'>^'^*='«'**;; ri'L.iiy ^^. HD28 ,M414 96> Heavy Traffic Policies: A Analysis of Dynamic Cyclic Treatment of theSingle Scheduling Problem Unified Machine David M. Markowitz and Lawrence M. Wein #3925-96-MSA September, 1996 '1. r n,;y 4-,(4;p HEAVY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC CYCLIC POLICIES: A UNIFIED TREATMENT OF THE SINGLE MACHINE SCHEDULING PROBLEM David M. Markowitz Logistics Management Institute McLean. \'A 22102 Lawrence M. We in Sloan School of Management. ALLT. Cambridge. ALA 02139 ABSTRACT This paper examines how setups, due-dates and the mix of standardized and customized products affect the environment. We scheduling of a single machine operating in a dynamic and stochastic restrict ourseh'es to the class of machine busy/idle policy and d}'namic cyclic policies, where the lot-sizing decisions are controlled in a but different products must be produced in a fixed sequence. dynamic .As in earlier fashion, work, we conjecture that an a\-eraging principle holds for this queueing system in the heavy limit, and optimize over the class of dynamic cyclic policies. The traffic results allow for a detailed discussion of the interactions between the due-date, setup and product facets of the problem. September 1996 mix This paper focuses on what we consider to be the three most important structural machine scheduling problems. The features of single characteristic first the presence or is absence of setup costs and/or setup times when the machine switches from one type of product to another. Setup penalties force the scheduler to exploit the economies of which leads to dynamic lot-sizing policies. The second factor is scale, the presence or absence of advanced information regarding future demands, which gives rise to problems with and without due-dates, nature of the object function function: If This aspect of the problem essentially dictates the advanced information based on due-date considerations is such information measures i\'e respectix^ely. a\'ailable is (e.g.. earliness then the objecti\'e function (e.g.. inA'entory costs, is is pro\ided then the objecti\'e and tardiness and if no expressed in terms of system waiting time, throughput). The whether products are customized or standardized. This feature the make-to-stock/make-to-order distinction: costs) third characteristic is is intimatel\- related to Customized products must be made-to- order whereas standardized products can (but do not need to) be made-to-stock. The aim of this paper is to pro\'ide a unified (with respect to these three features) treatment of single machine scheduling in a dynamic and stochastic environment. More we consider a manufacturing system consisting specificall}'. multiple types of goods, which we refer to as products. customized, which requires the request standardized, machine is in for is machine that produces Each product can be either an order before production can begin, or which case they can be pre-stocked in a finished goods inventory. The limited in capacity and can only produce one unit at a time. machine switches from producing one product penalty of one to another, a setup cost Whenever the and/or setup time incurred. Orders arrive to the system, each requesting a unit of the product at a specified due-date. must be held and an a completed unit is A completed unit assigned earliness cost is to an order before the order's due-date incurred. Similarly, a tardiness fee delivered to an order after its is levied whenever due-date. In addition, unassigned items held in finished goods in\'entory also incur a holding cost equal to the earliness fee of that (standardized) product. Interarrival times. ser\"ice times, due-date lead times (an order due-date minus by product. its time of arri\'al) and setup times are random x'ariables that s can vary Customized Xo Setups No Due-Dates Standardized Figure In this setting, the it is up current!}' set The 1: \ subproblems under consideration. eight machine at an}' point in idle, how much time can idle, produce the product that a setup for a different product. In other words, the for. or initiate scheduler makes three t}'pes of decisions should be bus\' or Due-Dates / to in a make dynamic fashion: of each product (i.e.. Whether the machine lot-sizing) and which product to produce next. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to dynamic cyclic policies. which allows full discretion o\'er the fixed c\'clic sequence. We first two decisions, but produces each product in a wish to optimize the queueing system with respect to long run expected average costs due to earliness. tardiness, holding and setups. The b}' our \'enn diagram in Figure anal}'sis. Although the body of the paper. §5 \"enn diagram. X'enn diagram, onl\' is 1 delineates the eight subproblems that are incorporated the general scheduling problem is considered throughout de\'oted to a discussion of each of the eight regions in the Since the existing literature has only examined specific regions of the we delay our literature re\'iew to this discussion. This paper expands upon the methods of Markowitz. Reiman and Wcin (1995) (abbrex'iated hereafter b}' MRW'j. which analyzes the stochastic economic lot scheduling problem (depicted Reimans is MRW 4 in Figure 1). fast one where time is sped up by a factor of 0(n) and a slow one where time increased by a factor of 0(s/n) (where n goes to is to analysis. .As in and then fluid limit in the heavy traffic limit). to a fluid limit. averaging principle couples these two processes and makes this problem amenable paper infinit\- in and the slow scaling leads fast scaling leads 1o a diffusion limit traffic applies Coffman. Puhalskii and (1995a. 1995b) heavy traffic averaging principle, which considers two sets of A scalings: subproblem as MRW. in the diffusion limit. to determine how due-dates MRW The primary affect the our previous applications of the heavy 1994. 1995. we optimize the difficult control problem, hea\'y scheduling the first in analytical contribution of this system beha\'ior under the traffic The The fluid limit. .\s averaging principle (Reiman and W'ein and Reiman. Rubio and Wein 1995). we conjecture that this principle holds for the system under study, without prox'iding a rigorous proof of convergence: see Reiman and Wein (1996) for a heuristic justification of this conjecture. closed form solution has eluded us. for soh'ing the control we resort to de\'eloping a Because a computational procedure problem. Howe\'er. to gain further insight, we analyze the special case where each product has a different deterministic (as opposed to random) due-date Finally, a simulation study lead time: in this case, the results simplify considerably. performed to assess both the the heavy traffic in §2. our proposed policies and the accuracy of approximation. The scheduling problem duced effect i\-eness of is formulated in §1 and heavy traffic preliminaries are intro- W'e perform a hea\'y traffic analysis of the scheduling problem work through the deterministic due-date lead time case in §4. Section 5 discussion of the subproblems outlined in the \'enn diagram in Figure results of a §7. computational stud\- on due-date Readers interested only §2. §3 and in effects. 1 is in §3 and devoted to a and §6 contains Concluding remarks are offered the qualitati\-e insights derived from this work in may omit §4. 1. A is single PROBLEM FORMULATION machine produces assume that products 1.2 .V different products. V' are customized and 3 Without .V" -I- 1 loss of generality, V' -I- A"' = we A' arc standardized. Each product and jj'l'^ has ; coefficient of \ariatioii demand process. c,j. For each product mean tributed with its and A,"^ own Orders i. mean generally distributed service time with goods arrive from an exogenous renewal for the interarri\'al times of orders are generally dis- coefficient of variation c,^. The and service time arrival processes for each product are assumed to be independent, although they need not be Reiman 1984 (see utilization of product Orders is compound renewal for the incorporation of correlated arri\'e to i is = p, X,l jJ, and the system utilization, or traffic intensity, The due-date the system with a specified due-date. the time interval between an order's arrival and variable with density f,(s). cumulati\-e distribution function F,{s) independent of the a We abo\-e the quantity denotes the diffusion scaling.) time distribution has bounded support, and denote 6,. further assume that a, > completed unit ) of tardy. is If if an order 6, is present. Once and is scalings. minimum and maximum by its the unit a, demand, we a customized order is onl>- is work serviced, the either held until the order's due-date or delivered immediately if the held, the order incurs an earliness fee (holding cost) h, per if the order is past due. it incurs a tardiness fee (backorder per unit time late. In anticipation of our subsequent analysis, we also express these cost parameters in terms of units of work: The /,. 0. unit time until the due-date: cost random assume that the due-date lead customized goods are immediatel}- queued. The machine can for on a customized product is a and mean respectively: because due-date information typically reflects future Orders order is denotes a lack of scaling, a "bar" denotes the fluid scaling, and no symbol "tilde" and i and service processes. (For quantities that undergo arrix'al is lead time, which due-date, for product its The processes). flow of physical product and orders is h, — hifj, and more complex b, for = b,iJ,. standardized products, and we need to keep track of both orders and completed items. Completed items can be pre-stocked in the finished goods inventory, where each unit accrues holding costs at a rate of h, per unit time. Orders for standardized products are filled b}' queued upon arri\al. and can be an item either from the finished goods in\-entory or directly from the output of the machine. Once an item is assigned to an order, the s\'stem incurs either an earliness fee h, for each unit of time until the order's due-date or a tardiness fee of = tardy. Again, these costs have workload equivalents h, we have made the natural assumption the finished goods inventory item is and h,fj, 6, = per unit time Notice that b,jj,. that the holding cost for an unallocated item in identical to the earliness cost incurred is b, allocated to a standardized order before its due-date (in when a completed the latter case, one can Hence, no envision the item sitting on the shipping dock until the order's due-date). benefit can be gained by assigning a completed item to a standardized order before due-date: Delaying the allocation of completed items to orders results in and a lower cost Therefore, without loss of generality, policy. that incur no earliness fees for standardized products, the system when completed items The scheduler can observe notational burden, will be used a in this section for set in up those quantities that Let the slack of an order be traffic anal}'sis. is its identical to its due-date lead number which we denote (or being set up), is unit rate throughout the order's sojourn in the at system. The system state includes the in\entor_\-. exit the system, but the slack, which can be positi\-e or negative, dynamic quantity that decreases product's queue, the policies To ease the the system state at each point in time. we only introduce notation arri\'es to it we only consider and so standardized orders due-date minus the current time. Hence, an orders slack time when flexibility are assigned to them. our subsequent hea\y in more its arri\'al time and the slack of each order in each of items of each standardized product in finished goods b\- I,(t) for ; = V. the product that .V" 4-1 and the residual service and setup times (if currently is they are currently progress). The machine cycle. follows a At any point in dynamic c\xlic polic>'. .\11 time the scheduler can deploy the machine Produce the product currenth- set up for (this The policy is dynamic in that the in lot set up sizes in a fixed one of three ways: might not be possible customized product and there are no orders present), cycle, or idle. products are serviced for the next if set up product and the busy/idle for a in the polic}- can be molded to address the changing needs of the system. A in the penalty c}'cle. is incurred ever>- time the machine switches production to the next product This penalty can be a cost, a period of downtime or both. The hea\y traffic performance of the system depends on these penalties total switchover and the a\erage onl\- through the average setup time per cycle. cost only one form of setup per cycle. A', penalty present and setups \-ary by product, then the best cycle order can be found by is If 5. sohing a traveling salesman problem, where the distance between two to the setup penalty the situation between two products. more complex. is We also the appro.x'imation scheme used here is If cities corresponds both forms of penalties are present then assume that the policy preemptive-resume, but is too coarse to differentiate between a system with a preemptive-resume polic\' \'ersus one without preemption. We wish to minimize the long run expected average cost of the system, and additional notation is required to describe our objecti\-e function. Let T^, be the time that the n' unit of product i we assume it this will t. The at is minimize define the queue that assigned to an order. is t. a completed unit is assigned to an order, assigned to the order with the earliest due-date within slack L,{t) to be the smallest slack among J(0 be the cumulati\-e number Finall\-. let long run ax'erage cost its product, as and Teneketzis 1995 and Righter 1996). For cost (sec Pandelis minimum time When all t > 0. orders in product Ts of cycle completions by time is ^^^ 1 E limsup-|X: T y,^j T->oo T->c + Z =.V'= where x+(0 + [l^h.l(t)dt+ '^° x'{t) product of cost and queue length inventory, whereas + b,L:{Tr.,)] (1) Yl b,L;{Tn,)] + I<J{T) {n\T„,<T} 1 = max{j(O-0} and [h.Lt{T^.) {n|r„,<r} we have chosen is = ma.x{-x(t).0}. Notice that the multiplicative integrated o\er time for the items in finished goods to sum the product of cost and time over orders. This "reversal of the order of integration" is (e.g. /i,I, (Tn.,)) a necessary step in analyzing the effects of due-dates. 2. HEAVY TRAFFIC PRELIMINARIES This section prox'ides an over\'iew of the hea\-y scribed in §1. The approach outlined here traffic anal\-sis of relies heavily upon results in the problem de- Coffman. Puhal- and Reiman and skii MRW. and we Workload Processes. We heavy traffic analysis. begin by defining the key stochastic processes for our Recall that the system has queues of orders for and a finished goods in\entory of items products ; = A'^. let \Vi{t) 1 for all be the total amount of time required queue I = + A'"^ standardized orders of product ; minus the total workload process The workload process. product for total t. for the machine For standardized machine time already invested units in product Ts finished goods inventory at time as the time products be the total amount of time needed to process A', let \\',(t) 1 at all For customized standardized products. to process all of the orders that are in product Ts products papers for more details. refer readers to these = ; V. 1 workload at time t t. and We let = the W, = {ir,(0-' ^ 0} refer to it' in all J2',=i ^^i represents the total be the total amount of work currently being requested (in the form of orders) minus the total work stored in in\-entory (this work will This one-dimensional process eventually be assigned to orders). is the natural definition of workload for systems with customized and standardized products: readers should note that, in contrast to "make-to-order" point of view, goods inventory Heavy traffic in that MRW. work in the total workload orders is positi\'e is defined from the and work in finished negative. is Traffic Averaging Principle. Coffman. Puhalskii and Reiman"s hea\y HTAP) averaging principle (abbreviated by has augmented the understanding of hea\'ily loaded multiclass queueing systems that incur setup costs or setup times. Although rigorously proved for a two-class queue (in the absence and presence of setup times in 1995a and 1995b. respectively) that employs an exhaustive service discipline, numerical results in Reiman and Wein (1994. 1996). support the conjecture that the HT.AP holds for a these applications, we conjecture that the MRW and Reiman. Rubio and Wein much wider class of systems. HT.AP holds without providing .As in a rigorous proof of convergence. The HT.AP is based on two sets of limits, synchronized by a scaling parameter p) approaches a constant c. n. The taken as the total utilization goes to one and first limit of the HT.AP states that as \/n{l — the normalized total workload process \\'(nt)/\/n weakh' con\'erges to a diffusion process. 11(0. with parameters defined by the system data and policy. It is the diffusion limit and calleil The second is tli(> theorem. result of a functional central limit same limit, called the 6iiid limit, states that for the scaling parameter and ii for a given total workload, the individual workloads \\',(\/nt)/ \/n. converge almost surely to l'V'i(0' process; fluid 3, this result related to the functional strong law of large is numbers. The time two limits scale decomposition inherent in these approaches one, the amount of work in the system is intuitive: .As utilization is and the large workload cannot total change quickly; yet, as the machine switches between products, work can among The the individual queues and inventories. shift rapidly shifting of individual workloads occurs an order of magnitude. 0{\/ri). more quickly than the total workload, and so the exam- limit evolves for a period while the total workload remains relatively constant. For workload might change on the order of weeks, while individual workloads ple, the total change daily. Dynamic Cyclic Policies and the Fluid Limit. Under a dynamic a service cycle corresponds to the setting the machine will fluid is following a dynamic be completed before there there are many .V products. If many that dynamic cyclic [)olicy can be expressed workloads; level, not the individual i.e., by an idling threshold cycle center .r'^{w) process by W u'o .r';(tr) traffic feasible total of the cycle center in the fluid liiuit. is is workload by w). the average The The workload total fluid process amount of cycle length t{w) is work the in product amount in ser\ice. the process U', decreases at rate 8 i is i^^ over the of lime required and queues to remain balanced, the machine must allocate p,T{ir) units of time per cycle producing product is The dictated by the latter two functions. to complete a cycle in the fluid limit. For the inventories ; level. can be completely characterized and the cycle length t{w) (throughout, we denote the and an arbitrary course of a cycle heavy lot and two workload-dependent functions, the .V— dimensional unaffected by the idling threshold, and product the each product and the busy/idle policy depend only on the total workload policies in cycles Because a significant change in total workload W{t). workload .VIRW show that dynamic cyclic element HT.\P implies cyclic policy, then the cycles for a given total workload, a as a function of only the total sizes for is up and processing of each of the cyclic policy. (1 — p,): /. While while the machine is set up for other products. = iV'^+ the fluid limit: The inventory for in / relatively infrec[uently. increases at rate II', 1, . . N). Setu]) times are unsealed , . large amount of work in of .r';{w) + p,{ — p,)t(w)/2. The must ecjual the total cycle must be nonnegative if workload, J2,=\ for a •''''iiw) remain 0(1)) and vanish level fluctuates minimum — of x'i{w) by p,[\ /y,(l — — p,)t[w) p,)t{w)/2 to a cycle center and cycle length are parameters 1 that can be set by the scheduler, subject to (i.e., the system causes setups to be performed Thus. i)roduct Ts workload over the course of a cycle, and ranges from a maximum (p(M-haps by depleting the finished goods p, some = restrictions: of the cycle centers minimum amount the u'; The sum customized product, .r"-{w) — ^,( I work over the of — p,)t{w)/2 > 0; and there are setup penalties then the cycle length t{w) must be greater than zero. Cost per Cycle. CJiven the dynamics described above, we can a fluid cycle. c{ic). in terms of the parameters composed and of individual product (earliness, tardiness The and t{w). cost per cycle and holding) costs and is .setup costs, given by is N A- where total r'-'{w) e.xpress the cost of w) c,(.r'\ r. workload and Wein 1991 is «-. product and A' = /"s ;^- average cost rate for a cycle given a policy l\ / n is .r' and r and the normalized setup cost per cycle (see for a justification of this scaling). In MRW, we calculated Reiman c,(.r''. r, u') by integrating the cost over one production cycle and then dividing by the cycle length. In the next section, we perform the same type of calculation for our due-date "interchange the order of integration" as discussed before. That over time in the cycle, we integrate over the orders Dynamic Reiman show When filled is, instead of integrating during the cycle. Cyclic Policies and the Diffusion Limit. Coffman. Puhalskii and that the drift of the diffusion process for total workload level there are no setup times, the diffusion limit is problem but w is .</T{ic) a reflected Brownian motion — c. (RBM). regardless of the policy in use: this result coincides with classic results (Iglehart and Whitt 1!)70). Since the cycle length T(tr) is dictated by the dynamic cyclic policy, the drift of the diflfusion process depends on both the policy and setup times when setup times are The variance present. of the diffusion process a^ is = J2',=i ^(^ai + f"si)' '^"^^ ^^^''^ '^ "^"ly dependent on system parameters. Although the idhng threshoki u'o does not affect the fluid process, this control pa- rameter does impact the one-dimensional diffusion process barrier. There are system. In this case, restrictions on u\) only of the cost on our policy, we can m sup T->co given functions .(''^(ir) minimize (2) is Our in (2). and there are no standardized goods in the Suppressing the notation illustrating the dependence T' 1 is "((('). c{W{t))clt, / 7; J/ (3) Jo controls arc the idling threshold .As in .\I1{\V. with respect to the optimization is ii-u and the ;V carried out as follows. to find the cycle center in terms of r(u') ,r' — dimensional and We This lcq. a constrained nonlinear optimization problem. Then (3) becomes a diffusion control problem with a drift control (via the cycle length t{u-)) idling threshold The in several steps: In ^(.].i is and to optimize the cost in §3.2. we ('^). policies on a fixed total 3.1. is performed c,{x'^ .t. w) in (2) for To ease readability in these two we suppress the notation depicting the dependence of the fluid processes workload w. Then we perform the cost minimization atul translate the solution into a problem This optimization calculate the cost function customized and standardized products, respectively. and (via the OPTIMAL DYNAMIC CYCLIC POLICIES goal of this section subsections, and a singular control icq). 3. is reflecting its e.xpress the objective function in equation (1) as 11 c{ir) by acting as wq must be nonnegative. The Optimization Problem. where if 11' dynamic cyclic policy for the original in §3.3 queueing control in §3.4. Customized Products. to determine how due-dates affect The i)rimary challenge in calculating c,(.r'\T. this cost by normalizing the due-date lead times. typically 0(i/77) in heavy traffic mocU'ls. function in the fluid limit. We ir) begin Because queue lengths and waiting times are it is 10 appropriate for due-date lead times to also be 0{\/n). Therefore, we assume that the due-date lead time density f,(\/ns) converges to the nontrivial density /,{<). witli cumulative distribution function F,{s) and mean = /, converges to a point mass at ^ appear is = and Hence, due-dates do not zero elsewhere. is the diffusion process and are isolated in F,{^/us) under a diffusion time scaling the density f,{ns) In contrast, l,/\/n- — in the fluid limit. This state of affairs consistent with the heavy traffic snapshot principle (see Reiman), which states that a customer's sojourn = Let Li{t) in the system is L,[\/nt)l s/n denote the define the process D,(s.t) to be the time t that has slack is due at time .•< = Let D,{.sJ) .s. instantaneous under the diffusion scaling. -|- f: in minimum amount slack process in the fluid system, of product other words. D,{s. D,(s/ns. ^t)/ ^ t) is lenote work present / in and the system at the work present at time t that Notice that D,{sJ) its fluid limit. provides a more detailed description of the orders than 11,(0- Equation (1) shows that the key to calculating the the behavior of the minimum function is c,(.r'^. r. »•) slack derixed tion (11), respectively): We in to it. function is to determine throughout the course of the cycle. The cost /!,(/) three steps (in Proposition 2, Proposition 3 and equa- calculate the process D,{s.t) in terms of the original problem parameters and the mininumi slack process D,(.s.t) (in these cost first at the start of the cycle, derive L,(t) in two steps, we replace D,{s.t) as explained after Proposition 1). l>y terms of the a process closely related and express the cost function c,(.r'^.T. ic) in terms of L,(n. Without and service loss of generality, is we assume received from time (1 — p,)T to r. Hence, the the system at the start of a cycle, which The initial work ,r' the system at time zero. is we denote by nuist be stored in the greater than or equal to zero that a cycle for protluct Z.,(0). The system / amount ,rf, is of product equal to .r^" — work — in p, )/'-. as orders with due-date lead times between D,(s.t) and the workload given by the following proposition, where f]'{s) 11 / "^,(1 by definition the smallest slack among product relation time zero starts at is defined as 1 — / orders in n',(/) at F,{.-<). time Proposition 1 time .1/ t = 0, = A(.s.O) (4) ifs<LdO) and r 1= P.F[(s)ds. (5) JL.iO) Proof: Because the |)roduct under the at rate pi .s workload arrival process /' any fluid scaling, at dt instant of The work units of time arrive in the fluid limit. bounded by wie maximum amount At time zero, the work maximum amount work plus work that arrived + of which r)dr. / is of in deterministic and flows in is time f,(^)p,dl units of work due the system at time could have arrived with a due-date of th;.l work present with slack units in the past with a due-date of equal to p,F^'{s). Thus, D,(.s,0) < .s .s ^-f-^- + 7\ Xotationallw this p,F[{s). This inequality /o^/3,/,(-s is strict is being used and the machine processes work at rate one. which orders due after time L,(0) were worked on. Since an earliest due-date policy if is strictly greater follows that D,(s.t) at the next instant either vanishes or it service and only affected by arrivals. producing product is than untouched by time zero, the machine has just switched out of .\t implying that the work due after time L,{0) has not been touched /, and that there has been no opportunity for orders to arri\'e with due-date lead times below L,(0~), the smallest slack the instant before the switchover. Thus, equation .r^ = /£^m) D,{s,0)ds. Because the interaction of D,[s, t) and holds. By is the recently arrived is .s is PiF'^ls), with slack t in construction, we have Combining this with equation (4) (4) yields equation (5). | L,(t) is complex, we streamline our calculations by creating a simplified variant of D,(s.t) that evolves through the course of one cycle. Let Di''(s.t) be the amount work from for Di^{sJ) D;^(.s. /) product i = D,[sJ) is useful for directly from it. for .s of work = t > time at nnf;7 r; L,(f) but two reasons: The evolution of Its is / with slack D'^(sJ) is /);^(.'<./) is 12 is if the machine performs no only defined for not necessarily behavior .s for .s < easy to describe, and t G L,(t). I^,{t) [O.r). The Thus. process can be derived described by the following proposition. Proposition 2 Fort G vv ^"(.^.0 [O.r). = (6) p,{Fns)-F[{s + [ if,<L,{0)-t t)) Proof: By construction, Di'{i>J) evolves according to + D;'(../ That + / s is, + amount the df with slack is 5 of i)rodurt ,//) = work /' D;^(5 + + f/^/) amount dt phis the D-'isJ) the solution to eciuation + Ml) D,(s in for / equal to the amount of work that was previously + of in (8). = (7) + dt that in - p,(F:{s) F^{s + t)) t + = 0. D,(.s due time at .s readers can verify that + /,0) (8) follows by using equation (1) to substitute | tures regarding the evolution of D]^(s,t) in Figure 2. of o, = aj \JTi D\ {s,t) as a function of Although and 6, = 6,/x/n. Figures 2b-2d display, for a fixed value of and is perhaps more instructive to describe the dynamics of D'^ {s.t) as t. this figure represents progresses through the cycle, the existing orders age and metaphor is as waves, and new orders / increases. new orders arrive. t. /.,(0). snapshots of D^" {s.t) at a fixed time a, a, -f minimum and under three cases depending on the relative value of s fea- For the sake of concreteness, Figure 2a contains a uniform due-date lead time distribution, with fluid maximum t that has just an attempt to enhance the reader's intuition, we point out some noteworthy In t is the system at time work with a due-date lead time of The proposition (7). equation p,/(.s). the system at time in arrived. Using the fact that D'^is.t) equals D,{s.t) at is tlie differential t, it As time .A useful to imagine the area under the curves in Figures 2b-2d as water, the curves work travel to the left grow in height as as raindrops (i.e., slack new orders time zero has slack Z-,(0) — are / at is accumulating on the waves. Then the waves of decreasing) added to time if / in Figures 2b-2d as time progresses, and them. Notice that work with slack no work 13 is /-i(O) at performed dining the cycle. By equation is (6), for slacks Z)f (s,<) — exceeding this .s — is invariant over time /. (.s,/) Proposition and /,(0) its at at 1, maximum time a, all values of > ,s {sj) is of L,(0) — /, — are t propor- = = t value oi p, .^ (see Figures t [L,{0) 2b and — t.a], D'^'isJ) is 2c); here, all of the has arrived. / 0, has the e<:|uilil)rium value Z)f'(.s,0) depending on greater than the initial then no new orders Also, for 6,. p,F[{.->) for However, the evolution over the cycle of D^{s,t) has two otherwise. is -|- .s time different qualitative structures lead time o, arriving for .s Figures The amount eciuiUbrium: in these eciuilibrium regions, D'^ / drops to zero at the point 5 work that could be due > is in Figures 2b-2d to the right of the barrier Zi(0) For a fixed time constant and takes on i: in that has slack / complementary cunudative distribution function of the due-date lead time, tional to the By Z);^(.s,/) is in aging ecjuals the amount of work that and so the shape of the wa\es and so /)f the cjuantity /, the work at time which corres[)oiKl to the regions p,F^'{s). For these slack values, 2b-2d to the right of Z,(0) work that critical value, minimum have a slack will the earliest possible arriving due-date if less slack Z,(0), or less than If it. L,(0) than those that had a slack of L,(0) < at time zero. Therefore, orders arrive with just the correct due-date lead time distribution to maintain the equilibrium behavior of /)-^(.s,0), as displayed throughout Figure 2b. However, the minimum a small — a, then new orders can arrive with a due-date lead time smaller than slack of the orders present at time zero. In this case, as time amount p,F^{L,{0) of orders with slacks less than Z,(0) which /). leadtime Z,(0) barrier > if Z/,(0) — / is the (juantity of work in — / accumulates but never exceeds the system at time with due-date t (see Figure 2d). Thus, the critical slack value of Z,(0) between the ec|uilil)rium work progresses, i — t marks the level p,F^{s) (to the right of the barrier) accumulation of new orders with small due-date lead times (to the left and the of the barrier). Finally, referring to the portion of the curve to the left of the barrier in Figures 2b-2d, in the region .s < Z,(0) — D^(^.t) must equal zero /. all for .'^ arriving at time zero with the .\ldous. Kelly mance of the < — t: minimum and Lehoczky of a single-class (il a, work in 1,(0) is due after this critical value of s due-date lead time of time .s + /, and hence corresponds to an order a,. (1!)95) use heav\- traffic theor\' to analyze the perfor- /G/[ fpieue with randcMU due-date lead times that operates 14 Due-date Lead Time DensitA' / (a) bi ^(0) < a, N D^^^t.) (b) 1,(0) -f h (I, a, < < L,(0) a, +t (c) A'(^-0 "^5 a,-/ L,(0)-t a, a +t < L,(0) W wv Df(..^) «, Figure 2: - / a, Z,,(0) The function D] 15 - (.s./) / as a function of s. They uiuler the first-come first-served discipline. cal to deriv(> a figure that essentially identi- is Figure 2b. Because there are no setups and only one product, the non-equilibrium region to the of the due-date lead time barrier L,{0) left — / does not appear in their problem. Our next When step the machine sponds either / (i.e. is minimum terms of slack process L,{t) in [s.t). D', servicing other products, the order with the earliest due-date corre- to the earliest < Z,(0) is to calculate the due-date request just as the server switched out of product or the request w^ith the due-date lead time of «, that just arrived after a,) the machine switched out l,{t) (i.e., L,{0) > «,). Thus, we have = m\n[a,-t,L.{0)-t] for f - e [0.t{1 (9) p,)). Recall that D['{s.t) was constructed under the assumption that the machine does not work on [product consumes the left / throughout the cycle. most part of the curves in When product t — t([ — />, ) L,{t) has Proposition 3 (5), Ecpiations ov^er /.,(/) /--^ (!)) (.5), and (10) (9) and 1"^' t (^"(l — the server /^,),r). work corresponding to D; {sj) D^'{sJ)cl.. be used to express the r( initial minimum minimum for 5 1 (|ualitative behavior of the — p, no ) Since orders age and get closer to their due-date, the 16 minimum one cycle. and the primitive this expression here). minimum and only orders services occur (10) slack process L,(t) slack problem (although we do not write out we can summarize the zero until time /e(r(l-p,).r). for iiniqucly det(rnunt L,[t) outr tht course of (10) can probabilistic processes of the From time t fhf ^inallrst qunntittj that satisfies the course of one cycle solely in terms of the In addition, For been completed. Thus we have the following proposition. t-T(l-p,)= Equations being served, the machine Since the machine works according units of work. to the earliest due-date rule within each product, below is Figures 2b-2d (in the context of our metaphor, the machine swallows the water at a constant rate). would ha\e completed / slack process. arri\'e to the (pieue. slack in product /. f.,{f). is monotonically decreasing at unit rate — r(l until r, ) />, Z,(/) greater than Dt{s.t) behavior orders are being more comple.x. is < L,{0) If o, product /, L,(t) increases linearly until the machine is consuming the of the cycle. If Z,(0) the region to the left when the is barrier > flat a, step tii.al —/?,))' seen in (9). <^s then, when end of the part of the curve and of the barrier Z,(0) — in t to always is cycle; referring to Figure 2b, the L,(t) does not reach a, before the is moving quickly through volatile, Figures 2c and 2d, dramatically slowing tail determine product .rj' i's (represented by average inventory cost per cycle and cycle length r. It is in terms the average of the ecjual to Since the machine earliness or tartliness costs associated with orders as they are filled. follows an earliest due-date policy, the earliness or tardiness of an order filled at time /.,(/) or the due-date lead time associated with a current arrival a due-date lead time than L,(t), than L,(t). less end reached. is of Li{t) for a given cycle center either its the machine begins working on passed and then speeding up again as the right is From time than they can age), although filled faster then the rate of increase p,F[{s) in Figures 2c and 2d) Our G (0,r(l t monotonically increasing because the service rate is (i.e., for then the machine spends If if t is that arrival has there are arrivals with due-date lead times ^ less p,f,{-s) fraction of effort on Thus the average fraction of effort on orders with slack Li{t). them and 1 — p,F,(L,{t)) cost for a product / order is r,«,r,»0 = i r (b,L;(t) T Jt(\-p,) \ + h, ['^'^'\>J.{s)sds ]dt. (l-p,F,(L,[t)))L:{t)+ ' [^ Ju \) (11) Although HTAP in this cost function is complex, the average cost per cycle has dramatically simplified the problem. As noted a Markov decision process framework is The fluid limit iD,(.s./). point of view, the ideas are similar because D,[-J) is L^ . The is a point fluid limit in tin- the state of the system in §1. progression through this complex state space into so computable. The unwieldy l)ecause the evolution of orders with due-dates needs to be tracked over time. domain and is has transformed order From a functional analysis a bounded function on a compact infinite-dimensional space of sc|uare integrable functions thus approximates the e\-olution of orders in the system as a path L^ in . parameterized by the path in L' index tlie t in made computationally is "reversing the order of integration." we Standardized Goods. The more complex than in of product / embedded work machine time embedded .An abstract. is xMoreover, by 1-3. are able to take advantage of this tractability cycle. cost calculations for standardized products are the customized case because the ciueue of orders and the inventory of completed items are amount relationship tliis tractable by Propositions and translate D,{s.t) into an average cost per 3.2. Althongh D,(-J]. important aspect of in finished goods inventory at time in in /,(0)- a'ld let U /(/) Let W/{t) represent the the products' workload. that is it W/{t) = ^y/{\/nt)/ must be nonnegativc inventory; backorders are in the form ol unfilled orders ^ as it f be (i.e., the its fluid amount of counterpart. represents actual goods We assume, as in the customized case, that at time zero the server has just switched out of product /. in Because D] (.^.t) = D,{.^.t) for .s > in D,(s,t). workload process L,{t). the IV',(0 f^^n '^f' expressed as r \V,{t)^ r)^'{s.t)ds-\V,'{t) /G[0,r). for (12) Jl,{i] Recall that we do not assign completed units to standardized orders before their due-date. This leads to the imj^ortant observation that L,{t) for this is simple: If for some unexplainable reason event suddenly shifts the total workload le\el to orders and instead place them in finished \\',(t)) > Z,(/) < for all (for /. instance The rational when a rare then we assign no completed units goods in\entory. The then decreases to zero and never again goes higher. This is minimum slack /.,(/) a transitory effect that will be washed away after the repetition of several cycles and so can be ignored. Hence, by equation (6) we can conclude that D;^'(.s,/) = /j,/'7(.s) for .s > and /e[0,r). Because units from in\entory are allocated to |)revent backorders, only when 117(0 = it follows thai (13) /.,(/) < 0: i.e., \\\'{t)L,{t) = for 18 all /. (14) So < Z,(^) if product then the next unit of product completed by the machine /' order with the earHest due-date, and a tardiness cost /' is assigned to the is incurred. Completed units that are not assigned to ord<^rs are placed in the finished goods inventory represented by \V/{t) and accumulate a holding cost. Therefore, the cost per cycle product 1 r W] T. b~i-{t)dt^- r hxv![i)dt Ecpiations (r2)-( 14) lead to the useful relation that li'/(/) = PiF[(s)ds, and so \\'/{t) know the behavior of 11,(0 (n'',(/) — pj,) cost portion of the cost per cycle in (15) equivalently, cycle center (SELSP) holding Now we ,r^') by p,l, It is in (15). r .s in > Z,(0) < — (9) / Thus, the liolding economic lot scheduling problem Because < /.,(/) when tardiness costs D^{sJ)ds+ rp,F:{,)ds in and the fact that the integral, first in this integral, :i6) Jo during these times. To determine D^^isJ) -'* MRW. follows by (12)-(14) that it by < just a translation in terms of workload (or is JL,[t) t \V,{t) cost. U-(/)= — if important to note that we already of the stochastic turn to the tardiness costs are incurred, . positive only is standardized products from fui" (15) Jo Jt(\-p,) Z,(0) a standeirdized is C,(X% Ji]^ for Z,(0 is in the first integral, nondecreasing and so D^" (sj) equation (16) becomes \\\{t) = = for p,F^'(s) / we observe that € (t(1 — />,).r). by Proposition jl^^,)p,ds + pJ,. We 2. L,(t) > Hence. Because conclude that the backorder regions p,L;(t) By equations (15) and (17). the = {\\\{t)-pjY (17) . time average tardiness cost r for a given total workload (\\){t)-p,tydt is (IS) /'. .Again, this is a translation of the SELSP cost per cycle. Therefore, the cost per cycle for standardized goods with due-dates same as the SELSP cost with a cycle center 19 shift by />,/,. which is is just exactly the ])ro(luct / s utilization times its products, case, is it follows and the cost t is mean due-date For a system with only standardized lead time. hat the optimal switching curves are shifted by pj, from the independent of the due-date lead times; discussed further in §4.5, §5.6 and §5.8. Thus, as into three regions based on the cycle. The there is c,(.r"', r, tr) is broken down only holding, only backordering or mi.xed costs over cost per cycle can be expressed as f'dpJ^ c,{x'-\T.ir) if important observation this .MRW, in SELSP = - -1-1) 2 ifoe [/>,/, -,r:-±^i^4^] <^ if /j,[, - .r;' < TpAi-P.) (19) 3.3 Optimization. With an expression in for average cost for each level of workload hand, we can optimize over the dynamic cyclic policy as determined by U'o- The generalit\- of the due-date lead time distribution prevents an numerical procedure, however, is both the levels. fluid and the diffusion .;"', r and e.xact solution. .A Policy optimization must be performed on possible. I'nder the fluid scalings. the cycle center ,;•" cycle length r and total workload level u\ can be optimized with respect to a given This nonlinear program can be stated as follows: min such that: Z'XiC,(x'.T. E;^= .r? The (20) (21) i-K > iMizM f^.)r ; highly noidinear aspects of L, and thus c,{x''.t.u') V" 1, make (22) this problem complex. Nonetheless, the problem can be solved numerically using standard descent methods, and we denote the solution In the dilfusion Ci\en In' .;"'( r, lu). scheme, the long run average cost of the that the optimal cycle center x''{t. ir) is 20 entirt^ problem is minimized. known, the minimization of equation (3) reduces to a diffusion control problem with a (via Wo). Let V (»') drift control (via (see Mandl 1968), < ^("'1 y^Cj(a-'' (r, w). r, w) unbounded, we assume that standard is and express the associated Hamiltou-Jacobi-Bellman optimality equations, after using equation min ) be the potential (relative value) function and g be the gain (optimal long run average cost). Although the drift of \V arguments apply t{w) and a singular control (2), as g -\ ~ c\''[u') + — V'"(fr) ( = for tr < Wq U=l (23) and V"(('') MRW, .\s in we numerically = for u' (24) u'o. solve the diffusion control problem by approximating the diffusion process by a Marko\' chain. This Markov chain approximation algorithm was developed by I\ushner (1977), and we for details of the algorithm. > .MRW refer readers to I\ushner contains a full description of its and Dupuis (1992) application to solving the corresponding optimality equations for the SELSP. Because the optimality equations in MRW and refer readers to When and the we omit a are very similar to equations (23)-(24), .Appendix description of the algorithm, 1. there are no setu]) times, however, the diffusion process diffusion control cycle center .r" must still problem is easy to solve. be optimized for W becomes a .-Mthough the cycle length r and each total workload level, they can be done individually without the need to refer to or update the potential function the steady state distribution of the total workload process times are zero, the optimal idling threshold k'q = argmm,^,, r 3.4. and a""' are the parameters for the Proposed Policy. The W is — o- f^BM e ^^ ' for interpretation, Since exponential when setup 'aw, U'. solution outlined in §3.3 needs to be unsealed to be implemented. .-Mthough the translation to an unnormalized room V''(a'). given by c(a') / Jw' where is REM we propose an intuitive policy. polic\' The heavy has considerable trafiic analysis hnds a minimum work experienced by an every total workload for it. lexel of we propose that the minimum amount of level. product over the course of a cycle iiulividual Because work depleted while the machine is is machine continue production on the current product work serving until this reached, and then begin setting up for the next product is the cycle. In addition, the machine idles when the workload total in level has fallen to the idling threshold. We define the 0,{l), which which is I number number .V. \ identity O, known the is the = iW + policy in terms of - I, = to hold for a of orders of product For ease of exposition, /;,ir,, where 0,{t) in we let = 0,(nli/^ policy Switch out of product scheduling policy .V < A/', / queue in for / = = for and /,(/) in heavy terms of / l....,N and = 1, ... = [,{nt)/s/^ traffic, is 6',(/) in practice: /,(/), goods inventory in finished / 7,(0 wide variety of queueing systems traffic solution to a o,{t)-i,{t) / of completed units of product the heavy is: two quantities that are naturally observed and , /V"-". The , for linear which is used to translate /,(/). The proposed when ..-w/>.,^ ,-..^^ ^.^ .e-,i:;li//;^(Q.(0-/.(0) E; = ^- (O.(O-MO) , v/n (26) and idle the machine when X:/'r'(^.(o- A(0) = v^u'o^ c-^") 1=1 where .rf (tr). in §3.3. t'(w) and ((\" are determined from the optimization procedure outlined Because a computational i)rocedure of the heavy traffic parameter /;, and we is let » being employed, we must choose a value = (1 — />)"'. .A.s in MRW, exploratory computations (not shown here) reveal that the performance of the proposed policy is very insensitive to our choice of n. .Although we do not do so here, point in more complicated time over the cycle, our analysis yields policies can tlie lluid workload be created. level of .At any each [jroduct. This type of information can be used to determine when random events throw the cycle 0> manner off course in a cyclic not predicted by the approach can thus provide "red specif\- when warnings flags" or to skip jModucts in the cycle or We an unusually high number of orders. when fluid scaling. i)olicy to The dynamic unusual surges for A more complicated or slow-downs in machine processing. would HTAP's 0(s/n) in demand using this information jump to a product that has leave the specification of such [)olicies for future investigation. DETERMINISTIC DUE-DATE LEAD TIMES 4. In this section we assume that due-date lead times for each product are deterministic, thereby allowing us to write a closed form expression for the cost per cycle In a(^hlition, in §1.1. optimal cycle center is found terms of in to some The and .r"^' \ method are able to state a quick '(»•) and the still jn'oposed solution is total equation (2) §4.2 for determining the in provitle a formulaic solution. problem must diffusion control algorithm. we in With this, cycle length r However, the solution to the workload w. be computed by the Markov chain ai)proximation stated in §4.3. .Subsections 4.4 and 4.5 are devoted structural properties of the optimal solution and the value of due-date lead times, respectively. 4.1 /,, Cost per Cycle. which is /, = Let each product For a given cycle center or 1,(0) = products .r* /, is . ' \ The cumulative < if-s 1 — is ^ cycle length r and total workload level w. the cost per cycle is given by (19). with and D[^(s.t) given .r'/p,. distribution function /, /, in place of cost per cycle for a customized prodvict, of Dt{.s.l). L,{t) slack .r; standardized product To Hnd the have a deterministic due-date lead time of f,/\/n under the fluid scaling. '^ for a / .r"^ and r. By we must determine the behavior Proposition 1. Therefor(>, Z,(0) has a range of [— dc. greater than or equal to zero. This must be no larger than /, makes because no orders can 23 /,. \\v /,], have = //'(o) Z-*'^''*- since for customized intuitive sense: arrive- .r' The mininuim with larger due-date lead times. From Propositions 1 ami 2 respectively, we have D.U.O) = «(/-''/"/) if.' {''„ (.29) otherwise 1^ and if f = D'^'i-^.t) I if P, if [ We can solve Because — (I bounded above by the initial We r(l — - Pi))/p, Xote that /',. inventory L- -rl/p, = — p,){t / by using Proposition for L,{t) ^.(0 < /, - .r;V^>, / - -rj/p, -t<s<f, / < ^ .^ (1 — - (1 P.}T — For 3: + p,)T G / - (1 - p.){t — /9,).r), r(l - /0)M. (31) than or equal to zero. L,(t) less is (7"(1 (30) . is depends on the the decision variable this function x'] also via .r^. can now substitute (31 into equation (11) to calculate the average cost per cycle. ) Since no orders arrive with due-date lead times L,{t) than less /,. equation (11) can be rewritten as c,(.r^r.».) This structure cycle is is = - r (b.l;(t) SELSP similar to that in the of the cycle (i.e.. if />,/, - ,r^" > rp,(l If — !,(/) is h,l + (f))dl. case discussed in broken down into three cases depending on both during the course of the cycle. + if (32) MRW'. The cost per orders are only tardy, only early or always greater than zero over the course pt)/2) then orders are always filled early and so equation (32) implies c,(.r^r, w) = -h, which simplifies to MRW: The f [./ c,(.r^\-, lu) cost per cycle is - xUp, - = h,p,{f, ( — 1 - />, + )r ( 1 This .i"'Jp,). ecpial to that in the - is SELSP p,){t - "(1 - p,))/p,] dt . (33) very similar to the results from with axes shifted by p,f,. The similarity can be viewed as an application of Little's law. In our notation, the utilization p, corresponds to the arrival rate of work and 24 /, - -i^l/p, is the average waiting time, and their product is Similarly, if cost the nuniher is tardy then L,{t) t)rders are alvvays is c,(.v'-'.T,w) then £,(/) queue. in = b,pt[(.r'i/pt) — If /,]. is less than for all G / and the [0,r], orders are both early and tardy over the cycle both positive and negative over the cycle and the average cost per cycle c,(j-^r, «•) = b,p is ^-i(-/^-?) + i-(l-^^' 341 ^'' '^' ^ I +lhP, 2t(1-p,) r if 2^-l' Again, this reduces to a Little's law version of the For ease of reference, we say tiiat e [pj, - product .(; ± i r/j,(l summary, the average •) + SELSP results. the parameters are such that if condition is in - p,)/2] and Similarly, I. condition 3 in we 5^(1-/3,; />,/, - customized products cost per cycle for x'^) c,{x'-\t.w] >\ I + h, I ^ result: / Tp,(l in condition 2 for condition Equations (19) and that for customized products the cycle center .rj" cannot be 4.2. us to Optimization. The make if In for condition 2 1 35) (3-")) condition 3 imply that less than for the de- and standardized /j,( is I the restriction — p,)r/2. Due- dates have transformed customized products into (juasi-standardized ones. and p,)/2. ,.c\2 f ones are exactly the same. The only difference between the two types in ^j5.7 p,)/'2, is terministic due-date case the cost structure for customized products the interpretation of this resvdt — > < -Tp,{[ - .v"; for This leads to a remarkable x'^^ product call if /;>,/, — We discuss §5.9. explicit derivation of average cost per cycle in §4.1 allows further progress in optimizing this system. First, we derive the optimal cycle center and cycle length, and then construct an algorithm for use in the dilfusion control problem. Cycle Center. By our analysis in §4.1. the only ilifference between the optimization of the cycle center in (20)-("22) and MRW in is the inchision of the equation (22) con- customized products. straints representing the non-negativity restrictions on MRW, In the solution to the program without inequalities (22) was found exactly. For later refer- we ence, by the "unconstrained" version of (20)-(22) and denote call (20)-(21) .As discussetl in .r"'*". MRW, the form of the cycle center three regions depending on whether the objective function cheapest product at the point it used is in of and .r^^' We broken down into linear or quadratic in the because .r" r. solving (20)-(22) the boundary conditions in equa- is exploit the structure of the objective function to determine the structure to find which objective function minimum in is wish to find a similar expression for determining the optimal cycle length The major complication tion (22). We .r*-'". is .r*^*" solution its exists it is piecewise quadratic with linear edges. will be a global minimum. .As convex and so It is ,V A.;0 = c{r^,r. .r) + A ( ^ w is (V^ \ ,< a local if per Bertsekas (199-5), the Lagrangian associated with (20)-(22) with fixed cycle length r and total workload level I(.r'-. The are binding with respect to the inequality constraints. .r^~*"s - u^ + E/',(^^^\^ " -rj) (36) • :1 The Karesh-Kuhn-Tucker necessary exist Lagrangian multipliers A' and where 0* pj)l'l. is We for j = •V'' I there = 0. (37) ^i' > 0. (38) ^- = the set of non-binding cycle centers; Vj€0', i.e.. we (39) products j such that suppress the dependence of 0" on r and set of .r" such that lv for x'j binding products categorize the binding products in The products with binding > Tpj{l increased readability, l)y their condition. 0'' be the set of products with binding cycle centers and in condition be the 3). //' minimum V,ci(.r'--.A'./r) additional ease of reference, let conditions state that for local J — for We and 0"' condition 2 (no binding product can be in condition cycle centers are pushed to their limit, 26 in the sense more work can be performed on these products. that no + ^c,(.r''*, r, (r) iV" + Thus, .'V. 1 — A = //, for for = i e 0' and / A'", I + and -^c,{x''\t,w) l,...,yV'-" = i Eciuation (37) imj^hes that it = A follows that T^c,(.r'', r, for = / +A = w) 0. t same Therefore, the Karesh-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are the the non-binding cycle for centers as for those in problem (20)-(22). This fact implies that the cycle center optimality arguments all .MRW' hold in (minimum but the cheapest earliness condition 2. non-binding 0' products. for the The condition I, where the cheapest product is product is condition in or tardiness of the cheapest product workload into 3 regions: Region II. /?,) There (minimum condition condition in is and region 2; 3. product. For ease of notation, let 0' equal $1 let if is = w— J2jti.(-)' '''Pji^ ( V. = — l>j)l~ ^pAi-r.) n f Pifi then the non-binding product w > - TO, • -;, h,-h, \ - (E,e0- P,L |(E,ee- P'L rp,{i-l',) Pif> h, \b,-k (E,ee- P>J> and the cheapest product cycle center = (....(6, the vector o, - is - (. . . .0,^. . . .)^ is d^) '^') .r^*. -//,)/2-(6,. ~hg.)/2 = 1. \ I^;^, /, MRW. and 6l we let If 0'] cycle center is »')f>i • 7-2 - <l < E,e{e-\^-} (40) ^^""2"''"' -bf> + h, if Oi - < if condition 1 /, , G {0" / in 0^ be the cheapest otherwise; the inde.x 0' corresi)onds to the "X'^ product" referred to in ir region 1: Here we use the same region terminology to denote when S. Let 0^ be the cheapest tardiness cost product in 0' and earliness cost in where the cheapest III. the cycle center and cycle length are such that the cheapest product 2 or product are h,) used to categorize the total feasible is where the cheapest product in was shown that it - = w — )^, 72 Ylie&' < -i'", E,e{(-)-\(9-} -''i = (....(V ' Tpg.{l-pg. where, for i G {0' \ ^"}- +he')/{pe-{\ -pe')]...Y. defined by p.(i-p,) P)(i-pj) 6,+/t, bj+k, E '€«" Pti^-Pi) o, for b, + ki ; ^ J. ana (41- /I = a„ + ^' and finally = have xf It Pi is is where rp,(l .r'; - = />,/, — ra, \ • (4- L/G0- -fT^iir "' — 71 - Z-'^/, «')o, • Fo'" -;2- ' G {0"' U 0"^}, we p,)/'2. zero, the inclusion or absence of / in ; is binding yet 0' does not Lagrangian multiplier its affect the cycle centers of the other This can be seen by setting the borderline product's cycle center as derived from equation (40) equal to r/;,(l — p,)/2 and by subsequent algebraic manipulations. In addition, on the border between regions II and I or III the cycle center does not change using any of the two corresponding e.xpressions in equation (40). conclude that the cycle center \\ ith in (X]^ge- important to note that when a product products. if Pi(l-Pi) V^ is a continuous function of the cycle length these expressions for the cycle center, we can terms of the cycle length r and the total workload level a\ For / G 0" pji^-p,) we define a f3*7l r. \ ^". it is I II (43) ((•) //. If can therefore restate the average cost per c\cle '(?• c,(t-, We = _u /, \LPAlzJhl ^P'Ji-p,) I -T..ie{(^'\<}-}<^'li ^'i<^l \ h,-h, '-^O'l^ 28 = • I 1 h,-h, \ I -'L,e{(r)'\d-}<^''n2. then the cost per cycle for the cheapest product r is + rE,^(-).^=^V^ /,,.(„,,. p,(l-p,) -fid' C0.{t. E,ee-\0' ' ^+ h,-h 6.+/, /'^ w) (44) + + {rao-ji :^ (a'0. +7-2^ jQe'ri] III The products with binding for cycle centers can be in condition G {©'' U 0""} the cost per cycle / Ti;(l-P,)' ( for the /\' / for , € 0"' + .s\ '(u'). e 0'- we can optimal cycle length r by differentiating equation (23) with The optimal cycle length of basic system parameters, the set of binding products = for of the cost per cycle in terms of r and u\ respect to t and solving against zero. .S' Thus (45) an expression cycle 2. r, «• Cycle Length. Given the form find or in condition is ll:(p:.ft c, I Thus, 0", 0"' and 0'" are all and the is expressed in terms effective setup cost per functions of 5 and w. If we define the constants ^-- (/), + /?,)/>,(!-/->,) i->,(^ "^1 2{b, ie&'\6' - p,) f + h, b, - h, (46) (h0'-h,)+ 2^ + Z^ (he.+b,). iee'2 {pJ.)Hb, + l>. (17) S2 + S3 8 x — r(«r;i) 2/>,(l -/-*,) 29 + — "m ;^ (48) ~ ^'' "' / , „ 0' a " i€0*' + 6, /; y- ef (6, -Pj) .^ r(«t7j + Pj(l ie0*2 , 2^ iT^l Y^ - h,)p,{l and , p,) 8 !e0*\e* (49) p,(l - 2(6, + p,) / 6, - /;, ^ (50) /;, j60' lee* then the optimal cycle length can be stated as s+a I +^f(E,p,,.^'/--"'^+<> ol II III c" In order to use the to be able to find r' fintl Markov chain approximation algorithm discussed and .!•"* w and given for a for varying V'(>r). Thus, the set 0* of non-binding products as a function of the setup penalty and workload w. In the .\ppendix we construct an algorithm 2. in §3.3. it 5' is we need necessary to = A +-sV '(ir) that generates the set of binding customized products as a function of effective setup cost for each total workload level. This algorithm allows the cycle length, cycle center and cycle cost to be calculated. This cost can then be fed into the .Markov chain api>ro\imation algorithm so that and hence the proposed 4.3. Proposed policy, Policy. 0,{t) — in §4.1 /,(/) machine based on ~ ft,\Vi{f)- III '(ic). can be compuletl. The mapping from problem to the proposed policy rule for the \ the is \\\. same the solution of the diffusion control as in §3.4. which implements a switching the current workload i)resent in individual orders, via the presence of deterministic due-dates, however, the analysis allows us to create an alternative switching rule based on the mininnim slack of each product, via \\\{t) ^ p, /', ( — L,{t)). 30 I'his alternative^ approach might be easier to implement in cases where due-date data are more order queues and inventories. Markovvitz (lODti) uses readily available than the levels of Monte Carlo simulation to compare the two alternatives, and finds that the approach given in §3.1 clearly outperforms the minimum slack method, although the discrepancy between the two Markowitz as the length of the due-date lead time grows; see Structural Properties. Unfortunately, 4.4. V''((r) is appears possible, even 0' if is known for w —> assume that as that for (Ci.iCi all some > «•'. there are only a finite we have in 0'((/^i) = w five .sef (this MRW. it about the derivative of the potential in i.e., the .\ppendi.\ respect to of possibilities for 0'. We there exists a »'' such .S 2. which demonstrates and w. and the fact that These structural properties are Please see Markowitz for details of their proofs. (n-) = — u' If region II + o[ic). containing the standardized products and the cheapest hackorder product could he customized or standardized) and 9 -- If region III However, -^ oc, then \ product levels. Let the average setup time per cycle s he greater than zero. conditions hold as is workload G'iwo). This assumption follows naturally observations 1-S number similar to the ones derived in where 0' no closed form solution to qualitative insight about the proposed policy. how the products smoothly become binding with 1. 0, for details. co the set of binding variables 0' stabilizes; from the t>ehavior evident Property > for all total |)ossible to deri\e several structural properties function ^'((r), which yields .s policies disappears conditions liold as U' —> V 2^jee' ;o3) Pji^-Pj) h;+h; 3c. then V'(»') = - —w + c 31 o{w). (54) Property the setup cost per cycle If 2. then the policy at the idling threshold /), = hj for all ///;, 7^ I) J T-{Wo) = for i and some i If this J. and I\ = ami icq satisfies all of the products are staudardized. the region II and only ci)nditions if il condition holds then j then the idling threshold satisfies the region I conditions and 0. Property 3. the limit as tc average setup time s If — >• oo if and only if greater than zero, region II conditions hold in the tardiness costs of all the standardized products and the cheapest tardiness are ecpial is cost among the customized products is or greater than the standardized tardiness cost (or if the tardiness cost of equal to all of the customized products are equal and there are no standardized products). Like their counterparts in MRW. ture of the optimal cycle length. customized i>roduct and of tion (.')1) load w. antl If Property 1 all By these three properties provide insights into the na- Proposition .'5. if the standardized products are ec[ual, then from ec[ua- the oi^timal cycle length r" grows linearly for large total work- the tardiness costs are not ec[ual then from Property grows as the scpiare root of total workload. Property near the idling threshold Beyond MRW, these three properties 2, all describes the optimal cycle length w —> cc. the the set of non- optimal cycle length idling threshold, If region II if /\' — and region conditions hold or I\ > 0. I conditions then 0" The Value of Due-date Lead Times. Based on is a we can comment on how due-date the analysis of the oi)tinial lead times impact the long run average cost. For systems with standardized goods, due-dates do not influence the optimal costs. a is difficult to describe. 4.5. policy, (51). r' but potentially one customized product to become around the hold, then no products are binding. prion and equation make statements about 0'. In the limiting case of growing and eventually causes By Property "2 1 (t'o. binding product classes. binding. the tardiness costs of the cheapest quick inspection of the cost |>er cycle in (Mpiation 32 (1!)). we By see that modifications in due-date lead times are is by a translation of the cycle center. Thus, the offset not alteretl by changes the due-date lead times: in we describe the oi)tinial cost intuition behind this result in §5.6. The situation For customized products more complex. is centers influences the costs associated with binding products. lengthen, the feasible regions for the cycle center .r' The translation of cycle .\s due-date lead times and cycle length r grow, thereby allowing for a lower long run average cost. However, for the zero setup time case, show that when due-date lead times become and hence the long run average cost by solving the control problem this (i.e., in region II /, the original problem = for the s case, both ignoring binding constraints O V} r{l .V}) {1 u-^ of this no due-date problem and ;i i + P.{^ - (56) »o«.72. be binding. Since the derivative of will ever non-binding Similarly, if in w (Cq. is positive for the at the smallest .s = case, .r^~ — this. region I policy, )/'2 that which Therefore, for due-date lead conditions hold at the idling threshold w^ and '> \ ^J' />, for the same the standardized case. P,(l > — we need only check workload experienced by the Equation (56) guarantees r/j,( 1 if the due-date leadtimes satisfv l>J. if l>,) times satisfying (56). the optimal long run average cost remains constant reason as stated and S3 with respect to total workload the idling threshold = Let Wq be the optimal idling threshold. e(|ual to zero. > then none of the products is do of the due-date lead times satisfy all \ a product class We independent of the due-date lead times. conditions hold at the idling threshold /'-/- is sufficiently large, no products are binding treating each customized good as a sla idardized one so that 0" setting the due-date lead times If is we can V ^^. - + />.) 'b, - h + /Mi {1 ^' 33 V} + /><(! - P:)^ for / ^ ()' and p0-fe' - p e-i^ > pe-) y- {1 \f! then no product same reason i^S' will - Pi(l V 6, + k - pi /^ + h. (58) V 1 h, be bintling (one only needs to check at the idling threshold for the as in the region II case). For positive setup times, Property 3 states that as long as there is product which does not have the cheapest tardiness cost, that product be binding for high total workload levels. The is high for the workload levels \.l;ere We date lead times increase, eventually the reduction in all we binding, the density long run average cost asymptotically Longer due-date lead times achieve diminishing returns In this section, is can infer from this that as the due- of the products are treated as 5. eventually Although the average the product class associated with these regions diminishes rapidly. approaches the case where will longer the due-date lead times the larger the total workload level before the product becomes binding. cycle cost a customized if they were standardized. for large total workloads. DISCUSSION step through each region of the Venn diagram and discuss the relevant literature along with the insights derived from our analysis of the deterministic due-date lead time case: same way for ease of reference, the subsections as the regions in Figure versions of these problems, static stochastic scheduling. we do 1. not Because our focus is below are numbered in the on the dynamic stochastic include the vast literature on deterministic or For each subproblem. we compute and display a typical set of switching curves on the workload plane that characterize the proposed policy the two-product case. The cost parameters satisfy //[ = 'llii and bx = in 262 in each of these examples. .Mthougli our computations are restricted to the deterministic due-date lead time case, Markowitz undertakes a partial examination of the cost per cycle for a customized product with uniform due-date lead times, and the numerical results suggest that the f|ualitati\e observations describe<l in this section carry over to the date lead time case. 34 random due- U', switcli from 2 to switch from 1 to 2 1 idle Wi Figure Customized products, no setups, no due-dates. Customized Products, No Setups, No Due-dates. The 5.1. Figure 3: corresponds to systems 1 vvitli outer area of only customized goods, no setup penalties and no Ihese traditional multiclass queues are the simplest of the systems displayed due-dates. in the diagram and liaxe l)een extensively studied. to show the optimality tardiness cost rate cost from the b). system of the "T// Cox and Smith (1961) were the rule" (in our notation, the r// first index corresponds to the which gives priority to the product that, while serviced, removes at the highest rate; .see Bertsimas and .\iho-.\Iora (1996) for an up-to-date set of references for this scheduling problem. Our proposed mined from to be zero. region is III policy The lack §4.2. old is u'o is for a ol conditions can apply. set to zero. a-. / policy parameters can be easily deterto vanish and the cycle length r for all jjroducts. implying that only the setups forces region Thus In this special case, The implied dynamic 6i /, for not ecpial to O^. two-product example wliere to exhaustion The similar in spirit. .\o diu'-dates indicates that set to zero for all product is = any total workload and the cycle center one can h^): u- > for is I his policy the cheapest backorder Service then simple all l)ut in form (see Figure 3 the least expensive product and switch out of producing the cheapest product cost products present. the cycle center .rf 0. trivially calculate that the idling thresh- cyclic policy > II if tliere are can be interpreted as a two-level priority rule: .\11 but the least expensive product have high priority and are served to exhaustion manner; the least expensive ])roduct has low priority. 3.0 any higher in a cyclic worth noting that It is in the heavy traffic limit tlie (|nrue products vanish and oidy the lowest priority product length of the high priority present (see W'hitt 1971). is follows that the heavy trafHc limiting behavior of the proposed policy of a strict "b" |)riority policy: In both cases, the workload process the heavy Thus, in policy and the c/-t traffic setting nothing lost is is lies It identical to that along the 0^ axis. between our proposed dynamic cyclic rule. 5.2 Standardized Products, No Setups, No Due-dates. Multiclass systems with standardized products are generally considered to be more cjueueing difficult to an- alyze than systems with customized products because of the nonlinear cost structure introduced by having both holding and backorder costs. .*\dditionally. when constructing policies for these production/inventory systems, there are aries as with exhausting a cjueue in no natural switching bound- customized systems. These obstacles have hindered the analysis of even the simplest case: Standardized products with no'setups and no due-dates. Zheng and Zipkin (1990) analyze the intuitively appealing longest queue (or smallest finished goods inventory) policy for a two-product system, which is optimal when both products have identical cost parameters and operate under independent base stock policies. Ha (1993) partially characterizes (in terms of switching curves) the optimal Wein (1992) uses heavy policy for the Markovian two-product case. traffic theory to de- velop a dynamic priority policy and an aggregate base stock policy for the multiproduct problem, and \eatch and Wein (1993) expand upon this by examining index policies Markovian setting and analyzing the l)y Finally. lost sales case. propose a policy that combines the best aspects of the policies in a Pena and Zipkin (1993) in Zheng and Zipkin, Ha, and Wein. Our proposed more in-depth this system. is policy is similar to that of Wein. and readers are referred there for a discussion of the basic insights gained Irom the heavy traffic analysis of Fri^m the calculations involving setup penalties and cycle length again zero for this case and only regions but the cheapest product w < total 0. is set to zero and 1 and HI are x^. equals possible. ir for ir > The in §4.2. r cycle center of and .rj,. equals w all for Because there are no setup times, the total workload process, which measures the work in backorders minus the total work 36 in linisheil goods inventorv. is a RHM and w, switch from 2 to 1 \v switch from 1 to 2 idle Figure the iflling threshold the total work of Wein). icq is in finished The dynamic unfilled orders with the inventory. Staiidardizecl products, no setups, no due-dates. 4: It lias available: 2) all negative —Wq (i.e.. represents an aggregate base stock level for goods inventory) and has an explicit form (see eciuation (76) system cyclic policy can be stated as a two-level priority added complication of a mechanism the following rules: 1) service all to build for up a finished goods orders with finished goods inventory if cpieued orders for products other than product 01 have priority and are serviced in an exhaustive cyclic maimer: 3) orders for the cheapest backorder product 01 have the lowest priority: 4) idling threshold, then no orders are present and the total workload if produce product typical two-product policy (where 6) 0^. > which 62, hi is > is above the the cheapest to hold in inventory. .\ pictured in Figure 4 and. as in hi) is the customized case, the strict priority rule between the products causes the switching curves to nearly overlap on product 2's axis. in the heavy traffic limit, identical to Comparing The performance of the resulting policy the one suggested by Wein. the customized product and standardized i)roduct cases, proposed policy a distinct role for inventory: It in we see from the hedges against the risk of backordering. .\ccording to the IILAP. uncertainty in production and d(>maiid have pact on the total workload is. tlieir greatest im- the system, and the time scale decomi)osition allows the 3< machine to flexiljly address requests for high cost pro(hicts without the need for storing the jjrodurts themselves. Thus, inventory acts as a reservoir of reserve capacity, able to absorb random tluctuations capacity in tlie cost product. policy and demand, and service most economical manner Similarly, when possible: It is tlu" |)ro|)osed placed the finished goods inventory is in policy stores this the cheapest holding exhausted, the proposed able to flexibly service requests for high cost products by neglecting the still is in cheapest backorder product, effectively storing deficit inventory in its cheapest form. Customized Products, Setups, No Due-dates. The models 5.3. by region the in .'5 Venn diagram known are computer communication networks. systems as polling in represented the literature on Although considerable research has appeared on the performance analysis of these systems (e.g., l3oxma and Takagi, 1992), the dynamic scheduling of these nudticlass (pieues with setups have not yielded to an exact analysis. Hofri and Koss (1987), results, Xain and Towsley (1992) and Koole (1994) derive structural Liu. Reiman and Wein (199-!) use heavy traffic analysis to develop policies for the two-product problem. Boxma, Levy and Westrate (1994) and Bertsimas and compute static policies (i.e., polling tables), dynamic index policy Browne and Xu (1993) Vechiali (1989) derive a quasi- to choose sequences of products to service at the start of each cycle, and Duenyas and Van Oyen (1995, 1996) develop scheduling heuristics based on myopic reward rates for systems with the literature review of Our proposed .*\s in setu]) times Reiman and Wein policy is and costs, respectively: readers are referred to (1994) for more a multiproduct version of Reiman and Wein equals zero for for all in it (1994) policy. s the previous customized case, the lack of due-dates and of standard goods limits the cycle center and cycle length equations to the region /, details. .^' and a cyclic all all w. manner. \\ — T{w)pe'{ — P9' 1 but the cheapest product, hen set )/-. set up up for Ol where for all is ir is binding and so 0" C {01} Service each product it until its normalized workload reaches the current normalized work is Ciiven that but the cheapest backorder product, service work on there are only two products, the pokuy The presence B^. formulations. Thus, the policy can be stated as follows: When to exhaustion. .r'^.(«') all /, III identical to the system. \\ hen Reiman and Wein's of setui)s eliminat(^s the two-lexel priority 38 in scheme seen (1994). in the previous \v, switch from 2 to switch from 1 1 to 2 idle Figure no setup o: Customized products, setups, uo due-dates. The proposed cases, because a strict priority rule leads to excessive setups. policy avoids this by keeping to the cycle, yet minimizes cost by offering ciuick delivery to high cost products at the possible neglect of the 9l product. previous two subproblems. the heavy priority product in a similar fashion, systems, it is exhaustive more beneficial to focus in the traffic analysis essentially treats all but the lowest riiese results suggest that for heavily loaded polling on noncyclic exhaustive policies than dynamic non- ])olicies. typical two-product j^olicy shown Figure 5. has added breadth to the switching curves of Figure 3. .A However, as is in The presence The only balancing setups and ([ueueing costs, as directly seen in of setup penalties policy can be viewed as not the formulation of r and j^. but also as controlling the randomness of the system by isolating the effects of total work fluctuation in the least cost product. This is seen in Figure 5 by the huge range of low- cost product cjueue length values (along the vertical axis) caused by the fluctuation of total workload in the system versus the relatively confined range of the more expensive product (along the horizontal axis). 5.4. Standardized Products, Setups, No Due-dates. Standardized goods with setups and without due-dates has long been considered the prototype for modeling make-to-stock maiuifact uring systems. The deterministic version of this problem, which is called the Economic 1915 (see Elmaghraby Lot Scheduling 1!)7S). Problem (ELSP). was originally fornuilated in and only recently has the stochastic version of 39 this problem - - switch from '2 switch from 1 to 1 to 2 Kile Figure (the SELSP) 6: Stanclarchzed prochicts, setups, no due-dates. received attention. decision model, Graves (1980) develops a heuristic using a Markov Leachman and Gascon (19SS), Gallego (1990) and Bourland and Yano (1995) develop heuristic lot-sizing algorithms that are rooted in the deterministic EL.SP, Sharifnia. Caramanis and Gershwin (1991) use anal\ze a stochastic a hierarchical tluid \ersion of the i)roblem. decomposition approach to Federgruen and Katalan (1995b. 1996) use polling theory to analyze the performance of (periodic and cyclic, respectively) base stock policies for the SELSP. Qiu and Loulou (1995) numerically compute the optimal solution to the two-product problem by modeling .\nupindi and Tayur base stock policies, ( it as a semi-Markov decision process, 1994) develop a simulation based approach to MRW analyze the problem using the compute cost-effective HTAP. and Sox and Muckstadt (1995) formulate the problem as a stochastic program, and propose a decomposition procedure to solve Our proposed that of MRW. it. policy restricted to standardized goods and no due?-dates reduces to Since all of the products are standardized, there are no orthant constraints and hence no binding [)roduc1s; i.e.. 0" = {1 \}. .Ml three regions are possible and the cycle length, cycle center and idling threshold are nontrivial. 40 .\ sample policy is pictured A Figure in (i. detailed description of the proposed [jolicy for the key insights are given larger problem. As in in MRW. Here we SELSP and a summary of tlie briefly cover the liighHglits as they pertain to the the standardized goods, no setup case, the policy treats the total workload inventory as a reservoir of stored capacity, used to hedge against demand and The switching curves service rate uncertainty. is stored in the cheapest holding cost product the cheapest backorder product 0^. are constructed so that e.xcess inventory Oj^. and inventory deficit is moved into Positive inventory also serves a secondary role: A small cache of inventory impedes backordering on an individual product level while the machine is producing other products during a cycle. The amount of inventory required dependent on the length of the cycle, which as shown in as seen in .Also, comparing Figures 4 an increasing function of the setup penalty setups introduce breadth between the switching curves, and 6. Customized Products, No Setups, Due-dates. The systems 5.5 Figure equation (51). is 1 reflect manufacturing facilities that service some future time. The in region 5 of customer requests on a make-to-order basis with the additional feature that customers do not at is want the goods immediately but inclusion of due-dates causes an explosion in the dimension of the state space, which makes this problem difficult. Pandelis and Teneketzis consider earliness and tardiness penalties and examine pro[)erties of an optimal policy. Righter uses Van Mieghem stochastic ordering to further characterize aspects of an optimal policy. (1995) studies a multiclass queueing system with costs based upon a convex nondecreasing function of each orders delay in the system. that a generalized ci^i rule is Using heavy asymptotically optimal, where c traffic analysis, is a he shows dynamic function that represents each jobs marginal cost of delay. .As in both no setup, no due-date cases, the lack of setup penalty causes the cycle length T and region II to vanish. moves the switching curves If of (deterministic) due-dates, however, into the orthant so that they by equation (40) the cycle centers described as follows: The presence .r^" the total work are shifted by in lie />,/,. unfinished orders 1 on a new he proposed policy can be is less than orders that are almost at their due-date have priority and are serviced 41 set of axes; i.e.. in Yl\ = \ Piji- then a cyclic manner. Wo switch from 2 to switch from 1 to 2 1 idle due-date axis IF, Figure and if 7: no orders near their due-date and the total workload tlieie are idling threshold, then the earliness cost. Custoniized products, no setups, due-dates. If machine works on orders the total workload is for level is above the the product with the smallest greater than J2[=i PiJi then all products other than the cheapest tardiness product 0^ have priority and their orders are serviced a cyclic manner product OJl just as their due-dates are reached or passed; has lowest priorit\' and its orders are serviced only in the cheapest tardiness when the due-dates of the higher priority goods are distant. .A two-product e.xample is given in Figure 7. .\s in the no due-date, no setup examples, the switching curves for the two products nearly overlap. However, the switching curve shift onto the new due-date axes The shift of the due-date axes is in readily transparent by comparing Figures 4 and the workload plane represents the tolerance of the policy toward aging orders not due in the near future. The region corresponding to the "northeast" portion of the plane corresponds to the workload states where there much work and the plane The is orders are completed past their due-date. an area where orders are few and intersection of the new axes 7. corresponds to the state where the wait in worked on if (the vertical one The is is too "southwest"' portion of will be completed early. liidden t^ehind the switching curve) (lueue for an order exactly equals its due-date lead-time. .•\s in the previous subproblems. the i)roposed policy minimizes the costs of the higher cost products at the expense of the cheapest product. The policy attempts to service the 42 high cost products As Ol. in the no due-date case, excess orders are shifted to the cheapest tartliness product The presence of due-dates allows the scheduler to avoid tardiness costs by staying "ahead of schedule" slack such a manner that they are completed exactly when they are due. in when there - that is, by completing some of the orders early to allow an unexpected surge is demand in against this uncertainty in the most economical manner when how much a product boundary in is "deficit" possible: workload they can hold: The policy exhausted of orders, and, as It in the the proposed switching curves in Figure is hedges It only completes early 7. is forced to switch setup "kink" on the horizontal orthant further hedging against tardiness must be achieved by completing early the more expensive product. that the low total workload more However, customized products have a those products with the cheapest earliness cost. limit on or difficulty in production. for costly, the idling threshold may In addition, given be nonzero so as to avoid states with higli earliness costs. It is interesting to com])are these results to those of \ an Mieghem. His cost structure can acconmuKlate a multiclass queueing system with customized products, no setups and deterministic due-dates, where the earliness costs this case. Van Mieghems generalized r// orders (and early ones can be processed group is determined, in /?, are set to zero for all products. In rule gives priority to tardy orders over early any manner), and priority within the tardy in out notation, by the highest "b" rule. .A.lso. the server works as long as there are orders waiting. Our results provide the dynamic cyclic version of this policy just as was seen standardized and customized cases with no due-dates and no setups. There priority scheme for tardy orders, where all all services the orders to exhaustion is set at zero there is policy has the Ol orders are serviced do. our policy and Van when only when there are no tardy orders. policy: I The as the gcMunali/.ed Mieghems Oj, there are idling threshold he machine works as long as .Again, as in the previous cases without setups, the same beluuior a two-level of the earliness costs are eciual, the proposed policy and so does not contribute to the work to the but the cheapest tardiness cost product have priority and are serviced cyclically: tardy no other orders past due. Since is in are similar cfi rule in the when they are 43 heavy dynamic traffic limit. Ijoth restricted to the cyclic I hus, one case w. switch from 2 to switch from \v 1 1 to 2 i.lle due-datp axis Figure where tlie Standardizetl products, no setujjs. due-dates. 8: models overlap. No Standardized Products, 5.6. Setups, Due-dates. This been explicitly studied to our knowledge, the orthant boundaries. shifted onto the The is which has not similar to the customized case, but without cycle length and region new due-date axes case, vanish. II The cycle centers are The presence of a finished goods inventory, /;,/,. however, modifies the proposed policy from the previous customized one. The policy can be interpreted as the following rules: 1) only fill orders when they the finished goods inventory or directly from the machine output: 2) present in orders minus that in finished goods inventory two-level priority scheme: Orders for is are due. either from if above J2iPifi then follow high tardiness cost goods (i.e.. are closer to their due-date have priority and are serviced in a cyclic Ol orders priority have lower priority: 3) and are serviced if cyclically, on the lowest holding cost [Moduct until the in Figure This workload idling threshold total and O^ is work if is the total workload all a but O^) that manner and tardy Ijelow Y^tPifi then tardy orders have there are no tardy orders the machine works and stores them reached. A in the finished goods inventory, typical two-product policy is depicted 8. i>olicy is exactly the same as a shifted standardized, 44 no setup, no due-date Moreover, policy. average cost. in the heavy traffic limit both systems incur exactly the same long run This perhaps surprising result The due-dates we have considered have makes upon intuitive sense a special structure: They closer inspection. are 0{y/n) and so only influence the fluid limit. This implies that in our policy, orders will arrive, and he serviced before the total late workload has an opportunity to significantly change. Moreover, the orders are continuously arriving and not able to either get ahead or become fall in behind on orders. that are due today and arrived 10 days ago, then time frame the machine this Thus, if tomorrow we we is are servicing orders be servicing orders will due tomorrow that arrived nine days ago. Due-date lead times have not provided any additional flexibility to the system; orders are not serviced earlier or later than usual, only the absolute time of service has been shilted. The goods ditTerence between this case and the customized one for customized case (see Figure of future orders product when means it 7). the ability to pre-make With standardized goods, the a finished goods inventory. allowed to hedge against backordering by investing In the is in stored work in policy its always is cheapest form. the inability to manufacture goods in anticipation that the policy might be forced to store runs out of orders for 0'^ work in a more e.xpensive products and so must finish early the next cheapest holding cost product. In a system not in heavy traffic, however, the long run average cost is affected by the due-date lead time. Buzacott and Shanthikmar (199:1 §4.5) find the long run average cost for the single-product Markovian version of idling threshold (Buzacott and Shanthikumar's target cost level), If one optimizes over the then the long run average is ln/> \b + hj as long as the due-date lead time / is \ less \np J than or equal to condition guarantees that the idling threshold is this jjroblem. (Cq is .^'_ nonpositive). . In The (-^j — first »'o term ('^i'^ in (59) equal to the long run average cost for a system without due-dates and the second the due-date contribution. Since i/|—^ -1- A is is alwavs negative, due-date lead times rcnluce the cost of the svstem. 45 The reason for t lie difrerence between tlie heavy traffic system and the nnscaled one can be most easily nnd(>rstood by examining the nnscaled system with no orders and fnll inventory. When an order arrives, the total order workload increases above the idling threshold and the server initiates prodnction. is Goods can be dne, inflating the inventory level beyond the heavy finished before the order traffic prediction. Holding costs are greater and the chance of baclvordering effects: a This has two The due- decreased. is date leadtinie has allowed the system to hedge against bacfcordering, something that the heavy traffic approximation has not allowed to one, the long run average cost in (59) for. Nonetheless, as utilization grows close dominated by is ^ In ^, which is independent of the due-date lead time. ft is also interesting to note the difference model of Hariharan and for-one replenishment There level. is Zi[)kin (lf)95). scheme between our system and the inventory They consider for a single They facility that emj)loys a one- product, and optimize the on-site inventory a deterministic due-date lead time. the facility's orders, L^. a L,i. for find that increasing the requests and a lead time for due-date lead time decreases the average cost of the system up until the due-date lead time equals the re-order lead time; when Ld > is further increases in the due-date lead time have no value. be tempted to conclude that the two results are consistent, because Ld system, ffowever. also our problem, the sojourn time 0{\/n) by the heavy it is in our system. result in and ours We is urgency demand 5.7. Ls does not always hold uncertainty but docs not act as stored workload, freeing for higher cost products. W'ith longer be replenished quickly and so hedge against backordering. is > the role of Ls- and that Hariharan and Zipkin consider an uncapacitated system, where for orders to stored work conditions: hence, Ld L^ for our believe the reason for the difference between Hariharan and Zipkin's inventory hedges against machine resources traffic for orders plays > One might In contrast, in due-date lead times there less inventory is less is needed on-site to our capacitated model, the same amount of needed indejK'ndent of due-dat(> lead time, as discussed above. Customized Products, Setups, Due-dates. We know analytically treating this problem. 1 his case contains all of the of no previous complexity of work §1.2. .Ml three regions can be present, cycle length, cycle center and idling threshold are nontrixial 46 W: switch from 2 to switch from due-date axis Customized products, setups, long due-dates. Figvire 9: and products can be binding, it is interesting to note that if the due-date lead times are the proposed policy looks like a shifted set of 9). to 2 idle I long enough (Figure 1 1 SELSP switching curves (systems with setup times, however, will always be slightly different because the expanding cycle length by Property 1 in §4.4). into the orthant and r will eventually hit If theorthant l)oundary the due-dates are short (Figure flatten out. 10). for large total workload, the switching curves bump Readers should note that Figures 9 and 10 are based on cases with setup costs but no setup times, whereas the other cases with setups this section contain setup times but a shifted SELSP policy, it no setup costs. in In addition to viewing the case as can also be thought of as the customized product, no setups, due-dates case (Figure 7) with breadth added to the switching curves as was seen in the transformation between the no due-date cases without setups to the case with setups (Figures 3 and 5.8. o). Standardized Products, Setups, Due-dates. This subproblem corresponds to the center of Figure ized products 1. and has received very little attention. The switch to standard- from the customized case eliminates the orthant boundaries, thereby sim- plifying the nature of the optimal dynamic cyclic policy. 47 I he policy is merely the SELSP w. switch from 2 to switch from 1 to 2 1 idle due-date axis H. Figure policy oil 10: Customized products, setups, short due-dates. and compare it the cost under the optimal dynamic cyclic policy is the shifted set of due-date a.\es (see the example to Figure 6); moreover, as in §").6. insensitive to due-date lead times. iu Figure 11 .\Iarkowitz performs simulation runs for the p = 0.9 case that support this iusensitivity conjecture. It is worth noting that as due-date lead times increase, the entire set of switching curves passes into the positive orthant. Hence, longer due-date lead times can transform a make-to-stock method. When method of servicing demand for due-date lead times reach this standardized goods into a make-to-order critical level, it is optimal to fill orders early and incur holding costs: these early orders jn'ovide a buffer against backordering as would a finished goods inventory. 5.9 sider Systems with Customized and Standardized Products. Lastly, we con- mixed systems with both customized and standardized products, which would respond to the border of the "Standardized" customized and standardiz(xl is based entir(>ly circle in Figure I. Our of distinction between on product design, and the derived switch- ing curves dictate which standardized products are made-to-order. work has treated the partition cor- In contrast, other customized and standardized goods as a decision to be 4S — •- • • Figure 11: where tlie (MTO) goods MTO/MTS without setups or due-dates, and with demand items intrinsic priority rule allows for a lost sales instead of backordering. In a subsequent for the MTO and MTS switching from MTO and MTS goods to MTO. They priority rules also propose a heuristic for partitioning items. Finally, there and due-dates. MTS products base stock levels. Federgruen and Katalan (1995a) examine mixed systems with setups and no due-dates, and compare several for that a heavy traffic analysis of mi.xed systems paper (1995b), she examines different priority rules for setting system with no setups partition, but does not involve optimal schedul- Nguyen (1995a) performs and suggests an algorithm to 2 due-date axis represent low have priority over the make-to-stock (.MIS) ones. This ing of the products. 1 idle (1!)93) consider a cpieueing rt a/. make-to-order performance analysis of the switch from 1 Standardized products, setups, due-dates. optimized. For example. Carr or due-dates, switch from 2 to is .\11 the full i)roblem: Customized and standardized products, setups of the previous cases are subsets of this general model. It is the proper setting to ask questions of balancing inventory costs and setup penalties, of setting base stock inventory levels and avoiding backordering. of determining due-date lead time effects and natural due-date-based ]jartitions of 49 .MTS/MTO goods. \'et. this generality Wo switch from 2 to - - switch from 1 1 to 2 idle due-elate axis Figure 12: Mixtxl products. setui)s. due-dates. does not complicate the system beyond the previous cases. The product mix for in accounted our calculations by the presence of orthant constraints on some products and not on others (see P'igure 12 for an example of a mixed system with one customized product, one standardized product, setup times and due-dates). earlier is Most of the insights described about the interactions of setups, due-dates and orthant constraints carry over directlv to the combined svstem. 6. Computational COMPUTATIONAL STUDY results in and robustness of the HT.AP Reiman and Wein for (1994) and MRW confirm the accuracy make-to-order and make-to-stock systems, respectively, with either setup costs or setup times, but no due-dates. Here we report on a com- putational study that tests our methods with respect to mixed systems and due-dates. Unfortunately, the presence of due-dates prevents an exact derivation (via dynamic gramming) of the optimal policy consideration. Therefore, and an we employ (^xact e\aluatiou of the various policies discrete event simvdation for these tasks. 50 i)ro- under For sim- plicitv, we only examine two-product systems with deterministic due-date and setup times are independent and exponentially Interarrivai times, service times tributed. The service preemp'ive-resume and there are no setup is we scenarios in this section, lead times. For costs. dis- of the all systems void of both orders and inventory and start with then perform ten independent runs. Each run contains a 100,000 time unit initialization period and statistics are recorded for the next 10,000.000 time units. We wish to examine three issues mixed systems: The accuracy for of the heavy traffic approximation, the effectiveness of our proposed policy, and the value of increased duedate lead times. The the same parameters tardiness costs to as a case in = b, product first customized and the second MRVV, we oh,, serxice rates a\erage setup time per cycle for values ecpial to 0. is — .s 20. We arrival rates Aj 1. the due-date lead times .set The (27). to three straw policies. date considerations; that set to zero. produced level. uj) to The base due-date case (product is The second straw t')/[/;i( a stationary )/cr' (see 1 is j)olic\- is in (26)-(27) policy a is A,) = /2 /i = 0.3 and = 1, and test /, in §3.1 of is MRW. pi)!- + I'- as follows. — If Pi)/2. we The The calculated with the due-date lead hybrid base stock/exhaustive policy is equivalent to a —r order workload cycle center for the customized product cycle center for the standardized product define v — pi) + /'2(l — Pi)\- Inder gamma the proposed policy without due- calculated in a fashion analogous to the standardized, no set to r((r)/n(f — is defined in ecjuations (26)- is serviced to exhaustion and the standardized product a base stock level //"'r. which stock level set to t(u-)p2{\- 2(tr— /;, is 1) straw first the polic\- is. where the customized product is 0.6, 2,/?2 20 and 100. an optimal policy, we compare the [proposed policy, which /, = = /?i Since we do not have a convenient point of reference provided by .Sfraw Policies. time standardized. Using set the earliness costs to = //, is = vj \/n. then the cycle length this policy, the total density with parameters o CofTman. Puhalskii and Heiman = 'lsjn[\ l!)95b). 51 — is t[w) — normalized workload U' has p)lo- and 3 The average = -sll'-i /',(1 cost for this policy — is given by . +c,(r - + Pi(i-p.)ELi ""-'''" — ^^i.^^— — -.2=-^^^^^ "EL, — r set /? equal to ( 1 which minimizes The — p)~'^ results of is ^*''+'* / and use a steepest descent is e-"^"-^\liw. parameter algoritliin to find the again a hybrid base stock/exhaustive policy where the base determined by an exhaustive search using nuiltiple simulation runs (the which are not shown here). These two hybrid as the bybri'f "'p ':::•' ,r) (60). third straw policy stock level (60) 3 -. ^('-''-''EL,"'(i-''-)"""EL,^'"-''''" We w ''-(i-''-) HTAP policies, which be referred to will policy and the hybrid ^'^nrch policy, together offer the opportunity to determine the accuracy of the HT.\P. Numerical results are contained in Table and switching curves for the Figures 13 and 14 for the /, hybrid search policy and the proposed policy are given in = and = /, 100 cases, respectively. Due- Date Lead Cost of Hybrid Cost of Hybrid Time HTAP Search 290.3 (± 3.2) 201.8 (± 2.7) 122.8 (±1.4) 290.0 (± 2.7) 20 100 Table Observations: Straw I: I Cost of Proposed vv/o D-date 199.5 (± 3.2) 121.3 (±L. 3) Simulation results Policies. The 274.6 (± 1.9) 186.3 (± 2.1) 158.3 (± 0.9) for the Cost of Proposed Policy 274.6 (± 1.9) 184.1 (± 2.7) 109.7 (± 1.1) mixed system. long run average cost for both hybrid policies decreases with longer due-date lead times. With zero due-date lead times, orders for the high cost customized product are immediately backordered. driving up costs. date lead times increase, orders for .As the due- the customizerl jiroduct are less tardy and costs However, one would expect that eventually they would start to increase again fall. (under the hybrid policies) as the diu^-date lead times become inordinately long and holding costs become excessive. The two hyl)rid policies incm- nearly identical costs. search policy are 4'). 37 and 13 for the /, = corresponding HT.-\P levels are 30. 28 and 52 0. •"). The base stock levels for the 20 and 100 cases, respectively, and the .Mthough the base stock levels for the MTS Proposed Policv iVITS Ilvhiid Policy W2 I 40- MTO MTO Wi 40 Base Stock Level switch from 2 to switch from 1 1 1 to 2 due-date axis Figure Switching curves 13: for a mixed system with zero due-date lead times. search policy are consistently higher than those of the in long run average cost is HTAP ])olicy, the actual difference very small, for the hybrid exhaustive/base stock policy, the long run average cost as a function of base stock level appears to have a shallow slope about the optimal solution, and the heavy level that performs Finally, it is traffic analysis is able to identify a base stock (piite well. not surprising that the performance of the proposed policy that assumes zero due-date lead times deteriorates as due-date lead times increase. This deterioration suggests that it is Observations: not advisable to ignore due-dates Proposed Policy. when due-date lead times are large. For the reasons cited above, the proposed policy also has decreasing long run average costs as due-date lead times increase. policN' 14: has an important advantage over the hybrid policies that can be seen in Figures 13- It is able to avoid large buildu|)s of product be shipped. The cost reduction achieved hybrid policies the /, The proposed = is in in fable I 1 orders, both in (lueue l)y and waiting to the pro[)Osed policy r(4ative to the the o-lO'/c range, and increases with the due-date lead time /,. For case, the proposed policy avoids se/ere backordering by switching to product 53 MTS MTS Hybrid Policv W2 Proposed Policv W2 ': 40 MTO -40- 11 Base Stock Level : switch from 2 to switch from to 2 1 due-date axis Figure i if there Switching cur\cs 14: is for a mixed system an excessive luunlx'r of orders setup penalty, the cycle length r is in (jueue. witli due-date lead times of 100. However, due to the severity of the long and so the product buildup must be large. 1 Thus, the marginal benefit of the proposed policy over the hybrid policy in this case. greater opportunity to avoid excessive product is .As seen in Figure 14. the near the due-date axis pi The hybrid The in 1 costs. Tlu^ cycle length r is still large able to attain a balance l)etween earliness and tardiness costs by cycle center placement. order to wait not great the due-date lead time increases, however, the proposed policy has a .As but the policy is queue /i for . which is amount of product the level of product 1 workload is maintained workload necessary 1 an amount of time exactly equal to its for a new- due-date lead time. policies are not able to [jerform this type of cost minimization. \'aluc of Due-date Lead Times. As due-date lead times increase, our heavy traffic analysis (see §4.6) predicts that the long run av(M'ag(> costs umlfn' the mixed system should beyond this threshold value, decrease until the due-date lead tinu^s hit a critical value; costs should be very insensitive to due-date lead times and almost ecjual to the cost under the corresponding SELSP. 54 t he total system cost should be .\Ioreo\'er. because the hybrid optimize the staiulardizfHl and rustoniized products independently, the inventory policies costs for the standardized protluct should be independent of the due-date lead time under these policies. For the hybrid product Table in I: Its respectively, for 11. there polici(\s. change little is the costs due to the standardized in average holding and backorder costs remain approximately 23 and all values of the due-date lead time, and almost of the savings all are due to the customized product. In contrast, the inventory costs for the standardized product the proposed policy change with the due-date lead time (in the in earliness cost is 46.7 and the tardiness cost 16.2, respectively). Unlike the hyl This difference rid policies, the due is proposed is the 12.7: in to the /, = /, = 20 case the 100 case, they are 34.7 and dynamic nature of the proposed polii.}' is policy. able to shift inventory costs between the two products by changing the cycl<^ center and cycle length for each workload level. To analyze the system to case. cost of 101). dynamic cost under the 7 incurred in the MRWs than /, = due-date lead time -An alternative critical I nfortunatelx'. 100. optimal for the cyclic policy mixed system discrepancy suggests that the less is asymmetric, setup time, .According to the d\namic programming results SELSP the corresponding SELSP. which its it is in row 13 of Table 106.5. in Taljle I present in the hybrid was found to t'l is \'ery difficidt to calculate polic\' when setup times in ^^3.1 of MRW. Ije i)olicy. By our it 49.0. making SELSP cost. MRW. for this problem the critical threshold SELSP under is to contrast the generalized is similar includes a nontrivial idling threshold not analysis in §4.1. the threshold due-date lead time SELSP tlu^ critical du(^-dat(^ case. For this lead time. /, /i. — the SF.LSP cost under the generalized l)ase stock polic\- is 1 17.0. SELSP scenario, equal to SI. 6. is t'l Hence, 100 shoidd be rougldy Referring again to row 13 of Table X'lII of 00 is are present. heavy trafhc theory predicts that the mixed system cost of ec[ual to the 10 This small cost 100. This generalized base stock policy the base stock level from the is = = fairly similar to the is due-date lead time threshold form to the hybrid HT.AP policy, except where /, mi.xed 6i \'III of comparison where we can calculate the threshold value base stock policy described ''i/pi- which when the mixed system under the hybrid search policy with the in we compare the costs incurred by the customized products, .MRW. we .\s lind that we predicted, this value is reasonably close to the mixed system cost of 122.8 part of this discrepancy is in Table particularly since I, prol)ably due to the increased sophistication of the generalized base stock policy relative to the hybrid HTAP policy. CONCLUDING REMARKS 7. Theories for scheduling a manufacturing facility have examined the issues of customized- standardized product mix. setup penalties and due-dates, hut have typically focused on each of them separately. averaging principle is paper, Coffman, Puhalskii and In this Reimans heavy used to investigate the composite problem. With computational method to optimize within the class of dynamic cyclic case where each product has describe the policy. affect the its own behavior of the liuid we particularly the determination of system, may be we outline a policies. deterministic due-date lead time, Our methodology, it, traffic For the qualitatively how due-dates useful for studying other systems with delay constraints, such as due-date scheduling problems arising inventory-routing problems with time windows, and inventory in computer applications, management of perishable products. Our heavy traffic analysis dom demand and suggests that the risks inherent service processes cannot be removed, in the uncertainty of ran- ^et. by proper scheduling, the impact of the variability can be reduced by channeling the fluctuations in order queues and finished goods inxentories into low cost regions of the state space. The presence of setups, due-dates and product Our mix each dictate how results yield a simple interpretation of how this dampening of cost is performed. these facets affect the switching curves that characterize the proposed policy: due-dates setups customized/standardized goods The shift it is simplicity of the first = = = shifts breadth presence/absence of orthant boundaries. of these three observations the optimal switching curves - is to analyze due-date scheduling - that deterministic due-dates merely particularlx' striking, given problems in a how notoriously dynamic stochastic three-point guide allows us to ciualitatively understand the nature of 56 difficult setting. This dynamic stochastic scheduling problems with deteriiiiiiistic due-date lead times without explicitly calculating^ the solution. Our analysis also sheds light on the value of foreknowledge of customer the form of due-dates) affects the when the system We optimal policy. find that the costs incurred independent of the due-date lead times increase is beyond a certain no change the same in cost; Although costs when the level, orders are role as a finished for how this (in information by standardized products are When these products. due-date lead times the standardized products are made-to-order, but there filled before their due-date, and these early orders play goods inventory: They provide a buffer against backordering. customized products for heavily loaded, and is demand initially decrease as due-date lead times increase, (deterministic) due-date lead tin es reach a critical value the costs level off and the customized product incurs nearly the same cost as standardized products. In essence, large due-date lead times blur the make-to-order/make-to-stock distinction: They cause standardized products to be made-to-order and provide customized products with the flexibility to he produced early, thereby imitating a make-to-stock mode of production. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by at MIT and a grant We N.SF grant DDM-00572*)?. and thank Frank Kelly for from the Leaders for .Manufacturing Program thank Marty Reiman for helpful comments sharing with us an early draft of .Aldous. Kelly and Lehozsky (1995), which deepened our understanding of the problem. APPENDIX 1: THE MARKOV CHAIN APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM This supplement describes the Markov chain approximation algorithm that solves equations total ('23)-(24). The Markov chain is workload state space into intervals of define Q'' = rr- + \ch — s\ created by discretizing the one dimensional size /; and time into blocks of then the transition probabilities of P"(a..u.-/0 ^ = 01 th<' ^, size A/ . If we Markov chain are (61) P'{<r.,r + ^ ^ = h) (62) and P'iu'.w) = 1 {-' ^ - + '^y- ""' - V^^\) ', (63) , Q and time tlie iiiter\al itself additionallv must be set to = A/' There is 2 ^ one exception: The reflection boundary probability in tlie feasible region before P'iwo + All the other transitions We h h. Wo + //) (64) . is never reached and so the transition u\) is = !- P'(wo - h. ,/•„ - 2//) (65) . have zero probabilities. can now write the dynamic programming optimality equations as \-{u-) = Y,P\>r.u)\'{<j)+{c{.v^\T.ic)-g)At'' Because the Markov chain is a birth-death process, for a policy r (66) . and Wq the steady-state distribution and gain can be easily calculated from the transition probabilities. Similarly, the potential function can be recursively calculated by With V ,^ q-c{.v^^'.T{a-).w) h =- (((•) and \{w + + {l~ P''{w.w))\-(w)- cj embedded h) . in ecjuation (23) threshold that minimizes the gain APPENDIX g. 2: ecjual to zero and an improvement on The algorithm terminates when ((w) tliat and then tracks how the by finding the and converge. constructs 0'(.S') by finding an initial set set evolves as 58 u'o »'o AN ALGORITHM FOR This ap])endix describes an algorithm 5 + h)V{w + determined, an improvement iteration on r can be achieved by perform- ing the optimization for P'{>r.,r J— .S' r 0"(.S) increases; for clarity we re- . introduce the notation specifying the dependence of the on Our 5'. jump task and there in region, leaves 0'(.S') complicated by two is is .S' of non-binding products increases the optimal solution can nc guarantee that when a product becomes binding and does not re-enter for larger it As facts: 0" set We 5'. simplify our calculations of 0'(5') by including the type of region the cycle center and cycle length imply in our accounting. 0' (5) denote Q'{S) wdien the cycle center and cycle length Let 0'"{S) conditions, algorithm for the region II satisfy the region conditions and (:)''"(S) for the third region. based on the following eight observations (proofs are provided is I The in .Appendi.x 3): The cycle center 1. and cycle length x'^' t are continuous functions of the efi'ective setup cost per cycle S. monotonically increasing with respect to S 2. The optimal cycle length 3. If product t' calculated with 0' satisfy .rf length and cycle centers is not in 0". then for 0' and S" are such If S' 4. is I r I r'p,(l - {/} the cycle center .r"' and cycle />,)/2. < S" and both that S' satisfy region < = 0' U (III) conditions, their respective optimal cycle lengths C then Q''(S") C Q''{S') (Q'"'(S") 0-'''(.s");. IfS 5. II to such that the optimal cycle length and cycle centers imply a shift from region is region (III), I then 0-'( liin,_u .S' + = 0'"{\\m._^uS - t) (0-^'^(lim._o >' + f) = 0-"(lim._o5-f);. 6. If S' and S" are such and cycle centers 7. 8. region When If I S their respective optimal cycle lengths satisfy region II conditions, then Q''"{S") a condition is < 5" ami both that S' 1 binding i)roduct / C 0'"(.^''). changes to condition 2. it remains such that the optimal cycle length and cycle centers imply a or III to region II. tlien 0*"(lim,_yo .S + e) can be calculated i)y Ijinding. shift from an iterative algorithm. With these eighl observations, the algorithm 0"'(O). 0'"(O) and 0''''(O). events can change t/inding and we track how each evolves 0"(.s'): .\ shift in region, a a condition 1 we suggest l)in(ling as 5 is is simple. From an initial increased. Three types of non-binding customized ])roduct can l)ecome product can become condition 59 2. Given equations (10) ) and we can (51). The ralculatr the range of initial set w less is 6-2, We find 0''(O) by in the e, Y2i=iPifi reached . , list, < shift ~ Jl^LiPifi in the e, list or Given an .A II /',/,, The "'• The vanishes. If the total workload of the cheaper customized products. is the next product is product .A t j /?e, is insufficient for storing the when process stops then 0-'(O) For an effective setup there iwe few orders remaining in the system and removing products one-by-one. set to h,.^ < removed • • if it • Let < ^f,v- is next remaining work. i.e. either a standardized product > implies J2i=\ Pifi €j < Yl',=i Pift ~ "' it is 'f "' '^ V}. Both 0-''(O) and 0-''^(O) are 'I V}. set to {1 changes. as region make binding some to customizable and is greater than i:i=i always t'l*"'! chosen as follows. is e\} be an earliness ordering of the products such that {ti, . becomes zero than Z!ili/^./c may be advantageous . before any one of these events occur. of non-biiuling products cost of zero, cycle length r level .S' initial set 0"(U) we can find the range of changes when the minimum .S' set such that one of the three events occur: the binding of a customized product or the change in condition of a in region, binding product. For a gi\en S' with non-binding c^-y'(S') /^E,e-:»-^-')'^'-^"'-"' SI Q'(S') a region change occurs when set S2 region c setup costs before the eifectix'e I to region '->a'l~'|-2(Z^,g,.,.//|g/) ' II shift PJ - "• . S3 I'u'l ,-'l('-ffl &'"{S') -^4 T.,e<.-i'"(S')Pifi - " '^') region II 0'"(.s") v2 to region I shift (68) ":( s')'^2(E,ee-'/(5')'''^'""' S3 .,5,,(i-Pe.,,-/) , (V^ pA}j1£i1\ region w'"(.s') /^E, €«•//;,, /i/^./. II '!)'• ' "6' to region III shift p(-)-"'(.S') region 60 III to region II shift where - 6, E /^ + Peus')(^ - Pe-js')) (69) >e{e-'{S')\e'^{s')} E iiQ''(S') 6, - h. Pei(S'){l —2 - te{e-'i'{S')\ei{S')} ' ^ p,{^ A customized ' - " I- Pi product becomes binding when region ©*'(>") ( ^•e{-''{f')\n'^ts')) I. "' binding S2 region f0-"(.S') / S3 = y^ 0'^ i c'ry'(s') f SI .s pe-AS')] (70) boi(s') ^'/-(Z;6(e--f/(5') I. binding B'^ Pj/;-'^'>'>'^'2 S2 < (Ljee-"(5')Pj/j -s^ - i'K tt') region &-"'{s') ^5 I p,f,{h,+h.) V liinding / <,"'"'<''") Pili-PiXfji-tg.) region c(-)-'"(>") II. III, i ^ 6^ binding f T..et.^>-"Us'}\e-fs')}"'^--'" S2 region 61 III. 0', binding Lastly, product = ^ < changes from condition ; T^-ii ^3 to condition 2 when -^2 iEjeG'"{S')Pjfj-^'^') region Thus the current from 5' to the and Q'^{S") set of 0'(.S"). 0*'(.S") minimum S II regi"" TT^-^2 ^5 K I is (- . III valid for effective setup cost greater than S' in eciuations (68), (71), (72). At that point, Q''(S), Q'''(S) and Q'"^{S) are updated according to observations 5 through 8 and the process or all is repeated. The algorithm ends when either all customized productes are binding but one of the customizetl products are binding and the cheapest 3 product in region III with -^(.r;' — "^' |,~^ < ) (in is the condition the other regions, increasing cycle length impies that either the customized product would become binding or that the region would eventually shift). APPENDIX In this PROOFS OF EIGHT OBSERVATIONS 3: supplement we prove the eight observations stated Observation 1. For a given tr and \ '('(')• the (luantity in equation (23) with continuous derivatives with respect to the cycle length t (t effective setup cost per cycle .s". .r''". r and .'^'. and .S'. for a given .S and ir. This is is continuous cycle center .r'^ and also continuous The only way the optimal t' could be discontinuous with respect to an increase in optimal solutions 0). 2. Thus, the Karesh-Kuhn-Tucker necessary oi)timality conditions change continuous!}' with x'^ > boundary conditions are In addition, the with continuous derivatives with respect to .Appendi.x in 5' is if there were multiple not the case since the objective function is convex with respect to cycle center and cycle length and has the unicpie optimal solution presented in equations (40) and (51). Obser\'afjon 2. This is easily seen from ecjuation (-51) and the plying the continuity of r" during changes of binding products Obser\'atjon 3. Observation I. (-)" lirst observation im- and changes in region. This follows from the construction of O". We show this b\- inducting 62 on the cheapest products. Consider the region I become case: let 01 he the Hist cheapest [)ro(hict to >'' setup cost be binding with c\-ch' condition in length r'. All other 2. The at effective I with smaller earliness costs must i>r()(lucts instant product biiiiHiig in region becomes binding, the cycle center has Oj^ reached the posit ivity boundary and so _i P:(\- -p. z pj\ - T'p,(l-p,)b,-h.+2h ^'/>fl;(l " + b, -Pel) —= ; h, (73) minimum work In order for the the boundary as r - P,{\ increased, is P,) .\s .S increases, r also increases, only re-enter in implies that e([uation The p,{\- p,)b,- (7:5) b, - + h, will + 2/;^i + h. h, < 1. region in equation (74) remain negative will p,)l'2. to reach is. 1 - Psj, <0. (74; Additional products might 1. l)ecome more negative. This for larger r. induction on the cheapest product results /''^ />()( — and hence the cheaper binding condition 2 products can —j—r— '•, r/_),(l must be negative: that condition 2 and will not re-enter leave 0"'(.s'') but since (-)''. derivative its E + — experienced over the cycle, xl in and so 61 cannot re-enter an argument identical to the previous one where equations (73) and (74) are modified by re])lacing $1 with 0'^ and .S' with 5'. The other more expensive products re-enter Q'' Since hg'^s") . p,{l - p,)b, - > ^'8'(S')- b, + b. -l + + h. that become binding in region I also cannot from the above induction we have he-^^s^ h, ,^ + b, 2 + + h, h -?:(>") (75) Therefore, the cycle center of the more expensive non-binding products are lower for larger "/),(! .S'. — Since cycle length t increases with p,)/2. and hence binding, The same argmncnt Observation ef[\iivalent to 5. it will holds fur region >'. if the cycle center becomes less than remain lunding. III. Since cycle centers and cN'cle length are continuous in the statement that no binding |)roducts 63 in rt^gion 11 .^'. this is become non-binding after a transition to region in region Binding condition I. and rcMuain binding by observation I 4 (in region III, a condition becoming non-binding would violate the region region I have a cycle center of the form will the derivative of ,r',' r/>,( Observation We 6. minimum amount derivative 0'^'. 1 — p, )/2 Thus when a will of is it 71 — {J^j^e- Pjfj ~ "'')f*i and so 72 " always negative. This implies that — x'l work over the course of a that • in continue to push against the orthant boundary. prove this by examining we show negative, is — ro, product 1 Condition 2 products III definition). with respect to r 2 binding cycle center a condition the — p, f, products must have become binding I — Tp,{l the derivativ(> of />,)/2, Once the cycle, with respect to r. remains so as further products are removed from product becomes binding at .rj' — Tp,{l — p,)/2 = 0. as expands r it cannot re-enter: The negative derivative would continue to push the cycle center against the orthant boundary. Since no binding products in 0'"(.S') can the other regions by obser\'ation The (d'''(S) 5. minimum workload derivative of is a nonincreasing region in II for a become non-binding set witii S. non-binding product P,(l-P.) d_ .(• - -or;l in - pM Y. - is Pj) J^0-"(i-) E Ljew"(>) V where H = T.ie(r'>-"(S) (2i>. E + h.,-i>,)^^4^ri^+ b, + hj pA^-pj: (76) ji<r)"'(S) Pji^ —Pi)/i^'j +'' J- Therefore the derivative is negative if and only if E Thus, at efi"ective i-^l>' + l'.<-'> setup cost expensive tardiness product •>; je0*"(5)u{/} .^''. E /',(l-/>.)>0. the derivative of product ; is negative and (77) a more leaves to form ©'"(>''). then equation (77) implies / , if /f~'''^ + ; ; J'A^ " '>j + Pj^ <>j 64 , ^ j^e'"(5)u{/} p,(l-p,)>0, (78) which is E Since b, + {^i>. — bi < l'.-'>/-T^+ 0, \vc Q'"{S), the derivative of E left side of (81) is + less than because their ditference i>,-!> If a cheaper tardiness prodnct yf~,'''^ E + [-K^h.-b/f-P^K / leaves forming E pAI-Pj)>0. (SI) pM-p.) (s-2) is Therefore the derivative of the / (79) cheaper product implies tlie {^'" E negative after PAl-p,) + 2pd}-Pi)^j^>0. have and so the derivative remains negative. The E minimum workload over a cycle lor product i remains then product ; remains becomes binding. OhservHt'ion 7. binding because in If this change occurs in regions these regions the (luantity -^(x", condition 2 product. If the change occurs in region - II. I or III, ^'''"^'''^ ) is a condition always negative 1 product for a in region II implies that ^ ^:7i^i''.-''.+-^''.i-'-^^f^<o. jee'"(.S)\{,}-^'-'j + "j! (SD or /Ml -/>-)+ E je(-)-"(.s)\{<} "'j^~'''\ h,-b,-2h,]<0. "-'^"j 65 (85) Subtracting equation (77) from equation (84) we get V which is positive. Observation As stated S. A m+h yf~l'^\ observation in 6, this (86) inipHes that T^(.r^"— II. .-Xt these transitions, binding products of Q'"{S), however, region I is not difficult. or III to region be re-included in ) conclusion from the previous seven observations again enter S the effective setup cost binding products not before II. all 0'''{S). .At may in is 0'(.S'). is negative. that 0'(.S') is and to from regions relatively predictable with the notable e.xception of transitions region '^^'''^~^'' I 111 Re-calculation point of transition from Q'"(S') for S' < S should Fhe cycle center can then be re-calculated. Those products such that either their cycle centers are infeasible or were previously binding and currently have a negative cycle center deri\'ative (as determined by equation (77)) can be removed from 0"''(,'^'). Q'''(S) is By observation found such that 6. all cycle derivatives are removed. they do no re-enter. This process can be repeated until binding products with negative The resulting ©"'"(.S') is minimum workload equal to 0' per (.S'"*"). REFERENCES .\ldous. D.. F. P. Kelly U. of Cambridge, and .J. Lehoczky. 1995. Working notes. Statistical Laboratory. UK. .Anupindi. R. and S. Tayur. 1!)94. .Measures, and .Analysis. Mellon P. Managing Stochastic Multi-Product Systems: Model. Graduate School of Industrial .Administration. Carnegie I niversity. Pittsburgh. P.A. Bertsekas. D. 1995. Nonlinear Prop;rammin<j:. .Athena Scientific. Belmont. M.A. Bertsimas. D. and J. Xiho-Mora. Conservation Laws. Extended Polymatroids 1996. and Multiarmed Bandit Problems: .A Polyhedral .Approach to Indexable Systems. Math, of Operations Researcli 21. 257-306. 66 Bertsimas, D. and H. Xii. 1<)93. Optimization of Polling Systems and Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems on Networks. Sloan School of Management. MIT, Cambridge. MA. Boxma, 0., H. Le\y and .J. 1994. W'estrate. 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