CSBS Senate Minutes Monday, November 3rd, 2014 Sabin 315 3:15pm

CSBS Senate Minutes_November_3rd_ 2014 Meeting 1
CSBS Senate Minutes
Monday, November 3rd, 2014
Sabin 315 3:15pm
Present: Tim Strauss (Geography), Chuck Holcombe (History, Chair of the Senate),
Andy Gilpin (Psychology; Vice Chair of the Senate), Ga-Young Choi (Social Work),
William Henninger (SAHS), Alexandra Kogl (Political Science), Brenda Bass (Dean),
Tyler O’Brien (SAC), and Captain Dan Nesdahl (Military Science)
Previous Minutes Approved with amendment of “attendance” & “PAC”
Nominations for Regents Award for Faculty Excellence
a. Requirement covered and listed on “Office of Provost & Executive Vice
President for Academic Affairs” website
b. CSBS Senate puts up names for nominations
i. University wide previous winners from CSBS go up (Eshbaugh is
automatically considered).
ii. Procedures are listed at www.uni.edu/csbs/awardguidelines
c. Ideas for nominations
i. Is self-nomination possible?
1. You recuse yourself during discussion of yourself
ii. Each area would nominate a candidate and each candidate would
submit their CV
iii. Previously they have been nominated by:
1. Self
2. Department Head
3. Peers
iv. It is possible to have multiple people from the same department
v. CSBS Senate Chair will send out email requesting nominations and
Senators will approach department heads requesting nominations
vi. CVs will be requested from nominated recipients
d. Miscellaneous
i. Gilpin will send previous materials for Holcombe to utilize.
ii. Minutes should be detailed in what names are put forward for
nomination and who is selected.
Nominations for “Class of 1943 Teaching Excellence Award”
a. Nomination form needs to be filled out and turned in by Dec. 1st
b. A general email requesting nominations will be sent out with Regents award
Nominations for “Ross E. Nielsen Award”
a. Nomination form needs to be filled out and turned in by Dec. 1st
b. A general email requesting nominations will be sent out with Regents award
Nominations for James F. Lubker Faculty Research Award
a. Nominations to Dean by Noon Dec. 1st.
b. A general email requesting nominations will be sent out with Regents award
CSBS Senate Minutes_November_3rd_ 2014 Meeting 2
The CSBS Senate meeting went well
a. The end of Spring we will discuss timing and format of the meeting for next
Comments from the Dean
a. Will wait until time on the agenda for proposal to hold off on strategic planning
i. Agreement from CSBS senate to hold off until first meeting of Spring
b. Losch is investigating Department Head evaluation tool
c. The Regents have put a deadline on creating a common portal for student
application to all Regents institutes
i. Tuition freeze is still being discussed
ii. Tying tuition freeze to efficiency study
d. Dean’s office is soliciting another core of SABRs
Vote for Graduate Council
Next Meeting November 17th
Meeting Adjourned 4:27pm
Respectfully submitted by Dr. William R. Henninger IV