HD28 .M414 l\0, 3/26- OeVtfEY ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Japanese Investment and Influence in Thai Develo pment Nobuko Ichikawa, Michael A. Cusumano, and Karen R. Polenske Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School WP# 3182-90/BPS Draft: July 18, 1990 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Japanese Investment and Influence Thai Development in Nobuko Ichikawa, Michael A. Cusumano, and Karen R. Polenske Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School WP# 3182-90/BPS Draft: July 18, Note: 1990 The authors' affiliations, respectively, are the Thailand Development Research Institute Foundation, Bangkok; the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, MA; and the M.I.T. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Cambridge, MA. Address Correspondence to: Professor Michael A. Cusumano MIT Sloan School Room E52-555 Cambridge, Tel. Fax. MA of Management 02139 (617) 253-2574 (617) 253-2660 SUMMARY Economic planners and government face a major decision: whether to officials encourage in Thailand NIC's (Newly a Industrialized Country) type of strategy based on manufacturing exports from the urbanized central region, which require increasing dependence on foreign technology, especially from Japan; or follow will probably investment a and NAIC's (Newly Agro-lndustrialized Country) type of strategy based on agro- industry exports, which will probably mean less rapid growth overall but an improvement in rural conditions as well as more independence through investment from internal sources. This article examines this choice from the perspective of Thailand as well as Japan, We argue industries will that is largest source o* aid and foreign investment. its a combination of manufacturing and agro- necessary for continued development and that this require more cooperation between Thailand and Japan as well as more Japanese assistance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the Japan Foundation and the Takahashi Foundation (Minebea Corporation) for funding that made this research possible. Alice Amsden also contributed helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.. 1. INTRODUCTION Economists as well as foreign investors often consider Thailand to be the country most likely catch to up with Asia s Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs), primarily Korea and Taiwan, which have grown rapidly since the 1960s by exporting manufactured goods rather than agricultural products. has been one of the fastest growing countries the world, with much of in growth supported by manufacturing investments and output (Table continues to be a Thailand 1). its also It promising site for foreign investment because of high growth without much inflation, unstable exchange rates, or political turmoil, at least in comparison to many other developing countries. [Table Japan has way led the 1 here] foreign investments, focusing on export-oriented in manufacturing sectors, such as electrical and electronics products as chemical and non-metal goods. for inflation) Total from Japan rose from $48 million Japanese investments compared to in as new and additional investment (unadjusted in 1985 to $859 million (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1988; Keizai Koho Center, 1989). of well The total by mid-1989 had reached $3.5 Thailand in 1988 stock billion, merely $871 million for the next largest investor, Taiwan (Sanger, 1990). Despite this record of growth planners and government officials in and new investment, however, Thailand, as well as Japanese government agencies, research institutes, and companies, have found themselves of critical economic importance to the future of Thailand: whether to debate in a encourage a NIC's type of development based on manufacturing exports from the urbanized central region, or encourage development agricultural based a on products). NAIC's (Newly Agro- Industrialized Country) type of exports "agro-industries" from (the processing of Although the two approaches need not be mutually 1 exclusive, the advantage of sectors located dilemma Japanese with'n Thailand investment, that is which is concentrated in to take manufacturing the central region of Thailand, but this type of investment in tends to worsen urban problems already existing little to many groups want in the Bangkok area and does solve equally pressing problems related to rural poverty. In addition, Thailand may not have the economic resources to build sufficient infrastructure needed for industrial-based development such as required by foreign, especially Japanese, manufacturing investments. This article examines the conditions and policies influencing the course of Thailand's economic development primarily from the perspective of Thailand's biggest investor and foreign-aid donor -- probable course of economic development Japanese public and argument opposite is that private Japan in investment on -- order to understand the in Thailand as well as the impact of combination of elements are pushing Thailand a with directions, a slower, a likely potentially a heavier path, even though domestic mixed approach, combining agro-businesses with some manufacturing, may actually be the wisest strategy 2. in Japanese investments especially making emphasis on export-oriented manufacturing conditions suggest The major development. Thai to follow. INTERNAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THAI DEVELOPMENT Two and internal factors encouraged development. a One, have had an important impact on Thai development mixture political of manufacturing-based stability, has helped and agriculture-based make Thailand the most attractive location for Japanese investors moving operations to Asia. the Thai agricultural sector, A second, has contributed cheap labor and food as well as surplus capital to support manufacturing investments while also providing raw Numerous problems remain materials and finished products for agro-industries. in agricultural the problems as a however, sector, Political Stability the Japanese Chamber of Commerce 1988, number largest Chamber of Thailand to registered members among the of Commerce Japanese in as a place ASEAN' countries (Japanese investment for Abundant, cheap, and hard-working labor, a in Southeast Asia. history of successful economic performance with stable exchange rates and low familiar to the Japanese, Bangkok recorded the in This reflects the attractiveness of Bangkok, 1989b). firms urban to Bangkok area. result of migration into the (a) In and these have contributed cultural traditions inflation, and the foreign-investment promotion policies of the Thai government, including tax policies allowing foreign firms to remit most of their profits back to their frequently for cited home countries (Smith, 1989a), are among the reasons popularity. Thailand's stimulated by the Vietnam War created a In addition, high demand in economic growth Thailand during the 1960s and early 1970s for Japanese goods, which Japanese firms had to produce locally to because of the Thai government's import-substitution policies. most other countries good relatively political during World War Of equal Thailand's II or political all East relations (Yamashita greater and Southeast Asia, with et al., importance stability, Southeast and East Asia. China in In at least Thailand, Compared Japan also maintained which it did not colonize 1989). than in these factors comparison to the 1980s, the Philippines, appeared other to be countries in Korea, Taiwan, and faced strong political challenges against state control and political ^ ASEAN is an abbreviation for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Members, in addition to Thailand, include Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. decade, Indonesia encountered less political turmoil Malaysia and corruption. they although faced from among their ethnically diverse populations. religious conflicts neighboring countries, these stemming problems internal Thailand's constitutional in this racial and In contrast to monarchy, along with harmony between ethnic Chinese and native Thai, who shared Buddhism dominant religion, seemed to to create a social and environment amenable political economic investment. The ouster changes in Thailand's military dictators of the Thai political system in 1973 Thailand, that organized groups, such as university in suddenly gained decision impact of the military on (Suehiro, Supported 1985). administration that came by power to different it making for economic and popularity the the 1988, in appears that also groups now active in Thai of the public same the particularly Thai stability. in time, however, country the planning social Chatichai civilian role political As part 1989). of politics rapid of this that democratization industrialization in as well this as the future. and urbanization, Bangkok and surrounding areas, has caused serious problems government that may threaten the consensus has emerged among the a economic development are necessary for Thailand to prosper At silent in 1976, Thailand successfully reduced the in military continued to decline in the late 1980s (Tasker, evolution, though Even influence. national experienced another military takeover political contributed to also urban workers, and farmers, which historically had been students, the as the economic success and for political These problems include poor housing conditions, crowded buses, air and water pollution, and recurrent floods worsened by land sinking from the digging of deep Board, 1986a). industrial In wells addition, (National activism Economic and Social Development among Thai labor unions, especially at state-owned enterprises faced with government privatization plans, appeared to be on the rise (International Labor Organization, Paisal, 1987; 1988; Handley, 1989). 1989; The Agricultural Sector (b) The Thai agricultural sector has supported ways. Increases in industrialization agricultural production have helped provided cheap food and also Thai addition. agriculture labor carried has several Agriculture the manufacturing sector. for out in expand national income and government revenues, creating surplus capital for investment. has Tasaka, a unique role as a In source of increasingly diversified exports, beginning with traditional products such as rice and rubber; post-World War II products, such as maize, tapioca, kenaf, and sugar; and then recent products, such as canned fruit and frozen chicken. fact, 1988, In in Thailand one is of only a In few food exporters among developing countries. 105 billion baht worth of agricultural products out of 248 billion baht gross domestic agricultural output were exported {42"b of Agricultural and marine product exports were decreasing but exports, represented 43% in 1985 and 31% items, in 1988, rice (35 billion baht), occupied second, products (58 third, billion) rubber (26 and fourth positions, in agricultural output) in 1988. billion), . their share of total In terms of export and tapioka (22 respectively, billion) following textile (Thailand Development Research Institute Foundation, 1989) . Yet the traditional and the post-war agricultural exports seemed to have reached a limit in the 1980s, because some countries that formerly imported large quantities of food achieved self-sufficiency, increasing competition among food exporters (Ishida, Thai companies and government officials were 1988). trying to manage this situation by further diversifying Thailand's agricultural products as well as attempting the export of chicken, skillful shrimp, marketing efforts. and other canned foods Recent increases in suggest that this approach has worked and Thailand has the potential to increase agro-industry exports even further, which would help bring needed income to farmers areas as well as earn foreign currency. in rural Prrticulariy important to this trend have been the emergence of large plantations, especially for palm cultivation, actively promoted by the Thai government s Board Investment and run by of agro-businesses owned by Thai or by joint ventures with foreign investors, and the formation of integrated production and distribution organizations that have made serious efforts marketing, observed Suehiro, as improve to production the chicken in 1987b; Viraphong, and technology (broiler) industry international (Shigetomi, 1987; 1989). Yet, although the agricultural sector has contributed to the development of the Thai economy in various ways, caused difficulties not only to in agricultural areas but One problem the migration of farm workers. in is urban areas as this has well, due that government policies have kept prices of food low and manufactured goods high, to transfer surplus capital and rural poverty has continued a process that tends from agriculture to manufacturing sectors. of rapid increases in productivity for manufacturing relative In spite to agriculture, the government protects import-substitution manufacturing products through import tax and regulation of the number of companies in one field; a high this keeps prices for these manufactured goods high, while there are no similar measures for agricultural products. In addition, although the governments official policy changed from supporting import-substitute industrialization to export-oriented industrialization in the early 1970s, among manufacturing sectors, so far only the textile industry has been able to compete internationally, partly because of measures favoring import-substitution Furthermore, industries. monthly wage for private employment in in the agricultural 1987, the average sector was merely compared baht, 1,106 the manufacturing in The producers' price index 1987). Office, Statistical baht 2,137 to sector (National for the manufacturing sector has also been consistently higher than that for agriculture (Japanese Chamber Commerce of manufacturing over in Thus, while favoring domestic 1989a). may have concentrated agriculture Thailand investments, industrial Bangkok, has yet develop to useful capital for own manufacturing its exports, while this policy may also have prevented the agricultural sector from increasing prices and accumulating capital Investment in agriculture source of employment late as 1986, in important because this sector is accounting for Thailand, the last year for which Although the percentage of under 16 million of total employment as agriculture has been declining, the in sector was this in 1980 in 67°6 the major still is complete data are available (Table 2). employment absolute number of people working from just needs for further investment. it approximately to increasing, still 17.8 million in rising 1986. Furthermore, according to the sixth National Social and Economic Development new workers are expected Plan (1986-1991), approximately 3.9 million the labor market (National Economic and Social Development Board, is unlikely that non-agricultural sectors can As seen if in productivity and incomes a comparison of Tables 1 in 20% for manufacturing, which in It to leave rural areas, the agricultural sector do not improve. and 2, agriculture, which occupied more than two-thirds of the employed population, Thailand's gross domestic product 1986b). provide enough employment to absorb these new workers as well as people expected especially to enter accounted for the mid-1980s, accounted for population [Table 2 here] as merely less opposed 8% of than to the 17% of more than employed Continuing Rural (and Urban) Problems (c) Data on the level of urbanization (defined as the ratio of population living in municipal areas compared to the total population) land tenancy, the amount of virgin land available for cultivation, immigration, as well as land productivity, indicate that neglecting rural development has all created serious problems for Thailand dramatic increases in to other Indonesia, merely 18% 38% in (Asian number the Even from agricultural areas. compared ASEAN in both rural and urban regions, with in people moving into metropolitan Bangkok of 1985, Thailand was a relatively rural society countries, where the level of urbanization was 25% and 40% Malaysia, Development increase from approximately 13% Office, and domestic population the in Bank, in Philippines. In although this 1989), both 1970 and in Thailand it in was represented an 1960 (National Statistical 1960 and 1970). The 1980 census data, however, show clearly that there was far more migration from rural and urban communities to the Bangkok Metropolitan Area and the surrounding region than from one rural area rural to For areas. example, the net inflow of to another or from urban migrants to the Bangkok Metropolitan Area and the surrounding five prefectures accounted for 90% of the country's net migrants from 1975 to 1980 (National Statistical Office, and National population in Economic the and Social Bangkok Metropolitan increased from 2.1 million in in the From 1970 Board, 1986a). The total Thon Buri) thus (including in 1986, only part of which to 1986, the annual population the Bangkok Metropolitan Area averaged 3.5%, compared to 2.5% for the whole nation. in Area 1960 to 5.8 million came from natural population growth. growth rate Development 1980 During this period roughly 44% of the population Bangkok Metropolitan Area can be attributed to migration growth (National Economic and Social Development Board, 1986a). Other evidence (the percentage of agricultural worked 1975, which rose 42% it), rented rather than owned by those who land area nationwide from 1975 to 1986 (Table 3). in the Central Region, 41% of in percentages were 27% Northeast poverty has been growing land tenancy of the rise in rural (Suehiro, in the North all In farms consisted of rented land; these Region, 17% in the South, and 9% the in By region, the Northeast, the major source 1980). of immigrants into Bangkok according to the 1980 census, experienced the largest increase after as residents, land-holding levels inadequate to feed shift to a Because Thai farm 152%. exclude non-land holders who are rural statistics suggest estimated to be as much 1975, considered to be 25 rai a these numbers family (generally for an average family). [Table 3 here] Responding issued a land government amounted to the increase in land reform law to 7.6 million was privately owned. farmers. In million addition, 1975 the Thai government purchased land for distribution. which rai Land affected was public land and 2.6 5 million By 1989, the reforms had transferred million 3.1 million rai or The Agricultural Land Reform Office (ALRO) 40% of the targeted land. earmarked 2.7 of rai, in gave farmers cultivating land owned by the that legal title as well as tenancy, or 54% of ALRO all public land has purchased 361,830 owned targeted land and rented 67% of it to for rai also distribution to poor or 14% of the privately farmers while reselling 12% on a "hire-purchase" basis and leaving 21% not allocated (Preyaluk, 1989a). This effort, ^ however, has had limited results. Privately owned land Data for Data for 1960, 1970, and 1980 are from the annual censuses. are from projections by the Working Group on Population Projections, comprising NESDB, NSO, and the Institute of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University 1986 . targeted for distribution landlords, amounted (Preyaluk, 1989a). farmers, to merely to addition, In 14% which of much reduc:-? total of land rent payments their under tenancy to 1986 in the publicly owned land that was distributed merely legalized the position of farmers illegally cultivating land, and so the incomes of these people did not not solve the problem of high land rents in the Central tenancy but with relatively low rents, land also did For example, while certain areas. non-resident landlords dominate and there Region, concentration of in The land reform change. in high a is part of the North, there are more resident landlords, but they continued to impose higher rents on tenants (Suehiro, 1980). At the same time, distribution of publicly owned land along with increases in the rural population as well as extensive commercial logging have destroyed Thailand's forests, as little lowest 29% in figure which covered 53% of the nation (Suehiro, the late 1980s among the ASEAN 1980; countries, in Norani, with and perhaps as 1961 This was the 1989). the exception heavily of urbanized Singapore (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1988) . The destruction of forests causes various problems: increased possibilities for flooding and and quality forests. of water, as well as potential erosion, damage banned commercial officially difficult to enforce Furthermore, have suffered from (Norani, paddy production in in January 1989 the Thai although been has this rural incomes output and agricultural productivity. While Thailand between 1976 and 1985 grew from 15 million metric tons to only 20 million, the average yield kilogram per hectare dependent on the has become scarcer for farmers, growth in logging, in the quantity in 1989). while land little reductions to animals These problems became so serious that government total soil damaged watersheds, in paddy fields rose 1975 to merely 2,052 kilogram per hectare 10 from 1,825 in 1986. In output growth contrast to the total of land 35%, yield grew only by Cultivated land per capita has stayed the same, at 0.38 hectares both 1970 in This suggests that the increase of rice production came mainly from and 1985. the expansion both of the population cultivating of the lowest levels of productivity in countries, with output fields rice not from productivity growth. available for cultivation, one 12%. less levels paddy and area Thailand had In fact, cultivation land among developing than half of China and merely a third of South Korea, as well as behind countries such as Afghanistan and India (Table 4). In addition. Thai farmers in the 1980s suffered from sharp declines international market price for rice, 1980 to $216 in which fell the in from about $424 per metric in 1985 (nominal values), as well as for maize, casaba, and sugar cane (Asian Development Bank, 1989). [Table 4 here] The cultivation of different cash crops has diversified Thai agriculture and created valuable export items, while skillful operations and marketing by Thai agro-businesses have increased Thai agricultural production and exports. the limited results of these efforts, solve problems such as tenancy, land massive migration to Thailand as well as of land s low reform, productivity in have failed to agriculture, The Thai government capital city. is Yet and aware of these problems but has placed more emphasis on developing Thailand's urban and industrial infrastructure rather than agriculture. especially evident in expensive examples such as the government's on-going Eastern Seaboard projects, which contain plant, two ports, and two industrial parks. also insisted that This policy has been large migrations a natural-gas refinery, Some Thai government from rural areas, a fertilizer officials especially from have the Northeast, together with the expansion of cultivated land, have prevented land fragmentation and raised per capita rural 11 incomes, because migrants are This view acknowledges the Bangkok generally surplus agricultural workers. Metropolitan Area and the surrounding five prefectures as the center of growth in Thailand and emphasizes the benefits of improving this urban area, where most industry and growth are concentrated, the expense of agricultural at regions (National Economic and Social Development Board, 3. 1986b). EXTERNAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THAI DEVELOPMENT Whether export-oriented absorb rural migrants others external see and this not clear, create is investment from countries enough Japanese investment, however, has not Related to Thailand s to and officials such as Japan as political critical to stability as grown over time but only gradually shifted from an emphasis on agriculture and manufacturing. employment why government continued economic development and perhaps Thailand's well. is can industries natural appeal and the increase in resources to manufacturing- oriented investments has been growing political pressure on Japan to import more manufacturing goods and the emergence countries in Thailand as well as other of Southeast Asia as manufacturing bases for multinational firms from Japan and other developed countries as well as from the NICs. (a) Japanese Investments Japanese overseas investments started along with into rapid economic growth at home, international markets, decisions in to improvement in grow mainly after the movement Japan s of late 1960s, Japanese companies balance of payments, the Japanese government to allow more foreign investment. In and the second half of the 1970s, Japanese direct investments abroad ranged between $3 and $5 billion per year, but, in the first half of the 1980s, 12 they jumped to approximately $8 billion per year (nominal values) as the yen rose made overseas assets appear relatively inexpensive in value and and production costs high (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1987). direct investment overseas and in in Japan Japanese 1986 alone increased by 83% to over $22 billion 1988 reached 47 billion dollars. in terms of Japan's foreign investment stock, valued at more than $186 In as billion July of followed billion), by Asia, America, Asia America, Latin Europe, operations, with ($75 and Oceania and Africa, invested in by far the largest represented also manufacturing overseas represented the biggest share with between $30 and $32 billion respectively, North America North 1989, more than $12 each area. site for billion After Japan's worth of investments (Table 5). [Table 5 here] In terms of the number of companies investing, North America as site for a for 37% of the cumulative investments in 1988, primarily Thailand number North America to 29°6 for and to electrical China. financial, into Asia accounted Japanese firms investing abroad, compared keizai, From 1986 of 1988, 1990). In in absolute terms, Japanese 1985 to nearly $5.6 billion in the Korea, Taiwan, other NICs, as well as in to Asia, July 829 were and service sectors. new cases of manufacturing and 262 in out of 1989, in Among 1,437 the manufacturing cases, and electronic appliances and equipment had the highest concentration (193 firms), (Toyo (Toyo investments Japanese firms expanding commercial, of Asia increased from $1.4 billion due As Japanese investment. Asia actually exceeded keizai, followed by chemicals (94) and automobiles and auto parts (73) 1990). Breaking down Japanese investments by the number of firms entering individual countries, since 1986 Thailand has enjoyed the largest 13 number of Thailand also ranked second cases. States) and Singapore, tended Although other ASEAN countries, such as Indonesia to be the object of larger projects terms of the value of Japanese investments, in Thailand for the first time were the largest countries (Kei;ai Koho Center, 1989). in (behind only the United the world the number of new investment cases from January 1988 through July in 1989 (Toyo keizai, 1990). in in and surpass Thailand 1988, Japanese investments value among in all the in ASEAN This reflected both increasing labor costs the Asian NICs (Clifford and Moore, 1989) as well as the general appeal of Thailand to Japanese investors. Although more recent information prior to the large increases degree in Japanese investments have come importance Japanese firms of manufacturing sectors. As seen by the Japanese Chamber of unavailable, is in Table Commerce 6, in more occupy to in 1983, indicate the various based on estimates from half of all even a Thai survey affiliated with domestic shipments (by the electrical equipment and automobile industries and one-fourth or in of Thailand, Bangkok, Thai firms Japanese companies accounted for more than value) in data from all shipments in steel and textiles. [Table 6 here] (b) Asian Economic Integration The other factor encouraging Thailand to develop manufacturing industries has been economic integration and the reorganization of industrial structures and corresponding trade practices among Japan, countries. country. a and the ASEAN Previously, under import-substitution promotion, individual governments tried produce the NICs, to encourage foreign firms such as Japanese automakers majority of their components locally, that This ASEAN limited industrial development, 14 is, in to the individual host because of the small size of and markets domestic Since the early 1980s, for capabilities limited however, countries local components production. have increasingly specialized in different kinds of products as well as parts of the production process, according wage to their technological capabilities, At resources. between the ASEAN same time, ASEAN competition in low-cost manufactured goods to locate labor-intensive products from the NICs countries and some machinery and electrical or electronic products manufacturing from Japan to the Even for the same types NICs. they have tried to produce higher-priced goods Other incentives behind of and natural capital availability, countries and the NICs, and between the NICs and Japan, have pushed multinational companies to levels, this reorganization in of products, the NICs as well as Japan. have been the rising popularity Japanese products around the world since the 1960s, Japanese restrictions on imports of accumulation economic manufactured goods the world's of successes and largest trade international criticism against trade structure, materials in its into its trade practices domestic and Japan's market, surpluses during the 1980s. made Japan the target Its serious of relatively closed markets as well as "vertical" which Japanese firms imported fuel and inexpensive raw The type and then exported high value-added finished goods. of imbalance occurred with developed countries, such as the United States, as well as with developing countries, especially in Asia, which provided resources for Japanese industries but lagged far behind Japan in industrialization and had few domestic firms capable of exporting manufactured goods to Japan (Watanabe, 1985). The Japanese government responded opening domestic markets to imports more production operations overseas, countries, as well as to positively to these criticisms and encouraging Japanese firms to the United States, buy more manufactured goods 15 to Europe, and from these by move Asian areas (Economic Planning Agency, 1989). investment had fact in the export of to led By the end Japanese direct of the 1980s, goods from Japanese overseas subsidiaries not only to Europe and the United States but also to Japan. This was especially true for Japanese subsidiaries operating on report 178 firms to Japanese the Ministry in Asia. According to a Industry (MITI), Asian NICs accounted for 60% ($707 million of tota" in intra-company imports imports of current values) in manufactured goods by major Japanese firms NICs also accounted for 90% ($351 Asian 1987. of Trade and International of million dollars) of total manufactured goods by these Japanese firms based on overseas production contracts (Japan External Trade Organization, 1989). Industrialization the Asian NICs as well as in ASEAN countries included the growth of non-Japanese Asian firms able to supply manufactured products to Japan. Japanese imports For example, doubled between 1984 and 1988, manufactured products more than increasing from $40.6 billion to $91.8 billion Between 1987 and 1988, (unadjusted for inflation). increased 47%, from of ASEAN countries 49%, imports from Asian NICs and from China 58%. These three regions together accounted for 29% of total manufactured products imported into Japan in 1988 (Japan External Trade Organization, Thailand was a major beneficiary of these trends, with Thai manufactured products imported by Japan increasing by 144% million in 1986 to $897 million in from to 26% Thailand remained a in only two years, all from $368 Manufactured Japanese imports from Thailand 1988 in terms of value, accounting for $74 processed item, precious stones, that did not require much investment. produced by The second a in 1988, The largest manufactured product Japan imported 1986. during in 1988 (unadjusted for inflation). products also accounted for 33% of compared 1989). largest item, skill or however, was bearings ($74 million), single Japanese firm, Minebea, 16 million, Ltd. Thailand also exported $8 million of business-machinery parts to Japan Organization, 1989). in (Japan External Trade 1987 addition, Thailand exported more than $15 million worth In of integrated circuits in 1987 to other countries (Thailand Institute Foundation, Development Research 1989). Investments from the Asian NICs themselves contributed to development of manufacturing capabilities to in ASEAN encourage further investment direct investment from the countries as well as China that were likely the region. in NICs Asian In approved the 1980s, by local for example, governments in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and China (excluding NICs as host countries) accounted for 37% value; this exceeded Japan s of the total largest in in the world, terms of in 28% share of this investment (World Bank, 1989). "^ Major factors behind the increase currency appreciation approved investment in NICs' foreign investments seemed to be Korea and Taiwan, the Taiwanese trade surplus (second behind only Japan), increases in real wages in all NICs countries, maintenance of major markets despite protectionist measures, and the desire to secure natural disputes both in well (especially Taiwan and Korea, as Taiwan, also appeared 1989). resources to Government policy by Korean investors). well as an Labor environmental movement in promoted overseas investments (Clifford and Moore, in Korea and Taiwan supported investments abroad as but encouraged firms to retain production of more advanced products at home, as seen in the previous discussion of Taiwanese investments in Thailand, regional economic which focused on labor-intensive miscellaneous items. Japanese companies were also leaders in promoting integration and the reorganization of production operations and trade. In the ^ The time periods for counting approved direct investments are as follows: in the case of Malaysia, from 1982 to 1987; Indonesia, from 1982 to 1988; Thailand, from 1984 to 1989; Philippines, from 1982 to 1988; China, from 1983 to 1986. 17 Japanese companies textile industry, and design (Perry, 1989). ASEAN and Nissan were from within the ASEAN in Japan while moving more countries and possibly to China the electronics industry, several Japanese multinationals as In NICs companies have already the NICs to 1989 were planning to locate product production-technology development factory operations from the NICs to well as in countries. in In shifted various production operations from the automobile industry, Mitsubishi, Toyota, the process of arranging ASEAN countries, with a a network to supply more parts halving of tariffs on intra-regional trade of components between units of the same manufacturers (Goldstein, 1990; 1989b; Sanger, Smith, Thailand is 1990). experiencing another increase in Japanese investment for parts manufacturing along with the arrival of major Japanese manufacturers such as Although there Sharp. is widespread feeling that the Japanese are just a transferring vertically integrated manufacturing into Thailand and relying mainly on Japanese affiliated parts manufacturers rather than there is local parts producers, evidence that the Japanese are increasingly using Thai producers for simpler plastic and metal parts, and teaching these suppliers how to upgrade their While quality. government and dies. local plastic mold-making has also advanced, the Thai industry have neglected production of metal molds and Nevertheless, several Japanese joint ventures associated with car makers have begun to export Thai-made molds and dies as well as supply the market (Handley, Economic priority 1988). Development sector and In Plan in addition, announced 1986 the Thai government's a established Fifth National new focus on metal working the Metalworking and local as a Machinery Industries Development Institute with Japanese grant aid. These comments are based on personal interviews with Mr. Nagae Tsutomu and Mr. Takeshi Izumi (Japan International Cooperation Agency experts), carried out by Nobuko Ichikawa at the Metalworking and Machinery 18 Japanese imports other countries 1988 of relatively advanced manufactured goods from in East and Southeast Asia provided examples of other kinds of in products that Japanese firms were considering for production required fairly high investments of labor for capital in ($218 million) and video recorders radio million), ($83 million), ($54 million) from Korea; bearings and watch components ($15 for electronic components equipment as well as large amounts battery-operated and portable radios ($7 million) from Hong Kong; ($92 million) receivers Most Thailand. These products included audio components assembly operations. wrist watches in ($47 million), million) ($39 million), TV picture tubes ($18 from Singapore; chemical elements piezo-electric crystals ($19 million), microcomputers and microprocessors ($10 million), and camera parts ($4 million) from Malaysia; computer parts and microphones ($3 Organization, 1989). million) from ($25 million), diodes Philippines the (Japan ($6 million), External and Trade These and other examples show how the increasing industrialization and economic integration in beyond the control pushing Thailand of to East and Southeast Asia constitute an exogenous factor Thai government and company officials that expand its manufacturing sector. In is strongly particular, company efforts to reorganize their production systems in Japan, the NICs, and ASEAN countries, taking advantage of different capital, labor, technology, and natural resources available in each country, as well as of political protectionism against Japanese exports from Japan, have new Japanese investment in led Thailand to become the largest site for Soutiieast Asia and an important processing base for firms from Japan as well as the NICs. Industries Development Institute during June 1989. 19 4. STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES AND IMPLICATIONS The NIC's versus NAIC's debate can be seen most By the end positions Thai planners have taken. One supported emerged: in the policy two groups had of the 1980s, change that promotes labor- structural industrial clearly intensive export industries along with the improvement of import-substitution The other supported development to increase agricultural income and expand the domestic market (Suehiro, 1987a). As shown here, the industries. debate is complicated because each alternative presents and benefits. to rural Nor does it seem that, pursue both strategies, although, different set of costs the long term, Thailand can afford not in in a the short term, the government may not have the financial resources to support both manufacturing and agro-business development. To pursue increased foreign investment Thailand water will heavy industries, for example, need immediate and extensive investment to expand urban roads, waste supplies, infrastructure. processing and port The government has moved Seaboard Project, started in facilities, in similar the 1970s initially to utilize natural gas interest rates and slow growth in types of in in Siam part because of high the Thai economy during the early 1980s. It decided to continue, because of the requirements of new foreign investors, primarily the Japanese, and the need The government Bangkok. industries, attract more also felt to it reduce congestion was important in a concerns. to in the port promote of basic such as petrochemicals and iron, that would create jobs as well as advanced manufacturing investments. The whole development Eastern Seaboard and the building of two deep-sea ports baht and this direction with the Eastern The government once suspended the project Bay. later in will of the cost 133.5 billion joint-venture investment between the national government and private All individual sub-projects are scheduled for completion by 1996 20 The targeted areas, 1989b). (Preyaluk, drive from Bangkok, will Japanese government s operate as financing located about a one-and-a-half hour The huge production and export zone. a organization Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF), for is a developing projects. The major financial supporter, the construction of the two ports, water mains, gas-separation and investing in fertilizer plants, as industrial as well real estate and engineering services (Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund, 1987). Thailand also faces shortage of engineers, a which are essential for This problem technology transfer and localization of production operations. cannot be solved quickly because of the small number of engineers produced Thai colleges (approximately 2,500 Accordingly, the Thailand's small low (Myers and Chalongphob, 1989). and technological labor skilled of level 1986) in and medium-sized companies makes serve as subcontractors local suppliers, although, in components production in the long run, Thailand will in them to for for Japanese Japanese firms have investors with high standards for quality and cost control. helped by making direct investments know-how difficult it new manufacturing industries, especially in in to complement need to develop more domestic capabilities to attract further investment and increase manufacturing exports. As a result, the NIC's strategy will require support for education and supplier industries as well as basic industries, such as steel, machinery, and chemicals, in order to reduce dependence on foreign imports of capital goods, intermediate goods, and basic industrial raw materials, especially from Japan. The intensified development may prove well. Agriculture slow shift from 82% Statistical Office, to be a heavy represented still in expected urbanization a accompany type of burden for the Thai government as 65°6 of to total employment 1960 compared to other countries 1960, 1987). For example, 21 a in in NIC's 1987, a rather East Asia (National Korean agriculture's share of employment was only 59% was 47% 1965 and 18% in 1965 and in fell to 26% had less agricultural industrialized when industrialization has proceeded more slowly growth rapid began slower confrontations pace in Nevertheless, a organized shift in and labor it On the may in whereas leaving the country positive side, prevented have management (Yasuda, non-agricultural employment to Taiwan or Korea today would require Thailand speed of employment creation mid-1960s, the Thailand, industrialization of between Taiwan in employment and were more in dependent on agricultural employment. relatively while 1985, 1985 (International Labor Organization, 1965, 1985). in Korea and Taiwan already heavily in a this more 1987). similar to level to accelerate dramatically the A rapid transition manufacturing and services. from an agricultural to industrial society would also require massive migration from rural areas to Thailand, central which would infrastructure investments to accommodate these people. most industrial activities Thailand in are already then need massive As discussed concentrated earlier, highly- in congested Bangkok and the surrounding area, which produced 62% of Thailand's gross domestic industrial output in The 1986. central region, including Bangkok and the surrounding five prefectures, accounted for 82% (Thailand Development To improve deteriorating environmental Research Institute Foundation, 1989). conditions and over-congestion requires dispersing industrial activities outside of Bangkok rather than encouraging more investment there. promotes economic foreign gap investment between this in and the other Central areas, region A NIC's strategy may especially also the that worsen the disadvantaged Northeast, although Thai government officials seem to believe that the Eastern Seaboard Project Bangkok will reduce urban problems by encouraging firms to leave (National Social and Economic Development Board, Another question is whether the fragile 22 political system 1981). in Thailand will be able to support the changes that have Taiwan industrialized people experienced labor and the number An increased. a NIC's strategy might bring. and turmoil political as Both Korea and economies their urbanized middle-class and working-class of transformation accelerated Thailand of from agricultural to an industrial society, while improving income levels through employment manufacturing in especially turmoil, may sectors, the government does if lead also not labor to and an new political adequately seek solutions to major problems such as rural poverty and urban congestion. If follows it a challenges as well. NAIC's It will government faces numerous Thai need more ports, rural roads, factories, and still and waste-processing irrigation the strategy, facilities, advanced manufacturing industries. although perhaps less than for more Even for agro-businesses, furthermore, Thailand must develop new foreign markets and sales techniques to increase exports, especially with growing international competition There are nearby large potential markets thus a in would probably aid Thailand's agricultural development. seems difficult of increasing. may change take full poverty, As productivity result, a advantage resulting of as in Politically, Thailand however, Thailand in been has the agricultural sector. relatively low and not although new investment and agricultural technology foreign a a NAIC's strategy and failure investment may much or more Also under NIC's approach. intervene more in in economic growth under this trend, of income would have to rural come primarily from domestic investment and growth agricultural region carry out under present conditions. to Under the NAIC's strategy, improvement Yet agricultural goods. Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, and economic policy targeting the Northeast regional this policy in social be too and slow political to solve rural unrest as under NAIC's approach, the government would have the economy to bring about 23 a to a to fairer distribution of land as among agro-businesses, profits as well and farmers; merchants, wholesale however, the traditional policy of the Thai government, reinforced involvement of the government and Social to brings (National on which the NAIC's constraints Technology certain forward and backward linkages expansion an to promote agro-industries, processing agricultural products create free-market economy a in been has the 1987limit the Economic Development Board, 1987). A policy based, Development Plan, Economic and Social National 1991 in well. accumulated is for not easily applicable to other industries; agro-industries are fewer, and less likely to in than jobs, of is as strategy in manufacturing such sectors as iron, electronics, or automobile assembly; uncontrolled agricultural expansion will also contribute to the destruction of valuable natural resources such as Thailand's forests. will Thus, a probably not expand Thailand meet future needs 5. NAIC's strategy has both negative and positive aspects, and s industrial structure and of the population or overcome rural as economy enough well as to urban poverty. CONCLUSION On the surface, the NAIC's approach appears would rely problems primarily on in Thailand such development and employment congestion in resources, domestic as in rural the Bangkok area as much as productivity has lagged in have many benefits. It address most directly pressing poverty rural areas, to by promoting agricultural and not encourage further urban a NIC's strategy. Agricultural Thailand, making the NAIC's strategy somewhat risky, although further manufacturing investments will require costly infrastructure investments without providing employment for the vast majority of Thailand's population, which remain largely in rural areas but 24 may continue to migrate to Bangkok under NIC's strategy, worsening existing urban congestion. a Meanwhile, Japan's and industrialization growing economic NIC's model. integration in Thailand, countries move closer terms of economic activity and employment, In in in the of millions domestic production and export sales as well as 250,000 jobs by On the other hand, Japan has mid-1989 (Toyo keizai, 1990). the Thai government to invest expense at the to as the results of Japanese investments have been positive, generating the equivalent of dollars well as among the ASEAN incentives for Thailand to are providing strong general, influence in for example, of, encouraged also costly projects such as the Eastern Seaboard, more investment in agriculture, land reform, education, public transportation, health care, or homes for the rural and urban poor. the past, the Thai government has tried to put an equal emphasis on In investment in has situation both agricultural and non-agricultural industries, but made this increasingly difficult (National its financial Economic and Social Development Board, 1987). Nor do Thai government officials and planners, or private citizens, fully since the government what direction Thailand follows, control unlikely to is exclude much-needed foreign investment and technology, especially from Japan. Many Thai businessmen, workers, and government leaders want the benefits of Japanese investment, such as new jobs, technology transfers, and access to and companies want access to foreign markets. Japanese government officials Thailand's resources, labor, and markets, especially as which loans Because large-scale of recent production base from Japan has provided aid to Thailand, mainly to export. for a projects (Overseas Economic Cooperation in the form of Fund, 1987). economic growth, however, the Japanese government plans to cut off grants for Thailand and restrict future aid to loans (Duangkamol, 1989). This could become a major problem, since the Japanese expect 25 Thailand to continue constructing an industrial infrastructure as well as maintain political stability. In conclusion, choosing either NIC's or NAIC's strategy a probably not is desirable for Thailand, since both approaches have different benefits. long run, in addition to agro-industries, manufacturing sectors as called for Thailand will have to the NIC's approach, because in it seem possible that agricultural productivity and agro-business markets enough to solve Thailand's the industrialized become a Central region. will also have to for Thailand does not will grow construct an appropriate rural areas, such as roads, utilities, education, housing, solution develop Regardless of whether Thailand tries to infrastructure for further industrial development as well as invest alternative, the problems of rural poverty and halt migration into NIC or NAIC, the country NAIC's In therefore, does not appear to be in support for and health care. The and final a but rather an intermediate strategy. distinct If balanced with gradual manufacturing investments as well as continued assistance from Japan but targeted more toward solving rural problems, this should help Thailand move from a primarily economy, utilizing agricultural its society to a mixed agricultural and industrial domestic natural and human resources rather than relying too heavily on foreign investment and influence. 26 Table 1: ( Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Secto r U.S. $1,000, 000, 000 nominal values, % Gross Domestic Product Breakdown by Sector Agriculture Manufacturing Trade and 1988) ) 1975 1985 1988 $303 $1,014 $1,466 (%) 26.9 Services Others Total (1 975 100.0 100.0 Table 3: ( Farm Land Rented (19 75 and rai [1 rai = 0.16 hectare], % 1 986) ) Change Land Area Year Nationwide 320,696,888 1975 (100%) 1986 19,240,941 1986 686,181 ^71.9 1986 5,928,489 +73.9 1986 3,247,668 +251. 9 1986 9,378,603 MO. Rented Land Ml. South 44,196,992 (18.8) North 106,027,680 (33.1) Northeast 105,533,963 (32.9) Central 64,923,253 (20.2) Source: Preyaluk (1989a), p. 233. ("o) Table 4: Paddy Yield Comparison, Selected Years (1975-1988) ( kilograms of rice produced per hectare Country ) Table 5: ( Japan's Overseas Investment Stock by Regio n and U.S. $1,000, 000, % Industry ) I ndustry (1989) Table Share of Japan- Affiliated Firms 6: ( % Thai Manu facturin g Output (1983) ) Industry Japan-Affiliated Firms* Textiles 28.8 Automobiles 57.1 Steel 24.7 Foodstuffs Chemicals 3.1 11.3 56.2 Electrical *Note: in This share was calculated on the basis of a questionnaire sent individual firms collecting data on total output and to The figures were then adjusted by total employment in each sector at Japan-affiliated firms. Sectoral value-added data were used to estimate total shipments and employment. calculate the share of Japan-affiliated firms. Source: Japanese Chamber of Commerce 31 in Bangkok (1984), p. 10. 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