LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Center for Information Systenns Research Massachusetts Institute of Alfred P Sloan School of Technology Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 253-1000 Office Automation: Revolution or Evolution? Michael D. Zisman CISR #34 Sloan WP 986-78 April Note: 1978 A slightly revised version of this paper will appear in the June 1978 issue of The Sloan Management Review . OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? INTRODUCTION Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 One great the of industry systems shortcomings has been of information the inability our to manage This is not surprising when one considers the expectations. frequency with which we announce new management concept or which breakthrough technological a inevitably will "revolutionize" the means by which we manage our information In the past ten years, resources. we have thrust upon the world the "revolutions" of timesharing, database management, minicomputer, the the distributed processing, microcomputers, and now led the user community to large data databases, structured programming, upon us a is "revolution" the of level of expectation which is to unattainable, extent distributed MIS, Each of these proclaimed revolutions has office automation. a "total" at least in the timeframes predicted. Recent literature has suggested that there will soon be a revolution in the office as computer technology is brought to bear to increase the productivity labor The force. of the our white systems are cited new as oncoming revolution of office automation. Although we are led to believe that office automation relatively collar "widespread" use of word processing and the introduction of electronic mail evidence of phenomenon, old term given new meaning. is a office automation is rather an In the late sixties, the term OFFICE AUTOMATION: INTRODUCTION REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? automation office referred to the application of computers to well structured, processing, high volume office tasks such as payroll accounts payable, present reincarnation, application Page 2 automation" "office computer of purchasing, In its refers to the communications technology, technology, systems science and behavioral etc. science the to vast majority of less structured office functions which have not been amenable to traditional data processing technology. In both cases, however, the objective of office automation is to improve the productivity of our collar white labor force. While there can be little provided an this technology that administrative technology processing, will be in which integrated into at most Rather, a office environments evolve and adapt to this new technology is purpose rate the organizations will not be revolutionary at all. scenario has opportunity to dramatically change the ways in which we perform which doubt a much more reasonable one. The of this paper is to address the evolution of office automation technology. Although this approach may seem less dramatic, we suggest that it is far more realizable and will provide managers plan a framework which to realistically for the integration of new technology into the office. We will view this evolution stage with in the framework of Nolan's hypothesis for the development of information systems OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? INTRODUCTION organizations [6], and use "office this framework Page 3 distinguish to automation" from "office mechanization". This will be followed by a discussion of some recent research results which will impact and provide direction for this evolution. Before delving into an hypothesis, it will considering why examination of Nolan's stage be useful to motivate the discussion by office the "ripe" now is further for automation. 2.0 WHY OFFICE AUTOMATION NOW?? Why are benefits interested we are to gained be office in by applying technology to millions of office workers white collar force? labor automation? this who What computer make up our Some statistics shed liRht on these Questions. Traditionally, investment in the organization its office employees. capitalization per office worker about $6000 [16]. Organizations have made Estimates for average vary from $2000 [^] to the average capitalization By comparison, per factory worker is reported little made has to be about $25,000 fundamentally [4]. different capital/labor decisions in these two environments. In the have led the factory, opportunities for organization to trade labor for automation capital investment; this OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? WHY OFFICE AUTOMATION NOW?? in impressive productivity increases. resulted has however, office, Page there In the interest little been has 4 in automation opportunities. Current cost trends now make automation in office Presently, labor costs in the office are attractive. more the communications increasing at 6% per year, while costs are declining at 11% per year, computer logic costs are dropping at 25% per year, a rate of and computer memory costs are plummeting at year per 40% approximately 22% of the U.S. work" "office shift toward increase this labor force involved is in "administrative processing" and that the or a one considers that When [33. more service factor, the will economy based implicationss likely are very clear, indeed. Until recently, offices have taken little advantage technological opportunities to increase productivity. has resulted in office costs increasing total company costs 40% - 50% to of from This 20% - 30% total costs of of [4]. Furthermore, accounting for these costs is very haphazard in most organizations, where a large portion of these costs are lumped into corporate overhead [16]. The decreasing cost of office automation technology, as well as the availability of that technology, coupled with the increased cost labor, provides an opportunity for of office innovative corporate managers to stabilize or reduce office costs. OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? WHY OFFICE AUTOMATION NOW?? Page Many organizations now realize that they must begin 5 to toward the automated office if they expect to stem the move rising tide of office costs and still process workloads A being placed them. on growing the Stanford Research Institute study suggests that average investment per employee will from rise this is the case, technology could $2000 to $10000 by 1985 [4]. total the office reach market billion $85 office for systems 1985-1990 the by If timeframe. the availability of sophisticated On the negative side, technology at relatively low prices has led some individuals to believe that technology alone will solve the problems the This is office. delusion. a Technology alone provides opportunities. If the technology is to organization, it must be of of use into a be incorporated to an systems solution to the problems of the office. 3.0 STAGES OF GROWTH A evolutionary number of discussion of the hypothesis stage process clearly and human childhood, proposes identifiable comparison. adolescence, a specific be conveniently segmented into a can growth that A process phases purposes for of good example is the division into stages of adulthood and old age. infancy, Obviously, OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OH EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH Page 6 any one of these stages could be further subdivided if needs so dictated. extent that As such, stage hypothesis is useful to the a provides it insights evolutionary the into process under study. Nolan suggests that there exist four stages for an organization matures. labels He formalization, stages these applications information systems of stages The office will area lead to the become soon information for a systems undergoing organizations and we foresee the office stages of growth. expansion, initiation, These maturity. and familiar "S" growth curve. major use its as growth of similar We examine these stages in more detail so that managers can place present and future developments into a broader perspective. This will followed be by an examination of other relevant hypotheses. 3.1 Initiation In the initiation stage, (or will cost-reduction or increased productivity and will use mechanized office equipment. limited to text processing computer installations applications. equipment, were limited perceive opportunities technological perceived) have organizations This just to for begin to will normally be as the first bread and butter Some users will take advantage of the machine OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH readable text will and systems, TWX/Telex and other capabilities. output are already standalone output to photocomposition mediums the word processing equipment, the longer range objective of reducing organizations the technology stage, Emphasis fairly a paperwork), interest, and in will be introduced and There will clear delineation between word processing and data processing at this processing will (as opposed to managed by the administrative services function. be using shared logic systems, on the more efficient production of paper most enhanced for initiation or text editing systems on large computers. be 7 Many of today's larger organizations through or in interface Page managers point. Unfortunately, most data will view this stage with little or no viewing word processing as an activity outside the scope of their mission. 3.2 Expansion The initiation stage will be followed rapid expansion. by Office automation will "catch on", data processing did during the second stage of There will revolution; efforts will stage a EDP of just as growth. an explosion of interest and predictions of be poorly planned be and uncoordinated development justified on low marginal cost, given the equipment in place from stage 1 OFFICE AUTOMATION: STAGES OF GROWTH REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? The emphasis in this stage will be on of tools the 8 development mechanizing devices in the office such as the by in-basket, Page file cabinet, Roladex, calendar, telephone, etc. Most references to "office automation" or the "office of the future" really refer to this stage of development, be accurately mopre and would labelled "office mechanization". The objective here will be to replace paper flow with electronic information extent, flows. exists- generators, We note that the technology, today computer to develop sophisticated based message systems, management functions, and other related this stage, to a large document basic calendar office tools. In the data processing sector of the organization may recognize the office as an applications area. We will mechanize filing) typing, but tasks not entry, credit approval). technology problem as organization problem. introduction people that automate Here much we as by a are a This stage will not faced with a systems problem and an bring with it the of large amounts of distributed hardware. For "critical good example of this). these (i.e., functions (e.g., order many of these applications to be successful, used perform systems, we they must mass" of users (electronic mail is be a As more and more people begin to use will have to address the organizational problems which will undoubtedly arise. The challenges of the organizational problems will probably be larger than the OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH technical challenges in this stage. applications hardware and proliferation of will applications proliferation The very be the in Page similar corporate 9 of to the computer facilities in the 1960's. Since emphasis the mechanization tools of functions, per se, integration it will proposed, developed, 3.3 the on is there will not be great concern period a stage in the office as opposed to office these tools into of be this in a cohesive whole. experimentation of as the for Rather, tools are refined, and some discarded. Formalization The period proliferation of of expansion rapid disjointed will result in a very analogous to the tools, proliferation of non-integrated data processing applications of the 1960's. tools, in As users become more comfortable with these they will demand cohesiveness and further integration office their environments. This will motivate stage of growth which will focus on what is the office in systems. devices applications done in The first change will be toward and facilities into more cohesive The second change will be toward third addition to the tools used in the office to carry out office functions. integrating being a automating a shift from mechanizing processes, and from mechanizing OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH ta sks to automat ing funct ions. work substantial portion of the A carried on in most offices is the execution of routine routine" "almost or Page 10 office procedures. It these is procedures which give utility to the various devices in the office and the routine automation of routine these almost and procedures will allow us to use the computer in the office as more than a "word cruncher". processes The that we are addressing here are those office procedures which are not amenable to conventional data processing technology to a lack of structure. This shift in emphasis from devices crucial Ackoff [1] provides one. process as and a process to a notion viewpoint, the of devices the in By mechanizing devices, manager. the resources of the secretary but, the addressing office the of responsibilities a are resource we are addressing not by and large, problems of the office not manager. suggesting that secretaries will be replaced; some very a those However, when we attack office processes, manager. we are automating office functions, that system a From process. resources of the secretary, and the secretary is are a has a goal producing function." It is the manager in an simplistic of is succinct definition of a "sequence of behavior that constitutes organization that has of due the of more the structured, secretary routine and tasks, and are not We we do suggest and mundane manager will be OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH completely (almost) group this of the workers secretary's tools this stage, productive more for 2 and In stage 2, we mechanize many of still rely on the secretary to but know when these tools are to be used and how they are to used accomplish some job function. to In stage 3, know how the various tools of behavior) should be accomplish to together used (the some particular job function (the goal producing function), and when to use various tools. In this stage, in the stricter sense of rather than bfeyond many current we begin to use "automation" replacing with people This focus on office machines, automation goes perceptions of the field. Maturity The last stage in the growth process self-explanatory one, and a organization adapts to change. integration of is relatively a period of stabilization as the We will see a continued functions and facilities in office systems. Less structured office procedures will be learn the simply supporting or augmenting them with more mechanized devices. 3.M and into the machine so that the computer system will that sequence be we take the organization's knowledge about the office processes put 11 thus making difference between stage the is one of degree. 3 in available Naturally, functions. stage automated Page more about this area. automated as we Obviously, some functions will OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH Page 12 be "de-automated" as we learn from the mistakes. technologies new repeated, changes develop, growth this as organizations generate curve change, major As will integrate be the their work environments (possibly by changing into the work environment), and stabilize from the effects of these changes. 3.5 Other Stage Hypotheses Strassmann [17], of implications Xerox, has also considered the the stage hypothesis on office automation. of He suggests that while traditional data processing may be in fourth the stage administrative largely systems" because twenty years. Nolan's of are growth curve, beginning just "general to emerge, they have been ignored for the past ten to Strassmann sees the four stages of growth in general administrative systems to be mechanization of tasks, machine-aided enlargement. on what transactions, The Strassmann machine-aided redesign work work and work reported in this paper concentrates has labelled transactions, mechanization task and and complementary is to Strassmann's model. In the late sixties, for office stage, automation a popular included stage the hypothesis nonmechanized [15] craft an early mechanization stage characterized by the use OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? STAGES OF GROWTH of typewriters, adding card data processing electronic data machines and the like, the punched stage the and processing. automation solely with what was previously by single components. views one automation as moving stage mechanization into of Strassmann, considered automation stage of electronic data processing that stage Clearly the stage hypothesis discussed in this paper, and that discussed deals Page 13 the and explodes automation and These views are not necessarily inconsistent if distinction the technology a forward; what frontier view we mechanization between which as is and continually automation today will probably be viewed as mechanization is some future period. M.O IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS Our view of the evolution of office automation revolves around a distinction between mechanization of tasks in stage 2 and automation of believe several that clearly there are functions in stage implications for 3. We those charged with managing this evolution, and we discuss some of those implications in that, however, will it this section. be necessary Before proceeding to to more distinguish the terms mechanization and automation. clearly OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS Mechanization And Automation M.I literature current It is distressing that most of the on Page 14 office automation addresses the oncoming "revolution" in the office but automation from makes the often and in fact, literature Earlier other. office distinguish to mechanization, office mistakes one for attempt no the on subject of office automation studied the distinction between mechanization distinction, the Shepard mechanization 1. from addressing In provides [15] distinguishing according automation this good summarization of a points major Two literature. Faunce, automation. and studies to by Bright and Diebold are: As automaticity increases, source man from moves control initi a ting the technology to (i.e., automatic control); 2. As automaticity increases, function integration of increases. As pointed out in the previous section, characteristics which distinguish stage second point, that of integration self-explanatory. The first crucial to real automation. means that we not only of point, In the mechanize 2 it The from stage 3. function, is fairly of control, that office the these is domain, is this task (e.g., from OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS typewriter to word processor) technology what under know to when conditions instructed indicates [14J the produce to , a , but also we that use task should oe executed word processor specific a Page 15 document) technology is knowledge; the (e.g., should As . be Simon "knowledge of how to make things, but also knowledge of how to do things." The technology automation of knowledge and a higher implies degree technology of mecnanization. incremental knowledge is, In different kind of knowledge, than the a of office the domain, this the knowledge of office in fact, procedures. Automating Office Procedures - 4.1.1 In order to general mechanism automate for office procedures, representing the office procedures in the computer memory. computer by the knowledge a about In this way, with tools encoded procedures. process representation is an process need the can automatically react to inputs to the office by activating the various mecnanized supplied we instance instructions This issue of office of a more general representation and knowledge representation problem which is of wide interest in the artificial intelligence and computer science research communities. What we are really addressing is the development of knowld ege based systems OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS In considering the which can be exploited. Foremost is extent the are event driven. procedures office automation and By that, many office procedures are defined in such which we mean that way that office a reasonable paradigm for an office manager is ball to react to various stimuli from the environment. personnel of certain characteristics become apparent procedures, office representation Page 16 "keep to A the in someone else's court." When something happens which and then send it requires our attention, we react to it, on to the next station for further action. As part of in a suitable the author worked with large mortgage banking company and large insurance company procedures. office their analyzing large extent, be develop to for office processes, representation a research project a by what we came to call a attention." The procedure is composed of performed external activity) in by a a single can could "local focus of number of related attention span, is frequently to the person performing the as the arrival of a document or the arrival such of some specific date. actions and single individual, and is initiated by some (external event a surprisingly activity is an action or series of actions An which occur a their procedures were event driven characterized activities. To be taken An activity terminates when no other with respect to Normally, this means that the organization the must procedure. await new OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS Page 17 information from the environment or must wait for some fixed time period to elapse. Another interesting aspect of office procedures is observation oftentimes that difficulties in offices arise not so much from doing the wrong things as the right the from things when they should be done. is not task performance as much as task not doing The difficulty recognition. This is an area in which the computer may be very helpful. 4.2 Organizational Implications Much of the mechanization work from earlier cited automation was which distinguished actually motivated by questions of worker alienation in offices and factories. the literature indicates that workers in automated general, environments are less alienated than workers environments. less [15]. function Shepard at work in mechanized This is generally due to job enlargement and specialization shows that in for automated both factory "the degree of differentiation in labor In the the environnments office and the division of is related to technology and that automated technology reduces the level of alienation employees as well as factory workers." among office OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS Page 18 An obvious example is the factory production line. a production mechanized line, worker makes each requirements, pacing of work, repetitiveness, minimum skill attention mental surface These workers are [18]. levels production integrated equipment and plant system, relatively have the is a high worker in an monitor of an maintainer a of These handler. exception an to contrast, In process automated continuous minute subdivision of labor and likely alienation. of by The job is characterized by mechanical station. work small moves contribution to the final product as the assembly each a In complex are jobs associated with the whole of the process, as compared to the high subdivision of labor associated with mechanization, and job enlargement usually occurs. expect We can evolution same the results office systems technology. of During periods of substantial device mechanization we can expect to encounter employee resistance centers provide substantial example alienation. worker mechanization of of stage 2 As we and and turn these over to computer control; can expect less which move met with from the to the automation of stage 3, will relieve workers of the mundane we mechanized, highly a environment specialized functionally Large word processing and alienation. good a continuing the in employee routine we functions during this period alienation and quicker OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS Page 19 acceptance of the technology. 4.3 How Long An Evolution? rapid The proliferation tools of in stage 2 is essentially unavoidable as organizations begin to assimilate It is important to long run success, new office technology. that however, organizations keep steady eye toward the a integration of these tools which become crucial to the third stage development. of end in themselves; The tools of the office are not an mechanizing the tools cannot be an end in itself. How long will this manage The it? growth emphasis cycle in controlled and managed evolution; not going driven; less to change overnight. take paper this office Stage since most of the technology is expensive by the minute, 2 who and been has environments will on are will be technology here and getting we can expect products to start reaching the market fairly rapidly, and in fact this is already the case with word processing and electronic mail systems. However, mechanization organizational problems. on the critical path, of In stage 2, stage 2 technology will not be but rather the organization's to assimilate the technology. implies ability OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? IMPLICATIONS OF THE STAGE HYPOTHESIS Systems to address the third stage five least to growth of understanding to processes remain to be solved. implementations We can expect to see however. run, be fairly close to traditional will data processing implementations but will make use of mechanization at representing and specific ad hoc implementations in the short These are years from being commercially available. related Many problems office 10 Page 20 such tools electronic mail systems. generators document as office and Managers should be careful not to specific application dependent implementations with confuse the more general issue of knowledge representations. based of representation is needed in the long run, Generality it comes at a substantial cost. The critical path in but this stage will probably be technology. will It evolution be interesting organizations. in information processing in a much to who see Office manages automation broader this requires perspective than traditional data processing, general administrative services or telecommunications (see Strassmann [16]). The leadership for the office automation effort will come from one of these areas, of but a successful effort will require the groups. all Each group will have to widen the scope of its mission to include the office of the future; which does catalyst. so involvement most the group quickly will emerge as the leader and OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? OFFICE PROCEDURES AS SEMI-STRUCTURED PROCESSES Page 21 OFFICE PROCEDURES AS SEMI-STRUCTURED PROCESSES 5.0 We expect the automation of office processes to present some problems relative to other computer automation unique Most efforts. degree of difficulties these of center structure in the applications area. of commercial data processing has been one highly application structured For example, domains. accounting domains systems followed highly a domain. office processes is a MIS [7] Mortons's provides useful insights here. Essentially, consisting of a set a deci sio n of report generators, etc. and provides DSS tools systems, data analysis systems, framework In their work, support systems a for example, an environment such as models, data base data extraction programs, means with which to interface these normally incompatible tools into [5] semi-structured to support managers operating in unstructured problem domains. (refer, progression natural step in this progression. they motivate the development of (pSS) a recent much less structured a An examination of Gorry and Scott for is the automation of In this context, automated of relatively systems structured domain to from to less structured the by the The history moving of development the early development of decision support from around a synergistic whole to the GMIS system at the Sloan School or the DAISY system at the Wharton School 12]). The individual manager provides the structure by using the tools OFFICE AUTOMATIOiM: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? OFFICE PROCEDURES AS SEMI-STRUCTURED PROCESSES Page 22 in some manner to carry out his/ner objectives. problem domain is inherently unstructured, notion of process into the computer; using system the extreme, nave we provide to nighly Since the we cannot put a we rely on tne manager process. the structured At the other operational control systems (e.g., payroll) wnere the underlying process is well understood and As system. understanding is implicitly Gorry of encoded underlying the Morton Scott and into computer the indicate, structure or an lack of in the problem domain is essential to determining structure how the computer can best be used in the problem domain. Where do office procedures Morton framework? automated structured and nave been techniques processing office Some are clearly doesn't make procedure) . . the procedures with Gorry-Scott are highly traditional data tend to be hign volume also (these procedures such as order entry) into fit On the other hand, there some totally unstructured office processes much sense to talk For these processes, tools into a cohesive DSS about an (it unstructured the integration of stage environment which augments 2 the manager will be of great value, but attempts to automate the process will fail just as other attempts to impose too much structure on an inherently unstructured process nave failed. An example of such an unstructured process might oe the to day informal communications of a manager. day OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? OFFICE PROCEDURES AS SEMI-STRUCTURED PROCESSES There is a lot going on in an office that falls between these two cases. These are what Gorry and Scott Morton call semi-structured processes. of procedures office from We suggest that are instances Although these processes processes. tools the developed in terms of productivity will come capture the Page 23 notion large a number of "semi-structured" clearly will benefit stage 2, the real payoff in stage in when 3 we can exploit it with the sample application and an examination process of and computer. AN EXAMPLE 6.0 At this point, of how it beneficial. might a evolve through this growth cycle will be We introduce an example here which was used to study the representation and automation of office processes [193. Consider the job function of serving as an editor for an academic journal. While this may not be procedure in most businesses, in general typical of office procedures which standardized communication, horizon for completion structured. of the typical office form involve individuals in different organizations, written, a a a it a is number of amount large very of relatively long time process, and is somewhat An informal description of the journal editing procedure would be the following: OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? Page 24 AN EXAMPLE When an individual or group of individuals write a paper and desire to publish the paper in an academic journal, the paper must be sent to one of the journal editors. It is typically received by the secretary or administrative assistant to the editor. Relevant data from the paper is entered into a log which is kept for the journal. includes the author and title of the This data paper, as well as the author which to correspondence should be directed. The paper is assigned a log number, and an acknowledgement letter is sent to the primary author. The editor is informed that a paper has been submitted and is expected to designate referees individuals knowledgeable in the subject matter of the paper who will read the paper and offer an opinion as to its suitability for publication. Normally, the editor designates two referees, but this is not absolutely necessary. The editor may designate as few as one or as many as three referees. When the editor has designated referees, the secretary sends letters to these individuals asking their assistance in reviewing the paper. The letter is mailed to each prospective referee along with a copy of the submitted paper, information about the refereeing process, and a return postcard. The referee is asked to return the postcard and indicate his/her willingness to review the paper. returns the If the prospective referee postcard and indicates an unwillingness to review notified and asked to the paper, the editor is select another prospective referee. If the and prospective referee returns the postcard indicates a willingness to review the paper, then s/he is expected to review the paper and submit a report within one month. the After all of the referee reports are in, editor is so informed and is expected to make a decision about the publication of the paper. He can decide accept the paper in its present to form, to reject the paper, or to request that the author(s) revise the paper in accordance with the referees' comments. OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? Page 25 AN EXAMPLE When the editor makes his decision, a letter is sent to the primary author informing him/her of Additionally, copies of the referee the decision. with referee names deleted, are sent to reports, the primary author. submits a revision of the If the author paper, the revised version of the paper is sent to the original referees and the whole process is repeated. To gain an appreciation for hypothesis, stage we the implications of the now examine how this journal editing procedure might evolve in an office automation environment. 6.1 Stage 1 In the first stage, we would expect to see the editor's standardized communications an automatic typewriter of some While sort. this will the secretary of the task of retyping the documents relieve for every paper, problems in we have not addressed any managing the paper flow. maintained which will detail paper and letters to be processed on submitted. In terms the of of the Manual logs will be communications the control function editing, we have really automated very little. for each of journal OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? AN EXAMPLE Stage 2 6.2 other In stage 2, portions mechanizing become available the editing process. of electronic an for The various mail system for normal communications and will use postal services to their Automated filing systems will be far lesser extent. to will tools participants will rely on a Page 26 some store storage purposes. correspondence the of this At point, used and for other data though, we still are relying on individuals, namely the editor and the secretary, to recognize when tasks must be performed and these initiate secretary to occurred tasks. a to Just as importantly, we rely on the recognize (e.g., least at when expected events referee not submitting a have not report on time). We still expect the secretary to perform all of the tasks as in stage 1 the only difference is that we give him/her new ; tools to accomplish some of these tasks by mechanizing of the devices that the secretary uses. the secretary to receive inputs, matter routine how they are, some We still rely on interpret these inputs no and to see that the proper outputs are generated. 6.3 Stage 3 Most of the technology exists described above for or will soon become commercially available. stage 2 Such is OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? AN EXAMPLE not the case for the automation important distinction must certainly exist to write automate made here. be specific a stage in An 3. The technology computer program to journal editing function and to keep track of the each paper submitted; does What used. implied Page 27 such systems exists is not a exist today are and general computer system which has knowledge of general office procedures, which of journal editing is one particular but not unique instance. The third stage procedure to growth of concentrate will on performed and not just on the tasks which be must be accomplished in execution of the procedure. will see processes. attempts Here we actually automate portions of these to this In the example, computer a system will automatically keep track of each paper submitted, generating the proper documents at the proper times, inputs by producing the proper outputs. someone wishes to submit a a consult procedures, find the For example, a journal s/he to when will proper cover message. Upon accepting this message, the computer will reacting paper for publication, "send" the paper to this system with secretary) and system machine-readable editing (not library procedure, the of and determine that an acknowledgement letter should be generated and that a message should be sent to the the names of referees. The computer editor requesting system initiate these actions by sending detailed commands will then to the OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? AN EXAMPLE mechanized various tools, such as the document generation subsystem or electronic message subsystem. receive paper electronic an mail received been has Page 28 message The editor informing him that requesting and will names the a of referees. probably The editor will electronic "inbox" file electronic the message back to the processes system actions, if any, system mail computer procedure referees. it library can be taken. When should it send computer network) to the selected the the referees some specified period, correct the situation a referees with paper, the like a form letter the computer it will automatically take action (this this until computer the instructing by If for response from the referees within might system a to involve sending out reminder notice or informing the editor). continue what through the (probably filled in with some variable information. does not receive computer determine to document generation subsystem to transmit system will The computer system will now message a This will again consult its determine that since it has the names of paper, his send an electronic to system. message this machine-readable in file and respond to the message at some later date by supplying the names of cause message this a The process would decision was made on the paper, automatically "tracking" and managing the routine control functions. each OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? Page 29 AN EXAMPLE the computer system now assumes the role In effect, secretary. the of detects inputs, consults procedures to It determine what outputs. The outputs may be messages to other parties (the actions should taken, be generates and computer system is acting as an intelligent message instructions other switch) office systems to take certain actions such as filing information. The computer system can or when react also to expected specified time periods. the events As one can see, change focus our procedure from can a mechanization device of secretary for automated be within large portion a routine and almost routine work done by the journal editing occur not do once we process to automation. 7.0 TOWARD THE THIRD STAGE In a recently completed research project at the Wharton School, investigated we required achieving for automation systems (see the methodology stage capability 3 Morgan and [8] technology and office in Ness [9] Automation description of During previous two years other researchers, Professor David Ness, had developed the Wharton the tools, including systems, and electronic filing there existed a document robust Office large a generators, systems stage 2 for a Project). chiefly testbed electronic [10,11,12]. environment, of mail Thus, and our OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? TOWARD THE THIRD STAGE Page 30 objective was to push that technology toward the third stage described in this paper. project The research discussed is in author's the doctoral dissertation [193 and is briefly summarized here. 1. As we stated earlier, levels are mechanization and technology, of essentially knowledge Automation implies technology and of how that a automation to more things. do sophisticated knowledge base be used, and this in turn requires way is a of representing this knowledge in the computer system. formalism [20,21], To that called an developed we end, Petri au gment ed modelling a net previously based on formalisms (APN) developed in the computer science and artificial intelligence fields. With the APN, describe can we office procedures such as the journal editing procedure in a manner that can be interpreted system devices. control for office An was describe office the automatically representation. various the computer the mechanized specification procedure also designed so that analysts could language fashion; of by procedures external converted in a parsimonious specification into the APN can be internal OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? TOWARD THE THIRD STAGE 2. The other part of the research development and implementation of Pace 31 project the computer system a named SCOOP (System for Computerization Procedures). was Office of The objective of SCOOP is to provide the technology for achieving the automation. interface between the SCOOP the is third user and the mechanized tools of the allowing stage office, of thus the user to deal with the computer at the level of process instead of task. SCOOP office to interprets procedures control the the APN descriptions of stored in the procedure library various office tools. It is presently being used by an editor of Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery and Transactions on Database Systems in the editorial manner function, described operates to help in through the of four the journal stages editing of automation (specifically, it operates as we described stage capabiiites in the previous capable of interpreting office procedures, from individuals, the in the previous section where we considered the evolution function and (TODS) (CACM) the section). APN 3 SCOOP is descriptions of sending and receiving messages and sending instructions to other mechanized office tools. OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? TOWARD THE THIRD STAGE While we have there editing, used example the nothing is application comes SCOOP could used be without procedures, for a having descriptions. APN wide range of office write to computer programs for each procedure. can SCOOP be procedures the used Naturally, SCOOP organization's could organization's through In this way, many flow the of processing interrogate systems and so that update the maintained normally databases traditional organization. also be interfaced to the could data the in processing systems. data this manner, office automation and data will specific performed by the secretary and to track information SCOOP automate to to description of the journal editing supplied by the SCOOP system specificity the from journal of the in specific to journal editing; this Page 32 blend together into a In processing general more "information processing" system. 8.0 CONCLUSION In this paper, the manager can automation systems. we have provided rationalize the a framework with evolution of We suggest that office automation which office will OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? CONCLUSION evolve and mature from a focus on task mechanization to one on process automation. growth Page 33 An understanaing of the evolutionary process and its implications will assist managers in planning for introduction the and management office of systems technology. A prototype system operating from been described. automating for office knowledge base of office procedures, has a Our experience with that project reinforces our opinion that while the Denefits of stage are substantial, we incorporate functions, 2 mechanization the truly "automated office" requires a notion of process into our that systems thinking. 9.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Most of the work described here was performed while the author was a graduate student in the Department of Decision Sciences of the Wharton School, University of Tne assistance David Ness is of Professor gratefully Pennsylvania. Morgan and Professor Howara Several acknowledged useful suggestions from tne annonymous referees as well as comments from Davia Root of the Morton of the Sloan quality of presentation. Wharton School School have and helped Michael Scott to improve the OFFICE AUTOMATION: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? REFERENCES Page 34 REFERENCES 1. "Towards a System of Systems Ackoff, R.L. Concepts", Mana g ement S cience vol. 17, no. 11 1971). , 2. (July H.L. Morgan, and M.D. Zisman. Buneman, 0.9. The Daisy for Decision Support: Facilities "Display Decision Approacn", Proceedings of a Conference on (ed.). Dat a Base, Support systems, in Carlson, E. vol. 8, no. 3 (Winter 1977). , 3. Burns, J.C. "The Evolution of Office Information Systems." Datamation, April, 1977, pp. 60-64. 4. Business Week. "The Office of the Future." McGraw-Hill, June 30, 1975. 5. "Institutional and Donovan, J.J. and S.E.Madnick. Ad Hoc DSS and Tneir Effective Use" Proceedings of Conference on Decision Support Systems, in Carlson, E. 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