US beef sector trends and impact on global trade Bord Bia Meat Prospects Seminar January 9th 2015 Richard Brown: sourced from Gira Meat Club, Dec 2014 +44 1323 870144 US beef sector situation Global beef trade impact US Beef Balance Sheet Recent sharp supply declines for beef (and tight 2014 PY and PK supply) led to record US meat pricing US Beef balance 2003-15f (000 t cwe) 14,000 12,000 '000 t cwe 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 Production Consumption Imports Exports 2,000 0 GIRA compilations, estimates and forecasts 3 Cow Herd and Calf Crop Stark message of tight supplies 35 30 39.00 38.00 37.00 25 million head 36.00 20 15 35.00 Dairy cows 34.00 Beef cows 33.00 Calf crop 10 32.00 5 0 31.00 30.00 GIRA compilations, estimates and forecasts Historic trend of declining cattle supply is the most important factor facing all segments of the industry: … until now: when breeding herd recovery is starting 4 US Cow Calf rancher margins vs Expansion This industry has not expanded despite modest historic profits US Cow Calf Margins and Change in Herd 10% Margin 400 8% YoY Change in Herd 6% 300 $/head 4% 200 2% 0% 100 -2% 0 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 -100 13 -4% Year over Year Change in Herd 500 -6% Usually, after a series of profitable years, ranchers start to retain cows and expand. There has been enough $ incentive to expand...based on history …other factors? Demographics, risk aversion, opportunity costs Drought in cow-calf regions…major issue for 2011-2013 2013 and 2014 still no expansion 5 US Female Slaughter Dramatic reduction in slaughter…signals more supply challenges for immediate future 14,000,000 Cow and Heifer Slaughter 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 Cows 6,000,000 Heifers 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 18% reduction in cow slaughter in 2014 8% reduction in heifer slaughter in 2014 Message: Tight current slaughterings … but finally herd expansion! 6 Consumption and Pricing Patterns Higher prices cause declining consumption 50 16 45 14 40 kg cwe 30 10 25 8 20 6 USD/kg product 12 35 P.C. Consumption Retail price 15 4 10 5 0 2 0 GIRA compilations, estimates and forecasts Retail prices soar in response to cattle and beef costs. Consumers respond rationally by reducing consumption but: • Beef expenditures indicate strong demand • Pork and poultrymeat were also very high priced through 2014 Might more PK & PY supply undermine 2015 BF price? We think not! 7 US BF Export Tonnage and Pricing Impressive performance despite reduced production Exports and Pricing 8,000 1,200 Exports 7,000 Export Prices 6,000 000 Tonnes 1,000 5,000 800 4,000 600 3,000 400 $/Tonne 1,400 2,000 200 1,000 0 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14e 15f Prices in export markets are strong. Tonnage increased despite reduced production. 8 US Beef Imports Strong U.S. BF pricing draws product Imports and Pricing 1,800 Imports 1,600 5,000 Import Prices 1,400 1,200 4,000 1,000 3,000 800 600 $/Tonne 000 Tonnes 6,000 2,000 400 1,000 200 0 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14e 15f Short market with higher prices draws major increases in 2014 tonnage. … but lack of global availability limits import supply for 2015f 9 Live Imports Imports drawn in due to tight domestic supplies 1,800,000 Live Imports 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Mexico 800,000 Canada 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14e Strong live import pull despite COOL. Record high US feeder cattle prices pull cattle from Mexico and Canada. Regional importance to Texas and Northern Tier states 10 Pricing and Supply A new demand driven plateau US Beef Supply vs. Live Price 380 14e 330 Live Price US$/ckg 280 13 12 11 230 10 180 90 93 92 91 '08 '03 '09 94 130 9597 96 98 99 '01 '00 '05'04 '07 '06 '02 80 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 Billion Kgs Export demand creates new pricing levels. Prices hit new record driven by very low production and excellent demand. 11 Total US meat consumption and price evolution US meat demand has been remarkably stable US meat demand: per capita consumption (kg cwe) vs. meat CPI Total US meat consumption (000 t cwe) 20,000 300 18,000 12,000 Beef 10,000 Sheepmeat Pigmeat 8,000 Poultrymeat 6,000 Consumer Price Index 14,000 '000 t cwe 14 250 16,000 1213 11 200 10 09 08 03 150 07 06 05 04 02 100 50 4,000 0 2,000 0 2009 112 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014e 2015f 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 Per Capita Consumption GIRA compilations, estimates and forecasts Per capita consumption has declined to 114kg cwe … but at higher prices Prices hit new records driven by very low production and robust demand … in an improving, but unexciting economy 12 US Beef Key Elements 2015f Every aspect evolves around the lower production 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% Production Consumption Imports Exports Cattle Price -4% -6% -8% -10% -12% -14% -16% Lower production due cattle shortage Imports are in demand but not available Consumption and exports ease due to production and price rise (Gira forecast lower than futures market suggests) Only major risk is that US PK and PY rise by more than the 3% Gira expects 13 US beef sector situation Global beef trade impact 2015: global overall meat market characteristics Profit consolidation in a year of low feed costs … for most, but not all! 2013: year of caution: feed cost 2014: year of contradiction: disruptions … very profitable for many (not EU) 2015 Economic growth should be better: but much more risk than prior years • Major risk of RU economic & banking crisis: threat to import volumes and origins … and therefore prices Modest 1.3% global meat production & consumption growth • still at lower rate than historical average Low feed costs More typical trade patterns & growth @ 2%: subject to RU Scope for profitable year CN meat industry profit expected to improve • Better import opportunities Persistent high US meat prices: especially BF Somewhat bleak EU outlook for PK mainly … and processors Continued high-alert on diseases: ASF spreading, PEDv in US and xxx, etc 15 2015 Beef Headlines Tight supply, in a reasonable demand environment should maintain price levels … but there are risks Modest cattle herd rebuilding in many countries • Specialist beef herds and also dairy farms Production: -0.7% globally, as US production is so constrained (and AU) • BR being the most positive major producer @ +3%, illustrative of other serious S.Americans − Slaughter cattle supply: still tight. Intensification: catalysed by global demand outlook and cheap feed • Indian growth will continue − Expanding dairy herd (buffalo & cows) − Increased offtake rate: made possible by higher prices. Assumes BJP does not impede Demand reasonably robust: especially in N & S America and Asia Prices stable: at a relatively high level Trade marginally down: Import demand is OK, but supply is tight • Risk: a Russian economic crisis will slash their import demand US supply tightness will continue • Lower domestic supply … with some temptation to draw in more live cattle • Lower meat import availability from traditional partners: some further access AU production and export will fall sharply – assuming pastoral conditions recover • Much tougher times for the processors 16 Beef & Veal Net Production by Country The US decline shows a striking 2014/15 decline in response to low cattle supply. AU drought impact 17 Global Beef & Veal Imports Chinese import demand continues growth 18 Global Beef & Veal Exports India reinforces its position as the world’s largest exporter … of buffalo … to CN (eventually) 19 Cattle producer prices in current EUR/t cwe Higher 2015f prices, lead by the US … and even applying to EU Figure SYN-BF 10a Cattle Producer Prices, 2003-2015 (current EUR/t cwe) 6,000 US 5,000 EU Male beef R3 RU 4,000 EU Cow 3,000 AR 2,000 UY AU 1,000 BR 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 20 AU beef production to fall in 2015 following 2 year drought fuelled ‘boost’ Australian Beef balance 2003-15f (000 t cwe) 2015 AU exports will decline as Australian production is supply constrained… Australian Total Beef Exports (Fresh + Frozen), 2003-15f 22 Conclusion for Irish BF sector Better outlook … after a disappointing year Tighter EU BF supply:demand balance • Some uplift in beef demand as EU economies improve • Production decrease Tight global BF supply situation Robust global BF demand Important new Irish BF export opportunity to US • • • • • • US BF supply shortage: from domestic production and import origins Robust US beef demand … and record cattle and beef prices Some caution in 2015 US supply increase for the other proteins USDA “Beef equivalence reinstatement audit for Ireland” … Commodity export opportunities: short term? Niche export opportunities: Irish-origin should be defensible for a long time THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 23