wmmmn}mi¥^7%^^ u^ r <^S^CM&^^ o^y M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY f. oewvev D28 M414 ^3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT The Design Spaces of Audio Menus and Forms Paul Resnick* Robert A. Virzi** MIT MIT Center Sloan School Working Paper #3633-93 for Coordination Science Technical Report #159 November, 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 The Design Spaces of Audio Menus and Forms Paul Resnick* Robert A. Virzi** MIT MIT Center Sloan School Working Paper #3633-93 for Coordination Science Technical Report #159 November, 1993 Abstract Menus and forms are important dialogue structures in telephone-based interactive voice response and other audio applications. There is a surprising lack of diversity, however, in the interaction styles they employ. This article presents design spaces for audio menu and form styles. The key idea is to break recordings and actions into parts. The methods of recombining the parts are the dimensions of the design spaces. Twelve alternative menu styles and five form styles illustrate some of the recombination possibilities. Choices on each of the design dimensions affect user interactions, the sound and feel, in predictable ways. The best style will depend on the experience levels of an application's users. *MIT Room E53-325 Cambridge, MA 02139 presnick@mit.edu **GTE Laboratories Incorporated Waltham, MA 02251 rvirzi@gte.com M.I.T. JAN LIBRARIES 3 1994 RECi-IiVED 1. Introduction Digital storage and processing of audio have applications. There opened new possibilities for already a large and growing market for telephone-based voice mail is and interactive voice response services. With the advent of personal the integration of audio into desktop computing, speech for eyes-busy speech-based applications, for is digital assistants and also likely to gain importance personal communications, and for records of conversations. Compared provides no short term memory aids [Halstead-Nussloch 1989; readers can read faster than they can listen. that can aid increasing speech output to visual presentation of information, listeners. The first is to speedup while Some still Schmandt In press]. Good technologies are available, however, play speech back faster than number of voice mail systems pitch distortion. Two slow, serial, and is it was recorded. An offer accelerated playback, usually without digital signal processing mechanisms allow retaining intelligibility [Arons 1992; Kato and The second, and more important technology, is forward a conventional audio cassette tape, but it random a factor of Hosoya access. It two 1993]. takes time to fast takes virtually no time to jump to a different part of a digitally stored recording. Meaningful subdivision of recordings, together with user control overjumps between those parts of a recording entirely. Elsewhere, parts, allows listeners to skip we have described as skip some and scan those audio interfaces that allow users to scan a recording by skipping frequently [Resnick and Virzi 1992; Virzi, et al. ]. [Arons 1993] explores playback controls that affect both speed of playback and skips between segments. To exploit recordings. random access, a designer needs to identify meaningful segments in One source of segmentation is pre-defined structure, such as the separate entr>' blanks [Degen. in a form. also indicate Gould and Boies 1983; Stifelman, 1992; et al. The person recording can segments 1993]. In et al. some infer as turn taking between speakers [Hindus and Schmandt 1993]. This article describes what user control, through random access, can do for two audio dialogue structures, menus and forms. options from a pre-defined information. Audio set. A cases, a from acoustic properties of a recording, such computer can after the fact segment boundaries A menu common allows selection of one or more form allows entry of a collection of related pieces of menus and forms present options and instructions through spoken voice and allow user input either through buttons or speech. Many menu and form styles are possible. applications. There a surprising lack of diversity, We employed. human is The optimal choice however, is in the styles between commonly system builders, the fundamental break dialogue components into smaller pieces, then reconstruct them to We novel ways. likely to vary organize the design space to help system builders, interface designers, and factors researchers explore the possibilities. For strategy is show that many styles can be constructed from the same primitive in parts, by varying a few features of how they are glued together. For interface designers, we discuss and how feel. variations in those construction features affect user interaction, the The preferred sound and feel will differ among sound users depending on their experience with an interaction style and a particular application. All our examples assume interaction over a telephone. The analysis applies, however, to any audio presentation of menus and forms, over the phone or with some other device such as a Personal Digital Assistant. As even relevant line LCDs, output. to limited we will argue in the conclusion, the analysis is bandwidth visual output devices, such as 20 character by two- since such devices have the same temporal presentation constraint as audio The critical factor that distinguishes forms our analysis from analyses of most visual menus and the temporal presentation of information. is that users consider the options one at Some a time [Lee and analyses of visual menus assume MacGregor 1985; Paap and Roske- Hofstrand 1986], while others assume a more flexible process [Card 1982; Landauer and Nachbar 1985], leading menu hierarchies [Kiger 1984; Miller 1981]. menu: a user shifts attention menu item keypad input . at a 1986; Pierce, et time; users controlled some audio menu styles give users control over Our examples al. artificially restricted to when al. to 1992]. move temporal The screen displayed to the next item with The models of human search processes developed from those experiments will likely apply to symbol this between items by shifting eye gaze. presentation of items [MacGregor, et 9) or [Norman 1991] summarizes much of experiments explored visual menu styles that were only one depth of of these analyses, however, assume simultaneous presentation of the entire literature. All Two to different conclusions about the optimal breadth or all (* when #). all for input, with the buttons referred to Keys could also be labeled by enter a letter sequence or because not audio menu to hear the next item. assume touch-tones and styles but not others letters, word [Davis 1991; Detweiler, by number (0- however, so that users could et al. 1990; Fast and Ballantine 1988; Maries 1990] to initiate actions. Buttons on a hand-held device would lead to similar interactions. where it We briefly mention input by speech recognition in those situations could offer significant advantages over buttons. Sections 2 and 3 elaborate the system and user perspectives on the design of audio dialogues, drawing on to describe menu styles to illustrate. Sections and analyze design spaces for menus and forms. perspective summarizes existing styles and suggests suggests 4 and 5 apply these perspectives when particular styles will be most appropriate. new In both cases, the ones. system The user perspective 2. Overview: the System Perspective The system perspective follows mechanism there are into its a traditional constituent parts and recombine the parts in novel ways. In this case, two kinds of constituent parts. The actions such as marking a particular item in a blank 1} in a engineering approach. Divide a dialogue first menu are voice recordings. The second are or adding a value to a particular entry form. Four design dimensions govern the recombination of these parts: Action combinations: Which component actions and combinations can users initiate? 2) Action Distribution: From which User Inaction: What 3) effect recordings are actions available? does user inaction (a timeout) have from each of the recordings? 4) User Initiated Movement: What transitions between the recordings can users initiate? We introduce these ideas by applying them to the most popular implementation of audio menus. Section 4 will recursively subdivide the recording for will generate alternative form styles through the each menu item. Section 5 same technique of subdivision and recombination. The predominant implementation of audio menus describes all the options sequentially. Any menu. division of the selection actions. We first is as a single recording that time during playback of the recording, a caller can press a number associated with an option interaction with such a currently to select it. Example 1 presents a sample consider division of the recording and then ; Welcome to the ABC Bank's bank-by-phone. For account balances, press To money between transfer For mortgage To open This a accounts, press 2; rates, press 3. new menu 1 will account, press now repeat. 4. ^ Make your selection at any time. [presses 4] 1: A diagram of the standard menu style implemented with separate recordings for the header, menu items, and footer. Boxes indicate recordings. When the system finishes playback Figure Example 1: the standard menu style. System prompts appear in plain text, while user actions are bracketed. The symbol, caret ^, inserted the the key press in prompt, indicates when is made. That is, the caller presses 4 before hearing that the menu will repeat. The recording can be divided descriptions of each of the may omit the into six parts: (1) an introductory header, (2) items, and (6) a concluding footer. Some menu the header or the footer. Other divisions are possible, but this one particularly natural. actions, menu of the recording in the current box. it begins playing the box just below it. Arrows inherit from the outside in. Thus, the selection actions are available from the header box. the item boxes, and the footer box, even though they are shown only once for the enclosing box. one that Each selection action can also be divided marks a preference for an option and one into - (5) styles seems two component that terminates interaction with menu. Appropriate choices on the four design dimensions can duplicate the interaction style of Example 1. First, keep the selection action as a composite of marking an option and terminating interaction with the menu. Second, from all make all the selection actions available the recordings. Third, automatically transition to the next part when users are passive. Fourth, do not allow any explicit user transitions between the parts. Figure summarizes these choices Consider how in a notation that a user interaction begins by playing the first we use throughout the paper. would proceed, given those design choices. The system part, the header. If the user does nothing, the system automatically transitions to playing the description of the first and so on. At any time, the user can press a numbered button Moreover, there is 1 option, then the second, to select any of the options. nothing else the user can do but wait or select. There example, to jump from the header to the description of the Dividing a recording would not be very interesting if it is no way, ror last option. only led to duplication of the original interaction style. Other choices on the design dimensions, however, lead to alternative interaction styles. Consider First, what menu style if possibilities. separate marking and termination actions were provided? combined these a user could some other mark .several into a single select operation. If they The standard were separate, however, items before terminating, thus selecting several items from the menu. Second, how style, all of the parts inherited are the selection actions distributed all among the parts? In the standard menu of the selection actions. Another possibility, however, to distribute the actions positionally, so that a listening to the recording that describes it. A menu item can only be is selected while single button, then, could be used to select the current item rather than providing separate selection buttons for each of the items. Third, what effect does user inaction have? In standard menus, inaction caused an automatic transition to the next of the current recording. A part. Another possibility third possibility explicitly reject each option; doing nothing is is for inaction to cause repetition for inaction to cause selection. Users would cause would the current item to be selected. Fourth, what transitions can users initiate between the parts? Figure explicit user navigation that among advances from one part description of one immediately start the parts. to the menu item by Another possibility next. is 1 did not allow any to provide a "next" button For example, a user could interrupt the pressing the "next" button. The system would playing back the next item. Other explicit transitions are also possible, such as jumping ahead by several options, or restarting the menu. 2.1 An Alternative Style Consider an alternative menu we caJl it and its style, shown variants 2-button styles. in One Example 2. Since current item, and it it uses only two buttons, button advances to the next item. button selects the current item. In terms of the design choices, select button, but it it still The other uses a composite distributes the actions positionally, timeouts cause repetition of the provides an explicit "next" button to transition to the next item. Figure 2 summarizes the interaction style. Welcome XYZBank's bank-by-phone. To to the first option, press 3. hear '^ [presses 3j Account balances. To select this option, press ^ For the next option, press 1. 3. [presses 3 J Transfers between option, press 1. accounts. rates. 3. interrupting To '^ [presses a new select this 3. 3. prompt j select this option, press For the next option, press Open To For the next option, press [presses Mongage '^ interrupting account, ^ I. 3. To prompt again! select this option, press 1. [presses Example 2: 1, A interrupting prompt again] sample 2-button menu dialogue. The 2-button menu style. When no adjacent box, it replays the contents of the current box. That is, the current item will keep replaying until the Figure there 2: is user presses a button. 2.2 A Simple Subspace Not all 3 combinations of design choices yield plausible menu summarizes a subspace defined by some of styles, but the possible choices. many do. Figure The rows indicate three choices for transitions from one part to the next: automatic (timeout) transitions, explicit user actions, or both. selection actions among The columns indicate the the parts: absolute or positional. composite selection action, so that users two choices The for distributing entire subspace can select only one item from a menu. assumes a The two styles transitions above fill two of the Absolute selection together with automatic cells. between parts defines the standard menu style. Positional selection along with explicit transitions defines the 2-button style. The other four cells In press] uses only mix and match these one button. The features. The temporal menu listener waits while the computer style [Schmandt recites the options and presses the select button upon hearing the desired option. The temporal with skips style adds an explicit skip ahead button temporal menus, so that a listener can either to wait through the recitation of the options, or press a button to skip through them. The standard with skips style works just like standard menus, but provides in addition a button, say #, that a listener can press any time to skip ahead to the next option. stepped numeric style removes the automatic advance, so that a listener can only to the next option move on by pressing the skip key. How to select Numeric Absolute u c R3 > The Positional Timeouts Standard Temporal Skip key Stepped 2-button <s£ Temporal <5:! o numeric I 9 o X Timeouts and Standard with with skips skips ^ Skip key Figure 3: The subspace defined by advance from one item the dimensions of to the next. 10 how users select items and how they 2.3 Dividing the Selection Action Any of the srvies :e.-r_ - _ st>"!e is - : _ - : a var.ir.: ±e in - ^ - - subsp^ce ibove could be ; :r. „".; - ir. a composite se !-?_:: ^n st>!e. . rr.ri::":ed [o " . : Example 3 -cuon. The positional multi-selector shows a sample interaction. 5 -77- _.. [Beepi Traisfers -- .:;;;. -- rt-- - - use serarate markina and ;-. - 3- If - vou're d -e • 3. '^If you'redooe„. ess 3. If Ej.i~.r.e 2.4 re r:s:::onal multi-selector st\le. .- Summary of The beep indicates that an option defines a space o: design choices. Tne design dimensions come :':: - in novel ways. Four dimensions of choice govern the recombination: ;::::-.; are -: ' 3 ::--ework of subdividing recordings and actions and recombining them . combmed into : : -;•=-=-: how primitive composite ones; whether actions are distributed posiiionally or _-^:..:: -r--.inism :-- is System Perspective The sys:e~ re-rec::ve _- _' _ voure done is utilized: the effect of timeouts: and what commands are betv^een recordings. Over^iev;: User Perspectives From -•-?-' \' . :-~- : e-e perspective, s • :---re ""e some system - j-.d and feel level choices make little difference while of an interface. In addition, prompt wording 11 which stv'les. are immareria- :::-. :-= user perspective. We discxiss how on user thai relate syste— :r . ;- interactions. Experience Levels 3.1 All users are not alike. They ':.- - : how to execute them. For example, users not need to hear a prompt that says skills that makes user control so ;:_ ::t-t'- Moreover, they require different infonr-:. how :: : r. :.;.; .r.z- .; who familiarit>' to lake. ^re;: selects to tell .isers" and which moves on them how how Tee second —: ~:_t interests -t.z _-._: :.:--. —zz- variable who are b:m at ail "because :? is .- ^r-.t -s: - to initiate them. 12 ; -_:::n rr.-.ris decide v.--: _: :- ~i\ be aware of ? — ^ -e kr.cv-. ail i-; :: :ake wr.r rem what acnons me _rr::rr.a:e. the op'ior.s kr.o\^ vs-w.- iceys are assc-,;..^:;^ - /.- ac:: users' users' famiiiarir)- with me:r.__-.-m _-^ ;:-:;-: expens ±ey .t is have decided to initiaie actions they applicj::- :- of them. Such content expens know which how . to the next item. S_:r. m::r.^-.-r. exre.-_s r.eez menu, even liough ihey may not hear any voice recordings _-_:.;_- familiar with the 2-bur:cr. to execute actions. descriptions of them. Users .- desirable. For example, frequent users of a voice mail mam to select zr :r::?- ::o ir_:,:- : contents of the dialogue, the information necessar. the . :w now al.'-eaiy with the mechanisms o: ihe dialogue, For example, - ^: ^ Figure 4 shows a graph of user tvpes. -t:.?.zi by r»c on : users" experience levels and then present general principles st>'les to their effects -•;- rer-re.:. -;. may : _ >:me -z^.r.z -:: -ee^ :o are avi:;i.ble ana i High Content Expert/ Expert Mechanism Novice Content Low Hich Familiarity Mechanism Expert/ Novice Content Novice Low Dialogue Mechanism Familiarity Figure 4. Four categories of In general, repeated users, defined by two independent dimensions. exposure will increase users' familiarity level with both the contents and mechanisms of a dialogue, but mechanism expertise tends Regularities in the menus can mechanism allow predict the mechanism even that particular option before. Similarly, a user of a standard the number associated with develop more rapidly. For example, users of 2-button transfer of learning. for selecting an option to the current option by adding if they have never selected menu may be one to the able to predict number associated with the previous option, because standard menus are usually numbered sequentially. 3.2 A Design Considerations number of considerations govern how system varying levels of expertise. tests, Where appropriate, we reported elsewhere, that compared three Virzi, et al. The was last 1992]. Two level style choices will affect users with cite empirical menu styles [Resnick were the standard and standard with skips a variant of 2-button menus. It evidence from two user styles described above. included a third button, to previous item. Since users almost never pressed 13 it, we and Virzi 1992; move back to the describe the experimental results as if 2-button menus were The data from used. the experiments are consistent with the design considerations but they do not provide conclusive proof. outcome measures reported here were not First, some of the part of the original experimental design. Second, the design considerations are stated generally for any dialogue structure, but the experimental data comes only from applying them to menus. DCl) A combined action is simpler for users, while separate actions give them more flexibility. The separation of selection from termination in a menu style permits users to malce multiple selections or to change their minds about a single selection. and then terminate can press two buttons select an option comes at the cost of increased complexity: when the A user in succession. two actions are who wants to This flexibility combined, a user need learn only a single button. DCl) The Positional actions are easier to learn because they are independent of content. selection button another 2-button there are is menu the same from any item as well. With more mappings of actions to in a 2-button menu, and from any item the absolute selection actions in standard in menus, buttons that need to be learned since the selection button changes from item to item. In the second of the two experiments, subjects required several exposures before they typed ahead numeric styles. 2-button the prompt menu menu users required to a menu selections in the standard and standard with skips much less practice before they stopped listening to for the single select button. This design consideration suggests an advantage for speech input over keypad input when absolute actions are used. mappings. That mappings to is Command names may be easier to remember than button important when absolute actions are used since there are remember. On the other hand, it takes longer to speak a 14 command many than press a button, so there is a tradeoff between ease of remembering speech commands and ease of executing button presses. DCS) Absolute A actions are easier to execute than positional actions, once learned. user can type ahead a numeric menu selection with a single keystroke. Positional menu selection requires several keystrokes or waiting until the appropriate item plays back. Surprisingly, the experiments did not provide clear evidence for this. After a fair bit of practice with the all three styles that users after same menu was nearly tree and two repetitions of complete tasks, performance with indistinguishable. Careful analysis of the data logs indicates were typing ahead most but not all of their even more practice, users would type ahead menu all selections. We of their selections, and then the numeric selection styles would have better performance than the 2-button DC4) Automatic mechanism transitions help mechanism speculate that style. novices, but delay their acquisition of expertise. A mechanism novice can hear in sequence than if all the parts the caller has to learn more quickly if they are automatically played what buttons invoke explicit transitions. On the other hand, omitting the automatic transitions forces callers to learn the explicit transitions. In the second experiment [Virzi, et al. 1992], initial performance on standard with skips menus, which include automatic transitions, than menus. After practice on a few menus, however, users skipped more often style and made selections DCS) Automatic was better on 2-button in the 2-button faster. transitions, together with 'moving target' problem for any position sensitive actions, create a all users. Both the temporal and temporal with skips styles combine automatic transitions with positional selection. If a user selects just as the system automatically transitions to the 15 next menu option, the action, since it wrong one may be selected. transitions to a different part The 'next' button is also a positional depending on the current part. In either the standard with skips or temporal with skips styles, suppose a user skips just as the system automatically transitions from the ahead more to the third item first menu option to the second. The system will skip and the user may never hear about the second. As users become moving expert, and select or reject items sooner, the target problem becomes less important. DC6) When information relevant to a user is preceded in a recording by irrelevant information, that user will pay a time penalty. The designer can reduce some to the time penalties imposed by recordings users, in three ways: short recordings, explicit transitions, an irrelevant recording may make more Many may not be so bad if it's that are irrelevant to and ordering. Listening very short. Unfortunately, novice users errors if the descriptions of options and available actions are incomplete. voice mail systems handle this tradeoff by including a novice mode with longer prompts and an expert mode with shorter prompts. Menu and form tradeoff. As styles that support skipping provide another callers gain expertise, they method for handling this can skip the unnecessary portions of longer prompts, listening to just enough to cue recognition of the entire prompts. Yet a third technique is to order the recordings so that irrelevant information precedes relevant information. In general, in this will never not be possible because of differences user interest. Designers can approach the goal, however, by putting first information useful to the largest number of people. DC7) Describing optional mechanisms degrades usability for mechanism novices but encourages them to become experts. 16 the Optional mechanisms are those that are helpful, but not necessary. For example, standard with skips menu hear and all the options key. novices who do gain no benefit from style, a user know how The to may be for teaching about the skip use them will have to listen to the prompt, but will to learn the skip key. If a reasonable style choice key that method could be paper documentation, an In the 2-button it is still mention the availability of the skip however, help the user instructions, as identical to the standard style. This from some other use about the skip button can mention the skip key, the novice user will perceive the menu the instructions fail to some method know not select one. If the instructions not yet it. who does in the when external to the interface itself. style there is Such a explicit training session, or transfer of learning interface. menu style, on the other hand, neither button to hear the options and make a selection. A is optional. A listener must designer would have to be very confident of external learning to omit instructions for necessary mechanisms. DCS) Questions, commands, Users are more and pauses encourage users likely to wait away. to take action right for additional instructions when they hear a statement. One study of standard menus [Engelbeck and Roberts 1990] measured how users select an option immediately after hearing it frequently (rather than waiting until the end of the menu). Subjects made fewer immediate selections with key-action wording of the menu items ("Press 2 to do something.") than action-key wording ("To do something, press 2"). With the former, the entire prompt reads as a single descriptive phrase. interpreted the "press 2" in the latter as a separate phrase, stated as a 3.3 The Summary of Users may have command. User Perspective eight design considerations above describe various classes of users. No one how system level choices will affect dialogue style will be best for illustrated these design considerations by applying them 17 to a all applications. few menu styles. We For example. DC2 and DC4 suggest that applications with few repeat callers DC3 use temporal menus. same menu items on each do well with a style that select the employs absolute selection, such as standard menus. Even subtle choices such as whether to prompt for the may best to who suggests that those applications with callers call will may do serve certain types of users more than others, as suggested by DCS. Because of myriad choices and tradeoffs involved, however, we encourage designers to consider these eight points apply to their applications rather than relying on summary The next The following section further enlarges the design space for menus. key sicip the how guidelines. section presents the design space for forms. 4 More Menu The division of a first Styles menu recording identified a header, items, and a footer as the parts. come from Section 3 presented some of the styles that recombine these parts. 4.1 menu how to This section begins with a description of some other combinations that yield plausible styles. particularly the design choices about Moreover, items, to further it is expand useful to subdivide each of the parts, the design space. Combinations of Header, Items and Footer The only explicit transition considered in section 2 was a "next item" action. The only timeout actions considered were repeat of the current item, movement to the next item. and restart of the and match them An menu after the footer. to generate two additional menu obvious additional explicit movement form of the "next item" action the Other choices are possible. computer advances by 3 is relative items. We some and mix styles. command is "previous item". numeric movement: when Menus could 18 list A generalized a listener presses 3. also include absolute movement ; commands move that to a fixed position regardless example, pressing 3 would move The cautious shown style, in associated with an option to current option, it to the third item. Example is jump to it. A user who selected. it is ABC to the a the correct option. Bank's bank-by-phone. You can jump balances.'^ press new number associated with A the number twice in variant on this style to number associated with it. any option by pressmg the number it. [presses Open number user can press a positional selection, so that users pressed a single selection key once associated with Account to the next item, not so cautious can press the is positioned on the correct item, rather than pressing the Welcome A selection. user presses the If the sequence, without waiting to confirm that would use employs timeout advance 4, movements, and absolute explicit absolute of the listener's current location. For 1 interrupting j 4, account, press 4 again. [presses 3 J Transfer money between '^ accounts, press 3 again. [presses 3 J Example 4: A The cautious cautious style menu may be style dialogue. especially useful to occasional users familiar with the contents of an application without eventually interest them. Frequently, such users somewhere near assumes the may remember end of the menu, without remembering that it's easier to prevent errors than to recover guess the number. The style to skip memorizing through all is It is all the options that may that the desired option is exact number. This style from them: also reasonably effective for the options quickly. its who become somewhat it makes it safe to mechanism experts who want not quite as effective, however, as having a single skip-ahead key because the user has to press one, then two, then three, rather than pressing the same key repeatedly. Remembering the number for the next position is an added cognitive burden, as well as being mechanically more cumbersome. Finally, the 19 style functions similarly to standard the current option just after the Timeouts can be used menus number for it escape from the to for is complete novices, as long as they select announced. menu or to make selections, instead of or in addition to advancing to the next item. For example, call processing applications often use a variant of standard human menus where a timeout at the operator, rather than repeating the menu. then escape if the user still Some even repeat the to a menu once and has not selected an option. menus (Example Rejection end of the menu escapes 5) are one style where a timeout selects the current option. In this style, users press a button to reject the current option or wait to select it. This style is a counterpart of the temporal style described above where users press a button to accept the current option or wait to hear the next. If (see to select DC6 Welcome If you'd is desirable to use only one button, menus have some advantages over temporal menus, rejection wants it an option late in the menu and can particularly when a user quickJy reject some of the earlier ones above). XYZBank's bank-by-phone. to like account balances, please wait. Otherwise, press #. [presses #/ Transfers between accounts. Wait or press # to reject. [presses #/ Mortgage ^ Open a rates. # [presses #. new to reject. interrupting! account. # to reject. [waits, causing this option to be selected! Example 5: A sample rejection menu dialogue. 4.2 Subdivision of It is Menu Items useful to further subdivide the header, item, and footer recordings, both to clearly identify the kinds of information they convey and 20 to allow for explicit movements betu-een s_rr_r_^. •'• t — .-'S2ie this subdi\"ision and recombination process for menu Items. A ~r- - - contain three kinds of information: a description of the contents, an indicator of whether it is already selected (when multiple selections are allowed) and informaticr. _: _-: available actions. T:.e ;^.=ction indicator could be a tone, a as "selected." or a change of voice for the option description word such male instead of (e.g.. female i. Just as the header, items, and footer can be recombined in more than one iznr. w.::ereni si>ies. so the subparts of move through Typically. l~cc-L5 menu is the subparts st\les that pro\ide an explicit skip generally best to put Lhe action prompts to items can be recombined in different ways. m a particular order, ~e-.- :tem as a single part. In that case, the order of the subparts by DC6. In way key for movement at the end. where giving the effect of a is critical, to the ne.xt mechanism as suggested menu item, it e.xperts will not be bothered by them. For standard menus, too, most researchers agree that the selection prompts should follow the option prompts 1990; Halstead-Nussloch 1989]. Thus, :e— :-:—. pts in . There is all menu it ("'for X. press 3") [Engelbeck and Roberts appears that the action prompts should follow st\les. a tradeoff in whether to inclu(ie action prompts for actions that are helpful but not necessarv' in interacting with the menu. For example, during pilot testing for the experiment cited above, we tned mree variants of the standard with skips told users in the header that they could press # in any of the menu items. Some of our # to skip ahead. One pilot subjects pressed stvle. .Ail three variant did not mention # to skip menu headers, but never guessed that they also could skip through the options. The second variant ned pound after each item. Subjects were very slow them in the header and the variant for the final first initially. The item in each menu, but not thereafter. smdy because it third variant told We chose produced the best overall performance lesL 21 m this last the pilot Menus can also include explicit actions for possibility is moving among the subparts of an item. provide a "help" action that moves from the option description to the to beginning of the prompts for available actions. Consider the fast standard Example illustrated in 6. Like standard menus, Each item consists of a selection. One uses timeouts to advance and numeric it terse option st>-le. descnption and a prompt to press the number associated with the option. Unlike standard menus, however, the prompt for the number is menu not played unless the user presses the help key (0). Thus, while listening to the items, the menu sounds like a temporal menu, since it includes only option descriptions, not selection prompts. For users unfamiliar with the menu contents, this allows them to hear the options more quickly than with the standard st>le. Once becomes familiar with the menu contents, however, it is still the user possible to type ahead a numeric selection, which would not be possible with temporal menus. Although the fast standard st>le drawback: assumes users it will may be worth know to press exploring further, when it has one major they want to find the number associated with a particular option. The header can include a prompt that mentions may but that not be to find out users to press the numenc Welcome enough for first-time users. If the how to select, that menu prompt this. items include a prompt telling will take more time to recite than selection crompt. to the .\BC Bank's bank-by -phone. Press when you hear the opuon that interests you. Account balances: Transfer money between Mortgage Open a accounts; rates: new account ^: [presses 0] Press 4 to select this option. In the future, you can press 4 to select this option an> time [presses 4] Example 6. The fast standard st\le. 10 dunng the menu. '^ 4.3 Prompt Wording Variations even wording of prompts can give two in they are identical on if all the styles a very different sound and feel, system design dimensions. For example, a variation of the standard with skips style was designed for obsessive-compulsive psychiatric patients who could prompt for not tolerate ambiguity each menu item immediately following al. 1993]. It included both a short "checking account balance") and (e.g., (e.g., [Sorce, et longer one a "the account balance for checking account number 1042030776.") The yes-no illustrated style, differentiating factor is that the in Example 7. is a variant of 2-button yes-no style uses interrogative prompts phrased as yes-no questions whereas the 2-button style uses descriptive prompts. The menu uses a initial interrogation phrase Welcome to the Do you want first item in a yes-no sentence question and subsequent items use fragments that omit the full ABC to hear menus. The ("Do you want..."). Bank's bank-by-phone. your account balances? 1 yes, 2 no; [presses 2] transfer money between accounts?, 1 yes, 2 no;'^ (presses 2] mortgage rates? 1 '^ yes, 2 no; [presses 2, interrupting prompt] open a new '^ account? [presses Example 7. 1. yes. 2 no; The yes-no Another variation in a 1 interrupting prompt] 2-button is menu to style, a variant on 2-button menus. have prompts for actions draw on style variant, the spatial analogies. For example, keys on the telephone keypad can be used as cursor 23 keys (4 The 1985]. down left, 6 right, 2 up, 8 down) [Robens and Engelbeck 1989; Rosson and Melien action prompts could be, to select the current option; 4.4 Lists: a Special Many Case of menu without making a selection". Menus as dialogue lists move through as degenerate cases of lists right for the next option; left for the previous; to exit this audio applications also include mail applications allow a user to view up "Go menus a list that allow components. For example, voice of messages movement in a mailbox. We can but not selection. For example, a conventional cassette-based answering machine provides the analog of temporal menus: plays the messages one after the other, using timeouts to advance it between messages. All the menu equally applicable to One list style is commands. We list style variations (except those relatmg to selection) are styles. worth analyzing because call it includes several unusual it the radio-scanner style because radio scanners found in it makes an many automobiles [Kondziela station to station, playing a few seconds of each 1990]. movement explicit analogy to the The radio scans from until the user presses a button to stop scanning. Similarly, the radio-scanner style advances from item to item via timeouts, playing just a headline of each item. In addition to timeout movements, # and explicit move forward and move back commands. ## moves ahead by back by five items. This restricted use of relative numeric movement five * are and ** moves all of the numeric keys available for absolute movement. Rather than pre-assigning numbers to the items in the list, still leaves each user can assign numbers to favorite items. The user does so by pressing the numbered button twice while listening to that item. Thereafter, pressing that number once The initiates radio scanner list an absolute movement to that item. style also includes an explicit action for Each item consists of a headline separate from 24 movement within an the rest of the item. To get item. from the headline to the rest of the item, a user presses a button (0 in this case). This similar to the explicit help variation used in the fast standard user presses the Summary 4.4 computer plays of menu style, but here is quite when a the rest of the item. Audio Menus The primary design space for menus comes from a division of the recording into a header, items, and footer, and the division of the select action into marking and termination. We presented several styles in this space and suggested applications to which they might be especially well suited. the subdivision menu item We expanded that design space through a recursive application of and recombination framework there were opportunities illustrated. Finally, variations in same system design choices to the menu items. Even within a single for explicit transitions, as the fast standard style prompt wording can give two implementations of the a very different sound and feel. We turn now to audio forms. 5 Forms Forms guide people through the process of entering several related pieces of information. This section begins with three sample form styles, to diversity. illustrate are a header, a footer, styles. In this case, the one entry blank for each piece of information optionally a review node associated with each entry blank. values from entry blanks. 5.1 the potential Then, the analytic framework of dialogue mechanism decomposition and recombination generates a design space for form form some of We The to recording parts be entered, and actions insert and remove then recursively subdivide the entry blanks: two additional styles illustrate points in the expanded design space. Three Form Styles The first and most easily understood telephone form was part of the PhoneSlave [Schmandt and Arons 1984], which took phone messages when from his desk. It used a conversational style. 25 its 'master' The system asked each was away caller a series of ] questions ("Who's calling please", "What he reach you?", etc.) is this in After playing a question, it reference to?", "At what number can recorded whatever the caller said, until a long pause was detected, then went on to the next question. Example 8 illustrates this style for a classified advertising application where the user enters information about a car for sale. What kind ot car are you selling? Entry ["Cadillac"! Please enter the year? For example, enter eight-six for a 1986 model. [presses What color is 9. then IJ the car? [says "Gray... well, more bluish-gray ' What Entry blank kind of car are you selling? o [••Cadillac'"] You said. "Cadillac" (plays press #. If not. press back recording). r If that's right, 1 an )a Review node *. 1 [Presses #] Please enter the year? For example, enter eight-six for a 1986 model. [presses 9, then A 1991 model. I Entry blank 2 1 ] If that's right, press #. If not. press *. o r [Presses #] What color is Review node 2 the car? more bluish-gray "] more bluish-gray If that's [says "Gray... well, You said, "Gray... well, [Presses What color is *. ". interrupting prompt] said, "Bluish gray. " If that's '^ [Presses #. interrupting prompt] Enter your phone number. [presses 2-2-2-9-9-9-9] 222-9999. If that's right, ^ [Presses #, interrupting prompt] Example 9. The H Entry blank 3 the car? [says, "Bluish gray"] You '^ careful form style. y Brand. #. To record, press 1 End recording by pressing . For the next entry blank, press [Presses Model year. To Entry blank says "Cadillac", presses #] i. enter a value, press previous entry blank, press 7. 1 To review . the For the next entry jm 1] Enter two digits. For example, enter eight-six for a 1986 model. Entry blank 2 [Presses 9, then Color. To 1 ] begin recording, press [Presses QD or blank, press 9. [Presses 1 9. 1. '^ says "Gray, well, more bluish- 1, gray] DP o*- Phone number. To enter a value, press the previous entry blank, press 7. ^ To review I. ^ [Presses 7] more Color. "Gray, well, recording, press I. [Presses 1, To replace this Entry blank 3 says, "Bluish-gray"] Phone number. To enter [presses bluish-gray". ^ a value, press ^ 1. at or any time. ^ [presses 2-2-2-9-9-9-9] That's the end of the form. this ad and would like to If save you're satisfied with it, press '^ 3. an w 1] Enter your seven-digit phone number m [presses 3] Figure Example 10. These three The styles only hint at a larger design space. populations, conversational forms incorrect entry are high, however, either automatically or user initiation is suitable choice. the 7. user-controlled form style. upon user may For some applications and user be appropriate. When the consequences of some method of allowing review should be provided, request. If some of the entry blanks are optional, or desirable, the user controlled style or variations Sometimes, none of these three styles consequences of incorrect entries are very high, it will may initiation of value entry, as in the user-controlled style, but value, as in the careful style. 28 on be quite it may be right. the most For example, if be appropriate to have explicit still automatically review each 5.2 We Design Dimensions can gain more insight into tiie style variations associated with recombining dialogue parts. into a header, a footer, entry blanks, example, the first entry blank in by exploring the design dimensions The recordings in a form divide naturally and review nodes associated with entry blanks. For Example 9 (the careful style) stated, you selling?" After the user recorded, "Cadillac", the review node are 'Cadillac'. If that's right, press #. If not, press *." To conserve "What kind of stated, "You car said, space, the examples omitted the headers and, where possible, the footers; they function analogously to their The primitive counterparts in menus. actions in a form are insertion and deletion of values from entry blanks. The design choices include which actions are available for movement, how value changing actions are bundled, and whether they are initiated explicitly or with timeouts. 5.2.1 The Movement Actions possible transitions for movement among items all in the entry blanks are analogous to those for a menu. Since users will typically enter information in most or vement forward and back by one entry blank are appropriate of the entry blanks, n movement commands. movement among Fr i the review nodes, users can return to the associated entry blank or transition to the next one. The backward movement action influences users' ability to review, especially controlled style, it allows review of values if is one factor that there are no review nodes. In the user- at the user's discretion, by explicitly moving backwards. All the form styles in this paper include a subset of these applications, however, accommodate may benefit from additional movement actions. mechanisms. For example, selective review of long forms, absolute or relative numeric be included, or actions to move to the next empty or 29 Some to jumps might the next already filled entry blank. An action to blanks. The jump inclusion of complexity for users. transitions, If, more be useful after reviewing the contents of a few entry explicit transitions does not necessarily increase the however, the system includes prompts for the additional mechanism novices 5.2.2 Action may to the footer will pay a time penalty (DC7). Combinations Ail form styles need some way to add a new value to an entry blank. Some may styles include a delete action as well, to remove a value from an entry blank. Several composite value change operations command erases not just one but delete followed by an insert. and then initiate flexibility The when A insenion of a all one. all command would As described actions are separated and simplicity insertion action is included. For example, a delete-all the values in an entry blank. replace new may be in replace action there is a tradeoff actions are combined. often bundled with a transition to the review node or the next entry subroutme may allow the user from a menu. bundled transition. a between blank. After initiation of value entry the form passes control to a subroutine. select is delete all the current values DCl, when A When to record, enter a sequence of touch-tones the value entry subroutine returns, the The conversational and user controlled (e.g., The a date) or form follows the styles transition to the next entry blank while the careful style transitions to a review node. From the review node, a user can erase the value and return to the current entry blank, or go on to the next entry blank. Of course, it is not necessary to bundle the insertion action with a movement in this way. After returning from the value entry subroutine the system could replay the contents of the current entry blank. This may be appropriate either as an alternative mechanism for reviewing the contents of the current entry blank, or values to the entry blank. 30 to encourage the addition of several Other composite actions may also be included. For example, an undo moves to the previous entry blank, review node, the undo and then deletes a value command would command there. Similarly, return to the current entry blank first from a and erase the value just entered. 5.2.3 Positional vs. Absolute Initiation It is theoretically possible for an absolute from anywhere in the mechanism to initiate value entry or removal: form, a user could initiate addition of a value to any of the entry blanks. All the form styles in this paper, however, utilize positional initiation: insertion and deletion actions apply to the current entry blank. 5.2.4 Effect of timeouts Entry of a new value can be initiated with an explicit action, or with a timeout. This choice may have the single largest effect on the feel of the form. Explicit initiation of value entry gives users control over the pace of the interaction, allowing them to gather their thoughts before entering information. On the other hand, timeout initiation can make the dialogue flow naturally for novice users (DC4). When value insertion by default, even is the only action available the user does not wait for the timeout at the if example, in interprets any user input as a date. From from an entry blank, it can be initiated end of the entry blank. For an entry blank that expects input of data by touch-tones, the careful style a review node, timeouts can initiate any of the possible actions. For example, in the careful style, callers blank, or confirm it repeats the prompt. must either and go on An explicitly erase the value and return to the next entry blank. If the user alternative version would 31 to the current entry does neither, the system treat silence as assent (timeout moves ahead to the next entry blank) or dissent (timeout erases the value and returns to the current entry blank). 5.3 Entry As in Blank Subdivision menus, it is useful to apply the subdivision idea recursively, in this case to entr\' blanks. This highlights the types of information that an entry blank normally includes and opens additional design choices for recombination of the making the insertion and deletion commands parts. In particular, we consider sensitive to the current position within the entry blank. Three kinds of information can appear in an entry blank: a description of the desired values, current values (e.g., recordings), and prompts for actions. desired values can either be descriptive ("Record the color of your initiation informal car"). DCS (e.g., "The color of your The descriptions of car") or commanding suggests that the choice of timeouts or explicit of actions interacts with the choice of wording styles for these descriptions. In we found command tests, of value entry. When They proceeded statements to be less effective with explicit initiation entering dates, users often forgot to press 1 to initiate data entry. which to enter several touch-tones (e.g., 0-7-3-1 for July 31), the system interpreted as explicit user actions rather than as entry of a date. Thus far, the discussion has assumed that value change delete have the same effect from anywhere in commands such an entry blank. When as insert and entry blanks can include multiple values, position sensitive actions can be helpful. Consider an entry blank that has several dates, always remove the each entered by touch-tones. last date. A An absolute deletion positional deletion action could remove command would the date currently being played. Likewise, the user could insert an additional date just before the current one. 32 The same idea applies to entry blanks that contain recorded voice. Positional insertion and deletion are especially useful when a user inserts a two segments and action could new recording inserts the remove in dictation applications. new computer recording in the splits the would require voice portion to delete. Even in fairly insertion, recording then playing into middle. Similarly, a positional deletion segment currently playing back. the voice positional deletion action the With positional the user to mark An even more complex the beginning and end of the complex dictation applications, however, the simpler mechanism of deleting the entire voice segment currently playing might work quite well. Two variants of the user-controlled style illustrate the design possibilities for entry blanks. The event calendar style new [Resnick 1993] allows the general public to add event announcements to a public bulletin board. Callers for a headline, date, time, location, sponsor, contact fill out forms with entry blanks phone number, and details. The style has evolved over the more than two and a half years that the application has been used by the general public. The event calendar allows multiple appending additional thoughts filling in a deletes values. This is frequently useful for dates and for in the details entry blank. In form for a classified ad, enters 1 1, the user, who is two telephone numbers. The delete action the voice in the entry blank, not just the last all Example segment recorded, because informal tests indicated that was too confusing for novices. The delete action does, however, delete only the last date Brand. The kind of car you are selling. ready, press 1. End recording by [Presses Year. 1, if more than one has been entered You can an entrv blank. gather your thoughts before starting to record. When you're pressing #. For the next entry blank, press 9. says "Cadillac", presses #] The model year of the car. To enter a value, press 1 . To review the next entry blank, press 9. [Presses in 1] Enter two digits. For example, enter eight-six for a 1986 model. 33 the previous entry blank, press 7. For [Presses 9, then Color. The color of your 1 ] car. To begin recording, press ^ I . [Presses 1, says "Gray, well, more bluish-gray] Phone number. The number people should call if they want review the previous entry blank, press 7. to buy your car. To enter a value, press 1. To enter a value, press 1 To '^ [Presses 7] Color. "Gray, well, [Presses 1. more bluish-gray". To I. '^ says. "Bluish-gray"] Phone number. The number people should [presses replace this recording, press call if they want to buy your car. . ^ 1] Enter your seven-digit phone number at any time. [presses 2-2-2-9-9-9-9] That's the end of the form. ^ [presses 7] Phone number. 222-9999. To enter an additional [press value, press 1. '^ 1] Enter your seven-digit phone number at any time. [presses 3-3-3-8-8-8-8] Example 11. entry blanks A sample dialogue with the event calendar initially style. Note that in this style, have long descriptions. They are omitted once a user has entered a value. The dictation style is another variant of the user-controlled style. It permits multiple values in entry blanks and employs positional insertion and deletion actions. The style might be well suited to the dictation of entries for a patient chart in a hospital. chart provides a single place where all doctors and nurses who The patient minister to a patient make notes intended for the use of the other caretakers (and for the courts in the case of malpractice claims). In most hospitals, patient chart entries are free-form, either written by hand or dictated and then transcribed. There is no pre-defined structure, but each hospital has conventional genres for what information to include in specific kinds of entries. Some forms would have symbolic of these conventions could be fields, such as the doctor's quantities, as well as unstructured fields to embedded id what order in forms. for Such and drug prescription accommodate spoken notes. Doctors and nurses could add user-defined structure by recording several separate segments in each entry blank. 34 Brand. The kind of car you are selling. Record, [Presses 1. 1 ; Next entry blank. 9. says "Cadillac", presses #] Brand. "Cadillac". Record. 1; Erase. 2; previous entry blank, 7; next entry blank, 9. [Presses 9] The Year. two last [Presses Enter two digits of the 1. model year of the car. Enter value. 1 ; Next entry '^„, interrupting prompt| For example, enter eight-six for a 1986 model. digits. [Presses 9. then 1] Year. 1991. Enter value, ^„. [Presses 9, interrupting prompt[ Color. The color of your [Presses 1, car. '^ says "Gray, well, more bluish-gray] Color. "Gray, well, ^ more bluish-gray"... [Presses 1. interrupting, and says "Actually, it's", then presses #] Color. "Gray, well, actually, it's more bluish-gray" '^ [Presses 9] ...and the dialoeue continues. Example 5.4 12. The dictation form style. Form Styles Summary Form design actions and described. vectors summarize the design choices about how The movement and value change they are combined. Figure 8 shows the design vectors for the five styles first three show the effect of design choices about entry blanks and actions that change values in entry blanks. The last movements between two illustrate design choices for actions within individual entry blanks. For the sake of simplicity, the design vectors omit information about which subparts to include in each main part and word prompts. 35 how to Action generate we had new styles. We had not considered all of the styles presented paper in this until constructed the dimensions of the design space. With so many styles to choose from, and the possibility of generating custom styles, the designer can tailor the choice to the needs of particular applications, just as screen-based menu interface designers choose styles (e.g., pull down, pop particular needs. For example, if users will frequently it will be worth in menus. If options, options selection may be best. If frequent users will some commands memorize for movement among the contents of menus, numeric entry blanks in a form are optional or if users will need time to gather their thoughts before recording, a form style with explicit initiate value entry may match browse among large collections of their initial effort to learn the some up, radio buttons) to be appropriate. Rather than relying on these however, we encourage designers to describe their commands summary to guidelines, expected users and apply the design considerations of section 3 to a range of possible styles. While the design spaces are useful dialogues, they have and personal tasks. much to researchers broader implications. Audio interactions with workstations digital assistants will be useful whenever the users' eyes are busy with other Moreover, much of the analysis temporal in nature, even if and designers of telephone-based it is information can be presented in this article carries not audio. In general, at one time, then all if initiate how users can navigate among is only a small part of the relevant of the fundamental audio design choices will be relevant: what information to include in blanks, over to any interface that menu options and form entry the pieces of information, and which actions to with timeouts versus explicit commands. Consider, for example, the new generation of ADSI-compatible display phones [Bellcore 1992]. These phones have displays that are 20 characters wide and up to eight lines long. There is a signaling protocol that allows these during the course of normal voice calls. One phones to receive natural idea 37 is to 160 character batches augment interactive voice response services with a presentation of menus on the screen. on each menu line, it may be possible to display the entire menu at one option If is displayed once, but 20 characters per option leads to cryptic descriptions of the options. Another possibility would be to display one option at a time, using the option. Since only one option variables apply, including at how full screen space to give a clearer description of the a time will be displayed, users move through many of the audio make the options and menu style selections. Similar design considerations apply to other small-screen devices, such as the screen employed telephony services [Karis, in in-flight system [Fitzmaurice, et al. 1993]. necessary information presented in this paper The temporal 1993] or a palmtop virtual reality These authors point out the in a limited may et al. difficulty in presenting the screen space. Analogs of the menu and form styles apply to such devices. presentation of audio creates interesting design challenges. Exploration of techniques that give users control over the time dimension are just beginning. 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