The Egg Sector – Meeting Future Challenges Presentation to Irish Poultry and Egg Conference, Monaghan, 5th November 2014 Mark Williams Industry Challenges • The Market – Growth of discounters vis a vis major retailers • Increasing egg consumption – At 185 e/c/a, UK still below EU average • Laying Hen Welfare – Beak trimming of laying hens – review in 2015 and proposed ban in 2016 – Disposal of male day-old chicks – Work started on assessing keel bone damage • Bilateral trade negotiations • Need to develop workable standards for organic pullet rearing – EC has authorised continuation of derogation on part organic pullets and feed until end of 2017 Opportunities • Egg market • Continuing to promote the Main Meals in Minutes theme, ‘Lifting the limits’ and satiety messages • Working on new allergen advice for babies and children • ‘Love Food Hate Waste‘ Campaign • Market data - to 52 weeks ending 12th October 2014 – further market volume growth of +1.4% – but value -2.1% • Organic sales back in growth ROI - Volume 2013 Organic 2% Barn 1% Free Range 38% Enriched Cage 58% Source: DAFM UK Market Split - Volume 2014 (Jan - June) Organic 2.4% Barn 3.2% Enriched Cage 51.4% Free Range 43.0% Source: Defra Production of Eggs for Consumption (Main MS) (2014) 780.0 12% 1 435.5 22% 645.0 10% 622.0 10% 927.0 15% 562.0 9% 790.0 12% 656.0 10% Qty in 1000 tonnes DE ES FR IT NL PL Source: EC UK Others Estimated Size of EU Big-7 Laying Flock (based on chick placements and 56 weeks in lay) millions of live birds 300.0 295.0 290.0 285.0 280.0 275.0 270.0 265.0 260.0 255.0 250.0 Jan-10 May-10 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 EU Imports of Eggs: Trade Figures (Comext – tonnes egg equiv.) 2010 tonnes India USA 3 211 2011 % 9.4% tonnes 1 554 2012 % 7.5% tonnes 3 657 not incl. Hatching eggs 2013 % tonnes Jan-Aug 14 % tonnes % Compared to Jan-Aug 13 9.7% 3 856 18.9% 3 566 44.4% + 60.8% 14 009 40.9% 5 960 28.6% 15 183 40.2% 6 853 33.5% 2 376 29.6% - 56% Argentina 7 937 23.2% 8 115 39.0% 10 162 26.9% 5 734 28.0% 835 10.4% - 81% Norway 1 722 5.0% 1 502 7.2% 1 474 3.9% 1 969 9.6% 798 9.9% - 46% Switzerland 337 1.0% 342 1.6% 332 0.9% 355 1.7% 329 4.1% + 56% Israel 941 2.7% 547 2.6% 1 393 3.7% 349 1.7% 100 1.2% - 55% 6 087 0.2% 2 787 0.0% 5 528 0.0% 1 338 0.0% 32 0.4% Others EXTRA EU 28 % change 34 244 20 806 37 729 20 454 8 037 - 39% + 81% - 46% - 47.1% Source: EC EU Exports of Eggs: Trade Figures (Comext – tonnes egg equiv.) 2010 tonnes 2011 % tonnes 2012 % tonnes not incl. Hatching eggs 2013 % tonnes Jan-Aug 14 % tonnes Compared % to Jan-Aug 13 Japan 52 923 29% 66 357 31% 66 938 36% 64 527 30% 51 763 36% Switzerland 45 072 25% 42 168 19% 41 893 23% 42 086 20% 25 467 17% - 8% 5 888 3% 8 262 4% 1 674 1% 10 450 5% 4 487 3% - 20% 20 0% 1 552 1% 1 139 1% 7 741 4% 5 531 4% +++ Russia 5 293 3% 4 947 2% 5 982 3% 10 539 5% 4 773 3% - 33% Angola 10 414 6% 17 524 8% 17 109 9% 12 906 6% 8 074 6% - 17% Equat.Guinea 1 487 1% 1 945 1% 1 632 1% 2 215 1% 1 736 1% + 3% Secr.Extra 2 164 1% 1 148 1% 2 638 1% 8 262 4% 2 267 2% - 52% Israel 1 308 1% 2 654 1% 1 060 1% 936 0% 2 197 2% +++ Thailand 6 180 3% 7 254 3% 6 409 3% 5 919 3% 3 392 2% - 18% Taiwan 7 145 4% 7 941 4% 4 626 2% 3 412 2% 1 823 1% - 31% Others 43 825 24% 55 353 25% 34 694 19% 45 623 21% 34 229 23% U.A.Emirates Iraq EXTRA EU 28 % change 181 719 217 105 185 793 214 617 145 738 + 19% - 14% + 16% + 8.4% + 30.5% Source: EC Maximum weekly prices for individual egg products in the EU and the USA in €/10kg 240,0 200,0 €/10 kg 160,0 120,0 80,0 40,0 0,0 1 5 | 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 1 5 2012 | 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 1 5 2013 | 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 1 2014 | whole plain EU Yolk EU Albumen Spray EU whole plain US Yolk US Albumen Spray US Source: EC Beak trimming - UK situation • Only Infra-red beak treatment allowed • Review in 2015, potential ban in 2016 • Defra funded trials – Non-cage (Bristol University) – 20 flocks – Colony cage (SRUC) • BEIC agreed to financially underwrite three 16k FR flocks in trial • Any ban on IRBT should be delayed until the science (and genetic progress) can clearly demonstrate that flocks can be housed without the need for beak trimming – Otherwise potential for welfare problems With thanks to Joice & Hill Poultry Ltd Beak trimming – Other EU member states The Netherlands • Proposed ban in 2018, with a review beforehand • Pilot studies ongoing Germany • Ban in 2016? • Pilot studies ongoing Other member states • Sweden and Finland – legislative ban • Austria - banned under assurance scheme • Denmark - industry introduced ban (Enriched cages on 1/7/13, Non-cage on 1/7/14) 13 Male day-old chick disposal • Market demand for culled day-old chicks zoos, birds of prey, snakes etc • Germany - concern at North Rhine-Westphalia move to ban – Hatcheries in Germany have to demonstrate there is a use for culled male DO chicks • Unilever announcement in USA (September 2014) 14 Poultry Red Mite Country UK Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden No of Laying Hens (millions) 36.6 9.2 3.4 45.9 47.3 40 33.4 3.6 44.1 38.3 7 % of farms with Poultry Red Mite 87.5 94 39 67 94 83 94 11 80 90 67 Source: Monique Mul, Hugo Bens. NL Food waste • • Estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food lost or wasted per annum (UN) Estimated 89 million tones of food wasted in EU per annum EU initiative to reduce waste by 50% by 2020 • SCoFCAH discussion on ‘sell-by’ and ‘best-before’ dates in EU • Commission asked EFSA to look at possible impact of extending the shelf-life of eggs in terms of SE • ECDC opinion on ‘The public health risks of table eggs due to deterioration and development of pathogens’ - published end July 2014 • Conclusion – Extending the ‘sell-by’ date by one week and bestbefore date by one week • = the relative risk of illness would be 1.6 and 1.7 for uncooked and lightly cooked egg meals respectively, compared to the current situation 16 Opportunities for the Egg Industry Egg image improving - natures perfect product! Good news on Cholesterol Good news on Satiety Egg displays improving – innovative packaging The ‘welfare story’ – growth of non-cage at retail level (but more difficult for egg products) • Growth in certain egg product sectors • Branding - Further differentiation possible - growth in speciality and enriched eggs e.g. Omega-3 • Reducing the ‘Carbon footprint’ – local/regional sourcing • • • • • Egg Marketing in the Member States • EU consumers assume high standards of: – Food safety – Animal Welfare • They are now becoming increasingly interested in: – The Environment – Recycling – Fair trade CSR Main Meals in Minutes 2014 ambassadors Main Meals in the Summer Nutrition campaigns Egg Nutrition • • • • • • 70% more Vitamin D 100% more Selenium 20% less fat more than 20% less saturated fat around 13% fewer calories more than 10% less cholesterol Nutrition campaigns Eggrecipes visits Jan – September 2014: 329,022 visitors +82% Y-O-Y Organic visits +262% British Egg Week British Egg Week – TV British Egg Week – TV & radio British Egg Week – TV & radio 4 x pieces of TV 1 x piece of radio Reached 2.4m viewers & 1.9m listeners AVE = £71,320 Reached 2.1m on Twitter British Egg Week Bloggers 7 blog posts & 140,000 unique monthly views for British Egg Week blogs Trending on Twitter! #BritishEggWeek had 8M potential impressions 1,536 Twitter mentions by an estimated 688 users UK per capita consumption (egg/capita/annum) 1989-2013 220 200 180 160 140 120 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Retail Egg Market Consumer Purchasing 2008 – 2014 Volume % change (000s boxes) (year on year) 2008 12,703 + 0.3 2009 12,765 + 0.5 2010 12,966 + 1.6 2011 13,431 + 3.6 2012 14,067 + 5.2 2013 14,526 +3.3 11,290 (YTD) +1.4% (YTD) 2014 to Oct Conclusions • UK - Confidence restored in British eggs – Lion Quality Scheme – Industry restored to growth • but … always alert for new emerging issues 35 Thank you for your attention Tel: 0044 20 7608 3760