SEDNA SNOW DENSITY SURVEY Snow density was collected over the seven kilometer long transects at the Ice Camp with bulk density profiles collected every 100m and full snow pits every 500m. An illustrated paper presented at the Fall 2007 AGU meeting is provided as an overview to the user. 1) Name of data files: a. Bulk Density Samples Every 100m: ‘SEDNA.SnowBulkDensitySurvey.csv' b. Snow Pit Samples Every 500m: ‘SEDNA.SnowPit&SootSurveys.xlsx’ 2) Total Number of bulk density samples: 68 3) One header line with information for Bulk Density Samples i) Line ; Array Line Number ii) Distance (m) ; Distance from Array Center iii) Time (UTC) ; hh:mm of sample in UTC (not local) time iv) Date ; mm/dd/yyyy v) Code ; 0=Snow Tube, 1=Large Snow Kit Sampler, 2=Small Snow Kit Sampler vi) Depth (cm) ; snow depth, taken when possible directly over Magnaprobe sites vii) Weight (g) ; sample weight on scale back at the science lab viii) Bulk density (g/cm^3) ; density based on sample weight / volume ix) Density Error Estimate ; See poster for full equations of propagated error x) Air Temperature (C) ; when not reported -99 used to flag xi) Comments ; general information from field notes 4) Example Read Statement for Bulk Density Samples: ================================================ Format='(I1,1x,I4,4(1x,I2),1x,I4,I2,1x,F4.1,1x,F5.1,2(1x,F11.4),I4,A120)' readf,lu,format=Format,Line,Distance,Hour,Minute,Month,Day,Year,Code,Depth,Weig ht,$ Density, Error, AirTemp,Comments 5) Uncertainty Terms: ==================== Radius=4.15 ; [cm] ErrMass=0.5 ; [g] ErrRadius=0.1 ; [cm] ErrDepth=1.0 ; [cm] LargeSamplerDepth=3.0 ; [cm] LargeSamplerVolume=97.2 ; [cm^3] SmallSamplerDepth=1.0 ; [cm] SmallSamplerVolume=32.4 ; [cm^3] 6) Snow Pit Samples =============================== The snow pit survey file contains two tabs. The first is for the snow pit surveys taken every 500m. The second tab contains meta data for snow soot samples collected for Tom Grenfell at University of Washington. The excel sheet contains all notes and density calculations taken at each snow pit. For questions regarding the collected Soot Samples, please contact Tom Grenfell ( A total of 19 samples were collected at carefully selected sites. Two of them were taken specifically close to the run as contamination control sites as a reference. The spreadsheet tab “SootMetaDataSheet” has all the data with cross reference between the snow pits we took near the samples and the conditions at the soot samples. 7) Name of Team Members Collecting the Samples ========================================= i) ii) Cathy Geiger, Geography, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA Katharine Giles and Adrian Turner, Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, University College, London, UK iii) Robert Harris, PolarTREC Teacher from Hartford High School, White River Junction, VT, USA 8) Point of Contact/Questions: ====================================== Cathy Geiger, Associate Research Professor, University of Delaware,