Next Generation Standards and Objectives Deisolating the Objectives Grade 7

Next Generation Standards and Objectives
for Social Studies in West Virginia Schools
Deisolating the Objectives Grade 7
History Cluster 1 Demonstrate an
understanding of the ancient civilizations.
SS.7.H.CL1. identify the leaders and distinguish
the basic principles and philosophies of the
major religions as they emerged and expanded;
(e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,
Hinduism, Confucianism and Taoism).
SS.7.H.CL1.2 identify the contributions and
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
influences of ancient civilizations and categorize
the factors that led to their fall (e.g., philosophy,
architecture, civics, literature, the arts, science
and mathematics).
Ancient civilizations of North
and South America.
Suggested Literacy Events
Geography Objectives
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
History Cluster 2 Demonstrate an
understanding of the Middle Ages.
SS.7.H.CL2.1 analyze the rise of the European
nation states and monarchies (e.g., feudalism,
peasants, serfs, manorial system and
centralized power).
SS.7.H.CL2.2 trace the course of the Crusades
and the introduction of Asian and African ideas
to Europe.
SS.7.H.CL2.3 discuss the preservation of the
ancient Greek and Roman learning and
traditions, architecture and government.
Suggested Literacy Events
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
Geography Objectives
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
History Cluster 3 Demonstrate an
understanding of the impact the Renaissance
and Reformation had on the world.
SS.7.H.CL3.1 summarize the origins and
contributions of the Italian Renaissance and its
spread throughout Europe (e.g., art,
architecture, literature and music).
SS.7.H.CL3.2 identify key figures, causes and
events of the Reformation and the Counter
Suggested Literacy Events
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
Geography Objectives
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
History Cluster 4 Demonstrate an
understanding of imperialism throughout the
SS.7.H.CL4.1 summarize the establishment of
colonies in Africa, Asia, the Americas and
SS.7.H.CL4.2 examine the development of
triangular trade and illustrate its impact on the
Suggested Literacy Events
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
Geography Objectives
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
Other Clusters
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
Geography Objectives
History Objectives
Suggested Literacy Events
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
Other Clusters
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
Geography Objectives
History Objectives
Suggested Literacy Events
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
Other Clusters
Civics Objectives
Economics Objectives
Geography Objectives
History Objectives
Suggested Literacy Events
Suggested Literacy Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
Stand Alone Objectives
Suggested Literacy Events
Suggested Literacy Objectives