Fisher College of Business AMIS 7250 Nonprofit and Governmental Accounting Spring 2016

Fisher College of Business
AMIS 7250
Nonprofit and Governmental Accounting
Spring 2016
Instructor: Brian Mittendorf
Room 454, Fisher Hall
Phone: 292-1720
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 1:00-2:00 and by appointment
Course Description: This course centers on financial aspects of nonprofit and
governmental organizations, beginning with their financial reports. The course focuses on
(1) the financial reporting concepts and standards that are applicable to nonprofit and
governmental organizations; (2) ratio and other summary indicators used to evaluate the
financial condition and financial performance of nonprofit and governmental organizations;
and (3) the analysis and interpretation of financial statements of selected nonprofit and
governmental organizations.
Optional Supplementary Textbooks:
Not-for-Profit Accounting Made Easy, Ruppel, Wiley
Governmental Accounting Made Easy, Ruppel, Wiley
Core Concepts of Government and Not-For-Profit Accounting, Granof and Wardlow, Wiley
Course Format: Class sessions will consist of lectures and case discussions. The first
part of the course will rely heavily on lectures of accounting concepts for nonprofit
organizations. The second part of the course will focus on the accounting concepts of
governmental organizations.
Quizzes: Throughout the course, students will be required to complete five mini-quizzes
posted on Carmen. The quizzes are open book and open notes but must be completed
Final Exam: The final exam is an individual take-home assignment that will be
distributed in the final weeks of the semester. The assignment consists of financial
statements for two organizations. The student is expected to prepare a written analysis of
the financial performance and outlook of the two organizations. This write-up should
employ many of the concepts included in the course and should be 6-12 pages.
Grading: 25% -- attendance and participation
35% -- quizzes
40% -- take-home final
March 3
Course overview and introduction to nonprofit accounting
March 8
Accounting differences between for profit and nonprofit;
Financial Statement Analysis
March 10
Receivables and Contributions
March 15
March 17
No Class – Spring Break
March 22
Split Interest Agreements
March 24
Investments and Investment Income
Debt and Interest Payments
March 29
Affiliated Organizations
March 31
Cost Allocation
April 5
Foundations; Museums; Health and Welfare Organizations;
Heath Care Providers; Colleges and Universities
April 7
Overview of Governmental Accounting;
Accounting differences between governmental and non-profit entities
April 12
Fund Accounting and Governmental Financial Statements
April 14
April 19
Expenditures and Expenses
April 21
Case: Comparing Ohio and Kentucky