.^''^^'^x '•^-. Ocvt^ HD28 .M414 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT HOLDING COSTS AND EQUILIBRIUM ARBITRAGE BY BRUCE TUCKMAN AND JEAN-LUC VILA LATEST VERSION: JUNE 1992 WORKING PAPER NO: 3437-92-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 HOLDING COSTS AND EQUILIBRIUM ARBITRAGE BY BRUCE TUCKMAN AND JEAN-LUC VILA LATEST VERSION: JUNE WORKING PAPER NO: 1992 3437-92-EFA AUG 2 7 \ HOLDING COSTS AND EQUILIBRIUM ARBITRAGE Bruce TUCKMAN Stem School of Business, New York University, Jean-Luc New York, NY 10006, USA VILA Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, June, 1992 MA 02139, USA Abstract In a world were trading If arbitrageurs face unit is costless, assets with identical cash flows must have identical prices. time costs, or holding costs, the prices of these assets need not be equal, i.e the assets can be relatively mispriced. This paper constructs a dynamic model of the equilibrium determination of prices under costly arbitrage. (i) Our analysis reveals that: Mispricing and arbitrage can exist in a market equilibrium. (ii) (iii) Riskless arbitrage arguments may not provide tight bounds around observed market Arbitrage activity reduces equilibrium mispricing and liquidity shocks are transient and conditionally is particularly effective prices. when volatile. We would like to thank John Heaton for helpful comments and suggestions. Also Jean-Luc Vila wishes to acknowledge flnancial support from the International Financial Services Research Center at the Sloan School of Management. Acknowledgments : 1 1. Introduction The notion of arbitrage is extremely useful in markets without frictions. Researchers define arbitrage as a set of transactions which costs nothing and yet risklessly provides positive cash flows. They then assume that arbitrage opportunities never exist and derive precise implications about relative prices. The presence of market frictions, however, reduces the usefulness of arbitrage arguments. In when market the simplest of models, trading costs lower arbitrage profits. Therefore, admit riskless profit opportunities inclusive prices do admit such opportunities, arbitrageurs stake will eventually come back of trading costs, arbitrageurs do nothing. all they have prices do not When market on the sure proposition that prices into line. Richer models of arbitrage activity recognize that arbitrageurs may take positions even simple, buy-and-hold arbitrage strategy does not furnish riskless profit opportunities. In model,' Tuckman and if the one such Vila (1992a) constrain market mispricings so that they never violate the riskless arbitrage bounds. Nevertheless, risk averse arbitrageurs facing unit-time costs, or holding costs, take a finite, risky position if and only if mispricings are large enough. This result raises the possibility that arbitrageurs routinely find and take advantage of market mispricings, i.e. arbitrage may exist in a market equilibrium. This paper embeds the in Tuckman and Vila (1992a) model in a dynamic, equilibrium setting order to explore the effects of market frictions and arbitrage activity on equilibrium prices. The model assumes that there are two Each bond issue trades in respects, they are its segmented distinct own bond issues which generate identical cash flows over time. market. Furthermore, while the two markets are identical in in that investors in these assumptions the two bonds would sell for one market cannot trade the same price, adding Brennan and Schwartz (1990) and Hodges and Neuberger (1989) are other examples. in the other. random all While under liquidity shocks to 2 each market drives the prices of the bonds apart. Finally, risk-averse arbitrageurs facing holding costs trade across the two markets to take advantage of any price deviations which do occur. Many lessons emerge from the equilibrium prices determined through this model. First, because arbitrageurs do not take large enough positions to bring prices immediately back into line, mispricings and arbitrage activity are consistent with market equilibrium. Second, because arbitrageurs take positions even when no riskless profit opportunities are available, equilibrium prices are well within the riskless arbitrage bounds. This finding implies that models based arguments, like many in the option replication literature,' observed prices. Third, arbitrage activity may not provide on riskless arbitrage usefully tight bounds on reduces both the magnitude and unconditional variance of the mispricing process.' Fourth, arbitrageurs are most effective in eliminating mispricings shocks are transient and conditionally liquidity often volatile. This last when the finding serves as a microeconomic foundation for the recent literature on the connection between investor impatience and market mispricings. De Long et al. (1990) and Lee et al. {\99\) have hypothesized that investors' short term horizons allow for persistent deviations from fundamental values. Shleifer and Vishny (1990) argue that when mispricings increase in asset maturity, risk averse corporate managers will pursue short term objectives. The present analysis reveals that the nature of holding costs cause arbitrageurs to react most forcefully to mispricings stemming from causes which tend to disappear relatively quickly. This paper contributes not only to the arbitrage pricing literature, but also to the growing literature costs,^ on imperfect While the impact of frictions costs,^ ^Scc Consiantinides (1986), Davis and aL (1989), Tuckman and is holding relatively Leiand (1985) and Boyle and Votst (1992). See Grossman and Miller (1988), FremauU (1991) and Holden (1990) for similar 'Sec such as trading borrowing constraints,' or market incompleteness' on dynamic investment strategy ^Sec, for atampic, ^ financial markets. Vila (1992). Norman results in a sutic framework. (1990), Davis, Panas and Zariphopoulou (1991), Duffie and Sun (1989), Fleming a 3 well understood, little is known about the impact of these frictions While some recent papers have addressed this question, on equilibrium price processes. they focus on trading costs rather than holding costs/ Finally, this paper has important welfare implications. Because most investors face relatively high transaction costs, their activities alone cannot ensure that marginal rates of return are equated across markets. While arbitrageurs are better suited Therefore, paper's analysis can be viewed as a study which relates a this to the ineffiencies Section I it 11 describes holding costs and many The common market how they affect arbitrage activity. The first The second subsection develops the equilibrium model without example which explores the model's implications. Section model in the presence of arbitrageurs. *See Grossman and Vila (1992), Vila and Zariphopoulou (1990), IV presents a numerical V concludes and suggests avenues for future research. (1991 a and argues that subsection discusses the essential elements of any third subsection develops the equilibrium He and Pearson imperfection activity. It also Section HI demonstrates the solution method for the model. Section ^See frictions as well. different arbitrage contexts. describes the model. model of equilibrium arbitrage arbitrageurs. some generates. holding costs are important in Section for this function, they face He and Peareon (1991 a and b). 'See Ayagari and Gertler (1991), Heaton and Lucas (1992) and Vayanos and Vila (1992). b). 2. Holding Costs and Risky Arbitrage Markets provide many examples of Some common distinct portfolios which generate identical cash flows. instances are a forward or futures contract vs. a levered position in the spot asset, a bond denominated in one currency vs. forward contract, and a coupon bond a bond denominated vs. a another currency plus a cross-currency in cash-flow matched portfolio of other coupon bonds. Qansider two such portfolios, one "red" and one "green." Although they generate identical cash flows, assume that, for amount A. Assuming that some reason, the market prices of the portfolios, Pr and Pq, differ by an Pr > Pg, arbitrageurs facing no purchase the green portfolio, realizing a riskless profit In reality, short-sale agreements are arbitrageur must will demand arranged borrow the securities frictions will short the red portfolio of A. more complex. from someone In order to short the red portfolio, an willing to lend them. Furthermore, the lender collateral in order to protect his position. Therefore, the arbitrage transaction will in the following manner: lend Pr to the holder of the securities equivalently, post an interest-bearing security worth be in the red portfolio (or, Pr), take the securities as collateral and sell them purchase the green portfolio, and borrow P^. This set of transactions generates no cash flows for Pr, today, but assures the realization of the future value of If markets were arbitrageurs change would take this story in frictionless, the equilibrium infinite quantities two important ways. a risky investment opportunity A upon value of closing the position. A must equal 0. Were maximum out riskless arbitrage requires only that when confronted with smaller values of A not vanish quickly enough, the total holding costs will Holding costs appear in many not so, A be less possible holding costs. Second, arbitrageurs face : if A vanishes quickly enough, the costs of the arbitrage will be small and the transaction will have proved profitable. A does it of the arbitrage position described above. Holding costs First, ruling than or equal to the present value of the hand, and arbitrage contexts. First, swamp If, on the other the realized gains. shorting any spot security or 5 commodity least will often result in unit time costs since arbitrageurs must usually sacrifice the use of at some of the large client bases holding costs short sale proceeds. It is true that, in the case of stocks, brokerage houses with assume short positions almost when short-selling stocks. Second, since part of margin deposits often charge a per annum may not earn costlessly. Nevertheless, smaller arbitrageurs futures market positions interest. Third, may generate banks making markets rate over the life of the contract. Fourth, when in do incur unit time costs forward contracts collateral requirements cause deviations from desired investment strategies, these requirements are essentially generating unit time 3. costs.' The Model Preliminaries 3.1. Any model of equilibrium arbitrage must 1) posit the existence of two distinct assets which generate identical cash flows, 2) assume some forces which cause the prices of these assets to and 3) restrict investor differ, and arbitrageur behavior so that price differences do not vanish as soon as they appear. As discussed in the previous section, there are many examples of distinct assets which generate identical cash flows. This model assumes that there exist two distinct bond issues with identical coupons and maturities. For ease of exposition, one of the while the other will consist of "green" bonds. Not in much effort issues will consist of "red" bonds, would be required to recast the model terms of the other mentioned examples. The prices of the red and green bonds may tend to differ for a number of reasons. For A See Tuckman and Vila (1992) for references supporting these bond market. the magnitude of holding cxsts in the U.S. Treasury institutional details. Also see that paper for a detailed description of 6 example, the bonds might be traded by different clienteles with different valuation of this sort may have developed for historical reasons or may exist for institutional reasons. reason for price differences across these markets might be temporary supply and due rules. Clienteles to microstructure imperfections. In any case, because this paper aims Another demand imbalances at explaining the process which constrains these price differences, no serious effort has been made to model the source of price differences. Instead, the markets with buy and model assumes that noise traders occasionally shock the red and green bond assumed that the demand that these shocks affect bond for the individual Because close substitutes demand To ensure sell orders. exist for for individual financial assets is issues most financial same to a will buy assets, the it is furthermore elastic. more usual assumption become important. For example, asset differently, thus generating a curve. Similarly, to the extent that an asset low transaction costs not perfectly prices, is that the perfectly elastic. But, in the presence of market frictions, considerations other than the existence of substitutes different tax brackets value the is market is at higher prices investors in downward-sloping demand purchased after the sale of other assets, investors with than investors with high transaction costs, again leading downward-sloping demand curve. This model employs the tax motivation because, as shown below, the functional form of the sloping demand curve demand curve can be will translate liquidity Finally, price differences segmentation of the markets; if And these migrations any downward- shocks into price differences across markets. must not vanish as they appear. This certainly requires some one bond market can investors in price differences will result in migrations market. easily derived. But, note that from the will, in turn, relatively easily purchase bonds in the other, dear market to the relatively cheap equalize the red and green bond prices. While market segmentation seems a reasonable assumption from the point of view of many investors, arbitrageurs can usually trade across markets. Nevertheless, arbitrageur activity might not be sufficient to force prices back into line. Possible assumptions which limit arbitrageur positions are exogenous position 7 limits (see Brennan and Schwartz Holden (1990)), oligopolistic behavior (see (1990)), or non- synchronous trading across the two markets (see Fremault (1990) and (1991)). Here, arbitrageurs are assumed to be risk-averse and to face holding costs when As shorting bonds. in Tuckman and (1992a), these assumptions imply that optimal arbitrage positions are not necessarily large Vila enough to eliminate price differences across markets. 3.2. Equilibrium pricing without arbitrageurs Turning to the model of this paper, begin by assuming that there are two one red and one green, trading and entitle holders to $d at the coupon payments are taxable Finally, investors in two Both bond distinct markets. issues who buy bonds own to $l+d issues, tax rates, but there are no at maturity. The capital gains taxes. plan to hold them until maturity.'* Then, letting r discount rate for after-tax cash flows, the value of a bond to an investor with tax rate market, bond mature n periods from now end of each period before maturity and to investors at their distinct denote the t, in either is V(x)=lilll2[l-—i_].-J_ (l*r)"' ' (1-r)" ^^^ = For a given bond price, ?„, V(0) - 2i[l-__L_] an investor with tax rate t . will want to buy bonds if P„ < V„(t). Solving (1) for t shows that investors with tax rate t will want to buy bonds so long as This assumes that investors are myopic price to their a sale in the the analogy own expectation that prices will is Tuckman and in the following sense. When valuation under a buy and hold strategy. But this strategy misleading: an investor rise. who is sell While one might be tempted to think of the decision to sells, i.e. exercises, can repurchase the show that the myopic strategy is sometimes optimal. context of the present model will be left as a subject for future research. Vila (1992b) deciding to buy or a bond, they compare the market not necessarily optimal, since investors bond In sell in may prefer to delay terms of exercising an option, later and sell yet again. In fact, in a related context, any case, careful modeling of investor decisions in the ^ r V(Q)-Pn ^ d 1 ,_ (l*rr , ' To the derive a number of given by ot. demand curve for the bonds, investors with tax rates From assume below some these assumptions and (2), the t in (2) • that investors i) buy at most 1 bond and ii) each of the red and green bond markets demand function in each market, D„(P„), is is given by D (P ) = ar f^ V(0)-P -±1 1 .,s . '(l*r)- Assume that the quantity of each bond noise traders, the market price in each issue available for investor trading bond market would be the P„ which is Q. In the absence of solves D„(P„) presence of noise traders, however, can cause the prices of the red and green bonds to Noise traders enter the markets to sell = Q. The differ. or to buy. Let Lr,„ and Lq „ be the cumulative amount of noise trading in the red and green bond markets, respectively. By convention, positive quantities denote supply shocks while negative quantities denote demand shocks. there are Lr_„-Lr^„+i sellers in the market for red bonds. Lr_„^,-Lr_„ buyers. As in other papers,'' no explicit If, If, for instance, Lr.„>Lr^o+i on the other hand, LR.n<LR,n+i, there are model of the sources of noise trading will be presented. Finally, note that noise trading shocks affect the quantity of bonds available for investor trading: the supply of red shock is Q + bonds after the shock is Q + Lr^, while the supply of green bonds after the Lo„. In the absence of arbitrageurs, the equilibrium prices in the red Po.n, respectively, are "Sec and green markets, determined by the following equations: for instance, Kyle (1985), DeLong et. al. (1990), Fremault (1990 and 1991) and Holden (1990). Pr_„ and ar V (0) -J ^_ - P^„ / ^ -O^W. ^ and (43) '(1-rr T ^_ ^ 1 ^ ^«- • (4b) Solving for the prices, PR.n = V„(0)-e„(Q + L^J (5a) PG.„ = V„(0)-e„(Q + (5b) LG,„) where 6„ = " Of particular bonds. Letting A„ = interest Prj, - is A[1-_L_]. ar ' the difference between the price of red bonds and the price of green and using the pricing equations Pg,„ (6) (l+r)" A„ (5), the relative mispricing equals = e„L„ (7) with Equilibrium pricing with arbitrageurs 3.3. Arbitrageurs can now be introduced into the model. Let x„ be the number of green bonds bought by arbitrageurs and the number of red bonds sold by arbitrageurs. The optimal choice of will An be discussed below. For now, consider the effect of arbitrage on the mispricing > 0, i.e. if positive. P^o > Pon, arbitrageurs will Furthermore, x„ will want to sell red A„. If L„ bonds and buy green bonds, so > x„ and x^ will be be added to the supply of red bonds and added to the demand of green bonds. Adjusting equations (5a) and (5b) accordingly and subtracting (5b) from (5a) to obtain A„ for this case, A„ = e„(L„-2x„). Notice that arbitrage activity lowers the relative mispricing. 10 If <0 and A„ < L„ 0, i.e. P|^„ < want to buy red bonds and Pg„, arbitrageurs will be added bonds, so x„ will be negative. Furthermore, x„ will supply of green bonds. In = 8„(L„-2x„) and case also A„ this to the demand for red sell green bonds and to the arbitrage activity reduces the relative mispricing. Summarizing this discussion, adjusting supply and demand in the bond markets to account for arbitrageur activity changes the mispricing A^ from (7) to A„ By model definition, x„ is the sum of consists of a strategy {x„} strategy given the evolution of = 8„(L„-2x„), (8) positions across arbitrageurs. Therefore, an equilibrium in this and a process {Aj, and { A„} such that 1) each arbitrageur chooses an optimal 2) the resulting {x„}, in turn, generates the process {An} given by (8). For simplicity, assume that they maximize their expected utilities exists a representative arbitrageur terminal wealth. To all arbitrageurs have negative exponential utility functions and that of wealth as of the date the bonds mature. In that case, there with negative exponential solve for equilibrium prices, then, utility who maximizes expected utility of one must solve the investment problem of the representative arbitrageur. Begin with the value of an arbitrage position from one period to the next. Assume for the moment that A„ > 0, i.e. Pn„ > Pg,,. As discussed in the previous section, the arbitrageur will buy x„ green bonds, borrow x„PG.n dollars, short position is c is red bonds, and lend x„Pr,„ dollars, x„ > 0. Next period the worth x„PG,n.i-x„PR.„., where x„ + x„PR.„(l+r)-x„PG.„(l+r)-cix,| =x„[A„(l+r)-A„.,]-cK|, the holding cost incurred for maintaining a short position over the period. If (9) A„ < 0, the expression does not change, but x„ will be negative: the arbitrage position entails buying green bonds and shorting red bonds. 11 Let W„ be the wealth of the representative arbitrageur following the strategy are n periods to maturity. From the above discussion, his wealth one period later, {x^} W„.„ when there is = W„(l+r)+x.[A„(l + r)-A„..]-c|x„|. W„., DeGning w„ = W„(l+r)°, 8„ = = w„ + w„., = A„(l+r)", and c„ x„ [ 5„- 5„., ] (10) c(l+r)°, (10) can be rewritten as -c„.,lx„| (11) . Equation (11) and the objective, discussed above, to maximize the expected value of -exp(-Awo), given A>0, completes the specification of the representative arbitrageur's investment problem {AJ. The model can be completed by liquidity shocks, {L„}. For simplicity value with n periods to maturity 7r(n,L„) 3.4. and a value L„., = L„ - is it L„, will specifying an exogenous stochastic process for the net be assumed that {L^} evolves as a binomial process: then it will take on the value L„., = L„ + u if its with probability u with probability l-ji(n,L„). Model Solution This section begins by solving the representative arbitrageur's investment problem. Let V(w„,L„,n) = max maturity and the E„[-exp(-Awo)] where E„ denotes the expectation maximum is over the strategy {x„}. By the when there are n periods to principle of optimality in dynamic programming, V(w ,L ,n) = max {ir(n,L)V(w+xr5(L)-5 ,(L+u)l-c ,|x|,L +u,n-l) + (l-7r(n,L))V(w„.xJ5„(L)-V,(L-u)]-c„JxJ,L-u,n-l)} Also, because the mispricing must vanish at the maturity date, the is V(wo,L^O) = initial condition of the problem -exp(-Awo). Because of the special form of the utility function, V(w„,L„,n) is separable in wealth and the 12 and can be written arbitrage opportunity as exp{-Aw„}J(L„,n). Using this fact, (12) J(L,n) =max{jr(n,L)e"^""'*-"-'"*"^'^*"""^-'"""j(L +u,n-l) becomes * (l-«(n,L))e-^"'"'*"'^'-*"^"--""-'"^"-"j(L -u,n-l)} with condition J(Lo,0) initial To = solve for the optimal strategy as a function of 5„, begin as follows. If S„ increases with a move to fi„.,(Ln+u) while the mispricing decreases with a the per period arbitrage profits + c„.„ of the position i.e. if 8„, x„ = 0. On profitable is -1. is is x„ (8„-ftn-i-Cn-i). the position will not profitable even the other hand, even when the fi„ < when is falls. the mispricing to 6„.,(Ln-u). Since never be profitable the relative mispricing + c„., 5„.,(L„+u) move > 0, if fi„ < ft„.i(L„-u) So, for these value inconsistent with equilibrium; if the position relative mispricing rises, prices furnish a risldess arbitrage inclusive of holding costs and the optimal x„ would equal +». In the intermediate range, 8„.,(L„+u) Xn 5„ > fi„.,(L„-u) + c„., can be found by solving the optimization problem (13) to obtain ^ Ln = X A[(5 ,(L +u)-6 ,(L -u)] where (H)* = Max {H, If fin 8„ + c„., > < < 0, similar J(k-".»-n ^'^^"'^"^ 'Sn(k)-'S„-l(k-")-Cn-» { (14) J 7r(n,L ,+6 ,(L +u)-6 (L c ) J(L +u,n-l) ) 0}. arguments reveal that x„=0 when fi„ > fin.,(Ln+u) -Co., while x„ = -«> when 5^,(L^,-u)-c^,. In the intermediate range, > fi^,(L„+u)-c„., the optimal x„ is > fi„.,(L„-u)-c„., given by 1 l-7r(n,L) A(6 n-l,(L +u)-6 ,(L * ' 'J n n-l^ n -u)l 7r(n,L ^ n') I where fi„ ' 5 (L )-5 ,(L -u)+c , J(L -u,n-l) , (\s\ (L ) J(L +u,n-l)' -c n-1 +6 n-1^ ,(Ln +u)-(5 n^n'^'n ' (H)=Min{H;0} To solve for the equilibrium values of x„ and fi„, rewrite the equilibrium condition (8) in terms 13 of5„: 8„ = e„(l+rr(L„-2x„). Then, solve (16) simultaneously with (14) or illustrates the The dotted solution (16) (15), as appropriate. For the case 5„ > 0, Figure optimal position size and the equilibrium condition as a function of the mispricing line represents the mispricing which generates infinite arbitrage activity. 1 b„. The simultaneous given by the intersection of the two functions. is INSERT Given the solution technique provide the solution for all n. The for any initial HGURE 1 n given the values at n-1, backward induction will condition of the problem gives J(-,0). This allows for the solution of X, and 5, along the lines described above. Then, substituting these values into (13) yields J(-,l). Proceeding in this fashion produces the entire mispricing process and the accompanying arbitrage strategy. 4. A Numerical Ejtample In order to illustrate the insights of the model, this section presents the solution of the with the following parameter values: d = 8% (annual bond coupon rate) r = 8% (annual after-tax discount factor) = a c 100 (number of investors = .5% in each market) (annual holding cost) A= .0001 (representative arbitrageur's coefficient of absolute risk aversion) T= 5 years (maturity of the Lr = (initial bond as of the starting date) net liquidity shock) Next, adjust the parameters to allow for different trading increments: h = length of the trading period model 14 N = ^ = number = (l+r)''-l dh = d tJt = per period coupon rate'^ c^ = c rjr = per period holding cost. Fh The discretization = of periods to maturity as of starting date per period interest rate above preserves the present value of the coupon and of the holding cost in the sense that l/h ^ d (l^Tj 1-r l/h and p E {l^Tj t-l 1-r Finally, define the stochastic evolution y^ = o Uj_ jr(n,L ) of the liquidity shock, L„, by setting and =max { min{ Ici-P^ryiT); -1 The process L„ dL, where db; = is a - is a discretized version of the pLjdt + } ; 1 } Omstein-Uhlenbeck process odb, Brownian Motion. In particular, it can be shown that the conditional expectation of the incremental liquidity shock (L„.,-L„) equals -p L„h+o(h) while o'h+o(h)." For the analysis that follows Uhlenbeck process has Hence it is useful to recall that, a stationary distribution which is the unconditional volatility of the liquidity shock standard deviation o and the persistence measure 1/p. sources of unconditional rhis assume that p>0. ; o 2 its if p is positive, the normal with mean comes from two As shown below, volatility. coupons are paid each period. '^For convergence results on this discretization scheme see Nelson and conditional variance equals Ramaswamy (1990). Omstein- and variance o^/2p. sources, the conditional arbitrage activity affects both 15 The rest of the bonds. its effects of The this section first is devoted to the effects of arbitrage on the relative mispricing subsection presents basic properties of the optimal arbitrage strategy x„ and on the mispricing process. dynamics of the mispricing process, 4.1. activity The second i.e. subsection analyzes the effects of arbitrage on the conditional moments of the on the mispricing. Basic results For the purpose of this subsection, net liquidity shock L„ follows a equals 4% it is sufficient to consider the case random walk, namely p =0. Also, set h = 1 where the cumulative day o = 4. (This volatility of the investor population.) Figure 2 shows the optimal position size taken by arbitrageurs as a function of the mispricing when the bonds mature in two years. For relatively small levels of mispricing, arbitrageurs do not take any position: the potential profits are not large enough relative to the potential accumulation of holding costs. For larger levels of mispricing, optimal position size increases with the mispricing. reader can consult Tuckman and Vila (1992a) for further discussion The on the properties of optimal arbitrage positions. INSERT HGURE 2 Figure 3 shows the equilibrium mispricing with and without arbitrageurs as a function of the net liquidity shock. Again, the bonds have two years INSERT For left to maturity. HGURE 3 relatively small net liquidity shocks, in absolute value, the difference between the red and green bond prices increases with the absolute value of the net liquidity shock. Furthermore, the mispricing is the same whether because, as seen from figure 2, arbitrageurs exist or not. Arbitrageurs they do not take positions when make no the mispricing is difference here relatively small. 16 For larger net liquidity shocks, in absolute value, the mispricing absolute value of the net liquidity shock, but arbitrage activity makes continues to increase with the a difference. Arbitrage activity lowers the mispricing substantially below that which would exist were there no arbitrageurs. Note that the mispricing with arbitrageurs flattens out at the arbitrage opportunities. This maximum mispricing consistent with no riskless bound equals the present value of the holding cost incurred by maintaining an arbitrage position until maturity. Two is lessons emerge from figure 3. First, when the equilibrium mispricing without arbitrageurs not zero, the equilibrium mispricing with arbitrageurs is also not zero. Due to holding costs and risk aversion, arbitrageurs bring prices closer into line but never eliminate mispricing altogether. Second, arbitrageurs often reduce mispricing to a level below that which transactions. Therefore, riskless arbitrage Table bounds market prices will will commonly trigger riskless arbitrage reflect these smaller mispricings and the no- not be binding. summarizes the effects of arbitrage 1 would activity on relative mispricings. Conditional on having five years to maturity, one can calculate the expected absolute mispricing and the standard deviation of the mispricing at the two year maturity mark. maximum absolute price deviation consistent with no-riskless arbitrage As reported is With two years in table only .0055. In riskless arbitrage 1, fact, is left to maturity, the .0089 per dollar face value. however, the average absolute price deviation in the presence of arbitrageurs the mean absolute price deviation without arbitrageurs is also below the no- bound. In short, the no-riskless arbitrage condition may not be very useful describing prices in markets with frictions. INSERT TABLE 1 in 17 4.2. Dynamics of the mispricing process This subsection studies the effects of arbitrageurs on the dynamics of the mispricing process. Define the process Z„ as Z„ = L„ Note that Z„ represents the arbitrageurs. Since processes L„ and Z„ This comparison is = A„ is liquidity 2x„. - (17) imbalance between the two markets = 9„L„ without arbitrageurs and A„ in the presence of 6„Z„ with arbitrageurs, comparing the equivalent to comparing the mispricing process with and without arbitrageurs. easier than studying the mispricing directly because L„ has very simple conditional moments: E These moments reveal (dL„|L„) = -pL„dt and Var (dL„|L„) that the effect of arbitrage activity can dZ Var E[-.^|LJ Z dt [ o^dt. be seen by comparing dZ I L ] and ' ' = " dt N with p and o respectively. First set the parameter values h = 1 day, p = mean remaining maturity of two years, figure 4 graphs the E[^ and o .5 dZ 1|L Z dt ' ] ^ = 4. For the Gve year bond with a reversion as a function of L„, i.e . " n INSERT For large absolute values of L„, the equilibrium mispricing bounds, as shown earlier in figure of L„. Consequently, Z„ is Z„=L„ and mean 3. Similarly, A„ approaches the mean reversion for small absolute values of L„, arbitrageurs reversion equals p=.5. riskless arbitrage X„ approaches some bound for large absolute values almost constant in these regions and At the other extreme, so HGURE 4 is very small. do not take any positions, 18 As L„ approaches in the the value at which arbitrageurs will take a position, there second derivative of the size of the arbitrage position. This kink causes is mean a discontinuity reversion to be very large. To summarize the insights provided by figure 4, when mispricings are very small, the presence of arbitrageurs has no effect on the rate at which mispricings vanish. For larger, but relatively small mispricings, arbitrage activity increases the rate at which mispricings vanish. Finally, for relatively large which mispricings vanish. mispricings, arbitrage activity reduces the rate at Figure 5 plots the function Var [dZ IL 1 > dt INSERT HGURE 5 Notice that arbitrage reduces the conditional variance of the mispricing process. Since A^ approaches when the risldess arbitrage bounds Ln large in absolute value, the conditional variance of the is mispricing and of Z^ must be particularly low. In other words, the reduction of conditional variance due to the activity of arbitrageurs The discussion now is most pronounced at high levels turns to the average values of the conditional values of p and o. Mathematically, define E p' and - [ n I dZ :. L z dt setting h = 1 ] I " day and o I (18a) L =0 (18b) ] L. =0 dt = 4, shows p' and INSERT TABLE As can be seen from for different '^ E., N 2, moments o' as Var [dZ IL = a' Table of mispricings. this table, arbitrageurs a' for different values of p. 2 cause the liquidity imbalance process Z„ to be less 19 conditionally volatile and a' does not change p. Hence if much liquidity Table 3, more mean with p, it reverting than the cumulative liquidity shock process L„. While can be seen that shocks are transitory, arbitrage setting h = = t day and p 1 , p' can be very sensitive to increasing values of will presents eliminate p' INSERT TABLE Table 3 reinforces the results reduces average conditional signiflcant only when in table 2, volatility. liquidity and them quickly. a' for different values of o. 3 namely, that arbitrage increases average Table 3 adds the insight that mean reversion and be economically this effect will shocks are sufficiently volatile. Tables 2 and 3 show that arbitrageurs facing holding costs are particularly effective if liquidity shocks are conditionally volatile and transient. Arbitrageurs like conditionally volatile markets since this volatility creates potential arbitrage profits. Also, arbitrageurs like mean reversion because of the nature of holding costs: transient mispricings allow for profit realization before holding costs have a chance to accumulate. V. Conclusion Many financial models assume that markets are opportunities do not exist. frictions, They then derive however, the assumption that frictionless and that riskless arbitrage precise, relative pricing implications. In the presence of riskless arbitrage opportunities do not exist only bounds market mispricings. This paper suggests a research agenda which seeks to find the equilibrium mispricing in a market with costly arbitrage. The model of equilibrium arbitrage developed here assumes that noise trading in two segmented markets causes price deviations from fundamental values. Risk-averse arbitrageurs facing holding costs reduce these deviations, but do not eliminate them completely. Furthermore, because arbitrageurs will take risky positions in the hopes of capitalizing on market mispricings, riskless 20 arbitrage arguments may not provide The equilibrium tight bounds around observed market prices generated by the prices. model provide a number of insights into the way that arbitrage activity absorbs market imbalances and eliminates deviations from fundamental values. In particular, arbitrage activity reduces mispricings and is most effective in doing so when the underlying disturbances are transient and conditionally volatile. While much work traders this paper has taken a step remains. 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The coefficient Figure 1 E D LU c o C o Q. +-• CD C E o Q 8Z|S UOIJlSOd Figure 2 (D CD N CD CO > c o O CD CO o •CO- Q- k. E Q. 05 C o Q. CO 8n|B/\ 80BJ $ uj azjs uonjsod Figure 3 = + CD CO o o < O C/) E c O a CD c o CD Q. CO anjBA 80BJ $ J8d 6u!0uds!i/\| Figure 4 CN CO u 0) CO CO in CD Ui (0 < CD D o / CO < J3 / < o / u o - in C/) ac CD C o Lf) I \ CD \ \ > cc C in CD 1^ -| 1 \a CO CN UO|SJ8Aay 1 \ \ 1 \ I I ocnr^cDin'^cocN^O UB8|/\| J.0 lU8|0!J.^9O0 in CN Figure 5 in 13 CD IT) CD / / < O / / / - in O O "O c CD D D in O > \ en 0) \ \ c o 2 3 O +-• (0 uc \ < \ in < o O o r in CN 1 i 'tCN^OOCD^CSlO QT-t-T-T-QOOOO ooo oooo oooo I CD CM • I ^ CSI CN CN • • I I CN OD ^^ • 1 1 I 1 \ CO • • ^^ • Aj!||iB|OA |BUO!i!puo3 • • • Date Due mt 1 ^393 Lib-26-67 Mil 3 LIBRARIES DIIPL TOAD DD72Dfl72 fl