Oew8y HD28 .M414 > ALFRED A P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT BE31AVI0RAL SIHJIATION WDEL OF SALES PLANNING AND CXWTROL IN A DMaCOMMUNICATIGNS CX3MPANY. by Jdin D.W. Morecroft WP-1761-86 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 D-3806 ^ A BEHAVIORAL SIHJLATICN MDML OF SALES PLANNING AND CXKIROL IN A DAIACGmUNICATIONS OOHPANY. by Jc*n D.W. Morecroft WP-1761-86 D-3806 A BEHAVIORAL SIMULATDN MODEL OF SALES PLANNING AND CONTROL IN A DATACOMMUNICATIONS ODMPANY by John D.W. Morecroft System Dynamics Group Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of March 1 986 Technology D-3806 A BEHAVDRAL SIMULATION MODEL OF SALES PLANNING AND CONTROL IN A DATACOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY Abstract The paper describes a behavioral simulation model which represents the procedures for sales planning and control in policies and datacommunications companies. The model allows you to think about the different 'players' whose actions and choices regulate sales. There are quite a few of them -- account executives, customers, sales executives, business planners and compensation planners. You step into their shoes. You examine their responsibilities, their goals and incentives and the sources information that attract their attention -- all with the intention of understanding the logic behind their choices and actions. Then you stand back from the detail of the individual players and, with the help of diagrams and computer simulations, you explore how the players interact and cooperate, and how the system as a whole balances the sales goals of the company, the efforts of the salesforce and the needs of customers. of D-3806 INSIDE THE SALES ORGANIZATION Imagine you are vice-president the sales of a in datacommunications company, with revenue responsibility major product lines. Included in growing for several your product portfolio are telephones, key systems, medium-sized PBXs, personal computers and workstations. Due to advancing technology and increasing competition the products are frequently changing ~ new models are introduced and offered with enhanced You have your at models are features. command a sixty high-calibre existing professional salesforce presently comprising account executives, each one assisted by a staff of three or four people that provides technical and clerical support. salesforce sells mostly to business customers, with annual sales revenue As you think about the several questions products, lines? come between $500 problems to mind. of million and $10 that to large firms billion. managing the sales organization, Given the company's wide range how do you ensure balanced growth How do you know medium The account executives of of the different product will allocate their selling time so that you meet your negotiated sales quota, so the firm meets its How do sales objectives and so the factories can satisfy customer orders? you know that account executives are pushing the products customers most want to and growing buy? How do you know that your salesforce at the right rate? is the right size D-3806 To get another perspective on these questions you one the position of of the account executives. You know most They are a talented group of individuals, extrovert, company's products and persuasive Most earn their talents. put yourself try to at least in selling of them knowledgeable well. of the them. They are well-paid $60,000 per year and the in for 'stars' sometimes as much as $250,000 per year. What motivates them? How do they decide which products to sell? Money, prestige, and competition with colleagues are doubtless important influences. But, think of it, to they are obviously not motivated by the firm's overall sales goals (how still when you come many account executives actually know these goals), and less by your own negotiated sales quota or the factories' production commitments! So how can you plan and control the sales of your own sales organization? To help explore these questions a simulation model of a sales organization has been developed which represents sales planning and control datacommunications companies. The model allows you different 'players' quite a few of whose them -- to think sources of about the actions and choices regulate sales. There are account executives, customers, sales executives, business planners and compensation planners. You step You examine in their responsibilities, their goals information that attract their into their shoes. and incentives and the attention intention of understanding the logic behind their choices -- and all with actions. the Then D-3806 you stand back from the detail of individual players and, with the help of diagrams and simulations, you explore how the players cooperate, and company, the how and interact the system as a whole balances the sales goals of the efforts of the salesforce and the needs of customers. Account Executives' Time Allocation Let's begin with the account executives. To keep things simple imagine they have to choose between selling just two product lines system like a PBX selling for -- a large perhaps $100,000 and a small system like a personal business computer/workstation selling for $20,000. (We'll base the whole model on just two product lines. It's simpler than reality of course, but even so can teach us a great deal). Naturally they're interested in the 'payoff. what for What is their compensation for selling a large system, and a small system? To make a choice they have These schemes come in to know many the terms of the compensation scheme. varieties. Some companies use a commission (account executives are paid a straight fixed proportion of the selling price), some use a combination of base 'guaranteed' salary and commission. In this case a points scheme is used. Account executives are awarded 25,000 points workstation. dollars at for the sale of They keep a a rate of a PBX and tally of points 5,000 points for the sale and convert The terms of the a their points to real say $1000 per 5000 points, which base, guaranteed pay. of is added to their compensation scheme can, and do. D-3806 Change from month-to month. So account executives must keep up-to-date and watch for announcements of changes the points to dollars conversion rate. scheme can be the points value of products, or in The details of quite complex, but the basic principle (from the executives' perspective) is quite simple and scheme. The more points they earn, the bigger Account executives know and only 5,000 for they'll is similar to their sales bonus. PBX each workstation. But points alone don't number account a commission earn 20,000 points for each time allocation. They also take account of the sell any given points of they sell dictate their hours it takes to a PBX versus a workstation. There are several reasons why a PBX sale more time consuming. The PBX complex than the workstation, so to explain its it is takes account executives a long time features to a customer. to win his company's approval chances of winning an order for a much more expensive and more It may take the customer a long time large expenditure may be 1 summarizes the allocation. Finally, the low because, given the expense, customers look closely at competitor's products Figure on a PBX. too. factors that influence account executives' time They keep abreast of the points system. From their field experience they estimate the time per sale of large systems and small systems. Knowing points and time per sale they can judge, roughly, the payoff, in terms of points per hour, to selling either small system. For example, suppose it a large system or a takes, on average, 60 hours to sell a D-3806 Time Allocated to Sale of Large Systems Time Allocated to Sale of Small Systems Total Sales Time Available Estimated Time Per Sale of Large Systems Estimated Time Per Sale of Small Systems Points for Points for Large Systems Small Systems A-3784 Figure 1 : Account Executives' Time Allocation D-3806 PBX 8 (the total time spent with delivery and choose not -- installation to buy) a customer from contact to final including time lost with those customers who and 15 hours a workstation. Given the terms to sell the compensation scheme, the payoff for selling points per hour and the payoff points per hour. Therefore, devote more of in this their time to selling They have a PBXs is of 25,000/60 or 416 for selling workstations is 5000/15 or 333 case, account executives want will to PBXs. But account executives don't switch exclusively. first in a single day variety of contracts already to selling PBX's underway which they are obliged to complete. Their time allocation changes only gradually, depending on new the selling opportunities commitments and the current payoff process is dynamic. Conditions change from day The compensation scheme may be change as the vary. New for large relative prices products may be modified. and delivery introduced available, and small systems. The to day and week The time to sell intervals of whose product line which, gradually shift selling time in their more and more week. each product will line one can only and quite predictable, once the points and time per sale are will to a system guess. Despite these complexities, salesforce time allocation Account executives existing is logical specified. of their time to the judgement, gives the biggest payoff. Compensation Plannino Compensation planners design the compensation scheme. They are the D-3806 interface between sales objectives and tlie salesforce. they look at performance against objective and decide how large systems) account executives objective. So, if to sell line it more it's case in shows, for small to adjust product points to products will and encourage the quantity called for by the increase the points value of the product, attractive to sell. exceed the sales decrease figure 2 sales of a particular product line are below objective, compensation planners making (in this As On the other hand, if sales of a product objective, planners will maintain or possibly points value. In practice it is much even easier to increase points than reduce them, because account executives strongly resist any attempt to lower their compensation. Sales Objective The sales objective that consolidates comes from a complex business planning procedure information and judgement from market analysts, account executives, product managers, product schedulers manufacturing planners. The business plan starts from total industry From volume intervals) an estimate classes of datacommunications equipment. price changes, competitor actions, expected delivery market analysts compute the company's expected share industry sales. of data and various business assumptions (new product historical introductions, for all and By applying the share to industry volume, the business plan generates the company's sales forecast by product planning horizon. of line over a two year D-3806 10 Points for Points for Large Systems Performance Against Objective for Large Systems Small Systems Performance Against Objective for Small Systems A-3785 Figure 2: Compensation Planning D-3806 11 Although a great deal important input the recent history of customer orders, as Planners compute a base estimate of figure 3. volume is of information enters the planning process, of demand using a most shown in last year's customer orders. Then, during the sales commitment process, executives increase the base estimate by a 'stretch margin' to arrive at the corporate sales objective. For example, suppose the salesforce sold 1000 PBXs last year. If the stretch margin corporate sales objective for the margin is coming year a simple but powerful way for sales objectives for sales managers, 10 percent, then the is is 1100 PBXs. The executives to set challenging in an environment of uncertainty about customer demand. The to strive for higher sales volume, by holding them accountable objective that is stretch objective requires sales great managers for an greater than last year's (or last quarter's) sales. Performance against sales objective (which compensation planners use adjusting points) is in obtained by comparing customer orders to date, with the sales objective pro-rated to the same date. D-3806 12 Performance Against Sales Objective Stretch Margin Custonner Orders A-3786 Figure 3: Business Sales Objective D-3806 13 Customer Ordering It's common to think that customer orders are completely determined by and factors such as price/performance, availability Certainly quality. these factors are important, but they're not the whole story. Put youself PBX the position of a business customer buying a about your knowledge of the or in a workstation. Think product and your information sources as you begin the purchase. A principal influence for office systems will a demonstration and sales is talking with is availability aware and of the quality figure 4. in Few customers product and its is long, is say 12 months), or important. customers. is is when Each customer has if low (or price is , put another way, high, low, if in the the if account executives own general, will the product will his if delivery interval account executives long time to find willing customers. Conversely, available, or the price it product do factors such as price/performance, become product having makes them features. Only perception of these factors and sensitivity to them. But availability of the first account executives. Very often the customers' interest and initiates of the existence of the customer as shown spontaneously place an order without account executive who aware effort, soon is take a readily find willing D-3806 14 Customer Orders for (or Small) Systems Large Availability Quality -Time to Make a Sale Sales Effort to (or Small) Large Systems Price/Performance A-3787 Figure 4: Customer Ordering 15 D-3806 Force A Hiring. Layoff and Budgeting description of sales planning and control would be incomplete ignored force hiring and their salesforce, which people are responsible motivates their decisions? shown How do companies layoff. In if it regulate the size of for hiring broad terms, force planning is and what driven by the Given the salesforce budget and knowledge of average salesforce compensation, planners can estimate the number of budget, as in figure 5. account executives the budget can support -- the authorized salesforce. If the authorized force exceeds the current force then hiring takes place and the salesforce grows. Conversely, if the current force exceeds the authorized force then layoffs take place and the salesforce contracts, (alternatively the attrition and company may layoff to The important characterize budgeting policy point in is or some combination of is a complex process which the model only to capture the inertia and myopia that R&D New budgets fVlajor budget items expense, sales and service expense) change dramatically from year budget. attrition, most large organizations. (such as advertising expense, rarely on reduce the salesforce). The company's budgeting outlines. rely to year as a proportion of the total are often just incremental adjustments to old budgets, because organizational politics cannot cope with radical change and because it is complicated and time consuming to item from scratch each year. incremental, inertial The budgeting adjustments, as shown in justify every budget policy captures these figure 6. The budget for the D-3806 16 Change Current Salesforce in Salesforce Authorized Salesforce / Budget for Salesforce Average Compensation of Salespeople A-3788 Figure 5: Force Hiring and Layoff 17 D-3806 salesforce itself is is represented as a fraction of total sales revenue (revenue the product of price and customer orders for both large and small systems). The For example, fraction it is 'sticky* (slow to change) though not rigidly fixed. slowly increases if total salesforce compensation repeatedly exceeds budget. Budget for Salesforce Fraction of Sales Revenue Revenue to Sales A-3789 Figure 6: Budget for Salesforce D-3806 18 DYNAMICS OF SALES PLANNING AND CONTROL Scenario Up to 1 -- "Test Drive" Balanced Product Portfolio now we have described the compensation and number begin, let's try a of large and small systems the salesforce generates the a orders, sales objectives, account executives change over time. To of the 'test drive' in understand the dynamics of how customer -- easy-to-interpret product scenario. First, sales are planned and controlled Now we want to datacommunications company. sales planning and control way model, a simulation of a special, The scenario assumes yield the same total same revenue four conditions. per sales hour, so revenue no matter how account executives allocate their time. Second, large and small systems are equally attractive to account executives -- payoff to selling either large or small systems for large potential customers over time? Will for both how conditions, imagine large large for small systems if so why? simulation of the scenario systems (-2-) profit and there are many How will will evolve account executives — organization model (documented Orders to the sales objective. the business units' sales and revenue revenue grow and shows a identical. Third, orders and small systems. Given these allocate their time? Figure 7 is and small systems are exactly equal products are priced to generate a Finally, other words, the points in (-1-) in made by running the sales the appendix) for a period of 24 months. begin at 60 units per month and orders for begin at 108 units per month. Both grow smoothly and D-3806 19 orders_smaI! 1 1 120.000 1 100.000 1 80.000 1 60.000 » 40.000 18.000 24.000 Time 1 ordersJarge 1 200.000 I 170.000 1 HO .000 1 110.000 1 80.000 6.000 T 12.000 I I 18.000 Time Figure 7: Customer Orders When Products Are Equally Attractive to Salesforce 24,000 D-3806 20 exponentially over the 24 month simulation at a rate of approximately 30 percent per year. Figure 8 shows that the salesforce the same 30 with 90 of 1 (-2-) in identical throughout the simulation). their initial time allocation (in this there is for large no incentive The growth to for small case 10 percent systems is stick with for small systems systems) throughout the simulation, because in revenue and salesforce results from a positive figure 9, that couples budgeting, salesforce hiring the salesforce, on the right-hand side, figure imagine is increased. what happens First, if sales effort because there are more account executives. Then customer orders because more customers are informed and persuaded revenue which to in turn expands the budget As long as there are who, once informed, will company's products for the salesforce and therefore plenty of potential customers consider buying the company's products words, as long as the market will of the buy them. More customer orders generate more sales allows more hiring. cycle large So account executives and customer ordering. To understand the will rise, and change. of orders, feedback loop, shown will rise systems of small the lower half of figure 8) remains constant at a value (meaning that the points payoff and 90 percent at 60 account executives and ending rate, starting with month 24. Meanwhile the attractiveness in (shown as percent growing (-1-) is continue, leading to isn't (in other saturated) then the reinforcing positive more and more orders and steady D-3806 21 2 aulh_force sales-force 1 y 120.000 y 100.000 J) il 80.000 60.000 st-aw. $cer>» d<i(.-. ^1 ' t I I 24000 ' ' 0.0 I'll I I I i I I 40.000 I ' I 18.000 12.000 6.000 Time 1 1 0.500 2 1.400 1 0.375 2 » 2 1 2 2 attract-smaH frac_effort_sm 1 . .200 0.250 1 .000 0.125 0.800 1 0.0 2 600 -pio dtl ' I 0.0 ' 6.000 1 ' I ' I ' I ' ' I I 12.000 ' I ' I ' I I I ' I ' I stam. : I ' I 18.000 ' I ' ' I jccirv I I ' • \ ' I I 24.000 Time Figure 8: Salesforce (top) and Product Attractiveness (bottom) Wiien Products Are Equally Attractive D-3806 22 Total J Per Sale ^^ Sales Effort' •'2®, \ Sales Effort Salesforce d} Customer Product Orders Prices V^ Budget / Sales Revenue for Salesforce ^^ ,-^^^ Average Compensation Per Salesperson A-3781 Figure 9: Positive Feedback Loop Connecting Budgeting and Salesforce Hiring D-3806 23 exponential growth. Scenario 2 Introduction of an Attractive -- Imagine now a more complex scenario new attractive in Small System which the company introduces an workstation to complement Market analysts expect the workstation and New to its small system product be well received by customers more revenue per sales hour than to yield large systems (PBXs). Moreover, because company executives are anxious to boost sales new As workstation, before, potential it customers new product and of th.e offered with an attractive compensation package. is systems are priced all line. for both to produce a PBXs and incentive conditions, orders evolve over time and how will the new how profit and there are many workstations. Given these will revenues and customer account executives allocate their systems (-1-, time? Figure 10 shows a six-month top) start at units per for large 70 units per month by month systems (-1-, simulation. Orders for small month, quickly grow to a peak of almost 100 4, and then gradually bottom) remain static at about 110 units per month. What's happening, and why? Figures explanation. The top half of figure 11 compensation scheme of the simulation, decline. Meanwhile, orders that drives 1 and 1 1 together provide an shows the changing terms of the salesforce time allocation. At the start compensation per hour (shown here as dollars per hour 24 D-3806 2 obj_small orders-small i y 120.000 V/ 100.000 II 80.000 II 60 000 y 40.000 v-nodcl- stoTn_s-cert2<^ — ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' objJarge ordersJarge \ } y I) ''-1 6.000 4.500 200.000 170.000 140.000 y 110.000 y 80.000 4 -4 — -p-i I W -; r ' I I I 1.500 0.0 ' 3.000 ' I 3? 32 =^4^ ' I I I I -r~ 6.000 4.500 Time Figure 10: Customer Orders and Business Sales Objectives When Attractive New Small System is Introduced 25 D-3806 per account executive, including indirect sales support expense) systems for small imbalance occurs (-2-, top) than for large two reasons. for deliberately designed to (-1-, the compensation First, encourage sales systems of small is higher top). The scheme is systems (workstations). Moreover, workstations are assumed to be easier to sell PBXs than -- they generate more revenue per sales hour. Not surprisingly then, account executives allocate more and more of their time to selling workstations and PBXs. The time less to selling re-allocation doesn't though, as the lower half of figure 11 shows. allocating 10 percent of effort to its The happen instantly salesforce starts by small systems (-1-, bottom) and gradually increases to 12.5 percent by month 4. This small re-allocation cause small system orders sufficient to to increase 30 percent in is only four months! However, even as the salesforce compensation scheme Orders for small to halt the trend. But systems top) but orders for large conditions there (-1-, result is top) systems more effort into selling small (-1-, top) why? The answer exceed the sales of the lies in figure objective, (-2-, systems are below objective. Under these pressure for planners to increase the points awarded is for the sale of large The putting compensation planners are changing the terms systems, 10. is shown systems and decrease the points in figure 1 1 . for small Compensation per hour systems. for large systems slowly increases while compensation per hour for small (-2-, top) falls. Shortly after month 4, compensation is identical r r D-3806 26 2 comp_hr_sm compjirjg 1 1} 300.000 J) 262.500 J) 225.000 J) 187.500 J} \-no c)«t — 150.000 I I I I ' I I I _ scc.ft2f I'll I 3.000 1.500 0.0 S'TOm • I 4.500 6.000 Time 2 altract—small frac_erfort_sm 1 1 0.500 2 1.400 1 0.375 2 1.200 \ 0.250 2 1 .000 2 0.125 0.800 1 0.0 1 2 0.600 ——— > I I 1 I 1.500 0.0 —— ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' Tno<i «C'. — I ' ' I • I sraw- SCO 2e I I ' — ' 4.500 3.000 6.000 Time Figure 1 1 : Compensation and Time Allocation When New Small System is Introduced Attractive 27 D-3806 and small systems, so account executives are now for large which product they workstation or PBX! Accordingly they cease sell -- so the fraction of time, devoted re-allocating their systems bottom) stabilizes at about 12.5 percent. A (-1-, new product the units per of 75 month. units per to small interesting features in scenario, as figure 12 shows. Orders for small systems 70 top) start at (-1-, effort 24 month, simulation reveals some more longer, indifferent In units per month and grow month 5 orders begin month by month 10. rapidly to to decline, and more than 100 fall to a minimum Then orders recover and go through another (diminished) cycle of growth and decline between months 10 and 20. By the end top) are still units per simulation. of the 24 month simulation, orders for small systems fluctuating slightly, but are clearly settling at about month, almost 30 percent higher than The sales only gradually because objective for small systems it is an average result of this inertia, orders for small of recent in months The lower 0-7, and again half of figure objective for large systems in 90 at the start of the (-2-, top) rises, but customer orders. As a systems exceed the sales objective during (and immediately following) any period of rapid growth as (-1-, in orders, months 12-19. 12 shows orders (-2-, bottom). (-1-, bottom) and the sales One can see a very slight D-3806 28 2 obj_smalI orders-small ! J} 120.000 i) 100.000 11 80.000 2J 60.000 i) 40.000 J) —— I -I 6.000 I ' I I 12.000 24.000 18.000 Time objJarge ordersJarge 1 J) J} ^) J) 200.000 170.000 140.000 110.000 - Tt\o«Ac^.". i! s(-ar^- seen ^t> 80.000 0.0 6.000 12.000 24,000 18.000 Time Figure 12: Customer Orders and Business Sales Objectives When Attractive New Small System is Introduced 29 D-3806 fluctuation in orders for large systems. But the most striking feature of the simulation Remember is that orders are almost constant at that in scenario 1 110 units per month. (balanced product porfolio) orders for large systems grew steadily from 110 units per month to 170 over 24 months. The only change between scenario introduction of a succesful new workstation. The as before, selling at the should the new A same 1 month and 2 PBX system is PBX in the is the same customers. Why price, to the workstation halt the growth units per same then sales? close look at the system's feedback structure and the conditions surrounding salespeople's time allocation gives insight into the puzzle. Figure 13 shows two feedback loops that interconnect procedures for business planning, compensation planning, salesforce time allocation and customer ordering. Together these procedures produce dysfunctional competition for sales time. in figure 13 to understand The reader can how at the attractiveness of large is low. trace around the feedback loops the competition for time occurs. Look systems which, Compensation per hour for small at the start of the scenario, systems exceeds compensation per hour for large systems, causing account executives to effort to small systems. As a result, first shift more sales orders for small systems increase unexpectedly, above the sales objective, while orders for large systems are depressed , below the sales objective. In order to correct the sales variance, compensation planners increase the points on large systems and reduce the points on small systems. The result of the points adjustment D-3806 30 A-3782 Figure 13: Feedback Loops Connecting Compensation Planning, Time Allocation and Customer Ordering D-3806 is 31 shown in rises during systems look figure 14. more for large systems top) (-1-, through 6 while compensation per hour for small months (-2-, Compensation per hour top) falls, Shortly after month 4, large systems begin Between attractive to the salesforce than small systems. months 4 and 9 account executives reallocate to their time increasingly in favor of large systems. Orders for small systems decline while orders for large systems increase. By month 10 the sales variance entirely reversed variance problem -- small system sales are compounded because is small systems has been revised upward and large system sales are below engage in in now below situation objective ( is the the business sales objective for in light objective. another round of points adjustment of the initial sales sucess) Compensation planners then in their quest to bring orders line with objective. The competition performance. for sales time First, fluctuates, playing addressed has two dysfunctional effects on business sales effort allocated to large and small systems havoc with manufacturing schedules (these specifically in effects are a report D-3807 dealing with the dynamics of production scheduling). Second, the average compensation of the salesforce rises. Each round of points adjustment bids up the firm's selling expense, because compensation planners are more increase points than they are to decrease them. expense stifles shown figure 15. in The increase willing to in selling growth, by reducing the growth rate of the salesforce, as As salespeople's compensation rises, the existing D-3806 1 J) 3 J) 3 J) 3 1) 32 2 comp_hr_sm comp-hrJg 3 est_time_sale_sm 300.000 24.000 262.500 18.000 225.000 12.000 167.500 6.000 150.000 3 0.0 0.0 6.000 12.000 18.000 24.000 Time ! frac_efrort_sm attract_sma!I 0.500 1.400 0.375 2 1.200 1 0.250 2 1 2 1 2 1 .000 0.125 0.800 0.0 0.600 12.000 18.000 Time Figure 14: Compensation and Time Allocation Attractive New System is When Introduced 24.000 D-3806 1 sales-force \] 120.000 IJ 2.800e+6 J} 51 33 2 auth_force 3 budget 4 total-comp 100.000 2.600e+6 80.000 51 2.400e+6 J) 60.000 I) 2.200e+6 J) 5) aTn-j<:cft 2b 40.000 2.000e+6 6.000 12.000 18.000 Time Figure 15: Salesforce and Budget New Small System is When Attractive Introduced 24.000 34 D-3806 force absorbs an increasing proportion of the sales budget, leaving for force expansion. The process reinforces expansion, revenue growth is itself. less With lower force suppressed and the sales budget grows itself less quickly. POUCIES TO IMPROVE SALES PLANNING AND CONTROL The net result of the system's adjustment introduces an attractive new product more revenue per sales hour than success creates competition of selling Particularly expense, which an inflation of selling orders, revenue is has the potential expense earn company causes an inflation and revenue growth. stemming from the for salesforce time, that the in to existing products. But the product's an extraordinarily succesful product size of the salesforce, setting It line that turn slows sales in The company quite curious. for salesforce time that severe competition introduction of is is line, can cause such forced to reduce the motion a spiral of decline sales in effort, and salesforce budget! useful to reflect on the policy arrangements most encourage likely to growth of orders for both large and small systems. is It important to avoid excessive competition for salesforce time. obviously One idea is to curb the rate at which compensation planners increase the points value of a product whose sales are below aggressive hiring policy. quickly enough objective. Another idea The company should to allow sales of small systems hire to is to adopt an account executives grow without cutting 35 D-3806 into the time available for selling large Figure 16 shows a dramatic change in systems. simulation that incorporates these two ideas. There on a scale that runs from 40 the scale runs from 12). The to 240 to to 320 fluctuations eliminated. Orders begin at smoothly units per 120 figure 12 orders are plotted -- in month, whereas units per in figure 16 units per month, four times the range of in 70 month second year, orders continue to orders for small systems are entirely month and grow quickly and units per in the year of the simulation. first grow, but at a slower orders for large systems decline slightly grow a behavior, which the reader can see by comparing figure 16 with figure 12 (note the scale change figure is until month 15, rate. In the Meanwhile, and then begin to slowly. Figure 17 shows why orders Compensation per hour before. large systems. to small systems for small new compensation starts higher than for to allocate more to large below objective and of their time policy allows this re-allocation because compensation planners are slower awarded much more systems grow so much more than So account executives begin systems. The to continue, points for small to increase the systems, even though large systems sales are falling. The net result time selling small systems, in is fact that the salesforce spends more than 30 percent of its time by the end of the run, compared with only 12 percent under the original compensation policy. From a corporate perspective this result — r I D-3806 1 36 2 obj-small orders_smal! i] J} J) J} 320.000 240.000 160.000 60.000 mod «l W : _ sVo-»T» poL 24.000 18.000 12.000 Time 1 2 objJarge orders-large ^} 200.000 J] 170.000 2) 140.000 y 110.000 D 80.000 ——— -1 0.0 1 I -r— 6.000 , I — 12.000 i-nodtl: S^or^'Y^i' I ' I I 18.000 I I I I I ' I I [ 24.000 Time Figure 16: Customer Orders and Business Sales Objectives With Improved Sales Planning and Control Policies T I D-3806 37 comp_hr_sm comp_hr_Ig 1 3 300.000 24.000 X] 262.500 5,} 3 Z esl_time_sale_sm 18.000 225000 J) 3 12.000 187.500 J} 3 6.000 150.000 J) 0.0 T 0.0 6.000 ' r— '^ ' ' I I I ——— ' ' 24.000 18.000 12.000 Time 2 atlract—small frac_efforl_sm 1 1 2 0.500 ^ .400 ^ 1 1 0.375 2 1.200 1 0.250 2 1.000 1 2 1 2 0.125 0.800 0.0 I I I ' I ' I 0.600 I ' I I I 18.000 12.000 ' ' ' ' I 24.000 Time Figure 17: Compensation and Time Allocation with Improved Sales Planning and Control Policies D-3806 38 makes sense. Since small systems generate than large systems (by assumption), the more time its more revenue per sales hour company earns more revenue the salesforce spends selling small systems. Of course, large system sales are depressed, but two factors are at work to limit the decline. First, small systems) is larger. This factor, because more than by itself, total revenue (from both large and before, the salesforce budget allows is more account executives to therefore be hired. So, even though the proportion of time allocated to selling large systems is smaller than before, there are more because the new expanded more available. hiring policy is rapidly than before more aggressive, the salesforce The reader can see the boost budget and for salesforce). grows from $2.45 simulation. million to In By contrast hiring policies, the in in (the figures sales hours are use the same scales budget almost $2.8 million steadily from figure 15, total is salesforce growth clearly by figure 18, the The salesforce grows period. sales hours available. Second, and so again, more comparing figure 18 with figure 15 same total in 60 for the salesforce the to for first year of the 70 people over the under the old compensation and budget grows from $2.45 and the salesforce stays almost constant at million to only $2.5 million 60 people in the first year of the simulation. Several general policy lessons emerge from the model. that rely on a direct sales force to First, in businesses generate orders, the success of a given D-3806 1 sales-force 39 D-3806 product 40 line depends not only on customers' preferences, but also on account executives' preferences. Customers of course choose between the products of several competing companies market comparison of factors -- such as a choice based on an and price, quality Account executives however choose between the product company, a choice based on an internal, lines of their The distinction not only the external attractiveness of but also their internal attractiveness to the salesforce. competitive prices, a product line scheme fail to sell if own of the crucial. is its A products, Even with the compensation deters account executives from showing the product to customers. The design All may availability. non-market comparison payoff from selling different product lines. company must manage external of the compensation scheme therefore deserves close compensation schemes tend to attention. equalize the payoff to account executives of the company's different product lines -- if they didn't then eventually account executives would allocate 100 percent of their time to the product line with the highest payoff. This tendency to equalize payoff must be understood and managed. One doesn't want the equalization occur too quickly, otherwise the growth of promising may be stifled new product to lines and sales expense may escalate. On the other hand, one doesn't want the equalization to occur too slowly, otherwise the factories may be flooded with orders for the product with the highest payoff, and salestime for the company's staple product lines The simulations show two policy may be cut excessively. parameters that should receive D-3806 41 management points when -- attention the speed at which compensation planners adjust sales are below (or above) objective, and the speed with which new account executives are hired when the budget authorizes a salesforce expansion. When a company's product lines are changing frequently, then points should adjust slowly be hired aggresively The discussion so to and account executives should encourage sales and revenue growth. far is indicative of how the model can be used for policy design. There are undoubtedly further simulation experiments that can be carried out to explore other aspects of sales planning and control policy. For example, one might explore the effect of increasing or reducing the rigidity of corporate sales objectives and of increasing or reducing the size of the 'stretch' objective. One might explore the effect of strict budget controls on compensation planning. The model should be viewed as a laboratory for testing outcome with new management policy proposals intuition. and comparing the simulated D-3806 42 BACKGROUND READINGS IN SYSTEM DYNAMICS Forrester J. W. Industrial Dynamics , M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1961. Forrester J.W. 'Market Growth as Influenced by Capital Investment', Sloan Management Review, Vol 9, No 2, pp 83-105, Winter 1968. Hall R.I. 'A System Pathology Old Saturday Evening 185-211, 1976. Post', an Organization - The Rise and Fall of the Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 21 pp of , Lyneis J.M. Corporate Planning and Policy Design: Approach, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1980. Mass A System Dynamics Model Behavior', System Dynamics Group Working Paper D-3323, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, N.J. 'Diagnosing Surprise October 1981. Morecroft J.D.W. and Mines J.H. 'Strategy and the Design of Structure', Sloan School Working Paper, WP-1721-85, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, September 1 985. 'The Feedback View of Business Policy and Strategy', System Dynamics Review, Vol 1 No 1 pp 4-19, Summer 1985. Morecroft J.D.W. , , Morecroft J.D.W. 'Strategy Support Models', Strategic Vol 5, No 3, pp 21 5-229, August 1 984. Pugh A.L. DYNAMO User's Manual, Management Journal, Sixth edition, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1983. Richardson G.P. and Pugh A.L. Introduction to System Dynamics Modeling with DYNAMO, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1981. D-3806 43 Richmond B.M. A User's Guide to STELLA, High Performance Systems, P.O. Box 811 67, Hanover, NH 03755, August 1985. Roberts E.B. Managerial Applications of System Dynamics, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1 978. 44 D-3806 CXXUMENTTATION OFTHE SALESFORCE TIME ALLOCATION MODEL Policy Structure of Salesforce STELLA Diagram of STELLA Diagram of Allocation Sales Planning and Control STELLA Diagram STELLA Diagram Time of for Model Large Systems Revenue Procedures of Sales Planning and Control for Small Systems Budgeting and Hiring (Also Showing Performance Indicators) STELLA Description of Parameter Equation Listing Changes for Simulation Scenarios ; 45 D-3806 ^'' ^4\ .::!,:: , Effort 4 •••>LARGE , Soles SYSTEMS r---i. <^-^ j Fraction of :::::::»::::::::;' Soles EHort to Small ": SMALL f— ::: SYSTEMS::! Systems ::t:::> ' • ' ;:' :x ij/ ' I ; > H iiiiV Soles Plonning S Objectives J : ,::::::::;::::i::::::::::. » \ \ Stretch V ^ ::f :\ Margin \ / V—^^JJ (i^ C^ A-37n? Figure 19: Policy Structure of Salesforce Allocation Model Time D-3806 46 Figure 20: STELLA Diagram Control for Large of Sales Planning Systems and 47 D-3806 Figure 21 : STELLA Diagram of Revenue Procedures D-3806 48 Figure 22: STELLA Diagram for of Small Systems Sales Planning and Control 49 D-3806 pr.cc o^ S>4.i^«i"i Figure 23: STELLA Diagram (Also of Budgeting and Hiring Showing Performance Indicators) D-3806 lI' 50 8C0SS = acoss + coss INIT(acoss) = ilj asr = asr + casr INIT(asr) = (coss*apss)+(cols*ap1s) n C D bols = bols + cbols INIT(bols) = ((tse*.5)+(sels*.5))/etsls boss = boss + cboss INIT(boss) = sess/lsss frs = frs + cf rs INIT(frs) = .2 [Z f sess = f sess INIT(fsess) = n D O .1 pis = pis + cpis INIT(pls) = 25000 pss = pss + cpss INIT(pss) = 5000 sf = sf + csf INIT(sf) = O O O C + cfsess 60 8CS = tSC/sf aplsr 100000 opss = 20000 QSf = bsf /acs bsf = asr*f rs O G bsols = bo1s*(l+sm) bsoss = boss*( +sm) 1 casr G = (sr-asr)/tasr cbols = (co1s-bo1s)/tecso cboss = (coss-boss)/tecso O cf rs = (rfrs-frs)/tebf cfsess = fsess*cfpa*(1-f sess) C' chls r ph1s*dvp G' chss = phss*dvp O G cols = sels/tsis coss = sess/tsss STELLA Equation Listing of Salesforce Time Allocation Model 3 D-3806 O 51 cpls = (ipls-pls)/tcp cpss (ipss-pss)/tcp = csf = (asf-sf)/tasf L^..') dvp =INIT(bsf)/((INIT(coss)*INIT(pss)WlNIT(cols)* INIT(pls))*(1+igb)) O O 6 O O etsls = tsls etsss = lsss*wts+xtsss*(1-wts) igb = .1 ipis = p1s*mppls ipss = pss*mppss pass = (pss/etsss)/(p]s/etsls) O O G O O O phis = pls/etsls phss = pss/etsss pols = cols/bsols poss coss/bsoss = rcrls = rhls/chls rcrss = rhss/chss C' rfrs = tsc/sr rhls = apls/etsis O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O rhss = apss/etsss sels = tse*(1-fsess) sess = tse*fsess shsm sm = 1 50 = sr = (coss*apss)+(co1s*apls) tasf = 3 tasr = 6 tcp = 3 tebf = 24 6 tecso = tsc = ((coss*pss)+(cols*pls))*dvp tse = sf *shsm tsls = tsss = 75 1 xtsss = 13 STELLA Equation Listing Continued 52 D-3806 cfpa = graph(pass) = grapKposs) 0.500 -> 1.500 0.0 -> -2.500 i'-'") mppss 0.200 ->- 1.700 0.400 -> -1.100 0.600 -> -0.600 0.600 -> 1.450 0.800 -> -0.250 0.900 -> 1.100 1.000 -> 0.0 1.000 -> 1.000 1.200 -> 0.250 1.100 -> 0.960 1.400 -> 0.600 1.200 -> 0.930 1.600 -> 1.100 1.300 -> 0.9 ro 1.800 -> 1.700 1.400 -> 0.900 2.000 -> 2.500 1.500 -> 0.900 mppls = graph(pols) wts 0.700 -> 1.400 0.800 -> 1.250 = graph(acoss) 0.500 -> 1.500 0.0 -> 0.0 0.600 -> 1.450 100.000 -> 0.095 0.700 -> 1.400 200.000 300.000 400.000 500.000 600.000 700.000 800.000 0.800 -> 1.250 0.900 -> 1.100 1.000 -> 1.000 1.100 -> 0.960 1.200 -> 0.930 1.300 -> 0.910 -> 0.200 -> 0.335 -> 0.500 -> 0.800 -> 0.970 -> 1.000 -> 1.000 900.000 -> 1.000 1000.000 -> 1.000 1.400 -> 0.900 1.500 -> 0.900 STELLA Equation Listing Continued D-3806 53 Deflnitions ACOSS ASR BOLS BOSS FRS FSESS PLS PSS SF ACS APLS APSS ASF B SF BSOLS BSOSS CASK CBOLS CBOSS CFRS CFSESS CHLS CHSS COLS COSS CPLS CPSS CSF DVP ETSLS ETSS IGB IPLS IPSS PASS PHLS PHSS POLS POSS RCRLS RCTRSS RFRS Accumulated Orders fw Small Systems (Orders) Average Sales Revenue (Dollars/Month) Base Orders for Large Systems (Orders/Month) Base Orders for Small Systems (Orders/Month) Fraction of Revenue to Sales (Dimcnsionless) Fraction of Sales EffcHt to Small Systems (Dimcnsionless) Points for Large Systems (Points/System) Points for Small Systems (Points/System) SalesfOTce (Account Executives) Average Compensation Per Salesposon (Dollars/Account Executive/Month) Average Price of Large Systems (Dollare/System) Average Price of Smsdl Systems (Dollars/System) Authorized Saleforcc (Account Executives) Budget for Salesforce (Dollars/Month) Business Sales Objective for Large Systems (Orders/Month) Business Sales Objective for Small Systems (Orders/Month) Change in Average Sales Revenue (Dollars/Month/Month) Change in Base Orders fcH- Large Systems (Orders/Month/Month) Change in Base Orders for Small Systems (Ordcrs/Month/Month) Change in Fraction of Revenues to Sales (Fraction/Month) Change in Fracticm of Sales Effort to Small Systems (Fraction/Month) Compensation Per Hour fw Large Systems (Dollars/Hour) Con^)cnsation Per Hour for Small Systems (Dollars/Hour) Customer Orders fw Large Systems (Orders/Month) Customer Orders for SmlU Systems (Orders/Month) Change in Points for Large Systems (Points/System/Month) Change in Points for Small Systems (Points/System/Month) Change in Salesforce (Account Executives/Mcmth) Dollar Value of Points (Dollars/Point) Estimated Time to Sell Large Systems (Hours/System) Estimated Time to Sell Small Systems (Hours/System) Initial Growth Bias (Dimensi(xiless) Indicated Points for Large Systems (Points/System) Indicated Points fw Small Systems (Points/System) Perceived Attractiveness of Small Systems (Dimcnsionless) Points Per Hour for Large Systems (Points^our) Points Per Hour for Small Systems (Points/Hour) Performance Against Objective for Large Systems (Dimcnsionless) Performance Against Objective for Small Systems (Dimcnsionless) Revenue to Con^)ensation Ratio for Large Systems (Dimcnsionless) Revenue to Con^)ensation Ratio for Small Systems (Dimcnsionless) Reported Fraction of Revenue to Sales (Fraction/Month) Definition of Variable Names 54 D-3806 RHLS RHSS Revenue Per Hour for Large Systems (Dollars/Hour) Revenue Per Hour for Small Systems (Dollars/Hour) SELS SESS Sales Effort for Large Systems (Hours/Month) Sales Effort for Small Systems (Hours/Month) Standard Hours Per Salesperson Month (Hours/Account Executive/Month) Stretch Margin (EHmensionless) Sales Revenue (Dollars/Month) Time to Adjust Salesforce (Months) SHSM SM SR TASF TASR TCP TEBF TECSO TSC TSE TSLS TSSS XTSS CFPA. MPPLS MPPSS WTS Time to Adjust Sales Revenue (Months) Time to Change Points (Months) Time to Establish Budget Fracti(n (Mcmtfas) Time to Establish Caporate Sales Objective (Months) Total Salesforce Conq)ensatioo (Dollars/Month) Total Sales Effort (Hours/Mrath) Time per Sale of Large Systems (Hours/System) Time Per Sale of Small Systems (Hours/System) Expected Time Per Sale of Small Systems ^ours/System) Change in Fracticm firom Perceived Attractiveness ( 1/Month) Multiplier from Performance on Points for Large Systems (Dimensionless) Multiplier fiiom Performance on Points for Small Systems (Dimensionless) Weight for Time Per Sale (Dimensionless) Definition of Variable Names -- continued . D-3806 55 DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETER CHANGES FOR SIMULATION SCENARIOS Scenario 1 -- "Test Drive" Balanced Product Portfolio (Model stam_scen1) Four conditions are required 1 to produce the test drive scenario: Large and small systems yield the Revenue per sales hour for a given product product's price by the time per sale. must arrange the following same revenue So in line is per sales hour. computed by dividing the order to set up condition 1 , one equality: (average price of large systems /time per sale of large systems) = (average price of small systems/time per sale of small systems) or (apls/tsis) = (apss/tsss) The parameter values used in the paper were: apis = $1 00,000 per large system tsis = 75 hours per large system apss = $20,000 per small system tsss = 15 hours per small system With these parameter values, revenue per sales hour large 2. is $1333 for both and small systems. Large and Small Systems are Equally Attractive For condition 2, systems. The parameters one must set to generate this condition are: Initial value of points for large systems INIT(pls) Initial value of points for small systems INIT(pss) sale of large systems tsIs Time per sale Account Executives account executives must earn equal points per hour selling large or small Time per to of small systems tsss for D-3806 56 The parameter values chosen were: INIT(pls) = 25,000 points per large system INIT(pss) = 5,000 points per small system = 75 hours per large system tsis tsss = 15 hours per small system With these parameters, account executives receive 333 points per hour for selling either large or small 3. Orders Consider for systems (e.g. INIT(pls)/tsls = 25,000/75) Large and Small Systems Equal to the Sales Objective first the case of large systems. For condition 3 to apply to large systems then customer orders for large systems business sales objective for large systems bsols. the model's algebra to find the initial cols must equal the One can trace through parameter values that generate this equality. cols = sels/tsis and bsols = bols *(1+sm) where: cols - customer orders sels - sales effort to large systems tsIs business sales objective - bols base orders So - - for large for large systems systems stretch margin for condition 3, bols = sels*(1+sm)/tsls If systems time per sale for large systems - bsols sm for large the stretch margin and INIT(bols) = sels*(1+sm)/tsls sm is set to zero, which it is in all the runs 57 D-3806 described of in the report, then condition 3 base orders systems for large is satisfied when the initial value is: INIT(boIs) = sels/etsis 4. Products Priced to Generate a Condition 4 really is priced to generate a small systems revenue is This sub-condition is and Many Potential two separate sub-conditions. profit. set so that to the sales Profit This means Customers First, products are that the price of both large and each additional account executive adds more budget than he takes from the budget guaranteed by the equation in compensation. for dollar value of points, dvp dvp = INIT(bsf)/((INIT(coss)*INIT(pss))+(INIT(cols)*iNIT(pls))*(1+igb)) where: dvp bsf dollar value of points - - coss pss budget - for salesforce customer orders for small points for small systems - customer orders cols - pis points for large systems igb - - initial When of .1 systems the in all for large systems growth bias initial growth bias igb the simulations greater than zero is shown in points dvp takes a value which (it is set at a value the report), then the dollar value of ensures that account executives' ) D-3806 58 compensation is less than the revenue contribution they budget. This sub-condition ensures that the salesforce because the sales budget is to more customer revenue, a larger salesforce budget and more The second sub-condition, many if the salesforce is - many initially, orders, is true. potential When more more hiring. customers, time per sale growing, then customer orders words, there are Scenario 2 grow is the time per sale of large and small systems if sub-condition first will to the sales greater than the salesforce expense, so account executives are hired, leading automatically make will is generated is fixed fixed also grow ~ and and the in other potential customers. Introduction of an Attractive New Small Svstem (Model stam_scen2a and stam_scen2b) Scenario 2 is generated by lowering both the expected time per sale of small systems xtsss and the time per sale of small systems tsss and also by re-initializing base orders for large systems bols INIT(bols). The new parameters are shown below. expected time per sale of small systems xtsss = 13 hours per system hours per system in scenario 1 time per sale of small systems tsss = 13 hours per system system in scenario (15 (15 hours per 1) INIT(bols) = ((tse*.5) + (sels*.5))/etsls (sels/etsis in scenario 1) 59 D-3806 The reduction of time per sale of small systems has two principal effects. First, revenue per sales hour instead of $1333. So of small account executives selling small initially more 333 points per hour). still of the business sales objective weighted average large systems for large new of the orders that other words if systems initial large and the orders introduced, systems less time is still yield will it will exceed customer value of base orders if is a 100 percent of the total sales effort tse) were devoted to that would be expected from the current inertia in the sales objective for large is to would be expected sales effort devoted to large systems (sels). system systems find value of base orders for large systems INIT(boIs) causes orders for large systems. The (in generate $1333 per hour). Second, attractive to sell than large (large initial sales effort per sales 333 points per hour. So they now The new initial $1538 (20,000/13) receive 385 points per hour (5000/13) for systems instead small systems is now generate more revenue small systems hour than large (large systems systems The idea systems. is When to capture the new the small absorb sales time, but the sales objective for not decline to account for the fact that correspondingly being spent selling large systems. The result is a 'tension' in the company's sales objectives. Policies to Improve Sales Planning and Control (Model stam_pol) Three parameter changes are used to represent the policies to improve D-3806 60 sales planning and control. with the values used in The changes are shown below and contrasted scenario 2. time to adjust salesforce tasf = 2 months (3 months time to correct points tcp = 12 months (3 months in in scenario 2) scenario 2) time to establish corporate sales objective tecso = 3 months (6 months in scenario 2) The reduction in the time to adjust the salesforce (tasf) from 3 months to 2 months represents a more aggressive to correct points (tcp) The increase hiring policy. in time from 3 months to 12 months represents a less responsive compensation planning procedure that only gradually increases product points when sales are below objective. The establish corporate sales objective (tecso) from 6 reduction of time to months to 3 months represents a procedure for more frequent review and adjustment of sales objectives. Scenarios for Unexpectediv It is Good or Unexpectediv Bad New Products possible to use the model to examine the introduction of products which are unexpectedly good (they are easier to expected) or unexpectedly bad (they are more expected). To do so one needs to set the parameter difficult for sell new than to sell than expected time per sale of small systems xtsss at a value that differs from the time per sale of small is systems tsss. introduced which Consider many people first in an "Edsel" scenario the company expect the market, but which turns out to be a flop. -- to a new product be a success in . D-3806 61 xtsss = 13 hours per system people expect the product to be easy/quick -- to sell tsss = 17 hours per system the product turns out to take longer to -- sell than expected Note that a small system takes 15 hours to sell, is 'neutral' (neither a success or in when it because then the new system generates the same revenue per sales hour and the same number large systems, as failure) scenario of points per sales hour as 1 Consider next a new small system which turns out to be a surprising success. xtsss = 15 hours per system tsss = 13 hours per system expected. -- -- people expect the product to be the product turns out to sell 'neutral' quicker than G83G U 1 5 Dates' I^EMEMT =1DflD DDM Qfl4 3bl