Francis.txt <time begin="00:00:00.50"/><clear/>[ Music ]<br/> <time begin="00:00:03.46"/><clear/>>> This is a great crowd<br/>

<time begin="00:00:00.50"/><clear/>[ Music ]<br/>
<time begin="00:00:03.46"/><clear/>>> This is a great crowd<br/>
and I'm thrilled to be here.<br/>
<time begin="00:00:15.58"/><clear/>Welcome and thank you for
to the third of our four Voices<br/>
<time begin="00:00:26.18"/><clear/>from the Vanguard lecture
<time begin="00:00:29.18"/><clear/>My name is Pat Thomas, I'm
the Knight Chair in<br/>
Health and Medical Journalism at Grady College.<br/>
<time begin="00:00:35.28"/><clear/>These lectures are a
collaboration between<br/>
my program and the UGA Center for Tropical<br/>
<time begin="00:00:41.22"/><clear/>and Emerging Global
headed by Dan Colley.<br/>
<time begin="00:00:45.29"/><clear/>And we are also very grateful
for the financial<br/>
support from the President's Venture Fund.<br/>
<time begin="00:00:51.25"/><clear/>Dan really wanted to be here
but he's in Kenya<br/>
<time begin="00:00:56.95"/><clear/>with some snails right
he studies the schistsomiasis.<br/>
<time begin="00:01:01.61"/><clear/>If you've been here
you know that the speakers<br/>
<time begin="00:01:04.84"/><clear/>in this lecture series are
just researchers and thinkers,<br/>
<time begin="00:01:09.57"/><clear/>but people who are taking
real actions that<br/>
will save millions of lives around the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:01:16.81"/><clear/>Tonight you'll hear from Dr.
Francis, one of the most important figures<br/>
<time begin="00:01:21.60"/><clear/>in the 25-year history of
<time begin="00:01:25.74"/><clear/>He'll talk for 40 or 45
minutes or so, then<br/>
take questions, and after that we invite you<br/>
<time begin="00:01:32.63"/><clear/>to join us next door in
Hall for a reception.<br/>
<time begin="00:01:37.63"/><clear/>At the first international
Page 1
AIDS meeting back<br/>
in April 1985 in Atlanta, Don Francis was one<br/>
<time begin="00:01:46.26"/><clear/>of the most
speakers on the program.<br/>
<time begin="00:01:50.04"/><clear/>I remember because I was
<time begin="00:01:52.95"/><clear/>He had alienated many of his
at CDC and in the government by insisting<br/>
<time begin="00:02:00.88"/><clear/>that Francis already knew
enough about this<br/>
dangerous virus called HTL3 at the time,<br/>
<time begin="00:02:09.88"/><clear/>to make specific public
health recommendations.<br/>
<time begin="00:02:13.47"/><clear/>At that time, Dr. Francis was
on the<br/>
warpath about screening donated blood<br/>
<time begin="00:02:19.60"/><clear/>to make sure people
be infected by transfusions.<br/>
<time begin="00:02:23.96"/><clear/>He was also urging gay men,
who were the<br/>
epicenter of the epidemic at that point,<br/>
<time begin="00:02:30.67"/><clear/>to be tested with a newly
antibody test and to have sex only<br/>
<time begin="00:02:36.10"/><clear/>with people whose
status matched their own.<br/>
<time begin="00:02:40.87"/><clear/>More cautious government
authorities thought<br/>
these recommendations were premature, even rash,<br/>
<time begin="00:02:48.17"/><clear/>and that Dr. Francis was
of line to suggest such things.<br/>
<time begin="00:02:51.89"/><clear/>So it came as no surprise
soon after the meeting<br/>
when I heard that he had been transferred<br/>
<time begin="00:02:57.74"/><clear/>to San Francisco where he
would be an<br/>
advisor to public health officials there.<br/>
<time begin="00:03:03.81"/><clear/>But he stayed true to form
and he pretty<br/>
much angered the gay community in that city<br/>
<time begin="00:03:09.82"/><clear/>by insisting that the
Page 2
bath houses be shut down.<br/>
<time begin="00:03:15.58"/><clear/>In his words, they were
nothing more than<br/>
amplification systems for this virus.<br/>
<time begin="00:03:21.51"/><clear/>Now chronicling all of this,
was a man who<br/>
was in the pressrooms with me and other people<br/>
<time begin="00:03:27.64"/><clear/>at that time, Randy
<time begin="00:03:30.16"/><clear/>the San Francisco Chronicle's
only openly gay<br/>
reporter -- probably not its only gay reporter,<br/>
<time begin="00:03:37.55"/><clear/>but openly gay was pretty
rare at that time.<br/>
<time begin="00:03:40.92"/><clear/>So in 1987 Randy published
seminal book, And the Band Played On.<br/>
<time begin="00:03:46.53"/><clear/>This is still the most
book ever written about HIV/AIDS.<br/>
<time begin="00:03:49.84"/><clear/>And the hero of that story,
as many of<br/>
you know if you've ever read the book<br/>
<time begin="00:03:55.03"/><clear/>or seen the movie, was Don
<time begin="00:03:58.91"/><clear/>Now Francis left CDC in 1992
went to a large biotech company south<br/>
<time begin="00:04:04.02"/><clear/>of San Francisco called
<time begin="00:04:05.85"/><clear/>And there he became the
clinical leader of<br/>
the company's pioneering efforts to develop<br/>
<time begin="00:04:11.58"/><clear/>and test a vaccine to prevent
HIV infection.<br/>
<time begin="00:04:15.83"/><clear/>The company abandoned
effort however, in mid 1994,<br/>
<time begin="00:04:20.42"/><clear/>after the federal government
pulled back from<br/>
an earlier commitment to test this vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:04:27.90"/><clear/>on another one in trials
large enough to show<br/>
whether they really worked or didn't work.<br/>
<time begin="00:04:33.13"/><clear/>Now companies were leaving
this field, there<br/>
Page 3
was a lot of depression about the prospects<br/>
<time begin="00:04:38.66"/><clear/>for an HIV vaccine, but Don
Francis was<br/>
not a person to ever take no for answer.<br/>
<time begin="00:04:46.41"/><clear/>So he teamed up with some of
scientists who had invented this vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:04:50.40"/><clear/>and he started a company
called VaxGen, a<br/>
spin-off determined to organize and carry<br/>
<time begin="00:04:56.67"/><clear/>out a clinical trial
would answer the question,<br/>
<time begin="00:04:59.86"/><clear/>do we have a vaccine to
AIDS or don't we?<br/>
<time begin="00:05:03.08"/><clear/>In January 1997, I began
researching a<br/>
book about the quest for an AIDS vaccine,<br/>
<time begin="00:05:09.64"/><clear/>and within the first two
I lived in Boston at the time,<br/>
<time begin="00:05:13.61"/><clear/>I had interviewed about
people on the east coast.<br/>
<time begin="00:05:18.05"/><clear/>now nearly every one of<br/>
those people wanted to talk to me<br/>
<time begin="00:05:21.25"/><clear/>about Don Francis' crazy<br/>
idea of starting VaxGen.<br/>
<time begin="00:05:26.29"/><clear/>And people told me that he
was delusional,<br/>
living in a dream world if he thought<br/>
<time begin="00:05:32.05"/><clear/>that he could raise the $18
million that<br/>
Genentech wanted upfront in order to free<br/>
<time begin="00:05:37.93"/><clear/>up their patent protections
on the vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:05:41.83"/><clear/>Now in March, I headed west
to do some<br/>
interviews on the west coast, and in Seattle,<br/>
<time begin="00:05:46.22"/><clear/>I think the first people that
I talked to<br/>
there said, "You know what, Don Francis<br/>
<time begin="00:05:51.91"/><clear/>and his partners have raised
that money."<br/>
<time begin="00:05:54.52"/><clear/>Well I thought this probably
can't be true.<br/>
<time begin="00:05:57.58"/><clear/>Anyway, I interviewed Don on
Page 4
March 26, 1997<br/>
on a rainy day when I had horrible laryngitis<br/>
<time begin="00:06:03.52"/><clear/>and he was on a lunch
from an advisory board meeting<br/>
<time begin="00:06:07.24"/><clear/>to the UC regents I believe
it was.<br/>
<time begin="00:06:09.72"/><clear/>And I was stunned when we
down to talk and he told me, "No,<br/>
<time begin="00:06:13.71"/><clear/>we didn't just raise $18
million, we<br/>
raised $27 million to launch this trial,<br/>
<time begin="00:06:19.70"/><clear/>and we did it by talking to
small groups<br/>
of rich people in little conference rooms,<br/>
<time begin="00:06:24.94"/><clear/>in Four Seasons, in
Ritz-Carlton, and a<br/>
Holiday Inn somewhere in south Florida."<br/>
<time begin="00:06:30.04"/><clear/>Now I came away thinking that
no one<br/>
should ever count this guy out, ever.<br/>
<time begin="00:06:37.03"/><clear/>The VaxGen trial began in
June 1998 in the<br/>
United States and Thailand, and on February 24,<br/>
<time begin="00:06:44.32"/><clear/>2003, its final results
announced, and disappointingly,<br/>
<time begin="00:06:49.26"/><clear/>the vaccine showed no overall
ability to<br/>
protect healthy people against infection.<br/>
<time begin="00:06:55.59"/><clear/>But Don Francis was not
<time begin="00:06:58.72"/><clear/>Tonight, he'll continue the
picking up where I left off I think,<br/>
<time begin="00:07:03.33"/><clear/>with a talk entitled Deadly
Imbalance: Social<br/>
versus Medical Value of Preventive Vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:07:10.56"/><clear/>And here's Don Francis.<br/>
<time begin="00:07:12.51"/><clear/>[ Applause ]<br/>
<time begin="00:07:26.93"/><clear/>>> Thank you, Pat, very
<time begin="00:07:28.58"/><clear/>Can everyone hear?<br/>
<time begin="00:07:31.57"/><clear/>What I thought I would do,
more than<br/>
HIV vaccines, was to broaden this story<br/>
Page 5
<time begin="00:07:39.03"/><clear/>about vaccines in general and
really highlight<br/>
the confusion that we have as societies<br/>
<time begin="00:07:48.01"/><clear/>in general, and the confusion
being broader in<br/>
who actually speaks for the society at large,<br/>
<time begin="00:07:56.70"/><clear/>both the U.S. society, but
equally important to<br/>
world society in terms of developing, of making,<br/>
<time begin="00:08:03.92"/><clear/>adding the social value if
you will, to vaccines<br/>
in general for not only the United States<br/>
<time begin="00:08:09.50"/><clear/>but the world as a whole
these are incredibly valuable tools.<br/>
<time begin="00:08:17.27"/><clear/>And it's a bit of a sad story
to be honest,<br/>
HIV vaccine being only a small piece of it,<br/>
<time begin="00:08:23.14"/><clear/>how with absence of the
social value, one has<br/>
real trouble in stimulating the private sector,<br/>
<time begin="00:08:30.53"/><clear/>the mixed vaccines, to
actually make<br/>
them and see the progress that we've seen<br/>
<time begin="00:08:35.28"/><clear/>over the years for infectious
disease control.<br/>
<time begin="00:08:39.50"/><clear/>So with that let me start,
and there's really<br/>
two points I want to make about vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:08:46.27"/><clear/>Vaccines, as you know, you
give to an<br/>
individual before they're infected,<br/>
<time begin="00:08:50.67"/><clear/>to prevent the disease
in yourself later<br/>
<time begin="00:08:55.53"/><clear/>after your immune system has
recognized the<br/>
pseudo infection that the vaccine gives you.<br/>
<time begin="00:09:00.58"/><clear/>Hopefully without disease you
get immunity and<br/>
therefore your body thinks its been exposed<br/>
<time begin="00:09:06.77"/><clear/>to the disease and you
get in the future in your life.<br/>
<time begin="00:09:10.26"/><clear/>So the clear public health
goal of vaccine is<br/>
to decrease or eliminate the disease in question<br/>
Page 6
<time begin="00:09:17.31"/><clear/>to which the vaccine is
<time begin="00:09:20.17"/><clear/>And realize everyone in this
room has<br/>
received probably close to a dozen vaccines<br/>
<time begin="00:09:24.23"/><clear/>in your childhood, and we
don't see<br/>
multiple diseases because of that.<br/>
<time begin="00:09:29.38"/><clear/>But what I want to add here,
and this is<br/>
the important theme of this talk,<br/>
<time begin="00:09:33.07"/><clear/>is not only decrease or
disease, but in the shortest possible time.<br/>
<time begin="00:09:37.79"/><clear/>That is, we should be able to
apply our<br/>
scientific technology to make the vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:09:42.67"/><clear/>in the shortest time
possible, and<br/>
then ultimately apply the vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:09:46.88"/><clear/>to eliminate the
<time begin="00:09:49.15"/><clear/>And here is where on both of
how we break down to be honest.<br/>
<time begin="00:09:54.52"/><clear/>So what I want to do is talk
about this example<br/>
of the delay that has occurred in looking<br/>
<time begin="00:10:02.09"/><clear/>at past vaccines, and try to
explore why we see<br/>
this delay in both from the time of discovery<br/>
<time begin="00:10:09.33"/><clear/>of the organism, to making
the vaccine,<br/>
<time begin="00:10:11.06"/><clear/>and importantly from the time
the vaccine<br/>
is made to the time the disease is eliminated.<br/>
<time begin="00:10:17.40"/><clear/>And that's why really in my
mind I<br/>
use the term lack of social value,<br/>
<time begin="00:10:22.19"/><clear/>that is we do not give value
to vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:10:24.52"/><clear/>Even though we don't suffer
from these<br/>
diseases, we don't look ahead in the future<br/>
<time begin="00:10:28.69"/><clear/>to give the social value
which will stimulate<br/>
Page 7
the production of new vaccines in the future.<br/>
<time begin="00:10:35.60"/><clear/>And in that, I will look
at the roles of both, the private sector<br/>
<time begin="00:10:41.00"/><clear/>which traditionally has made
vaccines, and the<br/>
social value there is a return on investment.<br/>
<time begin="00:10:48.43"/><clear/>And the public health people
who generally make<br/>
the recommendations and deliver those vaccines,<br/>
<time begin="00:10:53.98"/><clear/>and how we end up with a lack
of coordination,<br/>
if you will; a lack of social value,<br/>
<time begin="00:11:00.81"/><clear/>if you will, given by
health to vaccine development<br/>
<time begin="00:11:04.54"/><clear/>that inhibits industry for
making it.<br/>
<time begin="00:11:07.42"/><clear/>And then because of this<br/>
lack of value given to it,<br/>
<time begin="00:11:11.92"/><clear/>I want to talk about why
would make these decisions and be able<br/>
<time begin="00:11:16.51"/><clear/>to cost the vaccine
development, how<br/>
much it costs to make any drug now.<br/>
<time begin="00:11:20.59"/><clear/>And ultimately then if you're
going to invest<br/>
in it, this is what you have to invest,<br/>
<time begin="00:11:26.45"/><clear/>and then deal with the costs
on the<br/>
other side of the risk benefit that is what it costs you<br/>
<time begin="00:11:31.37"/><clear/>by delaying the development
ultimately the delivery of the vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:11:39.23"/><clear/>This is all kind of a downer
and I admit it.<br/>
<time begin="00:11:44.08"/><clear/>This is not a good example of
our society, as<br/>
I think recently we've had many measurements<br/>
<time begin="00:11:53.00"/><clear/>of the lack of our social
but this is just one of them.<br/>
<time begin="00:11:57.25"/><clear/>But I'm going to put in here
at the<br/>
end a positive note how especially<br/>
<time begin="00:12:01.30"/><clear/>when the money comes from
Page 8
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,<br/>
<time begin="00:12:03.97"/><clear/>how there are changes
in the less developed parts<br/>
<time begin="00:12:08.09"/><clear/>of the world that have
stimulated a change.<br/>
<time begin="00:12:10.31"/><clear/>So I don't want to send you
out with frowns and gray faces.<br/>
<time begin="00:12:14.14"/><clear/>We just say we have some<br/>
real holes in our society<br/>
<time begin="00:12:17.49"/><clear/>and hopefully we're fixing
holes much like the holes in a road.<br/>
<time begin="00:12:23.18"/><clear/>Now let's look at this, this
is the ocurrence<br/>
of multiple diseases in the United States,<br/>
<time begin="00:12:31.04"/><clear/>this is diphtheria, the
polio, and ultimately see AIDS coming up,<br/>
<time begin="00:12:36.51"/><clear/>which carries on item for
item at this point.<br/>
<time begin="00:12:39.12"/><clear/>And I want to really stress
the left-hand side<br/>
of this slide, which is this remarkable decline<br/>
<time begin="00:12:46.61"/><clear/>in diseases that my parents,
your grandparents,<br/>
had as routine -- I think in my mother's aunts,<br/>
<time begin="00:12:54.48"/><clear/>at least of her family, all
but one of them<br/>
got diphtheria and about half of them died.<br/>
<time begin="00:13:01.24"/><clear/>So it was incredibly common
that everyone<br/>
in the United States got these diseases<br/>
<time begin="00:13:06.46"/><clear/>and the reason tehy declined
primarily were vaccines,<br/>
and so they've had a tremendous effect.<br/>
<time begin="00:13:11.86"/><clear/>So that's the good news.<br/>
<time begin="00:13:13.62"/><clear/>And I want to take some
examples of these<br/>
diseases and show how the good news is good,<br/>
<time begin="00:13:22.59"/><clear/>that is that we eliminated
the disease;<br/>
the sad thing is that once we had the tools<br/>
<time begin="00:13:27.65"/><clear/>to eliminate this disease,
didn't do it as fast as we could.<br/>
Page 9
<time begin="00:13:31.48"/><clear/>And the first one I want to
deal with<br/>
is smallpox, which is a disease none<br/>
<time begin="00:13:36.17"/><clear/>of you have seen, but one of
which I<br/>
have either had the fortune or misfortune<br/>
<time begin="00:13:40.22"/><clear/>of dealing a great deal
in my earlier days at CDC,<br/>
<time begin="00:13:43.59"/><clear/>which really infected
everyone in the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:13:46.76"/><clear/>Don Hopkins at CDC wrote a
book called<br/>
Princes and Paupers or something like that<br/>
<time begin="00:13:54.25"/><clear/>where he outlined the effect
of smallpox<br/>
<time begin="00:13:56.98"/><clear/>on especially the elite
of various countries.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:02.88"/><clear/>Smallpox really killed -- it
infected everyone<br/>
and about 40, 50 percent of people died.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:07.75"/><clear/>So you can imagine what that
did to<br/>
princes and paupers around the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:11.47"/><clear/>And so everyone had
on their face from smallpox,<br/>
<time begin="00:14:16.21"/><clear/>and somewhere around 40
percent had died<br/>
in any given family, including the elite<br/>
<time begin="00:14:22.80"/><clear/>of all countries with
and all people with paupers.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:28.22"/><clear/>And had a huge effect on the
history of the<br/>
world as kings and princes and such died.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:34.81"/><clear/>And interestingly, Edward
Jenner, who I think<br/>
is on the next slide, made the observation<br/>
<time begin="00:14:42.89"/><clear/>that the only pretty faces
U.K. at the time were milkmaids.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:48.96"/><clear/>They're the only ones whose
face did not<br/>
look like it received a shotgun blast<br/>
<time begin="00:14:52.85"/><clear/>and had all these pox all
Page 10
over, these holes.<br/>
<time begin="00:14:55.80"/><clear/>But they had pox on their
hands and<br/>
he surmised that the teats<br/>
<time begin="00:15:02.61"/><clear/>of cows had these lesions
also, and that<br/>
they remember getting these raised lesions<br/>
<time begin="00:15:11.54"/><clear/>on their hand that
a hole in their hand,<br/>
<time begin="00:15:13.83"/><clear/>but they never then got
smallpox on their face.<br/>
<time begin="00:15:16.49"/><clear/>And so he surmised that if
you touched<br/>
the puss from one of the cows and giving<br/>
<time begin="00:15:22.10"/><clear/>that to people may protect
from smallpox, and this is<br/>
actually the picture, a rendition of a picture<br/>
<time begin="00:15:27.94"/><clear/>where he took a child and
vaccinated them with the cow pox virus,<br/>
<time begin="00:15:33.49"/><clear/>and then exposed this child
to smallpox<br/>
and the child did not come down with it.<br/>
<time begin="00:15:38.68"/><clear/>So this was one of the
earliest vaccines<br/>
ever initiated, and it actually ended<br/>
<time begin="00:15:45.30"/><clear/>up being the tool that we
ultimately used for<br/>
the eradication of smallpox around the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:15:50.81"/><clear/>And this is looking at the
number of<br/>
countries with smallpox from 1967 to 1977,<br/>
<time begin="00:16:00.05"/><clear/>and you can see that there
was a concerted<br/>
effort of the world to actually end smallpox<br/>
<time begin="00:16:07.22"/><clear/>in their own countries, and
then this was<br/>
actually the beginning of the WHO program<br/>
<time begin="00:16:12.78"/><clear/>that then began
kids all around the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:16.71"/><clear/>And what we did then was
search for<br/>
cases in different parts of the world<br/>
<time begin="00:16:20.27"/><clear/>and then vaccinate
Page 11
extensively around them.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:23.03"/><clear/>And so that was good news, we
eliminated smallpox in the world,<br/>
<time begin="00:16:29.29"/><clear/>and no one actually is using
smallpox vaccine anymore because the only hosts<br/>
<time begin="00:16:34.33"/><clear/>for smallpox are humans,
which is wonderful.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:36.52"/><clear/>If you stop it in humans -it<br/>
doesn't come out of an animal's feces,<br/>
<time begin="00:16:39.81"/><clear/>and so we're able to stop
use of the smallpox vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:16:42.88"/><clear/>because of some toxicities
with it and that there was no disease.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:48.07"/><clear/>So the good news is that we
eliminated smallpox.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:52.58"/><clear/>Oh, now I'm stuck, and
they're gone.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:55.66"/><clear/>Because it will not go
backwards I'm told.<br/>
<time begin="00:16:58.68"/><clear/>But the good news was -- and
show you on a subsequent slide --<br/>
<time begin="00:17:01.31"/><clear/>[ Laughter ]<br/>
<time begin="00:17:03.61"/><clear/>>> -- was that we eliminated
the problem was this was a delay<br/>
<time begin="00:17:10.62"/><clear/>of literally decades, if not
centuries, from<br/>
the discovery of the vaccine and the proof<br/>
<time begin="00:17:17.88"/><clear/>that it actually would
prevent disease until the<br/>
actual eliminating disease in the late 70s.<br/>
<time begin="00:17:24.49"/><clear/>So there's a huge delay that
occurred, and<br/>
therefore literally millions and millions<br/>
<time begin="00:17:28.92"/><clear/>of people around the world
died needlessly.<br/>
<time begin="00:17:31.37"/><clear/>And so there was this God
awful delay that<br/>
occurred and I went off to Africa and India<br/>
<time begin="00:17:36.00"/><clear/>for the better part of what
Page 12
three years chasing<br/>
smallpox, and it's a horrible disease,<br/>
<time begin="00:17:41.64"/><clear/>still killing about 30
percent and<br/>
scarring and really decimating families.<br/>
<time begin="00:17:46.51"/><clear/>But it was -- oh, look at
that, thank you.<br/>
<time begin="00:17:49.03"/><clear/>[ Laughter ]<br/>
<time begin="00:17:51.04"/><clear/>>> That it was a huge time
delay -- since I can't go<br/>
backwards, I'll show you on a subsequent slide.<br/>
<time begin="00:17:56.68"/><clear/>So there was good news and
bad news on smallpox,<br/>
also good news and bad news on polio.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:01.64"/><clear/>Polio, a disease that when I
was a<br/>
child, there was no polio vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:09.13"/><clear/>And this is a picture of
Rancho Los Amigos<br/>
in southern California of the iron lungs,<br/>
<time begin="00:18:15.30"/><clear/>the severe part of polio, it
would affect<br/>
the lower limbs and go all the way up<br/>
<time begin="00:18:19.51"/><clear/>and ultimately get your
nerves and then the respiratory paralysis.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:24.71"/><clear/>And so these were the
earliest of<br/>
respirators, these people cannot breathe<br/>
<time begin="00:18:27.88"/><clear/>because polio has paralyzed
their respiratory<br/>
nerves, and therefore a vacuum process just<br/>
<time begin="00:18:34.22"/><clear/>like a respirator with a<br/>
tube, has to be instilled,<br/>
<time begin="00:18:38.08"/><clear/>and so there were
just rooms and rooms.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:40.54"/><clear/>And I remember there was one
hospital in San<br/>
Francisco that I would drive by the kids,<br/>
<time begin="00:18:44.31"/><clear/>and you'd see through
door, and see through the glass<br/>
<time begin="00:18:46.55"/><clear/>and the windows all
people on these respirators.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:49.10"/><clear/>And I did my pediatric
training at LA County<br/>
Page 13
Hospital and we had all of these stored<br/>
<time begin="00:18:52.81"/><clear/>in the back and
used them for Guillain-Barre and the like.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:55.29"/><clear/>So it was just like a
horrible disease.<br/>
<time begin="00:18:59.44"/><clear/>And interestingly, in
contrast to HIV<br/>
that there was a great political pull<br/>
<time begin="00:19:09.46"/><clear/>and push to do something
about polio.<br/>
<time begin="00:19:12.69"/><clear/>And unfortunately, the
president of<br/>
the United States at the age of 39,<br/>
<time begin="00:19:17.54"/><clear/>well before he was
was paralyzed with polio<br/>
<time begin="00:19:21.90"/><clear/>and was in a wheelchair
throughout his<br/>
presidency, although I think this is one<br/>
<time begin="00:19:25.23"/><clear/>of the few pictures of him in
the wheelchair,<br/>
you'll always see him standing against something<br/>
<time begin="00:19:29.18"/><clear/>or with someone, and he
never show in public<br/>
<time begin="00:19:31.75"/><clear/>that he was totally
and in a wheelchair or crutches.<br/>
<time begin="00:19:35.86"/><clear/>But this is Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, and<br/>
then he started from Warm Springs, Georgia,<br/>
<time begin="00:19:41.69"/><clear/>the March of Dimes
equivalance called<br/>
infantile paralysis program at the time,<br/>
<time begin="00:19:47.89"/><clear/>where you'd go to Warm
Springs and elsewhere<br/>
to get therapy for your polio<br/>
<time begin="00:19:52.29"/><clear/>and also raise money for
vaccine development.<br/>
<time begin="00:19:55.70"/><clear/>It helps to be president of
the United<br/>
States when it comes to developing programs<br/>
<time begin="00:20:00.95"/><clear/>for any disease and to be
afflicted with<br/>
the disease or personally affected with it,<br/>
<time begin="00:20:06.62"/><clear/>unfortunately for several
Page 14
things, we haven't<br/>
seen that with the current administrations,<br/>
<time begin="00:20:12.33"/><clear/>either the commitment or the
I don't know which one you would wish for.<br/>
<time begin="00:20:16.10"/><clear/>[ Laughter ]<br/>
<time begin="00:20:18.18"/><clear/>>> I just got back from India
a while ago,<br/>
I'm going back again in a couple of weeks.<br/>
<time begin="00:20:22.52"/><clear/>This is polio continuing in
India, this young<br/>
man was at a house where the child had polio,<br/>
<time begin="00:20:30.03"/><clear/>but there's a massive
immunization program going<br/>
<time begin="00:20:33.22"/><clear/>on in the world right
to try to eliminate polio.<br/>
<time begin="00:20:38.32"/><clear/>And how do we do that?<br/>
<time begin="00:20:39.91"/><clear/>This is Jonas Salk as a young
man who had<br/>
the clever idea just growing up a bunch<br/>
<time begin="00:20:45.24"/><clear/>of polio virus and killing it
with chemicals<br/>
and using that as the vaccine for polio.<br/>
<time begin="00:20:52.90"/><clear/>And you see here the -- I
probably have to read<br/>
some of this, but this is 1985 and now 2009,<br/>
<time begin="00:21:04.52"/><clear/>this is the progress towards
polio eradication<br/>
that now -- remember in that last slide,<br/>
<time begin="00:21:09.10"/><clear/>Jonas Salk discovered
vaccine in 1955, this 1985,<br/>
<time begin="00:21:14.43"/><clear/>and in 1988 the world health
assembly makes<br/>
a resolution to eradicate polio in the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:21:21.05"/><clear/>1989, this has not been
he continued to do that.<br/>
<time begin="00:21:26.50"/><clear/>This was the original
date for eradication<br/>
<time begin="00:21:29.40"/><clear/>and we still have a few
countries now with<br/>
polio, unfortunately we've had a big setback<br/>
<time begin="00:21:35.99"/><clear/>with the Muslim countries
Page 15
North Africa, especially in Nigeria<br/>
<time begin="00:21:39.26"/><clear/>where they thought this was
some family<br/>
planning program.Well I can stop immunizing<br/>
<time begin="00:21:42.56"/><clear/>and then Hajj followers<br/>
marching across North Africa to Mecca,<br/>
<time begin="00:21:48.85"/><clear/>spread the disease all the
way to<br/>
Mecca and then beyond all the way<br/>
<time begin="00:21:52.47"/><clear/>to Indonesia, so we had to
clean that back up.<br/>
<time begin="00:21:54.78"/><clear/>And India continues, a little
bit in<br/>
Afghanistan, but hopefully we'll be able<br/>
<time begin="00:21:59.95"/><clear/>to eradicate polio in the
next few years.<br/>
<time begin="00:22:02.24"/><clear/>This is the issue with India,
in cases<br/>
<time begin="00:22:11.04"/><clear/>of India, we see these
amounts and then the program begins.<br/>
<time begin="00:22:16.83"/><clear/>These are the mass
immunization days<br/>
all across India, which is a huge effort<br/>
<time begin="00:22:21.67"/><clear/>as you might imagine, and we
still have these<br/>
few leftover cases, about 16 in [inaudible]<br/>
<time begin="00:22:27.19"/><clear/>and 16 in Bihar last
<time begin="00:22:29.39"/><clear/>So they continue to dribble
on and<br/>
it's a little tougher than smallpox<br/>
<time begin="00:22:35.04"/><clear/>because you have to
immunize every kid.<br/>
<time begin="00:22:38.75"/><clear/>Here's now the slide that if
I don't punch<br/>
the button again, this is smallpox here,<br/>
<time begin="00:22:45.39"/><clear/>the vaccine became quote
available some time after the 1900s.<br/>
<time begin="00:22:50.43"/><clear/>It was eradicated in northern
Europe and<br/>
the United States between 1930 and 1953,<br/>
<time begin="00:22:56.46"/><clear/>with the delay of 30 to 50
between the vaccine to eradication<br/>
Page 16
<time begin="00:23:03.94"/><clear/>that the worldwide
eradication occurred in<br/>
1977, and so you end up with half a century<br/>
<time begin="00:23:14.13"/><clear/>or three-quarters of century
the time the vaccine is available,<br/>
<time begin="00:23:16.96"/><clear/>to the time it was eradicated
around the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:23:20.29"/><clear/>And you saw that slide just
back there<br/>
with all the polio cases from India,<br/>
<time begin="00:23:24.66"/><clear/>you can imagine what decades
of polio do<br/>
to the little kids that you saw walking<br/>
<time begin="00:23:30.13"/><clear/>on a stick in the previous
<time begin="00:23:32.06"/><clear/>Just drive along the streets
in northern<br/>
India, you see case after case of polio,<br/>
<time begin="00:23:38.06"/><clear/>but really it's tough enough
to be a child or a<br/>
young adult in India, but you can imagine being one<br/>
<time begin="00:23:43.08"/><clear/>with either one leg or no
legs functioning at all.<br/>
<time begin="00:23:47.45"/><clear/>And polio, where the vaccine
in 55 took a 36 year<br/>
delay to eradicating in north American and Europe,<br/>
<time begin="00:23:56.11"/><clear/>and it looks if we're
to be able to eradicate it<br/>
<time begin="00:23:59.21"/><clear/>in 50 years in the rest of
the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:24:03.01"/><clear/>Now let's take the last
this is hepatitis B infection.<br/>
<time begin="00:24:11.31"/><clear/>Hepatitis B is another virus
by sex or blood sharing much like HIV,<br/>
<time begin="00:24:16.65"/><clear/>but produces some pretty
terrible diseases.<br/>
<time begin="00:24:20.90"/><clear/>Here this is just the outline
of it with 60<br/>
to 90 days from the time you get infected<br/>
<time begin="00:24:27.77"/><clear/>to the time you turn yellow
and you get<br/>
jaundice, you know, infrequently as a child<br/>
Page 17
<time begin="00:24:34.98"/><clear/>and maybe a third or so of
the individuals<br/>
actually turn yellow and you can tell.<br/>
<time begin="00:24:38.35"/><clear/>So it's a relatively mild
disease with<br/>
very little mortality when it comes<br/>
<time begin="00:24:42.22"/><clear/>to the acute case of
that all of you would be fearful of.<br/>
<time begin="00:24:46.51"/><clear/>But this is the real
challenge, that the<br/>
chronic infection that occurs literally years<br/>
<time begin="00:24:52.78"/><clear/>after the people become
carriers of the virus and<br/>
then develop cirrhosis or cancer of the liver,<br/>
<time begin="00:25:00.80"/><clear/>somewhere in the
of 30, 40 years after infection.<br/>
<time begin="00:25:06.11"/><clear/>And that is a huge mortality
when you talk about<br/>
15 to 25 percent of the individuals are going<br/>
<time begin="00:25:11.63"/><clear/>to die of their chronic
disease, really what<br/>
I would call the modern disease like HIV<br/>
<time begin="00:25:16.63"/><clear/>that has a long incubation
period from<br/>
the time of the infection to the time<br/>
<time begin="00:25:23.35"/><clear/>of the actual
of disease and death.<br/>
<time begin="00:25:28.81"/><clear/>Well let's look at this,
again a wonderful vaccine,<br/>
<time begin="00:25:32.01"/><clear/>this is the first recombinant
where we didn't have to grow up virus,<br/>
<time begin="00:25:36.27"/><clear/>but it was done by a
sector company, Merck,<br/>
<time begin="00:25:40.29"/><clear/>who figured out a way to
inactivate the virus.<br/>
<time begin="00:25:43.24"/><clear/>This is cases in the United
'78 to '95, it was licensed here,<br/>
<time begin="00:25:49.41"/><clear/>we finally started screening
women and vaccination of babies here.<br/>
Page 18
<time begin="00:25:54.19"/><clear/>And then infant immunization
now in 1991,<br/>
this is ten years, in the United States,<br/>
<time begin="00:26:00.44"/><clear/>ten years from the discovery
of the<br/>
vaccine until it was actually recommended<br/>
<time begin="00:26:04.92"/><clear/>and then adolescent catch up
another three years after that.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:09.96"/><clear/>So a remarkable time
a very effective vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:26:14.06"/><clear/>that literally can eliminate
the hepatitis<br/>
B virus infection with little problem,<br/>
<time begin="00:26:18.84"/><clear/>and yet this huge delay from
the time that<br/>
it was licensed and to the time it was used,<br/>
<time begin="00:26:24.82"/><clear/>and that's in the United
States of America.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:27.24"/><clear/>This is the rest of the world
with the -- ah.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:30.04"/><clear/>[ Laughter ]<br/>
<time begin="00:26:32.06"/><clear/>>> Okay, that was the rest of
world with the -- oh, thank you --<br/>
<time begin="00:26:35.56"/><clear/>I've got two buttons here and
I can't, you know,<br/>
all these years of education and I can't figure<br/>
<time begin="00:26:39.38"/><clear/>out which button to push in
order to<br/>
go forward or backward, so I apologize.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:43.80"/><clear/>But -- ooh, I did it even
twice, going back.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:45.36"/><clear/>Gee whiz, I keep going back,
must have hit about -- there we go.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:55.32"/><clear/>Now I'll try to be better,
thank you.<br/>
<time begin="00:26:59.93"/><clear/>And the places in massive
of hepatitis B infections were 60,<br/>
<time begin="00:27:04.96"/><clear/>70 percent of the population
with hepatitis B virus, is central Africa,<br/>
<time begin="00:27:09.50"/><clear/>and this means that no
Page 19
program exists there at all.<br/>
<time begin="00:27:12.83"/><clear/>So it took us years to even
apply it in a county<br/>
like the United States and now what 30 years almost<br/>
<time begin="00:27:19.42"/><clear/>after the invention of the
it is still not used in parts<br/>
<time begin="00:27:24.08"/><clear/>of the world where it is
needed the most.<br/>
<time begin="00:27:27.02"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:27:28.25"/><clear/>So why do we have these
<time begin="00:27:30.95"/><clear/>Why do you have major disease
causing horrible situations and tools necessary<br/>
<time begin="00:27:37.00"/><clear/>to develop them, or indeed an
a virus that we know causes it,<br/>
<time begin="00:27:43.40"/><clear/>and we could make a vaccine,
but we<br/>
haven't even made the vaccine yet?<br/>
<time begin="00:27:47.81"/><clear/>And I think it's relatively
now that I've been in the government<br/>
<time begin="00:27:51.97"/><clear/>in the private sector, both
and using these kinds of product,<br/>
<time begin="00:27:56.16"/><clear/>I think I can give some sort
of approved overall<br/>
view that you find the virus, you need to figure<br/>
<time begin="00:28:05.49"/><clear/>out what part of the virus
immune system is<br/>
directed towards, make candidate vaccines,<br/>
<time begin="00:28:12.53"/><clear/>use them in animals and see
if they work,<br/>
and then once you've developed the vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:28:16.56"/><clear/>in humans, actually apply
that vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:28:20.29"/><clear/>It's simple, no?<br/>
<time begin="00:28:21.60"/><clear/>You figure out what the virus
figure out what the immune response is,<br/>
<time begin="00:28:25.26"/><clear/>figure out how to make a
vaccine safely,<br/>
try it in animals and then humans,<br/>
<time begin="00:28:29.01"/><clear/>and then public health takes
Page 20
it and gives<br/>
it to the people and the disease goes away.<br/>
<time begin="00:28:32.76"/><clear/>Really remarkably
this is not complex politics<br/>
<time begin="00:28:36.98"/><clear/>in reality, this is simple
<time begin="00:28:39.07"/><clear/>And it's all driven by
value, that is what the people<br/>
<time begin="00:28:42.49"/><clear/>in this room think is
important will be done<br/>
because people will ultimately drive this<br/>
<time begin="00:28:46.80"/><clear/>through either political
or funding or something else.<br/>
<time begin="00:28:50.85"/><clear/>So that's the process and I
say social<br/>
value is the key here to drive it.<br/>
<time begin="00:28:56.60"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:28:59.23"/><clear/>Let's now start from that and
work our way down.<br/>
<time begin="00:29:02.53"/><clear/>Who makes vaccines?<br/>
<time begin="00:29:04.92"/><clear/>Where is the expertise -- so
starting down<br/>
this pathway that actually will develop them?<br/>
<time begin="00:29:10.25"/><clear/>And it really is in two
places; one is<br/>
places like this, the discovery of the agent,<br/>
<time begin="00:29:15.41"/><clear/>the figuring out what the
response is, what the immunology is,<br/>
<time begin="00:29:18.43"/><clear/>what would be the logical
vaccine, and then<br/>
private pharmaceutical companies take that on<br/>
<time begin="00:29:24.01"/><clear/>early in the development
<time begin="00:29:26.43"/><clear/>Now it's important for you
folks in university<br/>
to realize that universities by and large do not make<br/>
<time begin="00:29:31.01"/><clear/>these products.<br/>
<time begin="00:29:33.07"/><clear/>Many times the government
thinks if they<br/>
dump more money throughout NIH it will come<br/>
<time begin="00:29:36.50"/><clear/>to universities and
will make vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:29:39.87"/><clear/>But I think there's an
Page 21
important split<br/>
here between university academic research<br/>
<time begin="00:29:46.57"/><clear/>and actual product
development, this is a<br/>
wonderful report by McKinsey and Company,<br/>
<time begin="00:29:52.73"/><clear/>of the World Bank, and let me
read this<br/>
because I think this is really worthwhile.<br/>
<time begin="00:29:56.99"/><clear/>The public sector
institutions involved in<br/>
vaccine R&D are primarily focused<br/>
<time begin="00:30:01.26"/><clear/>on basic science knowledge
<time begin="00:30:04.34"/><clear/>rather than single
solving applied development problems<br/>
<time begin="00:30:07.51"/><clear/>to ensure large scale
consistent production.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:10.65"/><clear/>That's an important sentence,
but universities are discovery pieces<br/>
<time begin="00:30:15.11"/><clear/>and they do research and
<time begin="00:30:17.00"/><clear/>whereas industry is really,
complained, that it's so highly focused.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:20.93"/><clear/>But now that I've been in
industry it's<br/>
wonderful, this is a product, you move it along,<br/>
<time begin="00:30:23.94"/><clear/>see if it works, and if it
works make<br/>
lots of it, sell it and make money.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:27.23"/><clear/>The incentives in the public
reinforce this knowledge focus<br/>
<time begin="00:30:31.60"/><clear/>and are generally
inconsistent with<br/>
efficient production of commodities.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:36.99"/><clear/>Let me put that into very
simple terms.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:39.63"/><clear/>If you're in a
your output is knowledge.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:44.80"/><clear/>The measurement of that
output really are the<br/>
manuscripts that you publish in journals.<br/>
Page 22
<time begin="00:30:48.87"/><clear/>If you're industry, you're
out for the<br/>
product, and the measurement of the success<br/>
<time begin="00:30:56.03"/><clear/>of that product is how
money you make from that product.<br/>
<time begin="00:30:59.60"/><clear/>Very divergent, although
in terms of making vaccines actual goals,<br/>
<time begin="00:31:05.33"/><clear/>and what the key message here
is don't<br/>
expect universities to make vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:31:11.41"/><clear/>That's not their output and
they may<br/>
want to get the IP for it and move it on,<br/>
<time begin="00:31:16.13"/><clear/>but somebody else has to
develop it, and<br/>
that somebody else has to have the skills<br/>
<time begin="00:31:19.50"/><clear/>for actual development versus
<time begin="00:31:22.78"/><clear/>So here again, is the
scientific discovering<br/>
university, some sort of industry or something<br/>
<time begin="00:31:29.55"/><clear/>like making development
then you actually drive it.<br/>
<time begin="00:31:33.27"/><clear/>And it's the lack of social
value that really<br/>
kills this one here in the middle in terms<br/>
<time begin="00:31:40.20"/><clear/>of taking university
and moving them onwards.<br/>
<time begin="00:31:44.24"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:31:45.29"/><clear/>Why do I say that?<br/>
<time begin="00:31:47.34"/><clear/>Because I think there's low
value given to vaccines by both industry<br/>
<time begin="00:31:54.87"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:31:56.23"/><clear/>that follows social value and
<time begin="00:31:59.40"/><clear/>and therefore is not
interested in making vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:32:02.38"/><clear/>We used to have a dozen
pharmaceutical in the<br/>
industry developing vaccines in this country,<br/>
<time begin="00:32:07.26"/><clear/>and we're down now to just a
Page 23
<time begin="00:32:10.34"/><clear/>And unfortunately, they're
not valued by<br/>
society, but really the pull factor here<br/>
<time begin="00:32:16.85"/><clear/>to making a market for it
because we're very<br/>
reticent about using vaccines and it takes<br/>
<time begin="00:32:22.51"/><clear/>that long for us to take a
and actually deliver it to the people.<br/>
<time begin="00:32:28.22"/><clear/>Now why is that
<time begin="00:32:30.29"/><clear/>Industry thinks of the
profits they make<br/>
per year per investment. And if they're going<br/>
<time begin="00:32:35.55"/><clear/>to put a big investment, and
get into that, into a product,<br/>
<time begin="00:32:38.80"/><clear/>they want the return on that
investment fast.<br/>
<time begin="00:32:41.92"/><clear/>And you say these ugly
industrial people.<br/>
<time begin="00:32:45.42"/><clear/>Guys, I guarantee you that
you and your families<br/>
have money in these industries in some sort<br/>
<time begin="00:32:52.83"/><clear/>of a portfolio that someone
has that<br/>
is gaining money for your future,<br/>
<time begin="00:32:58.36"/><clear/>investment in pharmaceutical
<time begin="00:33:01.03"/><clear/>And their goal is to
the value of that portfolio.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:05.19"/><clear/>Their responsibility is to
increase the<br/>
value of that portfolio and make good drugs.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:09.30"/><clear/>It is not to save the world
from vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:12.00"/><clear/>So don't blame the
pharmaceutical industry.<br/>
Their goal is to make your portfolio better<br/>
<time begin="00:33:17.72"/><clear/>and indeed hopefully make the
health better, but<br/>
following social value of what we will pay for.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:24.21"/><clear/>And my conclusion here is
that it's<br/>
Page 24
better not to make vaccines if you're<br/>
<time begin="00:33:27.95"/><clear/>in the pharmaceutical
as I'll get into in a second.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:31.63"/><clear/>So the public health role
here is very interesting.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:36.12"/><clear/>As a public health doctor, I
consider myself<br/>
a public doctor, and as a career person<br/>
<time begin="00:33:41.08"/><clear/>at CDC in Atlanta, I was
giving value to<br/>
vaccines, I think they're wonderful things<br/>
<time begin="00:33:46.48"/><clear/>and we've got to go out there
and deliver them.<br/>
<time begin="00:33:48.37"/><clear/>So we recognize the value
vaccines, but we're always talking<br/>
<time begin="00:33:52.89"/><clear/>about how they have to cost a
<time begin="00:33:56.66"/><clear/>Almost always. Pharmaceutical
is ugly, they try to charge 2,<br/>
<time begin="00:33:59.39"/><clear/>3 dollars or 5 dollars for
these things, and so they're ugly,<br/>
<time begin="00:34:02.89"/><clear/>so let's just go head and get
down to a couple of dollars.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:06.70"/><clear/>And then there's very little
value to say that either through taxation<br/>
<time begin="00:34:10.38"/><clear/>or through other society
for these things, that they should come<br/>
<time begin="00:34:14.23"/><clear/>through with the money
necessary to deliver.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:17.51"/><clear/>Now look at this, this is a
very interesting<br/>
graph for [inaudible] in WHO that looks<br/>
<time begin="00:34:23.89"/><clear/>at vaccines from different
parts the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:27.82"/><clear/>This is divided in the
countries here and developing countries here.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:33.19"/><clear/>And this is the population,
this is the disease<br/>
burden that follows the population that most<br/>
Page 25
<time begin="00:34:38.36"/><clear/>of the disease burden is in
the developing world.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:41.18"/><clear/>And now let's look at the
vaccine market.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:43.92"/><clear/>The vaccine market is 82
<time begin="00:34:48.01"/><clear/>of the $6 billion vaccine
is in the industrialized world.<br/>
<time begin="00:34:52.54"/><clear/>And 90 percent of the
investment in vaccine<br/>
development comes from the industrialized world<br/>
<time begin="00:34:58.83"/><clear/>to make money on this 82
percent of<br/>
the market that really only accounts<br/>
<time begin="00:35:03.90"/><clear/>for about 10, 15 percent of
the disease.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:08.11"/><clear/>There's a real imbalance here
that you have<br/>
all the disease in the developing world<br/>
<time begin="00:35:12.98"/><clear/>and all the profit on<br/>
this side of the ocean,<br/>
<time begin="00:35:15.88"/><clear/>and therefore vaccines will
developed if at all for here.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:21.69"/><clear/>This just looks at the cost
of the vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:24.28"/><clear/>When I said we'd try to drive
the cost<br/>
down, look at what is paid for example here,<br/>
<time begin="00:35:29.80"/><clear/>with measles vaccine in the
countries, 14 cents per dose.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:35.52"/><clear/>It costs you a dollar to put
it in a bottle.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:39.80"/><clear/>So the industry is losing
money because it's<br/>
just grinding down and grinding down the price<br/>
<time begin="00:35:45.05"/><clear/>of these things so the WHO
UNICEF, your holiday cards can buy it.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:51.19"/><clear/>And even the high-income
you only spend 15 bucks per dose.<br/>
<time begin="00:35:56.44"/><clear/>Now next time you go to
Page 26
you'll spend $15, the people who complain<br/>
<time begin="00:36:01.30"/><clear/>that $15 is too much for a
vaccine that<br/>
will prevent all of these diseases.<br/>
<time begin="00:36:06.54"/><clear/>So this is a WHO statement,
let me<br/>
just summarize it, that the low<br/>
<time begin="00:36:11.13"/><clear/>or uncertain demand for
vaccines and<br/>
the lack of return on these vaccines<br/>
<time begin="00:36:15.54"/><clear/>and the continued
of industry to get the vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:36:19.40"/><clear/>down drives industry out<br/>
of the vaccine business.<br/>
<time begin="00:36:22.90"/><clear/>And I want you all in the
next few minutes<br/>
to put yourself on the board of directors<br/>
<time begin="00:36:26.77"/><clear/>of a company that has to make
a decision<br/>
if you're going to invest in the research<br/>
<time begin="00:36:31.93"/><clear/>for a vaccine versus you're
going to invest<br/>
in another drug to increase erections.<br/>
<time begin="00:36:39.04"/><clear/>[ Laughter ]<br/>
<time begin="00:36:41.06"/><clear/>>> Let me hold on a second,
my telephone is<br/>
going to ring in a little. Let me shut it off. Now let me just
<time begin="00:36:48.45"/><clear/>with you sitting on this
board and you<br/>
are being asked to invest in this stuff<br/>
<time begin="00:36:54.39"/><clear/>and see how much it cost
of your money from your company.<br/>
<time begin="00:36:59.14"/><clear/>This is just one example of
the flu vaccine<br/>
recently licensed a couple years ago<br/>
<time begin="00:37:05.11"/><clear/>in the United States where
is public information on it,<br/>
<time begin="00:37:08.49"/><clear/>but the RND for the vaccine
costs $145 million,<br/>
and then the manufacturing $200 million,<br/>
<time begin="00:37:15.05"/><clear/>so a total of $345 million to
take one<br/>
vaccine from the bench in the discovery<br/>
<time begin="00:37:21.43"/><clear/>of academic research to
Page 27
making the vaccine<br/>
<time begin="00:37:26.97"/><clear/>through the development
and available to the market.<br/>
<time begin="00:37:31.18"/><clear/>So what it costs to bring a
vaccine to<br/>
market, everyone will agree it costs somewhere<br/>
<time begin="00:37:35.40"/><clear/>between 200 and $500 million
in 12<br/>
to 15 from the time that you bring it<br/>
<time begin="00:37:40.99"/><clear/>into a company and then you
get it out.<br/>
<time begin="00:37:44.67"/><clear/>To be honest, this is what
costs to develop a drug, a vaccine,<br/>
<time begin="00:37:49.08"/><clear/>or any other drug in the<br/>
pharmaceutical industry.<br/>
<time begin="00:37:51.46"/><clear/>It's a very expensive process
with lots of work.<br/>
<time begin="00:37:54.98"/><clear/>You start with your initial
discovery and<br/>
then you get into animals and then you get<br/>
<time begin="00:37:58.35"/><clear/>into humans and face three
trials and you've<br/>
got thousands of people, and it costs this kind<br/>
<time begin="00:38:02.55"/><clear/>of money in order to do
that's just a fact of life.<br/>
<time begin="00:38:06.42"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:38:07.66"/><clear/>So if you're going to make a
vaccine --<br/>
let's say that this side of the room comes<br/>
<time begin="00:38:15.45"/><clear/>to the board of directors of
company, you guys are at top of the board<br/>
<time begin="00:38:19.16"/><clear/>of directors, and you guys
are the scientists.<br/>
<time begin="00:38:21.59"/><clear/>And they come to you and they
say, "We would<br/>
like to make a vaccine for the disease X,<br/>
<time begin="00:38:30.19"/><clear/>and this is our plan for it
and this<br/>
is how much money it's going to cost."<br/>
<time begin="00:38:34.58"/><clear/>This side of the group comes
the board of directors and says,<br/>
Page 28
<time begin="00:38:37.91"/><clear/>"We have a drug for
erections," or whatever you<br/>
want, "We have our development plan and we want<br/>
<time begin="00:38:44.81"/><clear/>to develop this because we
think this is an<br/>
important drug that we'd like to develop."<br/>
<time begin="00:38:51.25"/><clear/>And you guys at the top are
to have to make the decision.<br/>
<time begin="00:38:54.20"/><clear/>Well look here, this is the
revenue in billions of dollars per year<br/>
<time begin="00:39:05.22"/><clear/>for a few drugs that I just
<time begin="00:39:09.47"/><clear/>This all ten vaccines that
market in the United States,<br/>
<time begin="00:39:14.36"/><clear/>it sits up there at about $6
<time begin="00:39:17.14"/><clear/>This is the market for the
developed countries that make $1 billion.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:23.49"/><clear/>These are two drugs, one to
lower cholesterol<br/>
and the other to decrease heartburn.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:30.84"/><clear/>Some of you in this room<br/>
probably take these drugs.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:34.00"/><clear/>Good drugs.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:34.96"/><clear/>Important drugs.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:36.34"/><clear/>But this side of the room
to develop another one of these,<br/>
<time begin="00:39:40.77"/><clear/>and this side wants to
develop a vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:44.85"/><clear/>You guys on the board of
have really only one choice.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:48.98"/><clear/>You look at the potential­this<br/>
is divided into a dozen different lines,<br/>
<time begin="00:39:53.84"/><clear/>so nothing comes above $2
billion here.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:57.67"/><clear/>You make a choice.<br/>
<time begin="00:39:58.75"/><clear/>I'd rather have you guys
your erection drug or something,<br/>
<time begin="00:40:01.95"/><clear/>and you guys lose and you
Page 29
guys win.<br/>
<time begin="00:40:03.82"/><clear/>And that's not an ethical
<time begin="00:40:08.36"/><clear/>it's not a scientific
it is just one of social value.<br/>
<time begin="00:40:12.44"/><clear/>We pay money for these drugs
we don't pay money for the vaccines<br/>
<time begin="00:40:16.36"/><clear/>that make it a significant
<time begin="00:40:18.32"/><clear/>So this lack of social value
up really being very expensive.<br/>
<time begin="00:40:26.13"/><clear/>You end up without the social
and lack of political leadership.<br/>
<time begin="00:40:30.70"/><clear/>They interact, so you end up
continued disease occurrence in the long run.<br/>
<time begin="00:40:37.03"/><clear/>And these are the costs;<br/>
continued disease occurs,<br/>
<time begin="00:40:40.37"/><clear/>which is terrible as I showed
on polio and these huge delays.<br/>
<time begin="00:40:45.85"/><clear/>And equally important in a
public health<br/>
sense, the increased infected pool,<br/>
<time begin="00:40:50.16"/><clear/>that the longer you delay the
control of<br/>
a disease, the more people get infected,<br/>
<time begin="00:40:55.96"/><clear/>the more source of infection
for others,<br/>
<time begin="00:40:58.01"/><clear/>and you end up having more
disease more<br/>
difficult to control in the future,<br/>
<time begin="00:41:01.82"/><clear/>so it compounds itself with
<time begin="00:41:04.47"/><clear/>And then lastly, you end up
with a very limited<br/>
market for vaccine, little social demand<br/>
<time begin="00:41:13.09"/><clear/>for it, and therefore less
industry incentive<br/>
to make vaccines, which causes more delay<br/>
<time begin="00:41:18.71"/><clear/>in the vaccines and the whole
perpetuates itself for the future.<br/>
Page 30
<time begin="00:41:22.69"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:41:24.31"/><clear/>That's the end of the downer
part of the talk.<br/>
<time begin="00:41:27.16"/><clear/>It is indeed a very
-- after someone like myself who's actually been<br/>
<time begin="00:41:30.91"/><clear/>out there eradicating
diseases and see<br/>
the potential we have in biotechnology<br/>
<time begin="00:41:34.63"/><clear/>to make vaccines, it's a
shame that we<br/>
are not better able to adjust those social values<br/>
<time begin="00:41:40.86"/><clear/>so that we come some
of more equal especially<br/>
<time begin="00:41:43.74"/><clear/>for the less developed parts
of the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:41:47.31"/><clear/>And generally this is divided
to two parts.<br/>
<time begin="00:41:50.16"/><clear/>Push, that is you push the
development of<br/>
a product through an industry; and pull,<br/>
<time begin="00:41:55.20"/><clear/>that you pull the
through industrial development<br/>
<time begin="00:41:58.82"/><clear/>by increasing the price
increasing the purchase.<br/>
<time begin="00:42:01.96"/><clear/>And both of these have been
recently in<br/>
place for the last, almost a decade now,<br/>
<time begin="00:42:07.77"/><clear/>especially as a result of
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.<br/>
<time begin="00:42:10.91"/><clear/>But there's quite a few, if
you go back in<br/>
history interestingly as I mentioned before,<br/>
<time begin="00:42:15.14"/><clear/>at the bottom of this slide
you see<br/>
that the March of Dimes is the one<br/>
<time begin="00:42:18.21"/><clear/>that really drove the
of polio vaccine with Jonas Salk<br/>
<time begin="00:42:22.39"/><clear/>and Albert Sabin being
ones who developed the vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:42:25.14"/><clear/>But before that, the
Page 31
Foundation developed a yellow fever vaccine,<br/>
<time begin="00:42:29.55"/><clear/>and before that Institut
Pasteur in Paris<br/>
had developed several of the vaccines<br/>
<time begin="00:42:34.85"/><clear/>that we use still today in
childhood vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:42:39.56"/><clear/>But now it is really
again, and it's very nice to see,<br/>
<time begin="00:42:45.06"/><clear/>especially for the less
parts of the world,<br/>
<time begin="00:42:49.20"/><clear/>you see all of these various
development public/private partnerships,<br/>
<time begin="00:42:54.28"/><clear/>very much like the
and the March of Dimes<br/>
<time begin="00:42:59.68"/><clear/>where we have vaccines
tuberculosis, malaria.<br/>
<time begin="00:43:02.99"/><clear/>This is us working on HIV and
other hookworm<br/>
vaccine initiatives that you heard from here,<br/>
<time begin="00:43:11.54"/><clear/>International AIDS Vaccine
Initiative in New<br/>
York, the Malaria Vaccine Initiative in Dengue,<br/>
<time begin="00:43:17.69"/><clear/>Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, and
South African<br/>
AIDS Vaccine Initiative.<br/>
<time begin="00:43:21.34"/><clear/>Most of it funded by the Bill
and Melinda<br/>
Gates Foundation, but also from other sources.<br/>
<time begin="00:43:27.93"/><clear/>And then we have what we've
really seen<br/>
also I think stimulated primarily by the Bill<br/>
<time begin="00:43:33.26"/><clear/>and Melinda Gates Foundation,
setting of the global fund and like<br/>
<time begin="00:43:36.33"/><clear/>and European Union donating
huge amounts<br/>
of money to actually pull vaccines in,<br/>
<time begin="00:43:42.51"/><clear/>especially for the less
parts of the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:43:44.40"/><clear/>That is setting up a market
Page 32
where they'd<br/>
put literally now billions of dollars<br/>
<time begin="00:43:48.69"/><clear/>into the purchase and
delivery of vaccines<br/>
in the less developed parts of the world.<br/>
<time begin="00:43:52.35"/><clear/>So there is a market if
wants to develop it,<br/>
<time begin="00:43:54.89"/><clear/>either the not-for-profit
I showed you on the previous slide,<br/>
<time begin="00:43:58.68"/><clear/>or a for profit sector, that
there is<br/>
more of a market for these vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:06.58"/><clear/>So in summary, I think that
vaccine development<br/>
is expensive, there's 200 to 500 million dollars.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:13.46"/><clear/>It's slow, it takes really a
decade or more.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:17.79"/><clear/>The skills necessary to
develop vaccines<br/>
rest primarily with the private sector,<br/>
<time begin="00:44:21.44"/><clear/>hopefully that's getting
into the not-for-profit now.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:25.18"/><clear/>And the same costs and effort
companies can develop therapeutic products<br/>
<time begin="00:44:30.58"/><clear/>that are far more profit than
the vaccine.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:33.79"/><clear/>Public health leaders are
cheap and unwilling<br/>
to pay reasonable prices for valuable vaccines.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:37.92"/><clear/>I say that as someone who
that and indeed espoused that.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:42.56"/><clear/>The lack of social value
given to<br/>
vaccines makes them unattractive products<br/>
<time begin="00:44:46.49"/><clear/>for the pharmaceutical
industry to<br/>
develop, and vaccines, once they're out,<br/>
<time begin="00:44:49.60"/><clear/>are often applied slowly and
so the return<br/>
on the investment is even compounded.<br/>
<time begin="00:44:54.84"/><clear/>But there are positive
Page 33
<time begin="00:44:56.59"/><clear/>the public/private vaccine
partnerships having pharmaceutical<br/>
<time begin="00:44:59.75"/><clear/>development expertise are
established, that was the list I showed you.<br/>
<time begin="00:45:03.49"/><clear/>Funding is being provided
most notably<br/>
by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,<br/>
<time begin="00:45:07.38"/><clear/>and foundation support
driving public health authorities<br/>
<time begin="00:45:10.24"/><clear/>to deliver existing
through the pull process.<br/>
<time begin="00:45:14.23"/><clear/>
<time begin="00:45:15.49"/><clear/>So in summary, I think we
have gone through<br/>
an evolution here where in the past we relied<br/>
<time begin="00:45:21.25"/><clear/>on foundations and
efforts to make vaccines,<br/>
<time begin="00:45:25.74"/><clear/>recognizing there were
terrible diseases out<br/>
there, and we had some skills to make them,<br/>
<time begin="00:45:30.21"/><clear/>and then we really let
private sector do this<br/>
<time begin="00:45:32.44"/><clear/>without recognizing the
private sector didn't<br/>
have much enthusiasm as time has gone on,<br/>
<time begin="00:45:37.61"/><clear/>and the tremendous
biotechnological revolution<br/>
<time begin="00:45:40.61"/><clear/>that has occurred is being
towards very profitable products for cancer<br/>
<time begin="00:45:44.85"/><clear/>and other diseases that are
important, however, it leaves a huge void<br/>
<time begin="00:45:49.30"/><clear/>in the vaccine, especially
for the third world.<br/>
<time begin="00:45:52.22"/><clear/>And I think we're seeing some
movement, especially stimulated out of Seattle<br/>
<time begin="00:45:57.45"/><clear/>with the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation<br/>
Page 34
to actually try to readjust that both<br/>
<time begin="00:46:01.12"/><clear/>from development of vaccines
and the actual<br/>
purchase of vaccines for the third world.<br/>
<time begin="00:46:05.49"/><clear/>With that I will stop
we can deal with some questions.<br/>
<time begin="00:46:08.21"/><clear/>Thank you.<br/>
<time begin="00:46:09.51"/><clear/>[ Applause ]<br/>
<time begin="00:46:18.01"/><clear/>[ Music ]<br/>
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