Chapter 19: Test Bias 19-1. Discuss some of the current controversies surrounding the use of intelligence tests. 19-2. Give arguments for and against the belief that the content of standardized tests is biased in favor of white, middle-class children. 19-3. Explain how criterion-related validity studies, which review the slopes and intercepts of regression lines, are used in the study of test bias. 19-4. Discuss some of the problems with popular tests such as the Chitling Test and the BITCH. 19-5. List the components of the SOMPA and some of its advantages and disadvantages. 19-6. Describe how different social, political, and ethical viewpoints are represented by different definitions of test fairness. 19-7. Discuss some of the opportunities for developing improved predictors for minority group members. 19-8. Describe some of the problems with the criteria commonly used to evaluate standardized tests. 19-9. Describe how one can use differences in test scores to justify efforts to change the social environment. 19-10. Using the information from this chapter and other sources, write an essay for or against the use of standardized tests for minority children.