HD28 .M414 A/o l<W ^ Dewey ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT PARTS SUPPLIERS AS INNOVATORS IN WIRE TERMINATION EQUIPMENT Pieter VanderWerf WP 1289-82 March, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 1982 PARTS SUPPLIERS AS INNOVATORS IN WIRE TERMINATION EQUIPMENT Pieter VanderWerf WP 1289-82 March, 1982 M.I.T. LIBI JUL 2 9 RECEf ABSTRACT Past empirical studies of the functional sources of process innovations have concentrated on innovations by process users and equipment process manufacturers. This identifies paper industry in which, according to existing theories source, firms supplying innovation of parts to the production process have an especially high probability of being major innovators. presents sample a of industry, "suppliers" were source of finds and majority. a then It important process equipment economically innovations from the the an that, such indeed, There follows a test of the theory that guided selection of the industry -- the theory of economic benefit -- as a individual innovations in also considers some of the predictor the of sample. factors that the sources of the Qualitatively the paper industry interviewees claimed were important additional influences on whether suppliers introduce a particular innovation. Q74 ' Page 1 INTRODUCTION Past research has shown that innovations industrial process "functional" the significantly differ can Studies of some industries industry to industry. source Hippel 1977). (Berger Boyden manufacturers might innovations in an industry. physical inputs to innovations factors process the in I.e., if likeliest ways (according it to should source of production process are expected to introduce a relative high suppliers to do other manufacturers, they profits from predictable roughly structures, market sizes, and profit market be of profit from more potential Since it. that to much get can profit potential their when innovation to the different parties vary in margins) Hippel particular, suppliers of variable originating an innovation than can users or are the (von greatest the be In ("benefit") from doing so is parties. economic that under certain conditions "suppliers" rather than and users or von hypothesized that these It has been 1976). variations can be explained with 1979), 1976; other industries most came from manufacturers In 1975; from revealed have users to be the source of most innovations (von Hippel of possible to locate an industry of document and especially high supplier benefit for further study. This paper reports on an empirical investigate phenomenon the supplier of researcher chose an industry that seemed conditions suppliers: termination. theoretically the industry From conducive of this industry study a to electronic a to innovation. priori to have innovation wire and The the by cable sample was taken of important Page equipment innovations, which Finally sources. patterns evaluated found. presents findings, the benefit hypothesis considers possible begins with relative the promising other some and their then outlines the study It and to some paper The definitional and research background. methods, back traced then researcher the explanations for the were explanatory variables. 2 SUPPLIER INNOVATION DEFINED Following von Hippel (1979, a process 1), the functional source innovation. innovation. which activities and developed by an improve to automobile them manufacturer auto body assembly line. sells equipment that embodies the "equipment from his it is "user" a might be new welding equipment invented example An own benefits innovator the the innovator implements the innovation into his If own production manufacturer" If incorporation instead the innovator- innovation "manufacturer" or for it is termed innovation. would be the case if improved welding equipment were invented an of innovation is here defined according to the functional relationship through into his p. industrial for implementation benefits because in the t heir plants. innovation that innovation. it would be invented welding For example, acetylene producer by And the if innovator promotes the use of some other production process input he This who then sold it to users manufacturer machinery an sells, a it is a "supplier" supplier innovation if an equipment for use by firms Page that buy his fuel for their welding work. In the prototypical supplier innovation, sells that firm a or material for final products. The component, part, some the innovator is incorporation by customers supplier invents improved equipment for handling and/or applying potential users, alternatives sold innovator is increase in sales. recorded by this study of parts, its leased the equipment (like In directly, cases the supplier-innovator also but if the In a few in-house equipment the its from only proceeds from internal use were relative to the effect on part sales it is reasonable very small to But again, used still however, when the firm the sale of the companion parts. user). the were These manufacturer). a promotional effect a for the firm also manufactured and sold or equipment (like from application inventing made no profit on the on it actuality, in every case of supplier innovation, unambiguous cases to result The supplier firm a switch them of suppliers. other by an equipment for some and attractive more This makes its brand its brand of supply item. to their into classify the innovation "supplier." An illustrative introduced cable." new type the late 1960s in major 3M a bunch of discrete wires together in a ribbon effect, of wires laid side by side and fused insulations. A In like most existing multiple-wire cables, cable consisted, along their the is electronic cable called "flat ribbon of Instead of holding plastic tubing, of wires. Company. Manufacturing a innovation supplier of the pneumatic ribbon cable press by the Minnesota development of Mining and example They thus formed potential advantage a of long, the flat "ribbon" cable was Page convenience of (A "terminating" (attaching) connectors to the ends. connector is sort a multiple-wire cable for electronic equipment.) applied to each "electric of attaching Previously wire, connector housing, one contact at connector that users cable in one operation: pierce the and Yet despite the ability completely in to stroke, one terminate ribbon specific The result was could place a So ribbon cable's labor-saving In engineer 1973 an requests such for Corporation a at a suggested 3M higher production Though button, 3M for a ribbon cable machine, to develop his idea. pneumatic assembly press into which an operator connector and the end of activation the cable. ribbon availability partly because of the product managers encouraged the engineer an a the older discrete-wire alternatives pneumatic ribbon cable terminator with no a connectors cable rate than the hand presses then in use might be feasible. 3M had be equipment to perform the individual terminations of advantage was mitigated. a a of connector the in into designed 3M over the end of contacts to a contact with the wires inside. the separate wires at high speed. that But of piece a inserted then time. a make were still often competitive, of automated were "u"-shaped insulation to end separate contact had a terminate could the on cable the these and plug" lent cable; a then he pushed and the press terminated the connector to prototypes field the to testing, Digital the sold and Equipment machine in essentially its original form starting in 1975. This example innovation. The illustrates innovator — commercially in-house, nor was essentials the 3M it — of supplier did not use the machinery sold at a significant profit. Page Rather, the innovator benefitted by lowering the relative cost to users of applying one of his existing products. 3 PAST RESEARCH innovation, but instances reported Two previous studies have one empirically documented neither supplier of pattern in a its occurrence or in how it might be related to the benefit innovation from . Detailed historical descriptions of innovative activities by certain materials suppliers come from Corey (1956). cases suppliers labored methods develop to were materials to make products that formerly materials. Corey's accounts extremely are for made using their from other informative of the They nature of supplier involvement in process innovation. not intended, however, to comprise a several In are random sample of innovations for statistical analysis. In a survey of inventions in during 1946-57, Merton Peck U.S. the recorded the aluminum industry development of "new processes in manuf acutur ing products from aluminum" by "producers of aluminum ingot" for the (Peck 1962). From sample of inventions 79 working of aluminum into finished products he attributes eight (10.1%) to aluminum producers. all a inventions "finishing" (27). in the These, The figure of operations it appears of "joining" from the 79 includes (52) paper, and were operations not performed by aluminum producers themselves, but by Page their customers. Of seven are attributed to "primary these 79, aluminum producers," and one to "secondary The analysis journals In as of a the author claims addition, source his inventions and determining possibility producers." includes no empirical data on benefit nor any tests of its influence. trade aluminum their bias This sample toward used selecting for sources. the in information of have to suggests the attributing innovations to firms that had innovation-related products to sell and the motivation to contact replication of such 4 a a journal. indeed And a partial the study by von Hippel confirms the existence of bias (von Hippel 1981). STUDY DESIGN Industry Selection 4.1 Since the goal of the study is supplier innovation sought an industry investigate and in which Theoretical characteristics von Hippel (1) (2) (1979, pp. was it of such an show the its nature, likely to existence of the researcher be present. industry are suggested by 34-7): a large number of process users, no one of which accounts for a large fraction of total supply item use. a high rate of consumption in the users' of supply items that carry for the suppliers that sell (3) to a production process relatively high profit margin them. total sales of supply items that greatly exceed sales of companion application equipment. the Page conditions supplier benefit from innovation relative Under these to that of other parties should be especially high. value and volume high incentive user can realize only small cost savings from innovation (Remember, each user is the equipment market). small part of the total a And manufacturers have much smaller markets to compete . Though any number of industries may appear most of In influence to Compared to this potential profit, how the process is performed. for profit The the parts consumed in the production of process gives suppliers strong economic any one 7 very few promise to meet them all. these specifications, processes particular, most high-volume production many small users (e.g., beverage bottling, wire forming) use inputs sellers (e.g., with margins and zippers, chosen for study, might electronic that meet all the desired criteria, though researcher the their for structural wire). Knowledge of the electronics industry suggested wire preparation have that clothing manufacture, profit slim buttons bottles, meet priori to a initially so it had was no knowledge of its major innovations or their origins. Wire and cable termination is traditionally of the manufacture of almost equipment. The wires and the controls on the cabinet, another. stripping cables circuitry or a of one link type electronic primarily piece the necessary part of used are within interconnect subassemblies equipment, connect common every a to electronic of subassemblies to the piece of equipment to Preparing the wire/cable involves cutting it to length, insulation off the ends displacement or insulation piercing (except techniques when are insulation used), and Page attaching terminals connectors or connectors are the metal actually parts Terminals and the ends. to 8 plugged, screwed, or clipped to the points to which the wires are meant to connect. terminal attaches the to end of single wire; a a A connector attaches to the ends of several. Table gives some sales and 1 industry. headings primary The purchase statistics for the the major types of supply are Listed for each supply item are estimated items in the industry. sales and the fraction of the total purchased by its largest 1981 Below each item are the major categories of equipment used user. for its preparation/application, the 1981 sales of For an explanation of the equipment. this of estimate and an upper bound criteria used to select the supply item and equipment categories, see section 4.2. The users of wire termination are highly diffuse. one of the major types of wire, which data sales, many products that do terminal, or connector for cable, available does any one firm buy over 5% of total are as seen only For in Table there that manufacturers aerospace equipment. a part of are probably thousands of U.S. computers, of wire preparation, Indeed, electronics is Common preparation. wire some 1. There are even firms that working on a firms include users appliances, automobiles, do so nothing and but contract basis for the electronic products manufacturers. The markets for termination parts the major types of is cable, and runs into the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars per year, also shown in the table. these items wire, supplied primarily by a The bulk of each of handful of firms, many of Max imum WIRE AND CABLE Discrete Hookup Wire Cutting and stripping Critical Applications Discrete Wire/a Nickless stripping Multiple Discrete Wire Cables Discrete wire stripping Ribbon Cable Cutting and stripping Flat Conductor Cable Current Largest Annual Annual Single User Equip. Sales Consumption Sales ($mil Share ($mil . 195 ) . ) which do a little wire preparation several of which sell or thei products r their for Page 10 customers, and lease some application equipment for . supply Termination parts carry high profit margins, as bulk According items go. firms, on to within termination parts interviewees some larger companies regularly realize sales of or more, 20% as compared with a return pre-tax a more normal 1% for wire and cable claimed by wire firm personnel. The annual dollar sales of the application equipment for these supply items are generally much lower than the sales of the items themselves. equipment sales corresponding glance A even never are supply at Such item. tenth of the comparisons are classified can be used to handle others, supply item known that sales the pairwise equipment misleading because much of the to a shows table the one under but they do serve too, demonstrate the large difference in market sizes. 4.2 Classification of Firms Complications the firms coded as regularly user sold termination parts, or any wire preparation the firms supply None minor. classifying firms proved in cable, wire, equipment. of or None of coded equipment manufacturer regularly sold any of the items prepared or wire cable or resale. for Categorization was less clear-cut for the firms considered within the industry to be suppliers; preparation in-house (like equipment (like a a some user), manufacturer). perform wire and cable many sell or and lease However, their primary benefit from innovating in equipment clearly came from an increased sale Page activity (measured equipment preparation in-house of parts: sales suppliers, 4.3 compared dollars) in were marketing of parts. was purportedly always break-even a to 1 minor a part sales, and to support the activity thus felt correct to call these firms It was industry participants. as do actual Sample Selection The researcher sought asking simply improvements in that emerged equipment was applicability that offers and within innovation "important" users was applicable to of identified they previously available. productivity labor a equipment any productivity labor large wide has major class of wire or cable (not merely a subtype thereof) and had times that The pattern major. considered which industry the Every piece of innovative equipment increases. The process of the industry. users they an economically complete sample of the innovations "important" equipment was begun by a to same job decided therefore was It the do least at to 1 a 2/5 that was use the following selection procedure: (1) Identify the commercially five most often used electronics, in of (Coaxial sales. electronics wire and cable, as measured by cable, types important was considered a supply item for the communications industry and therefore omitted at * (2) the outset . For each type ) preparation have that innovations, where introduction wire/cable, of into a identify experienced "major equipment commercial the steps major equipment is the operations of innovation" production of Page equipment with 1 2/3 times sustainable a productivity labor least at of previously available methods. that (For the methods and data used to calculate this "productivity for each innovation, For each (3) ratio" see Appendix A.) selected the of 12 process steps find all equipment innovations that meet the criterion for being "major." The choice of as a cutoff the lowest a 2/3 multiplication of 1 somewhat arbitrary. was incremental innovations identified productivity as interviews. When it was adopted criterion, it was found manageable number of sample Focusing exclusively As noted gain important tentatively that innovations, on labor so 1 any the round of acceptance an adequate an it 2/3 was of initial as yielded it above, of the in productivity labor but retained. was productivity admittedly leaves out other considerations of user utility from technological change. Multi-factor productivity measures the costs of the equipment itself and of the energy and materials consumed in the production process. labor requirements because of can take into consideration Measurement was data availability. limited How much the innovation list might have changed had acceptance been the increase In in to based on multi-factor productivity is uncertain. practice the researcher performed the steps of the sample selection procedure by extensive telephone interviewing. The list of wire and cable types was verified with marketing managers of major U.S. wire and cable firms. Production personnel in user firms were questioned to find the process steps experiencing major innovation. process step, To identify all the major innovations of users, manufacturers, and suppliers were each all Page solicited for histories of From production rates. equipment development 13 data and on this was derived the list of qualifying innovations for each step, which the researcher read back to the interviewees for additions and amendments. The results are summarized in Table 2. types are are the Heading innovations. is original the ratio of innovation the list were not production counted among the innovation's commercial use, as calculated using the methods of Appendix Many process operations can be performed on the only wire/cable headings one the A. types These are some that result all of their relevant process bear not do with type, first . Determination of Innovation Sources To determine the first canvassed introduced it resposible for people commercially. the innovation source of each industry development engineers and In to find the the the exceptional firm that first the firm identified (where possible) the product managers innovative cases researcher the equipment were interviewed obtain first-hand accounts of the project, except in In same for more than one type of wire or cable. included under 4.4 the per operator to that of the next rate best equipment available at the time of steps each for After each qualifying innovation is also listed the its of equipment wire 5 method used to perform the step. These "original practice" methods innovations. the applicable process steps, and under each of these the process step Under it a to few cases. was only possible to have another member of the firm ask the questions of these people and report Productivity Ratio DISCRETE HOOKUP WIRE Cutting and Stripping Hand tools (1) Automatic cut and strip machine (2) Linear feed cut and strip machine Crimp Termination Dikes (3) Automatic lead-making machine (4) Power crimp bench press (5) Strip-fed crimp press CRITICAL APPLICATIONS DISCRETE WIRE Nickless Stripping Calibrated mechanical strippers (6) Thermal stripper (7) Die-type hand stripper (8) Semi-automatic die-type stripper MULTIPLE DISCRETE WIRE CABLES AND ASSEMBLIES/a Discrete Wire Stripping Hand tools Rotary stripper (9) Solder Connector Assembly/b Hand (10) Heat-shrink sleeve assembly racks Discrete Wire Crimping Hand tools (11) Stripper-crimper Crimp Connector Assembly Hand (12) Crimp connector assembly machine Insulation Displacement Connector Assembly Hand tool (13) Semi-automatic insulation displacement terminator (14) Automatic insulation displacement harness maker RIBBON CABLE Cutting and Stripping Hand tools (15) Automatic ribbon cable cutter (16) Automatic ribbon cable cut and strip machine Termination Hand Press (17) Pneumatic ribbon cable press (18) Semi-automatic ribbon cable terminator (19) Automatic ribbon cable harness maker FLAT CONDUCTOR CABLE Termi nation Hand welding (20) Flat conductor cable crimp stitcher TABLE 2: INNOVATION SAMPLE (Footnotes next page) NA 1.8 15. 1 2.0 2.0 >2 2. 1 1 .9 NA 6.3 2.4 2.2 36.5 63.2 2 2 6.0 /a "multiple discrete wire cables and assemblies" category includes some discrete hookup wire; specifically, the hookup wire wiring construct harnesses. It was included bought by users to the under this category because process equipment required to often the prepare it is same as that used for multiple discrete wi re cables There are three generic connector types, each requiring distinct application equipment: solder, crimping (requiring the operations and wire crimping and crimp connector assembly), of discrete insulation displacement. All three were included because industry interviewees claimed they were all in widespread use. The . /b Page their responses. individuals firms or researcher contact Any then was during contacted development with outside These noted. contributed design ideas to the effort. origin the outside determine to 16 parties the any had whether As check final a on researcher asked disinterested experts on the process operation involved existed anywhere ' s , development a the evidence equipment similar that before the commercial introduction. else any of this revealed commerci al izer any for procedure project that begun was When preceded anew, the earlier the project being researched in the same manner. The date and source of each innovation are listed 3. An inability impossible to to collect determine innovation introduced with before first-hand information confidence a completion operations. as narrow 5 5.1 a of a unit source any were innovations The date is used Where the exact date is unknown there year of production commercial in it for such the Table made so 1935, excluded from statistical analysis. first in is presented range of years as could be determined. FINDINGS Innovation Sources As hypothesized, innovations. source, suppliers Omitting the two were a innovations 56% are attributed to suppliers and Of 20 innovations identified, major for 10 it M% was of to a source of undetermined nonsuppl ier s supplier firm INNOVATION SOURCE/a DATE Termination Equipment Automatic lead-making machine Pneumatic crimp bench press Strip-fed crimp press Heat-shrink sleeve assembly racks Stripper-crimper Crimp connector assembly machine Semi-automatic ID terminator Automatic ID harness maker Pneumatic RC press Semi-automatic RC terminator Automatic RC harness maker Flat cable crimp stitcher (3) (4) (5) (10) (11) (12) (13) (M) (17) (18) (19) (20) User-Manufacturer 1939 1942-43 Supplier 1946 Suppl ier 1971-73 Supplier 1951-52 Supplier Suppl ier 197 7 1972 Suppl ier Supplier 1978 1974 Supplier 1980 Suppl ier 1981 Manufacturer 1962 Supplier Wire- and Cable-Handling Equipment Automatic cut and strip machine Linear feed cut and strip machine Thermal stripper Die-type hand stripper Semi-automatic die-type stripper Rotary str ipper (15) Automatic RC cutter (16) Automatic RC cut and strip machine (1) (2) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLE /a 3: NA pre-1935 Manufacturer 1956 1940 User 1965-70 Manufacturer 1979 -manufacturer User pre-1935 NA 1977 Manufacturer 1977 Manufacturer INNOVATION SOURCES AND COMMERCIALIZATION DATES that firm category of the the The source of an innovation is equipment embodying the of unit first designed and built the The innovation that was used in commercial production operations. the from benefitted firm categorization depends on how the it selling (user), it whether by using innovative equipment, (manufacturer), or employing it to promote the sale of the supply item used in it (supplier). Page designed that built and innovative function operations. In any outside party used be embodying commercial in the production none of these cases did the investigation uncover typically limited contributed significant design ideas or that project. funds to the equipment to machine first the 1 User input, indefinite to present if requests more for was all, at automated . Another innovations 8 developed the innovations equipment were nonsupplier: were in cases, 5 result the development projects. The 2 user in a 1 case, and 2 user-manufacturer joint of manufacturer a remaining innovations were too old (pre-1935) for reliable determination of source, a so they were omitted from statistical analysis. Examining the suppliers and those from This pattern pattern. between differences is when the divided according to type of supply item handled: processes only wire termination parts. As or cable and seen in Table 2, from revealed an interesting nonsuppliers apparent innovations the innovations are equipment that applies equipment that suppliers originated 10 innovations for handling termination parts, but none strictly for wire and cable handling. for termination of the while 12 n and 6 Nonsuppliers, in contrast, originated for conductors. termination innovations were the work of 10 suppliers, one of the strictly conductor-handling innovations were -- nonsuppliers accounted for all This is alone. Looked at differently, 2 that suppliers of those. stronger pattern than one would expect from chance a Using 6 a Fisher Exact test, one can test the hypothesis were just as likely to have introduced one of the Page 19 purely wire/cable innovations as they were one of the innovations that handles termination parts. hypothesis at (Specifically, the 18 that the are of the supplier source. probability source is of independent above-mentioned data of conditions, probability that as many as and of the of 10 the Now consider the hypothesis of the supplier being innovation's the of type, innovation an significance. innovations 12 of the wire/cable 6 rejection of the a statistical of consists sample termination type and total level .005 the The result is Given type. the the null hypothesis the under of the supplier-source innovations 10 are of the termination type is .00151.) Test of Source-Benefit Correlation 5.2 The researcher undertook to test between relationship the relative benefit and the sources of the innovations in the sample on a of potential benefit equipment, and for each of the (1) Data were solicited to enable estimates case-by-case basis. 9, for each of them the 9 of the attempt 18 pieces of innovative was successful. For three calculations were made: Supplier benefit: the total profit on all parts used in all active units of the innovative equipment in the year 5 years after its commercial release. (1) Manufacturer benefit: placed with users during release (3) potential the the fifth year on after all units commercial . User benefit: the cost savings single largest user during the fifth release profit . from the equipment to the year after commercial Page Focus on fifth the somewhat was year arbitrary: there were insufficient data to perform complete time discounting of streams, and so this was chosen as 20 profit representative period. a For the exact methods of calculation and consideration of some of the simplifying assumptions, see Appendix proprietary, revealed Many of B. data the on condition of confidentiality. are They are therefore not reproduced here. Unfortunately, what is here called "supplier benefit" overstatement. The explained that much or most gross innovative equipment interviewees would they originated the equipment or not. planned used or to use an an innovation firms through put whether have sold Many customers their they we supplier would need estimate of the an business." "new Again unfortunately, no one felt qualified to estimate number. The new business fraction is highly uncertain, retrospect. To predict what innovations released less than had supplier a been had already that So to estimate true fraction of the total part consumption that was a a innovating supplier's part would be among those acquiring the machine. benefit from supplier in parts the of is will it 5 be years ago) or even in case the (in such been have would of innovator (in the case of innovations the originated by manufacturers or users) is high guesswork. Nonetheless, to make it theory was modified: possible suppliers will to perform very of the high 9 defined relative to the benefit of nonsuppl i er s innovations the researcher the tend to be the source of innovations for which the "supplier benefit", as is test a calculated the . above, For each ratio of "supplier benefit" to the benefit of the actual innovator (in the Page case of nonsupplier a innovation), or the benefit of the to nonsupplier party with the highest benefit, which was alternative the logical The results were then innovation). Table innovator ordered rank considered case of the (in 21 supplier a shown as in 4. Informal inspection of the rank order list reveals no strong relationship between the suppliers to relative middle. of potential the nonsuppliers and of source the procedure to benefit ratios of of an the top list while supplier innovations dominate the the To test rigorously, one can Mann-Whitney the use U test the null hypothesis that the distribution of is the same innovations against for supplier distribution nonsupplier and alternative hypothesis that the benefit the ratios for supplier innovations come from than the benefit Manufacturer and user innovations are near innovation. and bottom size a nonsupplier for higher distribution The innovation ratios. result is that the test cannot reject the null hypothesis at even the 50% level of statistical significance. for the nonsupplier group, small or smaller (More precisely, and the probability of under the null hypothesis is a U = U-value .548.) So that it was not possible to offer evidence that supplier innovation tends occur more frequently innovations among with a 1 to high relative supplier benefit. Conversely, the against the analysis hypothesis. The simplifying assumptions that accuracy (See Appendix 3). has not offered strong proof measures of benefit utilized many may have severely reduced their Furthermore, the sample was so small that the chance of accepting the no-relationship hypothesis even Page were if it false (i.e., the probability of a 23 type II error) was probably very high. 6 ADDITIONAL EXPLANATORY FACTORS directly questioned When they were the interviewees had several explanations for the pattern of innovation sources found. In particular, forwarded reasons for why termination parts they equipment suppliers might be expected to innovate in application where wire and cable suppliers did not. quantify these hypotheses, consideration. But first but as an they was not possible to It outlined are here introduction there is of these people's observations on the motivations for for summary a supplier innovation in general. Supplier Innovation Strategy 6.1 Industry interviewees gave detailed explanations for why the Suppliers gained nothing from suppliers in the sample innovated. all claimed to the sale of the equipment itself: their equipment took to a loss. increase just to of their parts, price to Sometimes they even break even on it. innovative They benefitted by using the sales try equipment though the mechanisms through which this occurred varied. When as 3M a firm is the dominant supplier of a item, particular was in ribbon cable and ribbon cable connectors during the early 1970s, it can benefit from the free equipment to lower application cost. dissemination of any The supply item becomes Page cheaper for users to incorporate into switch to it the bulk of products, their from the functional alternatives. increase sales this will 24 some so Chances are that fall dominant the to supplier, whence comes his motivation to innovate. The situation is more complex when the supplier has minor share of market the for a circumstances it doesn't help as market for the item. It supply item. to increase much only a Under these entire the can be easier to gain sales by luring customers directly from market share. practice suppliers accomplish this by leasing In competing the their innovative application equipment their brand of part making and condition of the lease. a leasing arrangements will consist appropriating brands, a supplier not There are also Japan and Europe In can sometimes require outright that users employ only his parts in equipment he has leased is of minimum required a monthly or annual purchase of parts per machine. some legal sanctions available to suppliers. use some cases such In simply of the possible, but a supplier to them. charge can this the U.S. In a "usage fee" on equipment and make it applicable only when competitors' parts are used in the machine. economically unattractive. And equipment the supplier retains users put foreign parts of competitive lastly, as legal owner of the responsibility through for repair. has not been treated For some or all of these particular supplier's parts for use in it in also. When grounds accordance with recommendations. reasons equipment If machinery the suppliers' the repair staff can threaten to refuse to service it on the that it parts use This makes the users will these oe that want to use a influenced to buy his users are firms that Page 25 have bought competing brands the supplier scores otherwise would increase in sales. an 6.2 Differences Between Wire and Terminal Firms Some of the respondents argued that wire suppliers simply do not have the machinery. expertise This manufacture and process argument rests on the point that wire suppliers are expert in metal other operations design to that extrusion, plastics drawing, prepare them various and poorly for mechanical but equipment innovation. This argument is First, wire questionable for couple a reasons. of manufacturing firms do have some experience with the process equipment. Some of the largest claimed that they do wire and cable preparation in-house on the process equipment to a contract basis, modify And in at least two suit their needs. cases of cable-handling innovation by and manufacturers, the major suppliers of the cable also sold termination parts for which they had originated application tooling innovations in the sample. there clearly existed failed to innovate Second, in the innovated. equipment expertise to handle their cable. originally either, and yet they They acquired the necessary skills somehow. Greater Standardization of Wire and Cable Some maintained that if a machinery expertise that with the termination part suppliers allegedly did not all have significant equipment 6.3 suppliers So a supplier has no incentive to for it. supply item is highly standardized introduce application equipment Any firm's brand of item could be used in the equipment, so introducing supplier. machine the effect, In equipment innovation undifferentiated. would supplier's a much is much not benefit economic lower if 26 any one benefit from handled item the Page Since the types of wire and cable used in high-volume equipment listed the are highly standardized, here calculated benefit might have been overly large is our wire and supply item the for cable innovations. It may well be that the more standardized more difficult it for is a supplier to link use of his part to use of his equipment. However, standardization rules out it is supplier there exist counterexamples. a difficult innovation There were at least to accept that completely, for two cases of supplier innovation in which the machinery would accept competing brands of it the supply item directly, and at least one more where could do so with minor adjustment. these cases insured The innovator firms in that users would put their brand of part in the equipment by leasing the equipment and imposing the sorts of leasing controls mentioned previously. 6.4 Different Expectations Some industry participants argued that unlike suppliers in of termination parts, application equipment sounds circular logic to i ( production. suppliers of wire, "just never got involved" Initially Why did they not get involved?) this response but there is a t For whatever reasons — greater economic incentive, greater expertise, greater differentiation of product -- termination part Page suppliers apparently undertook 27 regular development of automated application tooling before equipment manufacturers, whereas suppliers did not. a Thus, termination "everyone knows" that if in competitors leapfrogs supplier in application tooling he can pirate away significant sales from them, and if he lags department his themselves Users equipment. the work for them. Manufacturers some equipment termination for occassional ly may (as they discouraged by the saturation of demand in supplier could produce some of supplier to try to innovate. many In contrast, of wire in equipment whatever a manufacturer will also produce and supply items. this line of reasoning, fact have), but are And the manufacturers' may already be working on. brands that introduce suppliers, by lease equipment at no profit. or and cable handling "everyone knows" to little have develop new equipment since the suppliers are doing incentive to handle all this in sales will gradually erode as users switch to the firms with the best whom sell wire It is versions will thus pointless for The benefit calculations, a according are incorrect because they omit these strategic factors; This argument, firms will never too, try has weaknesses. to break It seems into new markets. to contradictory evidence. Unfortunately, impossible even to begin to test the hypothesis here: require twenty industries, not twenty innovations. that Certainly the two termination innovations introduced by nonsuppliers considered say could it be is that would 7 answered. established has It it has Precisely nature. it does a we cannot motivation a mystery, however. But perhaps not because we do not have the answer, test the answer theories, which to achieved have though success some they considerations that shape incentive other studies in throughout If nothing else, market the strategic and potential innovators' expectations of the way to a this have to the innovations research more within a a question detailed degree of verify to supplier problem with historical single industry. Gathering information for a it would data for further, set of industries, made it difficult to give even the help realistic test. hoped that this study has at least pointed is innovation and to survey test. a proved it fruitful area of inquiry. To probe desirable gather the data necessary for it sample the benefit in the industry were so many and complex that to it explain most of the innovation could Unfortunately source variation. too difficult and but because Economic certain. be (Spierings 1979, von Hippel 1979) looked selection as supplier of why supplier innovation occurs when and where remains something of mystery than existence the innovation and discovered some components of its or 28 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH This study has probably raised more questions is Page rather than be each merely Lack of detailed data hypotheses simplest a fair set of industries might reveal industry-specific factors that influence the involvement gathering more and limitations on time and ability. in process better innovation. data Many of the of course, is, data The of interest Page of individual for analysis innovations are proprietary, internal information of a particular time-consuming to locate firm. anyone who It claims is to accurately, and very difficult to induce these people them, even with promises of confidentiality. often very know them to reveal Perhaps some more aggregated and readily accessible variables could be cross-industry study. 29 used in a Page APPENDIX A: COMPUTATION 30 PRODUCTIVITY OF RATIO OF INNOVATIVE EQUIPMENT The criterion for inclusion of an innovation in was that its sustained labor productivity be at least that of commercial use innovative the of equipment" here 1 2/3 times best equipment available at the time of first next the refers to equipment. "Next candidate innovations researcher calculated the ratio" and compared it to 1 this "productivity appears depended ratio or 1 2 on whether the pieces of alternative new equipment executed an operation that was the If test To 2. innovative equipment was compared to equipment. a This is the ratio that 2/3. after each innovation in Table for best the piece or combination of pieces of equipment that had the next highest labor productivity. The formula sample the formerly done on one piece of equipment the formula was: PRODRAT where FIO = = (FI0xPI/0I) / (FAOxPA/OA) the fraction of the total paid operator time that the innovative equipment is excludes repair and set-up time. PI 01 the production = actual operation. or terminations/machine-hour) of operators innovative equipment. FAO = (Completed wires, is the number = (Fraction) rate of the innovative equipment while it in operation actual in unit per of the (Operators/machine) the fraction of the total alternative equipment required cables, is paid operator time that the in actual excludes repair and set-up time. operation (Fraction) — Page PA = 31 the production rate of the alternative equipment while it is actual operation. in (Completed wires, cables, or terminations/machine-hour) OA = operators the number of alternative equipment. In operations formerly equipment. used cases several performed a unit per of the (Operators/machine) innovative the such cases In required equipment combined separate pieces of modified version of the formula was two on : PRODRAT where P0A1 (FIOxPI/OI) = FAOxPA/OA, = / [1 full-time + the i.e., 1/P0A2)] for the first piece of as defined above, alternative equipment, output per (1/P0A1 / operator. hourly sustained cables, or (Wires, terminations/operator-hour) P0A2 equipment. FAOxPA/OA for = (Wires, the second piece of alternative cables, or terminations/operator-hour) When interviewees said that operator time lost to repair and set-up time was negligible, the operation fraction (FIO or FAO) was set equal to one. When the production rates of the equipments under consideration depended on the form of the output (length of wire, configuration of terminations, etc.) a interviewees were asked for "typical" form and the rates applicable to that were used. The productivity data given in Table 5. collected for each innovation are INNOVATION ALTERNATIVE EQUIPMENT Linear Feed Automatic (2) C & C & S S Machine/a Machine Automatic Lead-Making Machine/b Automatic C & S Machine Crimper Dikes (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (10) (11) 01 PI (13) ( 1 4 ) (15) 0.75 3000 1 1 Strip-Fed Bench Press Power Crimp Bench Press 600 Thermal Stripper Calibrated Mechanical Strippers 400 Die-Type Hand Stripper Thermal Stripper 845 1579 545 Str ipper-Cr imper/d 900 1000 Semi-Au toma tic ID Terminator ID Hand Tool 1250 Automatic ID Harness Maker/e Linear Feed C & S Machine Semi-Automatic ID Terminator 2500 1 75 1 300 1 <200 1 400 1 845 1 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 540 1200 Connector Assembly Machine Strip-Fed Bench Press Hand Crimp Insertion RC C & S Machine/h Automatic Ribbon Cable Cutter Abrasive RC Stripper 150 1 <1 Heat-Shrink Sleeve Fixtures Hand Assembly (16) Automatic 0A 0.75 3400 0.17 150 Automatic Ribbon Cable Cutter/f Pneumatic Ribbon Cable Press/g PA 0.75 3400 0.16 Rotary Stripper Strip-Fed Bench Press (12) FAO 0.97 7000 0.25 Pneumatic Crimp Bench Press/c Cr imper Dikes Semi-Automatic Die-Type Stripper Die-Type Hand Stripper (8) FIO 1 1 1 1200 720 1 1 1 275 1 (17) Pneumatic Ribbon Cable Press/i Hand Ribbon Cable Press (18) Semi-Automat ic RC Terminator 96 1 48 450 1 Pneumatic Ribbon Cable Press (19) Automatic RC Harness Maker/j 96 450 TABLE Flat Conductor Cable Stitcher Hand Soldering 5: 3500 225 3600 1 1 Automatic Ribbon Cable Cutter Semi-Automatic RC Terminator (20) 1 1 1 1 600 1 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY DATA FOR INNOVATIONS SAMPLED (continued) /a As sume s machine s are cutting 8-inch wires. cutting 8-inch wires with a terminal attached /b As sume s machine s are to one end in /c As sume s tools a re applying heavy-duty terminals of the sort used WW II a ircr af t /d By the time o f release of the stripper-crimper the production rate 1200 nearly to improved of the had press str ip-f ed bench cr imps /hour /e As sume s termina tions of 8-inch wires. /f As sume s machine s are cutting 24-inch cables. used for cutting as well as is ribbon cable press /g Th e pn eumatic te rmin ating . them at stripping /h As sume s machine s are cutting 24-inch cables and on e en d. numbers of in /i Te rmin ation ribbon cable are given r ates fo r wires individual number of CO nnec tors atta ched per hour, not the the is connector cable ribbon one Attaching te rmin a ted per hour eq ui va lent of t ermi nat i ng as many as 50 individual wires. a attaching cutting 24-inch cables and are /j As sume s machine s CO nnec tor to ea ch end . . . Page APPENDIX 34 CALCULATIONS OF ECONOMIC BENEFIT B: To calculate the economic benefit equipment innovation each to party from an set of standard formulas was established. a The formula for supplier benefit was: SUPBEN where TP = TP PC x PP x x x SRS x 2112 placements total accumulated = UF (sale lease) or of equipment during the first five years after commercial release. I.e., (Machines PC PP = ) the hourly part consumption of operation. (Parts/machine-hour) a ) of equipment is actually in use. the supplier's = parts 2112 equipment. the fraction of the working day that the average piece = SRS unit of equipment in the average price of the parts used in the = (Dollars/part UF the "number of machines in the field." = (Fraction . return on (Fraction) sales from the sale of the ) the normal number of work hours in wire preparation operations. a year for user (Hours/year) The formula for manufacturer benefit was: MANBEN where MP = = MP x PE = MRS the number of units of fifth year PE x equipment placed after commercial release. the average sales price for (Dollars/machine) one unit during the (Machines/year) of equipment. Page MRS the manufacturer's = 35 return on sales from sales of the (Fraction) equipment. The formula for user benefit was: USEBEN where LA = (LAxPIxFO)/(FAxPA/OA) [ - (FIxOIxLA)] 21120 x the largest accumulation of equipment by any one = user release. firm in the first five years after commercial (Machines) PI rate of the innovative equipment while the production = is it in cables, (Completed wires, actual operation. or terminations/machine-hour) FO the = fraction of time work repair, FA = excludes idle, (Fraction) and set-up time. of the total the fraction -- operation equipment is in actual innovative the that paid operator time that the actual operation next best alternative equipment is in — PA = (Fraction) excludes repair and set-up time. equipment production rate of the next best alternative while it is in actual wires, (Completed operation. cables, or terminations/machine-hour) OA = the next best number of operators required per unit of (Operators/machine) alternative equipment. FI = fraction the of work time that equipment must be tended to by operators repair and set-up time. 01 = number of operators innovative equipment. 21120 = innovative the — includes (Fraction) required per unit of (Operators/machine) for equipment the typical annual wages and overhead Page (Dollars/operator) operators. For each of the nine innovations, estimates yet released a full 5 obtained were For innovations not symbolic variables in the equations. for all 36 years, the estimates are projections. When interviewees said that operator time lost to repair and set-up time was nelgigible, equal to the operation fraction (FAO) was set When the production rates of the equipments under one. consideration depended on the form of the output (length of wire, configuration of terminations, etc.) for the most A the interviewees were asked "typical" form, and the rates for that were used. number of simplifications in collection may estimates. have Those contributed considered calculations the inaccuracy to the benefit in serious most the data and discussed are below Use of current amount s for economic variables historical data, the price of parts innovative equipment operator (21120), (PE), the (PP), wages labor costs current concerned, are a overhead values. this As far as one for (SRS), (MRS) equipment of unit of the supplier's return on sales of parts their to the price of and and the manufacturer's return on sales of set equal For lack . were the prices and simplification of is no consequence for the calculation of relative benefits if all these quantities have risen since the fifth commercialization by exactly the same proportion. has introduced biases. If after year If not, this the return on sales percentages are higher (lower) than in the years just after the commercialization of the equipment, the supplier and manufacturer benefit figures Page 37 will be relatively too high (low). Use of actual results for hypothetical situations case only one three parties originated the innovation. the of The benefit of this party was calculated from (or projections). market data in theory, two parties is, each In . actual historical The benefit for each of the other what they would have gotten been the innovators instead. But to estimate this, they had data from the actual innovator's experience was used, which may be unrealistic. For example, when implicitly assumed that if would have placed price. reality, In just a machines (because his originated supplier a a innovation, an manufacturer had done so instead as many units manufacturer will use might all placed have brands price might have been higher (because he takes lower efficiency in equipment (because is his of part) he or more fewer His bigger markup on a expertise production and Likewise, greater). is with users at the same (because the suppliers' marketing organizations are larger). equipment) or it if a user had originated the equipment he might have incorporated more or fewer units into his operations, been able to design it Analagous effectively, etc. arise problems more or less regardless of who originated the innovation. Lack of consideration of "new busines s fraction in a the main text, ." As noted only some fraction of the parts running through supplier's innovative equipment are "new business" -- parts tne supplier would to go with them. parts, not the not It have sold but for his offering the equipment is total the profit on this portion of itself, innovating supplier's benefit. that is the total normally considered the Inability to get estimates of new Page business fractions procedure simply of innovations the for calculating forced profit the use on 38 of the total part consumption and taking ratios of supplier benefit to next-highest of relative benefits if the new business same for innovation. each innovation to produce ordering This simplification would not affect the rank benefit. a innovation, fraction is actually the where But applying it the differs greatly from fractions true might re-ordering of the list. The actual fraction of machine part consumption that is business is complex ways responses difficult a of competitors substi tutab il ity of method of estimating business the to competitive would have been used. the new to estimate. supplier-innovator's the on number it equipment innovations, particular depends in share, more. and the simple No cases was known, or it for than wire for cable and for why it might tend to be higher or lower for the innovations that were originated by suppliers for the innovations that were originated by nonsuppl ier s analysis is thus currently unable to identify in why might tend to be higher or lower for innovations or the equipment, Nor was there an obvious argument fraction termination equipment in market new parts, It new a systematic the hypothesis test resulting from this simplification. than . The bias REFERENCES Berger 1975 Berger, A Factors I n f luenc ing the Locus o_f Leading to Sci entif ic Ins t rumen t and Activity Unpublished S.M. 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