FAM Auto-Packaging and Packaging Plans Financial Aid System

Financial Aid System
FAM Auto-Packaging and
Packaging Plans
3101 Northup Way, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98004-1449
Phone 425.803.9700
Printing History
August 2008
June 2009
July 2010
September 1, 2011
February 29, 2012
April 8, 2015
Table of Contents
1 Overview..................................................................................... 1
2 Features of Auto-Packaging ..................................................... 2
Selection of Students ................................................................................................................ 2
Overall Student Awarding Priority ............................................................................................. 2
Award Packaging Components................................................................................................. 2
• Award Assignment Priority ............................................................................................ 2
• Percent of Need ............................................................................................................ 2
Budget Control .......................................................................................................................... 3
Award Exception and Prior Awards .......................................................................................... 3
Integration with Document Tracking ......................................................................................... 4
Updating Award Code Authorized Amounts ............................................................................. 4
3 Steps for Auto-Packaging ......................................................... 5
1. Determine the institutional policy for meeting student financial need. .......................... 5
2. Table Setup ................................................................................................................... 5
3. Create packaging plans (FAM625) ............................................................................... 6
4. Assign packaging code on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page. ............................. 6
5. Enter any awards a student has from outside funding. ................................................. 7
6. Run the packaging program (FAM610). ........................................................................ 7
4 Adding Packaging Plan Data .................................................... 8
Prior to adding a packaging plan....................................................................................... 8
To create a new packaging plan ....................................................................................... 9
To add an award to a packaging plan ............................................................................. 11
To add session distribution data to an existing packaging plan ...................................... 14
5 Updating Packaging Plan Data ............................................... 19
To update a particular field within a Packaging Plan ...................................................... 19
To update session distribution data ................................................................................ 21
6 Deleting Packaging Plan Data................................................. 24
To delete a packaging plan ............................................................................................. 24
To delete an award from a packaging plan (without deleting the entire packaging plan)25
To delete session distribution data.................................................................................. 27
7 Alternate Session Distribution................................................ 29
8 Running Auto-Packaging (FAM610) ....................................... 32
To run Auto-Packaging ........................................................................................................ 32
Student Based ................................................................................................................. 34
Selection Based .............................................................................................................. 34
Prioritize By ..................................................................................................................... 35
August 2011
9 Packaging Individual Students ............................................... 36
Appendix A: Packaging Plans Report (FAM620) ......................... 40
To print a list of the packaging plans that exist in your system ...................................... 40
Appendix B: Packaging Plans Field Level Details ...................... 41
Appendix C: Packaging Table Options ........................................ 45
Additional Table Options ..................................................................................................... 46
Specify Award Status Codes to Not Count in Student’s Need ........................................ 47
Package Over Student’s Need Up to Student’s Budget .................................................. 47
Exclude Student’s Missing Required Tracking Items from Packaging Report ................ 47
Flag Students with Blank Packaging Codes ................................................................... 47
Designate State Program ................................................................................................ 48
Assign Award Rounding Factor ....................................................................................... 48
Pell Grant Award Status .................................................................................................. 48
Exclude Designated Student Status Codes From Packaging ......................................... 48
Assign No Need Tracking Option .................................................................................... 49
Designate Award Programs for Budget Check ............................................................... 49
Post Award Entry for No Funds Situation ........................................................................ 49
Assign Packaging Plans with Activity Codes................................................................... 49
Sort Packaging Report in EFC Rank .............................................................................. 50
Specify EFC Cut-off for Specific Awards ........................................................................ 50
Exclude Ineligible Students from Packaging Report ....................................................... 50
Exclude No Sessions Remaining Students from Packaging Report ............................... 50
Assign Freeze Status When Student is Packaged ......................................................... 51
Package Ineligible Academic Status Students ................................................................ 51
Appendix D: Error Messages ....................................................... 52
August 2011
1 Overview
Auto-Packaging allows you to establish various plans to allow FAM to assign awards to
students automatically. The module enables the Financial Aid Office to designate the
percentage of need to be met, and the system attempts to do so by following the
parameters established in the packaging plans.
Any number of packaging plans may be developed to meet the special requirements of
various student populations. Typically, separate packaging plans would be created for
state residents, non-state residents, and so forth. Generally, a packaging plan is required
for any unique packaging variation. Some colleges create a separate packaging plan for
students who do not want work study, loans, and so on. The packaging plan code may be
assigned manually to each student on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page or may be
associated with a student budget code on the Session Budget Edit page (FAM627).
Packaging ranks students by family contribution prior to assigning awards to the students.
The student’s rank appears on the packaging report.
The Package Plan Edit page (FAM625) consists of four components that are added or
updated directly on this page. They are: package code, description, federal award code
(Pell Grant code) and alternate distribution code. Each packaging plan is further defined
to include: the different awards assigned to the plan, minimum and maximum award
amounts and other related data. Distribution must be added each year for packaging to
work for the new award year. Changes or adjustments to the award details may be made
as the year progresses and funds are expended. Only one subsidized and one unsubsidized
award code can be specified in each packaging plan. This must be prioritized with the
subsidized award code first. For most colleges, the plan data will remain relatively stable
from year to year but the distribution data must be added every year.
The Package Plan List (FAM620) reports all packaging plans on file. (See Appendix A
for instructions on how to run the report.)
The Package Plan Search page allows you to perform searches and/or maintenance on the
packaging plans and lists the first several packaging plans, if any are on file. There is also
another page that is used in this program—Session Distribution. The Session Distribution
page is used to indicate how the awards in the plan are to be distributed to the student.
NOTE: Until the new Pell Schedule is installed at all colleges the Automatic Packaging
program will not package for the new academic year. Once Auto-Packaging has been run
the award status and dollar amount will NOT be updated, even when packaging plan
maximum & minimum amounts have changed.
September 2011
2 Features of Auto-Packaging
Selection of Students
All student selections are based on the Session Start as specified on the student Financial
Aid tab (FAM503) for a student. You have the option to exclude students based on the
following criteria:
• Specified student status codes on the Student tab (FAM501). See Appendix C for
more details on this option.
• Packaging code of NA on the Financial Aid tab (FAM503).
• Previously packaged students.
When students are automatically packaged, FAM generates a tracking entry of AP.
Students with the AP tracking entry are skipped in subsequent runs.
Previously, the AP tracking code contained the Pell scheduled award and the packaging
code used in the Comment field on the tracking screen. This function is not available in
Overall Student Awarding Priority
Eligible students are sorted from lowest to highest family contribution (major) and highest
to lowest need (minor). Lowest family contribution with lowest EFC’s are packaged first.
A packaging priority code is assigned to each student and is printed on the packaging
Award Packaging Components
FAM provides for unlimited award packaging plans. Each plan can contain as many
award programs as needed. You may establish separate award packages for year in
school, high academic students, incoming freshman, and so on.
• Award Assignment Priority
FAM uses a two-position priority code to determine the sequence in which awards
are applied to meet the student’s need. It is recommended that the priority be
assigned with gaps in the sequence so that new programs can be inserted easily, for
example 05, 10, 15 and so on. Awards are assigned beginning with the lowest
number, progressing to the highest.
• Percent of Need
Each award program included in the package carries a percent-of-need field that
indicates the percentage of the student’s need that the award program can be used to
meet. For example, if the percent of need is 25% and the student’s unmet need is
September 2011
$4000, then a maximum amount of $1000 is allocated to the student, provided the
amount is within the minimum and maximum award limits.
You can specify multiple awards at the 25% level, but when the student’s need has
been met to 25%, no additional awards are made at the 25% level. All awards made
prior to the current award are totaled and deducted from the need before the next award
is assigned. For example, assume the student’s need is $4000 and the award percent
level is 25%, but the package has already assigned a Pell grant of $1290. In this case,
there would be no award for the student at the 25% level since that level has already
been reached by the Pell grant. If the Pell grant were only $645, the student would
receive $355 of additional awards to bring him/her to the 25% level.
All prior awards, such as summer awards or manually entered awards, are included
in the percent calculation. This feature can be used to limit the amount of awards
from a certain category, such as scholarships or grants. These programs would have a
low percentage of need while other programs, such as work study or loans, would
have a higher percentage of need in order to have more of the student’s total award
package made from work study and loans. The Pell grant and state entitlement
programs, when included, are calculated as part of the percent of need met. When the
percent is equal to zero, the maximum award is given to the student, provided it does
not exceed his/her need. Should the maximum award exceed the remaining need,
then the actual remaining need is used, provided it exceeds the minimum award. If
the remaining need is less than the minimum award, no award is made.
Budget Control
The packaging program provides for stopping the awarding process when the budget
amount for the award program is exceeded. This feature only applies for user-designated
award programs. During preliminary packaging, the packaging is not stopped when the
budget is exceeded. This is done so that you know the total amount to fund the awards. In
the final run when the awards are actually posted, the award is not made if the budget
balance is not sufficient.
Award Exception and Prior Awards
The FAM award packaging program initially checks for any awards that have previously
been entered in the student’s record. You can manually enter any exceptional awards in the
student’s record, such as a scholarship received directly from a provider. The automated
packaging program deducts these awards from the student’s need prior to assigning the
awards from the package. This deduction only occurs when the manually-entered awards
have an award status code of 1 (offered) or 2 (accepted). Automated packaging also
checks to determine if the student had a prior award equal to the award code in the
package being processed for the session of distribution. If the student has an award already
on file that is the same award code as from the package, the package award is not made.
This applies regardless of the award status code. However, the award amount is only
deducted from the unmet need on the Packaging Report when the award status is 1
September 2011
(offered) or 2 (accepted). This feature allows the Financial Aid Office to override the
package on an individual student basis. In addition, since FAM carries all refused or
denied awards on file with a separate award status code, the refused/denied awards are not
given again by the automated packaging program.
Integration with Document Tracking
When students have not submitted all required documents, they will not be packaged.
FAM identifies all such students. This determination is made by checking the student’s
Tracking tab (FAM505) for an entry that has a session that is within the FAFSA session
start and end, with a tracking status code of RQ and a blank completion date. If the
student was previously packaged, he/she is skipped in subsequent packaging runs. When
the student is packaged using the automated packaging program, a tracking code of AP is
posted to the student’s Tracking tab (FAM505). This entry indicates the date the student
was packaged. The comment area will contain the Pell scheduled award and the
packaging plan used for the student in the following format: PELL SCH-0000 PAC-P1.
Updating Award Code Authorized Amounts
FAM maintains tables of student awards by award program, by session, and by campus.
Occasionally these totals may become out of balance due to the use of QUERY or a
computer problem such as a power failure or system crash at a critical posting juncture.
These totals should be periodically verified by running the verify program.
The program will total all of the detail awards and compare the calculated total with the
internal total and correct the internal totals. The totals are then printed for each session,
campus, and award code and any out of balance conditions are noted.
If there are excessive out of balance corrections, the Computer Center should be notified
and the detail awards should be reviewed to determine if there is a problem with the
hardware or an in-house program that may not be updating the database correctly.
September 2011
3 Steps for Auto-Packaging
Complete the following procedure to automatically package a student or students:
1. Determine the institutional policy for meeting student financial need.
In many cases, this may be more difficult than using the packaging program. You have
the ability to establish the priority of awards to be applied to meet the student’s need and
the amounts of these awards. The actual award amounts are determined by the percent of
overall student need that is to be met with the specified award, and by establishing
minimum and maximum award amounts. FAM applies the awards based on the assigned
priority until the student’s need is met at a percent level that was assigned to the
packaging plan. One exception is the Pell grant, which is applied before the awards
designated in the packaging plan are applied. The Pell grant is calculated based on the
cost of education for the student, the Pell index, and attendance plans from the FAFSA
data. There is no limit to the number of packaging plans that you may establish.
2. Table Setup
• Application Setup  Processing Config  Processing Table
System: SAF
Table ID: PELL
Value: AWARD-YR-ssss where ssss is the session start.
Description: The award year in the format yy-yy where yy-yy is the award
year. For example, award year 2012-2013 would translate to 12-13.
System: SAF
Value: SAF610-WA-PER
Description: 100 for 100%, 075 for 75%, 050 for 50%, etc.
This value determines how much SNG to package based on the percentage of
the students’ need.
System: SAF
Value: WA-PAC-DISTxx, where xx represents the packaging code
Description: xx, where xx represents the same packaging code entered in the
Value field above.
This value is required to be setup for all packaging codes that could
potentially award SNG to a student.
• Application Setup  Validation Config
• SAF_PAC_CODE - This entry permits the addition of packaging codes
using Packaging Plan (FAM625).
September 2011
• SAF_PAC_PER - This entry permits packaging percents to be added using
Packaging Plan (FAM625) and establishes the percents as numeric entries.
• SAF_PAC_AMT_MAX - This entry sets the packaging maximum amount
as a numeric entry in Packaging Plan (FAM625).
• SAF_PAC_AMT_MIN - This entry establishes the packaging minimum
amount as a numeric entry in Packaging Plan (FAM625).
• SAF_PRIORITY_CODE - This entry sets the package priority code as a
numeric entry in Packaging Plan (FAM625).
• SAF_MATCH_AWD - This entry establishes the need base indicator with
either a Y or N value. However, this option is not currently used.
• SAF_FED_AWD_CODE - This entry lets FAM know what award code is
the Pell award as assigned on the Award Codes. The entry on the right half of
the page would be the Pell award code as established by the institution.
• SAF_SUPPL_AMT - This entry establishes the supplemental amount field
as a numeric entry. The supplemental amount is found on the Financial Aid
Data (FAM503) page.
• SAF_TRACK_CODE - This entry establishes the tracking code for the
automated packaging program. FAM enters this code into the student’s record
on the Tracking Data (FAM505) page when the student has been
automatically packaged.
• SAF_PELL_ENRL_CODE - This entry establishes the valid enrollment
codes for Pell grant. These codes are determined by the Department of
See Appendix C for additional table options
3. Create packaging plans (FAM625)
See Section 4, Adding Packaging Plan Data.
4. Assign packaging code on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page.
If no packaging code is entered, FAM uses the packaging code from the Session
Budget data (FAM627) for packaging, if one exists. The Session Budget data may
contain a package code that serves as the default packaging code when the student’s
package code field is blank on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page.
If there is no packaging entry in the Session Budget data, the packaging code must then
be manually entered on the Financial Aid Data page (FAM503). To cause a student to
be skipped entirely for automated packaging, enter the package code NA on the
Financial Aid Data page (FAM503).
September 2011
Note: NA is most commonly entered into the Session Budget data and serves as a
default “package code” to be automatically populated on the student’s Financial
Aid Data page (FAM503).
5. Enter any awards a student has from outside funding.
These are awards that are not added by the packaging program. Enter any exceptions to
the awards that the packaging plan is to assign by manually entering the award code,
award status, and dollar amount on the Award Data page.
6. Run the packaging program (FAM610).
The packaging program is designed so that you may run it as often as required. FAM
provides the ability to run a preliminary report to insure that the automated packaging
program is awarding students in accordance with an institution’s budgets and award
objectives. If the awards generated during the preliminary run are not correct, modify
the packaging plans using Packaging Plan (FAM625). Once the preliminary data is
consistent with the Financial Aid office’s objectives, post the awards to the student’s
records using the final option.
September 2011
4 Adding Packaging Plan Data
Package Plan Search (FAM625)
Navigation: Application Setup  New Year  Packaging Plans
Prior to adding a packaging plan
Ensure that the packaging plan code to be entered does not already exist. To do so, type
the package code you want to create in the Package Code field and click the Search button:
September 2011
If the package code does not exist, the word “Empty” is displayed on the Package Plan
Search page:
Another way to see if the Packaging Plan you want to add already exists is to click the
Lookup icon
on the Package Plan Search page, which opens the Package Codes
window. Use the Package Codes window to search by Package Code or Description:
To create a new packaging plan
Complete the following steps to create a new packaging plan:
September 2011
1. To add a new package code, click the Insert icon
page. The Package Plan Create page is displayed:
on the Package Plan Search
2. Complete the fields on the page as described below:
Package Code
The package plan code is a unique code that is determined by the institution. It is
suggested that you begin package codes with an alphabetic character that
identifies the general group, followed by a number for variations. For example, S1
could be the code for the first plan for state residents, S2 the code for the second
plan for state residents, and so on. Non-resident plans could be N1, N2, and so on.
Codes may be alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric.
A description of the plan, for example, State Resident Plan or Non-resident Plan.
This is for informational purposes when looking at the code list.
Fed Award Code
This is the award code that had been defined for Pell grants (for example, 01).
Alt Dist Code
This code is used to indicate an alternate distribution for specified awards. This
would be the alternate packaging plan code for the plan that contains the alternate
distribution. To use the same distribution for Pell as for other awards in this plan,
September 2011
leave the field blank. Refer to the Alternate Session Distribution section of this
document for more information on alternate distributions.
3. After completing the fields, click one of following buttons:
• Save & Add More - Save the data and add additional records.
• Save & Go Back - Save the data and return to the previous page.
• Cancel - Do not save the data and return to the previous page.
To add an award to a packaging plan
Complete the following steps to add an award to an existing packaging plan:
1. Locate the packaging plan to which the award code should be added to. On the
Package Plan Search page, complete the Package Code field and click the Search
button. Or you can page through the list of package codes and proceed with
Step 2.
Edit icon
2. After locating the packaging plan to which the award should be added, click the
Edit icon
associated with the plan.
September 2011
The Package Plan Edit page is displayed:
Insert icon
3. Ensure that the award to be added to the packaging plan does not already exist
within the packaging plan. To do so, look through the award codes listed in the
packaging plan. If the award code does not exist in the packaging plan, proceed to
step 4 to add the award code.
4. Click the Insert icon
on the Package Plan Edit page.
September 2011
The Award Assignment Create page is displayed:
5. Complete the following fields:
Award Code (required)
Award Status (required)
% of Need
Minimum and Maximum Amount
Priority Code (two-digits, for example: 05)
Award Sub Code
State Residence
Match Award
Alternate Distribution Code
Cumulative GPA, and Curriculum Code.
See Appendix B on page 41 for more details and descriptions of each field.
6. After completing the fields, click one of following buttons:
• Save & Add More - Save the data and add additional records.
• Save & Go Back - Save the data and return to the previous page.
• Cancel - Do not save the data and return to the previous page
September 2011
To add session distribution data to an existing packaging plan
Distribution data must be added to each packaging plan in order for the plan to work. The
distribution data tells FAM how to distribute the awards in the plan to the student, for
example, over two semesters, over three quarters, and so on. It is possible to have alternate
distribution for the awards in a given plan. Alternate distribution is discussed in Alternate
Session Distribution (Section 7).
Once a packaging plan has been created, it is necessary to create distribution data for each
session in which the award(s) are to be distributed.
1. Click the Session Distribution tab from the Package Plan Edit page.
The Package Plan Session Distribution Search page is displayed:
Session Distribution tab
2. Ensure that the Package Code and Session combination to which session
distribution data is to be added does not already exist. To do so, complete the
Package Code and Session fields and click the Search button. You can also click
the Lookup icon
for each field: this allows you to search for package codes by
Package Code or by Description, and search for sessions by Session, Description,
Begin Date, or End Date.
If the Package Code/Session combination does not already exist, proceed to step 3.
September 2011
3. Click the Insert icon
on the Package Plan Session Distribution Search page.
The Package Plan Session Distribution Create page is displayed:
4. Complete the following fields:
• Package Code (required)
• Session (required)
• % of Distribution-Other. This is the distribution percentage for aid other than
Pell. To include a fourth quarter of SNG and/or other aid listed in the package
plan, enter the percent of distribution for all four quarters: 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 and
25.0, respectively (see sample below).
September 2011
Remember: If you are packaging 4 quarters of SNG, you will need to update the
Comment field for the WA tracking code on the Tracking Tab to reflect the 4 quarter
amount (for example, $3,576 instead of $2,682 for the 2011-2012 award year).
• % of Distribution-Pell. This is the distribution percentage for the Pell Grant
only. To include a fourth quarter of Pell Grant in the Package Plan, enter the
percent of distribution for all four quarters: 33.3, 33.3, 33.4, and 33.3,
respectively (see sample below).
September 2011
The percent of distribution is normally determined by the way the academic year is
established. For example, if the school is on a semester system, the percent of distribution
would be 50% in the fall and 50% in the spring. If the school is on a quarter system, the
distribution might be 33.3% in the fall, 33.3% in the winter, and 33.4% in the spring.)
5. After completing the fields, click one of following buttons:
• Save & Add More - Save the data and add additional records.
• Save & Go Back - Save the data and return to the previous page.
• Cancel - Do not save the data and return to the previous page
September 2011
Session distribution added for
F3 (B232, B233, & B234)
September 2011
5 Updating Packaging Plan Data
To update a particular field within a Packaging Plan
1. Search for the package code to be updated. To do so, complete the Package Code
field on the Package Plan Search page (FAM625) and click the Search button. Or
you can click the Lookup icon
to display the Package Codes window, where
you can search for package codes by Package Code or by Description.
Lookup icon
2. Click the Edit icon
associated with the package code to be updated:
September 2011
The Package Plan Edit page is displayed:
3. Edit the information pertaining to the package code as desired. For detailed
information about each field, see page 10.
4. To edit specific award code data within a packaging plan, click the Edit icon
for the applicable award code.
5. The Award Assignment Edit page is displayed. Make the necessary changes by
typing directly into the fields, or by clicking the Lookup icon
and selecting a
value. (See Appendix B on page 41 for details about each field.)
September 2011
6. After editing the fields, click one of the following buttons:
Save & Edit Next - Save the data and edit the next record.
Save & Edit Previous - Save the data and edit the previous record.
Save & Go Back - Save the data and return to the previous page.
Save - Save the data and remain on the current page.
Cancel - Do not save the data and return to the previous page.
To update session distribution data
1. Click the Session Distribution tab:
September 2011
Session Distribution tab
The Package Plan Session Distribution Search page is displayed.
2. Locate the Package Code and Session combination for which session distribution
data is to be updated. To do so, complete the Package Code and Session fields and
click the Search button. You can also click the Lookup icon
for each field: this
allows you to search for package codes by Package Code or by Description, and
search for the sessions by Session, Description, Begin Date, or End Date.
3. Click the Edit icon associated with the entry to be updated.
The Package Plan Session Distribution Edit page is displayed:
September 2011
4. Edit the fields on the page as necessary.
Note: The percent of distribution is normally determined by the way the academic year is
established. For example, if the school is on a semester system, the % of
distribution would be 50% in the fall and 50% in the spring. If the school is on a
quarter system, the distribution might be 33.3% in the fall, 33.3% in the winter,
and 33.4% in the spring.
5. After editing the fields, click one of the following buttons:
Save & Edit Next - Save the data and edit the next record.
Save & Edit Previous - Save the data and edit the previous record.
Save & Go Back - Save the data and return to the previous page.
Save - Save the data and remain on the current page.
Cancel - Do not save the data and return to the previous page.
September 2011
6 Deleting Packaging Plan Data
This section describes how to delete an entire packaging plan, or delete particular award
codes within a particular plan.
To delete a packaging plan
1. Search for the package code to be deleted. To do so, complete the Package Code
field on the Package Plan Search page (FAM625) and click the Search button. Or
you can click the Lookup icon
to display the Package Codes window, where
you can search for package codes by Package Code or by Description.
2. After locating the packaging plan to be deleted, click the Delete icon
associated with the packaging plan to be deleted.
Delete icon
3. A dialog box is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to delete the
package code or click Cancel if you don’t want to delete the code.
September 2011
Note: Packaging plans cannot be deleted if they are associated with a student or student
budget data. This information would need to be deleted from those records first
before being deleted from FAM.
To delete an award from a packaging plan (without deleting the entire
packaging plan)
This might be necessary when there are no longer funds left for the award program that
would be deleted from the plan.
1. Search for the package code to be deleted. To do so, complete the Package Code
field on the Package Plan Search page (FAM625) and click the Search button. Or
to display the Package Codes window, where
you can click the Lookup icon
you can search for package codes by Package Code or by Description.
2. After locating the package code from which the award should be deleted, click the
associated with the package code.
Edit icon
September 2011
The Package Plan Edit page is displayed:
Delete icon
3. View the list of award codes and the associated data that comprises a packaging plan.
4. In the Award Code column on the left side of the table, locate the award code to be
deleted from the packaging plan.
September 2011
5. To delete the award from the packaging plan, click the Delete icon
side of the table.
on the right
6. A dialog box is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to delete the
award code from the packaging plan. Click Cancel if you don’t want to delete the
award code from the packaging plan.
To delete session distribution data
1. Click the Session Distribution tab.
September 2011
The Package Plan Session Distribution Search page is displayed:
2. Locate the Package Code and Session combination for which session distribution
data is to be deleted.
3. Click the Delete icon
associated with the entry to be deleted.
4. A dialog box is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to delete the
session distribution data. Click Cancel if you don’t want to delete the session
distribution data.
September 2011
7 Alternate Session Distribution
FAM allows you to designate an alternate session distribution for Pell awards, as well as
any other awards that make up the packaging plan. This feature is especially useful, for
example, for quarter schools that may want to distribute the Pell & SNG awards over four
quarters and the remaining awards over three quarters.
In order to establish an alternate distribution, it is necessary to establish a primary
packaging plan that contains the alternate distribution code for each of the awards listed
within that plan.
In this example, the goal is to award Pell and SNG for 4 quarters while other aid is
packaged for only 3 quarters. Here, P5 is the primary package plan. (P5 would be the
package code used on the students’ records.) By default, the package plan will award Pell
& SNG. Here, FSEOG (award code 02) and a Subsidized Loan (award code 80) are added
to the plan.
Alt Dist Code
The Session Distribution for S5 is set to package Pell for 4 quarters by adding 33.3, 33.3,
33.4, and 33.3, respectively, to the “of Distribution-Pell” column and 25.0 for all 4
quarters under the “% of Distribution-Other” column for SNG. (Remember: You will
need to update the Comment field for the WA tracking code on the Tracking Tab to
reflect the 4 quarter amount; for example, $3,576 instead of $2,682 for the 2011-2012
award year.) This will package Pell and SNG for 4 quarters only.
September 2011
The Alternate Distribution plan (S4) consists of the award code(s) from the primary
packaging plan (S5) master data.
The Session Distribution for this Alternate Distribution plan would be for only 3 quarters.
Enter 33.3, 33.3, and 33.4 respectively under the % of Distribution-Other column only
(see below). FSEOG (02) and Sub Loan (80) will package for 3 quarters based on an
alternate distribution code of S4.
Basically, the primary package code (S5) is used to package Pell and SNG for 4 quarters.
The alternate package plan/code (S4) is used to package other aid at only 3 or less
September 2011
Sample Results:
September 2011
8 Running Auto-Packaging (FAM610)
Default page title: Automated Award Packaging
Navigation: Award Processing  Award Packaging
The Automated Packaging program (FAM610) allows you to run packaging by student,
budget, or both. When packaging individual students, FAM does not rank students in
order by family contribution. Students are packaged according to the awards in the
packaging plan assigned to the student. Only when packaging students in batch will FAM
rank students in order by family contribution and package accordingly.
The student packaging report shows all of the awards assigned by the automated
packaging program, as well as any prior awards that were assigned to the student
manually. All awards that come from the automated packaging program carry the
designation NEW immediately to the left of the award code. All students are listed on the
report in alphabetic order. Each student carries a Rank number that shows the order in
which they were packaged for that run.
The budget report indicates the program budget, the amount that has been allocated to
date either through manual packaging awards or previous automated packaging runs, and
the packaging allocation, which is the amount that will be authorized if this packaging
run was finalized and posted to the student’s record. The report also displays the balance
and reflects what the budget balance would be if this packaging run was posted. If the
program being packaged does not have a budget on file, the budget amount will be zero.
Should this packaging run be posted, a budget entry is automatically generated by the
program with a budget amount of zero. Programs that have a dollar sign ($) on the left
side of the report are the programs for which you do not want the budget allocation to be
The funding analysis report shows previously-awarded amounts and newly-awarded
amounts, and also provides the EFC and ID number of the last award, in the event the
award was restricted due to budget limitation. On preliminary runs, the EFC and ID
number allows you to see at which student funding would stop due to budget limitations.
You could then alter packaging plans to attempt to fund more students.
To run Auto-Packaging
Complete the following steps to run Auto-Packaging:
1. On the FAM Main Menu, select the Award Processing menu and click the first
item, Award Packaging.
September 2011
The Automated Award Packaging page is displayed:
2. Click the radio button for a report option: Student, Budget, or Both.
3. Click the radio button for a mode: Prelim or Final. FAM will run either a
preliminary or a final automated package.
4. Specify the Need Amount and % Of Need.
You can specify up to 25 levels of need amount and the percentage that the
program should attempt to meet for each level. For example, you could specify
that zero percent should be met for students with need up to $500.00 and then
specify that 50% of need be met for students with need between $500.00 and
$1000.00. Students with need over $1000.00 would have 100% of their need met.
To do this, type 500 in the Need Amount field, type 0 in the % Of Need field, and
click the Add button. Then type 1000 in the Need Amount field, type 50 in the %
Of Need field, and click the Add button. It is not necessary to specify a level to
meet 100% of need for students over $1000.00 as FAM automatically assumes
100% of need for all entries over the previous one.
Enter the Need Amounts and % Of Need in order from lowest to highest, for
example, 500, 1000, 2000, and so on, or the program will reject the entry. If a
September 2011
defined level is incorrect or needs to be deleted, click to select it and then click the
Remove button.
5. Complete the Start Session field or click the Lookup icon
to open the Session
window. Use the Session window to search for the desired session by Session,
Description, Begin Date, or End Date. The packaging program uses the session
start to select students for automated packaging. Based on the specified start
session, the auto-packaging program searches for those students who have a
matching Session Start on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page. It is important
that all students for a given academic year have the same session start for
Financial Aid data.
6. Select the radio button that corresponds to the desired run type (Student Based or
Selection Based, not both).
Student Based
To run packaging based on one or more students, complete the Student ID field. Or you
can click the Lookup icon to the right of the field to display the Student ID window,
which allows you to search for the student by Student ID or by Name. Then click the Add
To run packaging based on Package Code, complete the Package Code field. Or you can
click the Lookup icon to the right of the field to display the Package Codes window,
which allows you to search for the desired package code by Package Code or Description.
Then click the Add button. If an entry is incorrect or needs to be deleted, click the entry to
select it and then click the Remove button. You may specify up to 20 Student IDs/Packaging
Codes to be run.
Selection Based
To run packaging based on Institution Code, complete the Institution Code field. Or you
can click the Lookup icon to the right of the field to display the Institution Code
lookup window, which allows you to search for the institution code by Institution Code or
by Institution Name.
To run packaging based on School Year Level, complete the School Year Level From and
To fields or click the Lookup icon to the right of each field to display the Year In
School window.
To run packaging based on Date Required Items Completed, specify a date range by
completing the From and To fields (in MMDDYY format) or by clicking the Calendar
icon to the right of each field.
September 2011
Prioritize By
The output of your report can be sorted on three different levels with three different
options: Lowest EFC, Highest Unmet Need, and Date Required Items Completed. You can
select any combination and order of priority by selecting from the three drop-down lists.
Once you are satisfied with your selections, click the Get Report button to run the
packaging program using the parameters you have specified. Or you can click the
Schedule As Task button to schedule the Automated Packaging process (FAM610) based
on the parameters you have specified, to run on a background server. FAM generates an
email when the process is complete.
September 2011
9 Packaging Individual Students
Default page title: Automated Award Packaging
Navigation: Award Tab
To manually package students individually, complete the following steps:
1. On the Awards With Financial Aid Data page, click the Edit icon
with the award year session in which you would like to package the student:
Edit icon
The Award Data page is displayed:
September 2011
2. Click the Package button to display the Automated Award Packaging page:
3. In the Package Code field, type the applicable package code. (If a package code
has already been entered in the Package Code field on the Financial Aid Tab, this
field is automatically populated with that code.)
Note: If a package code is not already specified on the Financial Aid Tab and you
enter one here, you will need to update the Financial Aid Tab to include the
package code since this process does not automatically do that for you.
4. Click either the Prelim or Final radio button.
5. Click one of the Report Options radio buttons: Student, Budget, or Both.
6. Click the Package button to complete this process or click the Cancel button if
you decide not to package the student at this time.
7. Once the packaging process is complete, the report selection page is displayed:
September 2011
8. Chose a format for your report by selecting from the Format drop-down list.
9. Click the Submit button.
Sample of final Packaging Report for an Individual Student: Page 1 of 2
September 2011
Sample of final Packaging Report for an Individual Student: Page 2 of 2
Once a student is packaged, the tracking code AP is automatically posted to the student’s
Tracking Tab:
AP Tracking Code
September 2011
Appendix A: Packaging Plans Report (FAM620)
Default page title: Package Plan List
Navigation: Reports  Application Config  Packaging Plans Rpt
To print a list of the packaging plans that exist in your system
1. On the FAM Main Menu, select the Reports menu and the first item on the menu,
Application Config, and then click Packaging Plans Rpt to display the Package
Plan List page.
2. Complete the Package Code field or click the Lookup icon
plans for a particular package code.
to find packaging
Note: To obtain a complete list of packaging plans for all package codes, leave the
Package Code field blank.
3. Click the Get Report button to display the Package Plan List page:
4. Chose a format for your report by selecting from the Format drop-down list.
5. Click the Submit button.
September 2011
Appendix B: Packaging Plans Field Level Details
Award Code
Description: The code to be assigned to the award program
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 2
Award Status
Description: The award status code to be assigned to the award. Normally this is a 1 for
an offered award. Only awards with a status of 1 (offered) or 2 (accepted) are deducted
from the award program budgets when the awards are posted to the students' records.
However, awards with a status of 1 (offered) or 2 (accepted) are deducted from the
students’ award packaging and shown in the packaging reports as awarded. This must be
a valid award status code as entered on the table master (Validation Config) under
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 2
% of NEED
Description: The percent indicates the percentage of the student’s need that this award
program will attempt to meet. For example, if the percent of need is equal to 25% and the
student’s need is $4,000, then a maximum award of $1,000 is allocated to the student
(provided the award maximum amount allows this). Multiple awards may be entered at
the 25% level, but when the student’s need has been met to the 25% level no additional
awards would be made at the 25% level.
Data Type: Numeric
Field Length: 5
September 2011
Minimum Amount
Description: The minimum amount is a dollar amount and is the minimum award
amount that will be funded for the award periods covered by the FAFSA data.
Data Type: Numeric
Field Length: 5
Maximum Amount
Description: The maximum amount is the upper limit on an award to a student for the
award periods covered by the FAFSA data. If the percent of need exceeds the maximum
amount, then the maximum amount will be used. If the maximum exceeds the student’s
unmet need, then the remaining need will be used for the award, provided it is greater
than the minimum amount.
Data Type: Numeric
Field Length: 5
Priority Code
Description: The priority code must be numeric. It indicates the priority of the indicated
award for the assignment of funds. The priority code should initially be established with
gaps such as 10, 20, 30, and so on, to permit insertions without having to change any
other award priority codes. The awards are assigned beginning with the lowest priority
number, working up to the highest priority code.
Data Type: Numeric
Field Length: 5
Award Sub Code
Description: The sub code can be used to designate work study assignments, banks for
loans, scholarship providers, and so on. When the sub code is entered, it must be a valid
sub code as entered on the sub code master.
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 6
September 2011
State Residence
Description: The state residence code is the residence code that the student must be
assigned to in order to receive the award. If the residence code for students from your
state is CA, and you have an award available only to California residents, then this would
be CA. This must be a valid state code. If the award is available to all students, regardless
of their state of residency, leave the field blank.
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 2
Match Award
Description: This entry can be used to limit the award you are adding to students who
have the specified award. For example, you may want students to get an SEOG award
only if they have a Pell award. When adding the SEOG award in the packaging plan, the
matching award would be the award code assigned to Pell. Note that the matching award
must be an award code that has a higher priority (lower priority code number) in the
packaging plan than the award you are currently adding, that is, it has already been
assigned to the student. The Pell award is assigned before any other award. In the
example above, if the student did not have a Pell award, the SEOG award would appear
on the packaging report but it would be noted with the message NO MATCHING
AWARD and the award would not be added on the student’s award page when packaging
is finalized.
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 2
Alt Dist Code
Description: Used to indicate an alternate distribution for Pell grant. This would be the
packaging plan code for the plan that contains the alternate distribution. To use the same
distribution for Pell as for other awards in this plan, leave the field blank.
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 2
September 2011
Description: Used to limit the award to students with a Grade Point Average (GPA)
equal to or greater than the specified GPA. FAM finds the cumulative GPA entered on
the Academic Data page for the last session that is on file for that student. When the
student’s GPA is equal to or higher than the GPA specified in the packaging plan, the
award is packaged. When it is lower than the GPA specified in the packaging plan, the
award is not given to the student. Use the format WDDD where W stands for one whole
number and DDD for a maximum of three decimal places, such as 3.725
Data Type: Numeric
Field Length: 5
Curric Code
Description: Used to limit the awards to students within a particular field of study. The
packaging program looks at the entry on the Student Data page and matches it to the
Acad Plan field on the page. When the student’s plan matches the one designated in the
packaging plan, the award is packaged. When it does not match, the award is not given to
the student.
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Field Length: 6
September 2011
Appendix C: Packaging Table Options
Complete the following steps to specify or change table master entries related to autopackaging:
1. On the FAM Main Menu, select the Application Setup menu and then select the
sixth item on the menu, Processing Config. Then click Processing Table to display
the Processing Table Search page:
2. Type SAF in the System field.
3. Type PACKAGE in the Table ID field.
4. Click the Search button.
5. Click the Edit icon
to view all the table values associated with auto-packaging.
The Auto-Packaging Options table is displayed:
September 2011
• To edit specific table values, click the Edit icon
• To insert new values, click the Insert icon
• To delete values, click the Delete icon
for the value.
for the value.
Additional Table Options
The following are additional features you can include in your packaging plan:
September 2011
Specify Award Status Codes to Not Count in Student’s Need
Automated packaging normally looks at all awards that the student has had entered on the
Award Data (FAM502) page, including manually entered awards, and deducts these from
the student’s need. FAM provides the option to specify certain award status codes that
would not be included in the student’s need during packaging.
Value: SAF610-NO-COUNT
Description: A maximum of 20, two-character award status codes. Awards with these
statuses would not be included in the student’s need.
Package Over Student’s Need Up to Student’s Budget
Package over the student’s need amount, up to the student’s budget amount for
designated award programs. This option is normally used for loan programs.
Value: SAF610-TO-BUD
Description: A maximum of 20 award codes that may be packaged up to the budget
amount. Type the award codes in a string with no spaces or separators between them.
Note: Awards that may be packaged up to the budget amount must be at the end of the
priority list in the packaging plan, that is, the last awards applied to the student.
Exclude Student’s Missing Required Tracking Items from Packaging Report
Exclude those students who are missing required tracking items from the packaging
report. These students normally appear on the report with the notation MISSING
REQUIRED ITEMS. However, at times during the award year, there are more students
missing tracking items than are packaged, so it is helpful to exclude them from the report.
Value: SAF610-NO-MISS
Description: Not required, but can be included for informational purposes within the
Auto-Packaging Options table. For example: “Exclude missing tracking from rpt.”
Flag Students with Blank Packaging Codes
Typically, the packaging program does not package students who have not been assigned
a packaging code, either manually on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page or
associated with their student budget code on the Student Budget Code (FAM627) page.
These students would not appear on the packaging report. However, some institutions
may wish to know what students have not yet been assigned a packaging code. FAM
provides a table option that would cause students who have not yet been assigned a
packaging code to be printed on the packaging report with the notation PACKAGE NOT
Value: SAF610-BLANK-IN
Description: Not required, but can be included for informational purposes within the
Auto-Packaging Options table. For example: “Print missing PAC codes on package
September 2011
Designate State Program
Used to designate WA State Need Grant
Value: SAF610-STATE
Description: RR-AA-SS
• RR = State of residence (for example, WA)
• AA = Award code for WA State Need Grant
• SS = Award status code to be assigned to state grant (When assigning a oneposition award status code, be sure to leave a space following the code.)
Assign Award Rounding Factor
Establishes a rounding factor for the annual award calculation. For example, if the awards
are to be limited to $10.00 increments, the rounding factor would be 010.
Value: SAF610-ROUND
Description: The first three positions would contain the rounding factor which must
be three numeric positions, for example, $10 would be 010.
Pell Grant Award Status
The award status the Pell grant should be packaged with.
Value: SAF610-PELL
Description: The status that is to be assigned to Pell awards.
Note: Pell awards should not be packaged in any status other than 1 (offered) or 2
(accepted) since these are the only categories deducted from the student’s need
and from the program budgets.
Exclude Designated Student Status Codes From Packaging
Excludes specified student status codes, as found on the Student Data (FAM501) page of
the student’s record.
Description: A maximum of 20, two-character student status codes that are to be
excluded from the automated packaging process. Type the status codes in a continuous
string, with no spaces or separators between them. To accommodate those schools
who might have more than 20 student status codes to be excluded from packaging, use
the Processing Table Maintenance (CTL051) to create the following entry:
Value: SAF610-EXC-EXT
Description: Up to 20 additional, two-position student status codes for
exclusion from packaging.
Note: Please be sure to use the SAF610-EXLUDE option prior to using the
SAF610-EXC-EXT option. The two table entries permit a total of 40, twoposition student status codes to be excluded from automated packaging.
September 2011
Assign No Need Tracking Option
Automated packaging has two options to assign tracking codes to students. When the
student has no need (but still may be eligible for a Pell grant), FAM assigns that student
the tracking code for no need. When the student has no need and is not eligible for Pell,
FAM assigns the tracking code for no need/no Pell.
Value: SAF610-NO-NEED
Description: The tracking code used to designate no need, followed by a dash (-),
followed by the tracking code for no need/no Pell grant. For example, NN for no need
and NP for no need/no Pell.
Note: The tracking codes for the no need and no need/no Pell situations must exist under
SAF_TRACK_CODE on the Tracking Code table (Validation Config. Table).
Designate Award Programs for Budget Check
Designates award programs that cannot exceed the budgeted allocation as entered on the
Award Code (FAM623) page. On the preliminary packaging run, all awards are treated as
funded so that the entire budgetary impact can be determined as a guide to potential
modification of the packaging parameters. However, on the final run, the awarding stops
when the program budget is exceeded. Award programs subject to budget limitations are
noted on the packaging budget report with a dollar sign ($) in the far right position.
Value: SAF610-BUD-CHK
Description: A maximum of 20, two-character award codes that would be subject to
the budget check. Enter the award codes in a string with no spaces or separators
between them.
Post Award Entry for No Funds Situation
Generates an award entry when the no funds situation occurs as described above in the
“Designate Award Programs for Budget Check” section. When this option is set and a no
funds situation is encountered, FAM generates an award entry with an award status code
that would indicate that no funds are available, along with the calculated amount.
The amount generated is not deducted from the student’s need so that subsequent awards
can attempt to meet the unfunded need.
Value: SAF610-NF-STAT
Description: The award status code that has been designated as no funds available. It
cannot be status 1 (offered) or 2 (accepted).
Assign Packaging Plans with Activity Codes
Allows you to determine a group of students to be assigned a packaging code based on
activity codes posted on the Activity Data tab (FAM508). Be sure to add activity detail
records for groups of students where the first two characters of the activity code are the
same for all students (we recommend PK) and the second 2 characters are the packaging
code to be assigned to these students. Assign the same activity code to groups of students
having similar attributes and who are to have the same packaging plan.
September 2011
Value: SAF610-ACT-PAC
Description: A two-character prefix used to designate the activity codes for packaging
plans. When this option is used, Packaging Program (FAM610) looks at the activity
code assigned to the student on the Activity Data (FAM508) page to obtain the
student’s packaging plan. Students who have an activity code with a packaging plan
are packaged using that plan rather than any package code they might have had on the
Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page or associated with their student budget.
Sort Packaging Report in EFC Rank
There are two kinds of reports that are produced by the Packaging (FAM610) program:
the Student Report and the Budget Report. With this table option, the Student Report can
be ordered by priority, then student name.
Value: SAF610-RPT-SEQ
Description: P sorts by priority, then by name, any other value (or if the table entry is
not found) sorts by name. The Budget Report is always sorted by session/award code.
This allows you to view the order in which students were packaged more easily.
Specify EFC Cut-off for Specific Awards
FAM provides the option to allow an EFC cut-off for specified award codes. For
example, this entry would allow you to award the Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grant (SEOG) only to students with a zero EFC.
Value: SAF610-EFC-MAX
Description: 9999-cdcdcd
• 9999 is the EFC cut-off
• cdcdcd is up to 17 award codes for which the EFC cut-off is to apply
Exclude Ineligible Students from Packaging Report
Excludes students who are ineligible for packaging due to their student status from
printing on the packaging report.
Value: SAF610-NO-STAT
Description: Not required, but can be included for informational purposes within the
Auto-Packaging Options table. For example: “No ineligible status on report.”
Exclude No Sessions Remaining Students from Packaging Report
Excludes students who have no remaining sessions from the packaging report. The
remaining sessions are defined by the session eligibility range found on the Student Data
(FAM501) page. Should a student be assigned a packaging plan for the current year, but
his/her ending session of eligibility is prior to the current year, that student is normally
noted on the report with a message indicating that s/he has no sessions remaining.
Value: SAF610-NO-SES
Description: Not required, but can be included for informational purposes within the
Auto-Packaging Options table. For example: “Exclude no session remaining.”
September 2011
Assign Freeze Status When Student is Packaged
Freezes the data on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) page during the automated
packaging process. Once the Freeze Status of Y is assigned, the FAM503 data will no
longer be updated through the FAFLOAD process either for ALL data on the Financial
Aid Data (FAM503) page.
Value: SAF610-FREEZE
Description: Y (The Freeze status code used to freeze data on the Financial Aid Data
(FAM503) page.)
Package Ineligible Academic Status Students
Ignores academic progress ineligible statuses for purposes of automated packaging. This
means that, even though the academic progress program has determined the student is
ineligible for awards, you wish to override and allow automated packaging to assign
awards to the student.
Value: SAF610-NO-ACAD
Description: Not required, but can be included for informational purposes within the
Auto-Packaging Options table. For example: “Ignore acad status.”
September 2011
Appendix D: Error Messages
The following are some of the messages you may encounter during the packaging process:
to enter a valid Start Session.
The Student Based option was selected and failed to include at least one Student ID.
LIST OF INVALID % of NEED – Specified
% of Need that exceeds 100%.
Processing table entry to indicate the valid Year in School for Session XXXX is
Entered Student ID does not exist in FAM.
The value entered is not a valid entry.
Package Code does not exist in FAM.
The student’s status code (ex: OV) as assigned on the Student Data (FAM501)
screen is not eligible for packaging due to the table master to exclude specific status
codes from packaging or the student has an academic eligibility status of A1 through
When there is a prior award on the student’s record with an award status not equal to
1 or 2, the description associated with that status code is printed on the report as an
information item. No award is made by the packaging program for that session.
However, the award amount of that prior award is not deducted from the amount of
student need that the packaging program attempts to meet.
This message is printed when the student has a tracking item on the Tracking Data
(FAM505) screen with a tracking status of RQ (Required) and the date completed is
blank. This applies only to tracking items that are equal to or less than the starting
FAFSA session used for packaging. Future tracking items do not affect current
packaging. To eliminate the message and package the student, the tracking item
must be completed by either typing a date completed or by changing the RQ status to
any other valid tracking status code and leaving the date blank.
September 2011
The ending session of the student’s session eligibility range as specified on the
Student Data (FAM501) screen occurs before the sessions to be packaged. The
student would not be packaged unless the user changes the session range on the
Student Data (FAM501) screen.
A matching award for a packaging award has not been established. The student does
not have the matching award. The award appears on the report but is not included in
the totals and would not be added to the student’s award data when the packaging
run is finalized.
The package code is on file but no awards were assigned to the packaging plan.
The packaging master and packaging detail data are on file but there is no session
distribution data for the packaging plan. If the error message is listed for the SNG
award, verify that you have the proper SNG distribution values entered on the
Processing Table as listed below.
System: SAF
Value: WA-PAC-DISTxx, where xx represents the packaging code
Description: xx, where xx represents the same packaging code entered in the Value
field above.
The student’s financial data on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) screen or the default
packaging code on the student budget master does not have a matching packaging code
on the packaging master. There are three different ways to control this:
1. Specify the packaging code information on the packaging master.
2. Type the correct packaging code on the Financial Aid Data (FAM503) screen for the
3. Specify a valid packaging code as part of the student budget master.
The student had a prior award on file for an award that the packaging program was
going to make. The prior award takes precedence. No award is made by the
packaging program for the session of the prior award. No corrective action is
required as long as the prior award is correct. The award that would have been given
by the packaging program is shown for informational purposes. If the prior award is
incorrect, it should be corrected using manual packaging on the Award Data page
September 2011