COMPREHENSIVE LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Date Submitted: 5/01/2014 Instructor Name: Taylor Maid Class Location: JobsRUs LESSON BASICS Meaningful Topic: Employment and Personal Skills Standard(s): L.1.4; L.2.4; L.1.5; L.3.5 RL.3.7; RL.5.7; RI.6.7 SL.1.1; SL.3.1; SL.5.1; SL.3.2 Student Types/Group: ☐ABE ☐College Prep ☒ESL ☒SPOKES ☐Computer Lit ☐Other: Click here to enter text. Length of Lesson: 3 hours Depth of Knowledge: ☒1. Recall and Reproduction ☒2. Skills and Concepts ☐3. Short-term Strategic Thinking ☐4. Extended Thinking Essential Question: What skills do I have that will help me find a career? Objective(s): Identify marketable skills Required Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources: Internet; Flashcards; Find Someone Who… Prior Knowledge/ Required Vocabulary: Instructional Methods: ☒Large Group Connections: Names of different Learners matched pictures of occupations; vocabulary for ☒Small Group occupations with names of skills ☐Cooperative Learning occupations and categorized in career fields; learners identified previous jobs and discussed required skills. ☐Project-based ☐Independent Study ☒Computer-assisted ☐One-on-One Tutorial ☐Individualized ☐Guest Speaker ☐Field Trip ☐Other: Click here to enter text. ACTIVITY PLAN 1. Warm-up/Review/Connections: Use vocabulary from previous lesson to create three or four lists of job skills; students discuss/determine which jobs match which lists. 2. Introduction to Content/Explanation: In pairs, students create their own list of job skills for a specific occupation (drawn from an envelope), and the whole group determines which job the skills match. 3. Presentation/Model the Learning Process: Write one of the job skills list on the board and reorder into a “can do” and “can’t do” list. Reorder the “can do” list into a “like to do” and “don’t like to do” list. 4. Scaffolded/Guided Concrete Practice: Play Job Skills Charade: divide students into two teams; each student acts out a job skill; teams each get a point for correctly naming a job that matches the skill. 5. Communicative Concrete Practice and Grouping Strategies: In pairs, students research the skills needed for a career that is unfamiliar to them. 6. Independent Concrete Practice/Application: Beginning Learners: use flashcards to create lists of job skills and categorize into “can do” and “can’t do” and “like to do” and “don’t like to do.” Write down the resulting list. Intermediate and Advanced Learners: Complete the skills inventory on mystrategiccompass or cfwv websites. 7. Assessment: Use a “Find Someone Who…” for whole group (i.e., “find someone who can type at least 40 words per minute.” 8. Wrap-up/Concluding Activity: Students share the results of the “Find Someone Who…” as a whole group. 9. Instructor Reflection: What went well? What did not go as planned? What should change? What should be addressed in future lessons?