OCT 201S87 U4 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Findings of Forward Discount Bias Interpreted in Light of Exchange Rate Survey Data* by Kenneth A. Froot and Jeffrey A. Frankel Working Paper #1906-87 June 29, 1987 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Findings of Forward Discount Bias Interpreted in Light of Exchange Rate Survey Data* by Kenneth A. Froot and Jeffrey A. Frankel Working Paper #1906-87 June 29, 1987 Findings of Forward Discount Bias Interpreted in Light of Exchange Rate Survey Data * Kenneth A. Froot Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Jeffrey A. FVankel Department of Economics University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 June 29, 1987 Abstract Svirvey data on exchange rate expectations are used to divide the forward discount into expected depreciation and a risk whether the forward discount is We premium. Our starting point is the an unbiased predictor of future changes common in the use the surveys to decompose the bias into a portion attributable to the risk and a portion attributable to systematic prediction errors. test of spot rate. premium The survey data suggest that our findings of both unconditional and conditional bias are overwhelmingly due to sysRegressions of future changes in the spot rate against the tematic expectational errors. forward discount do not yield insights into the sign, as is \isually thought. find support for in that expected depreciation. in is it We test directly the The "random-walk" view premium. Investors would do better This is with forward market data, but the now if is reflect, one for one. changes that exjiected dejneriation is even significantly more variable than the xero risk they always reduced fractionally the magnitude of same it premium hypothesis of perfect substitutability, and changes in the forward discount thus rejected; expected depreciation expected depreciation. size or variability of the risk result that Bilsoii nu<] cannot be attributed to a many risk other? have found prenuum. an extensively revised version of NBER Working Taper No. 19C3. We wouM like to thank Oreg Conunr, Alherio JoeMattey and many other partiripants at various seminars for helpful comments; Barbara Bnier, John Calverley, Louise Cordova, Kathryn Dominguez, Laura Knoy, Stephen Marris, ami Thil "Soung for help in obtaining data, the National Scienre Foundation (under grant no. SES-82183nO), the Institute for Busines.; and Eronomir Researrh at U. C. Berkeley, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for researrh support. * This is CJiovannini, Robert. Hodrirk, ^^^ 2 1,987 Findings of Forward Discount Bias Interpreted in Light of Exchange Rate Survey Data Kenneth A. Front Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Jeffrey A. Frankel Department Economics of University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 Introduction 1. The forward exchange rate is the first to surely the jack-of-all-trades of international financial economics. a variable representing investor exi)ectations of future spot rates, the Whenever researchers need forward rate is come mind. to On the other hand, the forward rate in efforts to extract the empirically elusive foreign These two conflicting discoimt is roles are most evident exchange an unbiased predictor of the future change They tend to disagree, however, it, frequently used jn-emium. in the large literature testing studies that test the unbiascdness hypothesis reject bias. risk is in the sjiot exchange whether the forward rate.' Most of the and they generally agree on the direction of about whether the bias is evidence of a risk premium or of a violation of rational expectations. For example, studies by Longwortli (1981) and Bilson (1981a) assume that investors are in excess of the On risk neutral, so that the systematic forward discoimt is intei-jireted as component time-varying risk premium that separates the forward discount Fama same systematic component fro!ii 'Rpfercncps inrlude Tnon premium is exjiertcd depreciation. prrmium, liut also as evidence greater than the variance of exjiected depreciation. Bilson (1979), Levirh (1979), Bilson (1981a), LonRworili (1981), Hsieh (1984), Fams (1984), Huang For a rerpnf siirvry of flic literature and additional citations see and Hodrirk and Srivastava (198C). Boothe and Longworth (1986). (1984), Park (1984) to a (1984) and Hodrick and Srivastava (1980) have recently gone a step further, interpreting the bias not only as evidence of a non-7,ero risk that the variance of the risk exchange rate changes evidence of a failure of rational expectations. the other hand, Hsieh (1984) and most others attribute the Investigations by of 1 (1985) interprets this view as a expectations: new "empirical paradip:m" that roine? rinse to assuming static changes in expected depreciation are small or and changes 7,ero, in the forward discount instead reflect predominantly changes in the risk jneminm. Often cited in support of this view the work of Meese and RogofT (1983), is who find that a randc^n walk model consistently forecasts future spot rates better than alternative models, including the forward rate. But one cannot address without additional information the hasir expectational errors or the risk whether of the forward discount (or risk premium is premium it surveys: one conducted by in whether systematic are alone responsible for the rejieatedly l)iased forecasts is some combination more variable than expected depreciation. exchange rate expectations issues of of the two), let alone paper we use survey data on In this The data come from an attempt to help resolve these issues American Express Banking Corjjoration whether the of London irregularly three between 1976 and 1985; another conducted by the Economist'?. Finnnrinl Rrpnrf. also from London, at Money Market regular six-week intervals since 1981; and a third conducted by Redwood City, California, every two weeks beginning in .lanuary October 1984. Frankel and Froot (1985, 1987) discuss the data and use of how discoimt into light its two components - paper we use the stuveys expected depreciation and the on the proper interpretation of the large literature that forward is risk it to estimate to divide the premium in models forward order to shed finds bias in the predictions of the to be skeptical of the accuracy of the survey data, to allow for the possil^ility that they measure true investor expectations of ways. of rate. We want that In this (MMS) 1983 and every week beginning in investors form their expectations.^ .Services We will follow witli error. Such measurement error could the existing literature in talking as arise in a number there exists a single expectation if homogeneously held by investors, which we measure by the m('(han survey response. But, in fact, different true expectation, survey respondents report different answers, suggesting that it is expected depreciation at precisely the measured with series is same moment error. Another possible source may that the expected future spot rate as the contemporaneous spot rate is if there is a single of measurcitient error in our not be recorded by the survey recor'led.' Our econometric tests 'Anothpr pappr that, uses the MMS stincys i« Domingupz (1986). "To mpasure the rontpmporaiicoiis spot rato. we rxperimontPtl with rliffrrcnt approximations to the prrcisp siincy and forerast dato': of thf AmPX suney, whirh was r ondiirtpd hy mail ovpr a ppriod of up to a mnntli. Wp used thp avpragp of thp 30 days during thp suney and also thp midpoint of tlip snrvpy ppriod to ronstnirt rpforpnro sots. Doth gavp vppy similar rpsidts, so that only rpsults from thp formpr samplp wprp roporipd. In thp rasp of tlip Ernnomi.ot and MMS snrvpys, which constitntp allow for mcasTiremeiit error in the data, provided the error random. There is an analogy with is the rational expeetations approach which uses pt pnut exchange rate changes rather than survey data, and assumes that the error in measuring tnie expected depreciation, usually attributed to "news," is random. One of our findings below is that the expectational errors contained in ex sample exchange rate changes are not uncorrelated with the forwaid fhscount. This, be consistent with a failure of investor rationality, but it is also consistent pnitt of course, could with 'peso problems," A learning on the part of investors, or the presence of nonstationarities in the sample. second advantage to our approach to measuring expectations: aside from fhe question of bias, the absolute magnitude of our measurement errors is much less that that of the exjiectational errors in the ex post changes. The paper is organized as follows. We forward discoimt bias. 4 in turn test we j)erform the standard regression test of then use the surveys to sejiarate the bias into a comjionent attributable to systematic expectational errors and In Section 2. and a component attributable whether the component attributable to the Sections 3 to the risk ]iremium. i)remium and the component risk attributable to systematic expectational errors are statistically significant. Section 5 concludes. 2. The RegrGSslon of The most popular Forward Discount Bias test of forward market unbiasechiess is a regression of tlie future change in the spot rate on the forward discount: A.v+A- where Afi^i, is = « + and fd^ is the forward rate minus the log of the spot rate). = + in the null hypothesis as well.) the forward rate plus a purely random (1) r?f+<. the percentage depreciation of the currency of foreign exchange) over k periods include a /?/rif (tlie change in the log of the spot price the current A--i)erind forward discount (the log of The null hy])othesis is that /? = 1. (Some authors In other words, the realized sjiot rate error term, ni+k A is equal to second but equivalent sjiecification is a regression of the forward rate prediction error on the forward discount: /< most of our Hafa set, this issue A.^,+it = ni+ hanlly arises to boEin wifh, as <liry ftifd) + r7,+^ werr romlnrfoil l>y (2) (rippliniir nn ,t knnwii Hay. = —a and where aj variable is Most tlian one. = /?i 1 — The /?. rrnll hypothesis nnw is that rti = fli = D: the left-hand side purely random. tests of equation (1) have rejeeted the null hypothesis, fiudiuR Often the estimate of /? is /? to be significantly less Authors disagree, however, on the close to zero or nep;ative.^ reason for this finding of bias. Longworth (1981) and Bilson (1981a). for example, assume that there is no risk so that the forward discoinit accurately measures investors" exjiectations; they premium, therefore interpret the bias as a rejection of the rational expeetaticms hypothesis. Bilson describes the finding of investors /? closer to 7,ero than to one as a finding of "excessive speculation," would do better In the special case of to choose ^f'l^ic not = = /? < magnitude the excliange rate follows a of their exi)ected landom walk, and Fama (1984) and Hodrick and Srivastava (198G) rlescribe the finding that premium accounts for more discount than does expected depreciation. In the special case of expectations implies that 2.1. a// of A.i^^j. = of the variation in the forward /? = f), the assumption of rational Bilson (1985) points out, the risk 0, so that, as premium would the variation in the forward discoimt. Standard Results Reproduced We begin by reproducing the standard OLS regre.ssion periods that correspond precisely to those that we these results, in part, to show that the be attributed to small sample In these one against the dollar. in the survey data.^ on sample We report the survey data below caimot prepared to attribute the usual finding of MMS jiool across currencies survey are the The other two surveys include "Tlip fincline fhat forward ratc^ arp poor prciIirt,or« of In thrir study of the Pxprrtations liypothpsis of thf ronrliide that rhaiiRPs in the when we use (1) si7,e. and subsequent regressions, we (The four currencies also is results for equation will l»e usinji; fnr the results obtained size unless forward discount bias to small sample si/.e. investors would do better the other hand, Hsieh (1984) and most others assume that investors did 1/2 as a finding that the risk account for exchange rate changes. prediction errors in the sample; they interpret the bias as evidence of a time- varying risk premium. ft 0, On 0. make systematic to reduce the absolute meaning that fuvler to inaximi7,e sample mark, Swiss franc and yen. each these four exchange rates and the French franc as fiitiiri> spot ratre term stnirturp, premium paid on longer-term jiouufl, i!i Iiills fnr is not limitpil tn example, over short-term Sliiller. liills tlip foreign cxcianEi- market ('ampl>ell ami Srboenholt? (1983) are useless for jireilirting future changes iu short-term interest rates. ''DRl provided us with daily forward and spot exrhange rates. romp\ited as the average of the noon-time hid and ask rates. wrll.) Ap npual, we must allow for in addition to allowing for the > (it 1). We contemporaneous correlation moving average in the ermr terms across currencies, error process indnced hy overlapping ol^servations report standard errors that assume conditional lioiiioskedasticity, in this case be- cause they were consistently larger than the estimated standard errors that allow for conditional heteroskedasticity. We also at times jiool across different forecast horizons to maximi7,e the of the tests, requiring correction for a third kind of correlation in the errors. of this having been done before, even econometric issues Table 1 is standard forward fliscr)unt regression. are not aware Each of these disctissed at greater length in the appendices. presents the standard forward discount unbiasedness regressions (equation (1)) for our sample periods.® Note that in the stacked, the standard errors in in the We power fell Economist and in the Amex sets, in which forecasts horizons were aggregated regressions by 14 anrl 31 jtercent, resi)ectively, data comparison with regressions that used the shorter-term jiredictions alone. Most of the coefficients fall most to reject imbiasedness: into the range reported by previous studii's. of the coefficients are significantly less the coefficients are even significantly less than zero, a finding of two MMS data sets, the coefficients observation by Gregory and unstable. At The Theie than one many is ample evidence More than half of other authors as well, hi the have unusually large absolute values, lending support to the McCurdy (1984) that the regression relation in ecjuation (1) may be F-tests also indicate that the imbiasedness hypothesis fails in most of the data sets. this point, this interpretation, we could it interpret the results as reflecting systematic jirediction errors. follows that agents would do better by placing poraneous spot rate and less more weight on the contem- weight on other factors in forming jueflictions of the future spot rate, the view discussed by Bilson (1981a). of a time-varying risk Under On the other hand, we coiiM iiiter]uet the results as evidence premium. Then the conclusions would be tliat changes in expected depre- ciation are not correlated (or are negatively correlated) with changes in the forward rliscount and, from equation (3), that the variance of the risk premium is gicatn- than tin- variance of expected depreciation. ^Regressions were estimated with dummies for earli rnuntry, wliirli we do not report to s,i\e spare. For the refressjons which pool over different forecast horizons (marked Economist Data and Amex Data), eacli country was allowed its own constant term for everv forecast horizon. Decomposition of the Forward Discount Bias Coefficient 2.2. The survey data, howfver, let us go a step further with the results of Tabh' allocate part of the deviation from the and the presence of rationality equation (1) hypothesis of n\ill The premium. of a risk /? = Wc 1. ran now to each of the alternatives: failure 1 jirohability limit of the coefficient /? in is: —'•''+*'^-'^_' ;-'-p = ^+>-'-^ :::i (3) var(/r/* where »7*i market participants" expectational is j. use the definition of the risk a little algebra to write As'j_^_^. is the market expectation. We premium rr* and and error, ft failure of rational expectations, as equal to = 1 M- A.,^+, (4) (the null hypothesis) minus a term arising from any minus another term arising from the ft=l- ftre- ])remium: risk (5) ftrr where ^ cov(r?*-^.^,/fif) '" '''" With the help of the survey data, var(/4) - var(M) systematic prediction errors in the sample, and more weakly, The if the risk results of the compared to /?rp, premium is ftrp = if insjiection, there is no risk ftr^ = if jnemium there are no (or, somewhat uncorrected with the forward discount). decomposition are reported often by By both terms are observable more than an orrler of in Table First, 2a. ft^r '^ very large in size when hi all of the regressions, the lions magnitude, share of the deviation from the null hyjiothesis consists of syst<-matic (-x])ectational errors. example, in the ftrp in — £'cor?,omj,i< data, 0.08. Second, while equation (5) that the coefficient ft in ftre 'f our largest survey sample with greater than zero in effect of the survey risk the direction abnvc one. share of the forward discoimt's bias. all cases, premium Is r)25 (>bs(Mvations, ft^f ft^r i? to positive values for push the estimate 6 ftrr. 1.49 and sometimes negative, implying In these cases, the risk preniia The = For do not of the standard ex])lain a jiositive on the other hand, suggest the possibility that investors tendrd to ovrrrrart to other infonnatinn, in the sense that respondents mi^ht have improved their forecasting by and less more weight cm the cont(Miii)oraneons spot placing; Third, to the extent weight on the forward rate. smveys the tliat rate are from different sources and cover different periods of time, they provide independent information, rendering their agreement on the check if relative importance and sign of the expectational ennis the level of aggregation in Table 2a in every data set. interest, whether we can formally we would reject the risk (1) are statistically significant; premium, i.e. two hypotheses 2.3. and that the point estimates in column are (a) that that the jioint estimates in the presence of the tfi (2) are statistically significant. of Expected Depreciation vs. Variance of the Risk We test these 1, /? is Premium significantly less than 1/2. It is on the basis of such estimates that Fama (1984) and Hndrick and Srivastava (198G) have claimed that expected depreciation is less variable than the exchange Fama-Hodrick-Srivastava (FHS) interinetation of the results var(A.t^^H.) see i.e. know whether they jiolar hyi>otheses: (b) that they are attributable Notice that for most of the sample periods in Table To to explain in turn in the following sections. The Variance precisely like to two olivious the results in Table 4 are attriliutable to expectational errors, column inemium appears bias. While the qualitative results above are of statistically significant, To forceful. Here the results are the same: expectational errors are consistently large and positive, and the risk no positive portion of the more hiding important rhversity across currencies. Table is reports the decomposition for eacli currency 21^ all tjie how to write the < risk itreminm. We state the as: var(r7)/). (6) they arrive at this inequality, we use the definition of the risk pn^iiiium in equation (4) FHS projiosition as var(A.tJ^j.) < var(r/)f) + var(/fff ) - 2cov(/-/J'. A.-';_^_^.). or coy(fdlAs'„,)<^-^^ - (6'). Under the assiimpHon that the predirtion error, n^^/,, expectations assumption), the ref^ression coefficient cov(A,'.' /?, is unconelatrd with fd, (the usual rational by etiuation as piven (3), becomes r,/rfh var(/fif) Thus a finding of < /? 1/2 implies the variance inequalities in rcpiation offered by recalling the special case in rp'l, and not We /? = D: Added (G). intuition is the variation in fd, then consists entirely of variation at all variation in ^i^'^k- can use expectations as measured by the survey data to investigate the without assuming there no systematic component to the is jirediction errors. FHS claim directly, Table 3 shows the variance of expected changes in the spot rate, as measured by the surveys, and the variance of the risk premia, for each data set and broken rate changes (column 1) down by The magnitude currency. dwarfs that of the forward discount (column 2).^ of ej pntt exchange For example, the reported variance of armualized spot rate changes of 2 percent represents a stanrlard rleviation of about 14 percent. By comparison, the variance of expected depreciation amund .25 percent, a standard the variance of the risk premium is deviation of 5 percent. The variance (column 4), and expectations Fama risk of expected depreciation is (A.t'^j, is comparable in si/.e to larger in 36 of the 40 samples calculated in Tabl(< — 0) do not appear to be supported by in section 3. We We survey data. tlie (1984) hypothesis that the variance of expected depreciation premium Thus "random walk" 3. is less test formally the than the variance of the can see from Table 3 that both arc several times larger than the variance of the forward discount. Thus the relative stability of the forward discount masks greater variability in its two components, corroborating Fama's finding tjiat tlir risk premium is negatively correlated with the expected change in the spot rate. 3. A Direct Test of Perfect Substitutability hi the previous section we offered point estimates of the bias in the forward discount, "Thi« empirirsl rpgnlarity has oftfn lipon noted; p.g., Muisa (1979). hnwpvpr, liiaserl downward 1)y any mcasiirPinPrt error tliat might he present in the surveys. purely random, then the rovarianre of expected depreciation and the risk premium may he written as cov (A»J^j, "Tlii"! roiTolatinnis, where A«', and rff are the "true" vahies measurement error component of the survey. . "The low variance of the risk in the forvvard rate errors, /rf* of expected depreciation premium reported in and of tlie risk premium, respectively, If which snrh error rp, ) and is -VBr(fr). fr is the Table 3 also has implications for the aliility of tests of serial correlation See the NBER working paper a time\-ar>inR risk premium - At,^.k, <o detect evidence of version of this paper (p. 10). 8 suRgested that more of the bias was dnc to a failure of rational ox]i('rtations than to a timo-varyiug In thi? section risk jireniinm. In thr next section wo will wr formally prrminm. tost for thr rxistrnrr nf the tinio-varyinf^ risk formally test rational expectations. Analogously to the standard regression equation equation, we legress our measure of expected depreciation against the forward discount: A.iiJ+1 The = + Q2 null hypothesis that the correlation of the risk implies = /92 1 By column results in inspection, P2 (2) of = — I error is identically zero is given by premium A.iJ_(_j = fd, . error in the surveys. the iinobservable market expected change in the affect instead the ex post distribution of actual Another way of stating the null hypothesis are perfect substitutes in investor "s portfolios. forward discount rates i, — t, i*f — i] . The /rf, is premium with is fmm either: 0^2 We That < 1. = the forward discoimt = /?2 1 (8) also allows The hypothesis 0. zero wo\dd imply that the Equation zero. is that the risk should therefore inteipret the regression sjiot rate. using the survey data, the properties of the error term, which (8) Table 2a are not statistically fhfferent random measurement as £( fr Prp^ so that a fiiiding of us to test the hypothesis of no constant risk premium + /?2/f'f is, A.<'_^j = A.t^_^j. Note also that will + r^, where in a test of A.fJ^j^ is equation (8) be invariant to any "peso problems," spot rate changes. the proposition that domestic anfl foreign assets Assuming tliat covered interest parity holds, the equal to the differential between domestic and foreign nominal interest null hypothesis then Ijecomes a statement of uncovererl interest parity: A.tJ_(_j. = hx other words, investors are so responsive to differences in exjiected rates of return as to . eliminate them.'" We can also use equation premium is we found to (8) to test formally the FHS hyjiotliesis that the variance of the risk greater than the variance of expecterl flei)reciation. be violated by point estimates in Talile 3. This is tjie estimate of their difference.) The probability limit of the coefficient ^ cov(A^J+,,/r/f) VBT(fd)) '"For tfsts of iiiirovprpd infprcsf parity similar to Cumliy and Ohstfpld (1981). sprtion 3, spp tli'" test?: (G). wliich (Although random measurement error the survey data would tend to overstate each of these variances individually, '' inequality it in does not affect the /?2 is: ^ cov(A..?^,..K) ' var(/rf}) of rotiflirioiial liia* in the forw aril (li«rmiiit that we roii'sidorpil in where we have used the assumption that the measurement error disromit fd^ (analogously to the derivation of equation (7)). if /?2 < FHS 1/2 does the inequality (6') hold; of expected depreciation exceeds that of the risk Table 4 reports the OLS '^ all (with the sole exception of the is , greater than 1/2, the variance premium. some resjierts tlie Contrary to the hypothesis of a of the estimates of MMS mirorrelatefl with the forward follows from etjuation (9) that only If sigiiifif'^ntly regressions of equation (8). In in favor of perfect substitutability. with the forward discount, ^2 if t /?2 risk data i>rovide evidence premium that is correlated are statistically inrlistinguishabie from one three-month sample). In the Ernnnwixf and Amex data sets which aggregate across time horizons, the estimates are 0.99 and DOC, resjiectively." Expectations seem move very to strongly with the forward rate. With the exception MMS of the data, the coefficients are estimated with surprising precision. In terms of our decomposition of the forward disco\nit bias coefficient. values of from /?rp 7,ero. entirely in Thus the by the the survey risk premium column risk 2 of Table 2a are statistically far from one rejection of unbiasedness found in premium premium has at any reasonable aiul are not significantly different jirevions section cannot level of confidence. we cannot substantial magnitude, Indeed, reject the be explained in spite of the fact that hypothesis that the risk explains no positive portion of the bias. There is strong evidence of a constant term in the risk statistically greater than zero. Each of the F-tests reported a level of significance that of the risk premium is less than 0.1 percent. in premium however: ^2 Table G rejects the and 2b should not be taken to Thus the large f>f in the the risk r(^si>ons(^s iiirlude forward rate and jiarity relation at qualitatively small values of imply that the survey about the future spot rate beyond that contained is Charts 1-4 make apparent the high average (as well as its lack of correlation with the usual nu-asure the forward discoimt prediction errors).'^ Tallies 2a th(^ Table 4 shows the fl^p level premium, rejiorted in no information ' ''For ihp Economist six-month and (wrlvo-mnntli and (he Amrx wplvcmontli ilata <rt«, tlif rstimatos nfj(ffrom pqiiaticn do noi exactly correspond to 1 - fi,p in TaMrs 2a and 2li. This is brcanso Tatilr 4 iiirliulps a frw siiriry olispnations for which actual future spot rates have not yet heen realized, whereas these ohser\ations w ere left out of the decomposition in Tables 2a and 2b for piirposes of comparability-. If we had used the smaller samples in Tabic 4, the regression coefficierts would have been .92 and 1.03, for the Economist and Amex data sets, respectively. "The degree to which the surveys qtialitati\ ely corroborate one another is strikiuR. For example, the risk premium in the Economist data (Chart 1) is negative dtiring the entire sample, except for a short period from late 1984 until midI985. The three-month sample (Chart 2) reports that the risk premium did not become jio'^ilivr until the last quarter of 1984, while one. month data (Chart 3) shows the risk premium then remained positive until niidl980. That the surveys agree on the nature and timing of major swings in the risk premium is some evidence that the particularities of each croup of respondents (8) MMS MMS do not influence the restilts. "In Table 2 of the NBER working paper version of this study, 10 we reported mean values of the risk i>remium as measiu^ed Table 4 also reports a hypothesis that t-test of the /?2 = In six ont 1/2 strongly reject the hypothesis that the variance of the tnie risk iiremiiiiii to that of tnie expected depreciation; that = /?2 1 we have rather var( A.i^_^j.) > greater than or equal var(r;),). Indeed, the finding premium is negative (as variance of the true risk Under the + = cov{As';^^..rp';) (10). f) reject the hypothesis that the covariance of true ex])erted depreciation Thus we cannot (I is Fama premium foimd), nor can is we random measurement extreme hypothesis that the reject the is no time-varying error, premium and risk we can use the /?^s If) the survey data. in Table 4 are relatively high, suggesting that measurement error For example, under this interpretation of the small. thr legression error fnuii thr regressions to obtain an estimate of the relative importance of the measurement error comjioiient statistics in /?^s, same sample period in Table 1 (which uses n relatively is measurement ermr accounts percent of the variability in expected dejireciation from the Ernnnm.iKt data. of comparison, the 7?^ for the and the is 7,ero. null hypothesis that there equation (8) The R^ nine rases the data implies that: var(r/.*) true risk is f)f about for For a standard post exchange rate changes as a noisy measure of expectations) implies that 84 percent of the variability in the measure noise. is In Table 5 we correct for the potential serial correlation jiroblem in the data sets by employing a Three-Stage-Least-Squares estimator that allows correlation (SUR) results reported in Table 5 all it show that is this correction greater than that of the risk alternative that the variance of the risk by tlip 5ur\cy data. They were different from zero premium at contemporaneous is consistent here has the advantage of being asymptotically is efficient. The does not changi- the nature of the results; but one of the coefficients remain close to one, and therr expected depreciation MMS predictions by the forward rate and the surveys because there are no overlapping observations and for 3SLS as well as first order auto-regressive disturbances.*^' are observed contemporaneously - Ernnnmist and is premium < Icai <>viden((' that the (whiN' th(>r<' is variance of no evidence for the greater). (he 99 permit level for almn^l all <.iir\ f.\ •ionrres, nirrenries and sample periods. '^In both cases, thp /?' statistics inrhidc the explanatory power of '^Unfort.nnatply, the highly irrepilar sparing of th*- Amrx tli'- roust ant tr-riiis fnr rarli riirr<-nry data sets did not permit an antorrgresii\ 11 r ami forTast horizon. rorrertion in this rase. Tests of Rational Expectations 4. the previous srrtion we formally tested the hypothesis that there exists no time-varyinp; risk 111 premimn that could explain test the would do better all we formally Test of Excessive Speculation Perhaps the most powerful to hi this section hypothesis that there exist systematic exjiectational errors that ran explain those findings. A 4.1. the findings of bias in the forward disrnniit if expectations test of rational they placed more or is one which asks whether investors weight on the contemjioraneons spot rate as opposed less This other variables in their information set.'® test is performed by a regression of the expectatioiial prediction error on expected depreciation: - AflJ^i where the had we in null hypothesis is a = = A.v+jt and d = mind, which we already termed a 0.'^ + a This + (^As'i_^.^ is (11) v';'_^_^. the equation that Bilson (1981a) and others test of "excessive" spemlation, with the difference that are measuring expected depreciation by the survey data instead of liy the ambiguous forward discount. Our tests are reported in investors could on average less = The 6. findings consistently indicate that d d = The is upheld. 0, reject at 0, so that hi other words, the excessive speculation F-tests of the hypothesis that there are no systematic expectational errors, the one percent level for results in Table 8 survey expectations. > do better by giving more weight to the contemi^oraneous spot rate and weight to other information they deem pertinent, hypothesis a Table Up would appear of the survey data sets. all to constitute a resounding rejection of rationality in the until this point, our test statistics have been robust to the presence of '"FVankcl and Froot (198C) fesf whcthor the stirvpy rxprrtation' plart- (no littli- w oiglit nii ilir rniitomiinraiicou"! "spot ratp miirli weigh* on sppfifir piercs nf information «iirh a<! thr lagRrd "spot rate, (he lonR-nui rqiiililiriiini cxrlianR'- rate, and thp lagRfd cxpertpd spot rafp. "To spp how ihf altcmafivr in oqiiation (11) is too murh or too liltlo Wright on all ^arialilfs in tho information «pt odior than tlip contpmporanpons .spot rafp, assiinip pxpprtations arp formpd as a liiipar roinliination of thp rurrpnt spot ratp, »i, and and too anv linpar romhination of variahlps in thp information spt, Ir: 'UiIf the actual prorpss (II) + (1 - "I +^ = iilr (1 - ti)'! (jri - Ti)(It + - I'f+yt can hp rpwrittpn as ^''+^ Rational pxppctations insuffiripii) "I'r is: (r, Thpn pqnation = wpight on is ni "' +* = 1 + thp casp in whirh thp ropffiripnt !<\ - »j is and too mnch wpight on otlipr information. 12 - /.pro. «i) A + >', + k- posi(i\p \ahip implies a ^ > ^j: invpstors put random measurement hand error in the survey data lierausi' expertatinns liavr ajijirarefl only on the But now expectations appear side of the equation. under the null hypothesis, To demonstrate measurement this effect, of the tnie and E((i\A.'>'j_^_i^) = The 0. = ^'Hk + ^ = _ var(Q) - which the measurement error accoxmts - in other words, surveys no information at OLS for all all + cov(f?f^t- + in probability to; As',_^_^.) var(A.t;_^,.) estimates toward on<\ hideerl. in the limiting case in of the variability of ex])ectrd dejireciation in the survey about the "tnie" market exj^ectatiou of 15 estimates of d are greater than one; in five cases the difference However, we 4.2. shall measurement now error is sum (13). ryf+t is contained in the the parameter estimate would be statistically indistinguishable from one. In Table result suggests that is (12) '' equation (11) converges error therefore biases our by the survey error: A.^J+j^ var(f,) Measurement as recorded spot rate change can then be expressed as the actxial market expectation plus a prediction facts, the coefficient d in rif^ht-hand side; as a result, plus an error term: A.i'_,.;^, A.v+t Using these tli<' error biases toward one our estimate of d in equation (11). As'+i tf is iid on suppose again that expected dejtreciation equal to the market's tnie expectation, where also left- not the source of our is statistically significant. r(-i(^ction G, 13 This of rational expectations. see that stronger evidence can be ol^tained. Another Test of Excessive Speculation Another test of rational expectations that free of the ])r'>bl(-ni of is measurement replace A.'J^j on the right-hand side of eqtiation (11) with the forwaid discount A.5J^j where the residual, ci — rji^i^, is - the A.i,_^i = rci + measurement flifd, + (, - error is to /r/,': (15) r1,^^.. error in the surveys less the iniexpected change in the spot rate. There are several reasons for making the results in section 3 that expected depreciation siibstitution in equation (15). is 13 highly correlaterl with /'// We know from our Because fd^ is free good candidate an exogenous "insfniiiiental variable." Indeed, of measiircmpnt error, it we can look the forward discount as econonietricians do so is a A as prospective speculators. a speculator could have made "bet against the market" is for finding of > D /?i more practical expressed as if also in either efjuation (9) or (13) suggests that But the strategy excess profits by betting against the market. far we can in the newsjiajier, uji precisely if to against the (ol)servable) forward ''])ci discount" than as "do the opposite of whatever you would have otherwise done." Equation (15) has additional relevance unbiasedness regression in section the coefficient, 3: unbiasedness due to systematic prediction errors, large positive values of Table 7 reports Prr iu Tables 3a ft^e OLS found in column ft^r- (1) of Thus equation Tables 3a anrl hypothesis of rational expectations, O'l of excessive speculation. (Because the = 0, /9i = We now measurement are necessarily lower than those of Table 6.) They 0. 31). (24) can reject error has Thus the the forward rate result that us whether the see that the point estimates of /?, been tell are statistically significant. The data continue precision. f)f ]uecisely eriual to the deviation from is /?i, regressions of equation (15). and 3b are measured with our decomposition in the context of = to reject statistically the 0, in favor of the alternative jiurgetl, the levels of significance f^f^ is significantly greater than zero seems robust across different forecast horizons anrl different survey samjiles. In decomposition of the typical forward rate tmbiasedness now hypothesis that all of the bias is is survey responrlents. Recall that this finding need not new exchange in Table 3a, we can attributable to the survey risk premium. cannot reject the hypothesis that none of the bias learning about a test rate process, or the error term, then one could not expect the errors appear to be systematic ex them if due to mean there is 14 reject the differently, ie]-)eated (>xi)ectational errors that investors are irrational. a "j)eso ])roblem to foresee errors in pn.tt. Put terms of the th<' " If we made by they are with the distribution of sample jieriod, even thotigh 5. Conclusions Our general ronchision is that, contrary to what is assiunod in ronvmtional practice, the .'^ys- tematic portion of forward discount prerhction errors do not capture a time-varying risk premium. This result was quahtatively clear from the point estimates can now make several statements that are more precise We (1) reject the hypothesis tliat premium. This is the same thing all in section 2 or from the charts. But we statistically. of the bias in the fnrwaifl fiiscouut as rejecting the hyjiothesis that none is flue to the risk of tlu^ bias is due to the presence of systematic expectational errors. We (2) cannot reject the hypothesis that all of the bias is attributable to these systematic expectational errors, and none to a time-varying risk premium. The implication (3) changes in of (1) and (2) is that changes in the forward discoiuit reflect, one-for-one, expected depreciation, as perfect substitutability among assets denominated in different currencies would imply. (4) We reject the claim that the variance of the risk jMemium is greater than the variance of expected depreciation. The reverse appears to be the case: the variance of expected depreciation is large in comparison with lioth the variance of the risk premium and the variance of the forward discount. (5) Because the survey risk premium appears cannot reject the hypothesis that the market We do risk to be uncorrelaterl witli the forward discoimt, premium we find a sul)stantial average level of the risk jiremium. the forward discount as conventionally thought. 15 are trying to But it floes not measure is we constant. vary positively with 6. References "The Speculative Efficiency Hypofhesis,"' 435-51 (1981a). Bilsnn, John, "Profitability , and Stability in Inteniatinnal Journal nf Business. Cnrrmry Markets," .Inly 1981, NBER 54, Working Paper, No. 664, April 1981 (1981b). "Macroeconomic view, May Stability and Flexible Exchanc^r Rates", Amrrimn Er.onnmir. Re- 1985, 75, 62-67. Boothe, Panl and David Longworth, "Foreign Exchange Market Efficient Tests: Implications of Recent Empirical Findings," Journal of Intcrnntinnnl Mnnry and Finance, 1986. 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Premium CHART 3 FORWARD RATE ERRORS & THE RISK PREMIUM MONTH MMS SURVEY DATA SMOOTHED 1 . 3 U o a a V o u e 0. 24-0ct-a+ CI 27-Feb-85 Forward Rate Error 10-Jul-aS •• 04-Dec-85 Risk Premium CHART 2 FORWARD RATE ERRORS 3 THE RISK PREMIUM Sc MONTH MMS SURVEY DATA SMOOTHED u o 0. a o u o ft 05-Jan-e3 a aO-Jan-a* 18-Jiil-83 Forward Rate Error * CHART FORWARD RATE ERRORS 6 15-Aug-a4 Riak Premium A. THE RISK PREMIUM Sc MONTH AMEX DATA s 3 d « b C a d V u k « 0. -10 - -20 - -30 - -40 -I 30-Jan-76 a . 1 31-Jan-77 1 . Ol-Dec-77 FonrBLrd Rate Error > , Ol-Dec-78 -, —P , 30-Jim-82 Risk j- 29-Juii-64 Premium TABLE 1 TESTS OF FORWARD DISCOUNT UNBIASEDNESS I OLS Regressions of ^{.^.j^ o" td^ I F lest •::,T i ":ntn TABLE 2a COMPONENTS OF THE FAILURE OF THE UNBIASEDNESS HYPOTHESIS In Regressions of As on fd TABLE 2b COMPONENTS OF THE FAILURE OF THE UNBIASEDNESS HYPOTHESIS In Regressions of Faikre or Ritional on As Existence o* Rist Freaiui Expectations Approxirate lata Set EC2N 3 flCNTH Dates N Regression Coefficient (i; (2) ^ ^ B^j fd B,^ i-di-c) TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF VARIANCES OF EXPECTED DEPRECIATION AND THE RISK PRE.MIUM (x 10 per annum) TABLE 4 TESTS OF PERFECT SUBSTITUTABILITY OLS Regressions of ^s , on fd^ F test Dates Data Set B 6/31-12/35 Ec3r.0£i5t iati t: 0.98B0 B=.5 t: BM R OH OF a=0, BM Prob > F -0.08 0.8? 554 1,44 :3.il 0.000 til 1.19 0.70 184 !.5i 16,55 0.000 3.14 III 0.19 0.B9 18« 1.37 52.06 0.000 m -0.48 0.91 134 1.44 65.32 0.000 -0,09 0.21 171 1.02 6.79 0.000 -2.75 tit 0.73 182 1.50 14, :0 0,000 -0.16 0.64 91 0.74 5.38 0.000 1.04 0.71 45 1.45 6.32 0.000 -0.45 0.61 45 0.51 8.10 0.000 3.33 Jtt (0.1465) i/ai-i:/35 Econ 3 ,tonth - 1.3037 3.H (0.2557) 6/91-12/65 Econ 4 «onth 1.0326 (0.1694) 6/31-12/35 EccR 12 Honth 0.9236 2.06 (0.1499) nHS 10/34-2/36 flcrth 1 0.8416 0.20 (1.7275) MS 3 1/83-10/84 Month -0.1316 -1.59 (0.4293) 1/76-7/85 AHEI Data 0.9605 1.85 t (0.2495) m\ 1/76-7/85 6 fionth 1.2165 3.44 ttt (0.2085) 1/76-7/85 AHEI 12 rionth 0.8770 1.37 (0.2755) Notes: Method of ilorents standard errors are 101 level, It m parentheses, t Represents signiHcince at the and ttt represent significance at the 51 and II levels, respectively. TABLE 5 TESTS OF PERFECT SUBSTITUTABILITY 3SLS Regressions of e on ^^.k. averaqe Dates Data Set Ecsnosist 3 :ionth 6/31-12/85 B=.5 t: 0.8723 t: pll) B=l fd k Proo DF / r a=0, B=l 2.81 III -0.?6 0.13 184 0.000 4.33 III -1.53 0.32 124 0.000 4.26 ttt -2.04 U 0.27 184 0.000 -2.06 tt 0.21 171 NA 1.59 0.33 179 0.000 (0.1327) Eccncsist 3 ncnth 4/31-12/35 0.87i3 (0.0730) Econosist 12 Month 6/81-12/85 0.3373 (0.0793) nnS I 10/84-2/86 Honth (1.0445) 1/B3-10/84 nns 3 nonth 0.4672 -0.10 (0.3354) (1) Average p is the sean across countries of the first order auto-regressive coeHicients. Notes: Asyeptotic standard errors are in parentheses. 101 level, tt I Represents significance at the and ttt represent significance at the 5J and IZ levels, respectively. TABLE 6 TESTS OF EXCESSIVE SPECULATION Regressions of As^_^j^ - s^^^ on l^^^^ F test Djti Set Econoiist Dati Dates B i/81-12/B5 1.0162 t: B=0 t: 2.49 tt BM R DF DK a^O, Prob ) 3^0 0.0< 0.49 S09 4.79 0.000 (0.4104) Econ 3 Honth i/6!-12/S5 l.iMl 3. 46 tU 1.32 0.26 1E4 2.91 0.010 3.75 Ul 2.27 tl 0.41 174 3.54 0.002 -2.48 It 0.67 14? 6.32 0.000 6.07 O.OOO 3." 002 (0.4664) Econ 6 Konth 6/31-12/85 2.5325 (0.6746) Econ 12 rionth 6/S1-12/85 -0.3005 -0.57 (0.5241) .ins 1 '.ieek, 1 «onth 10/34-2/26 - 1.2561 3.54 III 0.72 0.24 414 3.90 »H 0.50 0.1* 242 7.09 lU -1.93 0.19 :;9 12. !2 0.000 2.76 IIJ 0.65 0.23 171 Ml o."10 (0.:544) "KS 1 Keek 10/84-2/96 1,1476 1.34 (0.2939) MS ! Seek. S'JR 10/S4-2/36 0.7E53 t (0.1109) '"1«S 1 north 10/34-2/86 1.3063 (0.4741) nnS 2 Week, 3 Honth 1/B3-I0/34 1.0474 F TABLE 7 TESTS OF RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS OLS Regressions of As - As on F Dates Data Set B l.i?03 4/81-12/B5 Eccnoaist Data t: B=0 DF R 1.41 fd test a=0, B=0 Prob > F 0.48 509 4.75 0.000 (1.0530) 6/31-12/35 Econ 3 nontn • 2.5127 1.95 1 0.14 184 1.31 0.25i 1.37 t 0.28 174 l.^s 0.194 0.42 0.67 149 b.Ol O.O(m) 2.42 It 0.20 171 2.54 0.030 2.60 It 0.66 182 11.93 O.COO 2.72 tit 0.33 56 2.i? 0.005 2.70 III 0.26 45 3.30 0.009 2.40 11 0.25 40 1.48 0.210 (1.2913) 6/81-12/35 Econ i Month 2.??i6 (1.5974) 6/81-12/85 Econ 12 flonth 0.5174 (1.2290) ?.K I 10/84-2/36 Honth 15.3945 (6.3520) NHS 3 1/83-10/84 Honth 6.0725 (2.3392) 1/76-7/85 AHEI Data 3.2452 (1.1675) flUEI 6 1/76-7/85 Honth 3.6346 (1.3437) AllEX 1/76-7/85 12 Honth 3.1031 (1.2954) Notes: flethod of Hoeents standard errors are K'Z level, II and Ml m parentheses, represent significance at the 57. and t Represents significance at the II levels, respectively. Econometric Issues APPENDIX GENERAL 1: Estimation of most of our equations tries, and some in is stack different coun- The complicated cases different forecast horizons, into a single equation. correlation pattern of the residuals, however, renders the samples. We performed using OLS. OLS standard errors incorrect in finite Several types of correlation are present. First, there induced correlation serial is by corresponding forecast horizon (up to eight times). ping observations imply that, a sampling This is interval the usual case under the null hypothesis, the error term is shorter m a than the which overlap- moving average process of an order equal to the frequency of sampling interval divided by the frequency of the horizon, minus one. Hansen and Hodrick (1980) propose using a method of moments (MoM) estimator for the standard errors in precisely the application studied here. Second, order to take advantage of the fact that the surveys covered four or five in currencies simultaneously, we pooled the regressions across countries. This type of pooling induces contemporaneous correlation in the residuals.^ Normally, Seemingly Unrelated Regressions should be used to exploit this correlation efficiently. the serial correlation induced The by overlapping observations makes model may be basic is number of periods the =-»^..P + SUR SUR later, here, however, inconsistent. (14) v,*, in the forecast horizon account for the two types of correlation ance mainx of use written as: )'o where k We in the residuals and with a / indexes the currency. MoM estimate of the covari- p: 0' =(XNT'XNTr'XsT'iiXNT(^'NT'XNT)"' '* Each currency in our pooled regressions was given the differences across currencies reasonable in view ot" ward Table di:>cuuiit (see We I of NBER m its the Working Paper version own consiant term. Tins modeling siralcgy seemed mosi magruiudes of both ex posi spot rau: chances and the lorol this study). (1-^') -2- where X^x is the matrix of regressors of size of the unrestricted covariance matrix, ^''J">= TTFIT SS = otherwise where r is V,^v,_t^ Q for N (countries) times T (time). The j)lh element (/ is: mr-r<A:<wr+r ; m=C N-l (15) . MA the order of the process, v,.^^ is the OLS residual, and k = \i-j\. We cases, this imrestricted estimate of £2 uses well over 100 degrees of freedom.'^ estimated a restricted covariance matrix, aUt+lT, i-k+pT) = 1 ^-^ y" S = These restrictions have the lation functions of the ance parameters - otherwise down if \=p therefore and -r < k < r . (16) . effect of averaging the OLS some with typical element: (OU+IT, i-k+pT) s-\s-\ f Q In own-currency and cross-currency autocorre- residuals, respectively, bringing the number of independent covari- to 2r. Tests of forward discount unbiasedness also provide an opportunity to aggregate across different forecast horizons (though we are unaware of anyone who has done this, even with the standard forward discount data), adding a third pattern of correlation in the residuals. stacking seems appropriate in this case because forward discount generally, rather than at we wish to study the predictive any particular time horizon. Such power of Moreover, a MoM the esti- mator which incorporates several forecast horizons has appeal beyond the particular application '* The number of independent parameters in the covanattce matru does not affect the asymptotic covariance. a$ long as these parameters are estimated consistently (see Hansen (1982)). sample properties of the MoM estimator svorscn as the Nevertheless, one suspects thai the small- number of nuisance parameters to be estimated iiKrcascs. -3- studied here because it compuialionaliy simpler than competing tecliniques and is at the time can be more efficient than single k-step-ahead forecasting equations estimated with To MoM. demonstrate the precise nature of the correlation induced by such aggregation, con- sider the stochastic process, Y,, finite same second moments. We which is stationary and ergodic in first differences denote the k period change in y from period t-k to t and has as >,*, and 1-1 the h period change as the innovations, vf where These = >>/' and v^ ]^>'*_,t, where h = nk for any positive integer n.'^ We then define as: vf = y,*-E(>-,M 0,^) vf = (17) >•,*- £(>•,"! <>,_,) includes present and lagged values of the vector of right-hand-side variables, x*. ^, facts allow us to write the covariance matrix of the innovations as: v; I=£ where the (/,y)th element of each submatrix of I function, evaluated at ^ = A*^-£(vNf^) / = =E(vNf^) = = " A'^' A" is equal to the corresponding autocovariancc ?.* if \q\ othenvise >i;; if l<7l oibcrwise <k , </, , The following example can easily be generalized lo allow It and k to be any positive integers. It is also possicombine in a similar fashion more than two different forecast horizons. Indeed, we combine three horizons in the Economist dau estimates m the regressions below. Because these extensions yield no additional msights and come at the cost of more complicated algebra, however, we retain the simple example above. ble to (18) -J: = Af,^ [^,'< (19) -4- Af^ =£(vy^) = X^ = E( vNf^) = XJ* = In this context consider the if 0<<7 <Jt if -/I < otherwise < <? . aggregated model: =x,p + y, where = y,' the usual b',***' y/'+v.l, x,' MoM estimate s is [.r*' x!"] and v,' = v, [v,*^' (21) The OLS estimate of P then has vf^l. of the sample covariance matrix: Q where Z (20) — (XzNT X;nt) a consistent estimate of I, and is X2nt^X2«jt(X2NT Xjnt) formed by using the OLS residuals to estimate the autocovariance and crosscovariance functions in equations (19) and (20). One might think that by stacking forecast horizons, as asymptotic efficiency always results than words, that 0' - 0^ is if we in equation (21), greater only the shorter-term forecasts are used, in other positive semidefinite. only additional estimates we do After all, the sample size has doubled, and the require are nuisance parameters of the covariance matrix. inmition would be correct for asymptotically efficient estimation strategies, such as likehhood. reflect the But because OLS weights each observation equally, the average precision of the data. It follows that if the MoM covariance This maximum estimates longer-term forecasts are sufficiently imprecise relative to the shorter-term forecasts, the precision of the estimate of p drops: we could actually lose efficiency by adding this potential loss in cast horizons. more asymptotic efficiency, and show Efficiency is most find a the Economist and marked increase Amex how it is we demonsu^ate related to the disparity in fore- likely to increase if the longer-term forecast horizon relatively small multiple of the shorter-term horizon. we In the appendix data. in precision samples), but or a Indeed, in the forthcoming regressions from stacking across forecast horizons when little is no increase in precision when r = 2 (in = 4 or 6 (in r -5- MMS the samples). above Finally, the estimates of the covariance matrix need not be positive definite Newey and West in small samples. that discounts MoM the jth order autocovariance by positive definite in finite sample. question of we sions how tried small m = 2: to guarantee positive definiteness. Newey and West value of m In the themselves suggest) and m upcoming regres- = 2r; we report because they were consistently larger than those using we show how the asymptotic efficiency of the by aggregating over forecast horizons. Consider affected method-of-moments >•*+* y, £(€f+t regressor, I = Y,^ - Y, and the error term j:,V,*-i ,..-.y*,>',*-i ....) j:*, but may = 0. yU For the two aggregated ' orthogonal to the present and past values of x and Our example below considers ....,)*,>*_, ,...) are jointly covariance stationary, then the ' (Al) the simple case of a single easily be extended to a vector of righthand-side variables. innovations \>,^ = £(>'*l-r,V*., iid is MMS data sets and = r|,^ E(j:*I.v*a,-i Wold decomposition = £5,u,^., + £Y,r|,^_, + in Table resulted in a nonpositivc semi-deftniie covariance matrix. 6, a value oi m = r ,.). If -v " Tlie regressioru reported in the text We estimated sundard errors. errors. assume homosccdasticity. D* tJie Concern often tried a hctcrosccdaslicity-consistcnt estimator arxJ We choose tlie and y implies that: was used Tins correction reduced y*,>'*-i Define the (A2) after finding that standard errors m in these = 1r two re- gressions by an average of only 3 percent. the prediction errors. esti- the model: y,V=-r,*p + ef^ where stan- EFFICIENCY AND POOLING OVER FORECAST HORIZONS In this appendix is covanance matrix the Nevertheless, for any given sample size, there remains the must be latter l-0/('" + l)). making }^ APPENDIX mator m (which r dard errors using the the former. ^^ (1985) offer a corrected estimate of the covariance matrix arises about iKleroscedasticity in found that the correction resulted in lower conservative route of reporting the results with the larger estimated standard -6 where D^ y. We That is, is the deterministic component of y and , are primarily concerned with the case in which x^ is the best imbiased forecast of >*+*. under the null hypothesis of forward discount unbiasedness, fJ* Thus we assume tor of the future spot rate change, 4Lr,+t. information for forecasting We h = nk. includes past and present values of x and <>, so that £0'*+* v,*^, define analogously the h !<!),) = an efficient predic- is that a* already contains all relevant £"(>'*+* 'v,*). period change in Y,^ as v/U = ^ ^ y,*^_^t_, , where Using equations (Al) and (A2) we then have: y/U = X£s,u,v,-,t-, + XXv.Tl.w,-;*-, + o; (A2') n-1 £^(y*^l«t>,)= These facts imply that the k tionary with finite second £ X it moments. -1 order Z Z + and h period prediction we assume If ary with finite variance, then E{q^q^^j) be expressed as a 5.'»-^-;t-. = for ; moving average Similarly, from equation (A2') we have > errors, ef^ that q^ A-, Y.^.^-;*-. +^y' and ef+v,. = ef^.v* and and E(q^q^^^) = respectively, are sta- <?/" = ill^x^ are for ; station- > h. Thus ^* can process: I <?,*= £a,v,^_, thai q^ may (A3) be written as a /;-! order moving average process: n-l h-\ ^,''= ZZ ^.V,-**-;*-, (A3') (A4) +*->*- n-2 where c,,_^_ = X£/(„^)t_. The covariance generating function for ^* is denoted by X'^(r), Pl=y where t-i i-l *-1 (A5) Using equation (A4), the covariance generating function X''(z) where = \^{z)+ -^^%^ \''(z)+ for "^" c^l" can be written '^ ;^ X'"'\z) is a complicated generating function of the a,'s specify here. Finally, the covariance generating function, + as: (A5') 2X''^'u-) and <r, 's X'"'{z)= a; which we need not ^ X'^;^;*' ^'^ ^^ rewritten as: X"^ where X'"^\z) Now is (r ) = i^ X-" (.- ) + -^-^ X^ + another generating function of the a,'s and consider the asymptotic MoM covariance V^\z ( c,'s. matrix of VF (p - P) from equation (A I): e' = {Kr\''(z) where X^ = ,'^ T'^'^x^xf. If we add (A7) longer-term forecast data, our model in the A6) is that of 1=1 equation (21) above, with asymptotic covariance matrix: 0= = By substitution, we have that (X,'; + ©' > 0- Kr' if (X'iz ) and only r I + x^co + if: 2X"^(.-)) (A8) > n^ 'A K 1+ + n X"(--) Equation (A9) says same K 3+- 1/6 X' (r )+\' (.- H2(?i'"' that the variance of the longer-ierm data, , if term forecasts to data sets of only shorter-term forecasts. we )+X'"\z ))-X^ >i''(--) as or greater than the relative forecasting interval, n increases, '(-- ?i5, we must increase at a rate the are to gain by adding longer- Thus as the forecastmg interval require correspondingly greater variability of the regreSsors in order to compen- sate for the greater variability of the forecast errors. One might think that the result in equation (A9) is a consequence of weighting the more imprecise longer-term predictions equally with the predictions of shorter-term. downweighted the longer-term is we would always data, not the case. In the remaining space, and show that the efficiency of we gain in efficiency. It Perhaps if we turns out that this construct a consistent, optimally weighted estimator this estimator may still worsen asymptotically by adding in the longer-term forecasts. In most circumstances, GLS have different levels of precision. overlapping observations. is represents the optimal weighting strategy GLS when the data however, inconsistent when used on a model with is, Thus we consider instead a weighted least squares estimator which optimal within a class of consistent estimators. Consider a transformation of the model in equation (il), which stacks the shorier- and longer-term data: IV y, where W is sistent for a diagonal matrix. The = VVx,P + \V\, MoM any arbitrary diagonal matrix W estimate of p . To (AlO) in equation (AlO), see this, note that the MoM pn- , will be con- estimate of equa- tion (AlO), p^v, inay be written as: -1 Vr(pH,-p) = ''2NT ^'^'''INT (All) 9- V 7T Z' - X^.-H-,,- 2T ^ X-r,v,»v,r =1 The term in equation (All) converges final in equation £(v, Ix,) (A 10) = is in probability to zero, provided that the error term conditionally independent of the contemporaneous value of the regressor, (this is just the estimating equation (AlO)). Gauss-Markov assumption required Suppose now that we choose W where 0^ is the MoM That is: 0^ ©' - (A12) asymptotic covariance matrix of pn ©' = (x,^TWh,^j)-\,^j'\V'i^W\,^j(x,f,j'Whi,^j)- By normalizing the weight on every shorter-term data point to one, show that the in optimally in order to maximize the gain in efficiency from adding longer-term forecasts to our shoner-lerm data. w OLS for the consistency of optimal weight placed on each longer-term observation (A13) it is straightforward to is: \'^ X^'-(.-)-X^-'^(r) ^h = (A 14) X*>.^(--)-XiX'^(.-) Note that m-^* will always be positive if the data sets are uncorrelated, i.e. if X'^(r) = 0. In other words, appropriately weighted independent information can always improve efficiency, no matter how imprecise the new may information be. But, the nature of the correlation between contemporaneous longer-term and shorter-term predictions implies weight given to longer-term data in may be equation (A 14) becomes negative. tive variance shown zero. This occurs of the longer-term forecasts. that a sufficient condition for In particular, n',,' to (w if n is yi\ that the will be zero if the is: 1) ^ — -I- > numerator too large in comparison with the rela- Using equations (A5"), (A6) :md (A 14), be zero optimal it can be (A15) - Thus, while the standard errors reponed 10- in the text indicate that for obtain improvements in efficiency, this result is with considerably longer forecast horizons, even not likely to apply when the data are for the greater variance of the longer-term forecast errors. this potential loss in efficiency is a direct mation strategy. small values of n one It is MoM estimation of data downweighted worth stressing maximum to account in closing that consequence of our limited information Full information techniques, such as may MoM esti- likelihood estimation, will consistently achieve nonzero gains in asymptotic efficiency with the addition of longer-term dau. 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