Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report June 30, 2007 FINAL STATUS REPORT Agency Number: 699 Agency: SBCTC Project Number: 00-2-676 GA State Project # 2005-124G (1-1) School/Campus: Pierce College Puyallup Project Title: Phase III Expansion – Childcare Center (Garnero Family Child Development Center) Bill Reference(s): Chapter 520, Laws of 2007, Section 5147 Chapter 488, Laws of 2005, Section 740 Chapter 26, Laws of 2003, Section 741 Contact: Jim Taylor Director of Facilities Pierce College District (253) 964-6588 Project Description: This project is located in the City of Puyallup, Pierce County. The project involves construction of a facility to provide care and development opportunities for children of lower-income students pursuing a post-secondary education. Most spaces in the program will be reserved for children of Pierce College students with a specified number available to staff, faculty and community. The Child Development Center is funded as part of the Phase III Expansion of the Puyallup College. This expansion project included construction of the College Center Building, construction of a new parking area, installation of a traffic signal at the College’s main entrance, construction of a second campus entrance and construction of the Child Development Center. The Child Development Center and second campus entrance are the last components of the Phase III Expansion project. The Child Center is located in general proximity to the new College Center Building, is immediately adjacent to a large parking area and is accessible to other College buildings. The facility includes modern learning and interactive spaces. Entry, drop-off and pickup areas, food preparation and outdoor classroom space are also incorporated. The facility is designed to accommodate 65-70 children ranging in age from infant to 8 years. The building incorporates sustainable design practices, has significant glazing for improved day lighting and includes natural ventilation features. The second campus entrance, the West Access Drive, is an approximate 3,800-foot access route from the back part of the campus, along Bradley Lake Park in the City of Puyallup, to a public arterial. Square feet: 7,735 GSF 1 Scope changes: The project scope has been increased in size by approximately 1,200 square feet from original design in order to accommodate minimum programmatic needs for a licensed, fully functional childcare operation. Project Total Cost: Phase Predesign Design Construction Construction Other (Approp/Non Approp) Total MACC College Center Building Childcare Center Second Entrance Biennium 1999-01 2001-03 2003-05 2005-07 Appropriation E33 Fund 057 F11 Fund 057 G14 Fund 057 G14 Fund 357 NA Amount $217,200 $1,743,000 $18,388,666 $4,986,108 $25,334,974 Contract Amount $12,635,036 (final) $ 2,093,980 $ 1,151,942 Change Orders $ 0 $ 199,500 $ 379,654 Contingency $ 0 $ 99,487 $ 0 Schedule: Predesign Complete Start Design Bid Date Notice to Proceed 50% Complete Substantial Completion Final Acceptance Budget Schedule 6/30/04 1/02/05 09/01/05 09/26/05 12/15/05 04/28/06 05/26/06 Actual/Forecast 01/02/05 03/01/06 05/04/06 09/15/06 03/01/07 07/03/07 Variance (wks) 0 24 29 39 44 49 Project Status and discussion of Critical Path for Construction: Although funded as part of the Puyallup College Phase III expansion project, the Childcare Center was designed and constructed separately from other phases of the project. Construction of this facility, as well as construction of the second entrance (West Access Driveway), has overlapped into the 2005-07 biennium. These final two phases of the overall Phase III Expansion Project experienced delays due to permitting issues with the City of Puyallup. Both projects are complete and awaiting final approval for occupancy and use by the City. Contract Award History, Childcare Center A/E Agreement Original Agreement Amendments Pending Changes Total Current Design Contingency Construction Contract (excl. sales tax) Bid Award Amount $2,268,090 Change Orders $ 199,500 Pending Changes $__ 0_______ Total $2,467,590 Current Construction Contingency $ 99,487 $126,665 $201,074 $ 0 $327,739 $ 0 2 Potential for Project Cost Overruns/Claims: None identified at this time. Discussion of Project Quality: The childcare center project is of reasonable quality. Quality control was an issue of concern with this project during early phases of construction. The general contractor did not entirely demonstrate a capability to thoroughly manage and supervise the work of sub-contractors. This was particularly true during setting of footings and floor slab. Meetings occurred between the design team and contractor to address quality control issues and contractor responsibility criteria. Additionally, inspection visits by project architects and engineers were increased to provide improved oversight. The firm of MSGS Architects managed the construction phase and has considerable experience in construction management, including previous experience with the College. The design team, general contractor and college personnel met weekly to review project progress and to discuss outstanding issues. In addition to regular site visits by architects and engineers, a testing services firm was also on-site regularly. Quality control was improved and the remainder of the project was completed with no major issues of concern. Project Photographs (Attached) 3 4