Business Affairs Commission Meeting Minutes October 9 & 10, 2014 at Wenatchee Valley College Day 1: Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:00 –12:45 p.m. Lunch, Welcome & Introductions – Bob Williamson Chair Bob Williamson opened the meeting. Introductions were made of those in attendance. Bob thanked Wenatchee Valley College for hosting the October meeting. 12:45 – 1:15 p.m. ctcLink Project Update – Barbara Martin Barbara Martin shared an update on the ctcLink project (refer to slide presentation). Barbara shared an overview of the system’s “footprint” and provided an overview to provide context. Training and education of end users is critical, but will need to happen differently than was conducted with FirstLink colleges due to the sheer numbers of employees in each of the waves. First Link implementation activities include: weekly status meetings; data mapping, conversion and validation; security matrix and assigning roles; user acceptance testing (UAT); supporting systems review and planning; scheduling of on-campus training; ongoing communications. Critical success factors for Go Live date include: register students, collect tuition, award financial aid, disburse financial aid, process payroll and purchase goods. For Wave 1 colleges going live in the May timeframe will change the list of critical success factors due to the kinds of activities that occur during that time of year. It was noted that all UAT will be complete before Go Live date. However, training for some functions and modules may occur after the Go Live date, such as year-end close, since those functions are not needed until later in the year. All wave colleges will complete UAT before their Go Live date. Training resources are available at Wave 1 colleges are meeting every other week at this point. Readiness assessment is occurring to determine whether the Go Live date is still reasonable. Determination will be made in partnership between ctcLink team and the FirstLink colleges. 1:15 – 2:45 p.m. BAC Academy – Effective Strategies for Employee Recruitment – John Boesenberg John Boesenberg facilitated the BAC Academy focusing on effective strategies for employee recruitment and diversity. Joining him was a panel of HR experts: Charles Sims (Seattle District), Reagan Bellamy (Wenatchee Valley College), and Sue Williamson (Highline College). A presentation was shared. Key concepts were shared including; knowing your community, emphasizing the importance of the position announcement, minimum qualifications, relevant qualifications related to diversity, recruitment tips, screening committees, retention strategies, succession planning. BAC members participated in a case study exercise using the “Creating a Level Playing Field” screening tool to determine whether there are subtle biases in sample job announcements. 2:45 – 3:00 p.m. Break BAC adjourned into break and reconvened in committee meetings. 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Committee Meetings Committees on Information Technology, Operating Budget, Security & Safety, Operations and Capital met. 4:45 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting Executive Committee met prior to the BAC dinner. Day 2: Friday, October 10, 2014 8:00 – 8:05 a.m. Call to Order and Introductions – Bob Williamson Approval of Minutes and Treasurer’s Report – Nate Langstraat The BAC business meeting was called to order. June 2014 meeting minutes were presented and unanimously approved. The BAC treasurer’s report of $7,749.77 was shared and accepted by the membership. Bob shared that the following BAC members will be appointed to the High Cost Course Workgroup: Kurt Buttleman, Mary Alice Grobins, Bill Thomas and Bill Saraceno. 8:05 – 8:10 a.m. Welcome – Jim Richardson, President, Wenatchee Valley College President Richardson welcomed the BAC group to Wenatchee Valley College. He also highlighted the 75th year anniversary of WVC. 8:10 – 8:20 a.m. State Board Report – Denise Graham Denise updated BAC on two topics. The allocation subcommittee is working on deciding on proportion of SAI, how to identify high-cost courses, weighting of high-cost and ABE FTE, stoploss/stop-gain and timing of implementation. For implementation, timing might be to receive allocations under the current formula for FY16, then receive a simulated allocation that shows what colleges would have received under the new allocation formula. Colleges could use the simulated allocation to start planning for implementation of the new formula in FY17. The Washington Student Achievement Council is working on duel credit legislation, focusing on Running Start and College in the High School-related issues. The focus of the legislation is to remove barriers for students. WSAC staff is asking their council to approve introducing a bill that would fund tuition for students in college in the high school programs, and allow certain OSPI funds to be used as grants to school districts to cover Running Start students’ books and transportation costs. Also under discussion is prohibiting “Running Start in the High School” programs. 8:20 – 8:30 a.m. WACTC Report – Jim Richardson on behalf of Ron Langrell Jim Richardson shared the report from WACTC, including topics of Running Start in the High School. There was some concern regarding the quality and rigor of those programs offered by some of the four-year institutions. The financial statement training was presented as the September President’s Academy. Jim thanked those pilot colleges and SBCTC staff for their great work. WACTC accepted the allocation and accountability principles and identified next steps and additional work that needs to be accomplished this year. There is recognition that with no new funding, any reallocation will hurt some of the colleges. That issue is being kept in mind by WACTC. Jim mentioned that introducing the new formula may not happen until the second year of the 2015-2017 biennium. Major capital project requests for 17-19 will be limited to 10 colleges. 8:30 – 9:35 a.m. Committee, Workgroup, and Liaison Reports Operating Budget – Nate Langstraat and Nick Lutes Nate Langstraat facilitated the OBC report. OBC met jointly with the IT Committee to discuss the long-term funding plan for ctcLink, the cash flow issue in FY16 and FY17, and potential assessment methods that could be used. After Denise and Nick presented information and options (refer to handouts), BAC discussed ideas and issues related to the various billing options. Various other ideas were shared and discussed. It was noted that WACTC has not requested a recommendation from BAC on this issue, so the BAC liaisons for OBC and IT will share the perspective of the commission during WACTC committee meetings in November. The current timeline includes continued review and discussion by WACTC in November with potential recommendations and action taking place at the December WACTC meeting. Lisa Hjaltalin was elected as the vice chair for OBC. The BAC OBC 2014-2015 work plan was shared, including items such as supporting the work of WACTC OBC, supporting the work of the Allocation subcommittee, supporting the biennial budget implementation and development of FY16 supplemental budget, assessing legislative bills for fiscal impact, assisting with ctcLink funding analysis, and supporting system-wide tuitions strategy development. Nick reviewed the 2015-2017 biennial budget submission, which includes the reduction scenarios in the maintenance level of the budget and the buy-back and budget package in the policy level of the budget (refer to handouts). BAC Executive Committee will be presenting a recommendation at the December meeting to revise the appointment of the BAC liaison to WACTC OBC. The committee believes the role should be filled by either the current BAC OBC chair, the immediate past chair of BAC OBC, or perhaps the BAC vice chair (assuming this position would serve on OBC). The objective is build a stronger and more direct connection between WACTC OBC and BAC OBC. Information Technology – Barbara McCullough Barbara McCullough spoke briefly on the joint meeting held with OBC to discuss the ctcLink long-term funding plan. The vice chair for the IT Committee will be selected electronically and reported to the BAC membership. Barbara shared IT Committee’s work plan, emphasizing that most of the work plan focuses on issues related to ctcLink, specifically how to prepare for training. It was noted that the backfilling of positions and paying overtime are realities of the project for each local college. Also discussed was how wave colleges can best support each other during preparation for and implementation of ctcLink, specifically the need for smaller colleges to leverage each other’s resources to ensure successful planning and implementation. It was noted that fixed asset reporting will be supported by PeopleSoft under GAAP reporting. All other reporting needs will be supported by Megamations. Security & Safety – Kevin McKay on behalf of Frank Ashby Kevin McKay shared the committee update. The vice chair will be selected electronically and communicated to the BAC membership. Kevin noted that there are many online resources available for all colleges to use. The Safety and Security Committee work plan includes completing the training matrix and continuing work on continuity of operations planning, The BAC Academy in April 2015 may be focused on colleges serving as a site for first responders should a community incident take place, continuity of operations, and other considerations for major incidents. 9:35 – 9:50 a.m. Break BAC business meeting took short break. 9:50 – 10:30 a.m. Committee, Workgroup, and Liaison Reports (continued) Operations – Bruce Riveland and John Ginther Bruce Riveland facilitated the Operations Committee report and highlighted that Jennifer Howard was elected as vice chair. In regards to procurement reform, it appears that DES is behind in providing training on some of the changes. A common policy update was provided. Twenty colleges have opted in to the common policy initiative. The next step is to compile a list of all policies that colleges are required to have per statute with a focus on the required policies for student services and instruction. If colleges want to opt in, please contact Suzie Benson. Maximum cost for this first phase is $15K, which will be distributed evenly based on the number of colleges interested. BAC voted to move forward with this first phase with twenty colleges indicating their support. NACUBO was unable to get waiver for the 1098T issue this year. Colleges are encouraged to respond to penalty letters with the standard response, as was done last year. Application was updated to reflect some of the needed 1098T language. Operations committee is recommending that ctcLink take on the electronic communications associated with 1098T. More discussion will take place next meeting. It is expected that all of our financial statement audits to result in unmodified opinions. They are also, however, likely to include recommendations on internal controls, approval for access to screens, and annual risk assessments. Auditors are working on the audit schedules based on when they are available. Each college signs their own contract with SAO for the audit, which will indicate when colleges need to have their financial statements completed. Letters from NWCCU don’t all have the “within two years” language. That has caused some confusion. However, federal law still allows colleges two years to address the issue. DES has verbally agreed that we can change the procurement training to fit better with what is required of higher education and further that our system can conduct our own training once a “train the trainer” session has been completed. All executive level positions will be required to complete a higher level training totaling two hours—likely at a WACTC academy. There was discussion on who will participate in the “train the trainer” in order to roll out system-wide to all those involved in any level of purchasing. There was an idea of conducting an online session via Canvas to compete the training before June 30, 2015. Capital – Choi Halladay and Wayne Doty Choi presented an update from the Capital Committee. The vice chair will be elected for Capital Committee electronically and communicated to the BAC membership. The Capital Committee work plan includes items such as a continued focus on minor works appropriations, making recommendations for scoring criteria for 17-19 major project submissions, supporting development of the system’s 17-19 budget request, conducting a capital workshop, and partnering with OBC to develop a capital leases funding request. There was continued discussion on minor work allocation expenditures. Based on review and survey results, the CTC system is not on target to reach the goal of spending at least 80% before end of the biennium. Reminder that minor work allocations can only be reappropriated for one biennium. Capital request for new appropriations for 2015-2017 were mentioned and referred to on the tenyear plan summary. BAC was informed that for 2017-2019, only 10 colleges will be eligible to compete for major capital project funding. This was voted on at the September WACTC meeting. BAC Capital Committee received a work assignment from WACTC for a review of the major capital scoring matrix. The assignment includes how to incorporate infrastructure needs and other cost multipliers/factors as scoring considerations. More information will be provided next meeting. 10:30 – 10:45 Other Business Lockdown ideas were shared by Ray White, including sleeves for door arms, magnets, and zip ties. Ray shared a solution that Bellevue implemented over the summer to retrofit 200 classrooms in less than 60 days for $20K. Bellevue replaced the cores on classroom doors and distributed lockdown keys. They are blank cores with blank keys. Those interested were encouraged to contact Ray White. 10:45 a.m. Business Meeting Adjournment The regular BAC business meeting adjourned. 10:45 a.m. BAC Executive Session BAC only members met in executive session.