ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering Fall 2009 Dr. Mustafa Arafa American University in Cairo Mechanical Engineering Department mharafa@aucegypt.edu 1 Course Description Course must be taken in year of admission to engineering program. Course covers: History of engineering Engineering fields of specialization and curricula The engineering profession: team work, professionalism, ethics, licensing, communication and societal obligations Engineering support personnel and activities Engineering approach to problem solving Examples of engineering projects Course project 2 Course Objectives • To identify various aspects and areas of engineering to freshmen • To open the door to discussions, questions and inquiries • To introduce some basic tools and methods used by engineers. 3 Course Outcomes After completing the course, students will be able to: Identify and describe the engineering fields of specialization. Explain the different career paths for engineers. Practice the engineering approach to problem solving. Identify the engineer’s ethical and societal responsibilities. Practice technical writing and presentation using computer tools. Work in a team. 4 Course Contents Textbook: Introduction to Engineering, P.H. Wright, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. Chapter 1: History of Engineering Chapter 2: Definition of Engineering Chapter 6: Engineering Communications The engineer as a writer (report writing) The engineer as a speaker (presentation) Chapter 5: The Engineering Approach to Problem Solving Chapter 4: Creativity Chapter 3: Professional Ethics 5 Grading Policy Grade 1: Assignments Grade 2: Project (8% Midterm project, and 17% final project) Grade 3: Midterm Exam Grade 4: Class Participation and attendance Grade 5: Final Exam 20% 25% 20% 5% 30% 6 Main Objective Senator Robert Kennedy: “Some people see things as they are and ask why?” ”I dream of things that have never been and ask why not?” Source: http://www.s-m-i-t.com/#grow_target 7