CrosssectionacrosstheJornadadelMuerto,Engle, and northernPalomasBasins,south-central NewMexico byRichard P.Lozinsky, NewMexico Bureau of Mines andMineral Resources, Socono, NM97801 Introduction eastward into the Cawizozo-Capitan area (Kelley, 1971).No McRae strata were penetrated in this well. The absenceof the McRae Formation in this part of the Jornada del Muerto brings up two important questions:1) doesthis absence suggest a pinch out of the McRae west of the well and, therefore, the easternlimit of McRaedeposition? or 2) does the absenceindicate an erosional truncation with the McRae originally extending farther east? These are difficult questions to answer because the regional extent of the McRaeis poorly understood.To date, McRaeouicrops have only been recognized in the Cutter sagf[ornada del Muerto area. Kelley and Thompson (1,964)speculated that the McRae depositional area extended into the Carrizozo-Capitan area based on correlation of the McRae Formation with the Cub Mountain Formation. Similar lithologies and general stratigraphic position were the basis for correlation. However, it is very difficult to document if the McRae and Cub Mountain Formations were co-extensivebecause of limited outcrops and no subsurfacedata. More detailed sedimentologic studies of these units are necessaryto answer these questions. The Sierra"K" StateNo. L well also penetratedPermian Glorieta and Mississippian Lake Valley strata that are absent in the Cutter sag-Caballo and Mud Springs uplifts. Unit thicknesses shown on the western side of the Jornada del Muerto and in the Cutter sag are based on measured sections in the Caballo-Cutter sag uplift by Kelley and Silver (1952),Bushnell (1953),and Mason (1976). Cutter sag The Cutter sag, a structually low part of the Caballo-Fra Cristobal uplift, divides the Jornada del Muerto from the Engle Basin. Units in this area generally dip befween 10-15'eastward. McRaeFormation thicknessin the Cutter sag is problematic. Bushnell (1953)estimated the McRae to be about 1,000 m thick, but this estimate is based on extrapolation acrossElephant Butte Reservoir where faults and other structuresmay be present.Basedon mapping by Lozinsky (1986),McRae thickness is probably closer to 500 m. This is the thicknessused in the crosssection. Data from the Sierra "K" StateNo. L well indicate that eastward Faulting is more common in the Cutter sag than in the Jornada from the ftrlter sag all Paleozoicunits, except the San Andres For_ del Muerto. Faults in the Cutter sag usually have stratigraphic sepmation, thicken, and Upper Cretaceousuniis thin. Erosionaltrun- arationsof 100m or less.The Hot Springsfault marks the boundaiy cation is.probably the cause of the Cretaceousthinning as opposed between the Cutter sag and the Engle Basin. At the surface, the Hot to a sedimentarypinch out becausethese Cretaceous-rocks^eitend JornadaDel Muerto Basin t o o a o ct) t -s r< S d 5mi O # O FIGURE l-Location indicates railroad. 5km of map of cross section and study area. Numbers in blue refer to wells listed in Table 1. Hatchured line New Mexico Geology August 7987 SierroCuchillo Ronge E n g l eBos PolomosBosin o c) c, I E c o mW (I) I E CIN C o E o o (9 2,500 2,OOO r,500 = c, o ard uz @ I v r,ooo 500 o - 500 Tv? K-P? -r,ooo -t,500 2 2 p€ pe FIGURE 2-Cross section acrossthe fornada del Muerto, Engle, and northern PalomasBasins. Refer to Fig. 3 for explanation of unit llmbols' PlioPleistocenebasalt flows that partly cap the Cutter sag u." .r6t shown. Surface geology compiled from LoZinsky (1986),Heyl et al' (1983),Maxwell and Oakman (1985),and Machette (written comm. 1982). \ "ol Te o F.' :@' I o r Y a I V o lc o n i c sB In l r u s i v e s F McRoeFormofion Mesoverde Group MoncosShole DokoloSondsfone r ul- 50n Anores lormolron P e \ \\ \ \ \ \\ I m \ \ \ \\ \\t Glnriafaac YesoFormotion AboFormotion Bursum-Hueco Formolion o n (L g KelleyLimestone LokeVolleyFm. JA P e r c h oS h o l e Oiole Formolion :usselmon Dolomifr Srl (L o_ M o g d o l e n oG r o u p r/t: L o k eV o l l e y F m P e r c h oS h o l e O n o t eF m ( ? ) MonloyoGroup El PosoGrouo otd ry€C E }Z \\\\ l. Com :fi: .El \\\\\\\\\ e ''n delMuerto I Jornodo SontoFeGrouo I I EngleBosin P o l o m o sB o s i n 9e Bliss Formolion (' G r o n i t i c B m e t o m o r o h i cr o c k s (' d FIGURE3-Stratigraphicchartfor crosssection.Unit symbolsreferto those shownin Fig.2. Springsfault dips about 70-80' to the west and has at least 7,220m of down-to-the-westseparation(Lozinsky, 1985).The Hot Springs fault is shown as a single fault because,in this area, the trace is submergedbeneaththe watersof ElephantButte Reservoir.This fault may actually be a complex zone containing many splays and small fault blocks as seen in exposuresnorth and south of the reservoir. Chapin (1983)has interpreted faults like the Hot Springs as major right-lateral strike-slip faults of late Laramide age that have been reactivatedas normal faults during late Cenozoicrifting. Engle Basin The Engle Basin is a half graben with its deeper portion to the east along the Hot Springs fault. Here, the basin fill is probably as August 1987 Nau Mexico Geology much as 700m or more thick. Note how the Upper Cretaceousunits thin westward in the Engle Basin. This thinning is probably due to pre-SantaFe erosion. The McRae Formation has also thinned to ibout 27 m in the Gartland 1 Brister well. No McRae strata were recognizedin either the West Elephant Butte FederalNo. 2 or the Sumhit 1A Mims wells. MesaverdeGroup strataunderlie the basin fill in the two wells. However, the two wells probably do not indicate accuratelythe thickness of the McRaeFormation eastof the Gartland 1 Brister well becausethey are located about 4 km south of the cross sectionline. Thus, McRaestrataprobably disappearjust west of the Gartland L Brister well and south towards the Summit 1A Mims well. The McRae disappearancemay be the result of pre-Santa Fe erosionor it could representthe McRae'swestern limit of deposition becauseMcRae units are not found farther west (Jahns et al., 1978; Heyl et al., 1983). AII wells in the Engle Basin penetrate dioritic(?) intrusives of various thicknessesin the Yeso Formation. These intrusives have increasedthe thicknessof the Yeso,especiallyin the Gartland 1 Brister well. A fault is hypothesized between the Gartland 1 Brister and West Elephant Butte No. 2 wells to account for the elevation differenceto the top of the Precambrian. Mud Springs uplift The western portion of the Engle Basin probably representsa buried part of the Mud Springs uplift becausethe basin depth decreasesand the northeastern extension of the Mud Springs uplift projectsinto this areaof the crosssection(M. Machette,pers. comm. teSZ;.for the most part, the Mud Springsuplift is a northeast-tilted block. However, where exposed near T or C, the Mud Springs uplift is complex structurally and contains an overturned syncline (Kelley and Silver, 1952).These same complexitiesmay also occur in the buried part of the cross section. The West Elephant Butte Federal No. 1 well shows that the Upper Cretaceousunits are absenton this buried block and that the basin fill rests directly on limestone of the San Andres Formation. Pre-SantaFe Group erosion probably removed the Cretaceousunits and part of the San Andres Formation from the Mud Springs block. The tops of units between the Gartland L Brister and West Elephant Butte Federal No. 1 wells differ greatly, especially the depth of the Precambrian.Thus, there may be another major fault between these two wells. The thicker PennsylvanianMagdaienaGroup in the West Elephant Butte FederalNo. 1 well may be due to one of the following reasons:1.)late Paleozoicsyn-depositionalfaulting; 2) juxtaposition acrossa strike-slip fault; 3) repetition of beds due to faulting; or 4) steeperdips. Between the West Elephant Butte FederalNo. L and Gartland L Garner wells, the Santa Fe Group greatly thickens over a distanceof 3 km. This thicknessincreaseover such a short distance t4E -e o) tlL J o r n o d od e l M u e r t oB o s i n C u t t e rso9 z. o q, e = o' c u, 6P Io) c E Elephanl Eutte -+lReservoirF :t o O # o_ 2 I a 5km Y 2 | O 4 3 3mi E m 2,500 2,OOO t,500 I,OOO 500 o -500 (D = 9 a - r,ooo pe pc probably delineatesthe Mud Springsfault, which marks the boundary between the PalomasBasin and the buried uplift. PalomasBasin The PalomasBasinis an eastward-tilted,half grabensimilar to the Engle Basin as evidencedby gravity data (Gilmer et al., 1985)and by eastward dips of Santa Fe Group beds along the western edge of the basin (Heyl et al., 1983).Basin-fillthicknessis probably greater than 2,000m along the easternside of the PalomasBasin. Here, the Gartland 1 Garner well bottomed in the SantaFe Group at a depth of 1,988m. This well penetrated mostly poorly sorted, coarse-to fine-grained sand with minor silt and clay interbeds. These sediments may be proximal alluvial-fandepositsderived from the Mud Springs uplift. Heyl et al. (1983)mapped the surfacegeology along the western margin of the PalomasBasin,including a basin-boundingfault. They showed that the easternflank of the SierraCuchillo Rangeconsists of Tertiaryvolcanicunits. Due to a lack of well control in the Palomas Basin, it is not known how far east these volcanicsextend into the PalomasBasin. However, thev do not extend as far as the West ElephantButte FederalNo. 1 well becauseno volcanicunits are seen in the well cuttings. Thus, the volcanicsmust either pinch out somewhere in the PalomasBasin or have been eroded from the Mud Springsblock before deposition of the SantaFe Group. It is not known what units are presentbelow the volcanics.In the Sierra Cuchillo Range,fahns et al. (1978)reported a similar strati- - r,500 -2,OOO -2,500 graphic section as that for the Engle Basin_with the addition of Sildran, Devonian, and Mississippianstrata(Fig. 3). This same section may also be present in the subsurfaceof the PalomasBasin. Conclusions fornada del Muerto Basins.Tertiary volcanic units exposedin the Sierra Cuchillo Range probably extend an unknown distanceeastward into the PalomasBasin. Little is known about the subsurface geologyof the PalomasBasinbecauseof limited well control. When t-hiswork is combinedwith areageophysicalstudies(suchas Gilmer et al., 1986),a more refined interpretation of the subsurfacegeology may be possible. AcxNowr-rpcMENrs-Ron Broadhead aided in interpreting geophysical logs. This paper benefited from reviews_byR. Harrison, J. Baiker, M. Bowie, f. Hawley, C. Chapin, and W Seager.Lynne McNeil typed Table1. This work was supported bythe New Mexico BureauoiMines and Mineral Resources,Frank Kottlowski, Director. Monte Brown drafted the figures. Continuedon page63 TABLE l-Well data. Well numbers refer to those shown in blue in Fig. 1. Data was derived from analyses of geophysical logs, lithologic logs, and in some places, well cuttings. NP, not penetrated; *, estimated tops or thicknesses; t, total thickness of dioritic(?) intrusives in Yeso Formation. Well no. Name; location; completion date Surface Total Elevation depth (m) (m) TKm Thickness (m) Tops (m) Ku Psa Py Pa Fm QTsf TKm Ku Psa Py Pa Fm PL >1,988 Gartland 1 Garner; 11-12!5W r2t27t50 1,500 1,988 West Elephant Butte Federal No 1; 7-129-4W; 72112182 t,509 2,204 Gartland 1 Brister; 8-725-4W; 1.l2ll5l redrilled 9/20/55 1,480 2,617 1,0387,01.1. 581 355 West Elephant Butte Federal No. 2; 3-13S-4W; 1/5/83 1,394 2,303 798 Summit 1,{ Mims; 2-725-4w; 1.013151. 1,393 1,888 789 354 Sierra "K" State No 1; 35-125-7W; 8ll0l70 1.558 2.396 1.,1861.,066 7 7 2 577 415 778 -563 -401 NP - 1.,034* -645 NP r20 354 297 816 123+ 323 M2 - 1 tqq* 27 2M 430 226 533 38s 47"1* 225* 226+ '112 -183 - 653 -880 595 221. 231. 234 295 471. 226 29+ 125 -1.1.0 -367 NP - 838' NP - 7,064* 604 415 -777 NP -7,026* <20? 346 996 793 333 -& ))q 235 257 477* 226* 26+ 542 203 460 397 707* 225* NewMexicoGeology Aogust 1.987 Exploration activity in New Mexico re- portion of the Ortiz mine grant, Santa Fe County, concentrating efforts in the Lukas and CaracheCanyon areas.Long Lac planned to complete12 holes during the year. St. Cloud Mining Company pursued an on-going sampling and evaluation program in the Chloride mining district of the Black Range,Sierra County. Essentially, efforts are geared toward the production of preciousmetal-bearing siliceous smelter flux. Shipments have been made from the U.S. Treasprimarily becauseof an ever-tightening web ury mine, Great Republic mine, and other of environmental red tape. properties. Sunshine Mining Company re- A possiblegold find id being evaluatedby linquished its option on the St. Cloud-U.S. lylolycorp, Inc. (division of Unocal, Corp.) in Treasury mine in mid-year after a small, and the Red River areain northern New Mexico. apparently unsuccessful,drilling and samThe nearby Questaarea has been mined for pling program. Also in the Chloride mining district, First M i s s i s s i p p iC o r p . c o m p l e t e da s s e s s m e n t drilling on the Hoosier and Silver monument properties, while the area around the Weber shaft (extreme north end of the district) was Junebugcampground.But the areais within a-wildernessstudy area,and both permit applicationshave been denied. Similarly, LaPaz Mining Co. attempted to develop a small gold placer on Beaf Creek near Piflos Altos, Grant Countv but became embroiled with the Army Corp of Engineers over a section 404 permit (which regulates the placing of fill material back into i river or stream). The permit was denied on the basisthat the mining activity by La Pazwould critically damage downstream water and habitats. An unexpected molybdenum find was reLong Lac Minerals Exploration continued vealed in an exploration hole drilled by Los to drill on its gold prospect in the southern Alamos National Labs in the Valles caldera structure38 mi northwest of SantaFe. This hole, secondof three planned, was designed to gather scientific data on geothermal systems as well as to learn more about formation of ore deposits. Molybdenite (MoS.), along with small amounts of copper,lead, and zinc, was encounteredbetween 80 and 400ft, some possiblyof ore grade. The New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources(NMBMMR), along with funding from the New Mexico Energy Researchand Development Institute and private industry completedthe secondyear of a projected 4-yearprogram to evaluate strippable coal resourcesin the San TuanBasin. A total of 56 holes was completed during 1986:35 in the Menefee Formation around San Mateo, La Ventana, and Chacra Mesa; 10 in the Menefee/Crevasse Canyon Formations in the Gallup coal field; eight in the CrevasseCanyon Formation near Crownpoint and Borrego Pass; and three in the Fruitland Formation near Star Lake. NMBMMR staff also provided geologic expertise and chemicalanalysesas part of an exploration drilling program on the yttrium rare-earth deposits at Laughlin Peak in Colfax County. A few properties other than those mentioned above are currently being promoted vigorously on the basis of very high gold and/or platinum values. Someof these (particularly the platinum "deposits") will eventually be exposed as fraud. The would-be investor is advised to exerciseextreme caution. -Robert W. Eaeleth NMBMMRMining Engineer Continuedfrom page57 guide to selectedcauldrons and mining districts of the Datil-Mogollonvolcanicfield, New Melico: New Mexico Geological Society, Special Publication no.7, pp. 131-138. Kelley, V. C., 1955, Regional tectonics of south-central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 5th Field Conference, pp. 96-fiL Kelley, V. C., 7971,,Geology of the Pecoscountry, southeasternNew Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Memoir 24,75 pp. faulting in the southem Rocky Mountains with emKelley,V C., andSilver,C.,7952,Geologyof theCaballo phasis on petroleum exploration; in Lowell, J. D. (ed.), Mountains wjth special reference to regional stratigRocky Mountarn foreland basins and uplifts: Rockv raphy and structure and to mineral resources,including Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver, pp. 1691 oil and gas: University of New Mexico, Publications in 779. Geology,no. 4,286 pp Clemons, R E., King, W. R., Mack, G. H , and Zidek, J Kelley, V C., and Thompson, T B, 1964,Tectonicsand (eds.), 1986,Truth or Consequencesregion: New Mexgeneralgeology of the Ruidoso-Carrizozo region, cenico Geologica.lSociety, Guidebook to 37th Field Contral New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, ference,317 pp Guidebook to 15th Field Conference, 110-121.. Gilmer, A. L , Mauldin, R A., and Keller, G. R., 198d,A Kottlowski, F. E., Flower, R. H., Thompson, M L., and gravity study of the Jornada del Muerto and Palomas Foster,R. W., 1956,Srratigraphicstudies o{ the San Basins:New Mexico Geological Society,Guidebook to Andres Mountains, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau 37th Field Conference,pp. 131-134. of Mines and Mineral Resources,Memoir 1, 132 pp. Heyl, A. V, Maxwell, C. H , and Davies, L L , 1983, Lozinsky, R. P, 1986,Geology and late Cenozoic history Geology and mineral deposits of the priest Tank quadof the Elephant Butte area,SierraCounty, New Mexico: rangle, Siena County, New Mexico: U.S. Geological New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Swey, Miscellaneous Field Shidies Map MF1555, scale Circular 187, 40 pp 7:24,000. Mason, f. T., 1975,The geology of the Caballo PeakquadJahns,R H, McMillan, D K, O'Brient,J.D, andFisher, rangle, Siena County, New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. D. L., 7978,Geologic section in the Siena Cuchillo and thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 131 flanking areas,Siena and Socono Counties, New MexPP ico; iz Chapin, C E., and Elston, W. E (eds.), Field Maxwell, C H , and Oakman, M. R., 1986,Geologic map References and cross sections of the Cuchillo quadrangle, Sierra !9unty, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, OpenfiJeReport 86279, scale7:24,000. Seager,W. R., 1986, Third-day road log, from Truth or Consequencesto southeastem Caballo Mountains and SanDego Mountain via I-25 and the Jomada del Muerto: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook to 37th Field Conference, pp. 35-52 Seager,W. R., and Morgan, P., 1979,Rio Grande rift in southern New Mexico, west Texas,and northern Chihuahua; ln Rieker, R. E (ed ), Rio Grande rift-tectonics and magmatism: American Geophysical Union, Washington,D.C., pp. 87-106. n New Mexico Geology Augtst 1987