part of N(j!) as Nr and Ni , respectively, whereupon it can be shown that the upper half of the Nyquist contour of (11) may be expressed as µ ¶1=2 ¡Nr ¡ r=R jNi j = jrC ¡ L=Rj : (12) LC It is also convenient to designate an arbitrary stability criterion by a parameterized curve in the s-plane given by Mr (x) + jMi (x) where x is an independent variable. From (12) it is apparent that the slope djNi j=d(¡Nr ) ! 0 as ¡Nr ! 1 for all values of parameter r, C, L, and R. As a result, the Nyquist contour will violate any stability criterion which has a non-zero slope djMi j=d(¡Mr ) as ¡Mr ! 1. For the GMPM criterion, djMi j=d(¡Mr ) is equal to tan(PM) as ¡Mr ! 1; the conclusion is that for this system configuration, the GMPM criterion cannot be satisfied for any set of parameters values unless the PM is set to zero. This 968 IV. FORMULATION OF A LOAD ADMITTANCE CONSTRAINT FOR A KNOWN SOURCE IMPEDANCE Although the Middlebrook and the gain and phase margin criteria lead to artificially conservative designs IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 36, NO. 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. JULY 2000 Fig. 7. Admittance constraint at a particular frequency. Fig. 6. Construction of admittance constraint at a particular frequency. and are problematic in terms of component grouping, they are extensively used because of the relatively straightforward means of developing design criteria by (6) or (7)—(8), respectively. This paper sets forth a straightforward method whereby such a design constraint can be derived for the ESAC or any other criterion. In this method, a stability constraint is developed in terms of three-dimensional admittance space in which the three axis are frequency (x), phase (y) and magnitude (z). The construction of the load admittance constraint is illustrated in Fig. 6. Therein the ESAC criterion stability constraint is shown along with the Nyquist contour of the source impedance. In this example, the source impedance is that shown in Fig. 3(a). Point Zs,a in Fig. 6 corresponds to the value of source impedance at a certain frequency fa (in this case 24.8 Hz). Point sb in Fig. 6 represents a point on the stability criterion. The load admittance which will cause the Nyquist contour of Zs Yl to touch the stability criterion curve at point sb at a frequency fa is given by Yl,ab = sb : Zs,a (13) By sweeping point sb over the entire stability constraint curve (which is truncated at points sc to sd for boundedness) a constraint is placed on the load admittance at frequency fa as depicted in Fig. 7. Therein the forbidden region at that frequency is marked; it should be noted that in this case the region extends upward to infinity at a certain phase–in this case approximately 102± . Clearly, this procedure could be conducted for any arbitrary criterion. Repeating this process over all frequencies of interest results in the three-dimensional load admittance constraint curve depicted in Fig. 8. Therein, the x-axis is frequency, the y-axis is phase, and z-axis is magnitude in dB. In order to meet this constraint, the load admittance must fall outside of the enclosed volume. To this end, it should be observed that as the forbidden region extends upward it transforms from a volume to a surface and that this surface extends upward without bound; its illustration is truncated outside the region of interest. Fig. 8. Admittance constraint in admittance space. As an example of the use of this method, superimposed in Fig. 8 is the load admittance of two loads with a negative impedance load of R = 24:3 − in parallel with C = 0:5 mF (unstable case of previous discussion), and C = 40 mF (stable case of previous discussion). As can be seen, in the unstable case the load admittance profile penetrates the forbidden region whereas in the stable case the forbidden region is avoided. As a side observation, the inflection in the load admittance profiles corresponds to the change in the evaluation of the Nyquist contour from s = 0 to s = +j1 to the arc at jsj = 1 connecting the s = +j1 “point” to the s = 1 “point” which together constitute the upper half of the Nyquist contour. In Fig. 8, 1 is taken to be a large but finite number for illustration purposes. V. GENERALIZATION TO NONLINEAR AND UNCERTAIN SYSTEMS The technique described in Section IV is based on linearized component models. Power electronics based systems exhibit nonlinear dynamics and therefore the linearized component model changes as loading conditions vary. Furthermore, parameter variations result in further variations of the linearized plant model. As an example, consider the laboratory dc power system depicted in Fig. 9. This system is typical of a turbine electric propulsion system. In this system, a turbine prime mover (implemented in the laboratory as a dynamometer emulating a turbine) SUDHOFF ET AL.: ADMITTANCE SPACE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 969 Fig. 9. Example system. Fig. 11. Generalized source impedance of generator rectifier. Fig. 10. Linearized source impedance of synchronous machine rectifier system. drives a synchronous machine rectifier system whose output voltage is regulated at 400 V. The rectifier output is connected via a short transmission line to an induction motor drive turning a mechanical load (emulated by a second dynamometer in the laboratory). In this case, the induction motor is controlled using an indirect field oriented control so that torque control is nearly instantaneous. The parameters of this system and a detailed description are set forth in [8]. That work described two control systems, a nominal control and a dc link stabilizing control (later referred to as a nonlinear stabilizing control (NSC) in [9]–patent pending). The nominal control is used herein. Fig. 10 depicts the linearized source impedance of the synchronous machine rectifier system as power varies from 0 to 1 p.u. in 0.2 p.u. steps. Not unexpectedly, the impedance is a function of output power due to dynamic nonlinearities and will also vary as other aspects of the operating point (speed, voltage reference) and parameters vary. The techniques of the previous section may be extended to this practical system by representing the source impedance and load admittance as generalized sets (denoted ZsG (s) and YlG (s), respectively), which encompass the full range of possible plants. This is done by characterizing the source/load over the full range of operating conditions and parameter values and then bounding the result. The generalized impedance/admittance is defined as this bounded region. As an example, Fig. 11 depicts the generalized source impedance of the generator rectifier. The generalized impedance for this example was constructed by defining a set of nominal speeds 970 Fig. 12. Generalized load admittance of tie line and induction motor drive. from 228—279 rad/s in 5 increments, defining a set of output voltage references from 380—420 V in 5 increments, and defining a set of output powers from 0 to 4.07 kW in 5 increments. The plant was linearized about every combination of speed, voltage reference, and output power obtainable using these sets (therefore yielding 125 plants). The individual source impedances of the resulting 125 plants were then bounded and the generalized source impedance was taken to be the interior region of this bound, which provides a good representation of all possible values of source impedance. Fig. 12 depicts the generalized load admittance of the tie line and the induction motor drive. In this case, the generalized load admittance was based on 216 plants obtained by every combination of linearized plants which could be arrived from the set of speed values (ranging from 0—200 rad/s in 6 steps), torque commands (ranging from 0—20.9 Nm in 6 steps), and input voltage (ranging from 380—420 V in 6 steps). The use of generalized impedance sets and generalized admittance sets can be used to account for nonlinearities. This is based on the fact that the small signal stability of a nonlinear system can be determined by the stability of the linearized plant model [10]. By taking into account every possible plant model, small signal stability of the plant can IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 36, NO. 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. JULY 2000 be guaranteed for all operating points considered. Likewise, the use of generalized impedances and admittances can be used to take into account uncertainties, and variations in parameters and operating conditions. For example, in the case the synchronous machine / rectifier, the source impedance set was formulated by linearizing the plant over the entire range of operating conditions and therefore represents a good approximation to the full range of impedance values that could be encountered. In the example shown, this involved varying the set points and loading conditions, but could have just as easily included parameter variation as well. There are many methods to create such a boundary from the set of linearized plants; herein the boundary is taken to be an irregular N-sided polygon. This polygon as a function of frequency forms the generalized source impedance or generalized load admittance, as appropriate. From a computation point of view, the automatic calculation of the impedances/admittances is readily achievable by linearizing time-domain nonlinear average value models (NLAMs) [11—13] of the components. In particular, NLAMs are automatically linearizable in a variety of state variable based simulation languages such as ACSL [14] and Simulink [15]. This facilitates rapid and easy calculation of the generalized source impedance and the generalized load admittance. Although NLAM models are probably the easiest method to use, the impedance/admittance sets required can also be obtained experimentally (by measuring impedance/admittance over a large range of operating points) or by using a detailed computer simulation to “measure” the input impedance. The generalized source impedance can then be used to generate a generalized load admittance constraint. This is similar to the process described in the previous section; however at each frequency all source impedances within the generalized source impedance set must be considered when determining the boundary of allowable source admittances rather than considering the source impedance to be a single point. Fig. 13 depicts the resulting load admittance constraint and generalized load admittance. Therein, the ESAC criterion was used with a 3 dB gain margin and a 20± phase margin. In this case it can be seen that the generalized load admittance intersects the load admittance constraint, which could result in instability. Fig. 14 depicts the measured system performance during a ramp increase in torque command. Initially the system is operating in the steady state with a commanded bus voltage of 400 V, the generator speed is at 253.4 rad/s, and the induction motor speed is at 188.5 rad/s (the mechanical speed was fixed by a dynamometer). Approximately 100 ms into the study, a ramped torque command is issued. The traces are Fig. 13. Load admittance constraint and generalized load admittance. Fig. 14. Measured system performance during ramp increase in torque command. the commanded current, the actual current, and the dc bus voltage at the input to the converter. As can be seen, an instability results, which is consistent with Fig. 13. It should be kept in mind that satisfying the stability criterion is a sufficient but not necessary condition for stability, and so it would have been possible for the system to be stable even though a violation of the stability criterion was observed. If a necessary and sufficient condition criterion is desired, this can be approximated by using the ESAC criterion (because it introduces less artificial conservatism than the other methods) with very low gain and phase margins. It is interesting to observe the changes that can occur in the stability of the example system as the control is modified. In particular, incorporating the dc link stabilizing control first introduced in [8] and later referred to as NSC in [9] yields a dramatic change in the generalized load admittance, as seen in Fig. 15. In this case, there is no intersection of the generalized load admittance and so stability is guaranteed (although there is an apparent intersection in Fig. 15, rotation of the figure will reveal that the intersection is merely a line-of-sight effect). The experiment shown in Fig. 14 is repeated in Fig. 16 (with NSC) demonstrating that for this scenario system operation is stable. VI. CONCLUSIONS A method of approaching system stability from a three-dimensional admittance space point of view has SUDHOFF ET AL.: ADMITTANCE SPACE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 971 [2] Quigley, R. F., Jr. (1993) More electric aircraft. In Proceedings of the 1993 Applied Power Electronics Conference, 906—911. [3] Elbuluk, M. E., and Kankam, M. D. (1997) Potential starter/generator technologies for future aerospace applications. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 12, 5 (May 1997), 24—31. [4] Detwiler, R., Surampudi, S., Stella, P., Clark, K., and Bankston, P. (1996) Designs and technologies for future planetary power systems. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 12, 5 (Sept.—Oct. 1996), 828—834. [5] Middlebrook, R. D. (1976) Input filter considerations in design and application of switching regulators. IEEE Proceedings of IASAM, 1976. [6] Carrol, J. (1992) An input impedance stability criterion allowing more flexibility for multiple loads which are independently designed. Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Indianapolis, B/812, Jan. 22, 1992. [7] Wildrick, C. M., Lee, F. C., Cho, B. H., and Choi, B. (1995) A method of defining the load impedance specification for a stable distributed power system. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (May 1995), 280—285. [8] Sudhoff, S. D., Corzine, K. A., Glover, S. F., Hegner, H. J., and Robey, H. N. (1998) DC link stabilized field oriented control of electric propulsion systems. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 13, 1 (Mar. 1998), 27—33. [9] Glover, S. F., and Sudhoff, S. D. (1998) An experimentally validated nonlinear stabilizing control for power electronics based power systems. In Proceedings of the 1998 SAE Aerospace Power Systems Conference, 71—80. Fig. 15. Load admittance constraint and generalized load admittance when utilizing NSC. Fig. 16. Measured system performance during ramp increase in torque command when utilizing NSC. been set forth. One of the key features of the method is the translation of the stability criterion specified by the designer to a constraint on the load admittance as viewed from admittance space. Another key feature of the method is that nonlinearities and uncertainties are treated by viewing the source impedance and load admittance as sets rather than as known quantities. Although the proposed methodology can be used with any of the stability criterion discussed, the ESAC criterion has considerable advantage from a design point of view since circuit elements may be lumped into the components in which they physically reside and because less artificial conservatism is introduced. The mechanics of using the proposed method is a two-step process. The basis for being able to use this proposed approach is the ability to obtain sets of impedances of power system components representing all possible operating conditions. Such sets may be readily obtained from NLAM represented in state-variable based simulation languages such as ACSL and Simulink, obtained from detailed computer simulations, or measured. In order to facilitate the numerical processing of the linearized models, the authors have created a Matlab toolbox to formulate the stability criterion, generate generalized source impedances and load admittances, parallel loads and sources, include the effects of transmission lines, etc. REFERENCES [1] 972 Parker, D. S., and Hodge, C. G. (1998) Electric warship. Power Engineering Journal, 12, 1 (Feb. 1998), 5—13. [10] Antsaklis, P. J., and Michel, A. N. (1997) Linear Systems. New York: McGraw Hill, 1997. [11] Sudhoff, S. D., Corzine, K. A., Hegner, H. J., and Delisle, D. E. (1996) Transient and dynamic average-value modeling of synchronous machine fed load-commutated converters. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 11, 3 (Sept. 1996), 508—514. [12] Glover, S. F., Sudhoff, S. D., Hegner, H. J., and Robey, H. N. (1997) Average value modeling of hysteresis controlled dc/dc converter for use in electromechanical system studies. In Proceedings of the 1997 Naval Symposium on Electric Machines, Newport, RI, July 28—31, 1997, 77—84. [13] Sudhoff, S. D., and Glover, S. F. (1998) Modeling techniques, stability analysis, and design criteria for dc power systems with experimental verification. In Proceedings of the 1998 SAE Aerospace Power Systems Conference, 55—69. [14] Mitchell and Gauthier Associates (1991) Advanced Continuous Simulation Language Reference Manual. Mitchell and Gauthier Associates, Concord, MA, 1991. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 36, NO. 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. JULY 2000 [15] The Math Works, Inc. (1993) Simulink Dynamic System Simulation Software–Users Manual. The Math Works, Inc., Natick, MA, 1993. [16] Barmish, B. R. (1994) New Tools for Robustness of Linear Sysems. New York: Macmillan, 1994. Scott D. Sudhoff (M’88) received the B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, in 1988, 1989, and 1991, respectively. From 1991—1993 he served as a half-time visiting faculty and half-time consultant for P. C. Krause and Associates. From 1993—1997 he served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri—Rolla (UMR) and became an Associate Professor at UMR in 1997. Later in 1997, he joined the faculty at Purdue University as an Associate Professor. His interests include the analysis, simulation, and design of electric machinery, drive systems, and finite inertia power systems. Dr. Sudhoff has authored or co-authored over twenty journal papers. Steven F. Glover (S’94) graduated as an Honor Scholar, Summa Cum Laude, with his B.S. in electrical engineering in 1995 from the University of Missouri—Rolla (UMR) and completed his M.S.E.E. at UMR in 1997. In 1997 he served as an associate research engineer for UMR and Paul C. Krause and Associates (P.C.K.A.). Since 1998 he has worked as a research engineer for Purdue University and P.C.K.A.. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Purdue University. His interests include analysis, design, and control of electromechanical systems, drives, and power systems. Peter T. Lamm (M’00) has a B.S. in engineering physics and an M.S. in engineering physics from Wright State University, Dayton, OH. He is employed as a research electrical engineer for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB. His duties encompass research and development of electrical power components and subsystems and their subsequent integration into military aerospace systems. Mr. Lamm is a member of the American Physical Society, AIAA, SAE, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Tau Beta Pi. Donald H. Schmucker (S’70–M’78) received his B.S.E.E. from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, in 1970 and an M.S.E.E. from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1985. He has worked for the U.S. Navy since 1971 specializing in naval electric propulsion and power generation systems. He is currently a Senior Electrical Engineer with the Naval Sea Systems Command in Crystal City, VA, working on the development and application of high power density electrical equipment for integrated propulsion and ship service power generation systems. SUDHOFF ET AL.: ADMITTANCE SPACE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Authorized licensed use limited to: US Naval Academy. Downloaded on April 24, 2009 at 17:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 973