I \ *l ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Productivity Impacts of Software Complexity and Developer Experience Geoffrey K. Gill Chris F. Kemerer MIT Sloan School WP #3107-90 January 1990 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Productivity Impacts of Software Complexity and Developer Experience Geoffrey K. Gill Chris F. Kemerer MIT Sloan School WP #3107-90 January 1990 Research support for the second author from the Center for Information Systems Research and the International Financial Services Research Center is gratefully acknowledged. Helpful comments on the first draft from W. Harrison, D. R. Jeffery, W. Orlikowski, and D. Zweig are gratefully acknowledged. Productivity Impacts of Software Complexity and Developer Experience Geoffrey K. GiU Chris F. Kemerer MIT Sloan School of Management Cambridge, MA January 1990 Research support for the second author from the Center for Information Systems Research and the International Financial Services Research Center is gratefully acknowledged. Helpful comments on the first draft from W. Harrison, D. R. Jeffery, W. Orlikowski and D. Zweig arc gratefully acknowledged. MJJ VAR UBRAfifES 1 5 1990 RECaVED rage z Productivity Impacts of Software Complexity and Developer Experience Geoffrey K. Gill Chris F. Kemerer MIT Sloan School of MaBagement Cambridge, MA Abstract The high costs of developing and maintaining software have become widely recognized as major obstacles to the continued successful use of information technology. Unfortunately, against this backdrop of high and rising costs stands only a hmited amount of research in measuring software development understanding the effect of software complexity on variations in productivity. The productivity and current research is an in-depth study of a number of software development projects undertaken by an aerospace defense contracting firm in the late 1980s. These data allow for the analysis of the impact of software complexity and of varying levels of staff expertise on both new development and m maintenance. the notion that more complex In terms of the main research questions, the data support systems, as measured by size-adjusted McCabe cyclomatic complexity, require more effort to maintain. For this data set, the Myers and Hansen variations were found to be essentially equivalent to the original McCabe specification. Software engineers with more experience were more productive, but this The average net labor production input factor revealed declining marginal returns to experience. marginal impact of additional experience (minus its higher cost) was positive. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: D2.7 [Software Engineering]: Distribution and Maintenance; D2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics; D^.9 [Software Engineering]: Management; F23 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity]: Tradeoffs among Complexity Measures; K.6.0 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: General - Economics; K.6.1 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: Project and People Management; K.63 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: Software Management General Terms: Management, Measurement, Performance. Additional Key McCabe Words and Metrics. Phrases: Software Productivity, Software Maintenance, Software Complexity, Page 3 1 INTRODUCTION The high obstacles the to costs of developing is spent annually worldwide on software [Boehm, 1987]. productivity would in have significant cost reduction importance of software productivity, there development productivity and understanding in the However, despite the practical effects. measuring software in on complexity software of effect has Therefore, even a small amount of research only a hmited is Boehm For example, Barry continued successful use of information technology. estimated that $140 billion increase and maintaining software have become widely recognized as major variations in productivity. The purpose of this paper is to add body of research knowledge to the development productivity and software complexity. Traditionally, measiued as a simple output/input [Boehm, 1981, Conte, et al., 1986, ratio, most lines of code (SLOC) However, one measiu^e of output. consideration may be in in possible differences in the researchers such as Fjeldstad and per work-month Jones, 1986]. While this metric has a long research history, and used by practitioners, criticisms of the metric have sparked new research questions. is the case of software software development productivity has been soft\vare typically source in the areas of maintenance, is widely The numerator, SLOC, it does not take underlying complexity of the code being maintained. Hamlen have noted that approximately understanding the existing code, neglecting to account for into Since 50% of the effort in maintenance initial code complexity may be a serious omission [Fjeldstad/Hamlen, 1979]. In terms of the denominator, work-months (often called man-months), this too Numerous rough measure of productivity. lab experiments and field The idea work-months are charged. is that who charges only a observations have noted the wide Sackman, variations in productivity across individual systems developers [Chrysler, 1978, 1981, Dickey, 1981]. may be et 1968, Curtis, al., those work-months could be as important as how many Yet, the usage of the aggregated work-months metric ignores this potential source of productivity variations. Another concern with how terms of which those hours were spent, in this actiNdties metric is that of the systems it provides no information on development life cycle were supported. In particular, some previous research [McKeen, 1973] has suggested that greater time spent in the design phase The may result current research m is better systems. an in-depth study of a number of software development projects undertaken by an aerospace defense contracting firm collecting only aggregate SLOC/work-month in the data. late 1980s. The data collection effort In terms of the source code, data complexity of the code written, as measured by the went beyond were collected on the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity measure [1976], and Page 4 the variations proposed by collected also on the Myers and Hansen [1977], For maintenance projects, these data were [1978|. code before the maintenance existing system complexity were measured on approximately lOOK non-comment Pascal and Fortran of source code. These data allow for the analysis of the Code was begun. effort SLOC impact of complexity on both and size 465 modules in new development and maintenance. work-month information, data were collected by person by week In terms of the the number of hours and by collecting analysis the activities upon which those hours were spent. in terms of both This information was obtained and processing approximately 1200 contemporaneously-written Therefore, activity reports. of the impact of varying levels of staff expertise and varying styles of project management is possible. The statistical results are reported in the data support the notion that more drops an estimated one SLOC/day the Myers and Hansen specification. of this effect for every extra variations were found is as 4. In terms of the is related to increased percentage point of design activity. that the productivity of maintaining the path per 1000 lines of existing code. to be essentially equivalent productivity, at a rate This paper is original of over six in data set, McCabe the design SLOC/day for each Software engineers with more experience were more The average net marginal Section 2 describes the main research questions and compares and contrasts the current work with previous research. and presents the the this program higher cost) was positive. its organized as follows. collection methodology, to For more time spent productive, but there appeared to be declining marginal returns to experience. impact of additional experience (minus main research questions, measured by cyclomatic complexity, require In terms of productivity, the data support the notion that phases of the project additional Section more complex systems, The magnitude effort to maintain. full in data. Section 5 presents the results of the productivity Section 3 describes the data site and the data Section 4 presents the analysis of the source code, and and complexity analysis. Finally, Section 6 offers some conclusions and suggestions for future research. 2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND PRIOR RESEARCH A vast literature exists beyond the scope of on software engineering metrics and modeling, and a comprehensive review Rather, in this section the current research questions will be is clearly a The interested reader is referred to [Conte, et cd., 1986] and [Jones, 1986] for broad coverage of number of related topics. Also, an earlier, lengthier version of this section appears in [Gill, 1989]. ^ this paper.' Page 5 developed within the framework of specific prior research on the following topics: a) software output metrics, b) 2.1 new software development productivity, and c) software maintenance productivity. Soft>vare Metrics There are many possible ways to measure the productivity of software development. widely used metric for size involves counting soiu-ce lines of code of a line of code adopted for this study that is (SLOC) in The most some manner.^ The defmition proposed by Conte, Dimsmore and Shen [1986, p. 35]: A line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment or blank line, regardless of the number of statements or fragments of statements on the line. This specifically includes all hues containing program headers, declarations, and executable and non-executable statements. This set of rules has several major benefits. translate for any computer language. Because of metric [Conte, et al. Through 1986, p. 35]. its It is very simple to calculate and simphcity, it become has consistent use of this metric, results it very easy to is SLOC the most popular become comparable across different studies. One problem comments are not with almost all the counting rules for SLOC is that they ignore executable, they do provide a useful function and are therefore properly regarded as comment part of the output of the system development process. For this reason, counted in the current research. This issue The most widely accepted that a measure of the complexity Since the number comments. While of paths in a is discussed is metric for complexity the number program with a more thoroughly is that in the backward branch is were separately methodology proposed by McCabe of possible paths through lines [1976]."^ section. He proposed which the software could execute. infinite, he proposed that a reasonable measure would be the number of independent paths. After defming the program graph for a given program, the complexity calculation would be: [1987] has described, this method has many deficiencies. In particular, SLOC are define consistently, as Jones [1986] has identified no fewer than eleven different algorithms for counting code. Also, SLOC do not necessarily measure the "value" of the code (in terms of functionality and quality). However, Boehm [1987] also points out that no other metric has a clear advantage over SLOC. Furthermore, SLOC are easy to measure, conceptually familiar to software developers, and are used in most productivity databases and cost estimation models. For these reasons, it was the metric adopted by this research. ^ As Boehm difficult to ^ Another option would have been to use one of the Halstcad Software Science metrics in place of the McCabe metric [Halstead, 1977]. However, previous research has shown no advantage for these metrics over the McCabe metric [Curtis, et al., 1979; Lind and Vairavan, 1989], and more recent work has been critical of Software Science metrics [Shen, Conte, and Dunsmore 1983; Card and Agresti, 1987]. For these reasons, the McCabe metric was chosen. Page 6 V(G) = e - n +2. V(G) = the cyclomatic complexity, c = the number of edges, n = the number of nodes. where V(G) Analytic;illy, is number the of predicates plus for 1 each connected single-entry single-e.xit graph or subgraph. Hansen [1978] gave four simple rules for calculating 1. Increment one 2. Increment one for every 3. Add two less 4. Add one for Myers that CASE for every IF, Iterative DO, DO-WHILE each logical operator (AND, [1977] demonstrated in the or other alternate execution construct. or other repetitive construct. than the number of logical alternatives in a what he beheved an IF statement with logical operators was one imbedded McCabe's Complexity: other because there in to OR) in be a flaw some sense less an in IF. McCabe's metric. Myers pointed out comphcated than two IF statements with the possibility of an extra is CASE. ELSE clause in the second case. For example: IF A ( and B ) THEN ELSE is less complex than: IF IF A ( ( ) B ) THEN THEN else""' ELSE Myers identical for these (CYCMID,CYCMAX) CYCMID in the V(G) by [1977] notes that, calculating two cases. where To remedy CYCMAX is individual conditions (as this problem, Myers McCabe's measure, V(G), McCabe suggested (all four suggests), using rules tuple a are V(G) used) is of and uses only the fnst three. Using this complexity interval, Myers was able to resolve the anomahes complexity measure. Hansen CYCMID and [1978] raised a conceptual objection to Myers's improvement. CYCMAX were so closely related, using a tuple to represent Hansen felt that because them was redundant and Page 7 did provide enough not proposed what was that information really being was also just a two rules first number of using difficulties half of the tuple a Instead tuple. (CYCMAX) of paths through the code. Furthermore, he was he really felt that rule measure of the complexity of the expressions. To provide a better metric, he (CYCMIN, suggested that a tuple consisting of using just the intrinsic measured by the second the complexity of the expression, not the #3 above warrant the to CYCMIN operation count) be used where calculated is McCabe's complexity. for counting All of the above tuple measures have a problem in that, while providing ordering of the complexity number of programs, they do not provide a single that can be used for quantitative comparisons. is It also an open research question whether choosing one or the other of these metrics makes any practical difference. While a number of authors have attempted validation of the Cheung, 1987; Lind and Vairavan, 1989) there does not appear significance practical research 22 is of the Myers or Hansen a vaUdation of the Productivity of While the New CYCMIN, CYCMID, and (e.g. Li and be any empirical validation of the to one question investigated Therefore, CYCMAX metric in this complexity metrics. Software Development development productivity issue of software amount of research a considerable variations. CYCN4AX 1987]. Past research can generally attention, is of practical significance and has generated what has often been lacking is detailed empirical data [Boehm, be categorized into two broad areas. The first are termed "black bo.x" or "macro" studies which collect data on gross inputs, gross outputs and limited descriptive data in order to build software production models. Examples of this type of work would include the classic work of Walston and FeUx [1977] and Boehm [1981] and more recent work by Jeffery and Lawrence [1985] and Banker, et al. [1987]. A second type of research methodology is collected at a is so-called box" or "micro" models more possible criticism of the first Boehm, et al. [1984], type of research allocate staffing over the phases of the system level On which the typical where data are detailed activity level, rather than the gross level of the "black box" models. Ejcamples is and Harel and McLean that by examining high potentially interesting research questions cannot be answered. For example, summary in a controlled experiment involving software developers doing a small task of this type of "process" research include A "glass cannot be used to address development lifecycle. [1984]. level one concern Data collected only is at data, how many best to the project this question. the other hand, the "micro" level research is sometimes criticized for being artificial. In order Page 8 to meet the demands of experimental design and their practical constraints, the researchers are forced either to use small samples or to abstract from reality (e.g. by using undergraduate students as subjects) to such an extent as to bring the external validity of their results into question [Conte, ct al 1986]. The taken The approach current research was designed to mitigate both of these potential shortcomings. of the "macro" production modelling type, but data were collected at an in-deplh, detailed is Input (effort) data were collected by person by week and phase/task to contemporaneously collected project Output data included not only SLOC, but McCabe, Myers, and Hansen complexity data. measures as mapped level. well. Therefore these data allow the research to address the following detailed research questions: What are the productivity impacts of differing phase distributions of effort? Specifically, in the design phase improve overaU productivity? does a greater percent of time spent How much does the productivity improve with personnel experience? Are there dechning marginal returns to additional experience, and if so, what is their magnitude? These questions can be answered on the basis of empirical data real world sites and therefore research avoids some of the potential external vaUdity concerns of the classic experimental approach."* this 23 Soft^vare The [1983], Maintenance Productivity definition of software maintenance namely "work done on a software system adopted by after it this becomes pp. 4-5] include three tasks in their definition of maintenance: processing, performance, or implementation, (2) adaptive or from processing environments; maintainability." Swanson The (3) — is that of Parikh operational." "...(1) corrective and Zvegintzov Lientz and Swanson [1980, -- dealing with failures in responding to anticipated change in the data enhancing processing efficiency, performance, or system projects described below as maintenance work pertain to all of the three Lientz and types. Software maintenance 80% perfective -- research of information systems is an area of increasing practical significance. resources are spent according to Lientz and Swanson [1980] relatively studies have included Vessey Rombach [1987] and Weber and Gibson and Senn [1983] It on software maintenance httle is estimated that from 50- [Elshoff, research has been done in and Banker, et al. [1987]. this 1976]. area. However, Macro-type Micro-level studies have included [1989]. "Of course, the field study methodology is unable to provide many of the tight controls provided by the experimental approach and therefore requires its own set of caveats. Some of these are discussed in the conclusions section. Page 9 One area that of considerable interest for research is on maintenance productivity. and b) that systems suffer on [Belady and Lehman, does software become to repair (maintain) It from 1976). "entropy", This These assumptions a is to maintain, and therefore become more chaotic and complex as time goes raise a sufficiently costly to maintain that it? the effect of existing system complexity more complex systems are harder generally assumed that a) is is number of research more economic is it when questions, in particular, to replace (rewrite) than it question of some practical importance, as one type of tool in the Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) marketplace is the so-called "restructurer", designed to reduce existing system complexity by automatically modifying the existing source code [Parikh, 1986; GSA, Knowledge 1987]. that a metric such as a set of source code would allow well as aid in evaluating these 3 management CASE CYCMAX to make US accurately reflects the difficulty in maintaining rational choices in the repair/replace decision, as tools. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Data Overview and Background of the Datasite A prerequisite to addressing the research questions in this study was to collect detailed data about a number of completed software projects, including data on individual personnel. All the projects used study were undertaken in the period from 1984-1989, with most of the projects in the in this three years of that period. hereafter referred as to last All the data originated in one organization, a defense industry contractor Alpha Company. This approach meant because that all the were projects imdertaken by one organization, neither inter-organizational differences nor industry differences should confound the somewhat results. A possible drawback is that this concentration limit the applicability of the results. on one industry and one company may However, two factors mitigate the concepts studied here are widely apphcable across applications, there that there will be significant differences in the is this no a drawback. priori First, because reason to believe trends across industries. Second, the defense industry very important industry for software^ and the results will clearly be of interest to researchers in that The contained projects at this site were small custom defense appUcations. in this study proprietary and therefore requested that data that could directly connect altered in any way. it The company employed an average ^Fortune magazine reported annually on software. with this study be withheld. in its September 25, its The company considers name about 30 a field. the data not be used and any identifying The numeric of is data, however, have not professionals in the been software 1989 issue that the Pentagon spends $30 billion Page 10 department. The company produced statc-of-thc-art custom systems primarily for real-time defense-related applications. At the start of this study, 21 potential projects were identified for possible study. projects were, however, eliminated as being non-representative of this sample. The first Two of the project was a laboratory experiment in which the major task of the chief software engineer was mathematical analysis. While a small amount of software was written effort from the software development The other effort. was no way for this project, there project to separate the analysis was nearly an order of magnitude than the next largest project and was believed to be unrepresentative of the Alpha population technical design. This project was the only project to employ an array processor, and a larger in its substantial fraction of the software developed on the project was micro-code, also non-representative of the Alpha environment. The data set therefore consists of the remaining 19 software projects. These projects represented 20,134 hours (or roughly 11.2 work-years) of software engineering effort, and were selected because of the availabihty of detailed information provided by the engineers' weekly activity reports. Table of 3.1.1 is a summary of some of non-comment source hnes of code; CSLOC department personnel; number of labor is the is the total Mean Std. Dev. projects. DURATION NCSLOC is the is the number number of weeks number of labor hours expended by number of non-comment hours. Median NCSLOC NCPROD on the includes comments; TOTALHRS over which the project was undertaken; soft\vare the gross statistics lines of code divided by the total Page 11 questionnaire describing the project. Engineer Profile Data Collection Forms — A survey on the education and experience of every engineer who worked on one ot the projects. 5. The data source was the source code generated in each project. first the projects, 74.4% was written Following languages. Boehm Pascal, in and the other 25.6% Of the code developed for a variety of other third generation in only deliverable code was included in this study, with deUverable [1981), defined as any code which was placed under a configuration management system. This definition eUminated any purely temporary code, but retained code which might not have been part of the delivered system, but was considered valuable enough test data, to be saved and controlled. (Such code included progrjuns for generating procedures to recompile the entire system, The number of hours worked on the project utility and the person charging the project were obtained from the database. Because the hourly charges were used to routines, etc.) to bill the project (DOD) United States Government Department of Defense extreme care to insure proper allocation of charges. For audit, this reason, customer and were subject the engineers and managers used these data are believed to be accurate representations of the actual effort expended on each project. At Alpha Company, software engineers wrote they had done on each project every week. pages to describe for that project all the projects. If would occupy the The standard An Project project. The example of an entire activity report page. work length of these descriptions was one or two several If projects were charged, the length of the amount of time worked, with the appears in forms developed for data collection called an activity report of the an engineer worked on only one project, the description of the work descriptions tended to be roughly proportional to the on a page. summary a entire report fitting Appendix A. research provided background data on each this surveys requested descriptions of the project, qualitative ranking of various characteristics of the development process (number of interruptions, number of changes in specifications, etc), and ratings of the quality of the software developed. Unlike the data above, these data are subjective, and results based on in it are interpreted cautiously. order to obtain some collect these is included The engineer feel in It for is useful, how however, to have some measure of these qualitative variables the results may be affected. A copy of the survey form used to Appendix B. profile forms experience and Alpha company obtained level. If the data on each engineer's educational background, work employee in the 34 engineers in the sample), he or she was asked to question was fill still with the the form out personally. company If (24 out of the employee no Page 12 longer worked for the company, personnel records were consulted. is included 33 in A copy of the engineer profile survey Appendix C. Categorization of Development Activities Although unusual for this type of research, this study had access to the wcek-by-week description of what work was done by each engineer on each project. These descriptions were individual engineers every week to inform their documentation of the work charges managers of the content of case of a in DOD audit. their filled work and out by the also to provide Because these documents were written contemporaneously by everyone who was working on a project, they are believed to present an accurate picture of what examined happened diu-ing activity reports provided a large descriptive database; however, relating to productivity a key to software development process. Approximately 1200 reports were for this research. These was the categorize development to phases employed by Alpha. corresponded quite closely to the "local One advantage vocabulary", i.e., into one of nine standard systems of this approach the engineers at that these categories is Alpha Company tended organize their work in terms of the above categories. This cotmection proved very helpful reports were read, and the work categorized. hypothesis test the determine a way to quantify these data. The method used work done each week by each engineer the lifecycle problem was order to in The nine when to the activity categories that were used are described in Appendix D. To through all categorize a project's reports, activity the the engineer's activity reports sequentially. researcher selected an engineer The work done on and then read the project each week was categorized into one or more of the project phases. For the large majority of reports only one phase was charged per report; however, for a fraction of the To activity reports the effort was split into two phases.® obtain consistency across projects and people, and because access to the data was limited to on-site inspection, only one researcher was used to do the categorization task for all the reports. Because the researcher read the activity reports in a sequential manner, he was able to follow the logic of the work, as well as getting the "snapshot" that any one report would represent. Finally, reports were imclear, the engineers were shown their own in two cases where the reports and asked to clarify what was actually done.' ® On ' Of methods a few reports (less than course bias. 5%) a maximum of three phases were charged. approach is an inability to check for a possible does introduce a possible source of error. a possible limitation of this single rater Although a conscious research design, it Page 13 In some forgotten or lost. cases, all of the activity reports were not available, typically because the report had been In addition, the reports had only been kept for the past three years so that they generally not available prior to that time.^ For four of the nineteen projects studied, these data were missing, and no attempt was made to reduce the 25% or were more activity reports for those projects. of To obtain the best breakdown of phases for the unassigned time on the remaining 15 projects, such time was categorized in proportion to the categorization of the rest of the project. categorized as unassigned was 9.9% (see Table OBS. 1 3.3.1). TOTAL HOURS PERCENT UNASSIGNED The median amount of time Page 14 Scientists: Level 1: Principal Scientist. Requires peer review to be Level 2: Staff Scientist. Requires peer review to be promoted promoted to this level. to this level. Entjineers: No peer review required. Level 3: Senior Engineer. Entry level lor Ph.D's. Level 4: Engineer. Entry level for Master's degree engineers. Level 5: Junior Engineer. Entry level for bachelor's degree engineers. A sixth was defined level No peer review required. to include support staff (secretary, etc), part time college students in computer science, and other non-full time professionals. Because many of the projects few people, 1 at and 2), Alpha, engineer (levels in that to kept in their the six levels of detail number 3, were not required. For 4, and own group (support aggregate levels of scientist (levels and support (other) were used. This simple 5) be promoted to this reason, the scientist level, a peer review is division is also used required. Non-engineering staff were because they were only para-professional staff) had rather .studied staff.^ Table 3.4.1 of people in each of the levels with each of their highest educational degree levels. shows All the engineers in this department had technical degrees (most in computer science) so that no attempt was made to separate the different fields. < Bachelors 2 14 Scientist Engineer Support Table It is is 1 Total Graduate Bachelors 10 8 5 20 4 4 Educational Degrees Categorized by Level 3.4.1 clear that the company also closely related to the levels are related to the highest level of number shown of years of experience as 15^6 200 5.1 5.8 Engineer Table 3.42: Use Average Years of Experience for of these levels had many advantages. combine degree and length of work experience of both experience and educational ° Only 5.4% of the professionals. level. total labor The 3.4.2. of Total Industry Experience Company Experience Scientist Table in Average Number of Years Average Number of Years of education reached. The level The first into a single Company was that it provided a reasonable way to measure, as these levels are good indicators engineer's compensation hours for the projects Levels in is also highly dependent on his or the dataset were charged by these para- Page 15 her company Finally, use of the a natural 3.5 way Statistics One and therefore project cost level, "level" concept was the is common the SLOC Alpha Company, and therefore provided on Source Code of the advantages of this data site to the research was that comment, non-blank all practice at to discuss the research with the participants. available, thus all statistics of interest about the NCSLOC directly related to the use of staff of different levels.'" plus the lines of source code), a second number of statistics is that code could be calculated. lines of comment statistic called (still the actual source code was In addition to CSLOC was also collected. A excluding blank lines)." NCSLOC CSLOC is problem with potential they do not take into account the complexity of the code. (non- As discussed earlier, most popular measure of complexity was developed by McCabe and both Myers and Hansen have offered e.xtensions to level in McCabe's measure. All of these complexity measures order to provide empirical evidence for the relationship among were collected the three measures. studied was contained in a total of 465 modules of which 435 were written in Pascal and 30 Collecting these data required metrics programs for collected for the vast majority of code which was in Pascal or generated for two projects (one written in C, the other in each language. FORTRAN. No ADA). Table 3.5.1 of each project for which the cyclomatic complexity metrics were generated. of 19 projects and, of those, projects, 100% the at in Comple.xity complexity The code FORTRAN. were results statistics were shows the percent of code They were generated of the code was analyzed for 13 of the module 17. In the for 17 remaining four an average of 98.3% of the code was analyzed.'^ '° There is Uttle variation in the salaries of engineers at a given level. Because proposals for projects are costed using a standard cost for each level, but billed using actual costs, large deviations tend to cause client dissatisfaction and are avoided by Alpha Company. " If a comment appeared on the same line as an executable line of code both the comment and the line of code incremented CSLOC. If this method were not used, comments would be significantly undercounted. In particular, the measurement of comment density would be distorted. To adjust for the fact that complexity figures were not available for the utility routines for four of the seventeen projects, an average complexity ratio (cyclomatic complexity/NCSLOC) was defined for each project. By assuming that the complexity densities remained constant for the project, the total complexity (including non-Pascal or code) was calculated by multiplying the average complexity density by the total NCSLOC. This adjustment was done on only four of the projects, and for less than 2% of the code on average on those four projects. Therefore, this is not believed to be a major source of error. '^ FORTRAN Page 16 OBS Page 17 NCPROD project; is NCSLOC/TOTALHRS the data used in the study were available for or the productivity for all the projects. non-comment The cyclomatic complexity data from two of the projects and the phase data from four of the projects. However, was required, and, a single statistic in that if It is all for Not all are missing most analyses only projects with valid data the analysis required complexity data, but not phase data, the were generated on the seventeen projects with phase data). 4.1 order to conserve degrees of freedom, subset were used. For example, statistics 4 in lines of code. valid complexity data (including the projects without not believed that this approach introduced any systematic bias. SOURCE CODE ANALYSIS Comparison For of Metrics this portion of the analysis work-hours data were required. Table it was possible 4.1.1 is a to analyze the data at the summary of modules. Variable NCSLOC MEAN STD DEV some module level, since of the basic statistics for all no the Page 18 Page 19 TOTALHRS, can be assumed to be different with a high degree of confidence. Because all of these variables are directly related to the size of the project, this difference simply indicates that, on average, new development the maintenance projects were smaller than in was found. While the average productivity productivity development projects, the fact that this difference because the line for is the significant difference maintenance projects means not statistically significant maintenance productivity to reject the null hypothesis that In addition, is However, no projects. same as that for that is less may be maintenance projects are combined in later understated. Therefore, the development new development for we were unable count ignored changed lines and actually subtracted for deleted productivity of maintenance projects than projects. lines, the projects and the productivity analyses, excluding maintenance specific analysis that requires e-xisting code. 5 RESULTS Four major productivity effects were investigated of which two applied Are more experienced programmers more were: (a) does the proportion of time spent The other two much has been effects maintenance productivity. One if so, all of the projects. by how much? and (b) the They How design phase affect the productivity? in the studied were appropriate for maintenance projects only. under written productive, and, to assumption that characteristics of the McCabe developed of the reasons that his As code have an cited earlier, effect upon cyclomatic complexity was to attempt to quantify the complexity of code in order to determine the appropriate length of subroutines so that code would not be too complex the complexity density metric defined impact of documentation 5.1 the form of maintain. This study has examined The second maintenance this effect using the productivity issue analyzed was the comments. Experience It is in earlier. to has long been thought and several studies have shown that the experience of the programmers an important factor in productivity. Verifying this phenomenon engineers with different levels of experience do different tasks. three different categories of technical personnel. company levels. contained the The employees remaining three in this highest not As described always easy, in part because above, there were essentially category (scientist) included the top two category were primarily project managers. professional responsible for developing the software. The is The levels and the engineers in this The second category category were primarily lowest level provided support. Because the scientists and the Page 20 support productivity To test were by and large not stalf is involved directly writing of the the in software, only indirect. Therefore, the research effort focused on the engineer (levels the hypothesis that the higher level (more education and their 3, 4, on effect and 5) staff. more experience) engineers are more productive, the following model was created: Y = Bo + (B, P3) * + PJ + * (B^ * (B3 ?,) where, Y = NCPROD P3 = the percentage of the total development hours spent by level 03 engineers. P4 = the percentage of the total development hours spent by level 04 engineers. P5 = the percentage of the total development hoiu-s spent by level 05 engineers. Development hours are only those hours worked on The specifications, design, coding, or debugging. results of this regression were: NCPROD = + -15.75 (-2.03) + 27.88*P3 R^ = 0.45 The engineers = NCSLOC/day, on software direct The ceteris paribus. is that tasks adding an additional one percent more time by results result for levels 4 3 and 4 engineers are significant at the alpha = What is interesting to note is between an index salary of is .7225 (.85 squared), a level 4 1 for level 1 scientists, this 3 engineer over a level 5 is is .6141, approximately and 9% 5, and 1.5 respectively. more productive. and at the (The level 3 2.2 additional These results are t-statistics for the level .10 level for the level 5 engineers.) also possible to is draw conclusions about In particular, the data and a 47.28% increase between mean means level 5, 2.1 approximately of value to the firm. its that the differences in at are it 4 and levels increase and 5 are the data at this level of detail in productivity an in .01 level, marginal productivity of additional experience, and 37.19% increase 0.30 15 more experienced engineers exactly as expected in that By examining = n interpretation of these results working = Adjusted R^ 3.04 18.93*P5 (1.89) (2.91) (2.89) F- Value + 25.97*P, salaries for each level is levels 3 only 15%. the show a and 5. Starting that the average salary index for a level 3 engineer .5220. Therefore, the net benefit in using a level (.4728-(l-(.7225/.5220))), and the net benefit of employing Page 21 Productivity Marginal vs Average Years Experience u o O "T 2,5 3.5 3 4 4.5 5 5.5 6.5 6 Avg Years Experience Cfounded to Figure a level 4 engineer over a level 5 to software managers. commensurate with relationship is The A to senior staff approximately 20%. This illustrates two points of potential importance is that second experience (see Figure Lawrence, 1985]. However, may be tliis more given yr^ is more productive The managers should seek out higher that 8.5 B Marginal Productivity versus Experience 5.1: increased productivity. their increased marginal cost. returns first .5 7,5 1 result 5.1). result intuitive is is consistent may be confounded by difficult aspects of the system. to be compensated recommendation ability staff, since their from these data This do not seem staff that there with that follows at a level from this marginal benefit exceeds their seem to be declining marginal some previous research a difference in task Further study, perhaps [Jeffery complexity, in the i.e., and more form of a lab experiment controlling for task complexity, seems indicated. 5.2 Design Phase Impact Because of the McKeen [1983] availability and Gaffney [1982] of phase data, it that by spending was possible more time to test in design, the hypothesis developed by the overall productivity of a Page 22 project can be improved. Specifically, the better and more detailed the design easier overall hours spent Appendix D). will be. development process. To in more lime test that is spent analyzing and designing the software, the This good design would be expected to lead to a faster and this hypothesis ANALFRAC the specification and design phases divided by the total The was defined number as the number of project hours of (see results are plotted in Figure 5.2. Productivity vs Analysis Percentage 8 5 Spec, and Design Fttg Figure 52: Productivity versus Fraction of Time Spent in Analysis The result for a linear regression NCPROD = 3.97 (1.56) R^ = 0.09 F-Value = 1.30 + model of these data 21.48 * is: ANALFRAC (1.14) Adjusted R^ = 0.02 n = 15 Therefore, these data do not provide support for the notion that more time in the specification Page 23 and design phases has number 53 a measurable impact on source power of of data points reduce the lines of course the limited this test. Complexity Complexity density (CYCMAX/NCSLOC) code complexity because McCabe's complexity complexity were is the appropriate metric for evaluating the effects of so is managers why typically do not have it a great is is are valid productivity. number CASE less interesting When is the length of modules. He is will, therefore, only effect, McCabe's If i.e., the tested this is than the impact of complexity. The first program length. of the code may not have a large will a is and adopting complexity standards, manage complexity. The second reason an engineer maintains a program, each change size of this fraction code why length. deal of control over the size of a program (which restructuring tools, they can reasons intuitive program While related to intimately connected to the size of the problem). However, by measuring and/or by using to unnormalized, the results would be dominated by the length left possible hypothesis, there are two reasons that related closely hypothesis would actually be that maintenance productivity is Of code productivity. effect that there is on maintenance tend to be localized to a fairly small need detailed knowledge of a small fraction of the code. The probably unrelated to the total size of the program. Thus the length of the entire less relevant.''' Logically, to writing the the initial complexity density should only affect those phases that are directly related code. User support, system operation, and affected by the complexity of the code. For this reason, a ALLDPROD: The total number management functions should not be new partial productivity of lines divided by the time spent in specifying, designing, documenting, coding or testing To perform this analysis both the maintenance projects were needed. Because available. A regression of ALLDPROD phase all data all directly measure was defmed: non-overhead activities: and debugging. and the cyclomatic complexity data the for the data were required, only seven data samples were was performed with the complexity density of the initial code (INITCOMP): '"In fact, the correlation of productivity with initial -0.21; alpha = 0.61). code length was not significant (Pearson coefficient, Page 24 ALLDPROD = 28.7 (3.53) R2 = = INITCQMP (-2.69) Adjusted R^ 0.59 F-Value * 0.134 - 7.22 = 0.51 n = 7 This model suggests that productivity decUnes with increasing complexity density (see Figure 5.3). Complexity vs Maintenance Productivity 8 o> c (n is 8 0.00 Actua I va ues I New SLOC/ work- hour Linear Prediction Figure 53: Maintenance Productivity versus Complexity Density While it would be speculative to ascribe too much importance to the results, which are based on only seven data points, the results do seem sufficiently strong and the implications sufficiently important that further '^ A possible concern with this model might be multicollinearity between the independent regressor and the intercept term. To test for this, the Belsley-Kuh-Welsch test was run, and no significant multicollinearity was detected [Belsley, et al. 1980]. Page 25 study on a larger independent sample, then such indicated.'^ If these results continue to hold is would provide strong support for the use of the complexity density analyzing software to determine maintainability. its results measure as a quantitative method might also be used as an objective measure of It for this aspect of software quality. 5.4 Source Code Comments The number A code [Tcnny, 1988]. were comments of comments in the regression of (PERCOMM) was ALLDPROD = code has also been suggested ALLDPROD + 4.96 The = 0.05 * PERCOMM n 0.13 = 8 comments does not seem code may be commented more of the code. Because more commented code be easier to maintain. Therefore, another question their programming difficult styles to the expect programmers to complexity of the code which comment complex code more subroutines. If this were the case, the density of fact, need heavily is comment for density may be is that to be related to the maintainability heavily, is it is whether the programmers adjust and to break complex code into more comments should increase with more difficult not clear whether heavily being written. For example, one would the Pearson correlation coefficient between those two metrics interpretation of this negative correlation that that (0.36) results indicate that the density of will code Adjusted R^ = -0.14 0.02 F- Value as a fimction of the percentage of the lines of also performed. (These data are plotted in Figure 5.4.) (L04) R2 = to affect the maintainability of the is the complexity density. In -0.30 (alpha code get commented = 0.0001, n = 465). The less heavily, suggesting simply a function of the time available, rather than being a function of the comments. '^ Programming style may also affect productivity. For example, one would expect that by increasing the complexity density (CYCMAX/NCSLOC) of newly written code a programmer would require more time to write these more complex hues of code. The correlation of the complexity density with the productivity is -0.43 (alpha = 0.09), suggesting that productivity does decrease with increasing complexity density. Page 26 Maintenance Productivity as a Function of Comrrent Density 1G 15 - -14 13 12 11 I. 10 - 2 9 a c3 q 7 -A B 5 4 3 2 1 -1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 45.00 35.00 25,00 15 00 55,00 65.00 Comments/ SLOC Actual Values Figure 6 5.4: Maintenance Productivity versus Comment Density CONCLUSIONS Through the at this data-site this and other factors availability of detailed paper has been able to affecting test a number of relationships between software complexity development and maintenance productivity. complexity, as measured by the maintenance productivity. data about the software projects developed and maintained McCabe In particular, increased software cyclomatic complexity density metric, Greater emphasis on the design phase And, systems developers with greater experience were found to is is associated with reduced associated with increased productivity. be more productive, although at a declining marginal rate. How can software development and maintenance managers make best use of these results? begin with, the measurement of these effects was related to made software development inputs and outputs. To possible only through the collection of metrics In particular, use of these data argue for the Page 27 collection of detailed data beyond mere productivity can be improved through SLOC employment Staff with complexity of existing code. and work-hour measures. Based on these data, of higher experience staff and reduction higher experience were shown to be cost. of existing code should be attempted. One approach may be by measuring written, A and requiring second approach that it may be through is existing restructuring may impose one An results of although, This lilcely effect it is course, the cost on maintenance need to initially is that reducing the must also be taken into accoimt. and maintenance community would benefit on data from other firms particularly from other results as guides for standard practice. returns to experience products, additional caveat related to this solution In terms of future research, the software development to the experience issue, in complexity of code as time additional maintenance costs in terms of maintainers' familiarity with the existing code structure. effects of complexity cyclomatic complexity contingent upon the costs of acquiring and operating the restructurer, as well as the size of the existing software inventory. from validation of these an at adhere to an existing standard estabhshed through on-site data collection. effectiveness of this latter solution these restructurers the cyclomatic more productive, Finally, cost effective reduction in the average rate greater than their increased in softwcire industries. Also, the be rephcatcd on a larger sample before accepting these Beyond these validation-type studies, further work could be devoted terms of attempting to determine the causes of the apparent declining marginal shown by these data. Research on complexity impacts could examine the actual longitudinal impacts of the use of commercial restructurers. In general, more empirical studies involving detailed data collection will help to provide the insights necessary to help software development progress further towards the goal of software engineering. Page 28 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY I [Banker, et al. 1987] Banker, Rajiv D.; Datar, Srikant M.; and Kemerer, Chris F.; "Factors Affecting Software Development Productivity: An Exploratory Study"; in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information Systems; December 6-9, 1987, pp.' 160-175. 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Spent the whole time working with [Staff Scientist] and [Principal Scientist) trying to find the cause of the difference betsveen [Basebne Runs] and [New Instrument Runs). After a lot of head scratching it turns out that both were correct. We just had to play with the format of the data and units to get the two data sets to match to within [xxx] RMS. This is still above the [yyy] RMS limit, but the [baseline runs) and [new instrument runs) started off being [zzz) RMS apart. So, until the [new instrument) can be improved, my software can do no better than it is doing now. Project #2 1 hrs. I Project #3 9 hrs The automatic height input for made some more modifications had very Uttle time to work on modify adhoc target routine. IEEE board Project #4 2 hrs I did manage to start to finish the I if also the fails. and I spent the two hours trying to get the microVAX up after the [Special Boards). ended up having to pull the boards back out to reboot the machine. The boards were eventually installed, but there still installed seems = but the calibration routine is up and running. so that they can return to the old method [Staff Scientist] we Total this, 45.0 hours to be something wrong. We : Page 32 Appendix B: Project Data Collection Form Project Profile Survey Project Name: Project Number; Applicable Phase(s) Brief Description of the Project; Target System: Mainframe: VAX: HP mini: PC: Other: (please specify). Can you think of any reasons that would make this software development exceptional (please specify estimate of net effect as well ) : . . . Page 33 Application Characteristics Was the code primarily generated from scratch for this particular project (Development Type) or did this project modify or extend an existing program (Maintenance Type): Maintenance Development Choose the best description of the application: Real Time: Diagnostic: Analysis: Utility: The primary goal of this system was to control hardware in real time. The system was primarily designed to diagnose an independent hardware system. The software was not an integral part of the working system. The software performed physical analysis on data The software performed utility functions (for example in configuration management and general plotting programs ) Software Quality: Choose the number that best describes the quality of the software resulting from this project compared to the average on the following three l=Poor, 3-Average, 5=Excellent project dimensions ) ( Correctness: When the program ran without error, this dimension measures the whether the results matched the desired results. Reliability: The likelihood without error. Maintainability: The ease with which modifications and extensions can be made to the software. 12 12 of the program Excellent Poor Correctness: Reliability: Maintainability: running 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 : 1: : ; : . Page 34 Management: Characteristics How the project was managed in comparison with similar projects in terms of the following dimensions: Time Pressure; How much pressure there was to finish the project in a particular calendar period. Cost Pressure; How much pressure there was to keep the total software development costs down. Interruptions How much work on the project was subject to interruptions from external sources vacations, sickness, (other projects, etc . ) Change in Specs: How often the specifications software were altered as the progressed. Relative Priority: Priority that the project was given by management relative to other projects. Low Time Pressure: Cost Pressure: Interruptions Change in Specs: Relative Priority: 1 1 Average 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 the project of High 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 Environment Languages Pascal FORTRAN PL/ ADA Assembly Was hardware being developed simultaneously? Very Stable Hardware Stability Average Stability Very Unstable ; Page 35 Appendix C: Engineer Profile Form Engineer Survey Profile Name; Identification Nvunber; Months of Industry Experience: Months of Alpha Company Experience; Highest Degree Received: Field: Year: Current Alpha Company Level ( 01 02 , 03 , 04 05 ,Co-op,etc , , If promoted within the last four years, give the approximate date of the last promotion: ) Page 36 Appendix D: Lifecytie Phases - included any work involved in requirements. If the engineer reported that he or her hours were included in this category. engineer reported having in depth discussions requirements. Specifications the understanding or writing of software specifications and or she was working on writing software specifications, his Furthermore, this phase also included hours in which an with the customer or other engineers about the software included any time spent determining how to solve a pre-specified problem as well as time spent up the design of a software module was placed in this category. This phase included not only the writing up of a formal design, but also informal designs and discussions with other engineers about how the program should be written. Design -- in writing Coding — included time spent actually writing software code. This category also included time spent in preliminary debugging prior to the point where a module was determined to be ready to test. (Debugging tasks such as eliminating compile time errors were included in this category). As soon as testing started on a module, the debug phase was charged. Debug — included testing and debug time done after a module was determined to be ready for testing and/or integration. User Support — included time spent by software engineers helping users to run the program. Because many of the software development projects were part of an embedded system, and because many of the maintenance projects involved updating a system, software engineers were often required to help the users run the system. This phase was charged when this support did not involve any of the "traditional" software development tasks. Documentation — included all the time that was spent actually writing software documentation such as users' manuals and software maintenance manuals with the exception of software specifications and designs. Management -- included management meetings, cost estimates, and other such management tasks. Computer System Maintenance — included many of the needed to keep the computer computer systems were purchased for the projects. When this was the case, time spent backing up the disks or repairing the systems was charged to the project. (Note; on projects that used Alpha Company's general purpose computers, this work was charged to an overhead account and did not appear on the projects' charges.) systems running properly. In ail the charges to support tasks projects, dedicated — included work done solely in a training mode, i.e., if there was no attempt to produce useable output, this phase was charged. On a few of the projects, engineers were required to spend substantial time learning some aspect of the system (a new computer language, system maintenance documentation). For example, this phase was charged in one project when an engineer spent 20 hours learning Turbo Pascal (TM) by reading the manual and writing small programs unrelated to the project. Training &0T 16 ^91 MIT lIBR&Plt'j ^060 OObOQBQS Date Due hf^-^b ,'^i NOV 24 199 (.... Lib-26-67